HomeMy WebLinkAboutBERNARD S-5390 /~2~-, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE /~'~b~""~i'I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [] PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING&ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME S-5390 Bernard Subdivision DAlE RECE~VED G-l, G-2 Block 2; LOtS I-lA, I-lB, Block 3; H-lA, H-lB Block 4 May 28, 1980 COMMENTTO PLANNING BY June 18, 1980 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA [~/PUBLIC SEWER NOT.__.___.~AVAI LABLE TO PETITION AREA REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) .... O & E ENG.,qEERING & DEVELO, ,vIENT CO. Box 90, Davis St,, Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Russell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: Name: Legal Description: ,~')7" /4//_ .Z//~ · SOIL LOG Mailing Address: d. ~, /~o x: d//(~ 0., Earl Ellis 688-2280 Depth (feet) $oll Characterllticl 0 1 2~ 3 __~ 4 ,u/z_ ~/C T 9 11_ 12__ 13__ 14__ 15__ 16 .... Ground Water Encountered: · ,,.~' OF ~,~, Yes ~' No If yes, what depth_~_:_ PLOT PLAN PERC. TEST ............. 'tv ,'hE DEPT. OF J".':/'~,LTH & ENVIRONMENTAL F ;:,©TECTION 1980 Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Comments: Drain Field _ RECEIVED Performed by: (?. S53 90 JUL 21980 O & E ENC ,qEERING & DEVELO MENT CO. Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Russell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: Name: Mailing Address: Legal Description: SOIL LOG Earl Ellis 688-2280 Depth (feet) Soil Characteristics 0 1__ 10__ 11~_ 13 14 15~_ 16____ Ground Water Encountered: Proposed Installation: Comments: Performed by: PLOT PLAN PERC. TEST Yes~ Seepage Pit. No...?"' If yes, what depth Drain Field____ J O & E EN( ,'NEERING & DEVELC Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 'MENT CO. Russell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: Name: Mailing Address:_ SOIL LOG Legal Description: Z-~T ~-----7'-~P'. Earl Ellis 688-2280 _ Tel, No..~ ?~" Depth (feet) Soil Characterlatlc. / 5:- .~/~,~. PLOT PLAN 11 12___ 13__ 14 15__ 16___ Ground Water Encountered: ~,' C,,, ,,' --" ' '. "'"'.' .: % o~:... ,.',~.'~ , Yes ~No.~ If yes, what depth. PERC. TEST Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field _ Comments;. Performed by: O & E ENL ,NEERING & DEVELC MENT CO. Box 90, Davis St,, Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Russell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: Name: Legal Description: SOIL LOG Address ...... Mailing · ~ ' ' Earl Ellis 688-2280 Depth (leer) Soil Characteristics A,'/ L _'5 /~_ ~- 77;? 9 10~ 11___ 12___ 14 15 ..... 16 PLOT PLAN PERC. TEST t Ground Water Encountered: Yes ~ No ........... If yes, what depth.__~ t Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit____. Drain Field. _ Comments: .... Performed by:_ GEOLOGIC SOIL INVESTIGATION OF BERNARD SUBDIVISION Located in Sec. 19, T 14 N, R 1 W, Seward Meridian on the Eagle River Report to: .Bernard Stewart P.O. Box 626 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 July, 1971 Prepared by: Hewitt V. Lounsbury & Associates 723 West 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 This report is the result of our field geologic and soil investigation conducted on July 15, 1971, on Bernard Subdivision, Eagle River; Legal Des- cription: Tracts contained in Section 19 of Township 14 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian. Bernard Subdivision is a newly proposed residential area being planned exclusive of public water or sewer utilities. Development of adequate san- itary facilities will be the responsibility of the individual property owners. The sewage disposal will consist of conventional septic tanks draining into a seepage pit and/or drain field. The water source will be from individually drilled and cased wells or community development of an already existing water well high on the property. The purpose of the investigation was to define in detail the soils con- ditions within the property and determine area requirements for proper sewer seepage in the particular soil found. Our investigation consisted of (1) a geologic review of the general area, (2) field reconaissance of slope and contour, and (3) exploratory trenching at selected representative sites. Page 1 Specific types and depths of soils are shown on enclosed trenching reports. The soils were found to be generally l'glacial till" with a 12 to 18 inch layer on organic matter of the surface and a 12 to 14 inch layer of clay - sand (of light and and dark bands) usually containing small Cobbles. Below these layers exist a moist brown unsorted mixture of sand, gravel and cobbles with'several 12 - 24 inch boulders, all mixed with traces of ~silt. The soil was found to be frozen in some areas at the six - foot depth line.