HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 7 LT 23 -- ! MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE NAME , LEGAL O ESCRIPTI,ON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION I;NVlRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT P H U I~-'-~'~ [] UPGRADE Well Absorption area Dwelling ~.~.~.? ~ DISTANCE TO: Material Manufacturer NO, OF BEDROOMS ~y compartments Inside length Width depth IF HOMEMADE: Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. DISTANCE TO: Manufacturer Liquid capacity in gallons Total length of lines Well I--]Z_' / DISTANCE TO: I -, /':~ Length of e ch line ~ of tile to finish grade ~ /'X' / Material Nearest lot line Trench width Distance between lines Length Width Type of crib bib diameter orption area Material beneath tile inches Depth PERMIT NO. Crib depth Total effective absorptior~ area Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line Sewer line DISTANCE TO: Building foundation OTHER PIPE MATERIALS Septic tank 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) DATE LEGAL LEI I.illl.llf U, I'IEI=ILTII' I=Ii"~C~ EI",I"/]:F~:OI",II'"IEI",t"I'FIL ~,:'"'f'E"T]'ON : ....... "L '" ,;:, I FU::.I~:, f ,, I' I',1 ...l I.. F:. .a~ ..... FII'::: ;i;'Z(;,::[..'",q.';:';;::~l : I:::11",trL II '" I;'1=1 _'?iE --':;'= ~' "'"'::"-:1 ":h.:l. : El:ill'lEE:.' I;;: :[ ',,"IER ~Z:.3~ ~' ,4] -...'£,1 ;:11:: Hf"' E~." :'E2; E-:E ll,--.lt lEE;: IFE'.' Ir:::" EE It::~." tt".'1t :]I; 'ql I E.F,.I I1 I I'.,t:" ~ F 1 I · I,I I: ]: I::::1:::1 L I:::I:;;:IJEilEF;: F 1 I. I,IE ~: ,= 4. -.: .:L,::..., FIE:,i::,I:;;:E:!5:!!;: ::~;1~: i 150:..; ;~.:"~Fzr? fEl::'ll:31.,,.l~!i: f;i: ]: ',,,'El:,% . I::ll::: L. EE.~FIL. I.. I .......... f, .I, F '1 Z -I',1 -.- ..,I,.IE, I.., .t:, .[ .~, 1 ... i',l. NF'i L, LJJL. I,.: I'.,IF:I LOT: ;~'.":J: ~ .... L_.'] 1 ...I,t. [,.OT ,::'" "2 :' ] ' , ,: , · ; .... ..... I,~-.L E' 'E_:, F'"I". 1Ld. llLtl.l.l: . :t.51',,I I-hl:E tl.4 " ' ="'" ": i:) =. :IL F · 1 [I',1 :~ = E:.l El FI F,:;;'~ F'T. , El' .... Iti-,',):11.11 NLIHE:E:F: OF' EILLf,L~UIL. := ' ' ' , ...... ..I~ I Z..[',I... ',,,1' .IL M.J= TO "r'OIJ :[F,I I..E_:[.:flI.I,I,IL~ ~¢OI...IF-.: .~E. F I] .... L 1_, I El. 13E:IJ:31,.I F:IFi:I.E: ']'I"IE ~ :' * - ' '= : : -: ..... IL.II. L. IIuu:,~. THE: OF'T:~EIN THF:I!I" L,E...,"I I ):'1 .... ~'r'- F' ,_.I. TI~ .... ]: El'; I [I TI'II:::IT: % ]: FIH F'FIH):L.]:I=IR I.,.!]:"1'1'"1 TIlE REE:!~.,I:[I';~:EI"IENT:~, I::'E~R OI',I-":.::!;:[TE %EI.,ER':E; FINE:' I IE.LL .... FOR'T'~I D"r' ']'liE: I'"ILB,I:[C:I;I::'F~L.:[T'¢ OF' F$tE:HOF:FP.SE FIi",I[::, TH,:J: S'f'FfTE L3F ;:::' ' Z k!:[[..L. ;I:N~;TFIE,L THE: '.'5"r':E;TEH t[l',l'' '""i::ICE:ORE:'FINCE LI:I:TI'I THE E:OI::'E.E; FII,IE:"' HFI',,"E ]:=, OF "" ':' F:I . I"' Of:' 'I"I'IE: E:EE:'E ...LII II II I1:'.. FII",IE:'I E:' :[ I=IGI:RFIH I I ] ....I II1Ei',11 14H:[CH I='FII~:T I FI=,I .I I.I.T. :~:. :[ I...II",![::'EF:':'::;Tf::IN[::' THFIT THIL:: UI,I '...,~[ ] I .... E.I IE..r ......... FLI I HFI"r' REE!LI]: F:E ENI.J=IREilEHE:i",IT :[ F' THE F:E2;ZDE:I',iE:I:~ .[... REHODE:I..:.E:I::' TO .[11...LLIL, E, HOF:E THFtN .'3 El:...[ F ...... 