HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 25 W2 SW4 SW4 NE4 #2P81-79 · ~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~, ~~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [] PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME ZP-81-79 A request to rezone approx. 5 acres from DATE RECEIVED September 2, 1981 R-8 %0 R-6. COMMENT TO PLANNING BY September 9, 1981 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF [~ P~BLIC WATER NO..~..~T AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA ~ PUBLIC SEWER NOT,..~AVAI LABLE TO PETITION AREA REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: 71-014 {Rev, 2/78} CASE NO. request to rezone MUNICIPALITY OF ANC~RL~g~'I CO:.,c ~, PS TO': D~PT. OF I~,~AL~H a ENVIRONM E NTAL P 20~!!?C I P .,", L PEANN I.NG ,r~ning and Platting Division $~ ~ kP~uch 6-650 .Anchorage, Alaska 99502 RECEIV p _ approximately ~ acres A request to amend Title 21 to A use to permit in the A request for request for concept/final approval of a conditional a zone. an amendment to a COeG~=iO,.=I use A site plan review for C O>I[.i Ei,~T S: DI,.¢F:'..~..~'---O¢' '~'-~ .... r .r,: STANDARD DIS'PRIBUTIOH ('": ,. )- =c; ]: ' Projects) Urban Beauti=ication:. Coa',[nissioP. (~_ ......... ~c. Amenc]ment~-~) HunJ. cioal Attorney's Office CASE: PETITIONER: REQUEST: TOTAL AREA: LOCATION:. CURRENT ZONE: ( MAILOUTS Mailed Favor Against Unclaimed CO~@4ISSION ASSEMBLY Other -BENJAMIN Rd TALISMAN Rd 130 th Ave I It I JEANNE Rd ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorege, Alaeka-995Q2 OFFICE USE -'z:T 8\-"'/o, Date Received Received by P.C.P.H. bate Assembly P.H. ~ The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipality of Anchorage for a zoning map amendment. Amendment initiated by: check one (X the owner or owners of a majority of the land in the petition area lot zoning map amendment Planning Commission Assembly debartment or agenoy of the MunicipaIRy - specify debartment Oesoripnon: (use reverse side or additional paper if necessary) Legal descripnon of the area requested to be rezoned proposed) .', IlL Justification for the rezonJn~i (use reverse side or additional paper if necessary) Explain public need and iuatlfl~ation for th;;'ezc~ning Creation of less expensive R~6 'Jots as compel'ed t:o R-8 Explain the ositi~e elfeCt of ti~e use district chaoge on the property and on surrounding proberty ~edtcetton of Jeanne Road to Uppe~' 0eannound Road g'iv'Jng residents of Hountatn Shadows Sub. an a'iterna'~e.i"oute"t:o a ~"i~ road. The amount of undeveloped land in the general area having the sa,me district classification as thatrequested 15 Ac. ~ Spendlove View He'ishts Explain how the proposed map amendment will further the g~ls and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan available property fl/A due to the larcle area to be rezoned V. Material Submitted: ( ) maps ( ) photograohs ( ) leasibility reports ( ) other (specily) I understand that payment o f the fee(s) specified is to defray the cost of handling and investigation of this application and the costs of the necessary hea¢ing8 by the Planning Commission and Municipality of Anchorage Assembly. and th at payment of these fee(s) does not entitle m e, nor does it assure app royal of this application, and that no refund of these fees will be made. I hereby affirm that the information submitted herein is true and cotreet to the best ot my knowledge. I also affirm th at I am the true and legal Pro perry Owner (or the Au thorized Agent thereof) for a maiority of the property subject herein. SII~NATURE(E) OF T"E OWNER(S) OF A MAJORITY Of= THE ~ND IN PE~TfON AOORESS If applicant i~ not owner of t~e prope~: DATE PHONENO. SIGNATUREOFAUTHORIZEDAGENT** OATE ADDRESS PHONENO. George M. Sullivan, Mayor Tony Knowles, Mayor Elect John Valensi, Manager Jerry Wertzbaugher, Acting Attorney Ruby E. Smith, Clerk 3500 Tudor Road Assembly Chambers December 8, 1981 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY Don Smith, Chairman Jane Angvik Paul B. Baer, Vice Chairman Fred Chiei, Jr. Joe Josephson Bernard L. Marsh Carol Maser Rick Mystrom Gerry O'Connor Lidia Selkregg Dave Walsh CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS/EXECUTIVE SESSIONS CONSENT AGENDA A. BID AWARDS 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1186-81, recommendation of award for furnishing Station Distribution Wire to the Municipality of Anchorage Telephone Utility. 2. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1187-81, recommendation of award for furnishing Sedans to the Municipality of Anchorage. 3. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1188-81, recommendation of award for furnishing Transformers to the Municipality of Anchorage, Light and Power Utility. Regular Assembly Meeting-- December 8, 1981 Page Two VI VI Vlll. CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) B. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION 1. Ordinance No. AO 81-206, an ordinance authorizin9 a conveyance by the Municipality of Anchorage of certain interests in the vacation of: East 50 foot and North $0 foot BLM Easement on Lot 7, excepting the Southeast triangular corner consisting of 2000 square feet, located in Section 8, T15N, R1W, S.M. Alaska. CaseS-5679. P.H, 1/5/82. a. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1t75-81, regardin9 same. 2. Ordinance No. AO 81-210, an ordinance of the MunicipalityofAnchorage creatingShackleton Lateral Sewer Special Assessment District No. 79 and determining to proceed with proposed improvements therein. P.H. 1/5/82. a. Assembly Memorandum No AM 1176-81, regarding same. FOR ACTION NEW BUSINESS INFORMATION AND REPORTS 1. Information Memorandum No. AIM 142-81, NASA Demonstration Project. 2. Information Memorandum No. AIM 143-81, Coastal Zone Management Six Month Review. 3. Information Memorandum No. AIM 145-81, Geographic Based Information. System. 4. 'Information Memorandum No. AIM 146-81, Status of Assembly Contingency Fund as of November 30, 1981. 5. Information Memorandum No. AIM 147-81, Ordinance No. AO 81-141 - An Ordinance Creating a Special Fund Dedicated to Exterior Landscaping and Beautification. END OF CONSENT AGENDA APPEARANCE REQUESTS A. Report by the Transportation Commission , GaleD. Kincaid, Chairman. B. Mr. Clint Andrews, Chairman of the Anchorage Arts Advisory Commission, regarding: Funding of Arts Organizations. C. Mr.. Larry Beck regarding: The 1982 Fur Rendezvous Show. BID AWARDS ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION FOR ACTION A. Resolution No. AR 81'335, a resolution reprogramming $50,000 of the Municipality's 1980 Community Development Block Grant. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1174-81, regarding same. R,egular Assembly Meeting -- December 8, 1981 Page Three IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS FOR ACTION (CONTINUED) B. Resolution No. AR 81-336, a resolution of the Municipality ofAnchorage providing for the appropriation of Twelve Thousand, Eight Hundred Forty Dollars ($12,840) as a Grant from the Alaska Division of Emergency Services to the State Categorical Grant Fund for the Civil Defense Program. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1177-81, regarding same. C. Resolution No. AR 81-337, a resolution authorizing the disposal of an interest in Municipal land on Tract Al, Russian Jack Village. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1178-81, regarding same. D. Resolution No. AR 81-338, a resolution authorizing the disposal of an interest in Municipal land with no substantial value to the Municipality. (Vacation ora drainage easement in Tonjess Estates) CaseS-5895. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1179-81, regarding same. E. Resolution No. AR 81-339, a resolution authorizing the disposal of an interest in Municipal land with no substantial value to the Municipality. (Vacation of right-of-way adjacent to BLM Lots 92, 93, and 94) Case S-5887. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1180-81, regarding same. F. Resolution No. AR 81-342, a resolution directing the administration to acquire Lot 7, Meteor Heights Subdivision for a substation, 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1189-81, regarding same. G. Resolution No. AR 81-343, a resolution authorizing the disposal of an interest in Municipal land with no substantial value to the Municipality. (Vacation of' right-of-way inGoldenview Heights Subdivision) CaseS-5855 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1190-81, regardirig same. OLD BUSINESS A. Ordinance No. AO 81-170, an ordinance amending the Municipal Penal Code ( POSTPONED FROM 10/13/81 ) B. Ordinance No. AO 81-185, an ordinance adopting the 1982 General Government Capital Improvement Budget and appropriating Funds for said budget. (POSTPONED FROM 11/24/81) I. Resolution No. AR 81-310, a resolution adopting the 1982 - 1987 Capital Improvement Program. 2.Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1038-81, regarding same. 3. Assembly Memorandum NO. AM 1112-81, Changes in the 1982 - 1987 Capital Improvement Program and the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget. 4. Information Memorandum No. AIM 148-81, Changes to the t982 Capital Improvement Budget and the 1982 - 1987 Capital Improvement Program. C. Ordinance No. AO 81-186, an ordinance adopting the 1982 E~udget for the Municipality of Anchorage (Except for those budget appropriations approved by OrdinanceAO No. 81-185) and appropriating funds for said budget. (POSTPONED FROM 11/24/81) 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1039-81, regarding same. 2. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1113-81, 1982 Recommended Budget- Major Adjustment Items. 3. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1158-81, Change to Applied Fund Balance in the 1982 Recommended Budget. 4. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1161-81, Additional Change to the 1982 Recommended budget. 5. Information Memorandum No. AIM 149-81, Impact of Changes to the 1982 R~egul'ar Assembly Meeting -- December 8, 1981 Page Four IX. OLD BUSINESS (CONTINUED) D. Ordinance No. AO 81-187, an ordinance authorizing a conveyance by the Municipality ofAnchorage certain interests in the vacation of: 30 feet of right-of-way known as Peterkin Avenue adjacent to Lots 1 and 2, Block 14, and Lot 8A Block 3, PairviewSubdivision. Case S-5802. (POSTPONED FROM 11/24/81) 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1043-81, regarding same. E. NOTICE OF RECONSIDERATION; Ordinance No. AO 81-188, an ordinance amending the zoning map and providing for the rezoning from R-2A (Two- Family Residential District) to B-3 (General and Strip Commercial Business District) with special limitations for a parcel of land containing approximately 9.718 acres generally located in the S1/2, SE1/4, SW1/4 of Section 24, T13N, R3W, S.M. (Northeast and Scenic Park Area Community Councils) Case ZP81-46. 1.. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1044-81, regarding same. NEW BUSINESS A. ANCHORAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT, Architectural Selection for the Stellar Secondary School Renovation and Addition. B. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1154-81, Recommendation of Award for Providing Insurance Brokerage Services for the Municipality of Anchorage. C. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1183-81, Professional Mapping Services for 100 Scale Base Mapping of Eagle River and Chugiak Area. D. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1191-81, Recommendation of Contract Award for Crane Trestle Design and Lateral Stability Project for the Municipality of Anchorage. E. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1192-81, Animal Control Contract Renewal for 1982. F. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1193-81, Change Order Nos. 5 thru 9 to Fairview Recreation Center Contract No, C-50245, G.C. Contractors, Inc. G. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1194-81,Professional Services for the Eagle River/Chugiak Community Recreation Center, 80-E-86. H. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1196-81, Contract Award for Snow Avalanche Hazard Study. ~ 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1197-81, Professional Services of Kemppel, Huffman & Ginder and Gardner, Carton & Douglas -- Telephone Utility. J. Assembly Memorandum No.' AM 1198-81, Small Capital Project Committee Recommendations. K. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1199-81, Recommendation of Award for Computer Hardware for the Municipality of Anchorage. L. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1200-81, Appointment of F~nancial Consultant. M. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1201-81, Renewal of Bond Counsel Services. R~egutar Assembly Meeting -- December 8, 1981 Page Five NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) N. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1203-81, Liquor License Renewals for 1982 for the following: AH SA WAN, 204E. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99503. ANCHORAGE COLD STORAGE DIV., 240 lstAvenue, Anchorage AK 99501. BAR-B-Q-PIT, 3300 Old Seward, Anchorage, AK 99503. BARRY~SCHINESE RESTAURANT, 1565S. Bragaw, Anchorage, AK 99504. CHILKOOTCHARLIES, 2435Spenard Rd., Anchorage, AK 99503. THE FAMILY RESTAURANT, 3509 Mt. View Drive, Anchorage, AK 99504. FORK &SPOON RESTAURANT, 4406 Old Seward Hwy., Anchorage, AK 99504. GASLIGHT, 721 W. 4th Avenue, Anchorage, AK . INTERNATIONAL IN-FLIGHT CATERING, 5100 Postmark Drive, Anchorage, AK. 99503 KUT RATE KID, 320 E. Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, AK 99501. LA CASA RESTAURANT, Mile 14, Old Glenn Hwy., Eagle River, AK 99577. LONG BRANCH SALOON, 1737E~ Dimond Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99504. MAZZI's ITALIAN SICILIAN, 2052 E. Northern Lights, Anchorage, AK 99504. PIONEER CLUB, 739 4thAvenue, Anchorage, AK 99501.. PIZZA PLAZA, 601 E. Northern Lights, Anchorage, AK 99501. SCANDINAVIAN CLUB, 238W. 4thAvenue, Anchorage, AK 99501. THIRTY FIVE PLUS SINGLES, 407 Denali, Anchorage, AK. O. ,Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1204-81, Jackson's Barbecue- Mile 14, Old Glenn Hwy., Eagle River, AK 99577, Restaurant Designation. P. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1205-8:], La Casa Restaurant- Mile 14, Old Glenn Hwy., Eagle River, AK 99577, Restaurant Designation. Q. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1209-81, Implementation of the Public Inebriate Plan. XI. INFORMATION AND REPORTS XII. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/ASSEMBLY APPEALS recess PUBLIC HEARINGS IMUST BEGIN AT 7:30 PM) A. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1206-81, New Retail Liquor License: Qwik Stop Liquor #34, Lot 1 Block 3,1st Addition, Graham Subd., 7221 Arctic ~lvd., Anchorage, AK 99501. B. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1207-81, New Retail Liquor License: Qwik Stop Liquor #36, Lots 1 & 2, Fairview Subd., Corner of Mt. View & Peterkin, Anchorage, AK. C. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1208-81, New Retail Liquor License: Time Saver Liquor #17, Tract A Wonder 'Park St~bd._Addition ~8 200 Boniface Anch. AK. D. Ordinance No. AO 81-196, an ordinance amendingAO No. 81-9 creating Paving Special Assessment District 6P80. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1083-81, regarding same. R,egular Assembly Meeting -- December-8, 1981 Page Six x u. f, NEAmNOS (CONTINUED) ~, ~IE).'~!~Ordinance No. AO 81-198, an ordinance amending the zoning map and pro- ~~~r~mR-8 (RuralResidentialDistrict) to, R-6 ~ (Suburban Residential District) for a portion of Section 25, T12N, R3W, ~x(Hitlside East Commun tyCounc ) Case ZP81-79 ~ ~1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1114-81, regarding same. ~ F. ~Ordinance No. AO 81-199, an ordinance amending the zoning map and pro- ,~%~ viding for the rezoning from the R-8 (Rural Residential District) to R-6 (Suburban Residential District) for approximately 5acres located in Section ~ ~ 25, T12N, R3W, S.M. (Hillside East Community Council) Case ZP81-78. "~;¢~ 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1115-81, regarding same. Ordinance No. AO 81-200, an ordinance amending the zoning map and pro- t~viding for the rezoning from R-8 (Rural Residential District) to Ri6 (Suburban Residential District) for 15acres located in Section 25, T12N, R3W, S.M. (Hillside East Community Council). CaseZP81-77. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1116-81, regarding same. H. Ordinance No. AO 81-207, an ordinance amending Title 26 Chapter 50 of the Anchorage Municipal Cede.pertaining to Sewer Service. 1. Resolution No. AR 81-327, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage adopting that document known as Industrial Pretreatment Study as the basis for an Industrial Pretreatment Program to be implemented pursuant to Anchorage Municipal Code Title 26 as recenUy amended. 2. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1160-81, regarding same. I'. Ordinance No. AO 81-209, an ordinance amending the Anchorage Municipal Code to prohibit use of the abbreviated Plat Procedures by all governmental agencies. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1218-81, regarding same. J. Ordinance No. AO 81-211, an ordinance of the Municipality of Anchorage providing for the continuation of the Animal Control Advisory Board. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1202-81, regarding same. K. Resolution No. AR 81-309, a resolution confirming and levying assessments for Sewer Improvements within Sewer Special Assessment District 20. This Special Assessment Distri'ct is to be known as Permission-To-Enter 81-2. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1100-81, regarding same. L. Resolution No. AR 81~316, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage for the appropriation of Five Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Dollars ($546,000) from the State of Alaska Depar~ent of Natural Resources, Division of Parks to the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area Capital Improvement Fund for Acquisition, Development and Planning of Bike Trails. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1124-81, regarding same. M. Resolution No. AR 81-324, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage providing for the appropriation of Two Hundred Ten Thousand One Hundred Thirty Dollars ($210,130) from the StateofAlaska, Department of Natural Re- sources, Division of Parks from the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service to the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area Capital Improvement Fund for Park Land Acquisition and Development. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1142-81, regarding same. Regular Assembly Meeting-- December 8, 1981 Page Seven XIlI. PUBLIC HEARINGS (CONTINUED) N. Resolution No. AR 81-326, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage for the appropriation of Five Hundred Forty-One Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($541,350) from the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, State of Alaska to the Anchorage Roads and Drainage Service Area Capital Improvements Fund for Construction of a Pedestrian Overpass. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1144-81, regarding same. O. Resolution No. AR 81-328, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage providing for a revision of the 1981 Budget. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1163-81, regarding same. P. Resolution No. AR 81-329, a resolution amending the Municipality's 1981 Community Development Block Grant Program to include a Five Hundred Seventy Two Thousand Seven Hundred Dollar ($572,700) Urban Renewal Surplus Award from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1173-81, regarding same. 2. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1173-81A, regarding same. Q. Resolution No. AR 81-341, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage appropriating Two Million, Two Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand, Five Hundred Thirty Dollars ($2,237,530) as a contribution from the State Categorical Grant Fund and Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000) as a contribution from the Anchorage Roads and Drainage Service Area Capital Improvement Fund to theAreawide. Ge~eral Fund to partially offset Non-payment of State Land Deficiency Payment Revenues. 1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1184-81, regarding same. XIV. CONT1NU'ATION OF UNFINISHED AGENDA XV. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION XVl. MAYOR'S COMMENTS XVII. ASSEMBLY COMMENTS XVIII. ADJOURNMENT P.O. #10300-807 Pub. 12/5/81 -Times