HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 21 E2 St. Elizabeth Church I"ILI N T C: :][ ~ -' ~':I L [ TY ~E,F A l'-~ ~E: Hr ~RAGE ~ ~ DIEPPIP. Ti'dENT C,, HEAL']"H PtND ~N',~TP..ONMENTPIL t ..0TEC"I"ZC~N 825 'L' 5;TF,'EET., ANCHOP, Rf3E., AFC '_"ag.~i~_al 264-47~0 H BOP'f ['lUST BE 0B"I'FI~NED FP..OM "I'HE FILE~ - DPI"t"H NEIT FIVPIILPIBLE ~N ]'HE COi'~PU-I'ER MUNiCIPALiTY OF ANCHORAGI~ DEPT. OF HEALTH & ~',~'VI RONME NTAL PROTECTION SEP 2 8 1978 RE_CEllED 'tl 0 8 , eo J bo, u, b 0~,~¥ '~ '~s'0o × ~.~--- ~o SUBJECT SIGNED DATE Redi~orm ® 4S 469 Poly Pek IS0 sets) 4P469 F~FTACH ANr) FIIF FOR FOLLOW-UP PERMIT NO. -~L I CFINT LUCHSINGER INC. LOCFIT'~ ON HUFFMFIN8 GFINDER. 'YPE OF ~OZL ABSORPTION ~STEM ~RX~U~ NUMBER OF BEDrOOm5 217800 SQUFIRE FEET ,OX ~4 PO b ..i0-~ FINCH. TRENCH SOIL RATING <SQ FTdbR)= ,~-~ .....ON S~STEM IS' THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL RB_,[W..r~ ~' ' i~EPTH= 8 LENGTH= 22~JGRRVEL DEPTH= 4. 5 THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH <IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRRINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF R TRENCH OR PIT I5 THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF THE E~CRVRTION <IN ~EET). -.~ ~cz_~ID~H F~R TRENCHES. THERE IS = ....... ~ OF GRFIVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFBLL PIPE THE GRRV~ NUMBER OF ~U ~ RE~ VRL BY THIS T BFICKF ILL IN )EPRRTMENT F4INIMUM D] t00 FEET ~ UPON THE ' MINIMUM D TO 8 COMMUf'~i~' ........ 'HER REC4UIREMENTS MFIY FIPPLY. =,fr-..,-. ..... FIVRILRBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTFILLFITION. PERI'"1 I T E:'(P I RE5 DECEt~BER 'MENT DURING THE ~TY FIND THE )SFIL SYSTEM IS ; WELL DEPENDING E IS 25 FEET AND ION DIFIGRRMS FIRE I CERTIFY T t: I FIM FF FORTH BY 2: I 3: I RI SIGNED :. R ITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WELLS FIS SET MUb iCIPFILIT~ OF ANCHORAGE. HE SYSTEM IN FICCORDRNCE WITH THE CODE-,. ON-SITE ~EWER sYSTEM MAY REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF TH~ ?.~HE . - THAN i5 BEDROOMS- LUCHSINGER lng. lO 0 0 ["4 X~ Z L,.J Ld CQ ,.__L l-- t.t J _J k .f REID ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SRA BOX 1584R ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 (907) 344-! 205 .I SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE TRENCH FOR ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC SCHOOL The septic tank shall be nominal, 7,500 gallons, constructed of materials in accordance with the regulations of the Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection. There shall be three manways with gasketed lids to be fastened by bolts. The outlet to the tank shall be a schedule 40 black iron pipe nipple threaded on both ends. The tank shall be buried to a depth to allow approximately 1 foot clearance from the manway lids to the ground level. The seepage trench shall be constructed in accordance with the drawings and the regulations of the Anchorage Department of Environmental Protection. The effluent pump shall be Peabody Barnes El02, 1 h.p., or equal. The pump must be capable of pumping 50 gpm @ 45 ft. head. The pump shall be hung by a suitable chain from the manway. A flex- ible reinforced hose shall connect the pump to the outlet pipe. This will allow the pump to be pulled and serviced from the ground level. The distance from the intake of the pump to the bottom of the tank shall be 12 inches. There shall be three Mercury float switches installed: one high level alarm set at 80 inches from bottom; one low level cut-off set at 14 inches from bottom; and one start switch set at 60 inches from the bottom. The high level alarm shall be connected to a buzzer which shall be installed in the mechanical room. The pump control box shall, in addition to the pump and level controls, have an hour meter installed to indi- cate the actual running time for the effluent pump. The pump and wiring shall be installed in accordance with the Municipality of Anchorage Electrical Code. The two inch plastic force line from the septic tank to the soil absorption field shall have a self-limiting heat trace tape equiva- lent to Chemelex 4ATV2 rated at 4 watts/foot. A l0 amp circuit breaker will be needed to control the tape. A two-inch adjustable pressure relief valve, 15 to 20 psi, shall be installed in a tee to relieve the pump in case of field failure or freeze-up of the force main. The building sewer shall be changed to have gravity flow from the building to the septic tank. A 4" vent shall be installed in the building sewer closest to the septic tank. All pipe joints are to be well secured in accordance with the pipe type. [-~ S~ecifications for Septic Tank and Seepage Trench - continued St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School This design is good for up to 200 students. Beyond that number the system must be reevaluated. Before any backfilling of the pressure sewer or the seepage trench above the pipe the system must be flow-tested with 1000 gallons of water. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM Signed - 91-o1§ (5/76) ALASF/~-~EPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL S~-~'ICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Lab. No. BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Office PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: Sample collec~ __ Dar e Collected~'~ / ~*" '~~'~ Time Specific place of co]]ection REASON FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: [] mness suspected Regulated Establishment WATER SAMPLE SOURCE Type of casing [] Improved (Enclosed, Covered) Spring [] Surface (Reservoir, stream, lake) [] Holding Tank [] Other Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] submit other sample [] Sample too long in transit to indicate reliable results. Sample should not be over 48 hours old at time of examination. [] Bottle broken or leaked in transit. [] Other SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Saultarian's Signature: DIVISION OF P{21~LIC HEALTH Lab. No. BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS '' 5 Office PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: NAME ~ ~ .. - ...... ADDRESS · , ~ ~ CITY . c~ . ~. . ZiP~CODE__ Sample collected b~ Phone No. Date Collected __ Sampling Address Specific place of collection - ..' ~ ~ ,.~ ,..- ~ ~ REASON FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: [] Illness suspected [] Health Regulated Establishment [~-Other WATER SAMPLE SOURCE [~]' ~Vell Type of easing ~] Improved (Enclosed. Covered) Spring [] Surface (Reservoir. stream, lake) [] Holding Tank [] Other Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] submit other sample [] Sample too long in transit to indicate reliable results. Sample should not be over 48 hours old at time of examination. [] Bottle broken or leaked in transit. [] Other SANITARIAN'S REMARKS · ~S_ai~itarian's Signature: [READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE 06-1220 (b) BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Rev. 1978 DateCollect'd C~ ! I1~ ! ~ Source Date Received ~ ' ( Verification: L.TEI.. Broth 48 hours: lOmJ Tubes Positive/Total lOrn/ Portions Dates ALAS~h~EPAI~TMENT OF HEALTH AND SOO~I'AL OICES DIVISION OF PI~I~LIC HEALTH Lab. No. BACTERIOLOGICAL:WATER 'A N A'L YS I-S PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: NAME ~ ~ ADDRESS CITY · ;. ZIP-CODE L Sample collected by Phone No. Date Collected Sampling Address Specific place of collection Office Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questio~nable [] submit other sample [] Sample too long in transit to indicate reliable results. Sample should not be over 48 hours old at lime of examination. [] Bottle broken or leaked in transit. [] Other SANITARIAN'S REMARKS REASON FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: [] Illness suspected [] Health Regulated Establishment [] Other WATER SAMPLE SOURCE [] Well Type of casing [] Improved (Enclosed, Covered) Spring [] Surface {Reservoir, stream, lake) [] Holding Tank [] Other ~,Samtafian's Signature:: - [~EAD INSTRUCTIONS COLLECTING SAMPLE 06-1220 [b) BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Rev, 1978 Confirmatory , - 48 Hours ' , EMB . ~ :3roth 24 hours: Multiple Tube Report: (~)/'~" Membrane Filter: Direct CountJ~- verification; LTD Final Membrane Filter Resu.l~.s-- Broth 48 hours: 10mi TUbeS Positive/'Total 10mi ~ortion$ Coliform/100ml ALAS~-~.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL/~'~VICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Lab. No. BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Office PLEASE MAIL RE~LTS TO: NAME ~-~-! :, S~ple coHec~- Date~ll~cted · --~ Time I, Specific place of collection~ REASON FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: [] Rlness/~spected ,~ H~h Regulated Establishment ~ther [/2"Well Type of casing [] Improved (Enclosed, Covered) Spring [] Surface (Reservoir, stream, lake) [] Holding Tank [] Other Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] submit other s~mple [] Sample too long in transit to indicate reliable results, Sample should not be over 48 hours old at time of examination. [] Bottle broken or leaked in transit. [] Other SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Sanitarlan's Signature: ALA~'~pEPARTMENT OF H~cLTH AND SOCIAL(~VICES DIVISION OF P~JBLIC HEALTH Lab. No. BACT E R I O LOG I CA L~.W AT E R ANALYSIS Office PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: ADDRESS %* ...... ~ ~ ZIP CODE _ Sample collected b~y -'--=~4_: · Phone No. ~ ? ~- Date Collected ; ... ,; Time_ Sam~mg Address ~; ~ -,~. -- ~ ?~ Specific place of collection REASON FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: [] ~ness suspected [] Health Regulated Establishment ~]¢/_Other WATER SAMPLE SOURCE []~Well Type of casing [] Improved (Enclosed, Covered) Spring [] Surface l~ese~o~ stream~ lake) [] Holding Tank · [] Other Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactow [] Questionable [] submil other sample [] Sample too long in transit to'indicate reliable results. Sample should not be over 48 hours old at time of examination. [- Bottle broken or leaked in transit. ~-] Other SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Sanitarian's Signature: ~EAD NSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE 06-1220 (b) BAC~ERIOLOG ICAL WATER AN,~LYSI$ RECORD ~.m. Confirmatory 24 Hours Verification: LTB Fina Membrane Filter R'e$~ult:.~ BGB _ Comorm/100ml Date DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Lab. No. BACT E RI OLOGI CAL'].WATE R ANALYSIS Office PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE Samplec011ected by - '~ Pho~b No. ~ C..: Date Collected , . Time Sampling Address ~ '° · ,- ~ ':, ~; ' Specific place:of collection REASYN FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: ,[-1 Illness suspected -. [] Health Regulated Establishment [] Other WATER SAMPLE SOURCE [] Well Type of casing [] Improved (Enclosed, Covered) Spring [] Surface (Resprv~, ~tream~ lake) [] Holding Tank .' [] Other Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] submit other sample [] Sample too long in transit to indicate reliable results. Sample should nos be over 48 hours old at time of examination. [-]i Bottle broken or leaked in transit. [] Other SANITARIA-N'S REMARKS Sanitarian's Signature: BEAD INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ~COLLECTING SAMPL: ~- 06-1220 (b) ~AC'~ERIOLOG ICAL WATER AN~.LYSI$ RECORD Date Collected (~ · \ ~ ~ ~ Source _ Presumptive ~ lOm] 1Omi lOml lOml lOml 1.Omi O,lml Confirmatory ~' EMB Broth 24 hours~ ~' Broth 48 hours:. Multiple Tube Reoort: ~i~~¢~ 10ml Tubes Positive/Total 10mt Portions Membrane Filter; Direct Count ~1 -J CoHform/100ml '1Date q~' 12" ~ ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Lab. No. BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Office PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: CITY~' Sampling Address_ ZIP CODE Specific place of collection RE~FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: ~lllness suspected · ~[~J~ti' R e gui at ed Establishment [~ther [] Improved (Enclosed, Covered) Spring [] Surface (Reservoir, stream, lake) [] Holding Tank [] Other Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] submit other sample [] Sample too long in transit to indicate reliable results. Sample should not be over 48 hours old at time of examination. [] Bottle broken or leaked in transit. [] Other SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Sanitarian's Signature: ALA~)EPARTMENT,.~ _~z OF HE~LTH~ AND SOCIALC)vICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ~ Office BACTERIOLOGICAL- WATER ANALYSIS PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: NAME ~'. i ~- ~, '~ ADDRESS ~; ~ ' ZIP CODE Sample collectid'B~ Phone No. ~'~ A Date ~Rected Sampling Address ~.~ Specific place of collection ~: ;:,; : /,, REASON FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: [] Illness suspected ,~] Health Regulated Esta~bl~shment WATER S~4MPLE SOURCE Type of casing [] Improved (Enclosed, Covered) Spring [] Surface I Reservoir. stream, lakel [] Holding Tank [] Other Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] submit other sample [] Sample too long in transit tc indicate reliable results. Sample should not be over 48 hours ol~l at time of examination [] Bottle broken or leaked in transit, [] Other - SANIT-ARIA N'~S REMARKS Sanitarian's Signature: .... .~EAD INSTRUCTIC NS BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE 06-1220 (b} BACTE RIOLOG ICAL WATER ANALYS S RECORD Rev. 1978 ' Date Collected Source Date Receivea 24 Hours EMB ..Oj.~Brotn/ 24 hours' Multiole Tube Report;~ r~:~! i ~'~!, ~ ..a Coli,orm/lOOrn, ] TOi'mt;: ' ' ' ';]=- a.m.. ', DIVISION OF P~JBLIC HEALTH · ~'~ Lab. No. BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER · . , · Office ANALYSIS PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: NAME ~ ADDRESS_ ZIP CODE Sample collectetl-by .--, ~ ~. Phone No. Date Collected Sampling Address ] ' Specific place of collection . REASON FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: ~. mness suspec~ [] Health Regulat~i Es t~hment qOt ;r WATER SAMPLE SOURCE Type of casing [] Improved (Enclosed~ Covered] Spring [--~ Surface (Reservoir, stream, lake) [] Holdin~ Tank [] Other '[] Bottle broken or leaked in n'ansit. -~- Other - SANIq~ARIAN'~q RI~MARKS Anaiysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] submit other sample [] Sample too long in transit to indicate reliable results. Sample should not be over 48 hours old at time of examination. Sanitarian's Signa;ure: .??~EAD INSTRUCTIONS B EFO RE COLLECTING SAMPLE 06-1220 (b) Rev. 1978 Date Collected Date Received 24 Hours 48 Hours BACTE R I O LOG ICA L WAT~ R A NA LY5 IS R ECO R D Final Membrane Filter 'P~eStllts ;' Broth 48 hours: 10ml --ube$ Positive/Total 10ml Portions BGB ALASi~EPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL S~'%'/'ICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH L b. No. BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS PLEASE MAIL RE~)TS TO: S~ple coHecte~~ ' Da, e ~llected~--- ~: ~ ~ Time I:'~~ Sampling AddresS; = ~ ~ ~- Specific place of collection REASON FOR SAMPLE SUBMISSION: [] Illness suspected egulated Establishment [] Improved (Enclosed, Covered) Spring [] Surface (Reservoir, stream, lake) [] Holding Tank [] Other Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] submit other sample [] Sample too long in transit to indicate reliable results. Sample should not be over 48 hours old at time of examination. [] Bottle broken or leaked in transit. [] Other SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Sanitarian's Sig~lature: ALAS¥~?PARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL ~ICES DIVISION OF r~BLic HEALTH ~-]-~J i Lab. No. _ BACTE RI 0 L0G I CA~iWATE R ANALYSIS Office PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: ADDRESS 0 t ~zP CODE ~ple collect~ Phone No. Date Collected Sampling Address Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Questionable [] 'submi~ other sample [] Sample ~oo long in transit m indicate reliable results. Sample should no~ be ovek 48 hours old a~ time of examination. [] Bottle broken or leaked in transit. [] Other SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Specific place of collect~pn REASON FOR S~AMPLE SUBULISSION: [] l}lness suspected [] He~th Regulated Establishment [~. O~her .... WATER SAMPLE SOURCE % [] -'W ~%1 Type of casing / [] Improved ~Enclosed, Covered) Spring [] Surface ~Reservoir. s~ream, lake) [] Holding Tank [] Other .READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE 06-1220Rev. 1978(b). ":BA{~:TE RI(~LOG ICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Date Co,,ected ~ I VI '.'>, source DateReceived.,~_[~-'~-1 _TimeReceived~'.~_~ I~m~Lab NO. Presumptive 10mi 10mi 10mi lOml 10mi 1.0mi 0.1mi 48 Hours EMB Broth 24 hours: Multlole Tube Report: .