HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 15 LT 51AMUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department Phone: 907-343-7904 On-Site Water & Wastewater Section Fax: 907-343-7997 Pump Installation Log Well Drilling Permit Number: _______________ Date of Issue: ____-____-____ Parcel Identification Number: ____-____-____ Legal Description Block Lot Property Owner Name & Address: Pump Installation Date: _____-_____-_____ Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: __________ feet Pump Manufacturer’s Name: ___________________________ Pump Model: _____________________________________ Pump Size: ____________hp Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: _________ feet Pitless Adapter Manufacturer’s Name: _________________________ Pitless Adapter Installer: ____________________________ Well Disinfected Upon Completion? XX Yes No Method of Disinfection: _____________________________ Comments: Pump Installer Name: __________________________________ Company: ___________________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________ City: ___________________ State: __________Zip: _________ Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump installation log to On-site within 30 days of pump installation. S89° 57' 25"W 300.49 (R) S0 0 ° 0 1 ' 5 3 " E 1 6 4 . 9 6 ( R ) N0 0 ° 0 4 ' 2 1 " W 1 6 4 . 6 3 ( R ) S89° 57' 25"W 300.49 (M) S0 0 ° 0 8 ' 4 2 " E 1 6 4 . 9 2 (M ) S0 0 ° 1 0 ' 3 1 " E 1 6 5 . 2 9 (M ) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXX OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U OH U *RA9EL DRI9EWA< 0' %L0 RESER9A7IO1 00 ROW LO7  LO7  %ASIS O) %EARI1* 10 ' 7 E E S 0 7  *ARA*E *R A 9 E L D R I 9 E W A < LILLES7O1 S7REE7 1O7 &O1S7RU&7ED &O9ERED S7ORA*E  0  0 0  0 0   0  1  1 0   0 1      1    1 10         01 G E %L0 LRW 1A SHF 1 711 RW S0  ST )W  01 &DUOVRQ RRDG 1 SWRU\ WRRG )UDPH HRXVH Z DD\OLJKW %DVHPHQW WLWK DHWDFKHG  &DU *DUDJH W S S SC ℄ & A R L S O 1 R O A D S89° 58' 23"E 300.58 (M) N89° 53' 40"E 300.61 (R) 1 0 0 ' W E L L R A D I U S S S S PREPARED BY: FRONTIER SURVEYS, LLC 650 W. 58th AVE. SUITE E, ANCHORAGE, AK 99518 907-460-1686 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: SCALE: DRAWING ID: SHEET 1 of 1 1.Excepting for gross negligence, the liability for this survey shall not exceed the cost of preparing this survey. Dimensions to property lines are plus/minus 0.1ft. 2.This document is created by Frontier Surveys for the purpose of an as-built survey for Philip Larson, only. 3.This document is based on Plat No. 93-95, Anchorage Recording District. General Notes DisclaimerLegend 1. This survey complies with the ASPLS Mortgage Location Standards. The survey represents visible improvements and conditions at the time of the survey. This document does not constitute a boundary survey and is subject to any inaccuracies that a subsequent boundary survey may reveal. It is the responsibility of the Owner to determine the existence of any easements, covenants, or restriction which do no appear on the record plat. Under no circumstances should this document be used for construction or for establishing a boundary or fence line. PS 1" = 25ft 1/13/2023 23-001KC Scale 1" = 25' AN AS-BUILT SURVEY OF BLM LOT 51A SEC. 15, T12N, R03W, S.M. 9401 CARLSON ROAD CONTAINING: 49,528 Sq. Ft. +/- (RECORD) RECORD PLAT: 93-95 Gas Meter Electric Meter/Outside Power Deck Septic Telephone Pole Fence Overhead Utility Water Well G E S x W -DQ 1 0 R E GISTEREDPROFESSIO N A L L A N D S U RVEYORPierre M. Stragier No. L.S. - 9812 Found Alum. Cap Mon. Found Rebar w/ YPC Pannone Engineering Services, LLC PO Box 1807 Consulting Engineers Palmer, AK 99645 Ph (907) 745-8200 Fax (907) 745-8201 www.panengak.com SEPTIC SYSTEM ADEQUACY INVESTIGATION Legal: T12N R3W SEC15 L51A Address: 9401 Carlson Rd Owner: Philip Larson Number of Bedrooms: 3 Septic System Private Well Private Tank Size: 1250-gallon STEP Absorption System Type: Deep Trench (54 linear feet) Absorption Area: 756 ft2 Soil Rating: 0.6 gpd/SF Installation Date: 8/11/1993 (All info found from MOA records) Date of Investigation: 5/12/2023 Septic System: The Septic System was inspected visually and measured. The septic tank was found to have 4.0’+ of ground cover. The drain field was found to have 3.0’+ of ground cover. Effluent levels in the tank are well above the normal operating range. It appears the lift station is not operational PES recommends having the tank pumped and the lift station serviced and replaced if necessary. There is a large depression over the STEP tank. This should be filled to prevent ponding above the tank. 450 gallons of clean water was added directly to the drain field monitor tube at a sustained rate of 4.7 gallons per minute. The monitor tube was dry prior to the start of the test. Water levels in the drain field returned to dry shortly after the completion of the test. Based on historical documentation all separation distances meet MOA requirements. Conclusion: Based on observations and measurements the drain field is operating as designed and may be used as a 2-3 bedroom system until more bedrooms are added to the system. The STEP Tank should be inspected before normal operation of the system resumes. If the tank is found to be in working order fill should be added on top of the tank to prevent ponding of water. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (907) 745 -8200. Sincerely, Steven R. Pannone, P.E. F. ASCE Owner/Civil Engineer SPECIAL NOTE: In conducting an adequacy test, I attempt to provide a thorough, conscientious engineering analysis of the system in accordance with MOA guidelines and regulations. The reported results describe the performance of the system under the conditions encountered at the time of the test, and separation distances measured to readily identifiable features. The operational life of all wells and septic systems depend on the local soil condition, ground water levels that may fluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by the system. These conditions are outside the control of the evaluator of this system. All systems eventually fail, and satisfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantee that there are no hidden defe cts or encroachments. Therefore, we cannot provide any warranty for future performance, nor can we estimate the remaining life of the system. The content of this report is for the sole benefit of the owner listed above. Inspector’s Qualifications Mr. Pannone is a registered Civil & Environmental Engineer specializing in the planning, design and construction of sanitation facilities. He is a lifelong Alaskan with more than 2 4 years of engineering and construction experience. Mr. Pannones background includes experience in survey, design, construction, testing, and monitoring of engineered projects. He has worked all over the state of Alaska, including extensive time in the arctic and remote regions. He takes a practical approach to design, taking into account how and who is going to be doing the construction. He has hands on experience in the construction of water and wastewater systems, buildings and large earth works projects. Mr. Pannone is a certified ADEC water/wastewater designer and sanitary surveyor. Mr. Pannone is the founder of Pannone Engineering Services, LLC., this privately-owned company was founded in February of 1991. The company specializes in the design, testing and installation of on-site water and wastewater systems. Pannone Engineering Services, LLC have performed engineering designs, analysis and evaluations of water and wastewater systems throughout Alaska. The types of systems have ranged from small single -family wells and septic systems to large commercial systems serving greater than 250 people daily. Municipality of Anchorage Page DEPARTMENT OF HE!ALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343.-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report N~me: Wastewater System: ~ New ~pgrade ~dress: ~OI ~[S~ ABSORPTION FIELD Phone: ~No. of BeSoms: ~eep Trench ~ Shallow Trench [3 Bed ~ Mound ~ Other Soil Rating: Total eepth from original grede: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~o~s~. ~ I Bloc~: Subdivision: Depth to pipe 5ottom from or[ginsl grade: Gravel deplh beneath pipe Fill added above original 9rads: Gravel length: Township: I Range; ~ Tsecuon: -" ~ ~ Ft. WELL: ~ New ~ Upgrade Gravel~ ~ I Ft. [ ¢ Ft. --;lassification (Private, A,B,C): Tota~ Depth: Cased To: Total a~sorption area: Pipe material: Yield: Ft. , ~t. TANK - ' GPM Pump Set at: C~sing Height Above Ground: SEPARATION DISTANCES ~ s..tic ~ Ho,di.. ~,T.E.P, Number of Compartments: Surf.o. ..... -~ LIFT STATION Water Lot Size in gallons: [ Manufacturer: ¢0 'Pump on" level at: "Pump el at: C~t~in ~ ~ ._ Pump Make & Model ~ Electrical In pecti ns performed by: - BENCH MARK Remarks: Inspections performed by: ~=S. Dates:lst ~ ~'~':"/' ~, ,: Department of Henlth and Human Services approval -% Reviewed and approved by: 4°Hcq- %~"¢t* Date: ~6J/¢fJ ~ L 72-013 (1/91) MOA25 SCALE: i' -- SO FT. 203 ~/ ~STH. AVENUE ] ! ~rc ~ rl£N RSW I ~ ])ATE ,4UG. 13, 1993 ANCH, AK, 99501 ! I ~,/~0) ~RLSEN ROAD ! I SHEET, 2/3 GRI]), 24361 £tondord Trenchem 1250 6AL STEP TANK 2' ~/ide 5~' Lon9 10' Deep 7' Sewer rock under pipe 3' Cover MimoPi 140 89.5 7 Pt o£ £ep-~ic UNDER PIPE' Cleonou~5 I JO0± NO SCALE 82 I I .I 85,4 I250 OAL STEP TANK Ave ' ! ] ~ mu r~r^~SEN I I ]]ATE AUG. 13~ 1993 PAGE 1 OF 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 ON-SITE WELL AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM (UPGRADE) PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER:SW930237 DESIGN ENGINEER:TOBBEN SPURKLAND, P.E. OWNER NAME:EVENSEN JANICE V OWNER ADDRESS:9401 CARLSON 8 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 PARCEL ID:01505222 DATE ISSUED: 7/20/93 EXPIRATION DATE: 7/20/94 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T12N R3W SEC ].5 LT 51 LOT SIZE: 32238 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 THIS PLRMIT. 3 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONTRUCTION OF: DISPOSAL FIELD / WELL SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 1. THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (iSAACS0). 3. THE ENGINEER MUST NOTIFY DHHS AT LEAST 2 HOURS PRIOR TO EACH INSPECTION. PROVIDE NOTIFICATION BY CALLING 343-4329 OR 343-4681 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS 4. FROM OCTOBER 15 TO APRIL 15 A SUBSURFACE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNDER CONSTRUCTION DURING FREEZING WEATHER MUST BE EITHER: A. OPENED AND CLOSED ON THE SAME DAY B. COVERED, SEALED AND HEATED TO PREVENT FREEZING 5. THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS RECEIVED BY: iSSUED DATE: DATE: S F~LJ~t~CL-~B~> F~ - ~ 205 W 15th. Avenue, Suite 206 ANCtt0RAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 279-5916 SEPTI~ SYSI-EI~ DESIGN ~AN EVENSEN No Ground Water' or Impervious Layer 'to 1.~ ft. Use Standard Trench Soil Rating. From test Oct. 23, 1992 30 mill/in = ~6 gal/sin ~ Requir-~_~d Area per [~edroom: 150/.6 = 250 sq. ft... Testhole Total Less 6 feet. Less 5 Cover Rock Depth Depth 16 ft 10 -f t 5 ft 5 ft Number- of Bedrooms .'~ / Length of 'i're~ch 250 x 3 / 10 -= 75 STANDARD TRENCH TO'rAL LENGTH 75 F-r. TOTAL [~!DTH 3 FT. TOTAL DEPTH i0 FT. ROI]K DEPTH 5 FT. COVER 5 FT. SEPTIC TANK 1OOO BAL. ABANDON EXISTING S¥STEI~ PUHP AND ~BUGH EXISTIbIG TANK PU~P~ CRUSH~ AND BACKFILL E×ISTING PIT The installation o-F this septic system will not prevent wells from b~. installed on the adjacent l~ts. There are no devfsloped or ~]aturat SLit"face / SU[1 sLir'face drainage £:our-ses on this or the adja~zent lots. The proposed septic system will not chanqP~ the general si ope of the area. Pooding and/or concentration o~ surface runo~4: will not result ~rc~m this instal!atior. ] Municipality ol Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERPORMEO EO~:_ ym (ENGINEER'S SEAL) DATE PERFORMED:.__ ~**,~ · TOWRShipl Range, Section: T I~).~%~ I ~' SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19- 20- WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTFI? Oepth Io Water A[ler ~oniloring? -[~ ~-~ Reading Date Time Net /Depth to Net Time ~ Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE }ESTRUNBETWEEN .~ ~ FTAND -~ tmlnutes/mch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER _F] COMMENTS ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDEUNES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE: 72-008 IRev 4/851 Municipality o! Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST (ENGINEER'S SEAL) PERFORMED EOR:__ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 4 5- 6 .~.~. ~¢.¢.~ 7 8 13 14 15 16- 17~ 18 19 2O WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Township, Range, Section: "~.,,~ / ~'~ ~ ~.~--1 ~ SLOPE S IF YES, AT WHAT ~} DEPTH? P E Oeplh ti) Water Alter Menitering? __ Dale: SITE PI AN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE -- (mmules/mch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ____ F ND 'J i m FT __ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN GAS 1000 GAL SEPTIC TANK ~ote 75 FT. LONG TRENCH 0 ?5 50 7,5 100 185 15"0 SCALE~ I' --. 50 FL e03 ~/ 15TH, AVENUE I I SEC 15 [IBN R3W ! I DATE JUL Y 18, 19. ANCH, Al<, 99501 I I 9401 CARLSEN ICDAD ~ ~ SHEET,.~/3 GRID, £436 £tondord Tren es, 0 gol £ep~ic ~ank 3' !Vide 7,5' L o~9 10' ~eep 5' Sewer rock under plpe 5' Cover Cleonouts 4' Topsoil 5' Cover Monitor £xisf:, Oround 4' Min Cover Tonk Mima£1 140 5 Pt o£ Septic Rock UNDER PIPE NO SCALE 1000 9ol. ~eptlc ~onk LZ}T 51 £ECHfl/V 51 Ti£N JAN EVENSEN 9401 CARLSON ROAD [ SEPTIC SYS'fEH DESIGN ])^~£' JUL Y '18 1993 SHEET, 3/3 6Ri~, 2436 ,' / (~/,'~ - (~.~' ?_ 2- '2~INVOICE No 2300 M.-W DRILLIING IN(:. UNIT ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99511 QTY. MATERIALS PRICE AMOUNT OWNERS DESCRIPTION OF WORt< Ali charges shall be paid in full within ten days unless other arrangements are made pr/or to dh?/lng. The customer sha// pay ~erest at the rate o[ ~ ~ % per month on any amount not paid within ten days, Failure to p~y m~y result in ~ lien against the propert!/, WORKMAN {~ATE IN OUT I '730 OTHER CHARGES HOURS J ~ATE MATERIALSIF~OM ABOVEI PAY THIS AMOUNT /'~ oo,.g. OoO N, u') ¢ 1.4 o l 00¢ S 874 500T 05 ~g~