HomeMy WebLinkAboutTALUS WEST #2 BLK 4 LT 10 (3) ALASKA fdlROrlmenTAL COF1TROL SeRu[Ce$, IF1C. ~n§inee~'in9 6 (~nuironmcnlal $ludies January Keith Bandt Department of Environmental Protection Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 21, 1985 Subject: Talus West #2 Bk. Per our visit to Dear Keith: 4 Lot 10 and Lt 11 the subject properties, 1/18/85 We have reviewed the soils logs, water monitor data, and other data obtained during the course of our work done on the subject lots. In our opinion, the following conditions exist: 1) The ground water was confined to the shallow layers of permeable soils which exist on the lots. The curtain drain has sufficiently blocked the water from entering the s~e layers above Lot 10. Therefore no ground water should be traveling through the shallow permeable laymrs on Lot 11. 2) During soils tests performed on both lots, the silt (ML) layers were dry. This was particulary evident during excavation of the failed system on Lot 11. The water was encountered at 1.5 feet. There was an extremely large amount of water present. Below the permable layers, the ML was relatively dry and no water was present. In our opinion, the shallow layers were the transport medium for the water. Based upon the above system as-builts, and the water monitor information attached, we conclude the following: 1) For all intents and purposes, the system on Lot 10, Block 4, Talus West #2 probably is not able to.pass an adequacy test. However, it is able to meet the needs of the present two occupants who work on the North Slope and are only present two weeks out of the month. Based upon the as-builts and water monitor results near this system, the ground water level is at least 4 feet below the bottom of the system. No signs of effluent exists at the surface. 2) Based 'upon the water monitor results in test holes TH-B1 and TH-B9, the water level is at least 4 feet below the upgraded system on Lot 11 Block 4, Talus West #2. Test hole , TH-Bi, water monitor results should not be taken as an indication of the true ground water level. This test hole is within 7 feet of a failed system of unknown size and type. The water in ~200 ~J¢st 33r,J Au6nu~, Suil~ [~ ,Anckoro% 99503,(907) 561-5040 TH-lB smells septic and is probably the result of drainage from the unknown system. 3) Based upon the as-builts, visual inspections, water monitor results and soils tests on Lot 11, Block 4, Talus West #2, we conclude the ground water level is below the bottom of the existing trench on the lot. The ML layer, actual depth unknown, is at least 18 feet below the ground surface, which is 4 feet below the existing system. This is indicated by the original soils tests done, July 13, 1984 by Kinny Baxter PE which shows ML is not prseent to at least 18 feet. The test holes done May 1, 1984 shows no ML to 15 feet on the lower side of the trench. In conclusion we recommend the following: i) The system on Lot 10, Block 4, Talus West #2, should be allowed to operate until sold or the system fails. Then, an upgrade can be accomplished. In our opinion, the system is operating sufficiently to preclude the necessity of regulated pumping unless the present number of occupants change. 2) The systems on Lot 11, Block 4, Talus West #2 should be approved as-is with both the upgrade and existing system in operation. Approved by: ~ PhD Attachments: PE i. Water Monitor Data 2. Soils Logs 3. Horizontal Profile 4. Site Map Sincerely, Ron Godden Environmental Engineer Operations Manager January 21, 1985 Driscol-Kelly Curtain Drain Project Lots 10,11 Talus West Add No. 2 Water Monitor Report Data Summary NAME DATE DESCRIPTION WATER LEVEL BELOW GROUND SURFACE (FT) Kelly 5/1/84 TH-i, W. side lot 11 4 5/1/84 TH-2, 74' N. of NEcor 7 of house 5/8/84 TH-1 1.5 Driscol 