HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 16 NW4 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME MAILING ADDRESS Manufacturer NO. OF BESeeMs EGAL DESCRIPTION'" }N DISTANCE TO: Well Absorption~rea Liq. ca[~a~t IF HOMEMADE: Inside length -~ th Liquid depth Wel~ Dwelling PERMIT NO. DISTANCE Well OIS'rANCE TO: Foundation ~-- Nearest lot ~Lne No. of lines line Total length of lines Top of tile to finish grade i I ~ Material beneath tile -1' Length Width Depth Jepth Trench wldth Total effectiw DISTANCE TO: Class ~ Depth Driller Distance to lot line DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank mid capacity in gallons PERMIT PERMIT NO. Absorpt on ~rea(s) --- OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOlE TEST RATING INSTALLER ( ocO> r.--/ REMARKS 2 013 {R{v, 3/78) ~,/ DATE LEGAL L. OCF:FT' I 01",1 OL.[:' (]iLEhlf',l HI.,.P'r' LEGFII_ ::,E _. T'-r'PE OF:' SOIL FIELSORF']"ION S"r'E;'T'E."~S: "f'F~::E:NC:H I )/~,, IIh,',:lll i'1 NLff'IE)ER O1::' LOT ::]';}:ZE ,:':'7:'Z;2::~ '5~::!UFII:;;:IE FEET "f'HE REQU I RED '_'!i; I ZE OF 'T'HE ...... I L FIE:.SORPT t IEli'.,I _'-. ~ ..:, 1 [:.i' I .... THE L.ENEi"FH [:,ZMENSION :[E: THE L.E:NG"FH ,.':IN FEET') OF THE "FRE:NE:H OR C, RFIIhlFIEL.[:,. THE DEPTH OF: F:I TRE},ICH OR F':["r :[:E; THE [)IS]¥:INCE E',ETI,.IEEhl THE :ii!;URFI:::ICE OF THE GRC~L.INI:> FIND THE: BOTTOM OF THE EC:~.,',CFI',,,'FFFZON ,:: IN FEET). 'T]-.tlE¥::E ZS; NO SET NI[:,TH F'OR 'TRENC:HE'_::;. T'HE GRFI',,,'EL DEPTH If5 "I'HE MI I'.,I~MUH [:,EPTH OF GRF:I'v'EL.. E',ET!.,.IEEN ]"HE OUTFF]L.L. PIF'E FIND THE E~CFT'TOM OF TFIE E,':<:CFP/FITIOJ'4 (:IN F:EET). Mi: FIE.. ItL [. 'T'HI:5 b?...hJ .I.L.L.[IIG (IF F:IN"r' ..:'~',::l[.Jl HITHOUT F'INFII.,, IN:SF'EC'F!ON FIND -: ..... ~' :: '" [:,EPFIF;~iTMEI'¥'I" !,.! ILL E. L .:::,UE,,. E ..,~' TO PF? '" ':::E" T T "I'1 I',11 f.,I I MUM D I E;'T'FIt'.,tCE E:E"I"klEEN I::t 1.4ELL I'.IND, FII",Fr' ON-~E; I'T'E SEI4f:IGE [:, I E;POSRI._ :5"r':E;T'EM I El; ±('}O FEE]" F:OI:~: FI PRZ',,¢RTE 14EL. L. OR :I.50 '1"C~ ;2'00 FEET F:'ROM FI PL.IE:[...iC HEL. L. DEF'IEN[>ING I..li:::'l])t'.,I THE T't'PE OF F'U[]IL.]:C HELL. MIN[MUH Di2:;TFINCE FRC)M I::I PRZ'v'RTE NELL. TO FI F'Rt'v'RTE SEP.IER LZNE ]:S 25 FEET F:~F,I[) TC) I::I CC)MHUI',I:[ T¥ '_:i!;EWER L_ I NE I E; 75 F'EEE"I'. HELL LC~G:::'i; RRE REQtJII:;~:ED F:IND f"lLr:'~:T BE RETURNE[) T'O THE: DEPF'iRTMENT !4I'I"HIN Cfi:' "FHE HE]..J._ COMF'L. ETZON. OTlaER I:;~:E(;!LI :[ REMENTS MFI"r' RPPL"r'. SPEC I F I C:RT IONS FIND CONSTRUCT :1: O1",! D t F:IGRI::I['d:E; FIF~'E F:t'v'FtIL..FIBLE 'TO IH.SI...IRIE F'ROPER IN:~T, TFILLFF'FIOt",I. :[ (:::ERTIF¥ THF:IT :1.: I FIH F'F:IMZL..IFIF~! I.,.IITH 'T'H[]: RE(;!UIREMENT[5 F'OR ON-SITE SEHER:5 I:::IND HELLS Fr_::; SEF F'CiRTH [?,¥ THE MLINICIPI::ILtT'-d OF F:INCHOF.'.FIGE. 2.: I HILL INSTFI[...L THE E;"r'~"?TEM II",l RCCC~f['.[>F:IF,ICE t.,.II'T'H THE ]~:: I UI'.,I[)ERS]¥:IND THF:IT THE Oi",I-'.E;I'T'E :E;EI.,.IER S'¢EY!"EP'I I~'Jl::l"r' RE)~':!UIF~:E ENLFII:~:GEMENT IF THE RE:E;!DENCE ]'.'.~i; REMO[)EL. ED, TO INC:L. IJ[:,E MORE THFII'.,I ,,',1, BEDROOi"%'5. 