HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 25 Z-1358 OFFICE OF THE CLERK June 15, 1976. Loren W. Croxton 2935 Sheldon Jackson Street Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Re: POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 274-2525 Appeal Case Z-1358, ordinance No. AO-132-76 Dear Mr. Croxton: This is to inform you that the Assembl~, of the Municipality of Anchorage, will hold a public hearing at its regular meeting of July 6, 1976, beginning at 7:30 p. m., on the above referenced ordinance. The meeting is held in the Assembly Hall, 3500 E. Tudor Road, if you wish to attend and testify. If you have any questions, please call my office. A copy of the ordinance is enclosed for your information. Very truly yours, Municipal Clerk cc: Planning File MUNI fPALITY OF ANC ,ORAGE ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM No. AIM 430-76 Fr OIT~: Subject: Mayor ORDINANCE AO 132-76 Meeting Date: June 15 , 1976 REZONING FROM R-8 (5 ACRE LOT) TO R-6 (1-1/4 ACRE LOT) RESIDENTIAL ZONE; 70 ACRES ON UPPER DEARMOUN ROAD, EAST OF EABBIT CREEK ROAD This rezoning is requested on appeal from the Planning Commission's denial vote. The land at question is on the Hillside. Initially the Planning Department recommended approval of the rezoning, after relying on data from the federal government about this ecological sensitive land. Shortly before public hearing the federal data was shown to be overly generalized and not truly descriptive unless particularized by soil and hydrological studies of the actual site. The generality of the federal data nullified the Planning Department's recommendation, and · the petitioner gave no information to specifically favor.the rezoning. The Administration, despite the original recommendation of approval~ supports the Planning Commission's denial vote. Recommended by: Respectfully submitted, 9~or ge~'Su~iivan Mayor William H. Beaty, Planning Director Perfor~_~d for _~_~_/'~L_-cG~--~--~x-.Zz~- Legal Desc ri pt--i-un :~ This form reports: So]l~ log GR[ATER AI]CIIORA(;L Al(LA UOROU[;II ,.,~,Department of ['nvironmenLal ,?~?i 3330 "C" Stru~'t Anchorage, Alaska 99503 S{)II,S 1,0(; - I'EROI,A'FION 'I'I';~T Date P e r f o n~l': d.....~_~Z-~?~/ Percolation tes~--- ~,~ ..... -- Depth Feet 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8- 9- lO 12 Reading water encountered? ,//~. Date //,,o-~o ,, _.--. //.,~,m~- ,* - ,, /~.'~8 .. pe~iatio~ rate -]:~- ~ -Proposed i ns tal 1 a~i on: l)epth of Inlet ......... ' COI4I.IENTS: ............... ~ ...... Gross Time ~ -~ni nute. If yes, at wi~at depth? Net Time ' Seepage Pit Drain Field Dept~ to bott~-m~-f-:pit or trenci, Net iJrop )>~-f~-~,~e-d' -D~y-.'-~_ _ __ _~~- .Certi'fi ed By: ,lAMES A. HAMILTON. INC. Perforated for Legal Description: This form reports: Soils' log_~_~/~ ~, ~ Percolation test GR[ATER A[~CIIORA(;L .,~-¥epartment of LnvironlJlenlal O'-?ity 3330 'C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 ,~()II,S I,OG-' p].;II(}I,ATION 'I'll-ST Cr~ X/~ Date Perforna'd.--.-'~--//-~/~- Depth Feet 1 - 2- 3 4 5- 6- 7 8 9 la- 11 12- 13 14 - [5- water encountered? Readi ng Date /~ ,,_Z ~_-- ../~_:~_ ~ ~ . ..... p-~-r~-olation rate ~' ,Proposed installation: l)epth of Inlet ........ . ,.~' COI.111ENTS: ................ If yes, at wi~at depth? ~ : Net Time Seepage Pit Depth to bottom'-f-pit or trenci, Drain Field l;et L)rop GR[ATER ANCItORA(;[ Al!LA UOR~)U(;II Department of [nvironmunLal,/~;ality 3330 "C" S~r~et Anchorage, Alaska 99503 .'4{)11,S 1,0(; -,.PEROI.ATION 'I'E,~T Perfon~d Legal Description: This form reports: ~s log_ Date Perc61 ation test Depth Feet 3 5- 6 7 8- 9- lO ll - 12- 13- 14 15 water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Date / ~.'~'~____i -" .... //_,' //.'/~ ..... ~_/: '~ _ Gross Ti~ Net Time · Depth to Water Pe rcol a ti on r-a te]-- ~ ~/_/~_mi nu te. -Proposed installation.: S6e~ge Pit Drain Field Deptil of Inlet Depth to boLtom of pit or trenci, __ COI.ff4Et~TS: - , Net Drop -p~-rTf-o-r~-e-d' ~-..-~~ .... Certi tied By :__ u~-fl~n ~,I?A~ JAMES A. HAMILTON, INC. Perforn~d for Lega 1 Ue~c ri pi-i-o-n~S~'--~-'~__~-~7 This form reports: Soils .log.- GR[ATER ANCH01<A(;L Al(LA U01U)LI(,II ~4upartment of L.vironme. La] 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 HOll,S J,O(; ' I'EROI,A'J'ION TEST Pe rd'el ation test Depth Feet ..Cono/y 6'rap'c/ ZY~'-/£5' water encountered? If yes. at what depth? /~.__o~ Reading Date __/,m ._-~' .~/.~m/~' __ __/~ .'.Y_..~ ............. _~,'~3 _~ " _ / ~.J~ .......... L_ Perco~ion rate -Proposed installation: I)eptl~ of ]nlot COHHENTS: .................. Gross Time Net T~me Depth to Water Net Orop ~- minute. Seepage Pit brain Field Dept]~ to botto~--o~-'pit or trenci, __ . .Certi ri ed Dy :. JAMES A. HAMILTON, INC. Ua te: _?,4g_F/_~~_ GREATER AI~CIIORA(;L ARLA UOR~iUGII Department of []]vironl,untal~-~ality 3330 "C" Street ) Anchorage, Alaska 99503 S()II,S I,Oi; - I,]~llOI,ATION 'rEST Perforn~d f o r_. _ ~ o_c~_ _ ~--~-~z~-2z~z7 Legal Uescription:Z~-/x.~ ~ ~.e'~-~/j°~ This form reports: Soil~ t~9 ~ Percolation test Date Depth Feet 2 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 Reading water encountered? If yes, at wi~at depth? __ Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop ~ ~er'~olation ~a-t-~---_-i._-~--~/ min~t.e. Drai. Field -Proposed installation: Seepage v~t ,, Depth of Inlet . uep~n to'-bott~m~-f-'l)it or trenci, COI.II-1EI1T S: .......... ' .... )~Ff-o-~,~e-d' -D~.---~---(~--certified By: ~ ~x GREATER AI~CIIUI(A(;L Al{LA UOROJI(~I " Department of [nvironmenLal r]ity 3330 "C" SLreet Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 ~OII,S 1,0(; - I'I~]{OI,ATION 'I']~$T Performed for_ .... Legal Description: This form reports: Soils log_ Date Po r fo n:le d..~ ~_~_~/?d Percolation test Depth Feet 2- 4- 5- 6- 7- II - 12 13 14 water encountered? If yes. at what depth? Reading D~te Gross Time Net Time - Depth to Water Drain Field Depth to bottom of pit or trenci, pe rcol ati o~ r-a~te ..~ / mi .u~ .t.e. -Proposed installation: Seepa9e rig Depth of Inlet ....... COI,IMEItTS: ................. Net Urop GREATER ANCIIORAGL AP, ZA UOROUGII /~partment of [nvironmenLal 3330 "C' Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b(J3 ,%()II,S 1,0(1 - I'EI/OI,ATION 'I'I~ST Pe rfo rn~d for__ _/ Legal Description: ~/ /~ Thi~ form reports: Soils log aate P e r f o r ,; ,c ':i 22'~_/_-~_~.~..~' Percolation test ~ ~> Depth Feet water encountered? If yes, at what depth? GrosS Time Reading Date Net Time · epth to Water .- ~ .... __t____ zx~-a-o~- ~o-n -r-ate ---.-~-" /~___jmi nute. -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Depth of Inlet ........ COI.IllEI'ITS: ............ brain Field ~ Depth to bottom of pit or trenci, Net Drop ___/~z_.~__ .... .... _/,_ ~__o ..... -- ZOo Pe rfo r~d for ~oran :~GR[ATER AI~CIIURAGF AV, LA UOROUGH~ \artment of Lnvironmenlal Qua:~ 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99603 S()II,S I,()G - I'I~R()I,ATION TEST legal Description:_z~/ 3 This form reports: Date P e r f o r,;,~.' d._.~._//_~/~ Percolation test ~/~ Soils log_ Dep th Feet water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading 1 Date __ p..~ ~ ~/_~¥ ...... o _~.' l / _-~ ............. ~ _~:~:_~_ ....... :- .... /~- ~,'~.~ .~ .. ~' ~,'3~ ............ ~ ~.~'~ ~ ................. Gross Time Drain Field I)epth to bottom of pit or trenci, [~et Urop GR[AT[R ANCJlDNA~;L AP, LA UORI)UGll '~--¥artment of Lnvironmenlal Qu!X=~;ty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 ,'q()II,S 1,0(; - I'EROI,A'I'ION TEST Perfon,~d for ~oren Crox/on. Legal Description:_~o/ ~/ / This form reportS: Soils log.__ ~// Percolation test ~// Depth Feet water encountered? If yes, at wi~at deptl~? Reading Date I~, ~ ...... ~,.- ..... /o_~'_ 3~/~ .............. ~o.'~ ...... Gross Time Net Time Depti~ to Waler · __j~.m_ . _ _ _..~_o, o_ _ ~_~_._,~- ..... ~olation rate ~._?_~-"----/7~6inu~-e-'-' brain Field -Proposed installation: Seepage Pit . . Depth to bottom of iht or trench Depth of Inlet ........... COI.II1ENTS: ............ Net Urop N 40 Z - 1358 1?' fl I I CO PETITION- AREA D 77 �.� 'OA o ®� 1 INN m 4 .5 zd'0,1I'�: II Z-1358 - A petition of Loren H. Croxton received February_.5, _1.976, N 112 of for rezoning approximately 70 acreslocated withAlaska; generally located the SE 1/4, section 25, T12% R3W, S.M., Alaska; 8 Road extended. east of Rabbit Creek Road and south of Upper Deprmoun i Existing Zoning: R-8 (Rural Residential) Requested Zoning: R-6 (Suburban Residential)