HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWISS ALP S-3269 A DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PLATTING OR PLANNING & ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NO. TITLE: Date Case Received By Suspense Date Comments to Planning Department For' Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Date ROUTING Environmental Engineering Air Pollution Noise Environmental Sanitation COMMENTS :,/~, ~, Summa~/ of Action Febrt~ary 21, 1974 page 3 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Reflecting a 40-foot building set-back line. 3. Resolving lot sizes with DEQ in order to meet R-6 zoning. 4. Drafting revisions. S-3288 - CHESTER HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, ADDITION NO. 1 ~ion) Ulak Street common to Lot 1, Block 7 and Lot 11, Block 6, Chester Heights Subdivision, Addition No. l; located north of Northern Lights Boulevard between Patterson Street and Paxson Drive. This case was removed from the agenda by the staff when it was determined the petitioner did not have adequate signi- tures in order to request the vacation of this street. S-3269 - SWISS ALP SUBDIVISION (subdivision) 320 acres; 165 lots; located in the Eagle River area east of Upper Fire Lake and at the north end of Skyline Drive extended. Approval subject to: I. Resolving lot sizes with the Planning Department. 2. Resolving drainage easements with the Public Works Department. 3. Resolving utility easements. NOTE: A discussion on this plat centered on the lot sizes with the staff recommending no smaller than an acre and a quarter while the petitioner was showing 40,000 square feet. The Board realized that the staff would settle for no smaller lot than 1 1/4 acres. S-3282 - MEADOW RIDGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, NORTH ADDITION ~vision) 36 acres; 22 lots; 2 tracts; located approximately 3/4 mile east of the Glenn Highway adjacent to both sides of Homestead Road. Approval subject to: 1. Resolving utility, drainage and erosion easements. 2. Providing soils information to DEQ in relationship to the well and on-site sewer systems. ~epartme~lt of Environ~ental Oualtty June 4, 1974 TO: FEO~; SUB~ECT~ l~ay~-le ~iabry Pla~mtn~! Oepartn~nt Roll Strickland, ~.So Chief Sent:arian ~ePartment of ~nvtrenmental quality Swiss Alp Subdivision ~ ~e~tng ~eld On ~a~ 31a 1~74 A ~eeting to discuss the problems of Swiss Alp Subdivision was recently held in our offices. The follo~Hng People attended: Bob Flint and Kyle Cherry Alaska State I)epart~mnt of Envtrenn~ntal Conservation ~an genshaw, ~eb ~ohnson, and ¥ilman Wallace Engineer, Surveyor a~d Developer ~tm ~ack Hanager, Construction Yestlab For Swt~s Alp Subdivision ~ayne ~bry and Roll Strickland - Greater Anchorage Area ger~ugh The follOWing topics were discussed: 1. Soils geports 2. Erosion, sedimentation and revegetation 3. $tlteat~onof Carol and Fire Creeks 4. Access to the subdivision {1) Soils Reports ~t was explained that e11 tests were accurate and properly sho~n on the platso The new read cut {Zug Drive) does sho~ poor swampy soils and this area had not been tested. This pro~ably led to the feeling that the soils ~ere not accurate. (2) Erosion, sedimentation and revegetetton The erosion from Zug Orlvo road cut and further read cuts were discussed at length. Xt was agreed that the developer would submit an erosion and sedimentation plan for review to prevent future problel,s. The developer agreed to requiring revegetatton on all lots within lg - 18 ~Onths after ~ ho~e construction. Xt was suggested that the exact wording of this stipulation ~muld bo placed on the plat prior to filing. Wayne ~bry Swiss Alp ~eting ~une 3, 1974 Page Two (2) Siltation of Carol and Ft~e Creeks (4) ?his situation was discussed at length with regards to correction of the present siltation and a workable sedimentation and erestm~ plan to prevent future occurrencus. Slides were shown of how :his occurred and the results of this action downstrem~. Access to the subdivision This was discussed and the developer is presently working to see if the new access can be brought up to standard or if the existing access will have to be upgraded. There was no disagree~ent regarding the fact the subdivision would have to have adequate access. 1W DAN RENSHAW, P.E. December 17, 1975 Mr. Rolf Strickland Chief Sanitarian GAAB Health Department 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99505 Re: Alpine Park Sudd. (Wallace Bros.) Dear Mr. Strickland, P~e~iminary engineering evaluation has been made of this proposed subdivision and the following comments are offered. Surface and subsurface investigation shows that most of the area is covered by a gravel mantle of sufficient thickness and quality to allow on site sewage disposal. Each lot has been planned to contain an adequate area of gravel covered terrain. 