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HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 24 NW4NW4NE4NW4T12N R3W ec. 24 NW4 NW4 NE4 NW4 #015-472-32 UeCU19IU1U'45a ArVlOre,C9sVVWI&Nunipoar :)U1'G4�-Ul4'2 p.i lii .: y�j �ilw "'�^���%. u'•V �?E�� '.�'! t?*�'LnSeL!?9�;"`.�f•' :�e�+.��G!���i ���, '� �t 1-1700 _ F.0 1-3605.0 Ma(iS t3Bt�lri7 3.r chorage, AK X53 ' ` � A , t r .1?vyor x ����rsi t (907)= 79_4 Pump Installation Log Well Drilling Perritit Nurn ber: Stiff' Parcel Itfentiflica#ion Number: 015 -1 -17a? -32 - Legal i5-1-17a?-32 Legal Descriptiotn� T1Z1J P,,3W S(fc 2`-f N w g N (J y Al E Pump tnstailnti4n Dante,. PUMP Intake Depth Below Trap orMefl Casinti: `-�6) feet Date of Issue: Property 4,%vuer Name `@ Address: I'� 7 Pump llvZanafaaurer,s Name: 17 . f t L-;-- 41, . PnnipMudef: t Pumlp Size IL lip Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: b 5 flet Pitless Adapter _manufacturer's Name: ktr"z�'{ Pitless Adapter Installer: Well Disinfected U -poll Co€ ipletion,! &-Y/e87,1 No i4lethod ofDisinfeetion; Comments: Otft2 ; fit Pump Installer Name: � r �j Attention: The pump shall provide a puny instafiiatiort log to the DSII lvid.,in 30 dad's or punip utsta.:iation. i3uiidirra Safety Civision i Or,-..rsz We=er & V✓es,.,w&er F .,gn=n ^^ i 41'00 F'Dox Street = 0. 'Dox 19 19 6550 Mark Begich AK 99519-6650 Mayor niww JnUni,orgi On51 to (9n7i 343.7904 Pump Installation Log Well Drilling Permit Number: SW_ Date of Issue:ip 3 Parcel Identification Number: 0A's - td12- 5a Legal Description Property Owner Name & Address: R 3W ��� if -rl� A/z? ro�0 �1 ��� � e may T��• W NWN At<. Pump Installation Date: i^j _ l q _) 3 Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: feet Pump Manufacturer's Name: it &% Pump Model: S O 3 11 Pump Size i/2 hp Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: 40 feet Pitless Adapter Manufacturer's Name: lvl!4 Pitless Adapter Installer: n/% 14 Well Disinfected Upon Completion? Ayes ❑ No Method of Disinfection: Comments: d Anchorage Pump &'Nell Service Pump Installer Name: 330 East 76th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Phone: 907-243-0740 Fax: 907-243-0742 Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump installation log to the DSD within 30 days of punp installation. ' ,/-~-1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE /~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT [] NEW NAME DISTANCE TO: / 100 I I0 I ~b ~L~ Ljq. capaelty in gallons IF HOMEMADE: Inside length W dth k qu d depth Well Dwelling DISTANCE TO: Manufacturer Material Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: Trench widt No. of lines ~ ~..~h~ I® tlt Length of each!' e Top of tile to finish grade Length Width F°undati°~_~l~.) Total length of lines Material beneath tile Depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT NO, Distance between lines inches Total effectiv.e b o~p.~tion area inches ~tla~i ;~ PERMIT NO. Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO, DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOl L TEST RATING NSTALLER REMARKS DATE LEGAL F:'ER!d I T NO. LOCST ! ON RUSSELL RRi",EETT :1. E~!.6 I.,.! 6TH UPPER Oi'"fF::!LL..E~¢,.>HIDEi-:!I.,.!Fi"r~ TRRIL. NE4 OF NH4 'T:J. 2Ni~:i:i4 S. 2,::I- SI_.!FTE 'l.i:EiIF~ 99501 2'?;.E>-*:1.624 LOT SIZE 9999SqE; L=,6!LIF:IRE FEE'F T¥1:::'E OF: SOIL. FIE~SORF:'TiON SYSTEH IS: ']"F'.E]"4CF-! i"iR::':iNdLIh! I",iL!!'IE:ER OF BEDROOMS SE)IL RFITi.I",iG (S(;! F::"F',.'"BR)= 1.25 ]'HE REE:¢LIIRED SiZE OF ]"HE SOIL FJBSORP'T!OH SYSTEM " ' , ~ ~t~ ,, ~.,! F'~ET;:, 'IF THE TREt',ICH OR J,RR!NF:'IELD. THE L. ENGTi- [:,iHENS!E~N '!'5 THE LE',.i~.. THE DEPTH OF F! "FF:ENC:H OR PIT I iE; THE ....... f ............ FiF'TI.,.IFFH THE SIJRF:'FiCE OF' THE GROUN[:, FiND -I'HE BOTTOM OF ]"FiF EHCF!VRTR3i'.,i ,:1!!",! FEET). / ~.~ , ]'HERE "q .... b ~ .... · ...........~ ...... J.._ Ni SET H!DTH ~'-'~' --~:N'''.''~':: THE GF;'.i~VEL DEPTH LS THE'4 DEPTH OF GRRVEL E~ETI.qEEN THE OUTFFiLL. PiPE RND -!"HE E:O]'TOi'4 OF "i]dE EXE:FiVRT PER!',li T F:]PPL i CI:~,i?F' Hi::IS THE RESPOI',iS ! 81L. I T¥ TO i NFOR!"i "FFi I S DEF'RRT.r'tENT [:,ljl:~: i' NG THE !NSTI-iLL.P,T.T_Oh! INSPECTIONS OF F:INg' HELLS RDJF!CEI'.~,T TO THIS PF.:OF'ERT'¢ RI',!D THE: NUi'!E:ER OF RESI[:,ENE:ES THF:N' THE !4EL. L HILL. SER'v'E. E:F!C'F(F .I LL i Hti'i E)F !:IN¥ S'?'STE]"! H i THEIUT F Z NRL ZNSPECT Z (it!'.,! Ri'4[:, RF'F::'RE¢,/RI... E',Y TH 1,~ :5 DEPFtli:THENT HILL. 8E SUE',JECT TO PROSECUTIEff-,!. i',iINIHU!'fl C,!STRNCE E:ETHEEi',i R !,!EL.L FiND RN'¢ ON--SITE SEHF~GE DISPOSRL S'¢S'T'EM iS ~E%~ FEET FOR 8 F'RiV!~TE I,!ELL OR :i. 58 TO 2EiE~ FEET F'ROIfl f:f PUBLIC HELL DEI:::'EHDZNG UF'ON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC NELl .... h'iN"&fh!U!'4 DZSTF:IhE;E FROH Fi PRZVFFi'E HELL TO FI PRP,/F!'T'E SEHER LiNE ZS 25 FE:ET RI"4E:' TO FI COHHUNiT'¢ SEi,.iER LINE tS 75 FEE-f'. OTHER REQUIREMENTS I"IRY fiF'F'L'¢. :5PECiF'NZFT'!"IONS RN[:, CONS'T'I;;'.LICTZOI".I DIRGRRMS RRE RVRZi._.FtBLE TO ZNSLiRE PROPER N'~STRLLFFFZON. 2: ! HiL. L. !NSTFiLL THE S'¢STEM iN ~CCORDFIi",ICE ki!'i"H THE CODES. ]:: ! Ui"4DERS]"!~ND THF:IT THE ON--SITE S~ZHER S'./?NEhi MF::I¥ REQUIF;:E ENI_F1RGEHE!'4T IF THE RESIDENCE iS F:EHO[:,ELED TO iNCL. LI!.)E FiORE THFII'.,i 4 BEDROOMS. S I GNED: RF:'PLiE:FhN]" RLiSSELL RRi"4ETT C:FEF.-]T ! F"/ THFF? I F!H FFIh'!IL!FtF:: H)i'T.H THE REQUIREMENT'i!; FOR ON-SITE SEHIERS FIND HI:iL!_.S RS SET Alaska Tesl:lab 4040 "B" Street Anchorage~ Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 ( TelecopJer (907) 272-5742 ) June 30, 1982 W.O. #A20575 Grid: 2640 Mr. Rus Arnett 1016 West 6th Avenue Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subj: Subsurface Investigation and Percolation Test, 2.5 Acres on S.E. Corner Lot, Upper O'Malley and Hideaway Trail Road Dear Mr. Arnett: Transmitted herein are the results of our shallow subsurface investigation and percolation test performed June 24 and 25, 1982, on the above referenced property. The test hole locations were designated by the client on his property, (see