HomeMy WebLinkAboutT13N R3W SEC 13 W75 of N117 Lot 32LOT" GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchoraqe~ Alaska' 99507 279~8686 ec 15 Date Received ,~ *-/~ - ?.~ Time of Inspection ~ ,'.~0 ~ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF D~v T SE~E~ ~ATER FACILITIES IN,.~ IDUA_ & FOR C. Construction D. Bacterial Ana].ysis Sewage Disoosa] System: ,~.~cCZA4~o:::~z.c-~ A. installed~l~o_J~-~ B. Installer C. Septic Tank: 1. Size 2, ~,~anu fa cture D. Saa a a Pit: Material D~soos~} F~e~d: !pta] LeRqth of-Lines 9, Distapces: A. ?~e]l To: SentJc Tank ~ . Absorption Area ~C)O , Se~er Lines B, Founda+,.ion to ~m~%~c T,~nk ~ ',, Absorption Area · g. Absorotior, nre~ to blearest Lot Line Reques~ for Aporovel of ~vldua] Sewer g Water Facilitt, ',~ .~ P.e~e Two ~'- ~. Com..en ~. .,_..at_. ^nchora~e Areq ~orouah, Derar~meu~ af E~vi~'oumental I sertifv that the information conta~nee in this request for approval to be a true and accurate reor~seDtat~on of Lhe (~o~ect sewer and weter facilities located at: .~gned Da.ts First ilaLional I~auk of Anchorage Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ,Sewer,..,', (,~ Water F~'~ci'JilCcs ServiBg ~'75' of i~'117' ~ Loc Dear Si r; Upon your rc'q,Jest~ this b.apar&L~en~ on sists oF a cesspoe! Sec& dwel li Jhi. ~.~c sub.jec~ facilities were inspecCea by iarci} t3, t973. The sewer s,ls[e,, con- At cite present eime, public sewer is dwe'llinq, l'h~, owner :ausa conaecc Co [x~b'iic sewer or ~scrow t,,.. Funds m)eded ~or the conaec~ion ' subject dwellinq 'is located apmrmxi~latety lot line. ~c is 9resenCl% supplyih:' Cwo (~L) dwc~lla ~s, ..I-.~S~ a Se,.ii-uu_,~lC We'Jl. ~tccOrdiFl[! to State and 50rodg]'i ord~au, nces, this well be ~t least l,:O fee~ away 'Fro,x any (leighbori~g s~wer system. The well is approxi~agely ldo Feet Fru~,, gna st;wa~ syste~ all~ the saiae-distance fro:a the ne'iqaborin~ sewar bor will receive a letCer from ~his Department reqmssgin9 I~im to donnect to public sewer this summer due to tho posi~ tion of ~:he w,~]'I. After ~is connacgion~ ~,nc ~:hu above con~loct~on ihlve b~eli h;4~]~, 'i;~le W~]] vii]] bu If you *lave any questions, please contact this office. Si llcerel.y ~ Tim P, amfei~, R. S. Sanitarian I' CCi FHA Patrick ~IcDaniel E~lcl os upes: