HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUN VALLEY HEIGHTS General Information Drilling Co. Driller ~ell Owner Location (address of: / WATER WE~' '".ILLERS LOG = Jones and Yomn;5 ~rz!ll~_~; Co. Robert R~dwine D~ ~T FILL IN USGS No. Area Use of Well Township, Range, 6 Section (if knmm); distmme from road: SU~VALLEY hl:,I.,~.T$ SUJDI Size of Casing 6"__Depth of Hole 145 feet. Cased to 11~3 Static water levol 125 feet (ako~)~ (below) land surface. (cheek one) Open end ( ): Screen (XX): Perforated ( feet, Finish of well }. Describe~screen or perforations: t00 Slot Screen, 3 Ft. %~ell pu~ping test at 2B__gallon~-p--er ~!i~) (min) for 10 Ft. fe~t of drawdown from static level. hou~ ' with RelnaZks Dat.~ completed 10/15/71 }~ELL LOG _,,.~'Deptk in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color~ and hardness. I to ].8 to 25 a5 to 95 95 to 121 t21 tO 13~ 13g to 150 to tO to to ~o tO to i~ocks, 1 Ft. Dimn, Sand and ~ravel Hard Pan SoFt Clay and Sand Gravel Sand, Cls~ and[ Silt __ \,;ater Start at 142 Ft. Deplete¢i at !L6 Ft. to CONTRACTING ENGINEERS 1801 Stanton Ave. Anchorage, Alaska &~:ASSOC. Phone: 279-1792 September 27, 1971 Mr. Roll Strickland Greater Anchorage Area Borough 2207 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska ~ear Mr. Strickland: Transmitted is one complete set of plans, specifications and engineering report for the Sun Valley Heights Subdivision Water System, number 2 for your reviews. si?e ely, AI/I G~' A. Huff re DHW~EH-7 ALASK bEPARTMENT OF ItEALTIt AND WEL M-(5-67) DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS .. City . Zip Code Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Mailing' Address Branch of Environmental Health .... Pouch H Application Date Juneau, Alaska 99801 " ..~..~ .Business Telephone No. In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety", Chapter 05, Sec. 18.05.040, (11), (12), and rules and reg- nlations promulgated thereunder, we, .................................. :....~../~..~..X.......... _:...~..'...~.~.,~ ......................................................................... herewith submit for your revle;v and approval, wlttf respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans for. the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci- fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Report) including necessary data required for full understand- lng of SANITARY FEATURES of design. (Give complete ])ut brief description of project) ....... C~.~._~.~, .~.;.../...?.:.....~,.~._.l...... :~.~_..&~_._.~ ........ :~..~, .......... :./~...~.zc..~.....~.'z.~_./~_:c~ .... ..:...,.~_.._,.......:~,:/,..~. ...:.>..;:.~t~.... ..:..;.::.;~.~.._,~. .................................................................................................................. These plans were prepared by ..(-.-~.,~':~L.¢_f:'L,~Z.C'~......,~_~.~..~/_,k'.~:.,~.~..-~.--.-f2~.~.~ ~ · Architect(s) duly licensed to practice in Alaska: .67~.....~,. ~.G..~/ ........... ~, - ,... / ....................... / ¢ z c: This project is to be financed in the following manner: (List sources of funds and amounts). Sources of funds: ........ P~:..~..& ..................................................................... ..................... ~....~ ..................................' ....................................... ; ...... the date ~ g y sst one month prior to contemplatedof advertising for bids (Date bids will be called) We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that no revisions in the plans affecting the SANITARY FEATURES of the project may be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that construction will he carried out In accordance with the approved plans; and that unless construction on this project is started within a two-year period subsequent to your approval, such approval will become void. Very truly yours, (Applicant) .................................................. : ......... ..Z. ........... X ~ (Cty, corporation, f~/z.n~, Individual ~'~:i .............. S g ed) .... ?-,~........bzl. ............................................. Offieia 2' tie Z ...... ' ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WILLMM A. EGA~ GOVERNOR ROOM 222 -- MACKAY BUILDI~O 338 DEHAU STREET -- At~CHORA§E ~,~01 September 13, 1971 Mr. Glenn A. Huff Contracting Engineers & Assoc. 