~ CONCLUSION From information available we conclude that soil conditions are well suited to the proposed development and the percolation of seepages should present no unusual p~oblems,. The seepage area requirements for individual systems based on a 8 feet deep pit with 3 feet of cover will be 200 square feet per bedroom throughout the area of investigation. If normal precautions are taken while installing both water well and sewage disposal systems using proper spacing, no contam- ination on adjacent properties should result. Page 2 Such data as: (1) Septic tanks design requirements for (2) Sub-surface disposal fields and seepage pits; (3) Locations for disposal systems may be found in Ordinance No. 28-68; Section 1, Chapter 9, Article VI, Sewage Disposal Practice~ Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Alaska. Such data as: (1) Water wells, location, design and regulation (2) Pollution of ground water prohibited (3) Development of public (commercial)water supplies may be found in'Chapter 2 (Sanitation Engineering) Sub-chapter 1 (Water Supply) Regulations and Guide of the Alaska Department of Health and Welfare, Branch of Environmental Health. Respectfully submitted, HEWITT V. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES 17'o~--~ald R. Dent Jr'., P.~E. ~ - John R. Clark Page 3 Date Completed _ 1. aG OF TEST BORING Hew/It V. L ounsbury ¢ Associates Sheet /,, of / .... Engineers -- Surveyors Tolal Depth .~ / Project Name .ace/ion ,¢lethod Used F/eld Party Feather Anchoroge~ . .41aska Geologist D£SCt~tPTION . Soil type~ color., texture, est/mo.'ed l~ort,"c/e size, s~mpler dr/v/~¢ notes~ d~pths c/{cu/o/,~n /ost~ notes on drilling ease, bits used, etc. ID Gr°ind gpthinFZ I T/me I Date ?ia t er T~ b le ate Begun Date Completed P~oject Name ocation ~ethod Used LOG OF TEST BORING Hewitt V. Lounsbury ~ Associates Engineers -- Surveyors Anchorage~ . Alaska To/al Depth _ ~_~' Ground IVater Table D~SCt~IPTION , No/~s E D/agram,o ! Soil typ~ co/3r~ note~ on drilhng b/ts use d~ ._ 'S~i ~ Begun_ Completed _ LOG OF TEST BORING Engineers -- Surveyors Sheet Total t'roject Name t ncation efhod Used ,Anchorage, . Alaska Field Party ~ ~ ~'~'J ~'~ ~-'~' ~:~ ~'~ Geologist Locakdn Notes DESCRIPTION .Soil type~ colo6 texture~ est imofe d p ar tide size~ ¢ampler dri~in2 notes, dep#~ c/~cuiahOn Iost~ ~ notes on drilling ea~e~ bHs u~ed, etc. ~egetation; Water ?able I Ground ~Depthin Ft.I ~te Begun. ~te Completed rroject Name Location 'ethod Used Field Party '"eather $ompling LOG OF TEST ~tORINO' Hew/it V. L ounsbury ~ AssocA Engineers -- Surveyors Anchoroge, . Alaslra Geologist Hole No. _ ~ '- Sheet I of ~---~~ Tot~/ De~th '7,~ ~ LDepGr°ind th in Ft,' ~ater ?able D£SCt~IP TI ON Soil type~ co/or, texture, estimated part/cie s,,'ze~ sampler drivin.~ notes, depths circulation /ost~ notes on drill/;~g ease~ b/ts used, etc. Local/on Notes £ Diagram: ............ ---Unless- othar~vt'se nctc, d o!t'sa, nD/es -ara-,-taken-'w/t.4 -!D-~,t,~nd~rd ?'~"r'~,~rc~rr"''-c'Om?:~r ~'" ~n w/t ~ tD- hq ,~mer.., . ,~le Begun .. ?re Completed ~roject Name ! ncetion 'ethod Used Field Party '*'eathor Hew/t! k'. L ounsbury, ~ Associo Engineers -- Surveyors Anchoroge, · J4/askq Geolog/'st Sheet ~ of I Total Depth '- :' Ground V/~ t er Tab le ~'-~ LocaHon No/es DESCRIPTION I Sampling Soil /ype~ co/or, texture, ~C~,~f-~"~ ~ ~ ~ depms cz~cu/ot/bn lost~ ~1~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ........ '  ~ ' notes on I ~ ~ ~ bi'Is used~ etc. ~,~.~_ t [ ' , ~ ~ .... ~..,, ~- - ~. :.0' -- 7 i. ?. . ¢ .... "'- " x~,' ) ,~..,¢ ~ ....... ~,~; ~ t0 ~.., 2 I gP ~a~ Z- = lgO~ I~'o0)---tSo Av~, DF~,RTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL Q' .ITY PLATTING OR PLANNING ~, ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NO. /~ ~ ,~ J~/ TITLE: ~ ,,~-'~, Date Case Received By Suspense Date Comments to Planning Department For' Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Date ROUTING Environmental Engineering Air Pollution Noise ~('~ Environmental Sanitation COMMENTS Wayne Mabry Env. Sanitation Comments November 30, 1973 Page Two 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) S 3257 Keno Hills Addition No. 4 Public sewer and water is not available. The soils conditions, the lot size, and the availability of adequate volumes of potable water in this area all substantiate the development of this addition at its present lot size and pattern. S 3255 Teri Subdivision, Tract A-1 - A-4 Public sewer and water is not available. Soils information and water avail- ability data have been supplied from Teri Subdivision to the immediate south. This information supplied some three to four months ago indicates that this area is suitable for development. At the present time, tile only possible development in this area would be the larger tract on '~he northeast euge of the subdivision. There is a note on the tract that the sl~laller half acre tract will not be developed at the present time. This case meets with our Department's approval. S 3240 Resubdivision, Bernard Subdivision, Tract B-1. Public sewer and water is not available· 'We have no comments at this time until the acreage is further split into lots at which time ~e will require the full submission of data. S 3236 Risu-Tonax Subdivision Public sewer and water are not available. We find, from review of the data submitted, that the lot sizes are adequate, the soils conditions are adequate for on-site sewage disposal and the water infon~a'Cion, supplied from t~e existing wells in the area, shows that there are adequate volumes of potable water to serve the lots in this subdivision. This case meets with our Uepartment's approval. S 3232 Skyhill Subdivision Public sewer and water are not available. The soils information supplied shows that the soils are adequate for on-site sewage disposal, the lot sizes are adequate to support on-site sewage disposal and individual wells in the area, to the immediate north and to the southwest snow that adequate volumes of potable water are available for ind~ividual home development. S 3245 Marion Bowen Subdivision Public sewer and water is not available. Lot size is adequate, the soils con- ditions are adequate for on-site sewage disposal and adequate volumes of water are available for domestic purposes on these lots. (over) ~,<E~ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department'of Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Wayne Mabry Planning Department Rolf Strickland, R.S.