HomeMy WebLinkAboutT13N R3W SEC 32 Parcel 12 ~ ~/~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION .' 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME PHONE [] NEW MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION NO. OF BEDROOMS DISTANCETO: [Well j~& i IAbsorptionarea. ' '-- Dwelling Liq, capacity in ~allons Inside length Width Liquid depth OTHER DATE LEGAL D[EF'(.~d::';."I-P'II:ENT OP HEiAi...'i"H .,'~ND EiNVF_F;:E)BII"IE{NT'¢~! PFR[)T'E[CT)r. ON 964.....4'72Ci ¢?~F)pL..I[:;AN ~ GF)F:iq:)Y' SCI Ii...O!:~E~.E:F,' ,/.~IxiCI.{[)F:;'.¢IGIE, %: ':?S;'5C~2 CE]N"F,.".~,C'i' PH(]NE: = 562.-.4. :LTC:, ]. ~ ')" (')., C) CH~. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE D£PARTIVlENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST [~'""~SOILS LOG TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 2 3 4 7 8 !2.; TISN. ¢ ~LOPE SITE PLAN 10 11 12 13- 14- 15- 16 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER IS. ENCO~'",'TERED? fro o P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net ( Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time ~,~ j ~ Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN ETWEEN '~'-~ FT AND (minutes/inch) CASE NUMBER: 85-027 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET ~ ~ // DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: February 4, 1985 February 11, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: A request for final approval of a conditional use to permit a commercial tree nursery in the R-1 zone. (/) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( --~PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE RETURN COMMENTS TO: CASE NO. ~--~)~.--7 A request tO A request MUNICIPAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 264-4215 to rezone approximately to amend Title 21 to acres from MUNICIPALITY 0~ ANCHOP, AO~ D~PT. OF HEALTH & ~ LU ~.~ R[CEiVt:U ,~' A request ~o~n~cf~ in~_~Pproval of a conditional use to permit '['~--]~'~ /~£ 7 in the ~--- I zone. A request for an amendment to a conditional use A site plan review for COMMENTS: Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing Date: DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) Urban Beautification Commission (Ordinance Amendments) Municipal Attorney's Office Community Council "Federation of Community Councils gbl/ng6 CASE: PETITIONER REQUEST: TOTAL AREA: LOCATION: CURRENT ZONE: GRID #: Community Council) gbl/ng7 Crt r< R-2 A TR 8-$ 2 53rd TR ,,~1 TR A£ R-2 48th Crt 40 52 50th 76 TR D2 B-3 SL PLI FINAL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Received by __ Verification of pwn~y~hi P C.P H. Date The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipaflty of Anchorage for final approval chock one ~X) new conditional use ( ) amendment to a conditional use Oescriptlon: (use additional paper if necessary) ' Legal description of the area requested for the COnditional use ~ lar~scape desi~can/build cc~any ~o a lar~er, self concaine~ ~ SLngle the present existing characte~ of the parcel. The 1~ intensi~/ land use ~hat there are adequate existing sewage capacity, transportation facilities, energy supply and space adjacent to residential that the development wilt not have a substantial negative aesthetic effect on the locale of the · ~. t~affic through and a~ou~d this parcel is mirlimal to nonexistanc. La~d Tech Alaska, DATE 99502 562-4170 ADDRESS ¢HONENO. LandTech.Alaska Inc. landscape architects - constructors D.o. box 6941 anchorage,' alaska 99502 (907) 562-4170 January 23, 1985 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT The following information is provided in support of and supplemental to the Conmitional Use Permit Application. These statenmnts are intended to provide further explanation to the comnents requested on the application form. A. Brief Site History Existing use of this parcel presented in the application was originally established by the present owners 'Moose' Moore and Marion Moore. The Moore's originally homesteaded this site in 1946. Moose Moore currently maintains Anchorage residency in a home adjacent to this parcel. Marion Moore presently resides in Hawaii. Through the years, the Moo~e's cleared portions of the land, maintained an airstrip, constructed and raised a log home, and built various outbuildings on this site. The nature of Alaska homesteading and the efforts of the Moore's is evident in the character of 'the site today. B. Existing Conditions 7~e property under consideration is legally described as Parcel 12, T15N, RSW, Section 52, Anchorage Recording District. The area consists of two seperate but contiguous platted areas currently zoned R-1 (single family residential). The total parcel contains an area of approximately So75 acres. As defined by geo-rezoning, the property lies within the Muldoon Zoning District or geo-zone 5. Road access to the site is provided via East 56th Avenue off Lake Otis Boulevard a distance of approximately 840 feet. The parcel is bounded on the west by Petersburg Street, the north by Tudor Hills Subdivision (single family residential), the south by vacant property which extends to Dowling Road and is zoned R-l, and on the east by two parcels of R-1 residential. By location, the site is sltuated at the crest of a rise in the landform and offers a panoramic view of the surrounding area. Principal vegetation on the site consists of native spruce and birch trees. Inwarm views of the property are mifficult because of the vegetaion density anm the rise in landform. Hei~nt of tree cover ranges from 15'-50' and encloses tne property on the northern, eastern and western boundaries. Open areas exist around the buildings and are mostly vegetated by lawns and grasses or consist of gravel drive and parking area. -1- page 2 Supplemental Report cont.~ Structures within the site consist of a three bedroom log home with base- ment of approximately 1824 square feet. The house is currently ._.occupied by renters and is a fully operational honm. Also on site are various outbuildings which include a quonset hut, a barn, and a stable/storage building. The existing residence is ser~f-ced~v natural gas, ~ septic leach field, ~/~ or'site ~ater well anG electricity. The off-site utilities of electrici~cy and natural gas access the property from East 56thAvenue. A ~nicipal water hydrant is located on the west· property line at its intersections with East 56th Avenue. A 20 foot wide water line easement is dedicated along the northern property line adjacent to Tudor Hills Subdivision and along the west property line to its intersection with East 56th. Although n~nicipal water service intersects the property, the existing residential ~ater~~rived from~.~ell~V-~nicipal sewe~ serviceadjacentsubdivisionpropertiesbutdonotad~t~i~-~arcel.· _ ______ ~~ The major slope aspect of the site is to the south. A gradual slope occurs throughout the land area which contains the residence, outbuildings and cleared areas. This gentle slope provides good southern exposure of an estimated three quarters of the 5.7S acres. The northern one quarter of of the land is a steep north facing slope down to Tudor Hills Subdivision. The approxin~te difference in elevation between these two areas ranges from 20-40 feet./The--AmeD~_ge--So/l__~Survey report indicates that surface ~oils consist ~silt and silt sand~ Proposed Use and Site Plan This Conditional Use Application is being submitted for the continued operation of a locally owned company entitled Land Tech Alaska,inc. In brief, this corapany works with the landscape industry- throughout the Anchorage area. In understanding the proposed use of this site and the basis for the layout shown on the attached site plan, it is necessary to provide a description of the company and its operation. Included in the following is an intro- duction to Land TechAlaska, as extracted from the firm resu~. This statement describes company intentions and philosophy and helps place perspective on the proposed land use. C 0 R I:l I~l:lA'l'l I3N Gordon ~c~losser, P~eslden~ LandTech-^laska vas flrs~ organized In ~978 and has since es~al~l Ished ~e~)u~aflon of provldln§ a c_.~..~rehenslv® landscape architecture, co~sl~'uc~lon, and nursery o~era~lon. (3ur gc~l is 1~3 provlde each cllen~ vl~h a p~l~ co~q~le~ and ~divldue! page 3 Reflecting. this coecept, our efforts are directed to provldlm~ design e~cel lance and sound construotlon methods. These methoda ere supported and recognized by our affiliation wlth both the Amer[can Society of Landscape Architects. and the Alaska.Hor~rlcultural Asses. la, ran. Ifa have developed a ?earn of p~ofese~onafs whose a~es~ at expert, lse_.and experience cover a wide spec~Tu~ot related dlsclpllne~ within the field of landscape architecture, By developing this diverse, yet ~orklng team, we are able to provide Individual at-tentlon to all facets of the client's pro~ecl~ no mat-tar how large or smell In scale. Direct knowledge of the technlcal requirements of ~r field and the m3rking knowledge of constructlon technlques enables our company to remaln capable of 'accompllshlng projects of various sizes° These capabilltles allow us to ~ork as part of an interdisciplinary team at the design stage or joint venture/sub-contract wlth other constructors lnstalllng the final product. Within this frame~ork we offer a range of landscape services which. Include the following= (1) DESIGN= ~echnlcal consultlng, land and/or development planning site des lgn (schematic to flnal construotlon drawings), planting plans, and spec lflcatlon d~cuments. (2) CONSTRUCTION= cost estimate, slte preparation and construction supervlslon/Inspectlon, maintenance programs, erosion corrfrol and ravegetatlon. (~) NURSERY= large Inventory of plants that have been In Alaska for two to three years~ plant procuremnt of selected and hardy species for use In Alaska projects, s~andar~ rmrse~y stock, specimen plant material (slze). The objective to be achieved in the site plan is to relocate and established landscape company to a larger~ consolidated, single location. It is plarnned that this land use will allow a location for the three facets of company services to operate as a combined entity. It is also viewed that the site and its previous history are unique in character and quality and a landscape operation will enhance the existing conditions of the site and the surround- The site plan incorporates and maximizes existing site conditions that are beneficiial to this use, thus minimizing disturbance. For ex~uple, the existing cleared areas and areas of flat or gentle topography provide good location for the layout of the tree and shrub nursery yards. Existing vehicular circulation patters within the site will remain basically the same and will be suitable for the proposed uses. Likewise, the main structures on the property will be utilized as they exist. Incidental storage of landscape tools and equipment and landscape materials is planned for the outbuildings while the on site residence will ~Supplemental Report cont: page accoa~sdate associated office work and provide space for lands~ap~ design staff. In sunmary, through the site plan and by nature of the proposed use, it is expected that no new construction and ~minimal site improveimts are required in order to operate and use this site for the intended use. The following section describes the inprovements which are planned. Improvements for Proposed Use The proposed property improvements to the site will consist of minor up- grading of the following project areas: 1..Nursery Grounds 2. Parking and Circulation 3. Clearing 4. Landscaping AlthouCn good conditions currently exist at the