HomeMy WebLinkAboutBERNIE LT 54B GAAB HD I GR~:e~'ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROU~-H HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAbLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 iNSPECTION REPORT ON-SiTE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME .~:~.~,,,,¢'.4//,~' .~--,,,¢~/_.~,,,~...r SEPTIC TANK: MAILING ADDRESS fZ~2~~'-)f/'~'~''~''~/ '*~'~' '"~' PHONE~''~-;'?'-''' DISTANCE FROM WELL_ LIQUID CAPACITY /~' ~'~..~Z" GALLONS. NUMBER OF MATERIAL ~ ,~'2.,,~'z'~'~''~'~'~''~''' COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH ~ '~'/I INSIDE WIDTH ~; ../,~ LIQUID DEPTH SEEPAGE SYSTEM: SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS // OUTSIDE DIAMETER LINING MATERIAL ~ NEAREST LOT LINE. ~ ,LENOTH /~ , DEPTH DISTANCE FROM WELL /,="'~ ~¢~ / ~ , BUILDING FOUNDATION TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) ~ ~ SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL NUMBER OF LI _ ABS AREA DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE. DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES WIDTH TOTAL LENGTH ECTiV['~ DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE IN. ABOVE TILE WELL: TYPE ~,,,'~/'~.~' DEPTH G"~¢'~" NEAREST SEPTIC LOT LINE .,/~) /;~ , SEWER LINE /. TANK DISTANCE FROM WATER ,BUILDING FOUNDATION. ,/~ /'~- SAMPLE~, NEAREST .~,.~ / SEEPAGE OTHER , SYSTEM /,~ "~"~--, CESSPOOL z'~'~, SOURCES-- DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DISTANCES; J APPROVED · ' HEALTH AUTHORITY Sanu~ry i$, 1971 4o 5. Mr. Bernie Edwards 8ox 225 Ea~le River, Alaska 99577 SUBJECT: Sewage Disposal Systen~ Dear Mr. Edwards: Our records indicate ~n inspection was made of the system'*on which you took out.~a permit, Case No. 1204. ~is inspection,'made 30, 1970, reV~led the following deficiencies: I. Cast iron requ~re~lent not met. Seepage pit not required 120' from well. No standpipe on septic tank. No inspection hole O~utlet of septic tank. Septic tank.not tarred i~side and outside. 6. Inlet and outlet of septic tank not baffled. 7. Septic tank only 830 gallons ~(1'000 gallon required). These deficiencies must be corrected beret approval for the system can be given. Your cooperation in making ¥ ~so corrections would be appreciated. Sincerely, John R. Lee, R.S. Sanitarian 3snuary 12, 1971 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 SUBJECT: Sewage l)isposal System boar ,Ir. Ed~tnrds: On Septe~ber 28, 1970, you obtained a permit to install sower system. Jtrrr~30, 1970, an inspection wa~ i~ade of the system and a~,~at time did not )~eet this Department's approval. Please advise this Oepart~ent at your earliest conveneince if this system is already in uso or the date completion anticipat~d. Since re ly, John R. Lee, iI.S. Sa~i tarian rn GAAB-HD'2 GREATE! 327 Eagle St. .,NCHORAGE AREA' HEALTH DEPARTMENT Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ;ROUGH 279-2511 Case No. Z/C~'~O ~':/ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT~/-~'''~ ~--~¢~'~'"'"~J" ~: ~--~'~ LOCATION OF iNSTALLATION ~ RESIDENCE ADDRESS LEG A L D ESC R IPTI 0 N ~ ~/~ ~- ~ APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK ~ ., SEEPAGE PIT ~DRAIN FIELD .,OTHER TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY ~~ FINANCED THROUGH ~ TO BE INSTALLED BY~ ~~ P~RCOLATION TEST RESULTS ~ ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION ~'~ BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT MAILING ADDRES~ PHONE NO.~~' THIS iS TO SERVE AS .,,,~,~' ~'..~.f,.,/,,~.,e/.~_r" -, PERMIT TO INSTALL A ~ .. .AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNITTO DESERVED , ~c~ .... AGE AREA .SEPTIC TANK SIZE ~0 TYPE ~ mACRAM OF SYSTEM DISTANCES: HEALTH AUTHORITY OR LICENSED DESIGNER , I certify that I am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said c°de' ~ ~XJe'//~---~ '0'_.-I (99I- ZS)