HomeMy WebLinkAboutT13N R3W SEC 33 Lot 29LO'T- FROM: ,GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT:` ~ ~l.~.~.r(~ll~.~] _ ~]i.~ ............ ~.. SUBJECT: INITIATED BY. Ler0Y C. Reid, Jr.~ D~rector ~' DATE OF MEMO. October 7, 1974 DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: ..[~b.!~C ~/.o.,~. ..................................... REQUESTED: REOUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE 7::'7~ : ~ PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION "~ FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION O!HER ' su~ns issued fo~a~]u~e .to connect ~.p_ubl~...~ewe~ ~t]en .. .indeed .he.ha~. a) rea~. ~nnected ~o ~he~.s~e~,,.... ~ [.understand~ ~:t part of .[he_ p~ob]~_.gccured ~h~ugh .a..de~ lay jn..postJng .records ..... I would .app~ecia~. if. 5ou .~ou]d.ask October 7, 1974 Hr. Orville Lee 4~27 PtPe~ Anchorage, Alaska 99507 ~ar Mr. Lee= ! have been asked to explain the reason you were tssued a surmnons for fatlure to connect to public se~er~en tndeed you had com~l~ed with our request te connect. The error on our part developed because of a sHp up Jn pos~tng the permit ~nfonnat~on to the p~pe~ ~ecords. ~ am ve~ sorry for ~e inconvJence or ~arrass~nt thts tnctdent have caused you. Z also realize that errors of thls type create a poor ~ge on ~e pa~t of the ctt~zens we are :~ylng to serve. Please accept ~ apalogy, ['11 do ~ bes~ to pteven: a r~ccurence of lJke incidents. Stncerely, Leroy C. Reid, Or., Phil, P.E, Director, Environmental Qualit~ LCR/pjh GIiEAT[~R ANCHORAGE i~,Ri{A BOP, OUGI! Department of Environmental Quality M E iq 0 R A >I D U M October 3, 197~ TO: P R 0 M: SUi]JECI': i)r. Leroy C. Reid, Jr. Uirector Chief Sanitarian i,iandatory Connection To Public Sewer In response to your quesi;ion of why we do not have an active program of requi ri ng connection 'to pub'l i c sewer ~ I offer the foil owing. Our om. site sewage ordinance adopted in 196,'3 requires mandatory connection (Greater &nchorage Area Borough Code of Ordinances,~ Chapter l(i, Article 16. Section t6.45.050), ,~eginning 'iii 1969~ we asked our Public Works Department to supply us with a list of properties not connected to public sewer. We have asked 'For such a list each year and have never received one. Public Works is the 9nly, dep~r~men~ that (1) issues the sewer con~c6 pern~s,~ (2) makes the inspection of the connection and (3) keeps the records of all properties connected. Since 1%9 and without the records 'From Public Works, we have required connection as we make contact with parties not connected. The ways we contact parties are as follows: I. An on-,site sewer system fails and overflows. We inspect the condition and require that tile party connects, 2. We do sewer and water inspections on existing homes for VA, FliA~ CMRO, SBA and Conventional loans. If the home is not connected, we require that they do so. We confirm all public sewer connects through our Public Works Department where homeowners sa.y they are connected. If ~ner~ is no record of connection, Public Works will perform a dye -test. Dr. Leroy C. Reid Page Two .October 3, 1974 Ne have the staff and tile ordinance to undertake this program. However, we cannot get the necessary information from the Public Works Department. They have stated that if we required total connection ill an area it may hinder the petitions in other potential lateral improvement districts. They say this is due to only 51% of the people having to sign for sewers and the possibility of 49% not wanting it. We have said once you have all people who have sewer available to the property on the sewer and paying, it is an easy step to insure that all people connect after the L.I.D.'s operational. The longer we wait on this program the more difficult it becomes. f Si :kland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian RS/I~ TO: Harry Donahue DATE: September 27, 1974 Staff Director FRO~I: Jerry Wertzbaugher Assistant Borough Attorney SUBJECT: Greater Anchorage Area Borough v. Orville Lee - Sewer Connection Enforcement The complaint against Mr. Lee will be dismissed by the Prosecutor and the defendant has been so informed. A DEQ enforcement officer, Les Buchholz, notified }Ir. Lee of his violation of the sewer ordinance by letter in June. The notice established a dead- line by which Mr. Lee had to comply or face prosecution. Well after the deadline had expired Mr. Buchholz checked with Public Works to see if a sewer permit had been obtained and whether final inspection had been