approximate location on map, Figure 1). The test holes were drilled with a truck mounted Mobile B-50 drill fitted with solid stem auger, owned and operated by Denali Drilling, Inc. The drilling was supervised and the test holes logged by Paul McBeth, Alaska Testlab staff geologist. Grab samples were obtained in each test hole, visually classified, sealed in plastic bags to preserve their moisture content and transported to the laboratory. The first test hole was drilled to 20 feet and the augers re- trieved. After several minutes, the free water level was measured at 17.0 feet below surface level. A second test hole was located 8 feet west of the first and drilled to a depth of 13.0 feet. Its diameter was six inches. A one inch perforated PVC pipe was inserted to 13.0 feet to insure maintaining an open hole and the hole was filled with water for presoaking. On June 25, 24 hours after the presoaking, a percolation test was performed at a depth of 4 to 8.5 feet over a period of one hour, with water level measurements taken every 10 minutes. The rate of absorption over the last 10 minutes of the 60 minute test was 3.3 minutes per inch. The soil in the zone tested is relatively fine due to the tendency of this type of soil to become less permeable w~h ~ime, we recommend that the system be designed using, a maximum percolation rate of five minutes per inch. If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us. Mr. Rus Arnett June 30, 1982 Page Two Approved: Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Manager PM:kf Attachment(s) Sincerely, ALASKA TESTLAB I~l MeBeth Geologist UPPER O~MALLEY - ILl LU 5 Test Hole Table A WO #A20575 Date: 6/24/82 Logged by: PM Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 . 12.5 12.5 13.0 Soil Description Lawn and Organic Topsoil Brown Silty Peat., (Pt/OL), wet, soft Olive silty Very Fine Sand, (SM), dry, very loose grading into Oli~ Grey, Very Silty, Very Fine Sand, (SM), damp, loose to medium dense Grey Very Fine Sandy Silt, (ML), plastic, wet, medium stiff Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 13.0 Ft. Sample Number Depth Type of Temp. Sample Unified °F 1 5.0' G Pt/OL 47 2 10.0' G SM 51 3 13.0' G ML 54 Remarks: General'Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. TeSt Hole #2 Table A WO #A20575 Date: 6/24/82 Logged by: PM Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 12.5 12.5 16.5 16.5 20.0 Soil Description Lawn and Organic Topsoil Brown Silty Peat, (Pt/OL), wet, soft Olive Silty Very Fine Sand, (SM), dry, very loose grading into Olive Grey, very Silty, very Fine Sand, (SM), damp, loose to medium dense Grey very Fine Sandy Silt, (ML), plastic, wet, medium stiff Grey Silty, very Fine Sand, (SM), saturated, loose Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 20.0 Ft. None observed during exploration. 17o0 Ft. Sample Number Depth Type of Tgmp- Sample Unified °F 1 5.0' G Pt/OL 47 2 10.0' G SM. 51 3 15.0' G ML 54 4 20.0' G SM 56 Remarks: General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3.