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 SUBJECT: SUN VALLEY HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION WATER SUPPLY Dear Mr. Huff: The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for those features with which this Department is concerned. A ].2 foot grout se~l must be provided for the well. We will reqnire that we be furnished bacteriological and chemical analysis on the water when the well is developed. Yours truly, Regional Engineer KJC/mw cc: GAAB-DEQ ~ ~t:)E~AI~TMEN.T~: O~-_dENI/I RO N M ENTAkL_Q UALiT'~¥ C N C L E A N W A T E R A C L E A N C O M U T Y September 28, 1971 Glenn Huff Contracting Engineers and Associates 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Subject: Sun Valley Heights Subdivision Water System #2. Dear Mr. Huff: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality has reviewed the engineering plans for the subject pro- ject. We wish to inform you that these engineering plans are approved for those features with which this Department is con- cerned.' Should you have any questions regarding the above subject matter please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Rolf Strickland Assistant Director cc: Edward Young st DEPARTMENT OF ............. / ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ! /ROOM 222 -- MACKAY BUILDI~ 338 OE~ALI ~TREET -- A~C~ORAGE 9~501 September 13, 1971 Mr. Glenn A. Huff Contracting Engineers & Assoc. 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 SUBJECT: SUN VALLEY HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION WATER SUPPLY Dear Mr. Huff: The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for those features with which this Department is concerned, A 12 foot grout seal must be provided for the well. We will require that we be furnished bacteriological and chemical analysis on the water when the well is developed. Yours truly, Regional Engineer KJC/mw cc: GAAB-DEQ ~:GREATER ANCHORAGE~AREA: BOROUGH.: ~23500 :TUDOR ROAD:;:: FPOUGH~6-050} ~AN~:HORAGE, ALASKA 99502.2 L a N A R C k E A N W¢ A T E R C L E A N C 0 M M U N T Y September 16, 1971 Contracting Engineers 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska and Associates Subject: Water System for Sun Valley Heights Subdivision. Dear Mr. Huff: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality has reviewed the engineering plans for the subject water system. We find that these engineering plans meet with the minimum recommendations of this Department. We would caution you that prior to construction of this project a similar letter of approval from Mr. Kyle Cherry of the State Department of En~ vironmental Conservation must b~ received. We would also re- mind you that once the project is completed this Department is to receive a complete set of asbuilt engineering plans also including bacterial water analysis and chemical water analysis. Should you have any questions regarding the above information please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Rolf Strickland Assistant Director cc: Edward Young st ..... DEPARTMENT OF i~fi~lt~~ / ' ' ENVIRONMEh~AL CONSERVATION ~~ / ROOM 222 -- ~ACKAY BUILDING . ~- ~ 338 OENALI ~TREET -- ANCHORAGE ~950~ September 28, 1971 Mr. Glenn A. Huff Contracting Engineers & Assoc, 1801 Stanton Avenue A~¢horage, ~laska 99504 s~bject: SUN VALLEY SUBDIVISION - WATER SYSTEM NO. 2 Dear Mr. Huff: T~e~l~ and~ speci~icationJ are approved for the fea'ture~ With which this Department im concerned. T~i~ 'D'e~artment will 'requi~e that chemical and bacteriological analyses o~Cl{e~water he furn~shed~this Office when developm~nff reach&s that stage Yours truly, Regional Engineer CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC. 1801 Stanton Ave, Anchorage, Alaska Phone: 279-1792 September 9, 1971 Mr. Rolf Strickland Greater Anchorage Area Borough 2207 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Strickland: Transmitted is one complete set of plans, specifications and engineering report for the Sun Valley Heights Subdivision Water System. Sincerely, · Glenn A. Huff DHW-EI{-7 ALASKP ~EPARTMENT OF IIEALTII AND WEL M-(5-67) DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS City , / Zip Code Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Mailing Address Branch of Enviromnental Health ...... Pouch H Application Date Juneau, Alaska 99801 ...~...~.....~..:~.~ ........ Business Telephone No. ~. ~1~ :~ ~ ._~.