SWISS AIRE General Information
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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWISS AIRE General Information5 WI. 5 ~'awe! & Bou~lders G~avel & 4~, ~I~ ~ & C~ 10~ lOS' llS' ~1, ~ & C~ ?~a~ ~ ~ ~ 15'--~tie ~l 45' II. STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: SWISS AIRE SUBDIVISION WELL Operating Agency: Dave Droege Responsible Official: David A. Droe~e D/0 #16A-W Form No. PEEHP-W- 1 Date of Visit: 8/15/66 Title: Owner 5403 Arctic Blvd~Anchorag~)ffice Location: same Mailing Add r e s s: SYSTEM DATA: Area Served: No~ of Connections: Quantity- Range:. Sources: 5 acres Population Served: 30-40 12-14 Metered? No Water Rate: Average: 2500 g~J. one well III. IV. Raw Water pH: 7.5 TREATMENT PLANT OPERATING PERSONNEL: Chief Operator: Operators: Treated Water pH: N/A . Chlorine Residual__ Temp. 46°F. Yrs. Exp.: Cert. Y?s. Exp.: Cert.__ Yrs. Exp.: Cert.: N/A SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: a) Facilities: Toilet: None Wash Basin: None Shower: None 100-200' R~well reserve b) Source Protection: Housed~ capped~ recorded c) Clear Well Protection: No clear well d) Building Drains and Sewers to: None appears to drain to west side of housing e) Cross Connections: None f) Fencing: None g) General Cleanliness: 0kav~ but cluttered% housing used as storage shed h) Other: Well head not one foot above floor level. Well seal not airtight. SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: Chlorinator Housing: Ventilation: N on e, Other: None N/A Gas Masks: N/A Walkways: N/A Lighting: 0kay VI. RECORDS KEPT: a) b) c) Form No. PEEHP-W--1 Page 2 Permanent Files: "As Built" Plans: No Engineer: Detailed Piping & Electrical Plans: Shop Drawings and Operating Instructions for Equipment: Performance Records: Reports on File: d) Reports i~ Progress: VII. GENERAL COMMENTS: This is a small water source. D/O svsfem and would not justify a standby VIII. EFFECT OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: On Water Sources: ~.~19 On Treatment Plant: None On Distribution System: None Repairs and Reconstruction Completed: None Remaining Effects on System: INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT I0 SOURCE: a) Surface: Structure: C ondit ion: b) Wells: Depth:_ 149 ft Drawdown: + 20 ft Casing Material: c) Emergency source: II. STORAGE: Type Mater iai Press .Tank G.S. Form No. PEEHP-W-1 i Page 3 ~'~:7/ C apac ity: Size: 6" Static Level: Unknown Rated Capacity: 1250 GPH Screens: Unknown ~Steel Casing Depth: 145 ' Size C ondit ion 31~5 gal Okay III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of Pipe: 6" AC Dead ends: Yes Other: Pressures: Fire Hydrants: None 20-50 PSI cycle IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical Equipment Control Condition V. MIXING: Size: Equipment: Rated Capacity: Condition: VI. COAGULATION: Size: Equipment: Rated Capacity: C ondit ion: VII. SEDIMENTATION: Equipment: Size: C ond it ion: VIII. FILTRATION: Type: No. of Units: Filter Mater iai: Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 4 Date Installed: Size: IX. Underdrain System: Rate Controller: Backwash Method: General Condition: REACTOR TYPE S: General Description: Loss of Head Gage: C ond[tion: X. SLUDGE HANDLING: Method: Disposed to: C ond[t ion; Xt. CLEARWELL; Size: C ondit ion: XII, CHLORINATION: Control: Detention Time: C ond[t ion: Model: None Type of Supply: C apac Point of Application: XIII, PUMPS: Purpose Primarv Pttrnp Type No. Submersible 1 C apac ity 1 HP Condition XIV. BOOSTER STATIONS: Location Pumps C_._~_p a c C ondition XV. LABORATORY: Size: Equipment: XVI. EMERGENCY PROVISIONS: Stand-by Equipment: No Spare Parts: No Form No, PEEHP-W-1 Page 5 XVII. XVIII. Auxiliary Power: COLD WEATHER PROTECTION: Un[ts Housed: Yes' insulated Units Heated: 1 Mamkel "Fan G. lo Heataire"(with blower) at approx. 11 ft. f~om well head OTHER UNITS: (for iron and manganese removal, softening, aeration, taste and odor control, corrosion control, fluoridation, etc.) CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical OPERATIONS SUPPLEMENT Form No. pEEHP-W-1 Page 6 Quantity Method of Addition II. SEDIMENTATION: Method of Cleaning:, Sludge Disposed to: Frequency: III. FILTRATION: Condition of Filter Bed: Backwash Ope rated by~ Frequency~ Backwash Disposed to~ IV. CHLORINATION: Dosage Rate Observed: Residual Measured: Amto Stored on Premises: V. OPERATION OF OTHER UNITS: Quantity: VII. SAMPLING AND TESTING: a) Samples taken of: Tests Conducted: GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS (low temperature, etc. ) There is no chance for circulati_~on in this sytem being as it Serves a cul de sac, VIII. OVER-ALL MAINTENANCE: Paint lng Schedule: Other: Lubr [cation Schedule: Reservoir Cleaning Schedule: WATER SOURCES: RECOMMENDATIONS Form No. PEEHP~W-1 Page 7 II. TREATMENT PLANT: III. DISTRIBUTION: IV. GENERAL OPERATION: SPECIAL PREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERS: A portable 300-500 gallon tank to haul water from another source to serve the few customers which will be on system. Inspac%.ed by: Art,,ur Benedict ~ L.E.Dickinson, P.E. DICKINSON OSWALD ¢ ASSOC No. 20-9 8/15/66 SWISS AIRE SUBDIVISION WELL Well housing looking northeast from 50' southwest of housing. Line leading fmom doorway to left of photo is 3/4" Copper tubing rom lawn sprinkle~. No. 20-10 8/15/66 SWISS AIRE SUBDIVISION WELL Well housing looking nom~h f~om 30' south of housing. No. 20-8 8/15/66 SWISS AIRE SUBDIVISION WELL Well housing intemiom showing well head in southeast oornem and pressure tank at left. -q ~ ,Mu!doon :.~orage. · ,enoz age. _-:- Sp,.ok:.'Lc cond-~tanco ~ v,Mu!doon 6'!_ 5.86 ~. C. 12 ;;2 4.10 _Lt o.38 1_:- 7.84' 9.7 7. 3-,0 7.6 ! 63 ~-9 222 7.3 590 7.2 240 8.C 246 7.2 233 7.3I 520 3ou 5.2 0.00 TESTING Q EXPLORATION o CHEMICAL ~ MATERIALS ~ INSPECTION 1940 POST ROAD ~t~e.n~ PHONE 272-3428 ANCHORAGeI ALASKA 99501 Date: August ~q: ~Q66 Work Order No.: Mr. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street · Anchorage, Alaska Project: Post Quake sanitation Study Subject: Coliform-Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform, determinations, have been performed .in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane~ method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. identification Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters S~,~iss Aire Subdivision well, (GAAB), outside tap at 8'~06 ~,~iss Ciz,cle; s~mpled 15 August, 1966 ® 10:~ ~a.m.; D/O-AHB Seine as a?oove 0 0 If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please conzact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TEST]LAB Kenneth W. Bt&dsoe, MAIG Water ~borato:7 Supe~isor State Permit KA6;B: sc SAMPLING SITE - INDEX MAP NO. 1 1966 POST-EARTHQUAKE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM BY DICKINSON - OSWALO ~' ASSOCIATES FOR STATE OF ALASKA December 12, 1977 Dave Droege 8604 Swill Place Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Sub3eet~ Swi~s Aire Subdivision According t° this de~mrtment's wate~ sampling moa!ret list~ we have not as yet recetve~ a water sample for the above subject well syste~for the month of November, 1977. Our records indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from ~he State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the s~ject water system, please notify us immediately to any name and/or address change~. If there are a~y further qllestions, please contact this office at 264-4720 or at the above addresS. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Sincerely, Lynn Bringle Code Enforcement ~ ~.~.~. ~o~,o "~) LB/ljh GREATER ~A~HO~g ARE~ BOROUGH PLANNING AND. ZONING COMMISSION '~?'~ ~!~'"~ .... ANCHORAGE, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING MARCH 22, 1965 The regular meeting of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission convened in the Administration Building of the Anchorage Independent School District at 7:30 P.M., Monday March 22, 1965, with Francis B. Mayer, Chairman, calling the meeting to order. 1. ROLL CALL: Members present: Betty Crews, Ray Deditius, Victor Gill, Herbert C. Lang, Wray Lewis, Francis B. Mayer, Lidia Selkregg (8:30 P~Mo), Robert Shimek, and Errol Sin~ons. HEARINGS Swiss A_iK9 _S~u~Jivision The Platting Officer presented the reques~ of Mr. Oswald, Subdivider Surveyor, for layont approval only of Swiss Aire Subdivision. The commission discussed the need for overall road plans and for more information on the potential development pattern of the i~mnediate surrounding Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Shimek and passed unanimously that the hearing be closed. Mr. Gill moved, seconded by Mr. Simmons and passed unanimous ly that action on the proposed Swiss Aire Subdivision ~b~tabled pending submission of additional information in accordaace with Planning Commission regulations. UN~ INISHED BUSINESS ~i~sion of Rules of Procedure The commission reviewed proposed revisions of its rules of procedure. Mr. Shimek moved, seconded by Mr. Deditius and passed unanimously that effective April 14, 1965, the Planning Commission meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month and that'Article II~ Section 1 be amended accordingly. Mr. Lewis moved and motion lost for lack of a second that the rules o~ the co~nission sot be amended to permit executzve sessions. 1965 Plat~t,-tg Officer GAAB Planning ~ Z:oning Commission Hinutes: June 9, 1965 Page Six S. ttEARINGS (Cont.) 1. Rappe Park Subdivision - FinM (Cont.) ttaaring no objection, Mr. blayer closed the hearing. blr. Gill moved, seconded by blt. Lewis and carried that the plat of Rappe Park Subdivision be approved m. Atderwood Subdivision - Final htr. ltannon reported that the area contains 45.2 acres and will create 47 residential bots. Preliminary approval was granted April 29, 1965, subject to five Engineer's comments. Plat bas been revised to comply with four of the five comments. The waiving of the fifth regulation (the radius of the curve is less than 100') is requested, due to {lie subdivision being laid put to follow tile existing road. blr. Lang moved, seconded by blt. Lewis ant carried that tile hearing be closed Mrs. Selkregg moved, seconded bythat tbe final plat of the Alderwood b~r. Lewis and carried Subdivision be approved 4. UNFINISIIEB BUSINESS (NONE) S. NEW BUSINESS a New Girdwood Townsite Subdivision ,Slr. Keenan was not present, fir. Iloffman represented tile Division of Lands. Bob Bursiel, Mayor of Gir,lwood, and Ed Gindzwell, Councihnan, were present. The general layout of zhe cul-de-sac type arrangements for resort cabins was shown, blt. Mayer stated that an easement connecting each cul-de-sac must be provided and suggested a strip of land 10' wide, plus an additional 5~ ease- ment on each side for walkways and utilities. Mr. Lang moved, seconded by ~Ir. Lewis and carried that the plan of tile New Girdwood Town- site Subdivision be approved ~n principle. blr. Gill colmnended thc Girdwood representatives for coming to Anchorage and waiting all evening to be heard, ilr. [loffman requested a copy of the Minutes of the meeting. b. Swiss Aire Subdivision bir. Droege appeared to ask for approval of Swiss Aire Subdivision at the Commission's earliest convenience since it was holding up his bank financing. Mr. Lewis moved, seconded by that the Planning Commission bold blt. Shimek and carried Special Moo_ting on Igednesday,--June 16~,_1965 [--~-order to give final approval to SWiss Snbdivi sion ?\ 'i