~/~ Membrane Filter: Direct Coqnz Verification: LTB Final Membrane Filter ReSults Broth 48 hours: 10mi --uoes Positlve,'Tota 10mi Portions BGB Date DIVISION oF PUBLIC HEALTH Lab. Nc. BACT E R I 0 LOG I CAL-;} WAT E R ANALYSIS Office PLEASE MAIL RESULTS TO: NAME '~ ~ '~ ~--' ~ ~ ADDRESS ZIP CODE S~qple collected by Phone No. Date Collected Sampling Address Time Specific place of collecti__on REASON FOR ~S~AMPLE SUBMISSION: [] BJn~ss suspected [] Health Regulated Establishment [~], Other WATER SAMPLE SOURCE [] Well Type of casing - [] Improved (Enclosed. Coveredl Spring [] Surface (Reservoir, stream, lake) [] Holding Tank [] Other Analysis shows this WATER SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Quastionable~ [] s~ubmit other sample [] Sample too long in transit to indicate reliable results. Sample.should no~ be over 48 hours old ar time of examination. [] Bottle broken or leaked in ~tansit. [] Other SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Sanitarian's Signature: ~EAD INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE' COLLECTING SAMPLE 06-1220 Rev. 1979 Date Collected BACTERIJ~0GICAL~.;~, _ WATER ANALYSIS RECORD ourc Date Received,. ? ~t-~VL Time Received g%~,% ~Lab, No. Presumptive 10mi 10mi 10mi 10mi 10mi 1.0mi 0.1mi Broth 48 ho~rs: 10mi Tubes Positive/Total 10mi Portions Municipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: September 19, 1980 TO: File FROM: Environmental Specialist SUBJECT: St. Elizabeth School Report on the opening of abandoned water well arrived on-site of the St. Elizabeth school, 6:45 p.m. Equipment(backhoe) on-site, 7:05 and the opening of the well was at 7:18 and proceeded without incident. The water well was closed, as per memo of September 17, 1980 from Rolf Strickland to Carl Luchsinger at 8:59. Except for some dressing out to be completed by dozer work on Friday, September 1~,~ 1980. ' ~nvlron: ental Specialist JWL/tjw 91-010 {5/78) FROM SUBJECT . L~.~;~ RETURN ~O SIGNED FIE~L.Y Redi~rrn® 4S 471 SIGNED SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 WITH CARBON INTACT - PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY, POUC~ 6 650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 264 4111 (g25 "L" Street) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & September 19, 1980 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION S E P 1_ 9 1980 RECEIVED Father A.H. Muellerleile St. Elizabeth Church SRA Box 1530M Anchorage, AK 99507 Subject: Abandonment of well at St. Elizabeth Seton parish - SE¼, SW¼, SW¼, Sec. 21, T12N, R3WSM Dear Father Muellerleile: This is to acknowledge that the well on the subject property was reexcavated and sealed on the evening of September 18, 1980. Staff from this office were present during the procedure. This process will prevent any intrusion of surface water into the ground water table. Therefore, the new sewer system on the subject property is now approved for use. Sincerely, cc: John Lynn Bob Pratt DATE S~GNED INTACT - Redif.~rm® 4S 471 PAR1 BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. _ ..... .... ~ ~Ju wish ~o advise you of our concern. As we indicated when the permit was issued for the new sewer system a~nd, which now bec~o~e~r~] ~uan~. f~mak~nr~7~]~ to use well is ~v~ a~ ~ Please CC: Bob Johl ~lth FROM // ~h well casing removal. A~ ~-~ 9.8 a.m., August 9, 1980 this inspector ~ ~~ . ~ 'q ~n the air beinq supported by ~' ~ C~~ well casing with 34 plus ~~~ ~'~ ~/~ 'll in the well ~. ~ ~~ ng. A call was made ~ ~( ~~~~ ., the inspector at that ti~ ~~ ~-~ ~/ not ~oinq as recom- mended by the d~%~ cion was to pull 5' cut and grout. ~.~. The radio was not working prop~. , hence, a phone call was made to the department, the office of Rolf Strickland and was told of the cutting problem and that only 10' remained in the well. Rolf Strickland told the contractor to proceed with the pulling, however, the well held not 10' but. 30q, so now, we have about 50' Up¢ mud as % supported by the cran~ ~J,~ &~ /~ ~ ~ ~ The remaining fa~~' 1/: . . ~../ ,..:/~ proper manner ~-- ,~s~.., ~91 "~ :,--'4..~ tx,~:.'.: 't the aouifer. L. / I I I I I I I ~ '. 'ZfO ' ce~t of grains smaller than 0.02 mm, and in very uni- form soils containing more than 10 percent smaller than 0.02 mm. No ice segregation xsas observed in soils containing less lhan 1 percent of grains smaller than 0.02 mm, even if the groundwater level was as high as the frost line. Casagrande does not mention directly the coefficient of uni- formity (C,,) in the reference cited (44) nor in a later paper (45); Riis (46), however, makes reference to an earlier Casagrande classification that differentiates between nonuniform soils having C,,(dGo/d~o) > 5 and uniform'soils with C, < 5. Application of the Casagrande criterion re- quires a hydrometer test of a soil suspension to determine the distribution of particles passing the No. 200 sieve and to compute the percentage of particles finer than 0.02 mm. Corps o! Engineers Frost Design Classification The Corps of Engineers frost design classification system was developed in the late 1940's to make use of the Casa- grande criterion regarding frost susceptibility and to ac- count for the reduced stability of the various types of frost- susceptible soils during the thaw-weakened period. Resullg of traffic tests and field CBR and plate bearing tests conducted at a number of airfields throughotu lhe northern United Slates during the spring thaw (47) were the basis for the system and for the frost condition pave- ment design curves. In this system frost-susceptible soils (with 3 percent or more, by weight, finer than 0.02 mm) are classified into one of the four groups Fl, t:2, F3, and F4, for frost design purposes (termed in this report FS groups). Soil types are listed in Table 2 in approximate order of AIR-FREEZING INDEX, Degree-Days TURF. 12 INCH SNQW COV~fl TURF. SNO~ FREE BARE GROUND OR PA~MENT, SNOWFREE Figare ]8. Rclagio/t'.hip bem'een air ]reezing index, sttr/acc cover, and frost penelratiott into ]tomoget~eotts soils (40). 0 o0 0 ~. O0 0 oo ~ 0 0 0 0 0 Z UZ$ + ~ ~s,~ ,,b.~, coo0_.sT X Ted Forsi and Associates, Inc. 124 East Seventh Avenue * Anchorage,~laska 99501 · (907) 274-9517 P.O. 8~ ~2470~3oldotna_, Al~?