made. Apparently Mr. Lee had applied for a permit, completed the work and had it inspected following his receipt of the notice; however, the records kepi by Public Works were not up to date at the time Mr. Buchholz checked for compliance. The mistake had been discovered and corrective action had been taken by the time I investigated the situation, The error appears to have resulted from a combination of two situations. First, Public Works may not have had current information on file reflecting the issuance of the permit and sub- sequent inspection. Secondly, the DEQ enforcement officer failed to make a second inquiry before filing the complaint. I have advised DEQ enforce~nent officers to make more thorough 'checks before filing complaints and I am informed that the DEQ people have com- municated the problem to Public Works. It appears that the case is an isolated mistake and does not evidence a general pattern. I have suggested that the Director of DEQ send a letter of apology to Mr. Lee. FROM: · GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ' T DEPARTMENT:` ~ ~.~ ~), SUBJEC INITIATED BY: ~,~/zf~Q/~.:.~ Z ...~'~./~,~//~r~/~'~ ~/~- ,.. DATE OF MEMO: DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: ~,. ~ .~)* .................... REQUESTED RECEIVER: .,~(~ REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE ' ~ ,~ i~'~i~O~ ~% PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION OTHER SIGNATURE "GREATER ANC~IRAGE AREA BOROUGH FROM: DEPARTMENT ~::,,2~ ~. ¢.C 'q( INITIATED BY: DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: ~ REQUESTED: FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ~ CArL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER ~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION FROM: 'GR EATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Additional information re- SUBJECT lated to m~ memo to ~ou of DEPARTMENT: 9/26/74 INITIATED BY: Les Buchholz, Sanitarian ~ DATE OF MEMO 1~/.3/Z4 ......... TO: DATE ANSWER REQUESTED: DEPARTMENT: RECEIVER: Dr. Lero~ C. Reid thru Rolf Strickland REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE ~ "'~(~R INFORMATION ONLY PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION f~ CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION 2) Complaint investigated and t~aces of liquid found in the a~ea of the .... i e. Public se~eP is available to the lot. cess ool stand 3) A Pegiste~ed letter Fe~uesting mandatory connection to the pqblic seue~ sent to OPville Lee. Registered receipt ~etu~ned 4) Time period fop connection SePvice resulted in no ~ecoPd of connection 6) ~ ~eceived a call fPom the BoPough PPOS,QC~Q~S..Q~.C.~,~Q.~,~i.ng.~Q th. ot .... O~ville Lee had called and stated he had connected to public se~er as ~equested. I ~echecked ~ith Customer ~e~vice , connection and would d~sm~.ss the Su~ons and Complaint. ~o~ks and its ~elated p~oblems 23, 1974 Mr. Orville Lee 4627 Ptper Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Lee: - T13N, R3~J, Section 33, Lo% 29 Tim Rumfel t, Sanitarian RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30¢ (plus postage) SENT TO STREET AND NO. P.O,, STATE AND ZIP CODE · POSTMARK OR DATE OPTIONAL SERViDEE ~OR ADDITIONAL FEES RETURN k. 1. ShDWS to wh~m and date d~liv~ ........... 15¢ With delivery to addressee only .......... ;; 65¢ RECEIPT 2. Chows to whom, date and where delivered .. 35¢ SERVICES With dolivery to addressee only ............ 85¢ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... 50d SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required) .................................... PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (S~e other Apr. 1971 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL * o~o:~97a o-4s0-ws 91S ~[ ~L~Ot/L 'O~J 03M[iB3D aa9/3- L e.~LU NUISANCE COMPLAINT Complainant's Name: Street Address: Phone No. ~-[?~.--~]m2, Box No. Description of Complaint: Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made: Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: ~)~ ~j_y~ Phone No. Location of Complaint: ~, ~, ~.,~/~ ~j~ Street Address: ~7 /-~/~-~ Person Receivi~g Complaint ~,.,~..~-~ ~',.,.,.~f',~ :ertify that such statement of facts i~true lief and knowledge. I request that the foregoing matter be investi- gated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken. I.am wt~)tng to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN Investigator: Date Investigated: Action Taken: DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: