HomeMy WebLinkAboutALASKA ZOO TR A,\ liac4 ANCHORAGE WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 3601 C STREET, SUITE 322 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 563-6775 May 30, 1989 Nell Hawthorne N. Hawthorne-Engineering 7127 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, Alaska 99518 RE I Alaska Zoo Lift Station Upgrade, Anchorage 8921-DA-049 Dear Mr. Hawthornel We have reviewed your request and application for the additional discharge of 900 gallons per day from the Puffin Pond Display to the septic tank and drainage system. The Department hereby gives approval for this discharge, with the understanding that the discharge will commence during the lowest existing flow from the public restroom building. Any future expansion of the project will require additional approval from this office. Sincerely, CTz gd Engineering Assistant NH AWTH O RN E- EN G INEERI N G RECEIVED APR 1 S 1989 ANCHORAGE/WE'STERN DISTR~CT OFFICE 907-344-471; :..m;r. i,iike newis AK Deot. of ;£r, vi~--c,r, rP, er, tal Cc, r, se'.-'vatic, r, S65 i C St feet Suite i334 Anc-hc, r.a~e: A!asxa 995A3 RE: Alaska Z ,-,,-, iyZ ? --. Dea¥' ,~ . Lewis: Please t-efe'~- tn my aoc, lic-atic, r, fc, r. sewe¥- svstem L, cc.'r.a~e c,n the above o~'njec't dated Seotem~e'r. 8, 1989 ar, c] the aoo'~-,c, val oated FeS'~'uar? i3, ~'.989~ That wor. k wi!~ :.z,e morse or, ce the fr. nst leaves the ~'~-c, ur, ci this year.. The z._-.-, war, ts to, adc ar.:,the'r disc-~'..a'~'zle 'to 't!'",at se-z,'tic: tank ar, O drair~fiel~ system at the same time. A o,_tFfir, disolav ~,iii be cc, r~structed ar, d w';ii disc. hat. se ar~ ave~-age of 9~0 gallons set. day. That will b'r-'ir,~ the Please r,c, tifv me iF yc, u have c:uestior, s. Neii Hawthc, r.r~e h. IH.: o ',, 0 Aooi icat ic, r, er, closed IV. DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM(S) INSTRUCTIONS FOR DIAGRAM 1. In a plan view, locate end identify each .~a following: a) Well b) All Structures c) Septic Tank dj Soil Absorption System a) Surface Water f) Sources of Contamination g) Property Line (Include Dimensions) . h) CIoI4~ well on In I~:ljacent property i} Closet septic tank on an adjacent properly j) Clol~st Idge of an ablorption field on In adjacent property 2. Show dirtance~ bet-~een the well and each of the other items li~ted in 1. 3. Show dis~n~ ~n wa~ ~d~ ~ t~h of the other items li~ in 1. 4. In a cro~ ~n v~w of t~ mil Ib~rpt~n Ifil, ~enti~ ~h ~m~nent a~ ~ow the depth (thickness) of the following: a) Soil Cov~ b) A~rption Material c) Water Table d] B~ro~ e) Di~harge Pi~ ' .... d'., :. ,.: ' ... , - -, ~~' / h ~ ~5"~ ~. - ,' . . '. -- _ -;' . . · . .'q .' ~ .[ . J ' I -~ .... -" --' "7 -:_ ~._';. , ~ , , . · o ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ..... ~.~.x ~ ~ .... "':'~, · [ - , ~ I ! ' ' , '= . '. ~ . ' -" I : i ~ , ' ' ' ~ . ' ' ' ~T ~ , ~ ,, ; , - ~ , , ~ ; -~' ~ ,~ ; I J ~ ~ . ~ : ; . ,, .... . ~ .... ~; [ ' , , , , , t i I ~ '' ~ ' ' .... ENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION  NVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION reef- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWA ISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT P~ONe I '~:~'NEW SJ'~-~ ~z.l [] U,G.ADE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' j Well DISTANCE TO: ~1'~ " IV~3n u fact u tel' IF. HOMEh'~,D E: Well L'/-Z'z. [Absorptioh area ~ / Inside length Dwelling tOwelling i(....~..)k' Width NO. OF BEDROOMS .N.o. of compartments Liquid depth DISTANCE TO: PERMIT NO. Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons Foundation ~O ~ Total length o]~ lines _2.'7,/' . Material beneath tile Depth Nearest lot line,~.3 0 I Trench width?~, inches 7 Zinche$ DISTANCE TO: WeIIzo No. of line~ k~nqthlj2; TO¢ of tile to finish grade PERMIT .o. g"ZOq gg Distance between lines / 0 / Total P.f. fecJj.ve absoroti~n erea PERMIT NO. Length Width Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: Cla~$ Depth Driller O~stance to lot tine DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank IPERMITNO. Absorption area(s} OTHER PiPE MATERIALS PVC SOIL TEST RATING I C)O 1::1 /gdrm INSTALLER REMARKS II c.?," APPROVED DATE LEGAL A/./~__-~-z. T' / Z A! R ~ w' F/.5 L TZZ STATE OF ALASKA DEVARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION APPROVAL OF ON-SITE RESIDENTIAL WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS Lot, Block & Subdivision or U.S. Survey PROPERTY DESCRIPTION lCertificate Issued for Application No.: This approval does not constitute a guarantee of any kind, explicit or implied, as to the performance of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems. '~ - .~ ........ . WATER SUPPLY ~_~-~-'---'-- A recent water sample was tested and fo'-~nd-tomeet' De~p. ax-t-rr~n t~of Environmental Conservation drink- ing water standards for total coliform bacteri~.~--~__ WASTEWATER DISPOSAL The domestic wastewater system was: [] inspected by the Department of Environmental Conservation and found to be in compliance with applicable requirements of 18 AAC 72; inspected by a Professional Engineer who certifies that the system complies with applicable re- quirements of 18 AAC 72; [] installed by a Certified Installer who certifies that the system complies with applicable requirements of 18 AAC 72; or [] tested by a Professional Engineer who certifies that the performance of the system is satisfactory and that the system complies with the minimum separation distances specified in 18 AAC 72. .; ,' -~ / ~-- ~'~ ~-'.~.v /~t? ~',.,', '/ :'.'~- "~"-' This approval is valid fora [] single family ~ mutti,f ' ' ' f ~s. 18-0404 (Rev. 8185) DISTRIBUTION: WHITE--BANK/LENDING INSTITUTION; CANARY--APPLICAN'~ PINK--DEPARTMENT STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFICATE for PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT Plans for the construction or modification of , '/";~ '" _- / / /.~ -'~ ~. 4...C. ," , J in by public water system located Alaska, submitted in accordance with 18 AAC 80.100 :-//~J~-:'-/~--/,//./~' have been reviewed and are J~ approved. [] conditionally approved (see attached conditions). BY TITLE DATE If construction has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. B. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contract order no. or descriptive reference) Approved by Date C. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be completed and signed by the Department before any water is made available to the public. The construction of the ~,~',~ ,.~,/'~'~//,'~'c/ public / J water system was completed on ~ ,//~ ,//~c~ (date). The system is hereby granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. BY TITLE DATE As-built plans submitted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the Department, has confirmed the system was constructed according to the approved plans. The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. . ~- /_ /~:/' BY TITLE "-~' DATE 18-0407 (Rev. 11183) DISTRIBUTION: 1. WHITE - ENGINEER (Complete Section C) 2. YELLOW - WATER SYSTEM FILE (Complete Section C) 3. PINK - ENGINEEPJMUNI-BOROUGH (Complete Section C) 4. GOLDENROD - MUNI-BOROUGH (Complete Section A) O~OH HBO L, oT' 2_4-- GREA. LR ANCHORABE AREA BOR 6FI ;.;. ii~ Department of Environmental Quality '~%"?"; 3330 c Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 -- ' INSPECTION REpoRT ONL§iTE~EWAGii DisPoSAl SySTEI~ SE. PTIC TANK: FROM WELL ~) ~/- MANUFACqURER MATE RI AL~ NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDIH LIQUID DEPTH TILE DRAIN FIELD: J I C~ TOTAL LENGTH DISTANCE FROM WELL /~.~)~ FOUNGATION //0 ~ NEAREST LOT LINE /~) _OF LINES ~ ~ NUMBER OF LINES A__DISTANCE BE'fWE. EN LINES ~/~ __TRENCN VVIDOI .~N. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA ~2~/~ SO. FT. LENGTH OF EACI, LINE [¢~ t __ / IDEPIH OF FILLER f, / / / DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO F N SFI GRADE .%:~ _ ~AFER Al_ BENEATII TILl; ~ _.~. ABOVE T LE ~.~IN. WELL:~ ~ BLJI[ DING NEARESF NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE FOUNDA'IION . LOT LINE SEWER LINE TANK SYSTEM CESSPOOL .. OTI IER SOURCES __. APPROVED ___ DISAPPROVED DISTANCES: SEWER LINE DEPTH: REMARKS: REMARKS F:'ER:M I T NIZ), DI:-£PRIq:TMEI'.,IT IiIF HEFII...TH FIND EI'.~VIi';~OIqMEI'.t'I-FIL F'ROTEi::TII,]I'.,t 25~1_6 E. 'I-I,.I[:,I]R RD.., I':II'qCIE~Rf::IGIE., FIK. E:1'_::,150}~ Ciu ~"-JI --'.EiF; Z:II: "T' El SE; lEE b,-lt IE I1:;~: ti:" El IFe: ll'.'lt 1: ']1' ,:: 7677;7 ) I-ll-f L I _.hlN I I'IIKE i"IFIt4FII'.tE:".' p. [:1. E, 2..: 4;;NZI6,~I. LI`]Cf:IT:I:OI"~ I~ I;]!OI::ID ,~:: O"MFII_I_Eg' L.EI!JFIL L..;~'.4 :-]kl.5 "1!:1.2 iq R i: H I..OT' 344- 8 S18 ::1. 54455 S6!I`JI'::IE'.E FEET T"r'F'IE OF SOIl_ I:IE:SORBTION S"r'STEM [:Si I"REI',IIi:H I'IFI;~::II"II..II"I IqUME:IEI:~: OF E:EDRIi[OMS = 3 SOIL. F~:I::ITII",IG (:E;Q F'I-,.'"E:R:: .... :1.F5 ['HIE F4:E:6!LJiRED SIZE OF THE SOIL FIE~$ORPT]iON %'~':E;'FEM iS: THE LENGTH [:, I MIENS Z ON IS 'TI,.dE LENGTH (IN F:EET::, OF THE TRENE:H OR I::,I;i:F:III'.,IF'ZE:I. Ii:,. [HE [:,EPTH OF FI TREI",ICH OR PIT IS '['FIE DZSTRI"tE:[i: BIETWEEI'.,I '[,"HIE !6URFFICIE l`]F' -Fl.'HiE I][;NiIUIqD RI"4[:, THE BOTTOM OF THE EHI`3R'v'FN'iOI"4 (IN FEET'). TI-.IERE IS I",10 SET 14II}TH I:::'O1:;.: TREI",IE:HE:'~;. THE GRR'v'E[... DEF'TH iS THE MI I",IIMI,..IM DE:F"f'I`4 (::IF GI:.~:I::I',,,'EL BETWEEN 'f'14E OIJTF'I:IL.I... F'tI:::'E: F:IN[) THE 8I`]TTOM OF THE EHCFtVI::'ITION (II",l FLEET). It- ILql C~ ":] ;:R~ 1> Z ~"",!1 ::E'.."T,, tF::u E: E3 "lf'- I: Cll ~"-,11 ::EE; [Fill IFe: lEE It:;~:: EE (;:~ IL...II ]1:: IF;P.' EiE Il:l:,, E:RCKF t L.L I NG OF Ri'.,I'T' S'¢L--,TEI9 P.I ~ THOU]' F :[ NRI... :[ NSF'EC:T I IiIN FII',tD FIF'F'RO'v'I::II`_ E:'T' t]-I I '.!ii DEF'I':IRTI"IENT !.4II`_L BE SUE',JECT ]'O PROSIEI`3UTII,]N. 19INIMI`.IM [)I'.STFINCE BETI4E]EI',! 19 I, IEI.._l`_. 1:91",!C, FII",I'¢ OIq-'_:~;:['l"E SEHR(31E [:, :[ Sl:'l,]'_:~;l:~l... S'-r'STEI'I :Ii:i; :1. OO FEET FI3R R PRI'v'FITE WELL OR 200 FEET FOR FI PI`]IgLIC 14ELL. SI:::'EI'3IFICF:ITtl`]NS RI",I[) (X]I",I%TF~:UC:T];OI',I I)IFIGI;'.F;tI'4'.:.; Ii:IRE FIVFI:I:M::IEU-E TO I:i",I'."N..IRIE I I"ISTRLI_R'I" I ON. I CIERTIF['r' '['HFIT iL.: ]: F:II"I FFll`"IILIRR I`'.I:[TFI ]'HE REL.':!LIIREMEN]"S FI,:)R ON-L:!;]i]'IE SEI.,.IEI:~:S FII",ID HEI_I...:-i; Ii:pi:; SE'I" F:'CIR'.TH IE:k' 'tHE I"I,lJiqZC:IF'RI...ZTg.' OF F~I"~CI,.-IORFIGE. 2: ~ W]:LL :I:NS]"SLL.. THE S'?'STEM :l:lq RCCORC, FIhlC:I,E W:[TH ~[HE C:I`]I,)ES. 3: Z UI'.dDEt~:STFII'.dD THI,:IT THE ON-9.iITE SEHER S"r'STEM Ml':l"r' RE6:!LIZI;i:IE EI"~L..I`~RGEMENT :Ii F:' THE I:'::E:iii;:I:[:'ENCE :[:'!; REI"IODEI'..ED TO :[NCL.UI`)E MI`]RE THFIN ii: E:EDROOML:':;. Anchorag'e, Alaska 99507 276-2221 S()[I,S l,Ot; - I'I.iF,()I,ATION Performed for ...... Mr,.}lik~.[4a_hon..o¥ ........................................ !!;!to Perfonm:d....~Ll_~/Z~_- Legal t)cscription: .... ha!_2'.4~ .~o2.~;kg. rl '15~. Tg.w_lp_~h~.l~_12 North., Range.~}..West_~ S.M.a in the AK This form reporl:s: Soils log X- - .................................... Percolation [est Depth Feet ] - ?opsoil 2- gM (200) 3- s~, 4 ~ su (I~o) 5 - SM 6 - SM (1D) 7 - SM (lZp) 8 -. Sb! (175) 9 - sN (i75) l0 - sM (200) 1i - sM (2oo) 12 - sM (200) 13 - sM (200) i4 - Flat Was ground water encountered? l[.o. ...... if yes, at what Percolation rate i,alnu~e. .Proposed insl;allatlon: oeL, pafle Pit Urain Field I)uuLh of 1nle~ Depti~-'t-o"i~}]'[~-o'm-'~o'F-'lfi t or trench ....................... COHMEI'fI'S: DRILLING, INC. Well Owner DRILLING LOG _Use of Well Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road Depth of Hole__ ; ,~i ' feet Cased to '-",';; ~ ;~ ~ feet Size of casing_~_~ Static water level Screen ( ft. (above) ) Perforated ( (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) ). Describe screen or perforation Well pumping test at__ gallons per (hour) of drawdown from static level. Date of completion :~,/i q/vd open end ); (minute) for _hours with ft. WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness TO. 'TO_____ TO TO TO TO _TO ~TO TO _TO _'TO. TO TO. .TO 2 -- STATE ,,/2~..~..?~ hllJ N I c I PAL. I TY br ANCHORM /[ ~'~,.~.~. !]EPAtfl'?!} OF I~ALFH hN1) ENVlkONMEN V~O'FI~CTION Lending Ma i I .i_r~ g Institution Requc, st: Lomas and Nettletor~ Company Addre s s: 4449 Business Park Boulevard I'hel]e: 284-7661 Owner: Mahoney Phone: ~la:i. ling ~,&']rcs.~: Box 1730C Star Route A 99507 3. Leqa.L Descr~pt:mn: T12N R3W Section 15 Lot 24 S225' Sewage Disposal System: On-site System (x~ Pub].ic Utility ( ) Permit ~ ]Tns[a] led /_~_~_ Insta]].er ~~ '. Septic ~] .... ~anufacEu]3er Absorption Area So!i]_s Rate qateria] 7. Distances: Well t.o Septic Tank tc Absorption Area Lo Sewer 1,ine Nea:c'est Lot line Absorptiorl A~ea ko Nearest Lot. LLne D~:partment of Health and I~:nvi].'onmental Prot¢.ct;ion Request for App:rov~l of IndivJ.dua] S(.w~er and Wator l~,.tc~'LJ_h~t?sl Legal I)~scription: T12N R3W Soction 15 Lot 24 S225' Affadavit Att. ache~l: ( ) Letter At. toche<~: ( ) D'i sapproverl: W Dabe: Depar'hment Worksheet: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIQN 825 L StreeC, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 279-25[[1, exL. 224, 225 REQUEST FOR APPROVAl_ OF INDIVIDUAl. SEWER and WATER FACILITIES 2. Mailing Address: Mailing Address: ........................ Phone: 6. Legal Description: =~:¢ ~2~ / Type of Facili,y to be Inspected:_~ Water Supply '¥ype of Supply: Public Utility. ___.Individual _.~" . If Individual, number of dwellings presently served If Individual, depth of well 9. Sewage Disposal System Type of System: PuNic Utility ........ Individual (on-site) /'~" If Individual, date of installation 72 003(3/76)