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TALISMAN HEIGHTS Sewage Disposal System
RONALO L. THIEL, .PE.'''~ ~ CONSULTING ENGINEER 539 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 {907) 279-6508 Mr. Rolf Strickland GAAB 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska Re: TALISMAN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Dear Roll: The above referenced proposed subdivision was soils investigated with the results shown on the accompanying enclosures. The results showed continuous soils in the 200 to 225 s.f./b.r, range. Tile xerox copy of the subdivision has all three required seepage pit locations plus well site for each lot. If the builders adhere to the current GAAB codes for installing the seepage pits and followes the necessary spacing as the plan shows, the subdivision should be expected to be reasonably free of disposal problems. The above information is limited to information obtained from two test holes dug by a back hoe and the results of four soils classifications obtained from the GAAB files of past records. Sincerely, Ronal~ L. Thiel, P.E. % HEALTH DEPARTMENT ' ~ ) CASE 327 E^GLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 Th~s Fo~ Reports a: So~ls Log.~ . ' .Pe~cblation Test So~I Characteristics Location Sketch'" Readlng Da~e G~oss Time Net Time Depth To H20' - Proposed Instal~Seepage Pi% Drain Field Depth Of Inle~ ' Depth To Bottom, Of PI~ O~ T~enc~ '..- ' '.l .... ,~ ........ , .......... .. ~,. ~,~.~ .,%,':L..3~,'~- _- ' .' ~ Da~a . ' :.- ~ .... . ' ;-~.',.'~ ...~A ..~ . ': .... , ' Net D~o:,' , '~ 327 EAGLE STREET ~-~ --- ' ~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 legal D~scription: Lo~ Block. S~d~vis~on_ /~/~ ~=-_~ > Th~s Fo~ R~ports a: So~ls Log... ' - ?~rcolation Tes~ . Feet Soll Characteristics Location Sketch' Was Guound If Yesv A~ Wha~ D~p~h Readlng Depth To H20' Drop' Proposed Ins~al~Seepage Pi~ Drain Field Data C~tlfi~d By: -.' .. . . .:.: -. PATRICK R© / GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH /?, INITIATED BY: r~ (~ ~ DATE OF MEMO: ~)~ DATE ANSWER '~7,~:~ - ' TO: DEPARTMENT: ......~ ~ ~"'~' REQUESTED~ RECEIVER: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OTHER 1