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ILIAMNA ACRES Tract 3-1 Plat# 98-55 S-10055
AOSs deVeer Request for Comments. Cases Due: April 18, 1997 • Page 2 S-10055: Iliamna Acres. The permitting and approval of the existing on-site wastewater disposal system on this property must be completed prior to approval by this department. S-10056: Sand Lake Subdivision #1. No objections. S-10057: Bell Estates Phase 2. No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. S-10058: International East. No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. S-10059: Wood Cliff. 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement waste water system disposal sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and slope setback requirements. 3. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. S-10060: Cronquist. 1. Lot 1 Block 2 ofHett Subdivision shall be served by public water and sewer. 2. The existing on-site wastewater disposal system and well serving the office and shop located on the proposed Lot 1 Block 1 Cronquist Subdivision shall be shown to meet all ADEC requirements. 3. The on-site wastewater disposal system serving the cabin on proposed Lot 2 Block 1 Cronquist Subdivision must be documented and shown to meet all requirements of AMC 15.65. 4. The on-site wastewater disposal system serving the wood frame house located on proposed Lot 1 Block 1 Cronquist Subdivision must be documented and shown to meet all requirements of AMC 15.65. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Vacation Code 2. Tax Identification No. 3. Street Address 0 7 0 O 9 OFFICE USE REC'D BY: 5 s 1 5 R u r 0 '4 A V 4. NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). -r tv 3 A L A N A A c R i 5 5. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. r 2 3 / A - (h N P L- 5 6. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) m A K a, S 0 Ii IF1 C f/ L C Address (1 6, En //30(2$ City PO \DRAGS State 3K Phone # Zip 975/ 8. Petition Area Acreage 9. Proposed Number Lots I C, R G 13. Fee $ S®Q 7. Pe itioners Representa've 1-0e.fsE5 51/4)2U6 y/ A)6 Address - Po, 60F /I26 City r, CiltIZ-P State Ai. Phone # 39.9 -14CA Zip 99SH 10. Existing Number Lots 11. Grid Number , 12. Zone 0 3 6 14. Community Council 4'(Y'FF/✓f1'1u D11/,1 -UC' l B. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to coverthe costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date: a ��9/77 20-003 Front (Rev. 9/02) • milk) Signature *Agents must provide written OC Fese rs SU1hEymA, f of authorization. C. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Classification Residential Marginal Land Alpine/Slope Affected Commercial Commercial/Industrial Industrial Parks/Open Space Public Lands/Institutions Special Study Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Intensity Dwelling Units per Acre Special Study Alpine/Slope Affected 3. Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland b. Avalanche 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property. Rezoning Case Number Subdivision Case Number Conditional Use Case Number Zoning Variance Case Number Enforcement Action For Building /Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit E. Legal description for advertising. T(Z 3 is i [+ tilt AL PSS F. Checklist Waiver 30 Copies of Plat Fee Reduced Copy of Plat (8 IA x 11) Drainage Plan Certificate to Plat Topo Map 3 Copies 17- Aerial Photo Soils Repgrt 4 Copies Housing Stock Map Pedestrian Walkways Zoning Map Landscaping Requirements 20-003 Back (Ray. 892) • Water: / Private Wells Community Well Public Utility Sewer: ;/Private Septic Community Sys. Public Utility A. VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY OR EASEMENT APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT P.O.. Box 196650 Anchorage Alaska 99519-6650 Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 0. Case Number (IF KNOWN). Street Address �25 4 D s 2 r t/ OFFICE US,E;I, RECD BY: VERIY60 ' AFFIDAVIT: POSTING: 1. Vacation Code Tax I.D. Number_. 2. Abbreviated Description of Vacation (EAST 200 FEET SOME STREET). 0 i 0 4 P 1 2 0 I YH A 1 t L Y 4 6 2 D F 0 2 r 0 iJ a U 1 3. Existing Abbreviated legal description_ (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOT 34). 1° A C r 3 L A- u /4 c 113 4. Petitioner's Name Last - First). n r r N H 5. Petitioner's Representative. F O 2 a & s s 0 0 v 16 Address: P. b . Rctc // 30( City: ichJCIMfWn& State: Zip Code: 9251/ Phone No. .346-- 96,4 6. Petition Area Acreage. 4 10. Grid Number. 