5 At least one test well per development unit of the subdivision will be drilled to determine availability of ground water for domestic use. Should testing indicate a general inadequacy of ground water, small unitized water systems will be installed to provide water ~o convenient sized development units comprising small groupings of lots. Attached is a xerox reduction of an original 200 scale preliminary plat of the total proposed subdivision that shows possible grouping of cesspool and water wells so as to ~u~ther reduce the possibility of contamination· q. Oes~0~l')location is shown as a tri- angle and well 16~ft~n 'as a circle. An elipse has been drawn around both features to approximate influence area, primarily down contour from cesspool and up contour from well. It can be seen that the lots are of adequate size to accommodate both on site well end sewage disposal. Due to the mountainous nature of the area, this type of planning can be done Page 2 since surface contours for the most part will parallel top of bed rock contours where most of the possibility for contamination would exist. There is one area within the subdivision that currently experiances a high water table. Exam- ination of this area has lead me to believe that the source of this ground water can be intersected during road construction and the water transported by st~m sewerage away from the problem area. I do not think the problem to be serious. Road construction and other improvements to the property will be performed by the owner who has expressed a deep desire to do things right. In this case it is his intension to minimize the impact of improvements upon the natural beauty of the area. A lot can be done to this end when one begins with a proper attitude. Thank you. · / Dan Re,shaw A & L DRILLING COM,~-(NY LEE SULUVAN General Contracting P. O. BOX lg7 EAGLE RIVEB, ALASKA FAIRBANKS -- P, O, BOX 230 -- 452-3459 Phone TO: 694-2588 TERMS J-EU~TOIVlER'S OR~ER N~. ] DAY WORK [/,d"CONTRACT [ ] EXTRA JOB NAME/NUMBER lOB LOCATION QTY. DESCRIPTION OF WORK PRICE AMOUNT OTHER CHARGES i///~.; w TOTAL OTHER I LABOR HRS RATE AMOUNT TOTAL LABOR TOTAL MATERIALS TOT. OTH E R slgW°rkn~~°rdered by ~.~ ~ .... .i' '"'~~ ~ ~ TOTALTAX I he~nowledg y completion of the above dascril:)ed work. Wayne Habry December 26, 1973 Page Two B. The cases listed below meet with this Department's ~ecommendation after review of the information supplied or that information which was available in our files: Public sewer and water are not available. We have no objection, at the present time, to granting preliminary approval on this case. All additional soil and water availability data are to be submitted as the additional units come in for approval. We have discussed one specific item with the developer and his engineer and this is that we do want a drainage system built and the surface water table rechecked prior to final approval of any development in the south- east portion of this proposed plat. As shown by the soils test in this area, there is a high surface water table which will drastically affect the placement and working of on-site sewer systems in this area. The soils tests, in general, show a well-graded soil highly suitable for on-site waste disposal. Water avail- ability data can be substantiated by wells in the surrounding area. However, it will be substantiated by test wells'drilled within the subdivision as indicated by the developer and his engineer. 13) '~ 3276 · Groll Subdivision 14) P~blic sewer and water are not available. The lot size, the soils conditions, and water availability information indicate that the subdivision meets with out Department's recommendation. S 3261 Linda Vista Subdivision, Lot lA, Block C. Public sewer and water are not available. Lot sizej soil conditions, and water availability via private wells are adequate in this area. This case meets with oar Department's recommendations. 3260 Todd's Half Acre · Pjblic sewer and water are not available. We have no objection to the platting of this single total owenership of land. We would note, however, that this lot size does not. meet our current standard for residential development of on-site ~:ilities. 16) S 3263 Robin Hill Subdivision, Unit No. 3~ T~is development plan was reviewed with the developer and his engineer some t7~e (3) months ago. Extensive work has gone into the development of this ~it to insure adequate sites for waste disposal, to insure that there are ~:equate volumes of water available via individual wells ~nd that the question- ~:ie lands around the small ponds or lakes within this unit have the lots lo- cz:ed around them such that adequate development can take place on all lots. -)is plan meets with all requirements of this Division. JAY S. HAMMOND, Gover.or / / August 25, 1975 CERTIFIED ~IL ~7. Thi!man Wallace p.~. no~ 599 Chugiak, AK 99567 Subject; Swiss Alps Subdivision Dear Mr. Wallace: Because of the very real potential for water quality degrada-- tion in the Carol Creek drainage and o~cher environmental pre~- blems associa-~ed with the development of the Swiss Alps SubSi¥isien it will be necessarI~ for you to comply with 18 AAC '72.060 {d) (1) through (7) regarding submit'hals for subdi-- vision review. Failure to comply with this regulation will make you liable to penalties provided by 18 .~{AC 72.090. A copy of the regulation is provided for your information and use. Very truly yours, - :. Kyle J. Cherry, P.E.~ P, egiona! Environmental Supervisor cc: GAAB '~ DEQ~ ' GAAB - Planning Richard Pennington KJC/dma File: 4~1 Augus~ 15, 1975 VIA AIR N~IL Erns~ Mueller, Commissioner Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation PoUCh "0" Juneau, Alaska 99801 Dear Ernst~ The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Platting Beard has been ordered to rehear ~e ~s Alps Sub~ivisi_s__~r~uest, The hearing wilt 6~eur at 7~30 p.m.'~i~ th~ Assembly Room at 3500 East ~udor Road, Tuesday, August 19th. AS yo~ probably know this case has generated much controversy a~ th~ area to k~ platted lies within the subalpine and alpine zones. The enviro~uaent is very f~agil~ and extensive environ- m~ntal d~age can occ~r unless very stringent controls are re~ q~ir~d. It is do~J)tfal if th~ area could be aeveloped without more damage. Your depar~3~nt has been involved in a siltation case with the developer, Also~ there is a public ~ater supk)ly that takes water ~ownstre~J~ from the cre~k that originates in the opmeat. This system could be oontaminatmd from the drainfie!ds in the subdivisi~no The developer proposes to supply water to the subdivision. This would be a ~ubli¢ water supply and require the necessary proteotiol~. The wells w~re tested during wa~% w~athsr, ~-~hether or not ther~ is adequate wate~ in ~.~e winter'is not known. Decause of these env!ron~ental problems the ~orough ~:~lOf A~min- istrativ~ officer has requested ~hat I contact you to secure your presence or the presence of someone from your department at the hearing. sino~rely, L~roy C. R~id, Jr., Director ee~ Kyle Cherry ~ill P~aty, Direotor ~mlf Stri¢"~land, Chi~ f Sani~rian ~u~t 15, 1975 ~3269A S%~iSS Abf~ S'~livision T~is d{~lt ~as r~v/~w~ th~ subj~g plat, ~ five (5) 1. ~a ~oils ~%~a as P~}s~nt~/wi~/l tP~ plat is inad~l~.~te ~o do~am~3~ of ~/~ fwjitity of tJ~s alpir~ er~nt it is r~e~/ lot mi~ ~ ~,-,3t~ ~'~ivisic~ b~ 2 1/2 a~res witl~in ~hs lot 1/2 ~ ~'~lu~iv~ of all ko Performed Legal This For Thillman Wallace Date Performed Qescriptio'n: LotlO/It~lock 3 Subdivision Sw±ss Alp Ma~y 3 , 1974 Eagle River Area ~orm Renorts Soils Loq yes Percolation Test Denth Feet Soil Characteristics Peat'~verburden Silty Gravel GM-22~ 7-- Silty Sandy Gravel bottom of Test Pit Was 6round Water Encountered? yes I¢ Yes, At what Depth? -lO GW-GM 18o % .t Readinq Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Oron Percolation Rate Minute Proposed Installation: SeenaQe Pit yes Drain Field Oeoth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Cn~!~ENT~;.? 210 sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom Water table at minus 10 ft. Trench Test Performed By Jim Mack _ Data Certi.fied By. Construction l'.n~ M~no,~¥. n~- ~-%-~)~ Performed For Thillman Wallace Date Performed May 3 , 197~ Lenal Qescrintion: Lot Block This Form Re~orts Soils Loq yes Located on Zug Road Between Lots ~ Bi Oeoth Feet Soil Characteristics Peat Overburden 2 3 -- Gravel-Clay Mix GO Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM 180 6-- 9-- 12' bottom of Test Pit Was Ground Water Encountered? No. Yes, At what Depth? __Subdivision Swiss Alp - Eagle River Area Percolation Test 12 & Lot 13 BZ 3 I ' Readinq Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Drop I I I ~ .- Percolation Rate Minute Proposed Installation: SeeoaQe Pit yes Drain Field Deoth of Inlet Depth To Bo.ttom Of Pit Or Trench COMMENTS: 180 sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom No bedrock or water table to minus 12 ft. Test Performed By Jim Mack Data Certi.fied BY: Construction Testlab Lab Manager Date: [~e.y ~ !97~ Performed For Leoal Oescri~tion: This ~orm Reoorts '~n~ ~es~ is worth a ~housand o?~io.s" Thillman Wallace Date Performed Lot 14 Block 3 Subdivision Swiss Alp Soils LDo yes Percolation May 3, 1974 EaRle River A~pa Test ~e~th Feet Soil Characteristics 1 -- Peat Overburden 2 3 Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM 190 4-- 5-- 12' Bottom of Test Hole Was Ground Water Encountered?No I¢ Yes, At what Depth? I Readinq Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dron Percolation Rate Hinute Proposed Installation: Seenaoe Pit yes Drain Field Deoth of Inlet Depth To Bo%tom Of Pit Or Trench C~!