site and would allow for suitable and ~nediate occupation of conpany use, the proposed i~prove- ments will enhance site appearance and the overall operation of the facility. Nursery Grounds This item will include minor grading of the nursery yard to provide a smoother surface area for tree anm shred storage and the associated access aisles. This work is viewed as filling in low spots and slight surface depressions. Extent of work is considered minor because of the flat or gentle slopes which currently exist. Parking and Circulation There will be a total of six designated parking spaces serving the site. One of these six spaces is allocated for handicap parking. Quantity of parking is derived from criteria stating one parking space per each 300 square feet of building space. The existing driveway entrance from East 56th Avenue will be widened to 24 feet to provide adequate entrance and exit to the property. The remaining area to the north of the outbuildings will be left clear and graded s*~oth to accomodate overflow parking, equipment parking and off-loading of delivery vans each spring. Clearing Selective clearing and tree removal is planned for the nursery grounds and parking circulation areas. The on-site vegetation clearing will consist of removing or in some cases transplanting existing trees within the central portions of the site. This clearing will allow for more efficient operation of these activities and will aesthetically i~uprove the grounds. No clearing is plar~ed within the designated buffers indicated on the site plan. Supplemental Report cont: page 5 Landscaping Beyond the layout of the nursery, landscaping is plamned for the entrance to the office and the driveway entrance to the. s~qe. This work will be ongoing throughout the life of the project and will be meveloped to er~ance the overall grounds and provide a pleasant environment for visitors ana en~loyees. E. Conclusions and Findings This section is included to suamarize the site plan and proposed improvements of this Conditional Use. This s~Famary is written in direct response and for further explanation to the requirements listed under IV. Conditional Use Findings of the application form. The proposed land use of this site is agricultural in nature, is described a a low-key, low intensity land use and is primarily seasonal in length of yearly activity. The proposed land use intensity is likely much less than the allowable intensity of 5-6 units per acre as designated in the Anchorage Con~rehensive Plan. In addition the proposed use, in affect, will maintain an open space basically as it exists today. Some additional road traffic on East 56th Avenue can be expected. Peak customer actlvity is anticipated during the months of June and July, ~ile employee traffic will occur during the s~mer months of May through September. Typically the month of May will include truck and trailer vans delivering nursery stock Thru traffic by the public, either autonmbile or pedestrian ls not practical. The site as situated maintains a cul-de-sac affect for any potential traffic. Traffic is thus controlled by thls affect from impacting adjacent neighbor- hoods and properties on the west, north and south. Traffic use is expected to be n~nimal for this reason and also because of ~ne seasonal nature of the proposed use. Additionally, Lake Otis Boulevard is identified as a major arterial in the Anchorage Comprehensive Plan and by thls designation woulG be expected to acc~nodate the minor traffic flows this use will produce. Energy supply to the site is deemed adequate. Electricity and natural gas servicing the existing residence, are sufficient to operate an 1800 square foot hom~. The proposed use is not expected to exceed the current demands for these services. Additional square footage is not planned. The on-site residence is currently occupied and rented. Office use of water and sewage facilities is not expected to exceed the current capacity available for this size residence. Should additional sewage 'treatment be required during sun~ner peak period of June and July, a portable toilet could be placed inservice on site and maintained by a rental arrangement. Back-up water supplM for irrigation of nursery stock if required on a seasonal basis could be supplied by co~any water truck. The proposed improvements to the site outlined earlier in the report are not expected to alter significantly the overall appearance of the site. Any clearing is confined to the interior portions of the site. The proposed page 6 Supplemental Report cont; vegetation buffers indicated on the site plan are composed of dense exist- ing vegetation, particularly on the west, north ~nd east propsr6~ lines. The height and density prohibits ~ny possible views into the property. Likewise, the landform ~nd elevation difference on the north side buffers the proposed use from the adjacent subdivision. The adjacent parcel lying to the south is vacant land. No impact to this areas is expected. Wi~h the designation of these buffers, and the minimal site disturbance, the proposed use is not considered as having a negative aesthetic impact to the area. Attached, you will please find a copy of a door to door petition which is circulated by this company. The petition was circulated amongst property owners of adjacent parcels and indicates these persons approval of m~nking application for this Conditional Use Permit. At present there appear 20 signatures approving this effort. Additional efforts will be ongoing to meet with other property owners who have not been reached at this time. Also, representatives of this company will meet with the local Community Council to present anG discuss this planned use. This presentation appears as an agenda item with the Council and is scheauled for January 2~, 1985, 7:00pm. ', %/- o '7 ~ ?