HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 4 LT 47B ~.MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG~ Hea %, and Environmental Prote Fourth Floor West 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 279-2511, x 224, 225 /f~SP~CT. ION REPORT ON-SiTE SEWAGE DI$,POSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELl_ __ _~_..~ NUMBER OF MANUFACTURER MATERIAL .............. COMPARTMENTS L If'~$1DE LENGTH ............. INSIDE WIDTH .... LIQUID DEPTH ........ LIQUID CAPACiTY£r..~.~O/x.~. GALLONS. TOTAL LENGTH_~ DISTANCE FROM WELL ........ FOUNDATION ..... NEAREST LOI' LINE .......... OF LINE ..... % of Lines ....... DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES ........... TRENCIt WIDTH IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA__-- ........ SQ. FF. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTIh TOP OF TILE TO FINISt4 GRADE ~ ri SEEPAGE PIT: DIAMETER -- OR WIDTH LENGTH ..... DEPTIt Log Crib Rings Crib Size: DIAMETER___DEPTH __ DISTANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFF'ECTIVE BUILDING FOUNDATION ' NEAREST LOT LINE .... ABSORPT[O.N AREA (WALL AREA) _SQ. Fl. Class: Depth: Well Distance To: Lot Line Bldg: Sewer Line: __t Pipe Materials: 9 of Bedrooms: Installer: Remarks: 'I"HE F~:E:g!UZF.'.ED SiZE OF THE: :,.JiL I E,_..,..F..F IZLhl.,¥::,1Ei'1 .[ ..... THE LEI,I_.IEI [ i',ICzNSZOI'.~ ]:E; THE LENGTH ,::IN FEET::, OF: -i"HE 'rI~?ENE:I.! OI4: THE: E:,EFq"H OF R I FEN..I..I '3F' F':~T ~[5 THE I:::,ZE;TFibtC:iE E~ETHEE:N THE: !i;IJI~i%t:::IE:E: fF 'FHLE C. it:~:OI_IN[) FIN_f::, THE E:Ci-I--roi'"l 3F "I'HE E::.:;CFI',,,'[::IT ]: O1'.,I ,:: :[ I'.,I F'J:~:I:?.'T THE: TRENCH 1.4]:g, TH F'C,~' gI:.I.':I~(NF:(L:L.I:._''',.,' .... "-. Z--,'"' :ii: I:::E;E:'I'. THE GI.~:FI',,,'E:L. DEPTH :[ :L.; THE I"i :[ N )7 HUH E:,EF'TH OF' (3RF!'v'EL. E',[ETb.iEEN 'THli.:: CEJTF:'F~,t..L.. F' Z F:'E. F:II'.,IE:, THE ETTT"H fIF ]'PIE: EXC:I::I',,,'FITZCd'.,I ,::ZN E:FIE:IKF :[ EL :[ i'.,IG OF F-ff.~'./ _, .-, I El I b.I I I-HEIIJ-F F :1: NFIL I t'.,I'.'::;F'E3ZT i ON I::li'.,i[:, F-~F'F:'F.~:Ci'v'F:IL EP'r' 'TH ]1S I:::,EF'FI[-:':Ti'"IENT I.',E[I...L E:E L'~:IJE:..I'ECI' TO F'[~:OSECLtTICIN. P1):NIHUH DiS]"RNE:E E~EI"I. qE:EN FI I-,.IIEL. I_. FIND FIN'-? ON-SITE tE;E'I4RGE D'i'SF'OtL:;RL :Li~iiZ1 F'FZEi' F'OF,~: Fl PF:Z'v'f::I-rE HELL. OF: ;.?;~l.C.~l i:::EET FL-)R Iq F:'LIDL!'C: 14EL. L.. '-'~;F'ECIF'ZCRTIOI'4L:.; lab,ID C:ONS'I'RLIC:-i":[ON DilaGRRf'IS lIRE FP,.,'FIi[LFIBLI:'E "f'CI :[ N E;'TI:::IL_L.RT ;[ Oi'-,I. I C:IERT :I: F'.d "I'FIFIT :L: :[ FIH F'FIHZLZFiI:?. 1.4ZTH THE I:;~'.EQU:[I:?.EPlt.:::I'..ITb3 I:'O1'~: OI'-,I-.'_.5]:TE: '.SEI.,.!ER_~E; R!'.~E:, I.,iIELL_S Ft::~; :E:EF F:CIF:TH B'-;' TIdE HLIN:[E:):F'FILZT'¢ OF 2: I 1.4ILL Iiq'_:~,TFILL ]"HE '_:;'.r'STEH IN R('_':C:O~:[::,FII'.,iC:E !.,II'FH TF!E 2:: ]: UN[:,[:L'I;."_'STF-tND THFI-I' THE OI'-,I-':-:;]:TE ¢SF_.:klIE~: ETYE;TEH HFCT' I:~:E:QU.'(F~:[E [ENLF:IFb3EHE:NT ]:F: TH[ii: i('.E:~;IE:,ENC:E: ]:S t~:EI"IO[:,ELE[)TO tNCL.UDE : ....... C.._~ :5 :[ G I',IE E:, .... ¢ .......................... f:iF'F:'L Z f_':FINT HEt'.,il;:'.r' F'ERI.::: ........... OSF~C;<: 277~I RESIDENCE: 277-7I ~ 1976 i,'~hi8 fiz~a eon~oted a soils znve~t.%,{ation ...... Leto,1 Deso~ipgion~ Lot 47~ Sec. 4~ ....... ~ a backhoe, Soil type and water table Test Holes ¢~1 smd ~2 ~;~vealed sandy materi~'~l of different sizes with -r~ryinf~ s.mo~ia~s ef sit~ ~nd or,~_nic m~.terial. In each sase at a la-ct o3~ ~ey~ saudy~ cimyey silt was fo~d. ~e thickness of this layer varied fc~. 0.5~ thick in T,H, P1 zoa th~ layer kbout 0,1' thick in TP'~, f?2. lm~odia'~el.y baler: the silt layer was fomd sandy ~avel~ wire' cobbl. 2? -'t boulders to Al-,; ..... - -~ --'* ¥. .,' -' into ,,;,.zs esmdy gravel stratmm~ within a foot ,,.rater was %'vc..mte~cc., Di,i.;~;¢m¢ was cont~ued to about J. 2,0~ in T.H. prd '6o 7.0~ ~ ~,l{~ f,'2~ in >ach case it appe~ed that ~he sandy g~'ave! continued. }fa-~;er r2m. ~.-3o uno hole as fasi as di~yging proceeded, so all ma%eri~ recovered h¢,d been ,washed prier to inspection. Wa~er level meastu(-emeni was made smd %h~n rechecked in ~n ho~ 8nd fo~d to be s~ab!e at 6.0~ in T.H. ~;~! and 5.0' in T.H. ~2. Test Hole ~3 will be d~al% with in more detail, dug~ to the slope ~md hi,5'h water table of T.H4 ~s ~].g~d 2. ~ese areas are umsuitsfole for sm'; type of soil-abso~tion area. Test Iloie J~ ~rP was dug' to a depth of 10.0~ s~d the wa'0er table stab~..lizdd at 6~5' below the s~faco. The slope of the lot makes it possible zo use this area for a drainfield disposal system. From s~r~cr~ ~,3 , ..... zeuAua silty, fine, sand with roo'~s aua a-t','. ::, / .......of 200 ..... ~ fOOt . ~ l)e~Iz'oo~it. / / .~om ,.. ';;o /:.0~ was coarse samd with ~avel ~o 2 ~ SP and value of ~.5,0 was gamey fine si!%y ssmd, V.S.C, SP-SI,i mid a L'olo~.~ 6.2' to 10.0' was fovnd ~au6y gravel with cobbles to 6" and, a tr~,eo of r~i!% U.S.C~ GW sad a value of 85 S.P./B.R. ..... v.,,. ~ ....... on was decided on in tho form test, ~"~'~ '- ~h.~ soil that existed 4.0' abOVe ~"~ ,~ ,~( .. tho v~.l~e o,~~ ~'' ~ ,,,~.. ~,~,~ ~,,-~.,.e v:tm~.ally classified as ~o~ls w!~h values in ozcess of 150 Four Parcel&rich *',"~',~..,.,. holes wore dug' in the area of the proposed . .~ e- .~. ~f2 were f].~&%' 20.0' southea~ of g%~. f/3 am.d --?<e ~" holes were cviue different than ".', "nC3mf4s in onl~ 2C ": , ¢,czc ...... :,.aot~'h they ~.m.e ....... much bettor, ~eroo].a5, o~ ,:2e.r: rt~'t. ¢ ...... ove~rti:¢,~. ~oc ..... c .... ¢ 4!!0 z'&~e ' T..~. ~ rain, ............ p'2 was Hole ;~'3 revesi[ed roots and fine Band and silt to 1o2-~ From 1o2~ to 2.? was very coarse sand with gravel to 4". U.S.C, SW e,.ud a vat¥.c of 3.2~ S~i,'./B.R~ Hole ~-~. had a shallow layer of roots and silty sarid followed by s~:nd and. ~o. vel poorly graded. U.S.C. GP with a ~a/lne of '~ '" dScided After inspection of percolation holes F3 and ¢'4, it was oct to :m.,_u a percolation 'best s~mce"c%he,~m¢~terigl in the ~ea whore the drainfieled would be iocated~ wisua!ly:: classified with a value of bettor subsiquent inspection by Municipality personnel ~t ~%mo of may cause the fiRe,re ~o oh~ge. / ,,a ~,., ;¢&...!30 / con ........c..~ ( ..........o~i ~op~io t~u~ ~z.sb,.,,..1,~..on ,~na_l to i,lumicipa'[f.~;;,* of Anchoz'a./fe Depe~rtment of Health and I;~vironmenta! Protection Ref?ala'taons. ~stsm ~.o m~,y o~ o~. ~u~. ~n~r a.~ c~ zn th_s prooect~ please c~,ll SinCere!y, ~red ~ffalatka, ~.E. F:'F{F;It'i ;i i' t",!i~l l.,.tii:-:l. J..:~ Fit:;; OWNER OF LAND ~t/~:~x/ ADDRESS ,~t~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE-Started -7/~/~ ~ PE~IT NUMBER A & L DRILLING COMPANY BOX 97, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 · TELEPHONE694-2588 Ended DEPTH OF WELL 4~ ~/ STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. / ~DRAW DOWN FT. / 5- GALS. PER HR ~ 'o o 'cD KIND OF CASING ~ '~':~-0 '~] KIND OF FORMATION: From ,O Ft. to ] From / Ft. to ] ~] From ] ~l Ft. to c:)~ From ,.;/'} rCto 4J From Ft. to Ft. From Ft, to~ Ft. From Ft. to~ Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft, From Ft. to__.Ft. From Et. to__Ft. From Ft. to Ft From Ft. to Ft From Ft. to Ft, From Ft. to.__Ft, Ft. to Ft. Ft.t~ Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft, to Ft. From__ Ft. to__Ft. From__Ft, to Ft. From Ft.m Ft. From Ft. to__.Ft. From__Ft. to__Ft. From Ft. ro__.Ft From Ft. to Ft From Ft. to Ft. From Fr. to. Ft, From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From__.Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. MISCL. INFORMATION: DRILLER'S NAME l?.~--'"~ ,-~ ~ PERMIT NO~ FILI~-~ I C T PRL I T~' OF R[~C;HORRGE DEPRRTMENT OF HERLTH RND ENVIRONMENTRL PROTECTION 25i0 E. TUDOR RD. · RNCHORRGE, PK. 995~ 27~-2221 WELL PERM I T RPPLICRNT LOCRTION LEGRL ~ENRY PERKINS HELLUVR RD SEC 4 Ti5N BOX 190 - CHUGIRK LOT SIZE ~88-2505 100000 SQURRE FEET MINIMUM DISTRNCE BETWEEN R WELL RND RNY ON-SITE SEWRGE DISPOSRL SYSTEM IS ±00 FEET FOR R PRIVRTE WELL OR 200 PEET POP R PUBLIC WELL. WELL LOGS PRE REQUIRED RND MUST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPRRTMENT WITHIN ~0 DRYS OF THE WELL COMPLETION. SPECIFICRTIONS RND CONSTRUCTION DIRGRRMS PRE RVRILRBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTRLLRTION. PERH I T ~,'RL I D FOR ONE '-t-'ERR FRO~ I$SUE I CERTIFY TMRT l: I RM FRMILIRR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS RND WELLS RS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPRLITY OF RNCHORRGE. 2: I WILL INSTRLL THE SYSTEM IN RCCORD~NCE WITH THE CODES. RPPLIC~NT HENP~PERKINS DRILLING COMPANY BOX 97, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 · TELEPHONE 694-2588 OWNEU OF LAND ADDRESS P£ P/O~S DEPT. OE WELt %! 5'- LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE:Started PERMIT NUMBER STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. ~/~AW DOWN Ft. KIND O~ FORMATION: From ((~]) Ft. to 7 Et From :' Ft. to /~ Ft. From:/~TM Ft. to .~] Ft. From Ft. to From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to~ Ft. From Ft. to .Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. From__.Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to__Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From__Ft to Ft. From__Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. t~__Ft Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft, From Ft. to From Ft. to Ft From __ Ft. to__ Ft. From __ Ft. to__.Ft. From Ft. to.__ Ft. From____.Ft. to__Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From__.Ft. to__Ft. From Ft. to __Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft MISCL. INFORMATION: ,-, , ....~20 'TV 3o /42x~ r~ 7D 6 ~' o c:: / T'o ? o Z: C,pg'r~oQ DRILLER'S NAME ,~.5. e...~. £ · - ..... APPLI "-" NT FILLS OUT UPPER ONLY Buyer Address Zip Code Realty Co. & Agent :~ -; Phone Address Zip Code Type of Resi~nce ~ndividual ~ ' A~ACH WELL LOG. A w~l log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. Community , - For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available}, ~ PublicUtiHty ~o~ ~ .~ ~- Sewer Disposal ~ Public Utility When Connected to Public Utility: ~ Holding Tank { NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH RE~EST BEFORE ~OCESSING CAN BE INITIATED, Date Da t e Date ~;,//~/~ ~ Da t e_~ DATE BY: Soils Rating Date Sewer Installed Well To Absorption Area Well Log Received Well to Tank Septic Tank Size