~a(l~669 · (907)262-5531 ~ March 10, 1980 Mr. Carl Luchsinger P. O. Box 94 Star Route A Anchorage, AK 99507 Dear Mr. Luchsinger: On March 8, 1980 we completed a subsurface soils exploration at the location of the proposed St. Ann Elizabeth Seton School on Huffman- Road in Anchorage. A total of seven test borings were drilled with a truck-mounted mobile drill with 6-inch auger~ The soils encountered were visually classified, samples of the materials were taken for. possible further inspection and use, holes were left open for deter- mination of water table elevation, and two percolation tests were run to measure the relative capacity of the soils to absorb moisture. ~ Soils encountered during the exploration consisted mainly of sand, gravelly sand, sandy gravel and silt. The water table elevation was found to be relatively constant over the area investigated, and was measured to be located in the clean sand layer three to five feet above a layer of less permeable silt material. Percolation tests run at about four feet above the water table ele- vation showed the sand to be very permeable. If you have any questions with regards to the information contained herein, please feel free to call me. NL/ss Enclosures Sincerely, TED FORSI AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Nils Lindholm, P.E. Civil Engineer Engineering · Planning · Surueying Depth: 0 1½' l½ - 4' BORING #3 Gravel pad - sandy, silty gravel, fine~ significant Dry brown sandy, silty gravel, organics present ~~~-~F~lean brown, dry-to-slightly moist sandy gravel and gravelly sand, well graded (GW, GP, SW) lO - l~' 16½ - 20' 20' 13' + Clean sand - well graded Sandy silt, silt-gray, no organics Bottom of hole Water Table elevation Sample taken Depth: 0 1½' 1½ - 3 3 5 5 - 10 l0 - 17 17 - 22 13 + 22 BORING #4 Gravel pad - sandy gravel with considerable fines, wood chips Coarse sandy gravel (GW) Silty or clayey and sandy gravels, organics present - light brown, slightly moist Clean sandy gravel and gravelly sand - slightly to moderately moist (SW, GW, GP) Mostly clean sand, few fines - possibly a shallow silt or c~lay lens __ Sandy silt, silt, possibly clayey silt Water Table elevation Bottom of hole HOLE #5 0 5 10 17 - 10' - 17' - 20' 20' 13' Dirty sandy gravel - dry, brown with wood chips, organics, debris Clean gray gravelly sand and sand (SW, SP, GP) Sample taken Relatively clean sand, well graded, few fines, brown Sample taken Gray sandy silt and silt fairly plastic Sample taken Bottom of hole Water Table elevation HOLE #6 0 5 Percolation Test run. 5' Dirty sandy gravel - fines considerable, dry, brown, plastic, organics present 9' Clean dry well-graded gray sandy gravel (GW) 9' Bottom of hole Water receded one inch in less than two minutes. HOLE #7 0 2½' 1~ - 2½ - 5' 5 - 13' 13 - 20' 20' 10' Dirty sandy gravel, debris, organics present Depth of frost Clean well graded gray sandy gravel (GW) Clean sandy gravel/gravelly sand, gray-to-brown, (GW, GP, SW, SP) Gray silt, possibly clayey silt, moderately plastic Bottom of hole Water Table elevation (Ground surface 2-3'lower than other holes) The borings were done at the locations shown on the attached sketch in or at the edge of a gravel drive. Depth: 0 - 2' + 3~ + 2 - 3' 3 - 5' 5 - 10' 10 ~ 18' 18 - 20' 20' 13' BORING #1 Gravel roadway fill - brown, clean, well graded sandy gravel Depth of frost penetration Sandy gravel, some fines (GP) Brown sandy and silty gravel, some organics present Clean, dry sandy gravel, well graded (GW) Clean well graded sand, few fines (SW) Gray silt, no organics Bottom of hole Water. Table elevation peDepth :~.BORING #2 0 - 1½' ~Gravel pad - sandy gravel, fairly clean, coarse 1½ - 9' ~,~ean, dry to slightly moist sandy gravel and gravelly sand 9' B~ttom of hole rcolation Testirun. Water receded one inch in less than two minutes. DRAFT Report on St. Elizabeth well casing removal. At arrival time, about 11:28 a.m., August 9, 1980 this inspector observed 22' plus of well casing ~n the air being supported by a crane, that was contracted to pull well casing with 34' plus still in the well. Mr. Carl Luchsinger claimed there was only 10' still in the well and that his torch would not cut through the casing. A call was made by radio to the department. I, John Lynn, the inspector at that time, reported that the project was not going as recom- mended by the department. The recon~endation was to pull 5' cut and grout. ~ The radio was not working properly, hence, a phone call was made to the department, the office of Rolf Strickland and was told of the cutting problem and that only 10' remained in the well. Roll Strickland told the contractor to proceed with the pulling, however, the well held not 10' but 30', so now, we have about 50' supported by the crane with 15' still in the well. The 50' broke off after some movement of the crane. 15' was Dulled around 2:35 p.m. of the same date. The remaining Upon observing, the last 15' feet of the casing was compacted with mud. As I see it, the well hole was not grouted in a proper manner as to assure the septic system effluent will not affect the aquifer. ltd II IIII1 I/ 11 / ~ MacKay BIdg., Room1206 ;.J ~,.J ~1 ~J ~.~ '~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / (907) 274-5527 ~ / P.O. Box 1207 QF~'J~NEh'TAL I;ON~E~Y&TIQN / {~ %%~ ~ N / (907) 262-5210 ~ ~ P.O. BOX 1064 ~' ~UN~CJPALJ~ ..... ~ Wasilla, Alaska 99687 ~r ANCH - ~ DEPr OP' ,L ~GE (907) 376 5038 April 23, ~8~ON~ , APR 2 5 1980 Ms. Anne Babski SRA Box 1525 Anchorage, AK 99507 RECE!_V .ED Dear Ms. Babski: I am writing in response to your letter of April 15, 1980 and in the context of the inspection visit performed by this department on April 18, 1980 with Mary Frohne and representatives from U.S. Soil Conservation.Service, The approval of an onsite wastewater disposal system as proposed for the school is the responsibility of the Anchorage Municipal Department of Health and Environ- mental Protection. Our department will have to review the public water supply system for the facility. Based on the materials I reviewed during the site visit it would be my opinion that the proposed wastewater disposal system if it were located in the south- eastern corner that the likelihood of any contamination of your well would be greatly reduced. Further even at the presently proposed site a test hole in the actual location of the soil absorption system should be provided with an eye toward the location of orginal ground if there has been fill placed in the area as is alledged. Also if a gravel deposit is present connecting the two properties is present as is alledged then it could provide a excellent pathway for effluent to reach your well. In summary I believe that based on the information I received that the proposed location of the soil absorption system is not supported and that relocation of the system would negate the possibility of contamination of your water sypply well. Sincerely, Kyle J. C~erry e~(al Regional Environme Supervisor cc: AM-DHE~ bl 18-06LH Ted Forsi and Associates, Inc. 124 East Seventh Avenue · Anchorage, Alaska 99501 · (907) 274-9517 P.O. Box 2470 · Soldotna, Alaska 99669 · (907) 262-5531 February 4, 1980 Mr. Carl Luchsinger P.O. Box'94 Star Route A Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Dear Mr. Luchsinger; On January 26, 1980 we completed a subsurface soils exploration at the location of the proposed St. Ann Elizabeth Seton School on Huffman Road in Anchorage. A total of six test borings were drilled with a truck mounted mobile drill. Standard penetration tests were run at 5-foot intervals on four of the six augered holes. The standard penetration tests involved the driving of a two-inch split spoon sampler with a 140 pound hammer falling through 30 inches, and indicate the relative soil density and consistency. Samples were taken at these five-foot intervals. These were visually classified and retained for possible further testing. Soils encountered during the exploration consisted mainly of sand and silty sand. Sandy gravel, sandy silt and peat were also encountered. If you have any questions with regards to the information contained herein, please feel free to call me.' Sincerely, TED FORSI AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Nils Lindholm, P.E. Civil Engineer NL;cs Engineering · Planning · Surueying Boring #1 Located in existing gravel roadway Depth: 0=3~ 3'-8' 8'-15' 15' Brown sandy gravel to 3", few fines (GW) depth of frost = 2½ feets Sandy gravel and sands, dry, dense with lens of dry silt at 7½ feet, slight dry strength (GP, SW, SP) Clean brown sands, few fines (SW, SP) water table at 12 feet± Bottom of test hole Boring #2 Located in existing gravel parking area Depth: 0-1½' 1½-5' 5' 5-10' 7½' 10' 10-11½' 11½-15' 15' 15-20' 20' 20' Sandy and silty gravels with traces of organics, wood chips (GR, GM) Dry brown sandy gravel, silty gravel sizes to 3", fines moderate (GW, GP, GM) Standard penetration test 60 blows/ft, of penetration, sample taken. Depth of frost approximately 2½ feet Brown sandy gravel, gravelly sand, few fines, well graded (GN, SW, SP) Water Table Standard Penetration Test result 56 blows/ft - could be high as saturated sandy soil could alter results. A conservative estimate for the standard penetration taken as 30 blows/foot based on penetration at beginning of test. Sample taken. Gravelly sand, clean Sand, silty sand, sandy inorganic silt at 15' (SW, SM, MH) Standard Penetration Test. Recorded 70 blows/foot. Saturated sandy material, estimate standard penetration at 40 blows/foot. Sandy silt, clay Standard Penetratiom Test. Recorded 35 blows/foot. Sample taken. Bottom of test hole Boring #3 Holes #3 through 6 located in. gravel parking area. Depth: 0-2½' 2½-3' 2½-4½' 5' 6½-7' 5-10' 10' Brown sandy and silty gravel (GP, GM) Depth of Frost Coarse sandy brown gravel, moist, sizes to 5" Standard Penetration Test 26 blows/foot sample taken-moist sandy silt Water Table Elevation Brown silts, clayey ~ilts at 9'~, organics present Standard Penetration Test 39 blows/foot. Sample taken-silty sand Boring #3 Cont. 10-15' 15' 15-20' 20' 20' Silty sands/sandy silts, organics present Standard penetration test. Recorded 47 blows/foot, could be inflated because of saturated sandy material, estimated standard penetration at 35 blows/foot. Sample taken. Grey silty sand Standard Penetration Test - 22 blows/foot. Sample taken; Bottom of test hole Borin9 #4 Depth: 0-4E 1½' 4'-5½'± 5½-10' 10' 10-20' 15' 20' 20' Contaminated brown sandy gravel to 1½'i, gravelly sand, silty sand, moist (GP, GM, SP, SM/SC) Approximate depth of frost. Peat, no standard penetration test at 5 feet. Soft silts, clayey silts, organics present (ML, OL/OH) Standard Penetration Test - 23 blows/foot. Sample taken - s~lty sand. Silt sand, sandy silt, little organics (SP, SM/SC, MH) Standard Penetration Test - 50 blows/foot. Sample taken - silty sand. Standard Penetration Test - 50 blows/foot. Sample taken - silty sand. Bottom of test hole. ~orin9 #5 Depth: 0-5I 1½' 6-10' 6' 6' Brown drY sandy gravel/gravelly sand, some fines (GP, SP, SM) Approximate depth of frost Silty sand (SP, SM/SC) Approximate elevation of.water table Bottom of test hole. Borin9 #6 Depth: 0-1' 1½' 1½-2½' 2½-4' 4'-5' 5' Contaminated sandy gravel fill material Approximate depth of frost Peat, soft organics Moist brown sandy 9ravel, gravelly sand with fines Wet sand Standard Penetration Test - 25 blows/foot. Sample taken silty sand. Bottom of test hole CASE MO. MUNICIPAUTY OF ANCHORAGE ,~-"'\, DEPT. OF i ALl'fi & ENVIRONM~N!AL ~;,c~cTR~ETURN COMMENTS TO: Zoning and Platting Division RECE V[ ouch "-' ~Anchorage, Alaska 99502 264-4215 A request to rezone approximately acres from to A request to'amend Title 21 to __A request for concept/final approval of a conditional use to permit a in the zone. . request for an amendment to a conditional use A site plan review for COMMENTS: DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) Urban Beautification Commission ~Ordinance Amendments) Municipal Attorney's Office ~,/~3 .)