HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 17 W2 S2 SE4 SE4 G"~TER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO' ~H HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279.2511 N.° 185 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL /~-') ('~ z ~ LIQUID CAPACITY ./~ ~ GALLONS. NUMBER OF MATERIAL ..~' .~'",,~"~'~ '-~ COMPARTMENTS -5~ /~ff' ~"~:'l'~ LIQUID INSIDE LENGTH -~7-"~-~ / INSIDE WIDTH ~ DEPTH SEEPAGE SYSTEM: SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS / OUTSIDE DIAMETER LINING MATERIAL_ ~ NEAREST LOT LINE ~ ~ /'7~-~ OR WIDTH , DISTANCE FROM WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) , LENGTH //_~ i, DEPTH BUILDING FOUNDATION ~'~' ? ~ c~* SQ. FT. ~" TILE DRAIN FIELD: ~ ..... ~ TOTAL LENGTH WELL: TYPE ~/~ , DEPTH , BUILDING FOUNDATION. SAMPLE NEAREST LOT LINE /O ' ~ NEARES~ ~SEPTIC /~/~ /~ z~ ~/' OTHER . SEWER LINE ~ lANK . SYSTEM . CESSPOOl . SOURCES DISTANCES: ~.~' =/~ ~ DI.~RAM OF SYSTEM F APPROVED ,J HEALTH AUTHORITY GAAB-HD-2 GREATE~ 327 Eagle St. ,NCHORAGE AREA HEALTH DEPARTMENT Anchorage, Alaska 99501 )ROUGH 279-2511 Case No. ~-/~) SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK ~ ., SEEPAGE PI~ ~ .,GRAINFIELO .,OTHER. FINANCEG THROUGH TO BE INSTALLED BY .-PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS ~,~'/~r~ ANTICIPATEG GATE OF COMPLETION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~]/ /~/~7 PERMIT TO INSTALL A ~<~'~l/~/~ ~'- ~' \/~ '' J ' ~c~ / .AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TO BE SERVED ,~ . )~d; ~, ~ , SEPTIC TANK SIZE YP EEPAGE AREA. ,TYPE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM// : DISTANCES; Health Authority I certify that I am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said code. GATE APPL,CANTSS,GNATURE / GEOLOGIC SOIL INVESTIGATION OF~ McKINLEY HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION ADDITION NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION N.E. ]/4, SEC. 20, T15N, R1W, S.M. REPORT TO: McKINLEY HEIGHTS INC. MISS FRIEDERIKE A. LETTNER HEWITT V. PREPARED BY: LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES ANCHORAGE, ALASKA JUNE 1971 INTRODUCTION This report is the result of our field geologic and soil investigation conducted June 15, and July 3, 1971, on the McKinley Heights Subdivision Addition No. 2; legal description: N.E. 1/4, Sec. 20, T15N, R1W, S.M. The McKinley Heights Subdivision is a newly proposed residential area being planned without the benefits of public water and sewer utilities. It will therefore be the responsibility of each lot owner to provide for on- site sewage disposal facilities and a potable water supply. The sewage disposal units will consist of conventional septic tanks draining into a seepage pit and/or drain fields. The water source will be from individually drilled and cased wells. The purpose of this investigation was to define in detail the soils con- ditions existing at the above mentioned subdivision in order to help us in determining the area requirements for proper sewer seepage in the particular soil found. INVESTIGATION Our investigation consisted of a review of all available geologic data pertaining to this area, followed by a thorough field reconnaissance of the road cuts (indicated by the shaded portion of the enclosed plat). A drilling program was not initiated on this property because of the depth and location of the road cuts on the property and in the near vicinity. SUBSURFACE SOILS AND CONDITIONS Specific types and depths of soils and conditions are shown on the enclosed typical cross-section. The soils were found to consist of glacial "till" Under the 8 to 12 inch layer of organic matter there is an 18 inch to to a 3 foot wet, dark brown layer of sandy organic silt. This is thickest on the western half of the property. Under this is a wet, light brown to gray unsorted mixture of sand, gravel, and cobbles with many boulders and a trace of silt. This material is interrupted randomly throughout with layers and lens of coarse sand. The soils were found to be frozen to a depth of at least 1~.5 feet (the deepest of the road cuts). CONCLUSION From the information gathered during our investigation we conclude that the soil conditions are well suited for the proposed residential development. The percolation qualities of the soils make this an ideal location for on- site sewage disposal, using septic tanks with seepage pits or drain fields. The seepage area requirements for individual systems based upon a 12 foot deep pit with 2 feet cover will range from 150 square feet per bedroom in the easterly portion to 190 square feet~per bedro6m ih,the westerly part of the development. If the normal precautions are taken while installing both the water well and the sewage disposal system and the proper spacing is utilized, there should be no contamination of the water wells on the property or adjacent properties. The lot sizes proposed in the McKinley Heights Subdivision are more than ample for the type of development nroposed. Respectfully submitted, Dote Completed t OG Oh' TEST I~OHING Hewitt V. Lounsbury ~ ,4ssoczofos Engineers -- Surveyors Anchoroge, . Alaska . Sheet / of , / -- Total Depth Geolo~ist DESCt?IPTION Soil type~ color, texlur~ estimoted port, cie size~ sompler drlwn¢ noles~ depths c/(culot~n lost~ no/es on dr/ling eas~¢ hms used~ etc. Vegetation; Ground Water T~ble Location Notes FROM: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH k~cK~nl_ej~ Heights Subdtv~stor~ DEPARTMENT Env!r~n~entei~ qual~ SUBJECT: Ad~,r;.'i~-(J~'~6-~-l~e'~ &-- DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: r~la!!~]ng REQUESTED: RECEIVER: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY ,~ PR~PARi~ ~(:U~ I~F:o~MATi~ FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ~: CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION OTHER ~S11 ~nct~ ~1~ on ~e sub~ p~ty, Th~s ~pa~t~nt ~has ne~ ~e~ed~any chan~sSn lot sizes or dJspesal .will function pr~rl~ the~rt~.~ular lots Info~t~on on wate~ .su~1~es ~been ~taln~ fr~ netgb~rJ.,g ~etls and ~s t~Jcate ~ that watee 4s.avaJtabte via tndJv~al weIls f~ dep:hs ofl~O te 1~, ~ ~nda~val as eng~n~ p~vlded ~he planning depae~n~ wt~ha eepy of their soJts ~rts a~ soy SlGNA[URE SIGNATURE