HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 6 Lot 4 Plat# 84-084 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Eiqvironmental Health Division CA,SE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE84 NUMBER:084 DATE~unel RECEIVED:4, 1984 COMMENTSjune DUEll~BY: 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: A request to rezone approximately 11.94 acres from unrestricted to I-1. ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) MUNICIPAL PLANMI~IG DEPARTME~IT Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-65D Anchorage, Alaska 99502 request to rezone 264-4215 A request A request for concept/final approval use to permit a in the zone. A request ifor an amendment to approximately I~.~ acres from to amend Title 21 to of a conditional a conditional use A site plan review COM~.IEI1TS: Planning &i Zoning Date: ] ...... &-l/- DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) Urban Beautification Commission (Ordznance ~Amendments), Municipal Attorney.s Office ~/z"~d~-Z~~t. ~ _Community Council . zon o~ Community Councils gbl/ng6 PETITIONER: REQUEST: TOTAL AREA: LOCATIO" Those lands contained in government section Lot four (4) of Section 6, Township 15 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian, Alaska. CURRENT The 11.940 acre parcel of land situated within the South one-half of Sections 5 and 6 of T. 15 N., R. 1W., Seward Meridian, Alaska, and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the 1/4 Cor. common to said Sec's. ( 5 and 6, said Cor. being the true point of beginning; thence S. 50043' E., 148.31 ft.; thence ( S. 39027'06`' W., on a line parallel to and.750.00 ft. distant from the monumented' centerline of ~AILOUT! the Birchwood Alaska Airport, 209oll fto; thence No 50032'54'' Wo, 553.27 ft. more or less to the Mailed line of mean high tide of Knik Arm; thence S. 89044'30'' E., 298.20 ft. to the S.E. 1/16 corner Favor of said Sec. 6; thence N~ 44a47'27" E., 1868.29 ft. to the 1/4 Coro common to Sec's. 5 and 6 and Against true point of beginning. Unclaimed Other gbl/ng7 ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 OFFICE UaE Case File NO. P.C,P.H. Date Assembly P.H. Date Approved Denied The undersigned hereby applies to the Municlpallt~ of Anchorage for a zoning map amendment, Amendment initiated by: check one (X) the owner or owners of a majorif, of the land in the petition area for zoning map amendment ( ) Assembly : '' ( ) department or agency of the MunI( Ipallty- specify department Description: (use reverse side or additional paper if necessary) Legal description of the area requested t~ be rezoned See Attached Area (square feet or acres) of the petition area 34.28 Acres Section 21.20.015 of the Zoning Ordinance specifies that the area must be a minimum of 1.75 unless it is contiguous to a zonir{g district of the same classification as that being acres proposed) Unrestricted Existing Zoning Classification: , Proposed Zoning Classification: I- 1 JustiflcaPon for the rezoning: (use reverse side or ~additlona} paper it necessary) Explain public need and justification for the rezoning See Attached Explain the positive effect of the use district change on the property and on surrounding property + See Attached The amounto undeve oped and~n he general areahavmgthesamedistnctclass f cat on as that requested See Attached Explain how the proposed map amendment will further ~he goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan See Attached ia the case of map amendments i nvolvin~ small areas, explain how the public need will be best served by changing the use classiflcat[oh of the described property as compared wilh other available property N/A V. Material Submitted: (X) maps ( ) photographs ( ) fe~ ~ibility reports ( ) other (specify) VI. I understand that payment of the fee(s) specified is to defray the COSt of handling and investigation of this application and the costs of the necessary hearings by the Planning Commission and Municipality of Anchorage Assembly, and that payment of these fee(s) does not entitle me. nor does it assure approval of this application, and that no refund of these fees will be made. I hereby affirm that fhe information submitted herein is lrue and correct to fhe best of my knowledge. I also alfirm that I am the true and legal Property Owner (or the Authorized Agent thereof) for a majority of the property subject herein. Eklutna, Inc. PRINT PETITIONER'S NAME SIGNATURE{E) ~F THE OWNERiS) OF A MAJORITY OF THE LAND IN PETITION AREA' 840 "K" Street Anchorage, AK 99501 ADDRESS 05-24-84 DATE . ~?~, -.57O/ PHONENO. S'~GNATUREOF(~HORIZEDAGENT"Timothy C. Potter DOWL En inee- rs 4040 "B~ Street, Anchorage. AK 99503 AOORESS DATE 562~2000 PHONE NO. II. Description: Those lands contained in government section Lot four (4) of Sectio~ 6, Township 15 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian, Alaska. The 11.940 ac~e parcel of land situated within the South one-hal~ of Sections 5 and 6 of T. 15 N., R. 1 Wv, Seward Meridian, Alaska, and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the 1/4 Cor. common to said Sec's° 5 and 6, isaid Cor. being the true point'of beginning; thence S. 50°43' E., 148o31 fto; thence S. 39°27',06'' W., on a line parallel to and 750.00 ft. distant from the monumented centerline of the Birchwood Alaska Airport, 209oll ft.~ thence No 50°32'54'' ~ W., 553.27 ft. more or less to the line of mean high tide of Knik Arm; thence So 89°44'~30'' E., 298.20 ft. to the S.E. 1/16 corner of said Sec. 6; thence N. 44047'27'' E., 1868.29 ft. to t~e 1/4 cor. common to Sec's. 5 and 6 and true point of beginning. III. Justification for the rezoning: Explain public need and justification for the rezoning: There is a demonstrated need for storage and warehouse space in the Eagle River, Birchwood area at this time. The rezone will help provide this required use in an appropriate location. Explain the positive effect of the use district change on the property and on surrounding property: Adjacent uses]consist of a local gun range, Birchwood Airport and undeveloped wetlands. The airport and gun range are most compatible with light industrial uses. The proposed light industrial will not add noticeably to present no,se levels. A sharp bluff separates adjacent wetlands and tidal areas from the proposed uses, thus mitigating potential impacts on those areas. The amount of undeveloped land in the general area having the same district classification as that requested: N/A Explain how the proposed map amendment will further the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan: The rezone will promote light industrial within a location of existing similar and compatible uses° The Eagle River - Chugiak - Eklutna Comprehensive Plan designates the vicinity of Birchwood Airstrip as industrial. The rezone is in keeping with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. -2- Se~, 6 32.02 / ? ? CASE NUMBER: 84-083 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT O~ HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEE'T [DANTE RECEIVED: ~une 4, 1984 COMMENTS DUE BY: June 11, 1984 A request to rezone approximately 10 acres from unrestricted to I-1 PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( [ ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: ( ~¢' [¥'PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) CASE NO. MUNICIPAL PLANNING DEPART~4a.~ Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-65~ Anchorage, Alaska 99502 264-4215 /~A request ;o rezone approximately /~.~ acres from __ A reque~.t for concept/final use to per'it a in the i zone. A request ~or an amendment to approval of a conditional conditional use MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAQE DEPT. OF IJEALTPt & A site plan: review for RECEIVED COMMEHTS: Planning & iZoning Commission Public Hearing Date: , ~__0~_ O~'~j ....... o ments DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Pro~ects) Urban Beautification Commission (Ordinance~e~~ H unicipal Atto rney's Office Community Council ~ Federation of Community Councils gbl/ng6 PETITIONER REQUEST: J TOTAL AREA: LOCATIOF~: CURRmNT ZONE. ( MAIIOUTS COMMISSION ASS ~,'~B._ Mailed Favor Against Unclaimed Other gbl/ng7 ZONING AMENDMENT APP .ICATION Mun c pal y of Anchorage Planning Departmert{ Pouch 6-650 ] - Anchorage, Alaska 995~O2 OFFICE USa Case File No. date P eived --- Received by I. The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipality of Anchorage for a zoning map amendment. Amendment initiated by: the owner or owners of a majority of the land in the petition area for zoning map amendment ( } Planning Commission ( ) Assembly the Munlclpality - specify department ( ) department or agency of II, Description: (use reverse side or additional papat necessary) Legal description of the area requestedlto be rezoned Sec on21.20,0 50 heZomngOrdJnancespecPes hat heareamustbeamnmumoil.75 acres unless il is contiguous to a zoning district of the same classification aa that being proposed) .~.~ Existing Zoning Classification: ~'~ I Justificatior) for the rezoning: (use reverse side o~ additional paper if necessary) Explain public need and justification for the rezoning Explain the positive eflect of the use district change on the property and on surrounding property The amount of undeveloped land in the ~eneraJ area having the same district classification as that requested ~xpan how he proposed map amendmen wdl further the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan I I II as x lalnhowthe ublicneedwillbebest n/~ecaseo maf)amandmensinvovingsma are e p p served by changing tho us8 classification el tho described property as compared with other ~,'~?aila b I e property £ V. Material S~'~itted: ~ maps ('~ photographs ( ) feasibility reports ( ) other (specify). I understand that payment ol the fee(s) specified Js to defray the COSt OI handling and investigation of thi~ application and (he costs ol the necessary hearings by (he Planning Commms~on and Municipality Ol .Anchorage Assembly, and that payment of these fee(s) does not entitle me, nor does it assure approval of ~his application, and that no refund ot these fees will be made. I hereby aflirrn that the information submitted herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. also altirm that I am the true and legal Property Owner (or the Authorized Agent thereof) for a majority of the property subject herein. PRINT ?ETJTIONER'8 NAME .-.~ SI~NATURE(Sl OF file OWN~'RISl OP A MAUORITY OF THE LAND iN PETITION AREA' DATE ~,?- ~o/ PHONENO. DATE If applicant is not owner of Ihe property: EIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT'* ADDRESE PHONENO. 111o I have been in the refuse business for 10 years (EAGLE R1-VgR REFUSE, INC.) For the convience and necessity of the EAGLE RIV~dt - CHUGIAK area (APUC # 218) . I park large trucks, store dumpsters, have an office, and in the future I want to build a shop and inside storage° The intent is to leave enough trees for a natural buffer zone so as to assure other property owners will have quiet enjoyment° Request aerial photos. EAGLE RIVER/EKLUTNA arel photo flight lin 15 frame 8 1983. None known. We bought this property in 1976. In the last 8 years there have been mobile homes and residential structures put on property in that area. De The location is centrally located for serving the area for removal of solid waste. Th~s helps to hold dawn costs to the consumers for a neceessary service° E® This property is secluded the right size for my needs, property of this sizm is very hard te find, and as I understand unrestricted zoning I am not illegal but I'm not pretectedo I sold my former home because covenants prohibited my business and to assure that I did not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of other property owners° I bought this property to use in conjunction with my business° I request you consider my grandfather rights° I I I ?/ U ×/ JESSE LEE '~