HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 4 Lots 25 and 32 S-3140 GEOLOGIC SOIL INVESTIGATION OF BLM LOTS 25 AND 32, SUND PROPERTIES Located Within Section 4, Township 15 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian, Alaska July 12, 1973 pREPARED FOR: Richard Sund Peters Creek, Alaska PREPARED BY: Hewitt V. Lounsbury & Associates 723 W. 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 W. O. #73-350 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE DESCRIPTION FIELD INVESTIGATION SUB-SURFACE C~NDITIONS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS LOCATION MAPS, TEST LOGS AND DATA INTRODUCTION This report is the result of field investigations conducted on July 9, 1973, of properties known as BLM Lot 25, the Southwest One- Quarter, Section 4, Township 15 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian, Alaska. The property is approximately one mile West of Peters Creek and comprises.approximately 2.5 acres. The purpose of this investi. gation is to survey the surface and sub-surface conditions and to determine the feasibility of proposed residential development. , SITE DESCRIPTION The property under investigation is partially developed wi th a residence on L6t 32 immediately to the South, and a gravel roadway on the North boundary. There is also a residence on the lot to the East. The topography of Lot 25 is regular and relatively flat with a drainage ditch on the North boundary.. The topography of Lot 22 slopes slightly to the West and drops off in the Southern portion to Peters Creek Valley. The predominate vegetation of Lot 25 is alder and grasses with some groves of spruce and birch. FIELD INVESTIGATION Soil investigations consist of two test trenches dug with a Case 580 Backhoe. Visual inspection was made of the trenches and logged in this report (see Location Maps). SUB-SURFACE CONDITIONS Various U. S. Geological Survey publications define the soils within the immediate area as younger glacial morainal deposits. These are generally non-sorted or poorly sorted terrigenous sediment that consists of sand and/or larger particles in a muddy silt clay matrix. These sources~further state that these deposits may yield small qua?tities of water locally from gravel lenses. ~ The test holes confirmed this information and revealed brownish gray sandy silty gravels and gravelly silts with occasional large stones. This material was extremely dense and very poorly graded. In Test Hole #2 where larger amounts of gravel was present, water was also present. We conclude that because of interspersed gravel lenses and capillary action within fine gr~ined soils, water distribution and "water table" 'is ex- tremely variable. Recent test trenching conducted about 1,000 feet to the North and East of this property by others ~evealed similar conditions. There are known areas in the vicinity, however, which yield more permeability and lower water tables. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions are made from the field investigation herein described: 1. Soil conditions revealed by these tests indicate that soils en- countered are suitable for foundation construction. However, special care should be taken in the waterproofing of foun- dations founded below eight feet. All excavations should be de-watered prior to construction of foundations. Soil conditions encountered are poor for on-site sewage disposal facilities. Although percolation tests were not conducted dur- ing this field investigation, a design factor of 225 to 250 square feet per bedroom is recommended in design of any on-site sewage disposal systems. Due to ~.~ater table conditions, ~eepage pits are not recommended. In the design of on-site drain fields, preliminary calculations indicate that a 60'x60' drain field with ten distribution trenches would be.needed for a four bedroom residence. Respectfully submitted, tIEWITT V. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES n R. Clark '~ Loren H. Louns6ury, P.E. I ~_ .5 Ac I?. Date Begun L~te Completed Project Name Loe~dlen Method Used Field Party Weather '~'! £ OG Ot~ TEST L~OHING 'I ~ Hole No. He.itt V, £ounsbury '~ Assoct'ates. 'Sheet En~l'neers ~ Surve)ors ToM/ Depth Anchoroge~ . AlasRa C~L~P~e4Q ~ ,~o ~ Gee/egis! Ground Water }Dep/h ln Ft ~ ~ N ~ IT/me I LD°te I Teble ~mpling cohen Nates £ Oiagramt . DESCRIPTION · $oil type~ colo6 lex/ur% I ' ' · ' ' sampler driving notesj no/es oo drilling eose~ : 30 Dais Completed ~-~ ~ OG OF TE~T BORING ~ · · Itolo No. ~,-~--~~ H~wMt ~ t ou~sbur7 ~ ,Associ~r~. She~ Rig No · Engineers ~ Surveyors . Total Depth ~ ~ Anchor~ge~ . Alosha . Grouhd tYoter IZet~od Used ~,~C ~a~_ . ' '- ' ~epth ~ FZ ~Z ~ Table J 7~o~ ~-Jz PLAT APPROVAL fhis~day of ~-~ ACCEPTAI~E OF DEDICATION TIlE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCJ'IORAGE HEREBY ACCEPTS FOR PUBLIC USES AND FOR F'd~LIC MJRPOSES THE REA. L PROPERTY DEDICATED ON THIS MAT INCLUDING, BUT NOT UM~TED TO, THE EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, ALLEYS, ROADWAYS, THOROUGHFARES, AND pARKS SHOWN HEREON. DATED AT ANCHORAGE,ALASKA THIS-~~DAY ATTEST: TAX C ERTl F JCATION ALL REAL PROPERTY TAX~S LEVIED BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ON THE AREA SHOWN ON THIS PLAT HAVE BEEN )ATE AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL TYPICAL NARKING CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE HOLD THE HEREIN SPECIPI ED PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HERSON, THERE SHALL BE RESERVED ADJ&CENT TO THE STREETS SHOWN HEREON A FILL SLOPES OF 1.5 FEET HORIZONTAL FOR EACH ! FOOT VERTICAl. (~J.5 TO 1) OF CUT OR FILl. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING AND i~AINTAINING TH E LATERAL SUPPORT OF THE CONSTRUCTED STREET o THERE IS RESERVED TO THE GRANTORS, THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS .AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO USE SUCH AREAS AT ANY TIME UPON PROVIDING AND AND NLAINTAINING OTHER ADEQUATE LATE~L SUPPORT AS APPROVED BY THE MUNICIPALITY. WE HEREBY AGREE TO THIS PLAT, AND TO ANY RESTRICTION OR COVENANT APPEARING HEREON AND ANY SUCH RESTRICTION OR COVENANT SHALL BE BINDING AND I~IFORCEABLE AGAINST PRESENT AND SUCCESSIVE OWNERS OF THIS SUBDIVIDED PROPERTY. ADDRESS N OTARY~S ACKNOWLEDGMENT OWN ER ADDRESS SUBSCRIbeD AND SWORN BEFORE ME THIS .~._DAY OF~ 19~°~. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, PATRICK H. KALEN~ PROFESSIONAL LAND ~z-~-"' .~ '*'-. ¢ ~ -~ ,.._. ~ ~:, ~-~ .,~ DTI002425 BLM LOTS 34A &3/*B A SUBDIVISION OF BLM LOT 34 in SEC4. T15N, RlW, SEWARD MERIDIAN COMPRISING 2.51 GROSS ACRES AND 2.08 NET LOT ACRES~ KAUENCO INC. 1981-240 DTI002426 i LEGEND PLA T A PPRO VA L ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICA T/ON TAX CERTIFICATION CER TIFICA TE OF OWNERSHIP and DEDiCA T/ON VE~TED OWNER A PLAT OF B.L.N LOT $~, 40i EAST FIRENEED LANE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9q505 /? ~5LoIK. 'Z ROBERT C. JOHNSON R.LS. Ig78-10G7