11 .... .... ':":': I..L.,I Ld',L,.I.E, IL. 1 T ~ TO :[NF'IZiF:HI: EF.::,UNI,I[=L DIJI:;~:]:I",tG PERH]:T III I' I,,I .,ill',FI IIIL.. "I'HE:; =: :- : - ':" =' ' " " ...................... "': '' ...... IHI- I:'R.I: ~F'I I=INB' THE: ].I,L: II' LL I 1-['1 1N.=~ I:=L.i'I_IL. OF I::'I1",1'¢ I..IE:.L.L:, FIr::,.]'FICEi'.,IT TO "" '= "'"~'-'*',' "" THE I IUI ILE. I.. r'r::' I ..L,_. .[ [.. [.J ,I .,.E.... 'I"HFFF ti'HIE 14ELL. HIL. L~.,I....I:,. ,'= ';" ':'E.,. ~1::: i:::1 L,]:F'i" :~;TFfl":[E~I'.,I l.:, IH... I LLIL.B. I::IN EI._EX::"f'F::]:CFIL, F'ERH]:T i=iNE:, ].ILFI...._.].t:JI'I IIIJ=,l~ E:E OE',TI::IiNE:I:::,. :' -:' ' ' '= -': ' - ' =' ' ' ':':':: · .~, E, IJ :[ L 1 ..:, L.I If,Il ,Iu1 ~ L,t... I::II::"F'R()","E[:' P.I l TI-lOUT I::11",1 IEI..~E Z:'l"l:~: l f::l::lL .]: I 1... I L -. T 1 - 1 I E,L [;:'ONI:i~ E, FI I-I~.I.J'I,..E,,L. ELI::.L. Ir,..'[L..'I:I-IH. I E~ .~ 'r. THE: E:I E .II.:[~..HL I.,.[E)I::i:I-::: II!J.:. I :':' lOqq,%5-- MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ !Health and Environmenta7 Department ~rotection 825 ~ iStreet, ~chorage, AK. ~9501 i264-4720 ~//(~ * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * Permit Location: ! Phone Nu~er · egal Description:'mAS-- iO.l , 7 Size, Type of Soil ~sorption Syst~ ~s: - ' - Trench: Drainfield:I Seepage Bed: ~ Holding Tank: Maximum Number of Bedrooms: ~ Soil Rating(sq.ft/br) _ The Required Size of the Soil ~sorption System Is: . GRAVEL DEPTH _~ H)DTH depth of a trench or pit is~the distance between the surface of ~he ground and the bottom of the excavatmo~($n feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the min~m~ depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). · * REQUIRED SEPTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE = ~O GALLONS * * · * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * will be $~b~ect to p~osec~tio~. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community!sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this ~epartment within 30 days of the well completion. Other requirements may apply. ~ Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1 9 8 3 * * * I certify that: (1) I am familiar with ~he requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. (2) I will install the System in accordance with codes. (3) I understand that t~e on-site sewer system may require enlargement if the residence is re ~odeled to include mo re~x~3 bedrooms. Signe~: - ~.~.~::!.~.-.~/' Issued by ~pli~nt/~- Date: SWP/024 (i/si) ALASKA eFILIIROIqllleFITAL COFITROL SeRLiiCeS, IFIC. En~in~rinq $ E~uironm~nl~l $1u~ics October 6, 1983 Mountain Gem Log Homes! P.O. Box 2055i Eagle River, Alaska ~9577 Attn: Terry Kruger Dear Mr. Kruger: On October 5, 1983 I Jogged a backhoe test hole on T15N R1W SM Section 7 Lot 23. I found that ithe soil between 3 and 7 feet depth is a well graded sandy gravel w~ich I visually rated at 100 square foot per bedroom for septic s~s;tem installment. 