HomeMy WebLinkAboutT12N R3W SEC 33 LT 134 I E..I..II.[ I NO. " ,' ,' :,J., ) I.. [ _..HN I C;1=11" :Il GI=I L. TH Z L ]'. EiHT i..FtNIS =..4 4 ::1..,:, 540EtE~ '.E;t;:¢JFIRIE I:rIE[ET .... ~[ ,,...E OF' THE: ': '" :[ L FIEr.'_:.;OI:E:PT ]: ON .. ~_ I Ell ]: =,. HIS RE(;:flJ ]1 RE:I:) ' "''~ -' - ' :' ":'- =" ..... ' THE I.JEIm',IGTH D :[ P'IEt",IE; :[ ON Itl:; ll"'IE: L.E:NI3TH ,:::[i',l F:'ISE:T) OF ]"FIE TF4:EF,ICH O1.:..: DRRINFIEI..D. THE E:,IEI::"I'H OF I=1 TB'.Ei'.,ICH OR F':['I' [:E; "I'I-IE E:, :[ :::;TFINC:E.' BE:TI.,.IEEN THE E.,UI:?.F'FICE: OF "I-I-IE C~[;;'.OIJIqE) FII'.,II:) ']"H[.E BCKI"TOH OF TH[E E',qC:FI',?FIT:[Oi',I (:IN F'ISIST); 'FHE:F~E ]~':C, I'40 E;IST H:[D"I'H F'OR TRENCHE?/'i;. THE: G[;:F~',/EI._ DEFq"H ]:L"~; 'f1"IE: I"I:[N:[I"IUIIfl DEPTH OF' GF,'FIVEL. E:E:THEE:i",I THE OU'TFFIL.L_ I='ZPE FINE:' 'T'HFE I:"(:(:)'F"FOII,I OF' 'I"HF~: [E,'.,:',C:FI',,,'FIT :[ ON ( ]: 1'.4 F:EET ). ...................................................... F> IFIl E:::: ~,':::.: ~=11 fiZZ1 flT~ F" L.. ¢:~ ~-4 -F C~ F" T' ~[ Cu ~..,~ R I::'FICI<:FI(SE: I='I...I=INT I'flFl"r' BE Z NE;-I"I::II...LIED FIT TI"RE PERM ~ TTEE '" S; OFq" ~ ON 5UEL3E:C:T TO THE F'OI_.I.OH ;[NG 2.. E]Z'T'HISR FI C:t..FIE;:E; :[ OR ;[): NSF FIF'F'RO~'/IS[) I::'LRI"4'I" t'lFl"? F3E INtS-i'FIL. I_ED. I;:1 CI:]II.~TINLIOU~; ["IFIiN"I"ISI",IF:INC:IS Ft(3E~'.ISEIIq[ENT IE; I~'.E;QUZ[RISD. IF* R h'II~IIqTISI"JFINIZ:E FI(:31:?.EEI'qisNT ]:~; NOT KIEPT CUF~[;~ISNT '¢OU Idf:~'r' E~E RECqU~RIED TO ENI....RRGE: TI-lIE RE~2;ORF'TZON ~;VSTE;I'd FIN[)/OP. MOU MR'¢ E[E SUELYEC:T TO PROSECUTZON. :[ : E:RT ]: F'"" THFIT "'II ~ '7 ";::" h..~, SE'l" F:IN E:' L,.[EL.LS ': :IF' THE De "tment of Health and Environmen' ~roteetion ' Anchorage, Alaska 99507 %T S()II~S 1,()(; Iq,At()I,ATI()N TES'P form r(.pot'ts: .Soils 10g ___~ Percolation test ............. Dep tll F e e t 2- 3- 4 - 5- 7 - 8- 9~ 10- 11 12- 13- ld - /l~as ground waLer eocountered? If yes, at. ~.lilat. dupth? -', ........ r ...........-f ............... r ............ ; ............. , ................ Reading DaLe Gross Tinle Net 'i'ime Uepth to Water Net .... Z ........ t Po rem ] a -Proposed Jnstallat~m oeepa~le PiL Urai lield UupLh of lnleL . l)eptl~l>'Jm't'tb}n'bF I)it or~Lrencn ....................... January 5, 1978 Robert Dunlap Star Route A Box 487 Anchora.qe, A:L as~[a 99507 Subject: ~.~12N R3W Section 33 BLM/Lot 134 Permit #77617 A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired. Permits are.. issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, .l)y autho~rity of Municipal ordinance° If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department Go document the installation date° If there are any further questions~ please contact this office at 264=4720o : Sincerely, Health and Environmeutal Protection Sewer ~.u]d Water Sectlion CASE NUMBER PETITION FOR DATE RECEIVED COMMENT TO PLANNING BY REZONING % SPECIAL EXCEPTION VACATION R E6UBDIVISIO~ COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIF, tONMENTAL PRUi'ECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW OF Constructin§ E~nqineers for Plat of Lots 1 & 2 of BLM Lot 134 located in NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 33, T12N, R3W, SM, Ak Zoning R-6; containing 2.5 acres .~ duly 7, 1977 PUBLI'~SEWER NO'r AVAILABLE TO SERVICE PETITION AREA, 23, 5-4,183 --- BL,M I_OTS 134,\ & 13,U; --. The Mtmicil:alit,f of Anchorage has received petition flora [(obett /~. Dunlap to resubdivide appro~imaterv 2.5 acres from one lot ' two Jots. 'l he petition area is located sou[h of-i-wilight [.arte, bu?.,,.een Saddler St., and Loc [.oman St. Appz:oved :~ul;.}' c e I: ~Resolving, t~,,e upgractJng of SaddJ. er :-~t:-acI: ,"~, ' ~ .... Elle Pt~b]./c ;4arks D~?artment pl'ior [:o fi!i:'~g the pla[. 71-014 (9/76) 10,- 2- [,la.; flrouud water encountered? /g'O If vus, aL I'&OL du,,Lh? Gross Time ........................ ; ........................ k-p