HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 15 LT 72Property Owner Mailing Address APPLIC FILLS OUT UPPER HAL ONLY Buyer Lending Inslitution Realty Co. & Agent Address ~.~ ~,,~ \ ,~[,~ Zip Code Legal Description Type of Residence L} Single Family ~ Multiple Family No. of Bedrooms ~'~'- CT Other Water Supply  .~ Individual ATTACH WELL. LOG. A wog log Is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. Community For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available). [~ Public Utility Sewer Disposal .~.' Individual Yea~ Individual Installed; [ ] Public Utility When Connected to Public Utility: _ E~ Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. Time Time Date Date Date Inspector Inspector Inspector Date Inspector Field Notes: i ) APPROVED BEDROOMS ( ~ DISAPPROVED ( ) CONDITIONAL APPROVAL' OAT E/~)/'-'~Z~/'~ 'CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Soils Rating Date Sewer Installed Well TO Absorption Area Well to Tank Well Log Received Seplic Tank Size 72023 (3182) PAR'N'4 E HUNICIPALITY OF ^NC ORAGF 0F HEAl.ltl AND ENVIROqM[-iH~ 264~,4720 JJ L: rl'i ]TIC! Ii 2: 1.1 me nRI)q-ECIlOH c) 9 5 0 ]. Da~c Ro~:ei.ved: ii3: '1'~ me Dat , l) ai_c l)a Illsp Lin F,} ............. J. 1] s [- RI'X'_gU]NST PeR APPROVAL OF ]N.JI'VIDUAL Sl<i~iEIt AND WATE]~ F AC. LI t J l.h- 1. 'I,cDCIJllg ]nf~titutionh.iuc.-'¢ ~ '~'c.' · Security ................................................................... National Bank % Fran Agut _ Hailing Addz ..... Pouch 7-777 99510 2. Proper~y Owner: Clay M./Betty L Serby 276-6800 276-4312/her Mailinq Address: 9631 Abbott Loop Road[ 99502 3. ],e¢la]_ DCF;Cr.Lpl..IO]I: T12N T3W Section 15 Lot 72 SJ_ngle lani] y Reside;nee: ( ) Number o~ MulL~p]o Famil ?.~miclo-nce: (x] Number 5. Well, Systc:mr [ndJv:ifluat well (x) Comnluniny/Pubtic Sys~em ) 1"" ] o Permit l)cpth of ;o].L 1.,200' Welt Log on . 1 .... ~ Cc ~ls LFLIC L,lOn Bac kef J.a]. Al'la ]. y s J.s Sewage Dis))osal Syslzem: On-sLue Sysuem (x) See white sheet for details Perm~L Insl:al ](d Publlc Ul'i.].i. ty [nst'a ].J.er Sci>Lie l'ank S.lze Absorption Acea SoiJs %ate Material We1.] :o Septic Tank t.o Absorption Area Page Health and Environmental Protection of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Two Department of Request for Approval Legal Description: T12N R3W Section 15 Lot_~2 Comments: Affadavit Attached: ( ) Letter Attached: ( Approv ed: Disapproved: Date: Date: Department Worksheet: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2510 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 276-2221 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER and WATER FACILITIES 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO VA 2. Property Owner: SEARBY, Clay M. & Betty L. Mail[ng Address:_9631 Abbott Loop Rd Anchorage, AK 99507 3. Name of Buyer: .FHA CONY XXXX 276-4312 wk Mrs. Searby 344-4513 wk Mr. Searby .DayPhone:~44-8369 hm Refinance Mailing Address: 4. Name of Lending Institution: Security National Bank Mailing Address: Pouch 7-777, 99510 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: None Mailing Address: 6. Legal Description: Lot 72, Sec.15, T12N, ___ Day Phone:_ Phone: 276-6800 .Phone: R3W, Seward Meridian Location: 9631 Abbott Loop Road, off Abbott Road 7. Type of Facility to be Inspected: Duplex + 2 log cabins No. Bdrms.7 total all 4 units Water Supply , , Type of Supply: Public Utility Individual ~XXX If Individual, number of dwellings prasently served 3 (4 units total) If Individual, depth of well. 1200 ' 9. Sewage Disposal System Type of System: Public Utility __Individual (on-site)_3 systems If Individual, date of installation 1969 for duplex; 1973 for 1 cabin~ replaced 1975 for other cabin Please All septic systems were pumped in 1976 return Security National Bank: Attn: Fran Agut MUNICIP,\LI]Y OF /!,hIC',, 72 003(3/76) EASEMENTS OF RECORD, OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON, AS. BIJII,Y NO CORNERS SET THIS DATE ~ lloP~by 8ertffy that ]~ hatq~ pe~'foi*ttl~d a Mortgagee~ J~- spec)lan of the to)lowing described property:_ (~:~V '7~ Anchorage Recording Precinct, Alaska, and that the Improve- ments situated thereon are wltbin the property lines and do not overlap ox, encroach on the property lying adjacent there- to, lhat no improvements on property lying adjacent thereto encroach on the premises in question and that thoro are no roadways, transmission lines or otlmr visible easements on said property except as indicated heroon~ Da)cd at Anchorage, Alaska this ~-%-~,L-day of b-2-c°x/~r~x~:.-(~v~- , 19.~7'7 FRED WAI,ATKA & ASSOCIATES Engineers and Surveyors December 14, 1977 Seonrity National Bm~k Pouah 7~-777 k~lchorage ~ Alaska 99510 Attention: Fran Agut Subjeet~ 9~12N R3W Seetion 15 Lot 72 Clay ~.i./Bo~;ty L. The ~nbject property consists of a d~plex and t~o(2) cabins which are s~rved by a a~ti-public well. Listed below ar~ applicable code descrepanoies noted dHring a recent inspection: (1) (2) (3) 44) Well a. Well is located ]~ a pit. b. Sew~.%r lln~:s infring~ within forty(40) feet prote~tive Duplex Se~er a. Septic tank located, within s~venlty(70) fe~t of semi.- p~lic well, which is %~ithin eighty(80) feet protective radius. b. Absorption area look%ted $~,v~ty-one(71) feet from w~12[., ~hi~h is within 120 feet protective radius. Cabin nearest duplex a. Septic tank located forty-six(46) feet from whi(:h is within ~ighty(80) feet prot:e(=tive radius. b. ~sorp~ion a~ea fifty~sfx(56) fe,~t fron~ w~ll, which is within 120' protectlv~ radius. Ca,bin near ~bott Loop Road a. ~eptic tank ~issing access standpipe and tank existsnce m~st be decumented. Absorption field mu~t be t~sted for adequacy once the s~ptic tank :Ls doc~ented and access pipe installed. f~e~uri%y National Bank L~c:~mbor 14, 1977 Pacje 'h.~o (l) Yle. ll must be upgraded by extending casin($ twelve(12) inches above (lround snd filling the pit with ilapervi(>us soil ~ (2) Dupl(~x and nearest cabin must relocate se~er system lines and componets, e.g., septic tank, drainfield, beyo~l protective rea(lies of the ~¢ell. One new sewer syste~n commonly used appears the ~ost reasonable and inexpensive approach. (3) Cabin near Abbott Loop Road needs tll~ septic tank docu/~lented by e~posing tha manhol.~ a~'~d then installing an access standpipe. The tank~ also,, must b8 pu~%ped for ¢;apacl-ky size and overdue maintenance. 9?he drainfield must b~ determined adequate once th(~ []~ptic tank is ctoc~entc~d by an adequacy test using a flow ~ate method. (4) Sewer upgradinf~ procedures Soil t~st in proposed absorption area 120 from the b,, Permit from thiz~ department, cost $20.00. c. Insp~otions as required on the Due to :~easonal freezing, e~xcavating ca~% be costly, thereforo, this depar~mlent could grant a te~aporary conditional approval if f'und,'$ are escrowed for upgrading. Tl~e spa(.*ifications for ~ecro%~ estimates cn~ be stated fr~ml this depar~ent once the soil test results are received. A list of soil testln(3 firms is available u~n request. ~.~he escrow would encompass the following items. (1) (2) The well upgrade The ~ewer upgrading on the cabin nearest Abbott Loop Road to consist of tank installation and the installation of the absorption area unless the tank c~a~ be ~-axposed at this t~e for doe%~aentation, pumping, installation ~$f the ~]~tan~pipe, and an adequacy te~t (:onducted, Security National Bank D~,cember 14 ~ 1977 Comp].eto tank an¢% sewer absorption area relocation beyo~%d th~ protective; radius of If thmm(~ ar~ any furthe}t q~{estions, ]?lessee contact this office at 264~4720o Sincerely, ]%obe. rt (;o Pratt~ Sanitarian Clay ~o/B~tty I,., S(~rby 963]. Abbott Loop Roa(t 99502 [31