HomeMy WebLinkAboutT13N R3W SEC 33 LT 59(.0'i'" Jim Swing, Director PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dr. Leroy C. Reid, Jr., Director May 13, 1975 Mandatory Sewer Hookup Account ~008-071~38 - Lot 59, Sec-~ion 33, T13N, R3W Attached is a copy of a letter received by this department from James Garrigues. Also attached is a copy of the fon~ letter sent to Mr. Garrigues from this deparanent requesting the subject property be connected to public sewer. This letter was sent to Ar. Garrigues at the request of your department. ~t~ have measured the distance between the residence and the property line which without a professional survey appears to exceed 100'. If this is the case, mandatory sewer connection is not required as the Borough Ordinance essentially reads single-family dwellings lO0' from the property line are not required to make the sewer hoopup. There appears to be a continu lng problem ~ith your records as we have been severely criticized for acting on your information which in quite a few cases is grossly in error. Would you recheck the availability of sewer to this property. Also, does the Borough control the line? ~as any n~asurement )~ade by Public Works to determine the distance from the residence to the property tine? I'll need a reply as soon as possible in order to make a determination on the subject property. ko FILE: 13, 1975 VIA AIR ]4AII. James Garrtgues 425 Ena Road Apartment 208-C Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 SUBJECT: Lot 59, Section 33, TI3N, R3~ Dear Hr. Garrtgues: This department-has received your letter questioning tl~e feasibility of public sewer serving the subject lot. The Borough, Department of Public Works, notified this department of the availability of public sewer to your property. This department has requested that the Department of Public Works recheck tl]eir records and data. We will advise you of our findings. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sincerely, Les Buchholz, R.S., Sanitarian LB/ko April 15, 1975 Mr, and ~-,irs. James Oarrigues $650 E. 50th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99§0? Dear Mr. and l~Irs. Garrigues; It has been brought to our attention that public sewer ia available to T13N. R3W, Section 33, Lot 59. According to Greater Anchorage Ares Borough Ordinance, Chapter 16, Article 16.45, ~eetion 16.45.0~0: "Septic tank-seepage system sewage disposal facilities shall not be installed or used on any premises where sanitary sawers are available within seventy (70) feet of the nearest lot line of said premises..." The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Public I~orks Department hss checked their records and they indicate that your ~truetura(~) ts not connected to the sanitary sewer, Would you please chock your records to veri~ thM tile stru~u~e(s) is or i~ not connected and notify ua immediately If your records indicMe that a ~nneetion has been made. If we do not hear from you within seven (?) days, wa will assume that our records are correct. We, therefore, request you connect any and all structures located on the sub]eat prop~rW to public n~er by June 30, 1975. You must apply for a connection permit from the permit offieoe for the 6rester Anchorage Area Boroul~h. 3500 Ii,st Tudor Road. If yo~ have any que~iionz regarding tho above, please do not hesitate to eont~et the permit officer at 279-8686, extension 259, or the Department of Envtronme~t~ Quall~ at Z74-4~I, ~xten~lon { Sincerely, Susan Ii. Dickerson Sanitarian SED/tw .o~. loT1 3UO0 NO RETURN RECEIPT R~QUEgTED SEHDE[~: Be sure fo follow Instructions on ofher side PLEASE FURNISH SERViCE(S) iNDIcATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) ~} Showtowhom, date and addrees f-~ Deliver ONLY __ where delivered '~Y.r~2~ add ressee · ~n RECEIPT T13N, R3W, S~c~i~if~ ~t~ber~d a~ti=l~ descrlbcd below Ftle no, 4-1 A~cho;ehe, AK ~5D7 SUBJECT: Lot 59, Sec[ton 33~ 713~, R3~, A sewer 1tile Is now available to your let according to the Greater Anchorage, Area Borough pt~bltc works The G~ea~er A~c~rage Area ~ug~ ordtnanc~ conce~n~n~ s~er connexion, s~a~es a s~ngle famtly ~esldence ove~ lOO feet from ~he p~perty line not requtred to conn~ ee the public smear. Youe ~stdence. ac~rdlng :o our measut~n:s, exce~s the 1~ meet thereby ~nceltng our request for ~a~ot~ This Repayment a~TogJzes for any J~onvenie~e caus~y~ by er~ous Les Buchholz, LB/s~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~ (plus postage) SEHT TO , POSTMARK STREET AND NO P.O., STATE AND ZIP CORE OPFIONhL SERVICES FSR ARRITICNRL FEES RETURN RECEIPT SERVICES I. Shows to whom and date delivered ........... 15~ t With delivery to addressee only ............ 65 2. Shows to whom. date and where delivered .. 35 With delivery to addressee only ............ 85 DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE O~LY .................................................... SOd SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required} ................................... PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See other ~ide) Apr. 1971 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL * crc: ~z o- 4eo-~4a