'rhe groundwater level was at 7 feet depth at this tL~e. According to Municipality of Anchorage, · Department of Health ~ Envirnomental Protection regulations the groundwater level must: be monitored for at least seven days before a septic system constru6tion permit can be issued. In conclusion, the so{1 on-site is well suited to septic system installment. A shallow trench or bed system could be installed four feet above the groundwater. If the groundwater remains at the same level the system would be installed at a depth no greater than three feet. $incerely, im Green Geotechnical Engineer 1200 LUesl 33rd Aqe~u¢, $ui1¢ ~ ,, Pmchora§¢, Aloska 99503 · {907) 276-1361 SOILS LOG ~, .~ o~ $~c~.O~e~- MUNICIPAL TY OF ANCHORAGE '~IIT~XI~,O~tA:''' , 825 L. St;eet, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 ~ ~,, ~ . '~' SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST ~ / -[ , h~,~ .... J SLOPE / ' SIT~ PLaN / 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19 2O WAS GROUND WATER ~7/~ ,.COU.TERED? · 0 ~ ~'~' / E IF YES, AT WHAT / DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ~ERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) CERTIFIED BY: DATE: ,00'0£~ ~0 0'0~£ ~' n 0 v < J APPLIC '~T FILLS OUT UPPER HAL ONLY PropbrtyOwner ~'/::~/~ ~ /?.i / /(/ d'~,~r ¢?' ~,d'2 ~/~ ~7 .¢//~-'~ ~ ~?~,~(: ,~/'~ Phone Mailing Addre~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /4 / Zj~'~~ ¢'),~ ~' -7 d////~/~¢ /~ _/~ /~_. Zip Code ~,' ' Address ] Zip Code Lending Institution /~ // /- C ~ ¢ / eX /¢/¢'¢* Y d' /'l ~:.¢ ) ~ ~*-'~;'/~/~¢ ~ Phone Address ~ Zip Dode Realty Co. & Agent I~: /) ~///~ W ~' ~- g:' 2~ .... ~ ~/ ~ /1 ~/ /) /,~ ~,~., //~. Phone Address /~ ~ / 'F .~ 2~2rd' /~' /i//~;~_ ,///~ ZipCode Legal Description /. ~ ~/ D . ~ ~ 7"/,¢,~/ ~'~) ~ ~- ] ime Time Time Time ~ate Date Date Date 1specter Inspector I Inspector Inspector MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF H=/.tTiI & E(:EIVED APPROVED BEDROOMS DISAPPROVED COND"~ONAL APPROVAL' 'CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Date Sewer Installed Well To Absorption Area Welt to Tank Well Log Received Septic T&qk Size Parcel I.D. # 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (Must be corr )leted prior to submittal) (a) Legal E)escription (include lot, block,!subdivision, section, township,  MU~,IICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAl. SERVICES ~ 343-4744 CERTiFiCATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORI'FY APPROVAL O~: ON-SITE SEWER AND NATFR FACILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING range) '--Lot 23; See. 7, T15N, RIW~ (b) Location (address or directions) NHN Tarika Street Mailing Address (c) Lending Institution Mailing Address (d) Property owner _ ~--'~-~ ,,'~'~ Telephone: (home) Telephone Real Estate Company and Agent _ Telephone _ 694-49fl~ Mail the HAA to the following address: (or check here~ if hold for pick up.) List contact person and day pl~one number below: (e) Business 694-42~ S & S ENGINEERING Eagle River, Alaska ~5~ 2. TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family~ Number of bedrqoms ~ 3. WATER SUPPLY i Individual WelK~ Community ~ ~ Public [~ Note: If community wei[ system, must.have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation a~testing to th legality and staius. 4. SEWAGE DISPOSAL ~ On-site~ Public D Community D Holding Tank ~ Note: if community well system, must~have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality ahd status. 