/z~/2~ Community Council R~2 i R-IA Ill. ~:~,~m en d~._~m.nt to ~ special exception E~ SE~ OFFICE USE SW¼ Sec 21 T12N R3W Suburban residential district" 21.40.080 Par B-2. See Attached Narrative IV, See Attached Narrative See Attached Narrative Explain any other material which the applicant believes to be relevant to the ca~e See Attached Narrative St. Elizabeth's Church . $l G N ~,TUR E~L~F THE OWNER(S) OF THE Star Route A, Box 1530-M AD E C~n~S~orage, AK 99507 DATE PHONENO. DATE ~z~/ 7~-~ 7 ~'. 20-017 (7/77) '1 Asso¢iaJes, I2.4 East Seventh Avenue ~ Anchorage, Alaska 99501 · (907) 274-9517 P.O. Box 2470 · Soldotna, Alaska 99669 · (907) 262-6531 February 4, 1980 Mr. Carl Luchsinger P.O. Box'94 Star Route A Anchorage? Alaska 99507 Dear Hr. Luchsinger; On January 26, 1980 we completed a subsurface soils exploration at the location of the proposed St. Ann Elizabeth Seton School on Huffman Road in Anchorage. A total of six test borings were drilled with a truck mounted mobile drill. Standard penetration tests were run at 5-foot intervals on four of the six augered holes. The standard penetration tes:s involved the driving of a two-inch split spoon sampler with a 160 pound hammer falling through 30 inches, and indicate the relative soil density and consistency. Samples were taken at these five-foot intervals. These were visually classified and retained for possible further testing. Soils encountered during the exploration consisted mainly of sand and silty sand. Sandy gravel, sandy silt and peat were also encountered. If you have any questions with regards to the information contained herein, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, TED FORSI AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Nils Lindholm, P.E. Civil Engineer NL;cs Engineering · Planning · Surue jing I I ~0 Located in existing gravel roadway Depth: 0-3I 3I_8, 8'-!5' 15' Brown sandy gravel to 3", few fines (GW) depth of frost : 2½ feet± Sandy gravel and sands, dry, dense with lens of dry silt at 7½ feet, slight dry strength (GP, SW, SP) Clean brown sands, few fines (SW, SP) water table at 12 feet± Bottom of test hole Boring #2 Located in existing gravel parking area Depth: 0-1%' 1½-5' 5' 5-10I 7½' 10' 10-11½' 11%-15' 15' 15-20' 20' 20' Sandy and silty gravels with traces of organics, wood chips (GP, GM) Dry brown sandy gravel, silty gravel sizes to 3", fines moderate (GW, GP, GM) Standard penetration test 60 blows/ft, of penetration, sample taken. Depth of frost approximately 2½ feet Brown sandy gravel, gravelly sand, few fines, well graded (GW, SW, SP) Water Table Standard Penetration Test result 56 blows/ft - could be high as saturated sandy soil could alter results. A conservative estimate for the standard penetration taken as 30 blows/foot based on penetration at beginning of test. Sample taken. Gravelly sand, clean Sand, silty sand, sandy inorganic silt at 15' (SW, SM, MH) Standard Penetration Test. Recorded 70 blows/foot. Saturated sandy material, estimate standard penetration at 40 blows/foot. Sandy silt, clay Standard Penetratiom Test. Recorded 35 blows/foot. Sample taken. Bottom of test hole Boring #3 Holes #3 through 6 located in gravel parking area. Depth: 0-2½' 2½-3' 2½-4½' 5' 6½-7' 5-10' 10' Brown sandy and silty gravel (GP, GM) Depth of Frost Coarse sandy brown gravel, moist, sizes to 5" Standard Penetration Test 26 blows/foot sample taken-moist sandy silt Water Table Elevation Brown silts, clayey silts at 9'~, organics present Standard Penetration Test 39 blows/foot. Sample taken-silty sand ~oring 10-i5 15' 15-20' 20~ 20' Boring #4 Depth: 0-4' 1%' 10~ 10-20' 15' 20' 20' Boring #5 Depth: O-BI 1½' 6-10' 6' 6' Boring #6 Depth: 0-11 1½' 1½-2½' 2%-4' 4'-B' 5' Cont. Silty sands/sandy silts, organics present Standard penetration test. Recorded 47 blows/foot, could be inflated because of saturated sandy material, estimated standard penetration at 35 blows/foot. Sample taken. Grey silty sand Standard Penetration Test - 22 blows/foot. Sample taken. Bottom of test hole Contaminated brown sandy gravel to 1½'±, gravelly sand, silty sand, moist (GP, GM, SP, SM/SC) Approximate depth of frost. Peat. no standard penetration test at 5 feet. £oft silts, clayey silts, organics present (ML, OL/OH) Standard Penetration Test - 23 blows/foot. Sample taken - silty sand. Silt sand, sandy silt, little organics (SP, SM/SC, MH) Standard Penetration Test - 50 blows/foot. Sample taken - silty sand. Standard Penetration Test - 50 blows/foot. Sample taken - silty sand. Bottom of test hole. Brown dry sandy gravel/gravelly sand, some fines (GP, SP, SM) Approximate depth of frost Silty sand (SP, SM/SC) Approximate elevation of water table Bottom of test hole. Contaminated sandy gravel fill material Approximate depth of frost Peat, soft organics Moist brown sandy gravel, gravelly sand with fines Wet sand Standard Penetration Test - 25 blows/foot. Sample taken silty sand. Bottom of test hole DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO SPECIAL EXCEPTION St. Elizabeth Church SRA Box 2530 M Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Lega~l Description~ St. Elizabeth Parish is requesting a special exception for construction of a school on the property described as East i/2, Southeast 1/4, Southwestl/4, Southwest 1/4, Sec. 21, Township 12 ~ornh~ ~an~e 3 Westl Planning Objectives: It is planned to add a grade school including grades Kindergarten through Sixth that will accommodate approximately 25 students per grade and a special education facility for approxi- mately 15 students, in a newly constructed single story building, located within the existing church/rectory complex. The proposed school at St. Elizabeth parish is needed by the residents of the Ocean Biew, Huffman, O'Malley, Lake Otis, and Rabbit Creek residents to meet needs for Catholic education in Anchorage, as it has will also be bowl area on the existing been met in other U.S. cities. The school open to residents of the remainder of the Anchorage space available basis. Location of this school on St. Elizabeth Parish grounds is an especiallydesirable location because the founders of St. Elizabeth Parish needs when planning the existing Church and Rectory. when the land consisting of five acres was purchased, foresaw the Accordingly, the entire complex was planned including provision for access, egress and playgrounds. The location of this portation from the Hillside as well as possible. for efficient and attractive use of the land, and appropriate parking complex makes easy trans- from the Ocean View areas The existing parish of over three hundred families has been shown co be finzncial!y capable of supporting the operation and maintenance responsibilities of such a complex. Details of Proposed Development: Thee present church is located on the southeast side of the complex and connects to the Rectory on the South end of the property. The school is to be built on the southwest side of the property, and is to be constructed according to schedule using cedar siding, roof shakes and other attractive outside construction designed to blend with the present church and with the rustic environment of the Hnffman area. The existing rectory will receive new cedar siding to blend with the church,and school arrangement. The entire c'ompiex will, then, create a coordinated arrangement with walkways between buildings, a court yard, and proper landscaping to make it attractive. The front of the complex will have no driveway openings to Huffman Avenue. This is according to the previous recommendation. of the Planning Commission at the time of church construction. Parking for the school and the playground will be constructed in the central and North portion of the complex, toward the back of the three-building arrangement where cars will be hidden from public view, as will the sounds and activities of the children at play. Scheduling and Timing of Develo~_ent Pr.~.ram: It is proposed to begin construction of the proposed school in the month of May 1980. Construction is to take place over two years, in the first year the building itself will be completed to the point of occupancy permission by the Municipality. Outside finishing will be compleee as well as the interior furnishings, necessary to hold classes. In the second year additional work will be done on building and grounds both inside and outside to improve attractiveness of the complex. In the previouw application for special excepCion for construction of the church it was the recommendation of the Planning Commission that paving of the parking lat be done in 1980. It is here requested that the paving requirement be rescheduled to 1981 to allow for escavation and construction activities during the school construction. Other Material Which the Applicant Believes to be Relevant to the Case: It should be noted that granted sufficient funds for St. Elizabeth Parish has been full cost of construction of the proposed school on St. Elizabeth's land by a non-profitable and charitable foundation in the Anchorage area. This will assure those who are concerned, that the building and grounds will be constructed in accordance with the planned time schedule. Final Ownership: There is no intent to sell or lease the land or buildings of ......... e~ Parish as the land and facilities will be fully utilized in serving the religious and education needs of the people of Hillside, Rabbit Creek and Ocean View areas. Traffic and Pedestrian Patterns: Entrance to the three-building complex will be from the east from Gander Street, over two driveways. The South driveway will provide parking for the handicapped and those wanting access to the front doors of the existing church and the existing rectory. Limited parking will be provided in the front access. The back access will be to the main parking lot where traffic will flow in a circular pattern around the parking area. This main parking area will be closed to general traffic during normal school hours. Sufficient parking for teachers and administrative personnel will be provided in the front or South parking lot. During the weekends and evenings when school is not in session the North parking lot will be open for parking of those attending meetings and religious services. Sidewalks and buildings and parking facilities are provided as shown in the attached Plot Plan in both the South and North parking areas. Landscaping: A lawn is proposed in the seeded areas in the front around the front parking areas along Gander Street. Lawn interspersed wi~h trees and schrubs will also be utilized in the area between the church and Gander Street and along the Westgrn Border of the school grounds. The court yard will be schrubs, lawns and appropriate sidewalks. The Northern area will serve doubly as parking and playground area. Therefore the parking lot will be paved to provide for hard surface parking and for hard surface play activities. The soft surface playground area will be combined lawn and sand areas as required to provide for play- ground activities including games and so on. The remainder of the five acre area to the extreme North will be left in its natural state, in anticipation of additional playground or other future needs. -5- \ ~v VICIAIITY .IVIAP ~", ~n£E DTI002347 PROPOSED PZOT P/_AN OF: 577 £LIZABET, L/ SET¢M ~AA'I$/-/