HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 22 PARCEL 11 il)~?Flt:;~:J'J"JJi:{J",!"J'.~ %4 l.ff!il:::tl...'J'H F:INb E;J'~'v']iJ:~:Cti,ff'li:.?',F{'FiL ,~",,:::.' ............ t: F:: ~. ,-"il... ~<:i.:'. ': J:::Ji",l(~:i'tl;]il:;~:J:::l(;~i[!:;., I:::it::;. . ,: l}:J r: Wv'EEL. EE:E't"Im. JE:EN 'ri.liE5% OU'rFF=)L.L F ._ E EEl?',{ FI ..,.h:: t .t_ ).,IELL. i'.,)[Z:, FIN'.¢ Eii'.,!...-tB ]; TIE '_:!;EiHFPZ~i!E L .L..F ,, ,l .... U ..........l,.Jl~[i.. L.. FEET I::'"F? Fi : ':' ' ' F:ff"lS; FIF;i:E Iff, ~. L,' <,t..,E. TCI 4z, , ~ F:'[ :L: :i: F:liq FFIN:[L. iFIF;: I.,i:i:'l'l.i 'f'HIL:; F;i:Eg!UZ£Fi:E:NEhl-f'5.~; FEE;i: ON....-Si;]:TE :E;ENEEF;:5 FIN[) NE:L!_.5; FIS; :E;IFTi' F:(3F;:il-{ [~:*',' THE f'Ii..I?q]X;;:]ZF::'RL. ZT? IZIF ;2:: ;L i.,IZI_.I.. Z?.,!:STf:iLL. "i"HE: 5;",.".i;;TEN ZN FqE:CEffg:DFII'qC:E k!];'l'H THE X:: :[ I.!N~NEf;:5;TF:INt;) "i'}if::l-t' TIlE OF,I--:5;(TE; E;E;!.,IEi:,i: 5'.,"5"FEt"i 14I::~'T' F?.IE~;;¢.,.I it; RE; i:;i:E;:~:;:l:ii;:'Ei',ICE 3;5 ~i:E;NEC:,ELiED TO ;(NC:U,.IDE; I'"tOF;:E "i'I-IF~I',I d. '5~'UE:L:' :E' . .................. Septe.mber 23, 1977 ~7fi705 ~ikky Sabo 8244 Rainy Place ~%chorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Permit ~xpiration Dear Ms. Sabo: A permit issued by this department for well and/or on-site sewer installation on T12N R3W Section 22 NW% Pareel 11 has expired since the issue date exceeas one (1) year. In the event you still plan to install the well and/or on-site sewer system~ a new permit is required. The original soil test may be used to obtain a current i If the well has been drilled, a well log should be sent to t~is departmont to docu~.ent the installation date. If you have any questions regarding the above matter, please do not hesitate to ~ontaet this office i~ediately at 264-4720. ~incerelym Robert C. Pratt, oanitar~mn C /ljb