~_.._~z&~...//~k~.A ........:,.k~, ............... ..................... f'(~a~"~"~roJeet for which approval of pfan~ Is requested In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety", Chap~r 05, Sec.. 18.05.040, (1~), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereunder, we, ..................................................................................................... -~;'~?'X~'~';;~;;'5 .................................................................................................. herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed p'oject descr bec below. "Complete p aris" shall be taken to mean General plans, De~iled plans ami speci- fications, and a Project Report (Enginceriug or Architec~ral Report) in( ud ng necessary data ~equired for full understand- lng of SANITARY FEATURES of design. , (Give complete but brief description of project) ....... (Name el Designblg/Englneer. Architect or Firm) _,~_.~.~...C~)/ ~Z~c~e.~ AC/-~ and orundc~thedirectionoftbefollo,vlngEngineer(s) or Architect,s) duly licensed to practice In Alaska: :, ....... c, ..................................... ............ This project is to be financed in the following manner: (List sources of funds and amounts). Sources of funds: Amounts: ..... ..................................................................................................................................................... ....... ........... -.?.4/o:° Total estimated cost of this project is $ ........ .....--..~--- ......................... These plans are being subnlitted to yell fit least one month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids (Date bids will be called) We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that no revisions In ti~e plans affecting the SANITAF. Y ~EATUHES of tile project may be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that collstrnction will be carried out In accordance with tbs approved plans; and that unless constructlou on this project Is started within a two-year period subsequent to your approval, such approval will become void. Very truly your~ IApplle~ntl ................ ~'~/E~' .......... /~ ........ .X~ .................................................... /f'/Atcny, eo~Ooygtlon,~l~fl, individual, etc.) /\ (0ffieial Title) ...................................... ".~----.. ........... ~- ----~ ........................... .. CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC, 1801 Stanton Ave, Consulting Engineers Phone: 279-1792 Anchorage, Alaska ENGINEERING REPORT SUN VALLEY HEIGHTS Water System for: All l0 lots in Block 1. All 4 lots in Block 2, All lots in Block 3 except Lot 2 which will be served by an individual well. Total lots served = 18 A. General l, The system as designed will serve tile 18 lots in this subdivision as noted above and as shown on the attached d~awings. 2. The system as designed will not be expanded, 3. There will be no industrial activity which will affect the requirements of this water system. 4. The estimated daily water consumption assuming 100 g.p.d, rain. and 3.25 people per residence and 18 residences is lOOx3,25x18 = 5850 gal/day, or 4.1 gal./rain. This is the present and future requirement. The capacity of this syste~lis based on the peak demand computed as follows: Assuming for each lot: l, bathroom group with flush tank 2. kitchen sink 3. laundry tray Total supply fixture units per lot = ll Engineering Report Sun Valley Heights "2- For 18 lots the load on the system in supply fixture units is 198, With this load the supply demand is equal to 64 g,p,m, for approximately 20 minutes or 1280 gal, With 'the installation of one 82 gal, Hydro-pneumatic storage tank with 2/3 effective volume for storage on each lot served, the total storage for this sytem will be: 82x2/3xl8 = 984 gal, Required pump capacity = 296 = 14,8 gal. per minute or 888 gal, per hour, 20 5. The source of water for this system will be a deep water well located as shown on the plans, The well will be drilled and cased with a 6" casing to prevent ground water contamination, The top of the casing will extend at least 12" above finished grade with no pit around the casing, A well house will be constructed to be located at the well, The well house will be insulated and weather tight. It will have a daylight drain and will be electrically heated to prevent freezing. A pitless adaptor will not be used and the discharge pipe will come out the top of the casing and will be connected to the distr~ibution header in the well house, The casing will be sealed, 6. All development in this area depends on wells for their water and the acquifer which this well will penetrate has proven to produce water of a quality suitable for household uses, Prior to public use the water from this well will be tested for quality, B. Permafrost is not known to be present in this area, C. This is not a surface water source. Purification is not anticipated or proposed, Pressure will be maintained in the lines at all times by the use of a submersible pump with a minimum rating of 1180 gal, per hour with a discharge pressure of 60 p,s,i, and a depth to water level of 120 feet, (Jacuzzie Submersible Pump No, 15S4C or equal), If the depth to water level is such to require a larger pump, then a pump of adequate size will be installed. To minimize fluctuation in pressures, a hydro-pneumatic system consisting of one 82 gal. pressure tank will be located in each residence, Pressure loss in the mains at peak pumping rate is negligible. Engineering Report Sun Valley Heights -3- F. The distribution lines will be constructed with approximately 967 lin. ft. of 2 1/2" NSF approved water pipe, 270 lin. ft, of 1 1/2 NSF approved water pipe and 603 lin, ft. 1" NSF approved water pipe. Service connections with a corporation stop at the main and a curb stop with service box installed at the property line or easement line Ur each lot will be constructed as part of this system using 270 lin, ft. of 3/4" NSF approved water pipe, 2. There are no special features in the distribution system, 3. The distribution system will be installed with a Ininimum of 10' of cover over the distribution lines, The system will be located in glacial till at the depth specified. G. Water will be stored as specified in "E". 2. Fire protection has not been provided. H. Cost Estimates Construction Well with 6" casing 260~ at $13/ft. $3,380 967 lin. ft. 2 12/ WL installed at $6/lin, ft, 5,802 270 lin. ft. 1 1/2 WL installed at $4.50/lin.ft, 1,215 603 lin. ft. 1" WI_ installed at $4/lin. ft. 2,412 '18 curb stops installed at $150 each 2,700 Submersible pump and riser pipe 600 $~-~',109 Maintenance cost estimated to be $600/year, The following minimum distances from points of possible contamination to ground water supplies will be exceeded: 1, Any contamination ~ 40 ft, 2. Sewers, septic tank, disposal fields - 80 ft, 3. See page pits - 120 ft, *Curb stops include service connection, Eighty-two gal. hydro-pneumatic tank to be installed by each builder as lots develop, 1801 Stanton Ave. Anch3r?~e, Alaska CC. ~:~,.C,=~.~ ~.,.~T ....... ~ ?~ ASSO£. Consulting En ;jineer s Phone: 279-1792 ~. o"' the plans and shall confor~ to these AIl materials shall be of types ~h..n on specificstions. Ail ,_-or,~mano--lp shall be according to good practices of esch . ~ ,.- precautions sh:!l be observed to prevent hazards to property, ]ic~ or e~:uipment throu~]h eavin~ earth, electricsl ~ '~ '~ flooding, fires, .... · ~-' ~ The site skal] be kept free of accur:ulatio of trash or debris from the ,,o .... U~o,. completion of construction t~e r, ite shall be left in a neat and clean condition, graded to drain to es%ablichod chan,.e;s. WAU ER LINES A. Hat erinls ~'~' ~e shall be schedule 40 Type 1-1120 normal iupaet 1. F.V.C. pipe ~nd ~ r~n~o-'ed or equal hi cher.~ic31 resis-~ant ~.S.r. ~,=~ · · · ~ confo ..... ~ be galvanmzea steel ~i~e ~"~n~ 2. Galvanized ~ipe ~a.~._l of specification /' 120-6[~; of yulvanined wrou nt iron pmpe confor:..;.n~ to soecification A. -2-(~$, standard v'ei,~ht. Joints shall be threaded and threaded couolings with X.P.S. threads sh~ll be provided. - to 3. CoFper pipe ...... ]..l be fle~aihle seamless pipe, Type "K" conforndnq ASTi[ specification B-g, 8-66. ;~. Va]v,~s, Cate V~]ves ~'hn].l be brass body bronze face:l gate valves, pressnre ~e~t ~ at 2]0 p.s.i Service vel.yes .... 11 be E~eller Co. ilo H-1C202 or approved ~f~lla].. Construction The tre]cs giall Pe e×cavated to the depth shovm o~t st ked. G~lv~nized ~re 'k~l] %~ installed by scre'"~n~ the joints tiEht wi%h suit~h].e ri~:e v;ronches. ;i~ ,.eyed pi~e joint cor:?ound or v:hite lead sh~].l bo ant,].led to ~l! male threod? oulF ~rior vo acsemblin5 ~he joint. Chan.se~ in '~ ~ic~o..,pll.,n~d with fittings end not ,, ~'n'- g~]vs~ze~ ~i~c shall be grade or ~1~,.. nt of by bendin' the Fi?e. Cogi?r 'r'i]e shall be i,str!~ ~d by laying it in the trench nnd .'s ....... ~,~ tho ~ '~ ~ Tkr,?~de~ fi%tin?s shall he :scre",'e on to their matinr] ..... . ~% ......... bled at a joint before tn~t fJ. ttin;s be'ore solderln ~. '~] :3].oes .... all be joint is soldered, and the entire joint shall be soldered at one time. PVC pipe shell be instal]ed mud joints m::de -'s ?'com:..ended by the ii:~nufacturer and ~ -. Chzm~es in /r~de or z].i~nment of the P.V.C, ~ipe shall ~e accomplished with fitt~ni]s and not by benJin~ the pipe. -2- Before backfi]!inq, all ne'.,'!y installed water lines shall be tested for le~d---s by filling the ii~es v.'kth ',¥ater and examinin~j them under norm~! system C. Disinfection 1. After testing and after all leaks are corrected the ne',¥1y installed water !inet, ','~ell and ~um~ sh~!l bo :~isinfected by filling ?'ith ¥:ater solution containing not l~ss than 1'0 pp.~.: of ~;.vailnb!o chlorine. The solution shall be retai'~ed in the system for a minimum of four hours and then thorou£hly flushed fro~,~ the system. itl D~PT. OIF ~NVIRONMI~T~k]. CONSER$'ATION $OUTNCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE / JAY S. HAMMOND, Governor SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE MACKAY BLDG. 338 DENALI STREET ANCHORAGE 99501 October 13, 1975 Mr. Rolf Strickland Anchorage,Municapility 3330 C Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Subject: Sun Valley IieJ.ghts Water Supply System Dear Mr. Strickland: This office has no obmection to the use of the old semi-public well distances for tile we].], to replace t;he existing semi-public well. Sincerely, Regional Environmental Supervisor LANE Uece~er 11, 1974 Sun ¥a11~ It~tghts Homeowner's ^ssoctatlon P. O. Box 10289 - Klatt Stetion ^nchorage, Alaska ATTErtl'ION: ~onald Item, President SUBJECT: Fallure :e submit water samples for bacteriological Sun Valley fletghts Community Water Systen~ analyst~ gear Hr. Ilorn: l'hts letter is a follow-up of my conversation ~tth Hrs. Jmnes HcGraph, secr(~tary of the Sun Valley Beights H~ne.o~ner's As.~,octatton, on December 1~74 regarding the subject ~)ater samples. Please be advised that ware)' samples are required to be submitted from ti~e Sun Valley I.leights scm'I-.public wells on e quarterly basis. This is accord- lng to :be State of Alaska ~dmtntmtra:ive gode Title ~, PaP: g, Chapter.16, S~ction 70, Examination o~ ~la:er which s~a:es: "Any perao~a, ft~, torpor etlon, mmiclpali:y, public u~tlt~y, d]strlct, villa~e, tmon. munJcipa.1 subdtvts'lon or an7 other dui7 constt:u~ed authority which provides public ~tnd/or semi-public wa:et' supply, shall ~ubmtt samples of water for analysis to tt~e [)epar:~nt of H~lth aod Social ~ervtces a: suet1 intervals as ~y be cl~s~gnated as being necessary for tl~e protection of tim public health". Samples should be celiac, ted ~n containers furnished b~ the Departn~en: of )rlSalth and Social Services located at 527 East 4th Avenue, ged floor. Failure to submit eater samples may result In legal action by this Depart- )~ent agetnst the Sun Valley Heigbt~ [l~))eowner~s Association, The water systems cannot he considered bacteriologically safe as long as samples are riot being submitted. Pleas() make arrangements to stert submitting samples vdthtn seven (7) days et' receipt of this notice. ]'~f you have any questions, [)lease do not hesitate to contact ma. We appreci- ate your cooperatto~ and realize that you as new owner of these systems may not have been aware of the 'law governing such matters. Sincerely, C.S. HcKechnte, fLS., Sani tartan CSl~l/ko Certified No. 740416 ].801 Stanton Ave. Anchorage, Alaska CONTRACTING ENGINIEERS & ASSOC. Consulting Engineers Phone: 279-1792 ENGINEERING REPORT SUN VALLEY HEIGHTS SUB. WATER SYSTEI.~ NO. 2 Water system for: Block 4 & 5 Total lots served = 12 A. General 1. The system as designed ~ill serve the 12 lots in this subdivision as noted above and as shown on the attached d~auings. 2. The system as designed will not %~e expsnded. 3. There will be no industrial activity which will affect the requirements o~ this water system. ~. The estimated daily water consumption assum!.sg 100 g.~.d. ~in. and 3.25 people pe~ residence and 12 residences is iOOx3.25x12 = 3900 gal./day~ or 2.?. gal./min. This is the present and future requirement. The capacity of this system is based ol~. the pesk demand computsd as follows: Assuming for eac~ lot: 1. bathroom grouF with flush tank 2. kitchen sink 3. laundry tray Total supply fixture units per lot = 11 Engineering Report Sun valley Heights Sub. -2- For 12 lots the load on the system in supply fixtures units is 132. With this load the supply demand is e~al to 50 g.p.m, for approximately 20 minutes or 1000 gal. ~ With the installation of one 82 gal. Hydro-pneumatic storage ta~ with 2/3 effective volume for storage on eac'h lot served, the total storage for this system will be: 82x2/3x12 = 656 gal, Required pump capacity = 244 ~ 17.2 gal. per minute or ~032 gal. per hour 20 5. The source of water for this system will be a deep water well located as shown o~; the plans.~ The well will be drilled and cased with a 6" casing to prevent ground, water contamination. The top of the casing will extehd at least 12" above finished grade with no pit around the casing. A well house will be.constructed over the well to allow all elecric controls to be located at the well. The well house will be insul~ted and weather tight. It will have a daylight drain and ~;ill be electrically heated to ~revent freezing. A pitlsss ~daptor will not be used and the discharge pipe will come out the top of the casing and will be connected to the distrubution header in the well house. The casing will be sealed. 6. All deve~lopment in this area depends on wells for their water and the acquLfer which this well will cenetrate has proven to produce water of a quality suitable for household uses. Prior to public use the water from this well will be tested for quality. B. Permafrost is not known to be present in this area. C. This is not a surface water source. D. Purification is not snticipated or proposed. E. Pressure will be ~aintained in the lines at all times by the use of a submersible pump with a minimum rating of llSO gal. per hour with a discharge pressure of 60 ?.s.i. snd a depth to water level of 120 feet. (Jacuzzie Submersible Pump No. 15S4C or equal). If the depth to ~ater level is such to require a larger pump, then a pump of adequate size will be installed. To minimize fluctua%ion in pressures, a hydro-pneumatic system consisting of one 82 gal. pressure tank will be located in each residence. pressure loss in the mains at ~eak pumping rate is negligible. Engineering Report Sun Valley Heights Sub. F. The distribution lines will be ~o~tructed with approximately 785 lin. f$. of 2" NSF approved water pipe, 90 LF of l~-" diem. NSF water pipe and 29~ LF of l" diam. NSF approved water pipe. ServicO connections with a corporation stop at the main ~nd-a curb stop with service box installed at the property line or easement line for easement line for each lot will constructed as part of this system using 160 lin. ft. of 3/4" NSF approved Type K cop~er water pipe. 2. There are no special features in the distribution system. 3. The distribution syste~l will be installed with a minimum of 10' of cover over the distrib~tio~ lines. 4. The system will be lock, ted in glacial till at the depth specified. G. Water will be stored as specified in "E". 2. Fire protection has not bean provided. H. Cost Estimates Construction Well with 6" cssing 200' at $13/ft. 785 lin. ft. 2" ~'~ installed at $6/lin. ft. 90 liu. ft. l~" ~f~ installed at ~5/lin. ft. 299 lin. ft. l" ~% installed at ~4/lin. ft. ~'12 curb stops installed at ~150 each Submersible pump and riser.pipe Maintenance cost estimated to be $600/year $2,600 4,710 45O 1,196 1,800 .6O0 $11,356 The following minimum distances from points of possible contemination to ground w':ter supplies ¥;ill be exceeded: 1. Any contamination - 40 ft. 2. Sewers, septic ta~, disposal fields - 80 ft. 3. Seepage pits - 120 ft. * Curb stops included service connection. Eighty-two gal. hydro-pneumatic tank to be installed by each builder as lots develop. 1801 Stanton Ave. Anchorage, Alaska CONTRACTING E~GINEERS & ASSOC. Consulting Engineers WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Phone: 279-1792 General All materials shall be of types shown on the plans and shall conform to thss~' specifications. Ail workmanship shall be according to good practices of each trade. Safety precautions shall be observed to prevent hazards to property~ l%fe or equipment through caving earth, electrical lines, flooding, fires~ traffic and other potential causes. The site shall be kept free of accumulations of trash or debris from the work. Upon completion of construction t!,e site shall be left in a neat and clean condition, graded to drain to established channels. WATER LINES A. ~aterials 1. P.V.C. pipe and fittings shall be schedule 4© Type 1-1120 normal impact hi chemical resistant N.S.F. approved or equal. 2. Galvanized pipe shall be of galvonized steel pipe conforming to specification A 120-65a; of galvanized wrought iron pipe conforming to ASTM specification A. '/2-68, standard weight. Joints shall be threaded and threaded couplings with N.P.S. threads shall be provided. 3. Copper pipe shall be flexible seamless pipe, Type "K" conforming to ASTM specification B-88-.66. 4. Valves~ Gate Valves shall be brass body bronze faced gate valves, pressure tested at 250 p.s.i, Service valves shall be ~fueller Co. No. H-10202 or approved equal. B. Construction The trench shall be excavated to the depth shown on the plans and as st~ed. Galvanized pipe shall be installed by screwing the joints tight with suitable pipe wrenches. Approved pdpe joint compound or white lead shall be applied to all male threads only prior to assembling the joint. Changes in grade or alignment of galvanized pipe shall be ac6omplished with fittings and not by bending the pipe. Copper pipe shall bo installed by laying it in the trench and assembling the joists. Threaded fittings shall be screwed on to their mating fittings before soldering. All pipes shall be assembled at a joint before that joint is soldered, and tbs entire joint shall be soldered at one time. PVC pipe shall be installed and joints m~de as recommended by the Eanufacturer 'and only approved materials used. Changes in grade or alignment of the P.V.C. pipe shall be accomplished with fittings and not by bending the pipe. Before backfilling, all newly installed water lines shall be tested for le~s by filling the lines with water and examining them under normal system 'pr6ssure. C. Disinfection 1. After testing and after all leaks are corrected the ae~;ly installed water lines, well and pump shall be disinfected' by filling with water solution containing not less than lO0 ppm of available chlorine. The solution shall be retained in the system for a minimum Of four hours and then thoroughly flashed from the system. D~. TA IL A NUT HOLE TO FIT---~ NUT i ~ I L/4"X NO. B COPPER SHEET .ORIGINAL THAW WIRE SPL IT BOLT CONNECTOR LINE C 0 RPORA TI ON S TOP SAME SIZE ~0 CONNE~ ~0 SERVICE EXPLODED VIEW - THAW ~RE CONNECTION SEE O ~---~RUBBER MAIN _~. _ / COATED NQ 2 THAW (TYREX OR EQUAL) SOFT COPPER CURB STOP November 13, 1972. WILLIAM A. EGAN, GOVERNOR SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE ~fACKAY BLDG. 338 DENALI STREET ANCHORAGE 99501 Mr. Glen A. Huff Contracting Engineers & Associates 1801 Stanton Anchorage, Alaska SUBJECT: As-built Plans Sun Valle), Heights Subdivision Water Systems No. 1 & 2. Dear Mr. Huff: This acknowl'edges receipt of the as-built drawings, well-logged chemical analysis and bacteriological analysis for the Sun Valley Heights Subdivision Water System. The as-built plans an~ specifications are approved for the features with which this depart~ ment is concerned. Yours truly, Kyle J, Cherry Regional Environmental Engineer, KJC/cg cC: GAAB-DEQ/ 1801 Stanton Anchorage, A1 aska CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC. 279-1792 October 27, 1972 Mr. Rolf Strickland Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Dear Mr. Strickland: Transmitted are the As Built drawings for Sun Valley Heights Subdivision Water Syste~No. 1 and No. 2. Also enclosed are copies of the well logs and chemical analysis. Sincerely, ?~/ G A. Huff L/ TESTING · EXPLORATION · CHEMICAL · MATERIALS · INSPECTION April 10, 1972 W. O. 12363 Mr. E. J. Young Box 4-1202 Anchorage, Alaska PROJECT: DeArmoun Road Sunvalley Heights Subdivision SAMPLE DATA: 2 Samples of water received 25 February and 14 March 1972. Gentlemen: Transmitted herein are the results of tests performed on subject samples. The tests were performed in our laboratory except for the following: Manganese Calcium Magnesium Fluoride These were performed by Alaska Mineral Lab per our request. If there should be any questions on the data, please feel free to contact the writer. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Laboratory Superviser the KWB:ld , · ALASKA TESTLAB CHEMICAL WATER ANALYSIL client: [~_~, ~ ~? t ~ k", ¢, Pro] ect :i~J~/-~,w~ ~3.%~ ~'~b -~ ~c'~,{ ~J~ Date: ~o,~, W.O.No._ Date Received: Specific Conductance @ 25°C. TEST MGS/LITER ~SIDUE: TOTAL ;~ FIXED FILTERABLE FIXED NONFILTERABLE FIXED CALCIUM SNSSIuM IRON SODIUM POTASSIUM SILICA PHOSPHATES: TEST SULFATES: SULFATE SULFITE iMicromhos/CM MES/LITE CHLORIDES AS SODIUM CHLORIDE NITRATES: NITRATE NITRITE ALKALINITY: PHENOPHTHALEIN METHYL ORANGE ACIDITY TOTAL HARDNESS EDT~ COMPUTED TOTAL PO4 0,~0 ORTHO PO4 ,. O POLY PO4 FLUORIDE TANNIN & LIGNIN FREE CO2 REMARKS: ~.,:, ~...c ra 0 HYDROXYL ION CONC. AS CaCO3 _ O BICARBONATES AS CaCO3 CARBONATES AS CaCO3 ~ MANGANESE ALASKA TESTLAB CHEMICAL WATER ANALYSIS Client: ~-. '~C;I ;k~.C', Date:, Project :~ ~,~k, I~,~.,,~ ~,~'V,~L~.'/ I-I~ ~ ~ W,O.No. S~p].e: ~/~T~ ~. %~'~-~t,.~ ~ 'lt _ Date Received: /~ ~fc~ /~7~ pH 7. 7/-- @ ~ °C' Specific Conductance @ 25°C. :Micromhos/CM TEST MGS/LITER TEST MGS/LITER RESIDUE: TOTAL / ~. OO SULFATES: FIXED SULFATE ' ' ~ ~'~ -- FILTERABLE FIXED NONFILTERABLE FIXED CALCIUM ~GNESIUM IRON SODIUM POTASSIUM SILICA PHOSPHATES: CHLORIDES .... ~.,'~ AS SODIUM CHLORIDE ' ' NITRATES: NITRATE NITRITE -- (~ ~ ALKALINITY: PHENOPHTHALEIN METHYL ORANGE ACIDITY ' ' TOTAL HARDNESS EDTk COMPUTED TOTAL PO4 ORTHO PO4 O POLY PO4 O.o~ FLUORIDE C),'/~ TANNIN & LIGNIN FREE CO2 HYDROXYL ION CONC. AS CaCO3 BICARBONATES AS CaCO3 CARBONATES AS CaCO3 MANGANESE I ~ Olc~~ Laboratory S up e~i~vi s or ALASKA MINERAL LAB 2:~29 SPENARD ROAD ANCHORAGE:, ALASKA 99503 PHONE 279--Z716 REPORT OF A NALiYSIS FOR Alaska Test Lab DAT~ March 21, 1972 1940 Post Road Anchorage, Alaska 99501 PAG= 1 OF I 2580 12363-1 Water sample Mn ~ 0.02 ppm Ca 46.8 ppm Mg 4.48 p~m F 0.35 mg/1 _258] 1236~-2 Water sample Mn < 0.02 ppm Ca 45.2 ppm Mg '3.54 ppm F 0.45 mg/1 COMMENTS: < = less -than Lab Manager ARTMENT OF HEALTH AND W,~, ,RE DIVISION OF'PUBLiC HEALTH BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS REPORT RESULTS TO. Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: 6. Improve your ~ spring [] dug well ~ driven well [~ drilled well L~ cistern, 5ANITARIAN'S REMARKS We]l Owner :~ ~ .... a: Uso of Well Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, ii known; or distance main road .......... ?_uml~s2~at_ 1~10 Kt~_belLo,~ grn~nr~ac~ . Pmmp blode]: Jacuzzi Submersible twpe ?;D . . o -~ ~c' ~,~ , ., ~ ] ~9~ S~ze of tatung ~:U'al~th of llole _ : *;ec Cased ~o_~ :' ~_0 fee6 Static wa~er levo~ffff.'2 ft. ([d;~7~J~ (below) land surtace, t,'inish o4'well (check one)' open end ( X ); Screen ( ~t:~/PcrJora,.cO ( ). /~ Perforations at 2.00 Ft. below Surface , Describe screen,~oi?'perJ~)r a tion. ~x~ ~ .... ............ Well pumping test (tt ?z _/galkms] per (7]I]}[~};) (minute~ for '~ ~otn's WitlL__ }O0,;[ O[ dvawdown h,~ st,,ue level. 102 .TO_ ],;.':'5 . .75 'to. i8;; _ 185 TO ]89. mO .!?I S.-'.itv g!u 'vel q'O 3?0. _TO GILEAT~R ANCHORAGE AREA BOb. 'w IO4 West t~orthern Lights BOulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 S- 1916 Plat Status: Final DOROUGH. Engineer Health Department ~Pub~i~-~ks-be~r~ment Sand Lake Fire' Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association Date: 6/4/70 CITY OF ~ICuOF~,GE: Fire Marshal Municipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Departwent Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer ~ter Utility GAB Telecom~mnications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Ha~ls , 17z ~" Pm: Subdivision / Rg~I~J~KA~y / ~t~t~( :17 Description of Property: See attached plat ~7/~., .;i/ >'' '/Il: _,.-..?' ~er~ Recreation Developmsnt Co. C, entiemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough PlanninK and Zoning Commission for the proposed S._.~ubdi~v~si~ of subject property, Attached is a copy of~e proposed plat. ¥fill you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other r~quirements that your department er agency may need. If we do not hear from you bZ 6/19/70 you do not wish to submit any comments-. ...... , we will assume that If you have no further use for the attaci~ed print, please return it with your comments. Enclosure -I m Z z Z HENRY TAYLOR RESIDENCE OIVIL DTI00'1893: CONSULTING ENGINEERS 715 L STREET SUITE 1 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 PHONE 276-3111 ~69 I.,O01.L(3i 46RL00110,