~.~ Chief Sanitarian October 30, 1973 SUBJECT: Subdivision Plat Review for November 15, 1973, Meeting The Department of Environmental Quality has reviewed all cases presented to us. The first group of cases, listed below are those which meet our approval because all lots are served by public sewer and water. 1) S 3224 2) S 3210 Papago Park Subdivision, Addition #2, Vacation and Resubdivision · Tieszen Subdivision Public sewer, and water available to five (5) lots but not to Tract A and Tract B. 3) S 3227 4) S 3214 Muldoon Heights Subdivision The Quad Subdivision 5) S 3215 6) S 3219 Central City Subdivision Lake Otis Commercial Subdivision 7) S 3213 Eastridge Subdivision, Addition #1 8) S 3221 Hamilton Park Subdivision OTHER CASES: 9) S 3225 Eklutna Heights Subdivision All lots served by public water. sewage disposal. Soils are adequate for On-site 10) S 3220 Bernard Su hall v~ _~ i on -~o comments. 11) S 3211 Rolling Hills Estates Subdivision This meets our approval with the note covering Lot 2A (over) Wayne Mabry DEQ' Comments September 4, 1973 Page Two ll) S 3168 Thompson Industrial Subdivision Public sewer and water is available for extension into these lots. We recommend the petitioner enter into a subdivision agreement to provide public sewer and water to all lots. 12) S 3178 C Street Industrial Subdivision, Lot 3 Block 1 Public sewer and water is available for extension into these lots. We recommend the petitioner enter into a subdivision agreement to provide public sewer and water to all lots. The cases listed below cannot be grouped: 13) S 3164 Lot lA, Block l, C Street Industrial Subdivision Public sewer is available for connection to this lot. provided by well. This case meets our approval. 14) S 3169 R/O/W BLM Lot 40 Hater can be No comment. S 3165 Tract E-2, Block 2, Bernard Subdivision We have no comment until the tracts are broken into lots. 16) S 3-66 Grey Subdivision We recommend postponement to allow the engineer time to submit the required data. Data lacking is: l) water availability data; 2) we question if the submitted soils logs show the seasonal high water table - the soils testing firm must indicate this on supple- mental data; 3) we must have locations o~ all sewer and water on surrounding lands that will affect placement of individual utilities on ti~ese lots; 4) we must have sewer and water layouts for each tot. 17) S 3170 Voyager Heights Subdivision We recommend postponing this case to allow the engineer time to collect more data ai~d discuss the data witi~ our ~epartment. We question if major parts of ti~is proposal are suitable for deYelop- ment at this tin'~. Our data shoves mos'~ of ~he area ha~ very ~oits, the souti~ern portions of the proposal are very steep an¢~ question the availability of water from individual :~ells. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 S- 2329-C PLAT STATUS: Final .BOROUGH: Platting Engineer .Public Works Department D_epartment of Environmental Qual. ityj._ __ Fire Department Street Names , Tax Appraisers School District OTHER: Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. ''Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association DATE: 2/9/?2 CITY OF ANCHORAGE: Fire Marshal Municipal Light & Power Department Proper~y Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Alaska Department of Fish & Game DESCRIPTION O,F PROPERTY: Vac. portions of Steward Drive in Bernard Subdivision. Resub. portions of Bernard Subdivision. OWNER: Bernard & Lenora Stewart Gentlemen: A petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning Department £or the proposed Vac. & Resub. of subject property for the 3/8/72 Planning Commission Meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If we do not hear from you'by ... ~2__5./72 . do not wish to submit any comments. , we' will assume that you If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it with your comm e n t s. Planning Department Enclosure GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: ~.]~.~.~:~ ................................................................................ REQUESTED: :' REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY ~, FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION '~ PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION .... (~ CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OTHE~ ~Y NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION The erp_g~ile,e..p.. Ails pr...oYl~ded our Da a..,,- :': I :1 ./'/ J '4) /