72-025 (Rev, 7/88) Page 1 of 2 ~ ~o ~ OSed '~JOM s,Jeem§ue leuo!seojoJd oqt u[ suo!ssj LUO JO S JO J J@ JO] ~) q.rsuodsoJ lou S{ @6eJoqou¥ to Xllledlol. . . u n IM oq.L 'ponsm. s~. e~eo . J. peo :e eJojeq e~p ez,q~ue Jo suo!loedsu, lonpuoo ~ou op SNH(] ]o seaXOldLU~ 'sjueuJeJmbej e~els pu~ eJepet uJepeo A1s J~s ol Jap Jo u! suoBni!1su. 8mpuel J~eq~ pue SeLUOq JO eJeseqoJnd m, XseiJnoo e sb s~q~ seop SNHC] eq.L 'e~selV ~o elel$ eql u~ peJe~,s!SeJ Je~u~Sua. ieuo . sseloJd tuepuedepu~, ue Aq eAoq~ B qdeJ§~Jed ~Jl. UeA~6. SUO .l~lueseJdeJ eql uodn/~1~o peeeci peleoUueo.. I~AoJddv A~poq~nv qlleOH sense! (SHHC]) seo!^Jes UeLUnH pue q~leOH ~o ~ueuJ~Jedea el~eJOqOUV ,to X~lled.o.unhl oqJ. I~^oJddv leUO!~JpuoO ~o SLUJOl leU°B!Pu°O poAoJddeslC] .,~ pe^oJddv ~...kg.~ /-.~,~' Xq swooJpeq(~ Jo,~ pe^o,ddv 'lVAOt~dd¥ SHHa '9 ~?0~ 'oN peo~ dool .m,'-l~l 011]~3 ~:O."L sseJppv uJJL-I jo eUJeN kZ~'~ ,.h _~ ~ euoqdele/ 'uo!loedsu. s!qj Jo elep eql uo JoeBe u~ 9uoRelnSeJ pu~ 'seoueufpJo 'sepoo pu~ ledfolunR lie MllM eoueHd~oo u. s! ~elsXs I~sods!p JeleMelSeM J~/pue X ddns JeleM ei!s-uo eql 'uoBoedsu' pu~ uoBeS!lseAu! X~ ~oJ~ pue sel!~ eS~Joqouv Io Xl!l~dp!un~ emi ~oJ1 pau!elqo uoBe~Jocui e~ uo peseq ~e~l X~peA Je~Jn~ I 'u!eJeq Pe1Bo!pu! eJnlonJls ~o adXl pub s~ooJpeq ¢o Jeqmnu e~j Jol eJenbepe pue i~uoBoun¢ 'a~es s! ~eisXs lesods!p Je~eMelSeM.Jo/pue Xlddns Jej~M alis-uo e~l ~e~ SMOGS leAoJddv XlNoMjnV ~Jl~eH ,s~ ql ~o UO!~8!~SOAU~ ~ ~eq~ X~!JOA I 'MOleq UMOqS elep uoBep~leA eq~ ~o se pue o~eJ eq pex!~e lees X~ Xq Pe!~!~Joo sV NOI~V~aOJNI aNY v~va 'HOardS ~11~ 'S&S~& 'SNOI&O~dSNI ONlalAOad ~lJ 9NI~NIgN~ 'g ~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) (,~'~,~ Health Authority Approval (HAA) · ML~L~Y O? ANCH(~f~I~KLIST ' FEBFIUARY 1984 E N V I R O"l'l'l'l'l'l'l'l'~ T A L SERVICES DiViSiON 343-4744 A. WI=LL r)ATA Well Classification __ Well Log PresentCC~'N) ~ Date Completed ~,,~-~ Total Depth'¢-~' Cased to \ ~1~ Depth of Grouting '~- JAN 5- 1990i Legal Description: RECEIVE;D ~ (Y/N) ~, ~.~ ~)\-,J ~ ~O,/k~L~ If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved Yield Static Water Level Casing Height Above Ground Electrical Wiring in Conduit ~'N) Pump Set At Sanitary Seal on Casing ¢Z~N) '-/ Depression Around Wellhead SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field On Lot ; On Adjoining Lots \ ~c~t ~ ; On Adjoining Lots \ ~ ~ ~ To Nearest Public Sewer Line ~'~/t~,~/'' - To Nearest Sewer Service Line ion Lot '~'~ Water Sample Collected by ~,¢~ ,~ ~ ~:~¢:;;¢~t¢~. ;Date Water Sample Test Results ,~.~,,Z~c~'-L'~-~'~,~¢~¢--,~' Corn ments .--"¢~ ~ I?~--¢~ ~ ¢'~ To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole B. SI=PTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed No. of Compartments -, To Water-~uPply Well To 'Property Line. ' Standpipes,,j~/N) '¢ _Air-tight Caps ¢~N) _ Depression over Tank (Y/¢;~ ~"~ Pumping/Maintenance Contact on Fi!e (Y/N) . ¢ Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) f-4/~. SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM sEPTIC/HOLDING TANK: To Wafer Main/Service Line. i t, o~ ~ To Stream, Pond, Lake or Major Draic~age Course Comments '"~':~-~ ~ Foundation Clean o ut E:.'CTN) ,/~ate Last Pumped \'~- ~"2~ c~- ; for Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) To Building Foundation To Disposal Field . 72-026 (Rev. 7188) Front Page 1 of 2 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed Width of Field Type of System Design t Length of Field Depth of Field To Water-Supply Well To Building Foundation Lot To Water Main/Service Line Gravel Bed Thickness 4::~, ~" ~ Square Feet of Absortion Area _ ¢:~ U¢~c~'"¢" Statndpipes Present (,::~4) '.7/ Depression over Field (Y/~i) ¢ Date of Last Adequacy Test _ Y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'~- - Results of Last Adequacy Test ~Y~.~P',c"c"'-fi--~¢~, ~- Lc' SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD: To Property Line I (,¢,'2.- ~ To Existing or Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots '~:::~=~ \ ~ t~ To Cutback (if present) To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Course \ e~c::? ~ To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area t, ~ ~ ~ Comments~.b-~- -~-z~-~t ~u~ '~-'~L.~,-~ ~ .~t~ D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in (~~G s "Pump Dimensions Manhole/Access (Y/N) High Water Alarm Level at "~ Tested for Meets MOA Electrical Codes (Y/N) Comments _ "Pump Off" Level at Vent (Y/N) ~~mping Cycles during Adequacy Test. **Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request** I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in effect on ' inspection. Signed Company Date MOA No. Receipt No. Date of Payment Amount: $ 72-026 (Rev. 7/88) Back ~,~'~"d~) ~/ R ecei pt N o. Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Page 2 of 2 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATO ES OF ALASKA, INC. FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE £or Work O~dez ~ 19085 [)ate Re]port Printed: JAN 2 90 @ 11:05 Client Sample ID:L23, SEC 7, T15N, R1W, SM PWSID ;UA Collected DEC 29 89 8 15:50 hrs. Received DEC 29 89 @ 12:30 hrs. Prese~¥ed with :AS REQUIRED Analysis Completed :DEC 29 89 Client Name : S & S ENGR Client Acct: SNSENGP P.O.# NONR RECEIVED Req ~ Ordered By : R.J.S, Send Reports to: 1)S & S gNGR Laboratory Super¥i%or~LL~gPNEN C. EDE Released By : ~-~ ~_~ 2) Special Instruct: Chemlab gel ~: 9068 Lab Smpl ID: I No%rix: WATER Allowohle Parameter Tasted Result Units Method Limits NITRATE-N 0.48 mR/1 EPA 353.2 10 Sample ROUTINg SAMPLE RemarRs: SAMPLE COLLECTED BY R.D.J. I ~ests Performed S,6 Special Instructions Above UA,.UnaYailable ND= None Detected '* SeA Sample Remarks Abo¥o NA- Not Analyzed LT=Le~s Than, GT=Gzeater Than fi~I~P/ARTMI"NT oF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION E] PERCOLATION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 soILs LOG - PERCOLATION TEST 1 2 3- 5- 6- 7 9- 11 13 14 15- 16 17 18 19 2O No. 14~7,,a IF YES, AT WHAT :DEPTH? '~. ' LJ ~· Net Depth to Net Reading ""-Da~-~ Time Time Water Drop iPERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) !TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND -- FT PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79) ............ J CERTIFIED 13Y: DATE: