HomeMy WebLinkAboutBENITO BLK 2 LT 10b Mu cipali of Anchorage 3000 ARCTIC BOULEVARD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 277-7622 GEORGE M, SULLIVAN, MUb'ICii~AI'!TY MAYOR i. Yrh~i'. ~,i, ,:.~ ...... ',,.~ ',!', .. ', ,'~L i-, .~;~ i :.!CTiON DEPARTMENT OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES Sewer & Water Utility September 24, 1979 Edward Norman P.O. Box 855 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 This is confirmation that the property located in Benito Subdivision, Block 2, Lot 10 is connected to the Municipal sanitary sewer system. The connection was inspected and approved September 18, 1979 by our representative. · Mace Customer Service Supervisor Anchorage Sewer Utility DEPT. OF 't',EALTH & ENVI,ONMENTAL lg , by and bctwe,:,n The Munlctp~fllty nf Anchor~ ~~p};b~{l~(~';' h~r-~lnafter refi, rrc, d to '~vi "The klunlcl~allty" ;,nd, _~ [DWARD NOR~.~AN ................ , the "Owner/D~'veloP~r", ht~ helr~ ~ndhr ~,s~l~ns, hereh~f'ter, refern~d to the "Own'¢/D:'.velopc:r" ef certain pr~,pr:rty In Anchor=ge. Alnnk~ more al.scribed as follows: Lot 10, Rl~k 2. D, nlta Subdivision, I~ted within the Section 12. TI/tN, R2V/, S.~,~,. Alaska. Grid: tINWS2 ~[h~reln~fter' ref~rred to ~ the "Property". ' ' . WITNESSETIh ~',serve the Pr¢perty; and ..... ' WHEREAS, th~ Owner/Developer Is Willing to construct and Instill J~the sewer lings on c~nd from the Property to the existing sower lrunk to provide ~snnltary sewer service nocess~ry to se.vo the Proper~y; ~.d , t '""' "' WHEREAS,the Owner/bevel°per will noree t° pay to The '''unlclpallty lin per square f~t charge In lieu of :,ssessment for the use of downstre~,m sewers; I~.~ - · ' ' , ......-'' J to const~ct a sanitary sewer I1~ rrm the Pro~rty to the sewer trunk. II ; NOW THE,,EFORE for ,.nd In consideration of the mum, ..... Jl,~romlses understandlnfl,s ;tlpulatlons end ngreements of the parties herein con-- ,of sower lines by the Own,.r/l)ov. loper to .,~rve th~ Pr p .rty ~ ,~ conformance with tho ~ppllc~ble rec~ulatlon~ nnd ~peclficatlnns o¢ th~ ,,~tmMpallty, Uttllty before cnmmc~cemqnt of construction. The sewer Instnll~tion m,~y be ~~~~~,-~ ~ lost)acted by the Huniclpqtty at any and ,ql re.~sonable ttmos r, nd pit, cos d.,r'lng the pr~qres~ of the work, nnd the Ownor/O~,vdoper shall mr~ke the v.~or'k nccesslblo to the tdunlclpallty and It~ ~m:tnts Cnr this our'po~e. The lnstnlbtlon ~h~ll n,~t be z, /a /1/(4 / AN j connected to the exlstln(.! .;,~war until It ha~ been Inspected ~ncl approved by the ' Municipality, and tho Own3r/Developo~ has furnished the fAmlcipallty wl~h one (I) sot of ¢~pr~ucible mylr~r as-built d~awinqs, certlfl,~d by a r~llstered prof~s- j~slonal e'~(]lneer [o be ~ true and ~ccur;'~te n,pre~ntqlrm of th~' ~nstallation ~ctualJy ~Jconstructed. U~on c(,mplellnn nf the Instalbtlon ~nd ~cc(~pt3nce th~reof by the .&~unlclp;dlty, the guniclp,dlty ~qroes to ~ssume full re;pc, nslbtllty end control :the Instalt;~tlon and te m~lntaln the some. TMt~ aqreement to assume responsibility , and to maintain shrill become null ,3nd void In the event, comwloth~n and acc:(~pt~nce !of the insbllatlon shall not bare occurred within two (2) y.~,rs, excludlnq ~of delay c~used by clrcumstRnces b~,end ~h.e control,of Jh~ OwnedD:.veloper, from j~tha date [be last nec,~ss~ry slgn~tun; Is ~tfl,:~d to this apr(~ement. 2. Thai the Owner/Developo~ shall robin a qualified Enolneer, licensed j=by the Stat~ of Alaska to engage in the profession nf Civil En~ln~eHna, to design '~mnd administer th~ construction nf 3r~l<'l h'~provements, It Is unders~r, od ~nd ~gre~ ~'thet s,.~ld Engineer is an ~gent of ~nd sohfly res~ndble t~ the Owner/D~v~floper, and tl~ils In no sense whistle,wet the naen~ or s,~¢vant of The fl{unkloallJy. Thd ~{unlclpMIty,, ,retaln~ the riqht to approve the cen~rnct belwoen Owner/Devdoper and his ~ ' / '" ,'" ' ' ' ' ' ' '~ -. ,, -'~ " .' ~: 3. '['he Owner/Developer, his heirs ?,nd/or assl~lns will: a .- If not prev{?~t.~$1y made, ul.~(,n appIlcatlnn far ¢~ cnnstrt~ctlon permit, posit with the M~mlclp;Hlty a pl~m-ch¢~cl<ln~ ;~nd ~urvelll~mce fee In the amount r~- · .qulr,3d under Municipal Ordinance 2~.20.0~10, If tho deposit ~xccmds that r~qulr<~d for ~dmlnlstr;,tlon of the Anreement, the Owner/D,',w'~lop(~r will r~(:elve thc, If the fee Is Insufflclrnt, The Hunlclpnllty sh~ll be pMd the deficiency. Aft¢,r ~pprov~ ;~l of the plr~nrJ, th<~ MtJnlctpallly mc~y ~3~rl~dlc~ IJy ,vic, It ~,nd ~,t)~(~?v~ ~11 Improv~',ments 13elncl cons[rttct(~d under [he plans submitted. D,~po:;It ,3t the time of Ir, ltlatlon o¢ thi~ .,A~rec. mentthesum of $100.00wlth the Municipality. Thls;~mr~untwlll be credited the (h~p(~slt in accorcl~nce with Municipal Ordinance 2~ .20.0~0. b - Hereby gr~nt to the Municipality h lien upon each lot, parcel or tr:'~ct ~:ln the subdivision for the pro ¢~t~ share of the cost ~f any Improvemen[ required by this Aoreement which benefits the lot, p~rcel or tract.' c - Provl('le to the Municipality copiers of all reports relating to Inspection ~'and tests performed, c, ondltl~ns encount~rr~ .~nd p¢oqress ef the construction at the st. me time as they .~re prepared, This a~tlcle sh311 not be construed as limiting the ,rl~ht of the Munlclp~ll~ t~ perform any and all lnsl~ecth)ns and tests deemed by thc ~,;M~nlclp~llty to b~ required ~o nssu~e compll;{nce with the contr3ct ~l,3ns and ~;~peciflcatlons. The Munlclpallly In 3ddltton, may r~qutre the Owner/Developer to perform tests nnd submit report~ thereof to the Municipality. lithe ~,{unlclpalltyis '~not notified of a Dh,3se of construction wh~re lnsmectlon ~ testing wnuld be p¢l~te, the Munlclpolity m~y require, at the 0wne~/Developer's expense, retestln[t, exposure er th~ previous stage o¢ construction e~ ~ny other steps which would be t'necessary to permit the Municipality to ~scert31n that the plnns and spectflc,3tlons have been complied with. d - Secure the permits required by the Municipal C~e o¢ 0rdlnances excavation or other work In the proposed or existing public places, as defined by Ordlnance2~.30.01O.0. Thesepermlts shall beacquired fo~ ~llworkln thepreposc~ or existing ¢l~}hts-of~way or easements within the Lot as shown en the pr'ellmlnary plat o¢ recorded plat which ls necessary to the Inst;~llatlon of utlllty Improvements or ¢aclll[ies. Applications for the p~rmlts shall bo In conformance with the provlslens~ of the 0~dlnance, Including submission of adequate In¢orm3tlon to permit the Munici- pality to review and analyze the cnnstructlon sctmdul~d within the Lot. It Is under.- stood and n~]reed between the pRrtles that the Own~r/~oveloper I~ responsible to c~ 9rdlnate ~nd supervise the Instalh~tton ~nd cnnstructlen of all utility improvements not covered by this Agre~ment In ~ m~nner which will prevent damage or delays. jj If the Municipality determines theft the construcUon of an Improvement j~oes not comply with the plans ;~nd speclflcatlons ~s ~pproved by the .special provision, proper construction pr~ctlces or ~ny applicable stMute, :.tlon or standard, the ~4unlclp~llty may stop ~11 further c~)nstructlc, n Involving the ',~work which Is found [o be non-complying. Thc Munlclpaltly~s right to st()p the [.mz, y be Invoked by postln(, n stop work ~rder nt Uae site of the non-c,~nformlng ~sb'uctlon and by ~ny me,ns selected by the Municipality to give the f[~st~,st proper jJ The stop work order sh~ll remain In effect until the Owner/Develope~ has' made MI the neces~m'y arr~n~[,ments to remedy the non-compIl~nc~: end tn provide ].the necessary [~ssuranc~s that future instances r)f similac non-cgmpll~nce will n<)t pccu~. All d~mnges, c~st or. expense Incurr,?d by ~ny party ~s the result of n stop J.work order Imposed by the ~.~unlclr~Hlty shell be the sole res~nslblllty of the Own-- ; ~/Developer, : ' .... e - Guarantee the design, ccnstructlnn and materl~ls utilized or to be uti.., lizard In the constmlctlen of ~11 ImDr~',v~tment~ Inst~lled by the Owner/Devel~per' or hl~ -~gents In the ~ubdlvlslon for ~ perlnd of eno (I) ye~r from the date of acceptcmce of the Improvements. The Owns, r/Developer ~h,~ll r~.,mefi'y Rt his own expense =r~y f:~il-- ute ~r defect In the w~rk or nny f;dlur,~ of any Irnprovr:mettt to properly function which Is due to rlcslqn deficiencies, construction deficiencies, ~3,lty m,-~terl~31s, 'workmanship. Thl~warrantyshallcf~ver ~llcents ofrt:palr{~r replacement shnll Includ[~ any dPm:~qe [o ~rty property, Improvements nr facilities of the p~llty or to any other persons or property ns ~ result of the fnllure or defect, Th¢~ {lu~r~}ntee cre~ted by thJ~ section sh~dl not extend t(~ ~ny defect or damage that caused ~olely by a chongo In the ~ppr<~ve(t ~Mns, ~,pecl~l provlslcns or spectflc~tk~ns which h~v~ been dlrect¢:d In wrltlng by the ~,~unlclpMIly. The it failure or der;,:t ;md shall bo provld~<:t with n copy rtl ~ r~port cnnt~lnlno the con- clu~len rt,;~chedt~ythe Municipality, Th-: ~lur~lclp~llty shall ~tlFy th~ '.',oper In wrlttn~ upon dl~;cnvc, ry ~f any Ldluro ~r d~f~ct v,'hlch m~y be cow',c,~d by thl~ ;'gtl~r~)ntee. If the Owner/Developer fall,~ to rr:medy the f~tlure, defect at* d;image ;':promplty ~f{er r~,(?lpt r,f n,~tlc~, the ~dunlc,,Ipatlty ~,~r~y replace, repair or otherwise i,cre~ted by this s~'ctlon sf-I.~ll not delay certlflc'ttl~,h of the Improvement~ by the ;'nlcl~.~llty, It Is ~sore;~d hetweten the p~rtio~, however, that ac:c~ot~nc,, shr, II r~t in :.~ny w.?/ ;~broqat~ o[' delr;~cl from the c:uc~r,~n/ee pr~vlded by this s;ectlon. 5urvell- check ~)n the desitin, cnnftructJnn or m~terl,~l~ ~nd shall not In ~ny w~y affect the ~u~rantee provided by this section, E~:pre~;~ed or Imolied approv:]l of any report inspection shall noL be construed as authorlzlnq [~ny devi,~tlon from the plans, ~flcaUon~, or special provlslnns rflJL~Jlnq to the Subdivision. This ~gnr~ntea ~h~ll :~uj)pol-led by ~ w~rranty bond provldo;] by the Owner/~.vel~p~r t~ th~ Municipality, which bond (~l~no[ be released without th~ written c~nsen[ of the Municipality. 4, That the co.~t of constructing the sewer shall be vt the e×r, ense of the Owner/Develop(~r. A ¢:ert[flcd sbatement of cost ~f c~nstructlen will be provided to the Municipality upon completion and acceptance ~f the sewer line, 5. Tha~ the Pr~,perty will be omitted fro~ future Ia{oral lmproveme~t ~rlcts which m~y ~)r m~y not be termed to provide lateral sanitary sewer service: to adjacent propertle~. 6, That the Owner/Developer, his heirs ~nd/or ~ssl~ns, ~ents, ~mploy- aes or contractors, will hobJ the Municipality harmless from ~ny and alt claims aris- lng out ~f or Incident to construction ¢ontemplet~d under th9 terms of this Aqrecment by the Owner/Developer, ~nd the Owne~/Pevclo~er further ~grees to ~blde by any ~nd all Ordinances er r~tnulatlons In effect at the time of sewer construction. 7. That ~ charoe for the use of trunk outf~ll sewer shell b(~ levied aqnlnst the Property, In lieu of t~'~nk Improvement district assessment of $...g~_~Q~ ....... par squ~o foot of the Prop~r~, and the parties further cov(:nant and aat'ee that the total charge levied ~galnst the Property by reason hereof sh;~ll be and herr:by Is declared Io be a lien against said Prnperty, and foreclosure and ~ther remedies provided by law shall be ~ppllcable ][~ the event p~yment Is not made to the ~.~unlctoallty as here-. In~ft~r provided. A I:-)terM charge where. ~pplleable In 3n amount Indicated on the l ~schedule below shall be m~da by the Municipality ~nd sh~ll be payable by the Owner/:, Dgvelo~am' at the sam(, time ~s n Iht In the subdivision ts sold and ewn~rshJo n~sses , from the OwnerJD~v~lopel' to th~ ~rchaser, except that If all lots In the subdivision are not sold within two (2} year~ Plier the date of this Aareement, tl~e Owner/Devel- :ope~ shall p~y all the (:t~st unpaid at that time, The Individual lot a~sessments ~ro follows: BENITO SURDtVI~ION BLOCK 2 sq. FT. RATE ASSE$.S~JIENT LOT TAX CODE NUMBER AREA LATERAL/"I'RUNK LATERAL/TRUNK 10 050-27),-02 16,G50 N/A $0.0507 N/A $ 8, That up~.~n acceptance of the h~te~'al sewer line, the Owner/Developer . shall qrant and record ,3 pnrn~nent sewer emolument tn tho Munlclp;~llty, such ease- j-...: meat being twenty (20) feet In width and encompassing the lateral sewe~ line. 9, That payment of the cha~ge In lieu of assessment shall be calcul~t~ In :he mnnner prescribed In thn Sewer Tariff ~pprnved by the Alaska Public Utilities 2ommlsslon $)s ~et forth In thc, Appendix of the Municipal Code of Or'dlm~nceg. 10, This Aor~mm.,-~rtt shall Includ~ all app~ndlxeg end ~tt~chment~ hereto k~nd such ~re Inc~rper~ted herein ag though fully set out he~eln. This A~reement composed of ~ew,~r Aw~eement end th~ ~ollowlng ~ppendlx(~s: . APPENDIX "A DATED at Anchor;ko(:, Alaska this ......... ,THE MUNIC, IPALITY OF ANCHORAGE !!APPROVED AS TO FOR~4: Reviewed for outstanding debts and agreements as of ~TTEST: STATE OF ALASKA THIED JUDICIAL DI.~TRICT THIS I$ TO CERTIFY that on thl.~ dhy of , 19 ..... , 1 :)efore ine, the underslqned, n Notary Pub l[(~'i'~' ~'nd for , :~mlssloned and sworn as such, personally ~ppeared , known to me and to me known to be di~'O'~g~FTb:6~'6'l~F'n~l~;~J' ~ - ~l~"~hb'~-g~b~ed the fcmeoolng instrument and ~cknowl,doed that did 'freely and volunt;;rily for th~ uses nnd pur~ses therein mentioned, 8n'~;~"6~th t~t~d Jhat ............ w~s ~uthorlz~d t(~ executa s~ld Instrument. WITNESS ~,.~y hand 8nd Official Se~l th~ day ~nd y~r In ll'~ls certificate first above written. My commission expires: ~- :~ A PPl' N ~., I X ^ Cf!t,tE~^L. PROVIF. IC~FI~ .Owner/Dew--h'~per's Ccl~traet~; The r>w:-~er/Oev~.,h)per sh311 Incorporate thls Ar~ro~mmnt by ref~rence In ~ny ~nd nil ¢ontrnct~ for thc. c~.,r~str'uctlnn rt In:r~rr.,vem ~nts In th~ ~,f~rJ~enlent bo~.ind nry. hlcOrl',oraUon of tt'~l~ Aflrc-em¢~nJ 5h:HI s~t-ve ,)s notice to ;di contractlt3q pnr'Ues of tb~ rel:~tlcn~hl~ qnd rc. sponslbllltl~s ~greed upon between the Owner/Devel(~per ,and Thet ~.~urdcl,~;dlty. Permit, Laws and T>~xes All necessnry permits ~nd Ilcnns~:m sh~ll be acquired ~nd paid for by the ;~ner/Dovelot)er The Owner/D~ ye oper sh;~ll comply with ~11 ~ppllc~ble statutes, ' ' ' ~ . ~ - ~te or local overnment~ I ~nc ~,~ordlnances, rul,.~s m~d r'ufjulatlon:, of ,:ny fedcr,J, st .. g . . . bearing upon the w(~rk er r.~>nstructlo~ of i~ny improvement under thi~ Agreemen[. All required taxes shah be paid by the Owner/Developer. I J The Owner/Devok~per hereby gr~nts tn The k~unlclpnllty ~ccess to ail per-- [ tigris of Ihe Property which Is necessary tn nccompllsh nny Inspection. ~urvelllnnce. ~estlng, or any othe~ work to be performed by The ~,lunlclpallty. ['Final Plans and Dt3wlnas U pon cmnpletlnn of the construction ~f any ImDrovemenl r~ulr~d by this 'Agreement. the Ownr:~/Develope~, at the'Owner/Developer's o~n expense, shnll j]furnlsh The Municipality with o set of mylar reproducible as-built plans of the ~rovements. The ~,--built~, shall be stamped nnd ~lgnod by the Engineer [o be elned as referred to Ih Section E~Ich provision of this Agreement shrill be construed to b~9 a covenant which shall run with that I~,nd at h~w or In equity ~nd ~h3il be binding on tho OwnerJ Developer, and on ~ny successor In Inlerest to th80wnerJDeveloper until this mont Is fully performed Including rdl Improw:ments by the Ownor/Pevolope?. The Municipality ~h~ll, without ;~y liability nf 'Fha Nkmlch)~llty to th~ ]wno~/Developer e~ r~ny ~lccessor in Interust. record [n the ~pproprlate ~'ecordir~g ;~lstrlct office ~ notice stating: (a) This Agreement has be~n executnd betwec:n the parties; mid (b} a copy of this Agree:merit Is on fha with the Ancho,re~e Clerk, Any trm3sfer by the Owner/Developer 0¢ ~n,/ right, tl[le and Int~rest In [~he property or ~ny p:~rt r,r p~,r'cel theeeef shall contain ~ ~rovl~lon releasing The ~;Munlclp~llty frr,m any Ilablllty for recordlna such noltce or f~r f~llln~ to rec,~rd sucll ;netlce. The ~wnerl'Develep~m ~gre(,s to dofend The ~.{unlclpallty at ~per~s cost ag:.dnst m~y action brought ~gahhst 3't~e Municipality by any person re- ]~sultlng from ~ f~llure to InclLIdg the orovlslen In the Agreement, The Owner/Developer or any contrr~ct~ employed by the []sh311 m~lntaln general liability Insurance e~ outlined by Munlch~al Ordinance 12-70, The Stand~rd SpecirlcaUons *.,f The Munlclpnllty, which are I:ln this Agre~mmnt by ref~:rence, :,re fully ~ppJlcnble tn thls agreement as minh'~um i[r~ulrement~ unle,s otherwise ~eclflcolly pr-ovld,~d In writing. Deflnltlon~ m' other . provl~lons describing th~ relationships ~nd rcs~nslblllHes o¢ thtt parties ~r~ not ::.nppllcable If they would m~q~te or confllet with r, ny provisions of this E)~:flnltlons ye,;ir w.~ranty bond. In~pt'~tlon ~nd t~'%tlnO rmF.t t'.,, done In tl~,: pr( ;cn~,. cfi ~ ~¢nt; tiro of Tho '~untcloallty, vcrlfvlnn th,'~t th~. Im¢~r,.vt.m,'nt t~ ,.uhst,~nthdly ~: , ','- (b) ~¢n¢lrtlctlen dr:flclency" moons a ¢;,llure or de. fact caused by non-, compliance with the cnntr;~ct plans ¢~n(I sr~eclflcatlr,ns; :'faulty plans, clrnwlnfls, speclflcatl,:)ns or Instructlf~ns Issu(~ by i~ny ~.~erson bio for designing the Irnp~nvements; {d) ~Faulty materials" means any materh,! o. nroduct which falls to per.. form adequately far the purp<}si~ for which It was de~ gned ;,nd Intended; (e) "Person" means a corporation, company, partnership, firm, tie,, mr~anlz;~tlon, business, [rust. sncle~, government, or governmental agency well as ~ natural per,on; ~ (~ "Owner/D~velo.er" means the ~ersnn who Is th~ teq;~l owner of , Interest; or ~ul~ble owne~ operating with permission of the legal ~ (g) *Engineer" means professional (.nglneer registered with the State of ~Alaska. Neither party to this Acireement may asslqn any rlclht, Interest or duty under' this Agreement _ar any Dart of this Ar~re~ment without the written consent of the other party, nor shall the Owner/Developer assl(.~n any monies due or to become due to him under this Agreement without the prior written consent of The Munici- pality. This Ararem'nent 'shall be governed by ~ppllcable Ordinances, Rules ;and Regulations of Th~ Municlpall~ of Ancho~;~ge ~¢nd the Statutcs. Rul~s and 'of the State of Alaska, Any action b~ou~ht tn enforce this Ac~eement shall be com- mr:nc~d in the ~pproprl~te cou~t nC the Alaska Court System, In tl~e Third Judlclr~l !Dist~lct. Alaska. January 25, 1979 Ed Norman Post Office ~ox 588 Eagle River, Al&ska 9957'7 Subject: Lot 10 Block 2 Benito Sub~ivilion This aepartment has no objection to you using the existing sewer systems o~ the sttbJe~t lot. This would be a temporary approval untiI J~ne 1, 1979, at which time you sh&11 be required to c~neo~ to public sewer which is available to you. If there are any further questions, please con,act this office at 264-4728. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Associate Spe~ialist