HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 22 Lot 4 N2 PLat# 98-095 Unity Church of Anchorage MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: I COMMENTS DUE BY: 84-095 July 10, 1984 July 16, 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: A request for final approval of in the R-6 zone. PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE a conditional use to permit a church [/~]~/~ PUBLIC SEWER VAILABLE COMMENTS: CASE MUNICIPAL PLANNIFIG DEPART?.!EHT Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 264-4215 A request to rezone appro×imately to request to amend Title 21 to acres from A request for .e~t~/final use to permit a ~i~O>'~ in the ~3_~: zone. A request for an amendment to a conditional approval of a conditional use A site plan review for COMF~E~TS: Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing Date: DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) Urban Beautification C~mmission (Ordinance Amendments) ~4unicipal Attorney s Office '/~/~'~o-C]~/~]~he~ _ Community Council Feder~)flon oz Community Councils g~l/ng6 CASE: PETITIONER: REQUEST: TOTAL AREA: LOCATION: CURRENT ( ZONE: t~(6,t ~ ~i , Community Council) Federation of Community Councils) MAILOUTS COMMISSION ASS E,',B~. Mailed Favor Against Unclaimed Other gbl/ng7 A B 8 7 "' 2'5 26 4 6 27 R-6 30 2 31 2~ 2 I 51 TR 2 d', r~ L ; O'I~LL£Y SCHOOL FINAL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-660 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Received by I. The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipality of A~chorage for final approval of: check one I ) amendment to a conditional use Legal description of the area requested for the conditional use .. N. ~ CE LOt 4/w'~ thin the N.E. ~ o Section 22, T12N, R3W, S.M. Anchorage, Alas~,,. Area {square feet or acres) of the petitlon area 75,700 S.F. (approx.) Current zoning of the petition area R-6 Present ownership of the petition area "Unit?' of Anchorag. e"inc.- rtl Application Intormation: (use additional paper if necessary) 1 · Section or subsection of ordinance under which conditional use is authorized 21 . 40 o 0 $ 0 Paragraph (D) (3) 3. Provide the starting and completion dates for construction (for each phase, if applicable) Phase i: Sept.'84 to Jan.'85/Pha~e 2: Late 1985/Phase 3: Lale 1986 the development in the neighborhood and will not cause any of the graph (D) (3) and will meet all-standards of this section. that there are adequate existing sewage capacity, transportation facilities, energy supply and cnerg}. ~upply are available to [;h~ site. Adequate s~,wage disposal a public zoo nearby and ot~er churches have been develped in surrounding neighborhood. that the development will not have a substantia negative aesthetic effect on the locale of the project The main structure will be approximately 2~ stories above grade ~nd will be constructed of wo,od, glass and masonry to blend with the surroundings. See 21.40.080 Peraqraph (DI (31 "Conditional Uses" [nat the proposed use will not subiect surround ng properties and pedestrians to hazardous tratlicc0nditlons Traffic flow will be from O'Malley Rd. onto Totem Rd. then into the parking lot with egress on Totem Rd. An alternate traffic flow is describe on the site P. lan, Sheet V. At~east~c~pies~fadetai~edsitepIanmust~esubmitted~iththeapp~icatI~n~Thesitep~anmustsh~w: o vicinity map showing (he proposed development in relation to surrounding development, - ~0pograDhy showing contours at 10' intervals ([f appficaPle) - exact location of all buildings and structures (existing and proposed) loading areas (if applicable) - any pedestrian circulation - any fencing, ;andscaping, and buffering VL Petitioner's Agreement: lunderstandthatpaymentofthefee s specified s oderaythecostsolhand ngandinvesttgationol his app cat°nandthec°stofthenecassaryhearingsbythePlanningCornmission;andthatpaymentof I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I aisc affirm that I am the true and legal property owner or the authorized agent thereof for the property subject herein. j-- ? DATe ~HONENO. ?inal conditional Use Applicetion ,'unity of Anchorage, Inc." April 1984 Attatchm~!II) (~) (Explain the planning objectives to be achieved, including a des- cription of the character of the proposed development and and planation of the factors that determined the particular scheme pro- pose.) 1. The applicants desire,t° expand their church, which will re- quire relocation from their present downtown location· They feel the subject property location will better serve the congregation, as well as provide for future expansion. 2. The applicants intend on developing the project in phases: in sanctuary and related areas and an unfinished space for a future fellowship The existing residence' will also be remodeled internally to orovide accessorary uses including offices and ministry. ' . fellowship hall and possible E 2: completion Of the ~ {f n t orovided in phase pH~S~ - -= ~he choir lofu -- o B. Ca-~b~]~~-~terf~Os~en~: 1. The applicant intends to constUct a project harmonious with · ood. The exterior materials will include a the ne~ghborh ' 'n some masonry and glass to blend shake roof, wood aid1 g'Landscaping will consist of the pres- with the surroundings- existing buffer Of trees along O,Malley Road. Exterior courtyards, paved wal~A~ays and other planting areas will be provided. 2. The building will incorporate energy conservation techniques including a solar atrium for passive solar gain to off set heating costs. This space will also provide a pleasant circulation area for those using the facility. C. Determine F~a.c~ors for scheme pro osed: 1. site orientation with parking areas, courtyard, and glazing Final Conditional Use Application "Unity of Anchorage, Inc." April 1984 Page 2 ... continued for building facing South. 2. Topography and drainage. 3. Location of existing stands of trees. 4. Location of existing residence and its relationship to Phase 1 & 2. 5. Traffic flow. 6. On site sewer and water facilities. END OF ATTATCHMENT May 1984 Project: Proposed Church O'Malley Road Anchorage, Alaska Owner: Unity of Anchorage Inc. Anchorage, Alaska From: James Dalton Clark, A.I.Ao Architects and Planners CODE ANALYSIS I. Title 21 (Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of Anchorage) A. Zoning: R-6 Permitted Use: Section 21.40.080, paragraph (D) (3) allows the property to be used for a church as a "conditional use." The owner has submitted a "Final Conditional Use Application." Co Minimum Lot Requirements: The subject property is approx- imately 75,700 S.F. in size and'is suitable for the intended use. D. Minimum Yard Requirements° Yard Required Actual Front 50 ft. 160 ft. (Totem Rd.) Side 25 ft. 50 ft. (South) *Side 25 fto 25 ft. (O'Malley Rd.) Rear 50 ft. 55 ft. (East) *Note: Since the property is a corner lot, section 21.45.120 allows one frontage yard to .be one half the required width (25 ft.). E Maximum Lot Coverage: Allowed Actual 30% 12% Unity of Anchorage ~. Proposed Church, O'Malley Road Code Analysis May 1984 Page 2 ... continued F. Maximum Height of Structures: Unrestricted except for FAA regulations, (not applicable). G. Signs: Comply with "Supplementary District Regulations". Parking: One parking space is required for every four seats in the p,rincipal assembly room~ Se ~Note: ReGuired Parking (without fixed seating): 2,880 S.F. (principal assembly room-sanctuary) · 7 S.F./occupant = 411 occupants, plus 616 S.F. (balcony) + 7 S.F./occupant = 88 occupants. Total occupants = 499 · ~ uccupants/p~r~ing sp~ce = i25 parking spaces. Actual'ParkinG Provided = 133 spaces Other Spaces in the ~uilding are deemed accessory in nature and do not require additional parking spaces. IIT Uniform Building Code, 1982 Edition A. Occupancy: Group A-2.1 B. Type of Construction: Type V-1 hour Co Allowable Floor Area: floors = 21,000 S.F, less than 10,000 S.F., From Table 5-C, 10,500 S.F. x 2 Since the actual floor area is no area increases are necessary. D. Allowable Building Height: Two stories Note: The balcony area is defined as a mezzanine and is not a story, see sect. 1716. Exterior Walls & Openings~ Table 5-A requires the exterior walls to be 1 hour where more than 10 feet from a property line (or centerline of street), however; sect. 2203, Exception, allows unprotected construction fronting on streets or yards of at least 40 feet. Openings'may be unprotected when facing on yards of more than 10 feet. Fo Exit Facilities: Number of Exits: The main floor (sanctuary &mezzanine) may be served by two exits since the occupant load does not exceed 500. The same applies to the ground floor, where two exits are provided. 2. Panic Hardware: Ail main exit doors shall be equipped with panic hardware, and shall swing in the direction Unity of Anchorage 'nc. Proposed Church, 0 ..latley Road Code Analysis May 1984 Page 3 ... continued Exit width: Main exit doors from the main floor shall be 5'-0" wide openings° Main exit doors from the ground level shall be 3'-0" wide openings° 4. Corridors: All corridors shall be of 1 hour con- struction, and shall be not less than 44" in width. Stairways: Stairways are not required to be enclosed due to sect. 3309, Exception 1. And given that the mezzanine is not defined as an additional story. Ventilation: The building shall be equipped with a mechanical heating and ventilation system meeting the requirements of sect. 605. END OF CODE ANALYSIS May 1984 Project: Proposed Church O'Malley Road Anchorage, Alaska Owner: Unity of Anchorage Inco Anchorage, Alaska OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Ail Work shall be in compliance with the latest Edition of all applicable ordinances rules, reg- ulations and codes as follows: - State of Alaska; - Uniform Building Code, 1982 Edition; - National Electric Code~ - American National Standard Institute's (ANSI) "Specifica- tions for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to the Physically Handicapped°" SCOPE OF WORK: The Owner will be responsible for providing the following work items which are "not in the contract - N.I.C." - Asphalt Paving; - Landscaping; - Court yard including masonry wall and footing along with paving; - Fellowship Hall to be roughed-in only including slab, fram- ing, insulation and doors for weathered in shell. Tempor- ary heat and lights to be provided. Mechanical and elect- rical systems (except rough-in provisions for Kitchenette) along with all finishes are N.I.C.; - Optional screen walls in Sanctuary; - Decorative screen behind chancel~ - Choir railings and stepped platforms; - Future loft for balcony seating along with stairway exten- sions to serve same. Contractor to provide rough-in struc- tural items only to support future loft. ~ - Remodeling of existing residence. Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church outline Specifications May 1984 Page 2 ... continued 2.0 2.1 2°2 .2.3 2.4 2.5 SITE WORK: Will include excavation and backfill for building along with site grading and landscaping. Soils Investiqation & Survey: The Owner will furnish a site survey showing dimensions, easements, topography, etc., along with a soils investigation data for designing the foun- dation. Foundation: It is anticipated that the foundation will be a combination system of reinforced concrete slab on grade and reinforced concrete block foundation walls and continuous reinforced concrete footings. Fill materials shall be NFS material, well graded and compacted. Site Utilities: power will be'connected to the public utili- ty in strict accordance with the serving utilities specifica- tions. Water service will be provided by upgrading the exist- ing well including new' pump, new service line and other main- tenance as required.' Sewer service will be via gravity feed to a 5,000 gallon holdin~_~an3~_ Asphalt Pavinq: In accordance with Municipal Standards. (N.I.C.) Landscapinq: Will include some planting areas and transplant- ed trees around the exterior along with some interior plant- ing in the solar atrium. (N.I.Co) 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 CONCRETE Scope: Concrete work includes footings, floor slab, and sidewalks. Concrete to strength of 2,500 p.s.i. Reinforcinq: Intermediate grade billet ASTM A615, grade 90 or 60. Wire Mesh: Conforming to ASTM A185. foundation walls, reach maximum steel conforming to Exterior Slab: Provide air-entrained admixture as required. Main Floor: Shall be "Gyp-Crete" on plywood deck for sound and fire protection. 4.0 Masonry: Limited to the foundation walls and shall be stand- ard 8" x 8" x 16" reinforced concrete masonry units. Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church Outline Specifications May 1984 Page 3 ... continued 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 MISCELLANEOUS METALS Miscellaneous Structural Shapes and Steel Items: Provide all miscellaneous anchors, guards, plates, angle clips, in- serts, supports, bolts, and structural steel shapes required to complete the Work as indicated. Steel: ASTM A36, Minimum. Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A307, Grade A. Bolted Connections: Comply with AISC Specification, latest edition. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 CARPENTRY Lumber Gradinq: Ail lumber grading shall be in accordance with "Standard Grading Rules for West Coast Lumber", latest edition, as published by West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau. All lumber shall be grade trademarked. Plywood: U.S. Products Stndard PS 1-74 for wood. Each sheet will be grade-trademarked ed of face and back. softwood ply- indicating speci- Plywood and Sheathing: APA CDX grade. Plywood Floor Decking: Tongue and groove 2:4:1., as applicable. Wood Trusses: Roof trusses to be open web type wood and metal trusses equal to "Trus-Joist". 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 MOISTURE PROTECTION Insulation: - Exterior Walls: Fiberglass (R-19). - Edge of Concrete Slab: Rigid (R-7). - Roof: Fiberglass full pack system, see section. - Thermal Break at Slab: 1/2" expansion joint/thermal break. - Thermal Break at Walls and Roof: 1/2 .... Thermax" over Vap- or Barrier. Vapor Barrier: Polyethylene film, 6 mil. Flashing & Sheet Metal: As required. Caulking and Sealants: Equal to G.E. "Silicone". Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church Outline SPecifications May 1984 Page ~ ... 1984 7.5 Roofinq: Cedar shakes applied over roofing felt to plywood deck. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 DOORS, WINDOWS, AND HARDWARE Interior Passaqe Doors: Flush solid core wood with steel frames, assembly rated where required. Exterior Exit Doors: Insulated hollow metal type with arctic threshhold and thermal broken aluminum frames. vide aluminum glazed doors at main entry. Pro- Hardware: - Locks: schalge "D" Series - Closers: Von Duprin - Butts: Stanley - Misc.: Quality Glazinq: - Clearstory & Window behind Chancel Screen: Provide fixed insulating glass with decorative stained glass at inside. Stairway Roofs: Provide insulating tempered glass with wire mesh. Solar Atrium/Furnance and other Glazing: Provide insulat~ ing glass "store front" system eaual to "Fentron". Inter- ior wall of solar atrium to be single glazing. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 FINISHES Gypsum Drywall System: Wood studs and drywall system (with accessories). Metal studs optional. Texture: Light Stipple or "orange peel". Floors: - Carpet: Antron nylon with anti-static control, direct glue-down, in Sanctuary and related areas along with stairs, classrooms and corridors. - Vinyl Tile: Kentile "Solid Vinyl" series at restrooms and storage rooms. - Special Flooring: Quarry tile at Solar Atrium, and entry lobbies. Ceilinqs: "Armstrongs" 2 x 4 lay-in, rated, suspended system, with texture and profile as selected, at Basement level. Sanctuary area to be 1 x 8 random cedar paneling over G.W.B. Unity of Anchorage Proposed Church Outline Specifications May 1984 Page 5 ... continued 9°5 9.6 Paintinq: Surfaces include gypsum drywall, doors and frames, miscellaneous metal and wood. - Gypsum Drywall: Two coats semi-gloss latex enamel system over an approved sealer. - Primed Metal: Two coats exterior latex semi-gloss enamel. - Painted Wood: One prime coat and two finish coats semi- gloss exterior enamel. - Stained Wood: Two coats of oil penetrating stain. Special Wall Finishes: Provide carpet wainscot to 6' high on all walls of Sanctuary except glazed wall @ South. '10o0 10.1 10.2 SPECIALTIES Miscellaneous Specialties: Include fire extinguishers, sign graphics and restroom accessories. Visual & Audio Aids: Furnished and installed by Owner. tractor to provide rough-in services if required. Con- 11.0 EQUIPMENT: Rough-in services to all equipment to be pro- vided by Contractor as applicable~ All equipment not in contract is to be furnished and installed by Owner. 12.0 FURNISHINGS: Provided by Owner. 13.0 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: Provide automatic night insulation on glazing at solar atrium equal to "TTC Self-Inflating Curtain Wall" by Thermal Technology Corp. Snowmass, CO. 14.0 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 CONVEYING SYSTEMS: A space will be provided for a future el- evator at the option of the Owner. MECHANICAL The Work: Includes in general, all sewer and water utility heating and ventilation, plumbing and plumbing services, fixtures. Water Services: (See paragraph 2°3 above) ~ Heatinq System: Gas fired forced air heating and ventila- tion system~ Separate zones as required for environmental control° Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church Outline Specifications May 1984 Page 6 ... continued 15.4 Plumbinq: 15.5 15.6 Hot Water and Cold Water: Galvanized steel of Type "L" Copper. Sanitary Soil and Waste: Galvanized iron (underground inside building). Galvanized steel wrought iron of D.W.V. copper (above grade). Vent Piping: Galvanized Steel 2" and under. C.E. Soil pipe under 2". Above ground vents may be type D.W.V. Copper. Note: PVC piping may be substituted for the above speci- fications only where permitted by code. Roof Drains: None° Ventilation: - Sanctuary, Classroom & Related Areas: Provide mechanical ~entilation per section 605 of the Uniform Building Code. - Restrooms: Provide exhaust fans and duct work. - Kitchen: Exhaust fan and duct work, N.I.C. Note: It is anticipated that solar heated air from the South facing atrium will be force convected to the Northern side of the building. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 ELECTRICAL The Electrical Service: code requirements. Shall be sized per applicable Meter Service: Main entrance disconnect with single meter service. Liqhtinq: (size per National Electrical Code - lighting levels) - Basement Area: Recessed flourescent fixtures. - All Other Areas: Surface and pendant decorative lighting fixtures as selected. 16.4 Power Layout: Will be in accordance with tenant needs and will include the following: Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church Outline Specifications May 1984 Page 7 ... continued 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 1. Exterior Waterproof outlets located on the building circuit. 2. Pre-wired telephone and intercom system. 3. Standard power outlets. 4. Rough-in for Owner furnished audio and video systems. Ail Wirinq: Shall be in metalic conduit° Telephone: To be pre-wired per tenant needs. Fire Alarm: (None required). The Electrical Contractor: Shall provide rough-in services to Owner furnished equipment where required. Equipment installation and connections by others. END OF OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS 0r '\ FINAL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Munici pallty of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 OFFICE USE Case File No. Date Received Fee Received by Verification of Ownership P.C.P.H. Date Assembly P.H. Date Approved Denied I. The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipality of Anchorage for final approval of: check one (×~[ new conditional use ( ) amendment toa conditional use II. Description: (use additional paper if necessary) Legal description of the area requested for the conditional use N, .4 cE Lot the N.E. ~ of Section 22, T12N, Area (square feet or acres) of the petition area Current zoning of the petition area R-6 Present ownership of the petition area "Unity of Anchorage"'rne." III. Application Information: (use additional paper if necessary) 1. Section or subsection of ordina~ ce under which conditional use is authorized 21.40. 080 Paragraph (D) (3) 2. Explain the planning objectives to be achieved, i'ncluding a description of the character of the proposed development and an explanation of the factors that determined the particular scheme proposed See Attatched, 4, within R3W, S.M., Anchorage, Alaska. 75,700 S.F. (approx.) 3. Providethestartingandcompletiondatesforconstruction(foreachphase, ifapplicable) Phase 1: Sept.'84 to Jan.'85/Phase 2:,Late 1.985/Phase 3: Late 1986 ' 4. Provide a statement of intent as to final ownership To remain as "Unity Of Anchoraoe"In¢," IV. Conditional Use Findings: (use additional paper if necessary) A resolution granding final approval may be adopted only if it includes the following findings. Explain how your proposal satisfies these findings. thattheproposedconstructionanduseoftheconditionalusewillnotbedetrimentaltothe generalwelfareofthecommunity'~h~ conditional u~ i~ in k~ping with the development in the neighborhood and will not cause any of the detrimental ~Rctor~ d~ribed in 21.40.~R~ P~raDh that the conditional use meets the standards and requirements prescribed by the zoning regulations Thi~q u.q~ i.q ~p~iFi~lly ~llnw~ ~ ~1-4(]-(~80 P~ra- graph (D) (3) and will meet all Standards of this section. that there are adequate existing sewage capacity, transportation facilities, energy supply and water supply to serve the proposed conditional use mr-~n~p,-~?-~--~ r'm ~:~,'-~ '1 i ~i ,=~ and energy supply are available to the site. Adequate sewage disposal that the conditional use conforms to the intent of the zoning district thattheuseorusesproposedareappropriatetothecharacteroftheareainwhichtheproject a public zoo nearby and other churches have been develped in surrounding neighborhood. 20-017 (Rev. 1/80) front VI, that the developm., will not have a substantial negative aes ~tic effect on the locale of the ro'ect The main structure will be approximately 2½ stories above P ~ grade and will be cOnstructed of wood, glass and masonry to blend with the surroundin(~s. that the conditional use is in accordance with the comprehensive Plan See 21.40.080 Paragraph (D) (3) "Conditional Uses" that the proposed use will not subject surrounding Properties and pedestrians to hazardous traffic conditiOns Traffic flow wi.ll be from O'Malle¥ Rd. onto Totem Rd. then into the parking lot with egress on Totem Rd. An alternate traffic flow is deScribe on the site plan, Sheet A-1. At least.