5/31/84 TH-1 2 5/31/84 TH-Bi 4 6/21/84 TH-1 4 Kelly 6/29/84 TH-i, no water, moist soil at 7 7/24/84 TH-1 4 1/18/84 Old Trench C/O - Dry 12 1/18/84 Curtain Drain C/O 10 Driscol 8/21/84 TH-BI 8 10/30/84 TH-Bi 7 12/19/84 TH-Bi 8 1/18/84 TH-Bi 8 1/18/84 TH-B9 10 1/18/84 Curtain Drain C/O 18 Note: 7/31/81 CTL Test Lab conducted a soil test and made a soil log that was performed by Kevin Braun on Lot 11, the client was John Matus. No water was encountered. Test hole was taken to 18'. ^LASKA WiUIROI1FII nTAL CE ROL [~n§ineerb~'$ (~nub~mcn e $ uclies December 20, 1984 Keith Bandt Environmental Engineering Manager Department of Health and Environmental Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 Protection inc. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG~ D~PI'. 'OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL pROTECTION DEC 6 1984 RECEIVED Dear Keith, I have viewed the properties of Tom Kelly and Mike Driscol, Lots 10,11 Talus West Add No. 2, and obtained water monitor readings for both lots. Enclosed is a record of readings taken periodically since May 1984. Also included is a rough as-built sketch of the curtain drains that were installed on both properties. These are drawn to help in the explanation of the following report. Note the values for the inspection ~zpe located on the north end of the trench on Driscol's lot. The water is at 4ft and then 20ft to the west,~ zn another monitor tube., the water is at 8ft. Since the levels differ by 4ft in less than a 20 f~t~ ld~s~ance there may be indication of an impermeable layer of soil. It appears that ground water is moving through the 2ft layer of organic material along the impermeable layer of soil. As this water encounters a void such as a sewer system, monitor tube, etc. it fills the void to the static water level. Hence the erroneous data. Mr. Kelly's upgraded pystem appears to be operating very well. Water monitors show the water level to be at a depth of 8ft or 6ft below the bottom of the trench. This exceeds the 4ft requirement of the DHEP. The inspection pipe.located at the end of the old system is dry all the way to the bottom, indicating that the new system has not exceeded the design capacity. Acreage Systems, Inc. installed both of the curtain drains and the septic system upgrade. While installing the Driscol curtain drain some interesting conditions were encountered. The reason for altering the route of the drain was to avoid some seepage of septic system effluent. This was found at a point where the turn was to begin on the originally proposed design. The route was modified so that the turn was moved to a point 20ft further where dry ground was located. After the turn was negotiated and the excavation carried another 30-40ft, some buried brush was found to a depth of about 8ft. From 8ft to 16ft hard clay was 1200 ~Bsl 33,d encountered. This situation lasted for about 90 lineal feet. The brush filled area contained a lot of water but no septic tank effluent. To confirm the condition of the Driscol septic system, additional holes will have to be drilled. If this is done in the winter the influence of the suspected groundwater flow mentioned earlier may be confirmed or denied. If the water problem is caused by a shallow water movement then the use of monitor tubes will be useless. Should you have any questions concerning this matter please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Steven F. Cords Civil Engineer AL, SKA xrUIROI meF1TAL COIqTROL ~n§inm'i,¥, ~ ~nuirenmenlal Studies December 21, 1984 Driscol-Kelly Curtain Drain Project Lots 10,11 Talus West Add No.2 Water Monitor Report Data Summary Name Date Kelly 5/1/84 5/1/84 5/8/8~ Driscol 5/31/84 5/31/84 6/21/84 Kelly 6/29/84 Driscol 7/24/84 8/21/84' 10/30/84 12/19/84 Description Water level belo~ g~ound surface (ft) TH-I, W. side lot 11 4 TH-2, 74' N.of NEcor 7 of house TH-1 1.5 · TH-1 2 TH-B1 4 TH-i, no water, moist soil at 7 TH-1 4 ~TH-B1 7 Note: 7/31/81 CTL Test Lab conducted a soil test and made a soil log that was performed by Kevin Braun on Lot 11, the client whs John Matus. No water was encountered. Test hole was taken to 18'. 1200 ~Jcsl 33rd Au¢,u¢. $uii¢ B,Anchoroq¢. Nosh 99503'{907) 551-50z~0 ,f MUNICIPALIrY OF ANCHOR~E " ' ':" ' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONME. t~:rAL PROTECTION [] PERCOLATION 825 L Street. Anchorage. Alaska 99501 ? 264-4720 TEST SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SLOPE SiTE PLAN t~ro~o~ ;n 0olor~. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, 10- 11 12 13 14- 15- 16- 17 18 + I WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? 0.o)o~,. IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Net Time Time Depth to Water  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [~'P~RCOLAT~ON 'e · DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 TEST SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST -' P.ERFORMED :< FOR: -~ U,,,t.- ~-_ / _ 4~ ~ · ~.-f/7 DATE.~.~O.~. ~- ~- ~ SLOPE SITE PLAN ] 1 WAS GROUND WATER IF YES, AT WHAT 13 - DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net J Time Time Water Drop ,~, 19- r, 20' ~' ' q' '" PERCOLATION RATE (minu~/inch) ,: [ [ ~ / TEST R~N ~E~E~N, , FT AND FT co~.~ ~ ,'~,~;~u' ~b~ ,~//~' ,~ ~'. --t ..- ' .' /. ' ~ I¢ F . L ~'-~MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~.~ (b DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. StrHt, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8 9- 10- 11 12 13 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 72-008 (6/79) ~f HL DATE PEREORMED: SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading I .~o Time Time ~-~.t ~:0ff PERCOLATION RATE /~;, ~'..~ TEST RUN BETWEEN z~.~" FT AND ~11.. [ ' l, Depth to Net Water Drop ~.~ ~./~ o.'t7 ~,/~ ~. ~0 0./0 O,5'/ o, O? (minutes/inch) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 t. Strut, Anchorage, Ala~a 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST [] PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Lt~h¥ brOd-~ ~'~ SLOPE 18- 19- 20- DATEPERFOR~ED: ~'~ ,~] ~ f SITE PLAN COMMENTS W*S ROUN W*TER ENCOUNTERED? P IF YES, AT WHAT E oEP . Reading Date ' Gross Ne~ De~th to NN~~'''~ Time Time Water PERCOLATION RATE Imin,',tes/in¢~) FT AND FT SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 2644720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATIOE TEST FOR: ~'~ '~ ~ LEDA'OE.0.,PT,O.: LOb ~r~ P~K L~ ~b T~,\~s SLOPE 6 7- 10- 11 ENCOUNTERED? O DEPTH? DATE PERFORMED; S'~'~ SITE PLAN 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 · PERCOLATION RATE Dross Net Depth to Net ' Readihg Date Time Time Water Drop [minutes/inch) FT AND FT CERTI FlED BY: OATE: ~ERFORMED FOR: ._EGAL DESCRIPTION: THIS FORM REPORTS: TEST LAB JOHN hIATUS Lot 1t Block MVisuor Soils Exominofion 18~ ~P'W.%~,BTH AVE. STE. 'C' A~-CHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 248-t333 4 DATE PERFORMED: Subdivision Talus West D Percolelion Tesl 7/13/81 DEPTH SOIL -- EET DESCRIPTION NOTES w F OVERBURDEN PEAT -- 2' ! .~/.'/~,~ SANDY GRAVELLY )~ ~.~ SILT (ML) Damp 10' f¢,'7: ·., f) FINE SAND, TRACE [O..., GRAVEL (SP) 150 sf/br 14 ' 'F2' SILTY SAND 18, /'/' BOTTOM OF HOLE ','AS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED = YES, WHAT DEPTH -EGEND · > -- Pert zone ~S- Sompie loken ] -- Frozen zone ¢ -- Wsier ioble NO ~,EADING DATE =ERCOLATION RATE ROPOSED NSTALLATION ]OMMENTS: GROSS TIME NET Tilde DEPTH TO H20 DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS: O SEEPAGE PiT ~ DRAIN FIELD NET DRAINAGE 150 Sq. Ft,/Bedroom 0 OTHER 'EST PERFORMED BY: Kevin'Braun DATA CERTIFIED BY: Kinney R. Baxter, P,E. DATE: July 13, 1981 CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 u~ / / MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA(~I~ DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTI:CTIOJ~ AGREEMENT BETWEEN ADJOINING OWNERS CREATING EASEMENTS t]EC ? 1984 RECEi ED, Agreement made this--~_~day of November, 1984, between MIKE DRISCOLL, and BARBARA C. KELLY and THOMAS R. KELLY, husband and wife, all of the State of Alaska. RECITALS The parties have an interest in adjoining real estate in the Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of Alaska, and described, respectively, as follows: a) Mike Driscoll Lot Ten, (10), Block Four (4), TALUS WEST SUBDIVISION, ADDITION NO. 2, according to the official plat thereof, filed under Plat No. 80-39, Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of Alaska. b) Barbara C. Kelly and Thomas R. Kelly Lot TALUS WEST SUBDIVISION, NO. 2, according to the ~ plat thereof, file~! u~der - 3. 80-39, Anchor~e ~ District, Third Judi~al State of Alaska. ' ~ The parties to this Agreement desire to create easements across the above-described adjoining lots owned ~by them for the benefit of each of them. Eleven, (11), Block Four, (4), ADDITION official Plat No. Recording District, The parties agree as follows: 1. An easement for an existing curtain drainage system .in favor of the above-described Lot Ten (10), 'Block Four (4), owned by Mike Driscoll, is created over Lot Eleven (11), Block Four (4), and an easement for an existing curtain drainage system is created in favor of the above described Lot Eleven (11), Block Four (4), owned by Barbara C. Kelly and Thomas R. Kelly, is created over Lot Ten (10), Block Four (4). 2. This easement is for the purpose of access to and the maintenance of an existing drainage system whic~, serves both of the properties. Accordingly, both parties s~811 have a right-of-way over, across, and under said p[operties for the purpose of access to and maintenance of the system; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that (a) all maintenance shall be done in a reasonable ~pr:e~ ~:]~ ~:(: b~r:ecessary waste shall occur; (b) neither party shall alter the e~isting drainage system without the other parties' consent (e~ce~-t ~ ~.]~(~ c.,(:? c~:~ ~n (-~.~ge~cy demanding immediate repairs). NEITHER PARTY SHALL MARE ANY A. LTE}~TIONS OR CONSg.'RUCT ANY IMPROVEMENTS ON THE PROPERTIES WHICH SHALL INTERFERE WITH THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. 3. This easement is superior and paramount to the rights of any of the parties ],ereto in the respective servient estates so created and shall run with said AGREEMENT CREATING EASemeNTS Page 1 of 2 properties and be binding upon the undersigned, their heirs, executors, administrat6rs, ~nd assigns, and any persons who shall hereafter acquire title to such proper%les. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, at Anchorage, Alaska, the day and year first above written. ~IKE~ D~ISCOLL ' BARBARA C. KELLY STATE OF ALASKA ) )SS. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this ~q~day of November, 1984, personally appeared before me MIKE DRISCOLL, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing document, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT N~T~RY PUBLIC in and for~Alaska My Commission Expires: )ss~? ~ ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that? on this ! day of November, 1984, personally appeared before me THOMA~ R. KELLY and BARBARA C. KELLY, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing document, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ? IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set and official se~l the day a~ year flr~t above wri~ '% DSPT, ENVtRON~SNT~ RECEIVED AQREEMENT CREATING EASEMENTS Page 2 of 2 DRI SCOL-K'ELLY PROJECT CURTAIN DRAIN-SEWER UPGRADE for TOM KELLY CURTAl N DRAIN for MIKE DRISCOL PREPARED BY, ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES 1200 W. 35rd AVE., SUITE B ANCHORAGE, AK 99503 CONTOUR MAP H OV'~'t~FI OW PIP~' PROPOSED CURTAIN / DRAIN / PROPOSED CUR-TAIN DRAIN 96 SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK CLEAN 98 LIFT STATION I00 PROPOSED / 104 PROPOSED ~/DRAIN 106 0 WELL CAP TBM- I I00.00 ~CALE I" a 30' C ONT'OUR MAP N 0 R T H )- / / PROPOSED CURTAIN ~ DRAIN ~ OUTLET IG SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK CLEAN OU; I00 O WELL CAP TBM-I I00.O0 ~00 1+50 98 SYSTEM 104 PROPOSEDURTAIN DiAIN PROPOSED CURTAIN / DRAIN I~00 '0+50 106 DRISCOL SCALE I"=$O' CONTOUR MAP N 0 T H 96 I00 T#- I ~~H -I 98 102 / 104 TH~BI 0 WELL CAP ~ x ~ ] i .SPECIFICATIONS FOR A TRENCH-TYPE ~/ASTE RATER TREATIvENT, . LOT lO & Il, BLOCK 4, TALUS WEST //2 5UBBIVIS£ON 1.0 GENERAL 1.5 2. O 5EP TIC 1.i The drawing sheets i through 8, shall be a part of this specification. 1.2 All materials and workmanship shall meet the requiremants of the MOA regulation. 1.3 All elevations and depths are advisory, and are to be verified or modified in the fleldby the contractor. 1.4 It is the responsibility of the owner to obtain all necessary permits, easements, utility locations and/or waivers required for the installation of the system. All power, water, and telephone utilities shall be located by the contractor prior to beginning work. SYSTEM 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The septlc tank shall be a UPC approved two compartment tank, set level, and insulated with an overlying layer of 2 inch burial type polystyrene. The septic tank shall rest on undisturbed soil. Inlet and outlet plping shall be fitted with watertight calder couplfngs. Piping shall be 4 inch solid PVC, sloped a minimum of 1/4 inch per foot, wlth a minimum of 4 feet of cover. If less than 4 feet, use 1 inch of DOE extruded Blue polystyrene for each foot of cover less than 4 feet. Cleanouts shall be fnstalled with calder couplings, capped with air-tight jim-caps (or equivalent), and extend a minlmum of 0.5 feet above ground level. The septic tank shall be a minlmum of 5 feet from the house foundation, and a minimum of 5 feet from the dralnfield. 3.0 LIFT STATION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 SEEPAGE A lift station wlll be installed in accordance wlth the lift statlon drawings. The lines from the iift station to the drainfield wfll be composed of elther PE pipe or AB5 piping, 2" dia inch in diameter. The lift station output pipe will be installed wlth a heat trace. We recommend Chemelex four watts per foot be used. This heat trace can be obtained A~FAC. The lift station discharge pipe must be buried at least 5' feet deep. See the detail sheet for recommended method of attaching the line from the lift station to the drainage field. TRENCH 4.1 4.2 The gravel for the trench shall be screened to the stzes of 0.5 to 2.5 inches and free from silt or sand. The bottom and sides of the excavation shall be raked with 5.0 4.3 4.6 4.7 CURTAIN 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 the backhoe blade to insure that it has not been corrpacted during excavation. The bottom elevation shall be +/- 2 inches. A monitor pipe shall be placed as shown in the drawings, It shall be rigid PVC,..ASTN 20339, or 30]4. The section shown with holes, may be drilled 0.5 inch holes on the 6-inch centers on opposite sides of the pipe or another option is regular section of perforated sewer pipe maybe be clar~oed to the solid section, wfth a no hub coupling or a solvent joint, ~ rubber rain cap (jim cap) shall be placed over the top of the pipe. The distribution pipe shall be 4 inch rigid PVC or P£. ~ll pipes shall be laid level. If the final grade over the trench is less than 4 feet above the gravel, insulation in required. Insulation shall be Extruded blue styrofoam board of a required thickness of l" per foot of soil less than 4 feet, overlaying the trench. The solid pipe extending from the septic tank to drainfleld shall also have 4 feet of cover or an equivalent layer of insulation to prevent freezing of the line. If insulation is not needed, a covering of Typar, ~yrafai, Ffbertex, untreated building construction paper, or equivalent will be used to cover the entire trench over the top of the gravel. The area excavated in the vicinity of the trench shall be planted with a white clover, red rescue mix, and Kentucky Blue grass. DRAIN The curtain drain detail sheets shall be considered part of this specification. The curtain drain, drain pipe, and out fall pipe shall be installed at a grade of 0.45%. The curtain drain shall be handled according to manu?actures instructions. The pipe between the curtain drain and the outfall pipe shall consist of solid PVC or PE pipe. Backfill and corrcact as soon as possible as installation proceeds. Extend the fill material to minimum of 6" above the curtain drain. The curtain drain outfall structure shall not be directly exposed to the atmosphere. Refer to the details for installation. The outfall pipe shall consist of $ feet of perforated PVC or PE pipe. The 2" rigid blue styrofoam board insulation or equal shall be lald on top of the out?all pipe. The insulation shall be 2 feet wide and extend to 1 foot of the pipe. 6.0 INSPECTION 6.1 6.2 INSPECTION OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE CURTAIN OR~IN SHALL BE HANDLED BY THE ENGINEER. INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE MONITORING THE PROCEEDURES OF THE CONTRACTOR AS CONSTRUCTION IS PURSUED TO INSURE PROPER INST.4LLATION TECHNIQUES /iRE PRACTICED. 6.3 WATER LEVELS AND 50IL CONDITIONS SHALL BE CAREFULLY OBSERVED, kEASURED AND RECORDED AS INSTALLATION PROCEEDS. 6.4 INSPECTION OF THE SEWER SYSTEM UPGRADE WILL COkPLY WITH THE REGUL/~TIONS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSER VA TI ON. PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3- 4 § 6 7 8 9 10- 13 14 15 16 17 18- 19- 20- MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND EN~/I RONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 9951~1 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: SLOPE SOILS LOG [~PE RCOLATION TEST SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop ];EST RUN BETWEEN, -- FT AND FT PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET CLIENT ADDRESS' ZIP CODE LEGAL LOCATION DATE -7- ~ / /~- ft. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE ZONE TESTED ~ z/,~- ftTO_ ~ ~ ft TEST HOLE DIAMETER , /r~~' READING # CLOCK TIME MET TIME I)EPTH TO NET DROP RATE (min/in) OATUM ~:~- d),~'~' C ./1 FIlL PERCO~TXON ~TE /~7 /c~ --~ SQUARE FOOT/BEDROOM MOA STS~-O2Z~ (min/in} MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street. Anchorage, Ala~k. 99501 264-4720 ; SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST pERcoLATIoN TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: $ ? 8~ 9- 13 1§ 17, 20- WAS GROUND WATER IF YES. AT WHAT * E DEPTH? '~, O Re~ding Date Gross Net De13t h to Net Time Time Water Drop ; '&~/ · :o~ Io ~.~ 0./~ . ~-~ t 3:~ I0 · ~.ffO GdO __ PER~OLRT%ON TEST DATA SHEET CLIENT .~¢ ~'~//~, DATE ADDRESS Z! P CODE TOTAL DE,TH OF ZONE ~STED TH # ~ . TEST HOLE DIAHETER READING # CLOCK TiME MET TIME DEPTH TO NET DROP RATE (min/in) FINAL P£RCOLATZON RATE /~c~ SQUARE FOOT/BEDROOM MOA 5T8~-02~ (min/in) CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 , SHEET NO.-- OF-- DATE ALASKA ENVIRON~'~NTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 west 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 ALASKA £N VIRC~£NTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B A~ICHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561.5040 NEMA 4 ~*N¢I OSUR~ GALVANIZED OR PAINTED METAl- OOVER ~" UfPETHAN~ FOAM GLUED TO COVER POWEf~ AND PUMP CONTROl- LINES FILLE'T WE£D ABOUND' PIPE PUMP PUMP PO~ER A£ARM CORD 4" DIA SOLID P~IC PIPE FROM SEPt'lC TANK PUMP .CALDER COUPLING / FERENr/AL MERcU Fl-OAr SWITCH INSIDE' OF PIT SHA££ I BE COATE WITH I BITUMINOUS PAINT OB TAR]. PU -PIPE CONNECTEO ADAPTER FOR PUMP GROUND I_EVEL I ~ DIA STEt'l- PIPE ADAPTE TO ABSORPTION Cl- AMP GAl- VAN/ZED A-4444-78) Of~ A~-UMINUM ~ HE~T TAP~ ALARM ~ 'PUMP "OFF" LEVEL ~GALVANIZE'D OR PAINTED STEEL PLATE ALASKA ENVIRON~/:NTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 SHEET NO. ~ OF ~ CALCULATED BY ~-/~- ~' DATE CHECk(ED BY DATE. SCALF ,,~-~'~,~ W~V' / x. CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 west 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 ALASKA ENVIROn'" 'ENTAL CONTROL SERVI~.~.J, INC. 1200 west 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 CHECKED BY DATE- SCALF CUt?TAIN Dt?AIIV OUTFAI_I DETAIl I "--$" Gt?ADED GRAVEl /, / ~" RIGID INSULATION · / ,- ........ FIlL lINE E" RIGID INSULATION ~ . _ AS PER SPEC t "-$" GRADED GRAVEL . \ / / . : _ __I \ , _ ALASKA ENVIRO(~ENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 · SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY ~ ~ CHECKED BY SCALF OATE - I ?/C//F/?2' ,4xO COAJ~F/CL(~/?O,4/ /xy .~O~?D ,~/4~/ 0/~ LI/-/Z/2-y ~'7~5~7~1~7/7~ /d /I/,r~',~/zb~-g;. ALASKA ENVIROI~ ~.NTAL .CONTROL SERVI~,~o~, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 561-5040 SHEET NO. · CALCULATED BY ~'~ ~'~'~'~'~ CHECKED BY SCALE DATE PERFORMED LEGAL~DESCRIPTION: 9 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL'PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99,501 264-4720' SOI'_LS. LOG- PERCOLATION TEST IT/L '; , . SLOPE ,g SO LS LO0 E~ PERCOLATION i . t TEST SITE PLAN 10- 11 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 ENCOUNTERED? O P E IF YES, AT WHAT Gros.s Net Depth to~'~NNe~j~I Reading Date Time Time Water PERCOLATION RATE · ~'ALASKA 6nuIRONm6nTAL .CONTROL $~RUlC65, · J~nclineerin~ I~ J~nuir0nmcnt~J StucJies INC. PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET ADDRESS' ZIP CODE LEaL LOCATION "~U-~ tk.~C'~ TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE JO~I ZONE TESTED 4~1 qmS'TO Test Holes # I ~ Diameter of Hole ~1~,t READING # . CLOCK TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO NET DROP RATE (min/in) ,,'.~ DATUM J '-I ~o i~ ~' ' FINAL PERCOLATION RATE PERFUMED ~Y iqOA 84'-024 '~' (min/in) ALASKA I nUIROnmI IITAL.COnTROL SI RUICI S, ~n~lint~rinq $ ~nuironm~ntal Sb~i~ IllC. CLIENT Ml'k~ ADDRESS ' PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET ! ZIP CODE LEU, ,OCAUON "~[U% TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE ft. ZONE TESTED .._ 1,0 ft TO I.~ ft Test Holes Diameter of Hole READING # CLOCK TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO NET DROP RATE (min/in) :~ DATUM FINAL PERCOLATION RATE PERFORMED BY ~ ~qOA 84-024 (min/in Square feet per bedroom. - ~ ~t 3~a Au~, $ui,z-~- AncNe~. Ales~. 99~3 · [~7) 276 1361 " ALASKA enUlRonmemAL COFITI~O[ SERUIC~S, Inc. .l~n~lint~rinci ~ ~nuiromentaf ~bclies C,IENT` ADDRESS . PER~CO~ATION TEST DATA SHEET cr,~cotl_ DATE July ZIP CODE LEGAL LOCATION TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE ZONE TESTED ' ft TO ~/' ~ ft Test Holes # Diameter of Hole ~_~ READING # CLOCK TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO NET DROP RATE (min/in) ~ DATUM FINAL PERCOLATION RATE PERFORMED BY ~i~l~ HOA 84-024 (min/in) Square feet per bedroom..