7 U ! CONSTf".'JCTION TEST LAB PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THIS FORM REPORTS: Cowdery Exg_avat i~g LotPeters Creek Block Landfill 180( W. 48TH AVE. STE. 'C' .ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 248-1333 DATE P E R FO R M E D: l_~Z_!~3 J~_l Subdivision NW Corner, Sec. 16, T 15 N, [3 Visual Soils Examination El Percolation Test R 1 W, Seward Meridian DEPTH SOIL FEET DESCRIPTION NOTES Sandy Gravel - GP BOTTOM OF HOLE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED No tF YES, WHAT DEPTH LEGEND ® -Perc zone ~S- Sample taken !ii -- Frozen zone V '- Water table DING DATE GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTF READING PERCOLATION RATE: PROPOSED INSTALLATION: COMMENTS: DRAINAGE 125 SEEPAGE PIT [3 DRAIN FIELD El GENERA SITE SLOPE TO H20 NET DRAINAGE TEST PERFORMED BY!......__K_e_v_i_n_~Br~a~um ......... DATA CERTIFIED MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [] PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME P80-49 A request for concept approval of a conditional DATE RECEIVED use tQ permit the development of a sanitary May 7, 1980 landfill. ~ ~ COMMENT TO PLANNING BY FOR MEETING OF CASE j~q//'~i OF [] PUBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION ARE [ [ ~ [] PUBLIC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AR EAC~---'~I ~'(~ D¢¢;~ ~4 ~,,/~.~&'~:~J~"~"{ 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) IlL CONCEPT APPROVAL APPLICATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE OATE NORTH Section 18, T15N, F{1W CASE NO. A request to j~U~Ic1pALIT¥ OF ANcHO~AG5 ~NVi~O~ii~,'~,'L ..... ~]~QJ~RN COMMENTS TO: l?~J[~ 7 '~g$[[UNICIPAL PLAMNING D~PARTMENT Zoning and Platting Division ~Kcho~age t Alaska 99502 264-4215 rezone approximately acres from to A request to amend Title 21 to [/A request for concept/~f-i~ml approval of a conditional in the zone. A request for an amendment to a conditional use A site plan review for COMMENTS: DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) Urban Beautification Commission ~_~Ordinanc% Amendments) Municipal Attorney's Office ~[~t~/~.~ · Community Council nulr onm nT^L conTr OL i?? Joel Grunwaldt Solid Waste Services Municipality of Anchorage Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Ref: P.O. No. 21851 July 23, 1982 AdUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAQ~ RECEIVED Dear Joel Grunwaldt: Due to the delayed monitoring confirmation and the late spring, it was not possible to test the wells in March as planned. The first sampling was done, as thawing permitted access, on the following dates: April 6 May 3 May 1t BLS, CL5, PL1, Subdrain BL7, BL9, CL1, CL3, CL4, PL2 CL2 The second quarterly sampling of the subdrain was done on 28 June 1982, as per our phone conversation of 15 June 1982. The landfill wells and subdrain will be sampled again on 7-9 September with the final subdraln sampling taking place on 30 November 1982. The results of the first landfull well sampling and the first two quarterly subdrain sampling are given on the following sheets. Also enclosed is the billing, please forward it to the appropriate department. If you have any questions concerning the results, please contact me at 276-1361. Sincerely, )220 LUest 25th Aucnu¢ · Anchoraq~. J~h~sko 99503 * (907) 276d361 ALASKA EFIUIROnmerlTAL cOrlTRO[ ~nqin¢¢rin~ ~ ~nuironrncnlal ~luclies SI RUICIB, IFIC. PETERS CREEK LANDFILL WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Sampling Site PLI PL2 9/8/82 9/8/82 Tot. Alk. - mg/1 125 92 Carbonate " ..... Bicarbonate " 125 92 DOC mg/1 14.00 9.00 Co - field mg/1 20.50 28.00 DO - field " 11.00 5.00 Calcium mg/1 5.00 71.00 Chloride " 11.00 4.00 Flouride " <0.i0 <0.10 Iron " 0.19 0.82 Magnesium " 13.00 13.00 Manganese " <0.05 0.11 Nitrate " 1.90 1.10 Nitrite " 0.02 <0.02 Potassium " 0.06 3.90 Silica " 7.80 6.50 Sodium " 2.00 3.00 Sulfate " 10.00 20.00 Temperture - C pH 4.0 5.5 7.0 6.8 Spec. Cond. Lab - umhos/cm Field " 330 200 410 490 Sample Depth - feet Tap 26 Pumping - mlns i3 2 Volume - gals 143 15 Field Notes PLi: Water turned yellow as pumped PL2: Water a reddish brown color 1220 LUcs: 25~h Auenu¢ · Anchor'o% Alaska 99503 · [907) 276 1361 ALASKA I nUIROIlmfllTAL COFITROL SE RUICeS, IrlC. PETERS CREEK LANDFILL WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Date 4/6 5/3 Tot. Alk. mg/1 109.00 66.00 Carbonate " 0.00 0.00 Bicarbonate " 109.00 66.00 DOC mg/1 19.00 28.00 CO2- field mg/1 7.00 52.00 DO - field " 4.20 11.60 Calcium mg/1 135.00 14.00 Chloride " 4.40 5.10 Flouride " <0.10 <0.10 Iron " 0.17 0.26 Magnesium " 8.00 6.50 Manganese " <0.05 <0.14 Nitrate " 1.26 0.99 Nitrite " 1.31 <0.02 Potassium " 0.50 4.20 Silica " 17.66 15.40 Sodium " .... 1.00 Sulfate " 9.80 12.00 Temperature -'C 2 2 pH 6.6 6.4 Spec. Cond. Lab - umho$/cm 243 141 Field " 220 160 Sample Depth - feet --- 26 Pumping - mins 40 4 Volume - gals 85 35 Field Notes Rusty Color 1220 West 251h J~u~nu¢ · J~nchoraqe, J~tQska 99503 · (907) 276-1361 ALASKA I rlUlROrlml rlTAL COIqTROL Si RUICES, Il'lC. J~mlin~rin~ r~ J~nuJronmenlal SlucJics . ,,,' . 15 October 1982 Joel Grunwaldt Solid Waste Services Municipality of Anchorage Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502 Ref: P.O. 21851 Dear Joel: Enclosed are the results of the second landfill well sampling and the third quarterly subdrain sampling and ICAP Scan. Also enclosed is the billing, please forward to the appropriate depar~menn. Sorry there was such a misunderstanding on the ICAP Scan. Do you wish it to be done on the last Subdrain sampling in November, or just do the one this year? Please let me know. As per our phone conversation, the following corrections are to be made in the first semi-annual landfill sampling: CL2 in the April sampling is actually CL3 CL3 in the April sampling is actually CL2 · £'he September samples are correctly labeled. The June 28, 1982 Subdrain sample had a DOC value of 152 mg/1. This value was tested 40 days after the sampling and is probably either slightly higher or lower than that of a fresh sample, but probably not a significant amount. We have now, I Rope, worked all of the problems out of this monitoring program and it should run smoother in the future. Please contact me if you have any questions. Enclosures Sincerely, 1220 UJcst 2§th J~uenu¢ * J~nchoracle, J~lasica g9503 · (907) 275-1351 Q ,,4 9B9~ J~J J