{~copies of a detailed site plan must be submitted with the application. The Site plan must show: - vicir~ity map showing the proposed development in relation to surrounding development, streets and utilities - topography showing contours at 10' intervals (if applicable) - exact location of all buildings and structures (existing and proposed) - existing and proposed vehicular access circulation and parking, storage, service, and loading areas (if appliCable) - any pedestrian circulation - any fencing, landscaping, and buffering Petitioner's Agreement: I understand that payment of the fee(s) specified is to defray the costs of handling and investigation of th is application and the cost of the necessary hearings by the Planning Commission; and that payment of the fee(s) does not entitle me to, nor does it assure approval of this application, and that no refund of the fee(s) will be made. I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also affirm that I am the true and legal property owner or the authorized agent thereof for the property subject herein. PRINT PETITIONER'S NAME SIGNATURE(S) OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE LANO IN PETITION AREA~ ADDRESS If applicant is not owner of the property: SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT** ADDRESS DATE PHONENO. DATE PHONENO, · "¥1f more than one owner or if more than one parcel is involved, attach all signatures on separate piece of paper identifyin'g which parcels are owned bY which persons, *'Written authorization of lhe property owner must be submitted with this application if the applicant is other than the owner. Final Conditional Use Application ~, "Unity of Anchorage, Inc." April 1984 Attatchment/Paraqraph (III) (2) (Explain the planning objectives to be achieved, including a des- cription of the character of the proposed development and and ex- planation of the factors that determined the particular scheme pro- pose.) A. Planninq Objectives: The applicants desire,to expand their church, which will re- quire relocation from their present downtown location. They feel the subject property location will better serve the congregation, as well as provide for future expansion. 2. The applicants intend on· developing the project in phases: PHASE 1: Construction of the main sanctuary and related areas along with a partially finished basement with service areas and an unfinished space for a future fellowship hall. The existing residence· will also be remodeled internally to provide accessorary uses including offices and ministry. PHASE 2: Completion of the fellowship hall and possible construction of the choir loft if not provided in phase 1. Completion of the exterior courtyard. PHASE 3: construction of the accessorary use wing to expand and replace those functions in the existing residence. Remove existing residence when phase 3 is complete. B. Character of Proposed Development: The applicant intends to constuct a project harmonious with the neighborhood. The exterior materials will include a shake roof, wood siding, some masonry and glass to blend with the surroundings. Landscaping will consist of the pres- ervation of existing trees where possible and to retain the existing buffer of trees along O'Malley Road. Exterior courtyards, paved walkways and other planting areas will be provided. The building will incorporate energy conservation techniques including a solar atrium for passive solar gain to off set heating costs. This space will also provide a pleasant circulation area for those using the facility. Determin~ Factors for Scheme Proposed: 1. Site orientation with parking areas, courtyard, and glazing ~FinaI Conditional Use Application ~"Unity of'Anchorage, Inc." April 1984 Page 2 ... continued 5o for building facing South. Topography and drainage. Location of existing stands of trees. Location of existing residence and its relationship to Phase t & 2. Traffic flow. On site sewer and water facilities. END OF ATTATCHMENT May 1984 Project: Owner: From: Proposed Church O'Malley Road Anchorage, Alaska Unity of Anchorage Inc. Anchorage, Alaska James Dalton Clark, A.I.A. Architects and Planners CODE ANALYSIS Title 21 (Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of Anchorage) Zoning: R-6 Permitted Use: Section 21.40.080, paragraph (D) (3) allows the property to be used for a church as a "conditional use." The owner has submitted a "Final Conditional Use Application." Minimum Lot Requirements: The subject property is approx- imately 75,700 S.F. in size and'is suitable for the intended use. D. Mmnimum Yard Requirements- E Yard Required Actual Front 50 ft. 160 ft. (Totem Rd.) Side 25 ft. 50 ft. (South) *Side 25 ft. 25 ft. (O'Malley Rd. Rear 50 ft. 55 ft. (East) *Note: Since the property is a corner lot, section 21.45.120 allows one frontage yard to .be one half the required width (25 ft.). Maximum Lot Coverage: Allowed Actual 30% 12% Unity of ~nchorage ~. Proposed Church, O'Malley Road Code Analysis May 1984 Page 2 ... continued F. Maximum Height of Structures: Unrestricted except for FAA regulations, (not applicable). G. Signs: Comply with "Supplementary District Regulations". H. Parking: One parking space is required for every four seats in the principal assembly room. II'.' 1. Required Parkinq (without fixed seating): 2,880 S.F. (principal assembly room-sanctuary) + 7 S.F./occupant = 411 occupants, plus 616 S.F. (balcony) + 7 S.F./oc~uPant = 88 occupant~. Total occupants = 4~ ~ ~ uccup~nts/p~r~ing space = i~5 parking spaces. 2. ActuaIParkinq Provided = 133 spaces 'Note: Other Spaces in the ~uilding are deemed accessory in nature and do not require additional parking spaces. Uniform Buildinq Code, 1982 Edition A. Occupancy: Group A-2.1 B. Type of Construction: Type V-1 hour Allowable Floor Area: floors = 21,000 S.F, less than 10,000 S.F., From Table 5-C, 10,500 S.F. x 2 since the actual floor area is no area increases are necessary. D. Allowable Building Height: Two stories Note: The balcony area is defined as a mezzanine and is not a story, see sect. 1716. Exterior Walls & Openings~ Table 5-A requires the exterior walls to be 1 hour where more than 10 feet from a property line (or centerline of street), however; sect. 2203, Exception, allows unprotected construction fronting on streets or yards of at least 40 feet. Openings'may be unprotected when ~acing on yards of more than 10 feet. Exit Facilities: Number of Exits: The main floor (sanctuary &mezzanine) may be served by two exits since the occupant load does not exceed 500. The same applies to the ground· floor, where two exits are provided. Panic Hardware: Ail main exit doors shall be equipped with panic hardware, and shall swing in the direction Unity of Anchorag~ 'nc. ' Proposed Church, O ~alley Road Code Analysis May 1984 Page 3 ... continued 3. Exit Width: Main exit doors from the main floor shall be 5'-0" wide openings. Main exit doors from the ground level shall be 3'-0" wide openings. 4. Corridors: All corridors shall be of 1 hour con- struction, and shall be not less than 44" in width. Stairways: Stairways are not required to be enclosed due to sect. 3309, Exception 1. And given that the mezzanine is not defined as an additional story. Ventilation: The building shall be equipped with a mechanical heating and ventilation system meeting the. requirements of sect. 605. END OF CODE ANALYSIS May 1984 Project: Proposed Church O'Malley Road Anchorage, Alaska Owner: Unity of Anchorage Inc. Anchorage, Alaska OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Ail Work shall be in compliance with the latest Edition of all applicable ordinances rules, reg- ulations and codes as follows: - State of Alaska; - Uniform Building Code, 1982 Edition; - National Electric Code; - American National Standard Institute's (ANSI "Specifica- tions for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible ~o the Physically Handicapped. SCOPE OF WORK: The Owner will be responsible for providing the following work items which are "not in the contract - N.I.C. ' Asphalt .Paving; Landscaping; Court yard including masonry wall and footing along with paving; Fellowship Hall to be roughed-in only including slab, fram- ing, insulation and doors for weathered in shell. Tempor- ary heat and lights to be provided. Mechanical and elect- rical systems (excepm rough-in provisions for Kitchenette) along with all finishes are N.I.C.; Optional screen walls in Sanctuary; Decorative screen behind chancel; Choir railings and s~epped platforms; Future loft for balcony seating along with stairway exten- sions to serve same. Contractor to provide rough-in struc- tural items only to supporn future loft.; Remodeling of existing residence. Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church outline Specifications May 1984 Page 2 .... continued 2.0 2.1 2.2 2~. 3 2.4 2.5 SITE WORK: Will include excavation and backfill for building along with site grading and landscaping. Soils Investiqation & Survey: The Owner will furnish a site survey showing dimensions, easements, topography, etc., along with a soils investigation data for designing the foun- dation. Foundation: It is anticipated that the foundation will be a combination system of reinforced concrete slab on grade and reinforced concrete block foundation walls and continuous reinforced concrete footings. Fill materials shall be NFS material, well graded and compacted. Site Utilities: Power will be connected to the public utili- ty in strict accordance with the serving utilities specifica- tions. Water service will be provided by upgrading the exist- lng well including new pump, new service line and other main- tenance as required. Sewer service will be vms gravity feed to a 5,000 gallon holding tank. Asphalt Pavinq: In accordance with Municipal Standards. (N.I.C.) Landscapinq: Will include some planting areas and transplant- ed trees around the exterior along with some interior plant- ing in the solar atrium. (N.I.C.) 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 CONCRETE Scope: Concrete work includes footings, foundation walls, floor slab, and sidewalks. Concrete to reach maximum strength of 2,500 p.s.i. Reinforcinq: Intermediate grade billet steel conforming to ASTM A615, grade 90 or 60. Wire Mesh: Conforming ~o ASTM A185. Exterior Slab: Provide air-entrained admixture as required. Main Floor: Shall be "Gyp-Crete" on plywood deck for sound and fire protection. 4.0 Masonrt: Limited to the foundation walls and shall be s~and- ard 8" x 8" x 16 reinforced concrete masonry units. Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church Outline Specifications May 1984 Page 3 ... continued 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 MISCELLANEOUS METALS Miscellaneous Structural Shapes and Steel Items: Provide all miscellaneous anchors, guards, plates, angle clips, in- serts, supports, bolts, and structural steel shapes required to complete the Work as indicated. Steel: ASTM A36, Minimum. Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A307, Grade A. Bolted Connections: Comply with AISC Specification, latest edition. 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 CARPENTRY Lumber Gradinq: Ail lumber grading shall be in accordance with "Standard Grading Rules for West Coast Lumber", latest edition, as published by West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau. All lumber shall be grade trademarked. Plywood: U.S. Products Stndard PS 1-74 for softwood ply- wood'. Each sheet will be grade-trademarked indicating speci- ed of face and back. Plywood and Sheathinq: APA CDX grade. Plywood Floor Deckinq: Tongue and groove 2:4:1., as applicable. Wood Trusses: Roof trusses to be open web type wood and metal trusses equal to "Trus-Joist' . 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 MOISTURE PROTECTION Insulation: Exterior Walls: Fiberglass (R-19). Edqe of Concrete Slab: Rigid (R-7). - Roof: Fiberglass full pack system, see section. - Thermal Break at Slab: 1/2" expansion joint/thermal break. - Thermal Break at Walls and Roof: 1/2 .... Thermax" over Vap- or Barrier. Vapor Barrier: Polyethylene film, 6 mil. Flashinq & Sheet Metal: As required. Caulkinq and Sealants: Equal to G.E. "Silicone Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church Outline Specifications May 1984 Page ~ ... 1984 7.5 Roofing: Cedar shakes applied over roofing felt to plywood deck. 8.0 DOORS, WINDOWS, AND ~RDWARE 8.1 8.2 Interior Passage Doors: Flush solid core wood with steel frames, assembly rated where required. Exterior Exit Doors: Insulated hollow metal type with arctic threshhold and thermal broken aluminum frames. vide aluminum glazed doors at main entry. 8.3 Hardware: - Locks: Schalge "D" Series - Closers: Von Duprin Butts: Stanley Misc.: Quality 8.4 Pro- Gtazinq: Clearstory & Window behind Chancel Screen: Provide fixed insulating glass with decorative stained glass at inside. Stairway Roofs: Provide insulating tempered glass with wire mesh. Solar Atrium/Furnance and other Glazing: Provide insulat- ing glass "store front" system eaual no "Fentron". Inter- lor wall of solar atrium to be single glazing. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 FINISHES GyDsum Drywall System: Wood studs and drywall system (with accessories). Metal studs optional. Texture: Light Stipple or 'orange peel" Floors: Carpen: Antron nylon with anti-static control, direct glue-down, in Sanctuary and related areas along with stairs, classrooms and corridors. - Vinyl Tile: Kentile "Solid Vinyl" series at restrooms and snorage rooms. Special FloorIng: Quarry tile at Solar Atrium, and ensry lobbies. Ceilinqs: "Armstrongs 2 x 4 lay-in, rated, suspended system, with texture and profile as selected, at Basement level. Sanctuary area To be 1 x 8 random cedar paneling over G.W.B. Unity of Anchorage Proposed Church Outline Specifications May 1984 Page 5 ... continued 9.5 9.6 Paintinq: Surfaces include gypsum drywall, doors and frames, miscellaneous metal and wood. - Gypsum Drywall: Two coats semi-gloss latex enamel system over an approved sealer. - Primed Metal: Two coats exterior latex semi-gloss enamel. - Painted Wood: One prime coat and two finish coats semi- gloss exterior enamel. - Stained Wood: Two coats of oil penetrating stain. Special Wall Finishes: Provide carpet wainscot to 6' high on all walls of Sanctuary except glazed wall @ South. 'tO~O lO.1 10.2 SPECIALTIES Miscellaneous Specialties: Include fire extinguishers, sign graphics and restroom accessories. Visual & Audio Aids: Furnished and installed by Owner. tractor to provide rough-in services if required. Con- 11.0 EQUIPMENT: Rough-in services to all equipment to be pro- vided by Contractor as applicable. All equipment not in contract is to be furnished and installed by Owner. 12.0 FURNISHINGS: Provided by Owner. 13.0 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION: Provide automatic night insulation on glazing at solar atrium equal to "TTC Self-Inflating Curtain Wall" by Thermal Technology Corp~ Snowmass, CO. 14.0 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 CONVEYING SYS~TEMS: A space will be provided for a future el- evator at the option of the Owner. MECHANICAL The Work: Includes in general, all sewer and Water utility services, heating and ventilation, plumbing and plumbing fixtures. Sewer and Water Services: (See paragraph 2.3 above). Heatinq System: Gas fired forced air heating and ventila- tion system. Separate zones as required for environmental control. Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church Outline Specifications May 1984 Page 6 ... continued 15.4 Plumbinq: Hot Water and Cold Water: Sanitary Soil and Waste: Galvanized steel of Type "L" Copper. Vent Piping: Galvanized iron (underground inside building). Galvanized steel wrought iron of D.W.V. copper (above grade). Galvanized Steel 2" and under. C.E. Soil pipe under 2". Above ground vents may be type D.W.V. Copper. Note: PVC piping may be substituted for the above speci- fications only where permitted by code. 15.5 Roof Drains: None. 15.6 Ventilation: Sanctuary, Classroom & Related Areas: Provide mechanical ventilation per section 605 of the Uniform Building Code. - Restrooms: Provide exhaust fans and duct work. - Kitchen: Exhaust fan and duct work, N.I.C. Note: It is anticipated that solar heated air from the South facing atrium will be force convected to the Northern side of the building. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 ELECTRICAL The Electrical Service: Shall be sized per applicable code requirements. Meter Service: Main entrance disconnect with single meter service. Liqhtinq: (size per National Electrical Code lighting levels) - Basement Area: Recessed flourescent fixtures. - Ail Other Areas: Surface and pendant decorative lighting fixtures as selected. 16.4 Power Layout: Will be in accordance with tenant needs and will include the following: Unity of Anchorage Inc. Proposed Church Outline Specifications May 1984 Page 7 ... continued 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 2. 3. 4. Ail Wirinq: Telephone: Exterior Waterproof outlets located on the building circuit. Pre-wired telephone and intercom system. Standard power outlets. Rough-in for Owner furnished audio and video systems. Shall be in metalic conduit. To be pre-wired per tenant needs~ Fire Alarm: (None required). The Electrical Contractor: Shall provide rough-in to Owner furnished equipment where required. installation and connections by others. services Equipment END OF OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS O: x, -2 ° F ' I I I JAMES DALTON CLARK ARCHITECTS & PLANi~JI.;RS ~'~I~NNV~Id t,~ gJ~3d,l,ItL)~lV 'v 'I '¥ -7' ~}I~tNNVqd ~ 'V 'I '¥ >Il:IV'ID NO~MIV(I ~tl4!Vf' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASENUMBER: 85-015-2 DATE RECEIVED: January 29, 1987 COMMENTS DUE BY: February 9, 1987 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: A site plan review for church. (Unity of Anchorage) (T12N R3W SEction 33 Lot 4) ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) RETURN CO~-~ENTS TO: CASE NO. MUNICIPAL pLANNING DEPARTMEHT Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska .99502 26&-/,215 A request to rezone approximately acres from to A requesu to amend Title A request for concepu/finai approval of a conditional use to permit a in the zcne. A request for an amendment to a conditional use site plan review for ~h~"C~ COMMENTS: la~~ng ....... ~on P ' ' Comments DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Proje¢~) Urban Beau:ifioa:ion Commission (Ordinance Amendments) Municipal ^t:orney's Office commu, i=y Co=n=i ,~ / F~dera~on o~ Community Councils gbl/ng6 R.*6 85-015 -2 CHURCH'Sn'E ~ R~tl~N Dr TRACT 7 6 "' 2'5 26 27 ,ETITION .~ 25 26 .~' ;MALLEY -~ROAD (r; ',-' .', ,~ (.;:.: . .:~. _.. q...,. 4 ".-:? ~ '[ --?~ ._... 28 ;50 2 '31 2 31 T~ SCHC 0 500 1000 I I I FEET CHURCH SITE PLAN REVIEW NUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Departnent of Co-~untty Pl~-ning Please fill in the information requested below. Print one lette~o~number per block. Do not ~tte tn the shaded blocks. ~ Case Number (if kno~) 2. Current Zoning Abbreviated legal description (T12N, RiW, Section 2, Lot 45, or Short Sub., Bk. 3, Lot 3) ~'I'U I I il I I I I l1 I:lJ{ I~l I I Il { I ! I i [1 4. Name of Church Address: {O~ } City: t~¢b~r~¢ i~ State: Phone No~ ~ ~ - ~ 5. Contact Person/Representative · Zip: ~qSl~ Site Acreage ?. Grid Number 9. No. Parcels 10. Principal Tax Ntmber 11. []~ I~1/~,1~1~!~1 ~/ '," .,..., . '~ /,/ / /, , f/~' ' t. 0 B. Full legal description for 1~1 advertise~en . Traffic Analysis Zone Decision Date YYNMDD Date: C. Please check or fill in the following (use additional paper if necessary): 1. Environmental Factors (if any) · a. Wetland None b. 1. Developable c. 2. Conservation $. Preservation d. 2. Starting and completion dates (including phases): Nov. 1986 Avalanche None Floodplain None Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) Begins Nov. 1985 and completed · installed/ approved Availability of water and sewer. Maximum occupancy of major Assembly area (based on fixed seating/non-fixed seating): 399 Proposed exterior audio devices (such as chimes, bells, loudspeakers, etc.)i None Proposed accessory uses (such as parochial school, parsonage, meeting rooms, Sunday School child care}? S~r~=1, =.hnnl ehilH .=.~ =nd m~n0 .nnm~ property. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the x Conditional Use Case Number 85-015 or 84-095 Subdivision Case Number Zoning Variance Case Number Site Plan Review Case Number n/n Enforcement Action for #85-6490 Building/Land Ose Permit for construction of church The following must be submitted with the application:on file in Zoning and Platting Division 1. Vicinity map depicting property in relationship to surroundings (including major streets, utilities, etc.). Z. At least 14 copies of site plans depicting (drawn to scale): a. Building footprints b. Parking space layout (Including loading, refuse area, snow storage) c. Vehicular and pedestrian access and circulation . d. Preliminary grading and surface drainage At least 14 copies of a detailed landscape plan (including number, type, size and location of proposed new plantings/existing vegetation to remain). Detailed maintenance plan to ensure survivability Of plant material including method an~£requenc~' of irrigation. At least~c~ptes ef building plans: a. Floor plans b. Elevations (all itdes) c. Exterior materials 6. Optional (may be required depending upon site characteristics): a. Soils report The above submitted information is condensed from Chapter 21.15.030. The petitioner should refer to this Section as ~ell as 21.50.210 (Standards for Site Plan Review) and 21.45.235 (Standards for Churches). sml8/bg4 ANCHORAGE January 20, 1987 Donald $. Alspach, Manager Zoning and Plattlng Dlvlslon Dept. of Community Plannlng Municipal Ity of Anchorage PoO. Box 196650 Anchor age~ AK 99519-6650 re: Resol utlon {/ 134-84-A Dear Mr. AIspach, In response to your letter of December 22, 1987 and request for a new slte plan, please receive thls letter as application along with the enclosed new slte plan and fll lng fee of $400.00. Thank you for your assistance In thls matter. Bulldlng Commlttee Chalrman Unity of Anchorage 10821 Totem Road Anchorage, AK 99516 ti s/I ks 10821 Totem Road (Corner of O'Malley & Totem) Anchorage, Alaska 99516 nchora ¢ P.O. BOX 196650 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99519-665C (907) 264-4222 TONY KNOWLES. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLANNING December 22, 1986 Thomas L. Seaward Building Committee Chairman Unity Church of Anchorage 10821 Totem Road Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Subject: Expiration of Conditional Use Approval -- Resolution #134-84-A Dear Mr. Seaward: Condition 6 of Resolution 9134-84-A states: "Construction shall begin no later than November, £985 and shall be completed by November~ 1986r or this approval shall be considered null and void." (emphasis added). Your letter requesting a time extension was dated and received December 9, 1986. Had a letter been received by this office by Nbvember 30, 1986, use of the structure, pending a time extension by the Planning and Zoning Commission could have continued. Therefore your conditional use approval has exp~rg~, and enfor- cement action will mean no further use of the church could occur until such time as a new site plan application has been approved by the Department of Community Planning in accordance with 21.45.235 (copy attached). However, since all remaining improve- ments are external to the structure, we will not proceed w~h enforcement of Condition 6 for 30 days from the date of this letter. During this grace period we will expect you to submit a new site plan to reinstate your church's approval. There are no cutoff dates for site plan review. The adminis=ra- tion review takes approximately 40 days following submission of the site plan and application. There is a $400 filing fee. If y~n have any questions, / ii;rely ' & a~'~Al'~s ~ach , Manager Zoning and Platting Division please contact this office. mal4/cll cc: Michael Kerr, Zoning Enforcement TL. Seaward Co. REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT and FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS November 7, 1986 4201 Tudor Centre Drive Suile 218 Anchorage. Alasl~a 99fi08 Telephone*(907} fi0~.4~,50 Mr. John W. Searcy Sr. Operations Manager Dept. of Public Works Municipality of Anchorage 3500 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Re: Unity Church at Totem & O'Malley Dear Mr. Searcy: We thank you for your kind understanding of our situation with r~nrdm to finisl~ing the exterior lmprovemeuCo pud Che ext:ension Co Ju'~ 30, 1987. As yea requemted included hereia is a schedule by which · "~ ~'::~ :3 :;::::Fly with the MOA req~irenlents. Un ~,e~:,c*~i~y ilar. 5, 1986 an emergency meeting of the Board of '!:-~,; t.:<:~ ~.':~ h~ld r~d the :following Plan of Action was adopted: ~. ?:- scou v:~ ti,:~y con be contactdd we will meet with the neighbors ::, !?x ~o*'::h ~o discuss the final fence design, its color and schedule its construction. ~. A meeting with the neighbors was scheduled for next week and J.nv;itations are to be delivered by Nov. 10, 1986. ~. On Wednesday we met with Joe Stimson to discuss an extension to ::be Conditienal Use Requirements. We will have the request for :-n extensio:~, modification of the site plan and an acceptable !-Tud to M~:. Stimson no lfiter than November 20, 1986. ',., Completion of parking lot striping and the 24 foot strip of I:it,.uninous asphalt on Totem Road will be completed no later than June 30, 1987. Meanwhile, surface marking will be used as much as possible to maximize the utilization of the parking lot. 5. Completion of the revised landscaping plan will be completed no later that August 31, 1987. If you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you again for your understanding and guidance. 3in::~rely yours, Sea~'~rd~ Building Committe Chairman MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 134-84A A RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIOrNAL USE FOR UNITY OF ANCHORAGE INC., TO CONSTRUCT A CHURCH ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT T12N, R3W, SECTION 22, LOT 4, THE NORTH ~; GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF O'MALLEY ROAD.AND.TOT~M STREET, CONTAIN~NG APPROXIMATELY 1.74 ACRES. WHEREAS, a petition has been received from the Unity of Anchorage, Inc. for a final conditional use to permit the construction of a church on T12N, R3W, Section 22, Lot 4, the north 1~; generally located at the southeast corner of O'Malley Road and Totem Street, containing approximately 1.74 acres, and WHEREAS, notices were published, posted and mailed and a Public Hearing was held, and WHEREAS, the' proposal is for an approximate 21~ story high building, with a maximum occupancy of 400 occupants and required parking of 104 parking spaces, and WHEREAS, the church congregation membership is approximately 250 people, and WHEREAS, the petitioner met with the Totem Road Homeowners Association, the property owners to the south of th? petition site, the Community Council and the surrounding neighbors to discuss the Planning and Zoning Commission's instruction to the petitioner to scale down the size of the building bulk, occupancy of the church, and number of parking spaces proportionate to the size of the petition site and to provide 30' screening landscaping buffers along the east and south boundaries with a minimum 10' buffer landscaping along the west boundary and minimum 20' visual enhancement landscaping along the north boundary (Concept Approval 8/27/84), and WHEREAS, the petitioner and the neighborhood arrived at an agreement concerning landscaping, fencing, snow removal, participation in the Totem Road Homeowners Association, paving of a 24 strip paving of Totem Road along the length of the church's property line with snow removal of this same strip at no cost to other Totem Road residents, and WHEREAS, the petition meets the conditional use standards for churches, and Planning and Zoning CommisSion Resolution No. 134-84A Page 2 WHEREAS, eliminating access off of O'Malle% Road and restricting access to Totem Road has not created any hazardous traffic considerations, and WHEREAS, the Commission finds will not have a negative effect on the borhood, and the proposed church surrounding neigh- WHEREAS, the petition conforms to the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Municipal Planning and Zoning Commission that final approval be granted the church use on the above noted property subject to the following conditions: Prior to the issuance of any building permits a "Notice of Zoning Action" be filed with the District Recorder's Office. This approval is subject to compliance with all applicable conditional use standards, the submitted application and narrative. Ail construction and improvements related to this approval shall be substantially in compliance with the following plans except as modified by these conditions of approval. Topographic Survey Plan, scale prepared by James Dalton Clark, Planners, 1" = 30', page C1, Architects and be Landscape Plan, scale 1" = 30' received 12/27/84, page L1 prepared by James Dalton Clark, Architects and Planners. Site Plan, scale 1" = 30'~ received 1~/27/84, page A-1 prepared by James Dalton Clark, Architects and Planners. Floor Plans (Balcony, Main Lobby and Lower Level), scale 1/8" = 1', page A-2 and A--3 prepared by James Dalton Clark, Architects and Planners. Elevation Plans scale 1/8" m 1' received 12/27/84, page A-5, prepared by James Dalton.Clark, Architects and Planners° Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 134-84A Page 3 Building Sections, scale 1/8" = 1', received* 12/27/84, page A-6, prepared by James Dalton Clark, Architects and Planners. Site Plan, scale 1" = 30', dated 12/20/84, page M-i, prepared by James Dalton Clark, Architects and Planners. Ail landscaping and fencing shall be installed by August 1, 1986, and maintained for the life of this conditional use by the petitioner. Fence color shall be mutually agreed upon between the church and the property owners to the south of the petition site. The location, number of parking spaces, and handicapped parking spaces and circulation layout shall be submitted to Traffic Engineering for review and approval prior to the issuance of any building permits. The parking area shall be paved and striped by October 1, 1986. Construction shall begin no later than November, 1985 and shall be completed by November, 1986, or this approval shall be considered null and void. Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the peti- tioner shall demonstrate financial capability for the construction of the proposed church, parking area (paving and striping), app=oved landscaping and removal of the existing dwelling to the Community Planning Department. This guarantee for the construction of the church may be in the form of a suitable bond posted with the Public Works Department, mandatory escrow payments, letters of credit, etc. The guarantee for the paving, striping, and landscaping shall be in the form of either a bond posted with the Public Works Department, or a mandatory escrow payment of deed of trust. The amount of these guarantees shall be 110% of the engineer's estimate. The Department of Health and Human Services and the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation shall review and approve prior to the issuance of any building permits, the soil tests for the site, and community well data and the new location of leach field trench areas, septic tank and well. A permit to appropriate water from the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources shall be' submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services and State Department of Environmental Conservation. Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 134-84A Page 4 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a detailed site drainage plan including proposed outfall for surface drainage and roof drainage, must be approved by the Public Works Engineering. 10. Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy the existing single-family residence and vehicles shall be removed. Commercial vehicles shall be removed within 90 days of this final approval· 11. A 24' wide strip of Totem Road along the length of the Unity Church property line shall be surfaced with bitu- minus asphalt. Paving shall be completed by November 1, 1986. 12o Resolve with Public Work~ prior to'he issuance of any building permit, the possible need for additional road dedication on O'Malley Road and Totem Road. 13. Resolve with Community Planning Department staff the possible need for additional buffer landscaping along the east 10', exclusive of the utility easement prior to the issuance of any building permite · PASSED AND APPROVED by the Municipal Planning and Zoning Co~miss/k6~is 21st day of February, 1985. Alicfa Iden -Secretary Chairman (85-015) ma6/crl (015-142-05) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 134-84 A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONCEPT APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE TO CONSTRUCT A CHURCH ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT TOWNSHIP 12 NORTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SECTION 22, LOT 4, THE N1/2; GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF O'MALLEY ROAD AND TOTEM STREET CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1.74 ACRES. WHEREAS, a ~etition has been received from the Unity of Anchorage, Inc. for a final conditional use to per- mit the construction of a church on T12N, R3W, Section 22, Lot '4, the NI~; generally located at the southeast corner of O'Malley Road and Totem Street containing approximately 1.74 acres, and WHEREAS, notices were published, posted and mailed and a Public Hearing was held, and WHEREAS, the proposal is for an approximate 21~ story htRh building, with a maximum occupancy of 499 occu- pants an~ required-parking of 133 spaces, and WHEREAS, the church congregation membership at the p~esent time is approximately 250 people, and WHEREAS, the subject site is zoned R-6 and has a rural atmosphere and character. The proposed landscaping a~d buffering should preserve the rural R-6 area character, and WHEREAS, the cumulative effect of churches on the Hillside and related traffic.impacts, specifical%y to O'Malley Road, has been examined and no adverse impact was evident, and WHEREAS, public testimony objected to a church in a residentially zoned area based.upon the proposed numbe~ of parking spaces; the bulk and szze of the church appearxng to be overbuilt for the size of the parcel; lack of snow remo- val and storage plans; and little land for screening the residential areas on the south and east boundaries. The size of the church would be out of character with the neigh- borhood. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Municipal Planning and Zoning Commiss~on ~hat concept approval b? granted the church use on the above noted property suboect to the following conditions: The petitioner scale down the building bulk and occupancy of the church, and the number of parking spaces proportionate to the size of the petition site. Resolution No. 134-84 Page Two The petitioner provide 30-foot screening landscap- ing buffers along the east and south boundaries; minimum 10afoot buffer landscaping along the west boundary; and that there be a minimum of 20-foot visual enhancement landscaping along the north boundary. 3. Access is limited to Totem Street. This approval is only an approval of the general type of use and shall not be construed to be an approval of precise design, site plan, or intensity of use. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Municipal Planning and Zoning Commission this 27th day of August, 1984. ~ill L~ Secretary All, ia Iden Chairman (84-095) maS/mr5 (015-142-05) I GREA.ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOR~ ~!GH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOCA~'ON m ~'~ //%¢ * TOr,~ ,~ LEG^L DESCR,PT,ON /X~ SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL E*,q~,~[/4~ANUFACTURER- INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH. MATERIAL LIQUID DEPTH NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS LIQUID CAPACITY_ GALLONS. DISTANCE FROM WELL NUMBER OF LINES FOUNDATION DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES NEAREST LOT LINE_ TRENCH WIDTH TOTAL LENGTH OF LINES IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH OF FILTER DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE MATERIAL BENEATH TILE IN. ABOVE TILE IN. WELL: TYPE _ BUILDING FOUNDATION CESSPOOl APPROVED _ CONSTRUCTION NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC LOT LINE SEWER LINE TANK,__ OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED REMARKS DEPTH SEEPAGE SYSTEM _ DISTANCE FROM: DrSTANCES: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM INSTALLED BM: SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL' LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: / GREA,E:R ANCHORAGE AREA BOR~'JGH ~k..~.~//~ '~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY' pERMIT O. --~EWAG~,DISPOS~L SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK~ ~ ~/¢ E PIT , DRAIN FIELD J OTHER ~¢~¢~ SOIL TEST RESULTS NOTE~ THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL TEST FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING Of ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE~%/ ~¢';r/~ f~-~ TYPE ~INIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK 'FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE Pit DRAI~ FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PET WALL SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT TO NEAREST LOT LINE. WELL TO SEPTIC TANK DRAIN FIELD WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK DRAIN fIELD SEPTIC TANK, ., SEEPAGE PIT TO RIVE~, LAKE, STREAM. CAST IRON iNTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO C~{IB CRO$S{NG GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FeET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH D~AMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. I CERTIFY THAT [ AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO, 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DESC"IE~ED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITI'I SAl' CODE'sz d' /~ 7~ DATE ~ /~/ APPLICANT'S EIONATU RE EQ-016(3-75) ~OlhS hO(; - This form reports; So~ls-'io9 ~ - ' P&rcolatidn test Depth Feet 2- 3- 4- 7- 8- 9-- 10- 11 - 12- 13- 14~ Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Ti~ ~Time ~pt'_n to~_~ater Net Drop. '_ Thu. ;' __i_~ZtL~ ~77, o-'~ '-~-t~-0~' a r~-~F~:,r,~'f-~J~..~a~ _ Percolation rate ~ minute.._ .~ . . -Proposed installat~oh2 Seepabe Pit ~e~-'p J.~ ii of Inlet . Depth ~o bottom ot pit or zrencn Dept ......... . . ,