HomeMy WebLinkAboutT13N R3W SEC 29 General Information January 4~ 1978 Gittins Construction 1011 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: T13N R3W Section 29 A pe~it issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired. Per, its are issued on a calendar year basis~ as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sineerely~ Health and Environmental Protection Sewer and Water Section F'ERHIT NO. ,' ; FIPF'LiCIINT LOE:Frt ~ ON LEGliL G :[ "F't" Z i"4E; cr'-iNS__~f -1':!..3:i'.,I R:2:W 'Z,2':'~ J.~[~::Li E 'TUDOR LOT .=, I ,::.E 4':]:560 :B;]:~IJFIRE FEE'T MiNIMOH DIL:;TIINCIE BETI4EEN li HELL liND Rigr' ON-SI]"E SEWRGE DISPOSRI... Sg'LC,-I"EH iS ; 10'L:'~ FEET FOR FI PRI","FITE WELL OR 290 FEET FOR R PUBLIC WELL HELL LOGS FIRE REQUIRED RND HLIST BE RETURI'4E[-" TO THE [:,EPRR'f'f'1ENT !*!I"f'HIN 2;0 DFI"r"2; OF THE WELL COHPL. ETION. : OTHER REg~UtREMENTS MR'¢ liPF'L.b'. 2;PECIFICFITIONS FIND CONS"f'RUCTION DIFIGRIIMS FIRE Fl',,,'li I LFISLE "1"0 INSURE PROPER I NSTRLLFI"f i ON. I CERTIFY THRT t: I RM FRHILIliR 14tTH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS RND WELLS lis SET FORTH F;¥ ]-HE HUNICIPRLIT'¢ OF' RNCHORIiGE. 2: I 14IL. L INS"FFILL THE S"?STEM IN IiCCOI'~:DRNE:E t.,.IITH THE CODES. IIF'F'L~,IT G ITT I NS E:ON.F;T ~,_~AT.ER WE_LL~ LOG Drilling Contractor: Artic Drilli'ng Co. P.O. Box 10~976 Anchorage, Alaska Drilled For: Gittins Construction Inc, Date Drilled: September -October 1977 99511 Location of Well: T13N R3NSM Section 29 Depth of Well: 277 feet Well Size: Well Screen Size: 6" x 5' Screen Slot Size: 40 Amount of Casing: 274'- 4" Screen Exposure: 2' - 8" Drilling Log: 1-53 feet Fill 53-56 feet 56-57 feet 57-70 feet 70-76 feet 76-81 feet 81-88 feet 88-95 feet 95-98 feet 98-116 feet 116-117 feet 117~125 feet 125-148 feet 148-160 feet 160-175 feet 175-180 feet 180-216 feet 216-220 feet 220-270 feet 270-274 feet 274-277 feet over soft clay with small amount gravel and sand Hard clay some gravel Gravel, sand, H20- about 15 G,P,M. Gravel, Silt, Seepage Gravel, Clay Silty Sand, heavy seepage Gravel, H20 - 2-3 6pm Dirty Clay soft Silty sand and clay Hard Gravel, seeps heavily Clay streak Gravel, heavy seepage Clay and gravel Silty sand, clay, heavy seep Silty sand, clay, gravel, and H20 Sandy clay and gravel Silty sand Blue Clay Silty sand, H20 Silty sand and clay- firm Medium to course and and fine to medium gravel, H20 Static level 35' from top of well Pumping level (bailed) 95' from top Yield at pumping level 25 G.P.M. (D.D. Estimated yield of well 50 + G.P.M. 60') statewide remote... CONSTRUCTION INCORPORATED 1011 E. TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 January 16, 1978 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Enviromental Protection Sewer and Water Section Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: T13N R3NSM Section 29 In responce to your letter of January 4, 1978. Attached is a copy of well log for your files. Any questions pertaining to the well log should be refferred to Keith K. Moore. Thank you, Vi ce Pres i dent/Operat%ons KKM/jmb Enclosure: Copy of letter dated Jan. 4th Copy of well log GENERAL CONTRACTOR6