HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot 57 Tom Fink, Mayor Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P,O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6850 April 24, 1991 Ellen Howard 2820 East 50th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Notice of Violation - Final Notice Lot 57, Section 33, T13n, R3W Dear Mrs. Howard: On November 28, 1990 this office issued you a Notice of Violation for the operetion of an on-site wastewater disposal system which is not in compliance with AMC 15.65. You were given the opportunity to either connect to public sewer or upgrade your deficient on-site system. At the request of area residents, the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) developed a proposed plan and cost estimate to bring public sewer to your neighborhood. The proposed sewer extension would have served your property. However, on March 19 AWWU calculated all baliots and determined that the neighborhood does not support extension of public sewer° Since public sewer will not be an option for your lot, the on-site system must be brought into compliance with municipal ordinance. Accordingly, this letter will serve as your final Notice of Violation. By May 17, 1991 you must provide to this office, an application for a permit to upgrade your on-site wastewater disposal system. The application must be prepared and submitted by a licensed civil engineer in accordance with requirements of AMC 15.65. By May 31, 1991 construction of the upgraded system must be completed and an as-built inspection report prepared and submitted to this office by a licensed civil engineer. Ellen Howard Notice of violation Page Two Failure to comply with ei%her of the above specified requirements will result in a citation being issued by this office. The citation includes a mandatory court appearance° If you have any questions regarding this final Notice of Violation, please contact our office at 343-4744 cc: Lee Browning, P.E., Manager, Environmental Services Kevin Kleweno, Environmental Engineer, ADEC GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO~JGH Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Received /2- Time of Inspection JET FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR 3. Legal Description: -7~-~/~j /~-~ ~-~ '~ff Zfc~--'7 5. Type of ~acility to be Inspected: ,, ~.~ , Number of'Bedrooms: ~-- ~ --~' ~ 6. ~ell Data: D. Seepage Pit: 1. Disposal Field: B. Depth___ D, Bacteria] Analysis B. Installer Siz~q~-Ow~_~2. Manufacturer Size 2. Material Total Length of Lines Distances: A. Well To: Septic Tank -' , Neares% Lot Line · Absorption Area /~)0 , Sewer Lines ~ , Other Contamination Foundation to Septic Tank ~-' "~ Ab§orption Area ~ / Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line 'Rec~%eC~for Aporoval of I,~dividua! Sewer & Water Facilitie,. Two ~/ ~ v._l ~ ' w ~ I .~ , Approval Valid for One Year From ~e SSgned Greoter Anchorage Are~ Borough, Decor%merit of Environmen%~] DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I /oo I certify that the information contslned in this request for approval to be s true end accurate representation of the eub~ect sewer and water facilities located at: Siqned Date c, ub~(~t, giater (,.nr~ sewer facilities servin~ T13N, J<,~-,~ Section Ueon, your rcques~ t,q,,t subject, .,~.liities we;re ir, sh...c~","r-,~.,, hy v I i,)et~artm~Jnt o~ Decc~:ibar 5~ lq72~ revealin~ Che f'ollo~ The sewa?e syste~i consists of a cesspool only, ap~)roxii:i~t.-.ly :;1 Fo. et to t~e (~(~st of ~h~ dwc¢llin,l. According to aiF] SLiCe st~.n;~ar~s an adequate Septic tank ~ust be ir~ conjunction with this cess?ool ii~ order for our approval of Che The water so,tree consists of a seiki~public welt~approxi$~ately 500 feet to ~he wes& of the subject (',~leltl~( . At the present ~iHe the top oF the casing of said well ts ~ocated below bhe f, round 'JeveJ, and ~i~hin Il0 fret of a cesspool. In or~ier co be an appr~ved source, the casin? must be brought up one foot abuve ~he existing ground level an~ said ue!l rest he located tzO fee~ frm~ any n~igi~borind seeped'lc Pit. Therefore, this Department cannot ;ire .ne necessary ~prc, val for ~he subject Facili~.ies. If you ])ave any quv'sCions re,jardtng the ~I:)ove, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Tit~ P, uJi~fel t, Sani Larla;) I cc: Mrs, !~oyd Uoward