~ENTS: 19© sq. ft. drainage a~ea reaui~ed pe~ b~avnnm No bedrock or water table to minus 12 ft. Test Performed By Jim Mack Data fertified B~:Oonstruction Testlab Lab Manager Date: Performed For Lenal ~escrintion: This ~orm Reports "On,~ t¢~t t~ worth a lhousand o~inions" Thillman Wallaoo Date Performed Ma~3 ~ Lot I~ Block 3 Subdivision Swiss Alp Soils Loq y~s Percolation 1 974 Eagle River Area Test Oeoth Feet Soil Characteristics 1 -- Peat Overburden 3-- 4-- 5-- 9-- I2' bottom of Was ~round I~ Yes, Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM 170 test hole Water Encountered? No At'what Depth? iReadinq D~te Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dro~ I' Percolation Rate !tinute Proposed Inst~llation: Seepage Pit yes Drain Field Depth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench C~ENTS: 170 sq~ ft~ drainage area required per bedroom No bedro'¢k or water table to minus 12 ft. Test Performed By Jim Mask Data Certified B~:Const. Test Lab Lab ~ana~o~ nato~ MaY 3 q~ Performed Legal This "0~ ~s~ ~s worth a ~tho~s~t~r~ o2't~ioms ' For Thillm~ Wallace Date Performed May3197~ Oescriotion: Lot 16 Block3 Form Reoorts Soils LDO yes Subdivision Swiss Alp Eagle River Area Percolation Test ~enth Feet Soil Characteristics Peat Overburden Alternate layers of Sandy Gravel 5-- and Silty Sands GW & SM - 150 aug. 10-- 12' bottom of test hole Was ~round Water Encountered? no I¢ Yes, At what Depth? I Readinq I Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Oron i Percolatio Rate Hinute Proposed Inst~llation: SeeDaoe Pit yes Drain Field Deoth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench CaSemENTS: 1~0 sq. ft. drainage are2 reou~red, pe~ beS~nnm NO bedrock'or water table to minus 12 ft, Test Performed By Jim Mack ...... Data Certified B~: Const. Lab Manager Date: ~-3-7~ Test Lab "Ona ~si is worih a thousand Performed For Thillman Wallace Date Performed Legal Oescrintion: Lot ~Block -- Subdivision Sw±ss Alp This Form Reoorts Soils Loq ,yes Percolation Located on Zug }toad between Lot I? BZ 3 & Lot 7 BZ 12 .neath Feet Soil Characteristics May 1974 Test Peat Overburden 3 Alternate layers of Sandy Gravels 4-- and Silty Sands GW & SM (120 avg.) 12' Bottom of Test Pit Was Ground Water Encountered? No I¢ Yes, At what Depth? I Readinq Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dron Percolation Rate Hinute Proposed Installation: SeeDaQe Pit yes Drain Field Deoth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench CnMMENTS: 120 sq. ft. drainage area required, per bedroom 'No bedrock'or water taO±e to minus 12 ft. Test Perforated By Jim Mack Data Certiyied B~:Oonstruction ~stlab Lab Maria,:er Date: ~-~-?~ Performed For Legal This "On~ ~as~ is ~vor~h a ~ho~sand Thillman Wallace Date Performed ~escri~tion: Lot 7 Block I2 Subdivision Swiss ,~'tp ~orm Reoorts Soils Lop yes May 1974 EaRle River Area Percolation Test Peoth Feet Soil Characteristics Peat Overburden 1 -- 3 -- Silt ML 4-- 5 12' Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM 180 Bottom of Test Hole Was Ground Water Encountered? No ~?o~ IF Yes, At what Depth? I Readin~ Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Oron Percolation Rate Minute Proposed Installation: Seeoaoe Pit yes Drain Field Depth of Inlet, Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or CgM~ENTS: 180 sq. £~. drainage:a Yea required per bedroom No Bedrock or Wate~ Table to minus 12 ft. Trench Test Performed By Jim Mack Data Certi?ied B~: Construction Testlab Lab Manager Date:--~¼' Performed Leoal Descrintion: This ~orm Renorts ForThillman Wallace Date Performed Lot 3 Block 12 Subdivision Swiss Alp Soils Loq. y~s Percolation May 1974 EaRle River A~a Test 5eoth Feet Soil Characteristics 2~ 3-- 4-- 5- 6-- Peat Sand SW 12~ Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM 180 bottom of Test Pit Was Ground Water Encountered? I~ Yes, At what Depth? no I Readinq Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dron I .! Percolation Rate Hinute Proposed Installation: Seenaoe Pit yes Deoth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit CAq~"ENTS: I~0 sq. ft.. drainage a~ea re~l~ir~.~ h~o~ No B~drock or water table to ~n~s 12 ft. Surface water was drainin~ £nto hole Drain Field Or Trench Test Performed By Jim Mack Data Certified B~: Construction Testlab Performed For Thillman Wallace Legal Oescrintion: Lot 8 This Form Re~orts Soils Loq "On~ ~as~ ~s wor~a a ~housa~d o~m~o~s Date Performed Block 3 Subdivision Swiss Alp yes Percolation May 1974 EaRle River Area Test Feet Soil Characteristics Overburden 1 -- 3~ 4-- 5-- 6-- 9-- Gravely Silty Sand- 22~ Silty Sandy Gravel to minks 18 ft. GW-GM 140 Water Table @ -14 ft. Bottom of Test Hole ~ -18 ft. Was Ground Water Encountered? yes I¢ Yes, At what Depth?. -14 ft. I Readinq Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dron [ Percolation Rate ~linute Proposed Installation: SeepaGe Pit yes Drain Field Depth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench CaSemENTS: 140 sq. ft. d~inage area required pm~ bedmomm NO bedrock or water table to minus I~ ft. Water Table @ -14 Test Performed By Jim Mack Data Certified B~: Const. Test Lab Performed For Thillman Wallace Date Perforraed Leoal ~escrivtion: Lot__Block__ This vorm Reports Soils Loq ,yes Subdivision Swiss Alp Eagle River Area Percolation Test Located on Zug Road Between lot 8 bl 3 & lot 3 b12 DePth Feet Soil Characteristics overburden Gravelly Silty Sand SM 1 2-- 3-- 4-- 5 9-- 10-- Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM 14~ Water Table @ - 14 ft. Bottom of-~P~m~J~-Pit'@ -18 ft. Was Ground Water Encountered? yes I~ Yes, At what Depth? -14 ft. ! I! i i i i I Readinq Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Drop i ' ' I : Percolation Rate ~linute Proposed Insta'llation: Seeoaee Pit yes Drain Field Depth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench CnM~ENTS: 1~ sq.. ft. drainage area required 9er bedroom No bedrock ~r water table to minus 1~ ft. Water Table @ -I4 ft. T~s~ Performed BV Jim Mack Data Certified B~ Construction Testlab Performed Leoal This For Thillman Wallaoe Oescrintion: Lot 10 Block ';One test is v~ottl; a thousand ~inions" Date Performed_ 3 Subdivision Sw±ss AZp Form Reoorts Soils Loq y~8 Percolation May 1974- Eagle River Area Test Deoth Feet Soil Characteristics 2-- 3-- 4 . Gravel-Silt Mix (2~O) 6-- Silty Sandy Gravel -90- GW-GM ]0-- 13 £t. bottom of Test Hole Was ~round Water Encountered? I~ Yes, At what Depth? I Readin~ Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dron Percolation Rate tiinute Provosed Installation: Seeoaae Pit yes Drain Field Deoth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench C~ENTS 90 sq. ft. drainage area required, per bedroom no bedroe~ or water table to mi~s 1~ ft. Test Perfors~e~ By. Jim Mack Data Certified B;./: Const. Test Lab Performed Lenal This For Thillman Wallace Oescription: Lot 11 Block "0~ ~es~ i~ worth a ~housand Date Performed 3 Subdivision Swiss Alp Form Renorts Soils Loq yes Percolation May 1974 Eagle River Test Are a Deoth Feet Soil Characteristics Silty Sandy G~avel Th~u0ut Depth o~ Test Hole GW-GM 180 lO-- Bottom of mA~X w~]~ _in Ft. Was Ground Water Encountered? IF Yes, At what Depth? mo Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dronl '' Percolation Rate ~iinute Proposed Installation: SeepaQe Pit yes Drain Field Deoth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or C~M~ENTS: 180 sq.. ft.. drainage area required per bedroom No bedrock or watem table to minus 10 ft. Trench Data Certi,fied BY: Const. Test Lab Test Performed By Jim ~ack T,~h i~ n ~ o'~, -~ ~/a l:a: ~- ~-7il Performed Legal This Form For ~hilZmarz WaZlao~. Date Performed ~escription: Lot 12 Block Renorts Soils LDo Mayl 974 ~ Subdivision Swiss Alp Eagle R~v~r Area yes Percolation Test ge~th Feet 2 3-- 5--~ 9-- 10-- Soil Characteristics Silty Gravel GM-22~ Gravel GP-8~ Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM. 190 Bottom of Test Hole -I0 ~t. Was Ground Water Encountered? no ~?om I¢ Yes, At what Depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net Dro~ Percolation Rate Minute Pronosed Installation: Seeoa~e Pit yes Drain Field Deoth of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench C~Mt~ENTS: 1~0 sq. ft. drainage area required, per bedroo~ No Bed~ook' or water table to min~s 10 ~t. Test Performed By. Jim Mack Data Certified B2:Oonst~ Test Lab Date: ~-3-Tkb I, Region Ao B. U. S, DEPAR~EI~ OF HOUSING AND UR!~; DAVELOPI.~I'~ APPLICAI'~' S E~WIROI~.-~;J~ Area/In~ur~g Office Applicant/Sponsor. Project ~e ~nd Location, BIrD Program. OMB Circular A-95 Review. I~ proposed project subject to A-95 reviewt Date submitted to clearinghouses: -Check one: ( ) State/regional clearinghouse co~mlents attached° ( ) NO com~ments recelved, afte clearinghouses. days before Description of project. Fag~ 1 12/72 [ j~ - j C-. F, ~ Description of existing environment of the site and area. 1. ~E×is.ting ph~:slcd! environment (natural and man-made,): a, La]lB end c. Su~crounding lan uses.aDd..~sical character of area: ~ /~ d. ~ast~cture: f, Noise levels: 121'72 Page 2 ~? ................. (~ .s ) Project Nmne go Water oc!!ution levels: h, O~her. ExistinG social environment: ac ~onmo~]ity facilities and services: b. ~Em, plo~fmgnt centers and commercial faeilibies: de Character of eom~.~unity: Other: Page 12/72 0 How 1. · · ~o " (Including properties listed Existin~ aesthetic envlrom~-nt. on, or nominated to, .~he i~ational Register of Historic Places) ~]2 the environment described in F affect the project? H. How will the project affect the environmental factors in F? 12172 Page 4 .... (poP) Project Name -i 0 Where appropriate describe the quality of ~he environment created by the project and its Lmpact on the expected residents or users of the project° Aesthetic environment % "3o Aesthetic environment: · ~. Alternative locations or sites: o Alternative sizes and desi~a,~: ~scribe provisions of the propos~ which were specific~y desired to reduce adverse enviro~ent~ impacts or to enhance enviro~m~ent~ quality. ~scribe aba~emenv measures which were rejected sad the reasons for rejection (estimate costs). ~scribe measures other th~n those ~cluded in the project berg t~en or plied to e~ance enviro~ent~ quality or ~educe adverse enviro~ment~ ~pacts~ 6~ 0~. ~'~/7~L L~ ;~at are the ~Lno'~ views of goverr_ment~ bodies, private org~iza- tions, local citizens, etc., conce~g the proposed project? Identify ~o~m or potentisl opposition groups and their views. M. Certification: The applic~t/~onsor identified in o_ock A hereby certifies that the information Darnished in this Applic~t's Envirorm~ental Assessment is t~e ~d acetate to the best of his (its) knowledge Date -~ -- ~ - Title _ ~ r 12/72 Pa:e 6 Hole No, .... Test Pit # l~f Location. As Located. on MSp Lot k ~ck 2 ~op ~lev Existing DBPTH CLASSIP ICAT ION PB~T SYSTBM Overburden 4 5 6, ? g Shee~___of ~ Operator,, Jim Mack WoO. Date__ 9-11-73 Clten~Till Wallace Projec~20 aeres-Ea~le River S~pLM DATA LEGEND 11 ~4 ]5' 16' 22, 23. Coarse Sandy Gravel GW-GP Gravel 85 sq. ft. drainage required per bedroom Ground Water Level -11 ft. Bottom of Test Pit Sand Silt Clay Pea~ Mrost WaTer Table JAN 17 1974 Location..., .,Refer 50 Map Lot ~ Block ~op Bier. Existing DBPTH CLASSIP ICATION SYSTBM I 2 3 4 5 ? 9 ~0 Gravely Sand, Moist -SW 12~sq.ft, drainage required per bedroom Level 12, 14 '~5' 21 Bottom of Test Hole ~4. 25' Sheet of WoO. b~'--~ --~eratorJi~ Mack Da~e 9-1g-73 " Clien~ Till Wallace P~ojec~_~O Acres-~agle ~iver SAMPL~ DATA LEG£ND Gravel Sand Clay )rganic Content Pea~ Wa~er Table Eole No,, Locat ion Hefer to Map L. ot 1, Block ~op Blev existing DBPTH 4 ? ~0 lJ 16. J?, 23, 24. Sheet of Date 9-1~'2TT'z~-3 Client~~llW~llace Project~O Acres-Easle River CLASSIPICATION S~MPL~ SYSTEM DATA LEGEND overburden Slightly Silty Sandy Gravel Coarse GW-GM 100 sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom · Ground Water Level Bottom of Test Pit~ Sand Silt Clay rganic ~ontent Pear Pros~ Wa~er Table Hole Location' Test Pit # 3 ~ ~erer ~o lvlap Lot 1 Block 12 ~op ~le~.. Existing Shee~ of ~0o NOo__ Operator3~ Date__ 9-~1-73 Client Till Wallace Projec~ 2~Aqres-EaMle River DRI~H P~ I 2 4 5 6, 7 9 14 ~? 22, 2~. CLASSIPlCATION SYSTBM Overburden Sandy Gravel GW-GP 85 8~ sq. lb. drainage area required per bedroom Ground Water Level Bottom of Test S~P~ DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Clay Organic Content Peat Water Table "One tes~ is worth a thousand opinions" Test Pit # 4 ~ Loca~ion~R~,fer to M~ Lot ,~ Map 12 ~op Ble~ E×~s~,~n~~ CLASS IP ICAT ][ON SYSTEM Overburden 2 4 § ? 14, 2O 21 22, Ground Water Level ( static) Sandy Gravel- GW-GP 8~ sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom Bottom of Test Pit Note: The ground water level was recorded after the test pit had been open for ~ + Sheet of WoO~ ~ --6~erator J~m Mack Da~e~ -- Cl!en~ Till W~%ace Projec~p~creSzEag~e aiver SA~pL~ DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Cl ay Peat Pros~ Wager Table Refer to' Map L, ot 10 Block Exist'inS ........... DBPTH CLASSIFICATION PP~ 'SYSTEM 1 2 4 5 Peat overburden Grey Silty Sand SM-2~O 7 8 lO 14, 15 17' Brown Silt ML-27~ Sandy Gravel- GW-GP Ground Water Level Bottom of Test 23. ~5- Sheet__.of WoOo hbo..__._. O---~erator JM Client Til~l Wallace Project~.A§res-E~gle River SAMpLB DATA LB GE ND Gravel Sand Silt Clay anic ~ontent Peat Table "One test is worth a thousand Rs£S~ to Map Lot 12 Btook ~ WoO~ ~b..____ OperatorJ_~ck Date~___~=TB Cllen~ll Wallace Projec~.~h20 Ac~iver DBPTH 3 4 7 9 '~3 14' ~?, 19. 20' 23- ,34. CLASSI~ ICATION SAMPL~ SYST~24 DATA LEGEND Silt Ovorburdon Slightly Silty Sandy Gravsl GW-GP-GM 100 sq. ft. drainags required bedroom Ground Water Lovol Bottom of Test Pit/ Gravel Sand Clay )rganic ~ontent Pea~ Fros% Water Table "One test is worth a thousand opinions" Hole No. Test Pit # 7 ~' Locatiot~, Refer to Map CLASSIFICATION 1 Overburden 2 4 Mixed layers of Sandy Gravel 5 and Silty Sands 6 110 sq. ft. drainage area re- quired per bedroom 9 13 16, 17 19 20 :21, 22. 23- 24- 26 Bottom of ~esb Sheet __of WoO° ~o__ Operator Project 3~p A~es-E~gleR---i-~er SAMPL~ DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Clay anic 2ontent Pea~ Fros% Wa~er Table "One t~st is worth a thousand o;~inion$" Hole No. ,Test Pit # 8~ ~ocatlo~'~e£er to Map~ - t '" o5 Block D.BFTH C LASS]iF ICAT ION SYST~,M Overburden 2 3 5 ? Silty Sandy Gravel- GM-22~ 22~ sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom 9- I0 11 12, ~5' 20 2~ 25, Sandy Gravel GW -GP- Wager Level Bottom of Test Pi Sheet of Date 9-'9-~-73 "' Clle~~'llace ?rojec*~eres-Esgle Rive~ S~MPL~ DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Clay Organic Content Peat ~ater Table "One lest is wortA a t~o~sa.~ o~i.lo.d' LOCat20~llei'er t'o Map -- L,ob, 21 Block__._~___ Sheet ~ of W~O. NO~=____ Operator__JM,, Date 9-11 - .. Client Till ,,W,allace Project 3_3~z_0 Acre_s-_Eag,le River DBPTH CLASSIP ICATION PP~Irf S¥ STeM I 4 5, 11, 12 1.3 14 ~5 20' 21, 22, 23. 24. 254 Silty Gravel GM-22~ Coarse Sandy Gravel GW-GP-8~ 8~ sq. ft. drainage area re- quired per bedroom ~Ground Water Level Bottom of Test Pit SAMPLB DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Clay Water Table Peat Organic Content "On~ tes~ i$ wortl~ a tho~sanc~ o~n~ons" Test Pit # 10 ~oca~ion'"~£~ to Map Lot 10 'Blo~k ~E~i s t ing DBPTH CLASS IF ICAT ION Fg~%T SYSTEM 1 2 4 § 7 8 9 10 11 14' Silty Gravel - GM-22~ Coarse Sandy Gravel GW-GP-8~ 85 sq. ft. drainage required per bedroom Waber Level 15' 17, 49. 20' 21 Bottom of Test Pit/ 24, Sheet of WoO. I~b~' ~O-~e r at o rJ__im' ,Mac k Date 9-1~- 3 ' ' Client Till Wallace Pro jec~~r ~L~ DATA LEGBND Gravel Sand C1 ay Drganic Content Peat Wa~er "One ~es~ is worth a thousa.d opinlo~s" Noo~ Test Pit # 11~ ion --kek;e~ tS' Map ~lev Exist,i~g I 2 3 4 7 9 ~0 ~3 ,~?. 20' 2~ 23, CLASSIP ICATION SYSTBM Silt & Organic Overburden Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM 180 sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom Bottom of Test Pit Sheet ~__of WoOo Moo~ Operator Jim Ma__~ck Date 9- Client Till }~allace Projec~320 Acre~%Easle R, iver S~PL~ DATA LE GE ND Water entering test pit at - Blt. then dry below 3 ft. level Gravel Sand Silt Clay anic peat Pros~ Table "One. test is worth a tho~,sand opinions" Test Pit ~ Loca~ion~--Refer to Map Lot 19 Block DBPTH CLASS IP ICAT ION P~J~T SYSTEM 2 3 7 9 10 13 14. 15, 16. ~?. 10 Overburden Coarse Sandy Gravel GW-GP Thin Layers of Sand-SW 90 sq. ft. drainage required per bedroom Bottom of Test Pit/" 22. SAMPL~ DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Clay Drganic Peat Table Ona ~s~ ~s wort~ a thousand opmmns DB:FTH CLASS IP ICAT ION F~Y SYSTP_d4 Overburden Coarse Sandy Gravel GW-GP 8~ sq. ft. drainage area reqiured per bedroom 14' Ground Water Level~~ Bottom of Test Pit Shee~___ of WoO~ Noe~____-~era~or..,~im Mack 32O Projec'~__ Acre~-?~_$1e River SAMpLB DATA L~GEND Gravel Sand Clay Pea¢ ~ros~ Table "One test is worth a thousand op;~ions" No, Test Pit # Location'r~fer to map -~ot f Block DBPTH 1 2 4 5, 9 ~0 16' 17. ~9 20 22. Sheet ~of W. Oo ~bo ~perator 3M Project 2~Acres- Ea lo Rivor CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Overburden SAMPI_~ DATA Sandy Gravel GW-GP 8~ Bottom of Test Hole LB GE ND Gravel Sand Silt C1 ay ?.on~ent Peat Fros% Water Table "One test is worth a thousand opinions" ~ocat ion'~~~ DEPTH CLASSIFICATION FP~T SYSTBH Overburden I 2 4 5 7 '10 12 14. 20. Sheet of WoOo N~ --o "~er at or___~ . Client Till Wallace__ Project~~gle River Sandy Gravel GW-GP Bedrock DATA LEGE ND Gravel Sand Silt Clay Organic gonten~ Peat Frost ~ater Table "One tes~ is worth ~8~9 TUDO~ ROAD, AN(~HO~AG~, ALASKA I~ole ~Oo Test Pit # 16 Lo~ 5 Block ~-~lev~Ex i s ting Sheet of WoOo ~ ~erator Jim Mack Date Client Till Wallace Projec~3~cr$~le Ri,vet DBPTH 1 4 § 6 ? 9 15 97 CLASSIPICATION SA},~PLB SYSTBM DATA LBGB ND Silt-Gravel Overburden GM-225 Moist Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM 125 sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom Bottom of Test Pit Gravel Sand Clay F~nten~ Pea~ Frost Wa~er Table Hole N~ Test Pit # 17 Loca~io~ ~efer td Nap '~Lot 15 Block Sheet -- of Cltent Till Wallace Projec~s-Ea l~--River DB~fH RE.ET 1 2 3 5, "~3 ~?. 231 24. 25- CLASSIPICATION SYSTBM Overburden Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM ' Coarse Sandy Gravel GW-GP-8~ Bottom of Test Average of 10~ sq. ft. drains area required per bedroom SAbIPLB DATA Gravel Sand Silt Clay anic Content Pea't Wa~er Table LEGBND "One ~$~ is [oca~o~ ReX'er to iviap D~1PTH CIASSI~ ICATION M?~BT SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Overburden Mixed Layers of Sand & Gra~ SW & GP Average of 130 s~'.ft, draina area required pe~ bedroom 1 Bottom of Test Hole ~5' ~?. 19. 20' 23, 24. 25- Shee~: ~ of~ _ W, Oo ~b~ Operator Jim Mack ~a ~:e ~9 --fi'~- 7 3 ~- C~te~~~ii ace Projec~ Acres- ag e ~ SAMPLM DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Sill C1 ay anic Con*en~ Pear Wa~er Table "One test is worth a thousand opinions" ~ole Nco Test Pit ~19 Location" Refer to Map -- L~t. ~..Blpck 9 CLASS!P ICATION SYST]~M I 3 5 7 9 Coarse Gravel GP- 85 Silty Sandy Gravel, Coarse GW - GM Moist 1~0 sq.ft. ~rainage required · per bedroom Sheet of WoOo ~ -~erator Jim Mack Clle n~'IT-~azl ace SAMPLE DATA I~EG~ND Gravel Sand Silt Clay 20 22, Bottom of Test Hole Content Peat Pros% Water Table "One test is worth a ~ho~sand opinions" Hole No. Test Pit #20 L~ca~:io~. Refer.,.. to Map Lot 1 Block Sheet ~_ of W~Oo Nco______ O--~erator Jim Mack Clien2~,uTil~ Wallace' Projec~_~..Ac~agl® River DBFTH CLASSIFICATION SYSTBM Overburden 2 4 ? 10 12 14, ~5 1~, 1~. 20. 21 24~ Silty Sandy Gravel GW-GM 160 sq.fto drainage required per bedroom Bedrock at 9' Bottom of Test He SA~PL~ DATA LEGEND GraVel Sand Silt Clay anic 2orrtent Pea~ Frost Wa~er Table "One test is u,orth a thousand opinions" Test Pi~ #21 ~/~ Hole No._ Location~Refer To Map___. L,oh 1 Bloo~,iO 'op : e~ xistm~ DBPTH CLASSIPICATION SYSTEM Overburden Sheet __of WoO, ~b~ Opera,or Jim Mack Date ---~2-73 Clie~llace Projec~--~er SAMPLE DATA LEGEND 3 4 6 7 9 Silty Sandy GW-GM 13~ sq.£t. Bottom of Gravel- Moist drainage~required Fest Hole Gravel Sand Silt Clay anic Pea~ Frost Water Table "One test is v.,or~h a thousand opinions" · LocatxO ~_,Re£er to Lot, ,1.,, Block 10 Sheet ~ of WoOo MOo Op-~erato~ Jim Mack Date C 1 ie n'--r~i~'l 1 Wallace DBPTH CLASS IF ICAT ION FB.BT SYSTE~4 I 2 3 4 5 6, ? 9 10 Overburden Silty Sandy Gravel-Moist GW-GM 160 sq.ft, drainage required per bedroom SA},IPL~ DATA LEGBND Gravel Sand 13' 14, 15' 17, 23, Bottom of Test Hole Clay Drganic Peat Table "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 22 A ~ Locatio.u~__Lot_qt___~Block I 1 Existing Sheet .__- of WoOo No.__ Op--'--erator JM Dale 9-12-7~ Clieni~Ti~ll Wallace ?rojec*~3aO Acres-EaRle River ~H CLASSIFICATION SAMPLE T SYST~.M DATA LEGEND v- w~- Overbl~_rdel~ ~ Sandy Gravel- GW-GP 8~ ~ : Gravel Bedrock . .'... Sand .... · Clay ~ Organic ~ ~: Frost !~~ Waler ~-~ Table D.BP 1 2 3 4 5 ? 10 13. 14. 16, 20. 21 22 23, 25- "On~ test is worth a thousand o~inions' Hole ~ Test Pit #23V Location~ Refer to Map Lot 1 y_l_pck op ev . Sheet of . , WoO~ Mo~- ~peratorJira Mack Date 9-~1-2T73_ __ Client Till Wallace DBFTH CLASSIP ICATION MM. BT SYSTBM 1 2 4 ? 10 20, 14. 2§' Coarse Sandy Gravel, Moist Some Siit and Large Boulders GW- GP 8~sq.ft. Drainage required per bedroom Bottom of Test Hole SAMPL~ DATA LE GE ND Gravel Sand Silt Clay anic ~ontent Pea t WaSer Table "One ~es~ is ~orth a thousand opinions" P~le NOo Test Pib ~ocation-- Refer , to MaD ~op Ele~___Existi~g DBPTH CLASSIP ICATION SYST]~M I 2 3 5 ? 9 Coarse Gravel GP Coarse Sandy Gravel GW - GP Moist 85 sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom ~5 17 20, Bottom of Test Hole Sheet of WoOo Noo~ Opera%or,tm Mack Da~e 9-12-73 Clien~'--~'~'ace SAMPLB DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Clay anic Con'kent Peat Pros% Water Table [oca~io~'"~er to Map Sheet ___of W. Oo BMo~ Op~ratorJim ~ack Da~e 9-12-73 Clien~ 'ill Wallace ?ro]ec~Eagle River D~PTH CLASSIP ICATION SYSTBM SAMP L~ DATA LEGBND 1 2 4 7' 9 I0 Sandy Gravel, Coarse- Moist GW - GP 85 sq. ft. drainage area re- quired per bedroom Gravel Sand sil~ 14 ~5 16 17 23. 24- 25' 2 Bob'bom of Test Hole C1 ay Pea~ Water Table "On~ tes~ is worth a t~ousan~ ol~nlons" T~st Pit ~26 ~ Shee~ of ~cat lo--Refer to Mat~ W.O. 5~ ~erator Ji~ Mack ~ot ~ ~z~ ~ ~73 ~ Cl~e~ ~ m WamIaoe ~xi stunS Projec~ Act? s2~agle ~iv~ C~SSI~ICATION S~P~ ~BM DATA ~GB ~ Gravel Sandy Gmavel, Coarse-Moist GW- GP Sand Bottom of Test Hole 8~ sq.ft, d~ainage mequimed per bedroom Silt Clay )rganic ~nten~ Table "O~e test is worth a thousand opi~ioas" F~le No~ # 27 ~ o~p ]~lev ~,×i s tina Sheet of WoO. Noo~ Operator, JM Da% e~_9~ Client ~i~ll Wallace Project.~a20 Acres-Ea~,le River~ DBPTH 2 3 5 7 8 9 ~0 ~3' ~5 17, 20. 23, 24~ 25- CLASSIPICATION SYSTBM Sandy Gravel GW-GP 85 Bottom of Test Pit SAMPL~ DATA Gravel Sand Silt Cl ay anic Content Peat Pros% Water Table LE GE NS) "Otze tes~ is ~vorth a ~o~sa~d o~o~s" ~ocation'_Lot ~l~ ,Blo~ ~ ~le~_~Exis ting __ Sheet of Dateg-____~ Clien~ Till Wallace Projec~-~~le Rive~ DBPTH CLASSI~ ICAT ION ' SAMPLB ' la}kBT SYSTEM DATA LBGB ~'' [ ~ ~ Overburden 2 · '5 Sli~tly Silty Sandy Gravel, 3 '"f GW-GM (12~) Gravel ~ Bottom of Tesb Hole Sand 8 ~0 Silt ~ 3 Clay ~ 6'~ Organic ~?~ ~n~en~ ~ 9. pea-~ 20· 22 Fros% 23~ Water 25~ Table "One test is worth a thousand opinions" Hole No o # 29 ~~ Top Elev~ .... Sheet ~. of WoOo ~bo Op--'-erator JM Da~e - 2- ,. -- Cllen'~.~Till Wal___.lace Project~le River DI~PTH I 2 3 7 '9 ~0 12 13. 14. 15, 20, 23 23 24. CLASSIFICATION SYSTBM S~NPLE DATA LEGEND Sandy Gravel, GW-GP 8~ Gravel Bottom of Test Pit Sand Silt Clay Organic Contenl Peag Prosl Wate~ Table