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T13N R2W SEC 7 LT 6
'1 ,~ ~ [:,EF'RRTI'"IENT L-iF FIEFILTH FIN[:, EN tF_iqIIENTr-IL- ' ',' - F'ROTEC:TION " .... ¢ ....'"L'" STREET., Fii'.,Ii-:HnI~'i:~3E Fir::: ~..:,._Ot ;26,4--,~1.720 : IqNI3HOF.:FIOE ~,;4 ~..1,=t : ERGLE RIVER F EM II T NO. :E:Zcti:L7 F F L i _.HN I : I.qFFFER ... ~.l ._,TE~4 TE.F.: I'~UN ~ OF RNC:HORRGE F'H~-ff.~E: [ [ r.E.=,--,. ]:OE~E~ RF,'L-:Tt C LE'GRI ~ E--, _ F.. I F Y I Ul ,! E LOCK · NR =,_E,[.I ¢ I=,ILII~. NR LOT: -/7- I',IRF,,'If,IUf,~ NUt"IE:E~' OF E, EE.[.._LH .... E~ SOIL RhlT_~U E~ 0 0 ,::S6!. FY., ER. LISTED BELOI4 RRE THE OF'TIEN.'S PI,RILHE, LE TO '¢~I~U IN [:,ESIGNING 'CFI IF., _,E. FTIL. i:,'¢~:,rEi'"l. CI"'ICTSE THE -F'T'r-N -FHFIT E:E_,T FITS 'T'_-II_IR' SITE. I E:ERTIF'?' THFIT: t. I FtI'"I f lIIIIL,.P.R klITH TFIE F;'.EE¢_IIF;:EI"IE:.I'JTS F3F.' ON-SI-FE SE.t,.IEF.:S RI"4D ,t4ELL ..... PL., ET FI3RTI4 E:'¢ THE i"IUNIL-:IF'FILIT'¢ OF F:INZHCf.~'FIGE FINE:, TFIE STFITE OF FILR'_--,I-:::R. ,:.":'. ;.~' I.,.tILL INSTFILL THE ..... '=' "::TEI'I' IN I-IL.L. URE.,HI'J('..E- "-' - ' - ' - I-,.IITId THE C:O[:,ES Rl",t£:, HFIVE REC:EI'¢ED FI F'FI . ,- _._F ElF THE C:O[:,E SUI"II"IFIF.:"r' Ri",l[::, DIFIGRFII"I I:::tTTFtCHFtEiNTS 14HICH I.:, F'FIF.':T OF THIS FERIIIT. 3< I tlI",I[::,ERSTRND THI:IT THE rIN-':-;TTE SE:.t. IER ':"'~- , ..... · r_,TEi'I i',lR'¢ REL.:!UIRE ENLI::.tF.:GEi','IENT tF THE F,~:ESI£:,EI'.,IC~::" tS REi"IOI::,ELE[:, TO tNE:LLIDE i,tORE THFIN C~ E, EE. RUUi't_,. FLRIII I df'FI I_.kil'.,!l' Fli'-:l_-, THE RE_,F_iq_,IE, ILIT-r TO II'IFuM'I F'EF.:SOi',tNEL [:,LIRING ..... '1" "1~ ....... '-i' , THE ll4:,THLLHF_Ui'., I.M,f EL. TIuIq:, I_-lF FIN'-i:' !4ELLS RE:,.YF!C:ENT TO THIS FR. FERT~ FINE:, TFIE I'.JLJI'"IE:ER t3f:' RE2IE. EI'43E_";-' '- ' - · '-'-. THRT THE I.,.!ELL k!ILL --,ER,E.'- ,m .... ~S '~- :: - i-' , -'" ,-- , · - IF R L. IFT _,1~ "11LI~! IIq_TI.d_LE[.., Rt'.~. ELE_.TRIL. HL F'ERt',IIT FINE:, Iiq_FECTIL*N I',IUST EE. OE:TFIiI'-,IE.[:,. Il_. EUILT_ C:r-tr.,INOT BE HFFF,,_ E_ !-,4tTHOUT RI'.,I ELE-.TRIUHL Iiq=,FE_.TiOiq REF.f..T. ]",LIE ELECTRIC:FIL l.,.IOR:l< Pll._IS]- E:E E:'OI",IE E,'¢ FI LIC:ENSED ELEL3TF-'.ICIFIN. S I G!",IE[:,: IFf L~. -.HN f: ". ..::,::- - r- ,.. I-IH_,]EIII'I'[Ef,. i"ILII"~I OF FINC:HORFIGE liES E'E;, -"" - -~, T . E)FITE: t=,. t~.,. ..... \vv© Departmentf .. Health and EnvironmentaT~?rotection 825 '~ Street, Anchorage, AK. ']~9501 264-4720 Permit # WELL AND/OR ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT Location: .~/~ ~//V~'~ ~4~ Phone Number: Legal Description: ?~r~ ~/~./~ ~¢ ;o~'/~/~; h/ Lot Size: ~'~ ~ - Type of Soil Absorption System Is: Trench: ~ Drainfield: _ Seepage Bed: __ Holding Tank: Maximum Number of Bedrooms: ~ ~.~lv. Soil Rating(sq.ft/br) /~ The Required Size of the Soil Absorption System Is: DEPTH / LENGTH ,~ I ! . GRAVEL DEPTH ~ WIDTH ,.,~ The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). * * REQUIRED SEpTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE = /FO0 GALLONS * * Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED ~ ~ ~ Backfilling of any system without final inspection and approval by this department will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion. Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation. .x. ~ .x. PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1 9 8 3 .x- .x- ~ I certify that: (1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. (2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. (3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if the residence is remodeled to include more that~ bedroom~ S igne~:AEFPlicant~ ~,~,~ Issued by:/.~~..~--~-~~///" ~- SWP/024(1/81) I Harding Lawson Associates 2. Lateral Pressure The influence of loads imposed by adjacent footings should be added to the lateral loads imposed by the soil. The stress distribution beneath a footing can be approximately represented by two imaginary lines sloping down and outward from the base of footings at an angle of 1 hori- zontal to 2 vertical (1:2) as shown on Plate 2. B. Soil Absorption System Based upon the results of the two percolation tests, we recommend a design percolation rate of lO minutes per inch be used for the sandy gravel (GP-GM) soil. The top of the absorption system should be a mini- mum of four feet below ground surface and the bottom should be in the sandy gravel (GP-GM) soils. If these percolation rates are not satisfac- tory for final design or if the locations of the absorption system changes from the area we explored, we should perform additional percola- tion tests. C. Heavy Traffic Pavement Design In areas to receive bus or tractor-trailer traffic, the pavement section should consist of a minimum of 2 inches of asphalt concrete over- lying a minimum of 4 inches of non-frost susceptible(*) crushed aggre- gate base course, and a minimum of 10 inches of NFS well-graded (*) Non-frost susceptible (NFS) material is sand or gravel that contains no more than three percent particles by weight smaller than the 0.02 mm size. - 13- 3~0 ~ ~ 360 370 340 ~ Laboratory Tests ~wm_ = u .~oo = o -#200=12.3% 3.7 ~ ~?-OG OF BORING 7* Equipment~" O.D. Solid Flight Auger Elevation355**Date Drilled 7/7/83 BROWN SANDY GRAVEL (GP)~ medium dense, moist, subrounded 9ravel to 3" diameter BROWN SANDY GRAVEL (GP-GM), .~ medium dense, moist 10- Ground Water Not Encountered 5.1 LOG OF BORING 8 Equipment6" O.D. Solid Fliqht Auger Elevations48 Date Drilled7_/7/83 _ fibrous organics to 0.3' thick BROWN SANDY GRAVEL (GP) ~," medium dense, moist, subrounded gravel to 3" diameter BROWN SANDY GRAVEL (GP-GM) ~-~' medium dense, moist *Borings 1thru 6 were drilled in October, 1982. Logs of these borings are presented in our report dated 10/28/82. **Elevations in feet estimated from an untitled map showing boring locations, URS Co., 1983. 10. 15- Ground Water Not Encountered _ --- H~rdlng Lawson Associs~es E ngineers, Geologists & Geophysicists DRAWN JOB NU'vIBE R AppD~i~C~ J(~ 15014,002.08 Log of Borings 7&8 Water Treatment Plant Expansion Anchorage, Alaska DATE 7/~3 REVrSEO DATE AN INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ORGANI~'ATIOi~ Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 "L" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: R. Robinson Divisional Manager, Environmental Health RE: Ship Creek WTP Expansion Groundwater Test Dear Mr. Robinson: During the initial review with you of the proposed septic system upgrade at the Ship Creek WTP, it became apparent of the need for a deeper boring at the site to check ground- water level. Such testing has been conducted with the groundwater level existing at least twenty-three (23) feet below the ground surface. Please see attached material for details. Very truly yours, Roberta k. P~per, P.[. ¢~v~l [ng~neer RLP/lb Harding Lawson Associates Transmittat/Mernorandum 'EOEIVED OCT2 ? 1983 UJ~$ COmPANy.. ANCI-I. To: URS ENGINEERS 825 West 8th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Ms. Roberta Piper From: Randolph R. Ross, P.E. D,t~: October 25, 1983 suHect: Ship Creek Water Treatment Plant JobNo.: 15014,005.08 On Friday, October 21, 1983, we redrilled Boring 7 at the subject site to a depth of 23 feet with a truck-mounted Mobile Drill B-61 rig using 3-3/8" inside diameter (I.D.) hollow-stem augers. Upon completion of the drilling, we installed two-inch I.D. PVC pipe, slotted the bottom 15 feet down the inside of the hollow auger stem and withdrew the auger. The PVC was capped on the bottom and a pressure release vent was cut in the top under the top cap to allow air to escape should ground water seep into the pipe. The annular space was backfilled with cuttings from the dril- ling' and mounded to divert surface runoff away from tile pipe. cc: East 5~lh Place Telephone Alaska Hawaii Texas AK 99502 907/563- 8102 California Nevada Washington Telex 340523 URS MEMORANDUM .............................. October 31, 1983 To: Ship Creek WTP Expansion From: Roberta Piper, P.E. · Civil Engineer RE: 7-day groundwater test at boring #7 Files On October 21, 1983, Harding Lawson, geotechnical consultants, prepared boring hole #7 for a 7-day groundwater test (see attached letter from Randy Ross of Harding Lawson regarding their work). The boring was undisturbed until October 29, 1983, when it was checked for groundwater level. The test was conducted as follows: 1. Removal of protective cap at top of casing. 2. A length of cotton twine, marked in one foot intervals, weighted at the free end and the weight wrapped in absorbent material, was lowered gradually down casing. 3. As line was lowered care was taken to listen for when weight made contact with water. 4. When weight made definite contact wit'h bottom of boring, length of line was checked against known boring depth to check for weight hitting obstruction other than bottom of boring. Line and covered weight removed careful]'y and in- spected. Absorbent material covering weight was not wet nor was the cotton twine. 6. Cap on casing replaced. From this test it is concluded that the groundwater level exists greater than twenty-three (23) feet below the ground surface at boring 7. cc: R. Robinson, DHEP¥$ ..... DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: [ MEMORANDUM February 2, 1982 Brian £rewdson, Manager, Technical Services, Anchora~lq ~atejc_.g,~6ewer Utility THRU: R. R. Mann, Property Management Officer~l~"~k( Roy E. Dudley, Real Estate Officer~ Research on Water Treatment Plant Property Rights, File: W-26-81 Research has been completed for Tracts A, C, D, K, L, M, N and 0 as identified on Tryck, Nyman & Hayes plat (Attachment 1). Below is a summary of land title for each of these tracts. Provided in Attachment 8 is a copy of.the letter from George O. Matkin, dated October 17, ~97¢}19J7 This letter outlines the prop6sal for exchange of a 100 foot strip of land along Ship Creek within. Elmendorf and Fort Richardson for land to be used for the water filtration plant. Tracts A and L Conveyed to the City of Anchorage April 26, 1965, Patent Number 50-~5- 0566, Serial Number from BLM 034650, for water filtration plant site and other municipal purposes only. Please note reversion clauses on second page of patent (Attachment 2). Tracts C and D A twenty-five year interest conveyed to Municipality of Anchorage by the Department of the Arn~ under easement DACA 85-2-82-12 con~nencing 12 October 1981 and ending ll October 2006 (Attachment 3). Tract K Tracts C, D and K were originally under License DA-95-507-eng-1619 from the Department of' the Army to the Municipality of Anchorage. (Attachment 4). On October 29, 1971 Tract K was included in a Quitclaim Deed from the United States of America, Department of Health, Education and Welfare to the Greater Anchorage Area Borough. (Attachment 5). The Quitclaim Deed is restricted to educational purposes only, subject to certain described easements of which Tract K is identified on Page 4 of Exhibit One of the Quitclaim Deed. The Municipality therefore has title to Tract K and it has been identified for Water Filtration Plant Operations by the Quitclaim Deed. Tract [4 and N Granted to City of Anchorage April 21, 1961 under BLH Serial Number 053543. Proof of construction as required under the BLH grant was accepted Ja'nuary 5, 1965 (Attachment 6). in the ]lureau of Land Management, whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the City of Anchorage, according to the provisions o£ the Act of Congress of June 14, . . ' descnibed land: . c..~' l~vard Ninridian, Alaska, Sec. 7, The areas described aggregate 57.24 acres, according to the Official Plats of the ~r ohorage, and to its successors fo~evor, s~Je~, however,, to ~e fo~o~g Subjeqt to any vested and accrued water rights for mlnlng, 'agricditural, manulactur- cisions of courtsI and there 1~ reserved from the lands hereby granted, a right-of,way thereon for ditches or canals constructed by the authorthy of the United States. There is also reserved to the United States a right-of-way for the construction o£ rMlroxds, telegraph and telephone lines, in accordance wlth the Act of ~rch 12, 1914 (38 Stat. 305; 48 U.S.C. Sec. 305); and also subject to the easement as established by 898; 48 U. S.C. sec. 420-420e), for highway purposes, including appurtenant ~rnieci/ve. There is also regerved to the United ~tes, all n~lneral deposits in the land above sczibed, together with the right to ra~ua and remove [he same, under applicable laws and regulations to be established by the ~eeretary o£ the Interior. Pat~n~Numbero0 ~0 ~JSD~ AnChorage 034650 agrees for itsell ~d its successors in ~terest that such decla~on sh~l, at the option BLM, or by an~ re.sion thereof approved by ~e Seorem~ of the Inte~or or ~s dele- _ -.- b_l Z bJ O- r-~ F- 0~. Z c gO'OP ~d ,gl oO N H