3 0 3 7 7. Proposed Number Lots. 11. Zone. Q Address: P, 0, B(g . //2. 4c6, City: Alucikama, State: Zip Code: WSW Phone No. 8. Existing Number Lots. 7 - /Inc 9. Written Justification. 12. Fee $ /00 13. Community Council blurt/Pk) Y O Aie5t/6'y B. I hereby certify ...at (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to vacate it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. t understand that payment of the basic vacation fee is nonrefundable and is to coyer the costs associated with proc^ssing this application, that it does not assure approval of the vacation. 1 also understand that additional fees may be'sssessed if the Municipality's cost to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commissiynyor the Asseptb)y due to administrative reasons. Date: 2//4/97 20-019 (Rev. 9/92)" Front Signature'. 'Agents must provide wn proof or authorization. Foe: 'poa „cunt C. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan - Land Use Classification M sidential O Commercial O Parks/Open Space O Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan - Land Use Intensity: O Special. Study 3. Environmental Factors (if any): O Marginal Land O Commercial/Industrial O Public Lands/Institutions Dwelling Units per Acre: O Alpine/Slope Affected O Alpine/Slope Affected O Industrial O Special Study a. Wetland 0 b. Avalanche 0 1. Developable 0 2. Conservation 0 c. Floodplain O 3. Preservation 0 d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) 0 D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property. O O 7 7 Rezoning Subdivision Conditional Use Zoning Variance Case Number: Case Number: Case Number: Case Number: Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For E. Legal Description for Advertising. 1122-cr 3 IL!A-MNA- hci2eS F. Attached written statement in accordance with AMC stating reasons in support of the vacation. G. Checklist 7 30 Copies of the Vacation Request 7 Reduced Copy of Vacation (8 1/2 x 11) VCertificate of Plat 7 Fee 7 Topo Map 4 Copies 7 Soils Report 4 Copies Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map "Zoning Map 7 Water: 7 Sewer: 20.0191 Rev. 9192y Back Private Wells 79-%rivate Septic Waiver 7 Community Well 7 Community Systems 7 Public Utility 7 Public Utility • MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE .? t DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION `c j_ Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: S-7100 DATE RECEIVED: June 2, 1983 COMMENTS DUE BY: June 17, 1983 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Tract 6 Iliamna Acres Subdivision Vfi L,1 J (• ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ()PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: - A.„ / G/ j) 901kK I; r0 El ‘5 t kabli L -e mu e6 e fro, oscd) e Ld -MAO „��._ /iw..,, hate Oil yeaojn t B Gi eeft qs 4 ( — — V(/ ofit* Til;fi, 0 I GiC art- 4 ra A ,(/^`'1111\ 4 1 Li/ t Vetst- (j14,v-c e •P�a �t-- , 1� —f-of d. g i eAftge ‘ a k- `-& . e S et-4Y�C�b sg3l i# A ot-e 7 `gilt( Dlrad71 a cAu -tto L0+.. VIA .f.t(% eics , �� e wet ,4c(I 1 us . b �r f t p DPS a '° I l\ 70 �&cfts D ',ALASKA CnUIROnOICnTAL COnTROL sCRUICCs, Inc. Bngineerinq & environmental Studies September 4, 1984 Chris Fejes FEJES DEVELOPMENT Post Office Box 112009 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Dear Chris, Alaska Environmental Control Services, Inc., recently completed the soils investigation of Iliamna Acres, Lot 6. Soils test were conducted to see if the lot could be subdivided into 4 smaller lots capable of supporting on-site septic systems. LOCATION Iliamna Acres, Lot 6 is located within Section 25, T12N R4W SM. It is bordered by East 134th on the north and Riverton on the south, and is to the east of Buffalo. LANDFORM AND VEGETATION In general, the land slopes between 5 to 15 percent from east to west, with several locally flat wide benches. From north to south it slopes less than 5 percent. Vegetation includes spruce, alder, birch, devils club, and many other plants. SOILS CONDITIONS Much of the land is underlain by gray or tan silts, very tight silty sandy gravels and blue clay. However, four test holes were done in which good soil was found. Two of these holes had clean gravel which was visually rated. Two passed percolation tests fairly well, with rates of 177 and 267 square feet per bedroom. Water was found in almost all test holes. RECOMMENDED SYSTEMS For Lot 6A, TH #2 can be used. A bed could be installed right on top of the GM from 1 to 3 feet (177 sq. ft./bd.). Dirt would then be mounded over. A lift station would not be needed if the house is built uphill of the test hole. TH #6 could also be used, although the soil there was rated at 226 sq. ft./bd. For Lot 6B, Test Hole Y1 can be used. Soil could be excavated and a bed placed on top of the clean gravel at 6 feet (100 sq. ft./bd.), thus remaining 4 feet above the water table. TH #2B also could be used, with soil rated at 225 sq. ft./bd. 1200 West 33rd Auenue. Suite a • Anchorage. Alaska 99503 • (907) 561-5040 For Lot 6C, an engineering design would be necessary. The good soil starts at 6 feet, but the water table rose from 9 to 3 feet in one week. Perhaps a curtain drain could intercept the water uphill, or a mound system utilizing sand to bring the system 4 feet above the water table could be built. A second test hole, performed on 4-17-84, also found four feet of clean gravel with a high water table. The soil was rated at 150 sq. ft. / bd. For Lot 6D, a mound system could be built at TH#5 (soils are 267 sq. ft./bd.) with sand to raise the system 4 feet above the water table. A lift station would be needed in this case. A curtain drain has already been installed on this lot to lower the water table. Another test hole found good soil from 3 to 6 feet with a percolation rate there of 202 sq. ft./bd. and water at 6 feet. CONCLUSIONS There are two good soils tests on each of the proposed smaller lots. Although there is a high water table throughout most of the area, on- site septic systems can be designed for each lot with proper engineering. Approved B --t/ Ler.y( Reid, Jr., PhD, P.E. President Sincerely, Darcy vens Engineering Geologist AiLAJR/A tPVIKUIVMtIV I HL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 - Phone 561.5040 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE PU0-FI-. :Tef' AICs by 2,--! 7 wen. 9/23/ey_ rH /, 7412 A7 be, -,-i �< !%n f , n gig/ t Y „+- T/15,6,196/ t/ 2a//_3 _:. EXP /eno% on Soy is #/ Ps- fro 1R./[ ir0 430 stfitu y110y„:15 "f "lCI -r' krf MODULI MI PATIN.J It GMT. bra 1101. PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: des v -e /,'anhstR aceer La 623' DATE PERFORMED: SAS LOG O PERCOLATION TEST 3'vly '23 01— or( ahic S' 01 1 crib' Jan d. 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS .S'1 saw, t'Ie rock 7i3 cc14-' da ^ AS GROUND WATER 20 coq r7 ENCOUNTERED? SLOPE 6 7, IF VES, AT WHAT DEPTH? vl 0' `s O E 1 D jsI7 a3 11 A --g/ SITE PLAN f 7 4 -55 1 5 4-40 (To ■■■■■■■■■■ ■alma■■■ Reading Date ‘.,,,,...___Gross T' Ne Time D pth o Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) FT 000f/fi/ e TEST RUN BETWEEN r; co/ FT AND J vn 1 PERFORMED BY: re -no -7 /10,4-- r8 re° '2-/ 72-908 (6/79) CERTIFIED BY: DATE: t7// 1 0/ PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST f t2 v -P frn-e.t" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 4-111%1,0 /rcerS' L&- 6' 4 ❑ PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: 1/47 011 t 23At k1 L Si-ivea1sil some nxics -4�-(y Z3 V l on Al 6 / teres S7 fdy sand./ sae rC COMMENTS 7r( rJ SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS. GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 6`ci(N 'kits S L 0 4, Reading e Date oss Ne Time Depth o Water Net Drop Time / dam% 2,5 4 /3 i/2 % _.-. /6 ,�� g -o ,vo PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) 1f2 - TEST RUN :ETWEEN FT AND FT c-'61rv16/e )c PERFORMED BY:�aPc / Mo.4—• S rSVo2"Sl / CERTIFIED BY: 72-008 (6/79) DATE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG —PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: !�t—S �eVC' (opmc'z LEGAL DESCRIPTION: sigireini4a /t ret Ls7 G4 DATE PERFORMED PERCOLATION TEST __L-rui 7 '2- Vgy SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 3 n (v Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth to Water Net Drop T6L1 L02 /yzg_ v Y1 / o , 6 1 .C�v 69 ,op 77,5F Zt,2 -3 ✓v/7?S /0ri5 /tot — 2G 6S 63 , 02. PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BEEN COMMENTS cc), fS U4A_/'fa- C (minutes/inch) FT AND � FT PERFORMED BY: /�L�L/A �/r���—� / L`` (J e� CERTIFIED BY 72-008 (6/79) PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST rues / I evdoptheI1.F /ran/'2et /lc ref' L�t 7C, DATE PERFORMED: )214 SOILS LOG T � PERCOLATION TEST blue thy cWed r'-' en, cd-. ci 6 roWn COMMENTS •1 f S / - SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? t'1 yts S SITE PLAN V SS /9—t v-ertra n S^ to IF VES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Jy2J wl ar; J 'r 'L (J l4 Reading Date Gross Time Ne T. a Depth o Water Net Drop / Z Y• ,�, / So e)_lay — • coo ti - PERCOLATION RATE 62) /(minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWE�FN ` / �� FT AND/ S� FT ZAI Sti fa6/C •ftir PERFORMED BY: Vvitri7 nen- SrO OZY 72-008 (6/79) CERTIFIED BY: irr� S' PERFORMED FOR: • MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ..Z /).-41 M 40_ ' t "re -i P+ z "i M I. C("( c(14 r,Ju-1711111L- Zy IvnS• �i an ac (CS c A 6 (z DATE PERFORMED PERCOLATION TEST L747 2 / /1/ SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? COMMENTS IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 416A ?' 31 And 5 L 0 P E ..tt jlc.ih-. SITE PLAN T 5 sr /4r'vrs' fb - fo'?o Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time D pth o Water Net Drop I „J'API //376 1 to 1 10 I 6 0 . of PERCOLATION RATE ° (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN S ) rt—FT AND FT PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79) r7 Mt/1-s' Mien/ CERTIFIED BY: DATE: PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST )e5 27etic /?melt' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Rizer es L %- 6 C DATE PERFORMED: LI SOILS LOG " ❑ PERCOLATION TEST J./y 2y//7 pf r' fi t_ CAol 5I frtil ViL 40 4> Ovv) 4/ V kJ) J✓I%2/ 1w._ 61 x e(t1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 l;AM S,14-/ COI'dc1 grau-4 SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? vl KSS 3- ALIG P IF YES, ATWHAT I fry- ,Ja1/4 DEPTH? gr( h (rte me t(ole SITE PLAN l2 - flee rico (o.-rSr- e7/e Reading Date Gross Time • Ne Time Depth o Water Net Drop l2 -yl ,Lf6 PERCOLATION IRATE �L7 (minutes/inch) /3 )/SFT pe.z tv'fJ core r'-1 I/0eerEcJ;e DATE: TEST RUN BETWEEN /3 FT AND COMMENTS// ^ Sit % a c�/S'r-0'fa �^/P on `:_r/* cc ceYS e SNS fern • iG a /9 ''' --Jct' ,.4 (t✓/. %i S,'-ecr eit' 4A °cve r%i St r PERFORMED BY: v/ e`rty " ehq- s -r Q/y02�CERTI FIED BY: An - Arvcnn /eve, -all/ wet' r d re '7 n fl22CT 72-008 (6/79.)/ �V PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: i Lst vhf rm--ell Pr I, `f dyer Lo/ -6 DATE PERFORMED: SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST ciA7 ay`g y 142- 174-e ran yseed sill 411( rove C. l� ar -2 p Jrnre 6 I (or,- rid fen, tri J ,yzy �LG/vtct47 10 11 • 12 13 14 15 6 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS G 10 SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? S S SITE PLAN 1- 2 4 j2 �-tr1v1 I 020 E y Jaya I 31 A Reading Date, Gross Time N ime Depth 0 Water Net Drop i 2I PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN s d (/:r.•u I! (minutes/inch) FT AND T /a AP 5 k' -7U 'Wri%, Wort- c S1 hole -_ '7p+ �`AvY% //tJ'�-. /1 ,-}] r>“ 9 ..SWIL: PERFORMED BY: CPG'y-7 Mo .S / e 671 CERTIFIED BY: DATE: nfrheece_4_ 6» mr7) Ge neer rc `cmd Su --"elf A7iler 72-008 (6/79) or. C'u/'fxvR : rL<-�H !N 6,572v) PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST e es (pevr/opme4 r LEGAL DESCRIPTION: `71:1)' A/p11A 4crei Lai- 6_/P DATE PERFORMED: SOILS LOG ' PERCOLATION TEST c.Ju/r 2 c Ay C� r>, _Town s 1411 s`Mdy � % loll or Lf `+ An c1 -1mr2 1 and rat -IAS COMMENTS S.ot/ 7 ,a7 a/n k 6) PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79) SLOPE { WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? e iv, %?tc lwle n 0 S L 0 P E . SITE PLAN 3 t -f R It c. 3S / es 42 k -f Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth o Water Net Drop / %MI2.3 /33 /34/ / 'fO $-z r ,/P 2 )3r / 3 D' — 3 3Y 5--b' .1? /2O' 20 339 •y2 S 2-1,3- l4 /71 '9 PERCOLATION RATE 7.3 2-3 L/ oSy (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND— 1' FT 3 per/ee c/ C / r- 6 /j `/.6 3 a� Mon Sr `Z x/07 '/CERTIFIED BY: •/Z DATE: S/40,•..3/4 liens 4e t CO PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST Pt3 ME -ye -LOP 1 sr LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4A 6- 9 10- 11 - 12- 13- 14 -' 15 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - 41 a O., COMMENTS OPCTAS•) 6 SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: 3/Z/ /s f LL -I vlm Nq A`g.cs (PRofbseD) SLOPE SITE PLAN Fl t.a SAtgoi S‘L'I- LmL) SvRt,s CTRA J 00 V/iapr'l succi- TL.-< \ Ski : 15C/ WAS GROUND WATER K i�� L ENCOUNTERED?o 1v CCC 1 P /. IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 7, S t rn C aa�-u (No wgfE7- 3.0 p ®v.•$eatec9 tt est OF A e .'4CJTH,A r °° roUM A. FISCH 0.CE - 6793 �� RATE S�� k P 1 \®�r® T RUN BOETWEEN ssr 14L± ANC eTh Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth to Water Net Drop 44 FT AND (minutes/inch) FT PERFORMED BY: r)SHF'12 CERTIFIED BY: DATE: PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION r 2- T H ry 6• 10 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST FE -WS TbEV P.Aear SAN�� S -r I13( � u 11A nriba SLOPE RAN EL CGw) 9{/m 0 4 DATE PERFORMED: SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST slat /a cP® ED.) SITE PLAN ; 34 . • j WAS GROUND WATER p � 11 -p �t=� ENCOUNTERED? t a O . ..'__4 P 12-.- 13- 14 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 - COMMENTS SAND SP Kia Wtfl 13.o,P �®®weLe� �4r:a 9. 4z St® %• THOM A. FISCHER .• c•. CE -6793 .' 24".. 44ttip/DiQSSIo1♦a• ®® PERCOLATION RATE (minutesfinchl wQL®®®0 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 11 P T se Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth to Water Net Drop P I0 0 7 TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT PERFORMED BV: .T( p\'\ Ea-4+rr CERTIFIED BY: DATE: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: rE,�6Z beve AP LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5E T H n DATE PERFORMED l �C 1 LLI y'rrvikVq Acre (PROPS® eiRO SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST 3/z / /as-- S as S LT'( eire-Pa (9) 4-;`• O A/aMp e J 1 4 t. THOM A. EIS FIR m CE -6793 °`. COMMENTS \a43111 c PERFORMED BY: WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SLOPE SITE PLAN v 7 0 P / E h N '—v Sk .1 r ?Sr Lec Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth to Water Net Drop Is 0 > p1 a It r PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST nnRUN BETWEEN Yl TALI I l_ 7)'t% I f 'ES PIN lar) C c 7 cs`? CERTIFIED BY: T,+ FsusL FT AND FT DATE: PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 2644720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST Ili LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lcrr GD Skcr (vn`) ,i czKA\ ct. (caw) e agora. (L L % (N ent4S1 SLOPE 15 b/,;. ®atect.®�{1z ,4146 16 010°g9Tc •°• 17 H77� frc 18 • THOM A. FISCHER CE - 6793 .' 4 t 19 del • ., 4 20 ®®h��iCS iga, ��� COMMENTS ATE PERFORMED: WAS GROUND WATER N ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Ng SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST C 2 (Peopi.selib) SITE PLAN eaSINZIM ALE Ri 4(I ave S L O P E 1111111•1111/.•uIllu ■■■■■■■■n Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth o Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT PERFORMED BY: Yrs. 4c' a; CERTIFIED BY: DATE: IUWhhU1 11 nei I I NL LUI II KUL SeHHUILbS, Inc. Elgimering 6 Eaoin:mmental SNdies . SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ARMED FOR: DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 'e C o • (GM) r ve• t' Scnr(Sr 9 ran icy y I>L . a\i S+io /niFl Mas zz,64 •N• 4c f ray- E (a{G,s tN 416 tt SLOPE SITE PLAN 5/z 2// 3. 1 i L N J WAS GROUND WATERS ENCOUNTERED? tr. L O IF YES, AT WHAT/ , E DEPTH? s' l Grosse Ne - Depth o Tune Time Water tHZo Will 0 • gr /P-5-.2 10inf/y15, l „ 3 S // fez to ,Sr /7:01sr a Y3 3 rt.:e3 a. SD typ 1213 a.13 Z y 0. .57) ,7:,1 0. N3 iO 5 (zx, .so 2 3• •laB I,� /2. %` (mint nch) 1- t7s b Reading ij02 ate PERCOLATION RATE • TEST RUN BETWEEN //�� FT AND M COMENTS�rZ.-6-4 J42de- /CP♦&. g.,_JJ ,ry o Ls, � S' i...- JPf FI rB it., OO PERFORMED BY: `P r ISo+ II e %t I - CERTIFIED BY: t • 494' . A //y FT Net Drop ✓ 07 . 0-7 . 0 —7 0-7 1200 West 33rd Anenae, Suite 8 e Anchorage. Alaska 59503. (907) 2761361 DATE: ///!/S7 tSKR eIIUMUIiulCIIIML LUIIIMUL 3tKUILbS, Inc. Enginttring 6 Ewironmental Wits • SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST MED FOR DATE PERFORMED: IGAL DESCRIPTION_ H 10 11 12 j II; Qin ,lc% (cc) (GM) 5H7 gravel b re—)"d11 50•,o c obt,(•s (GPI) Dr "al CbL41,s Thou" nut C At; mea 51 brot-ss )tC 9ro.tJ p r• ,{;-. ;fy 13 14 alit 14 ).0 15 OF 16 •�:t..gC�l �p.•»e.,•,,i s *I. Ler • Reid, Jr. • � sl:a% � N�2251-E ..'• i.vii •Leta • VROFESSIO•••••••,,,,N..%,„ � �IVielelelaribe 17 18 19 COMMENTS P/5'/8"3, /Ic&'CS T -ac; 4 jIon &Ty 2B SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF VES. AT WHAT DEPTH? e5 • L SITE PLAN 76' 1 r 0- 7-6 Reading Dere Gross rNet Depth to Water Net Drop + d20 3.30 .22C 1 +NZO S:No .5;NH .0G . /bf 3 3t5y yi' 0Y 3 , 13 ,JZ, to +120 9 q:Ob 4:/.v4-yy-ac , 1 2. ,ly-.Its . .07 S E y' L-: -so 4:3t.: 3o , 12 .0S . D(,s- .07 PERCOLATION RATE • TEST RUN BETWEEN 2ziE e z•zs- if/de 21/ ?J% 1min+tes/inch) FT AND 7 FT PERFORMED BY: (uN .+or'/l 2 14f CERTIFIED BY: L . ✓?[ , d GATE: 6 1200 West 33rd Ant. Suitt 13 . Ar&i'egt, Aksko 93503 .1167) 27E43EI SKN ti IUIIiUlIIIICIIIML LU111KUL 3CISUIl.t3, 1111.. tionetriii6 Eaainementd Shaws - SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST. CAMEO FOR. DATE PERFORMED: 7/2 Z/?? LEGAL DESCRIPTION: J—'liOa,„lLa 01.. Mai aa,s4 GH brou,z.-Ip ',reit/4 s/t btcr,n.') P/zsfic s (totib) T4'c- SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? JIF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? 18 19 C. Reid, Jr.<4.� N 2251E •�Vjr P1/2/ egeSeleis l\%\�►a•� _o COMMENTS Rake 24 7 .a4,y 'LS � O P E 1.4 Lbs 1 y /4 /v4 r Reading Data GrossNet Tare Time Daryifr to Water Net Drop ht tikro o /L iD o i -D 0 1 /700 //, • JY O •/6 td:.00 (700 0 ass 0 2 /3/0 /0 D, Vt. O o8 4Nt0 1211 0 aft! 0 3 /?J/ /0 0.Y7 a.o7 f/It r) Int o o•so o 11 /73/ /7 O. 4r O.0I #0.0 1131 17 O. SID O T" 13 Y/ a /v 0.Y3^ 0.of' iv PERCOLATION RATE /3/7/ .(minutes/l r fyr TEST RUN BETWEEN / FT AND i �• i FT 2e 0. yJ— PERFORMED BY: Cd flfl A 7C -C,', 'teff/5 P kJ CERTIFIED BY: MO !!lest 33rd Ruerru, Suite B • Anchorage, Aledm 99503 • (sol) 216-1361 DATE: 7/W. PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2- 3- 4 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST •t IPF fx black - .Y. f o I (, Silt brotan, ;fri C _ ravel ' = brolon, Vale/ 13- 14 15- 16- 17,- 18 7,- 18 - 19- 20 1l 5111, ,blue .hvy END COMMENTS d, 5 a5 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 1 r- efr It( J 1-1 I 1K' iskj toti 4.711 16 1 5 W 0 me 1 1 a1 Wie Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop s^ i I PERCOLATION RATE T T RUN BETWEEN t. PERFORMED BY: 72—V3 (6/791 BATE y 1� yiT 1"^,i' PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 26-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST Fcj s fwfI° ,(t Acres. &I G LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _ iI0.1MAA COMMENTS 3t WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Illp SOILS LqR— PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: ' h `/sy L� cG•. R SLOPE SITE PLAN `)0 O E �A: ;kt -'`k Reading Date Gross TimeTime Ne Depth to Water Net Drop J•Iy1 /)39 ''Y } /d .02 • s / 112T'9 _ /0 .51 . sl .03 17 S4 a— .+ /9. bl : S0 • .I i it 11 i 8 /b .ity -�o /2t I.)f To 6i •.S7 ,o9 PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN 6• faits t. 4ND a ;t e ,N Y4 • • Rmint4es?inch) tt• • • ee• PERFORMED BY: L; .7 gat- STS Sf 72-008 (6/79) CERTIFIED BY: "ems ..c It) a •: ,DATE: t n_ ?o 1 ALASKA EflUIROf1fl1Cf1TAL COIITROL SeRUICCS, Inc. SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: DATE PERFORMED: 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 11/amvla Ft[_tes k, COMMENTS tar ) '*SLOPE (0 1.64 z z/u 3. t ife INA Ili Mtn .■"' NM= Eta MEM ■■ n nit• WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF VES, AT WHAT DEPTH? y�5 fi S L 0 P E VarE PLAN ?,i 1s` Zr L N 12; -�6 6 Reading Date Gross Time Net Timer Depth o Water Net Drop jilt> 1r.trr, ue52 10ins, - 0 .,-"o y), 3S , IS 4-H2a2 /r's-Aap n'o). 3O V� 0iso a 43 of 4- illip 3 rL:4 i2:/3 O, Z.0 :l,,t3 .. D-7 1/929 t4 iv i3 17 r.73 d . SD o, tI3 4-60 5 PERCOLATION RATE ay TEST RUN BETWEEN ge. 4 .7 z6 A %iSo' - Pee 0,.., M e tJ frlounr) ro t...fp —kr (minutes/inch) er- FT AND - / /y FT fyt,1e..-1 J' of 41ta�o v -e PERFORMED BY: eer0 ^. /�e1eI- CERTIFIED BV: 1. /?e.) 1200 West 33rd Auenue. Suite B • Anchorage. Alaska 99503 • (907) 276-1361 DATE: //7/27 ALASKA CflUIROM6IITAL COnTROL SERUIC6S, InC. Engineering & Environmental Studies SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TESTI PERFORMED FOR: DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: /J'Gennc.. ftc/GS (ot) (GM) r 511yi aacl bro' Y Svmt cobbles 41 Cs»t) 0%41 thSg Dr 401°11d\\LLS ;illy c r`w I J ti.iOu91,.o•t ( AO mai 51 broom 'fly silty 9re,e/ slic i! 10 12 13 14 �� H x° _'ewe®t` ,�� ......... ..QST 16 1 • ••919 17 649tie r"rte•• t•¢d C. Reid, 1r.•�4 19 o. 2251 -E V�/ 15 v i4, 18 ROFESSO..: 20 `�asso� COMMENTS Ter ac:* l7 (/01ua)7�ft 28 SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ye S ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT/. DEPTH? /Vi S 1- T N l 41, /64 7,1/ ZQ E inn•■■■■ Reading bate.---- Time Ne Time Depth o Water Net Drop t 160 3'.30 ,"2-2C • 1 4-620 $,eyo •OL ./6S- a. 3 -ts`I Ll'•o% . 3 , 13 ./Z ,10 +40 '1 Llr,db Lia, - TA( y30 ,I2 •/N-,Itr •07 S" L. tt' 26-; 3D 4:36,:-----$=,, , ! 2 .Or •065 .67 PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEE 2z e zzs- 2:1//efe a tl AND (minutes/inch) FT PERFORMED BY: (.UN n r -7 ? 545 CERTIFIED BY: 1200 West 33rd Auenue, Suite B • Anchorage, Alaska 99503 • (907) 276-1361 DATE: tiMMC L PERFORMED FOR: ALASKA BflulRonmcfTAL cofTROL seRuicES, inc. Engintcrinq 6 Enuironmental Studies SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST. 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PI 2 3" )1 <3 r w s 10- 11 — 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 16- 19- 20 — P1 • /Je Y t � 'Ll p .• . A (•�Se B q .•• •dr%II i IF VES, AT WHAT 4 ::5. • I® DEPTH? se, i 49TH ?.r.•. .gid 4S Le . C. Reid, Jr. rte, . o.2251•E ••c"O • • F FESS No DATE P-RFO'MED: z/F11.- SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? COMMENTS SITE s1 1 Tu Readin• Net p •ateTime Time - et Water ,,••- k1 c � Avey,� ✓e / E. /t/ / L / c ��f Ad 4, \\ c , fe-:er2 / 4/Pys /,4- 2 (minutes/inc, • PERFORMED BV: (C7 2 AC S /C? -/POM / C&n nrg CERTIFIED BY: / - t200 west 33rd Auenue, Suite B • Anchorage, Alaska 99503 • (907) 2761361 DATE: V/C/91. ALASKA CIIUIROf1f11Cf1TAL COf1TROL sCRUICCS, Inc. Engineering & Enuironmental Studies SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: / l DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I I II' ant , A_✓.CS Fro,- 6 l / z 0 / i` t) T/7 COMMENTS 7C 2 /e Q 247 a. SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? y�s S L 0 P / 1 r / tl 5 - IF VES, AT WHAT ---- DEPTH? Reading Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop fY Date Gross Time ¢72o o /zs`o 0 ,S-0 0 1 /300 //1 .3y O - /b 1elkoe 1300 0 O.rO 0 2 /3/0 /0 0, 42- 0 08 -1-HTO 1311 0 '0.TV 0 3 /7?/ /0 0, Y7 0.0 �I t li,() ITz1 0 0.Pi' 0 wi 1731 /0 0, Hr 42.0r /-11,0 1731 0 0. SD o i 1) Y/ /0 0 .4)— O.°-1' Ht0 PERCOLATION RATE 13 / /317 (3 7) /0 (minutes/inaty ¢>° 0 o, 1v TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT £e- t..c/ !'?0vAc+l• 0. yr PERFORMED BY: C. -2Y S0 A /(N„„tt..'f/ 9 / ; CERTIFIED BY: �. /Z,J 1200 Blest 33rd Auenue, Suite B • Anchorage, Alaska 99503 • (907) 276-1361 DATE: 7/17` ALASKA EflUIRO(1f11C11TAL COf1TROL SERUIC6S, Inc. ' Engineering 6 Environmental Studies SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST 's PERFORMED FOR: DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: — Ts t& Lot‘D) T/is- 01 . c/1-1 a b a?,../O yr��e/ii // v 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 at 7 OF AL •qs, I) .�•▪ 9 0` 9TH \*A • 2 oid, Jr. ; 4ua Oa 251.E••°::( ESS10` 0 COMMENTS OPE IMMO 51111 OE= ME= MINIM WEE wwww WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF VES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SITE PLAN y` S 0`11111111111111111r E111111 Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth to Water Net Drop f./ 1110 0 /tf'o O ,S -D 0 1 /3e0 .3v G•16 iH;.Ofl (3 DD 0 0,3t 0 2 /1/D /0 p, Y1 0i 4 Ni0 13 11fl 04-0 o 3 - r?1 . Y; 0 07 I_I r I p O - r 4 tl,0 1731 U o. St a I3Y1 /V 0.'t) O - o; PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN/ Pk 2 6 7 41(// / rc 0137 /,- -(r H70 Mon( -!o✓ I•z' M i z2,81( PERFORMED BY: C2 r /CaA /....-,, ,1f.//(C"7 /!f MCP sq -c04/ /J// 37 fJ 0 10 (minutes/incl f<Y" FT AND P7 0 .,1/44 CERTIFIED BY: FT 0 c . Yr /1 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite 8 • Anchorage. Alaska 99503 s (907) 276-1361 ALASKA CfIUIROf [flBf1TRL C0f1TROL .SCRUICCS, Inc. Engineering & Enuironmental Studies Dick Davis SRA Box 495 C Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Dear Dick: Attached are the soils test for Tract 6 Illiamna Acres Subdivision. We have completed the soil test on the proposed four lots that were planned for the subdivision. As we discussed in our meeting, several of the test holes have water in them. We felt if it were possible to get a shallow perc test, mound systems could be built on those lots. Of the four lots, the northern most and easternmost lots perced in the shallow zone. The northeastern most lot near test hole 2A and 2B could have a standard sewer system. We feel that the northwestern lot and southeastern lot will require mound systems. The southwestern lot is the lowest of all the lots with considerable amounts of water. Recently when we dug a shallow perc hole, using a post hole digger by test hole one the shallow perc test filled with water. August 31, 1983 I believe that this 1.25 acre lots, and subdrains along the the subdivision and later date. leaves you the option of splitting it into two — one — 2.5 acre lots. You could possibly build some eastern boundary or along the middle boundaries of after draining you could possibly subdivide it at a If believe that this is an economic decision which you must make. Mound systems for this subdivision probably would fall in the range of 10 to fourteen thousand dollars. I believe there is sufficient fall on the lots to build a mound system on grade and alleviate the need for a lift station. If you choose to go that route I would make sure that when it is sold the buyer should be notified that full basements are not recommended on this subdivision. The homes should be elevated to get adequate drainage for a mound system. I hope this answers your questions. If you have any more problems please let me know. Sincerely, Leroy C. President d Jr., PhD PE 12a3 West 33rd Auenue, Suite B • Anchorage, Alaska 99503 • (907) 276-1361 • MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE T r _ f ( L_ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: S-7588 DATE RECEIVED: April 23, 1984 COMMENTS DUE BY: May 11, 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lots 2A, 2B, 2C Iliamna Acres Subdivision r i ( �` 1) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE (j PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: II / 1. „ r -` ( I (i i i i i%- ,''i ' m.,"-=�� f i (:'fl 4�6i- t Ci r' 1l-!I .I of ty (h! 111-et �.� / I 1i,el �,�(ivt'r.'I <Ili' a!ty I (�I. �0 1<r�11( I 4 t ,° t( i s� -(' kg' - HO 1:: At n 0 �i ,pc ,I fir GE`r,ta (1h <� Ifi - ) � F a •1 l t ,�!.f � - • i,,?F 3 4r) I [ . _v �R�'/ ,11,, , � � . • S�Z Cr1j''jNn/ 1 , I :1)(1(1.4 f4 iii #), ,1,{%I iciet(A) r ( ._?SitU i IN / V jig 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) PERFORMED FOR: [sheet 1 0c 3 sIneet5 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 K SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST M;chael AnAfesnll LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I I; a a 3 4 Acres Traci ergen;csoil s: Pry sated 0CCaSton a1 rocKS -2 (180 �GM) lorD' "/tom, s Ffy co,di sora, clean • cab!, ks -t- b o•ld ems ab..„Aani- 10 11 12 13 4an {r5bt Slt t sync 1 /— TH1 SLOPE SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST MoA L WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S L O IF YES, A- WH DEPTH? 3 C.) 21-‘ 111•110111111115=1 1111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111.111111111111111=111 111•111111111111111111111111 •ni i„I••IM• ■■■■,■■■■. ■■■.,,■..,, 6'a P=� bele 14 ``�® 4 15 �OF A(.a• s� 000000 16 I 49 tYt'S i tk 17 MIMS 18 Leroy`.°; Reid, Jr. �- row �•. . 2251•E •�: e- 19 `ROFESS00000 i�N`� 20 COLATI N RATE 'J'1/(minutes/inch) 3 ''z Reading Date 'Gross Time Net Time D 0th o Water Net Drop 5/19 9.13 136 — 23 • 49 .33 — .16 937- 951 — I`r • So •4y — .06 952 1013 — z5 •53 -49• — •09 1013 — •53 — TEST R NBETWEEN FT AND COMMENTS 5o:1 :. roc} Q r: e 268 ❑ba,n -corn \ fo K I S n See \ pa9e 2 -(`0r4erc -Fess PERFORMED BY: r,eJan.s 72-008 (6/79) CERTIFIED BY: FT a}e d 189 0711c1,7‘ DATE: PERFORMED FOR: Meet 2. of 3 Sheets MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST M;chatI AnAefson LEGAL DESCRIPTION: rt(AMna Acres 17 r� . ^..•, , Reld, Jr. 2251•E . •osaa�^e'`� ,no OFESSION'• Vas seS COMMENTS tit 1 - -rH� SLOPE 0 SOILS LOG,. PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: 5/ 19 /63 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPT pro- etc i..I S L O P E 3� r:1 rJ R3'- PAP ST 83 o2y SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth o Water Net _.Drop 5/19 9%27- — • 66 — 9.38 11 '50 , 16 939 - .66 — q%5o I I '50 .Ib TSI — • 63 _ 10'13 22 • So )19 lo./`{ - . bq /013'f Ip 51 , 10 — PERCOLATION ATE 11 1� pp DDq t-�i TEST RUN(' BE S6, 1 T0..*ea1 !w IU 1.1-1/�cOI -tTDT PERFORMED BY: Be Jens 72-008 (6/79) EEN 6' Is 6 (minutes/inch) FT AND 8 /Z FT tb I I ' -Cr Tfi 1 • CERTIFIED BY: DATE: Sheet ( 3 of 3 skeet MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 2644720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: MCGh4el Anderson LEGAL DESCRIPTION: JLharnna A[r es Tract 1 (OL) organic $o: \ (4—M) }an S;u-i sanli 3r,.vc1 l roc\t S 0? 41 4 % 'sd C. Reld, df. ; 40 No. 2251.E ••: �c>� •ac.e.3000• ,• \,,,a, PROFESS \ter COMMENTS DATE PERFORME t\ Z SIEL 33 r !kJ R3 M1 SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? ci 1e S L O P E c N i C Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth o Water Net Drop 5/19 1035 — , 2,5 — logy /y .05 .zo 1050 — , z6 — itoM 1y .ID .Id 110 — •2' — 1115 (0 ,10 ,15 1115 - • zy - 11 7..S 10 .11 13 y — yr 1135 if),1� 12 PERCOLATION R TEST RUN BE Sr,:l rata @ 19 6 ii/barn, -rr,M 1' PERFORMED BY: teiens 72-008 (6/79) ANTE !-Mr: EEN FT AND 0 13'• CERTIFIED e6 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE i\ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION --DC; 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: / //Ja nn ea ,4"w , %;61- CT - SLOPE 10 11 12 t. 11 veor > am - NW( 5bvd rte( av,, cCc- cobblc3 6m- sttCoi.-d9k I� csr�, A -kg b'o,,p nn ,1/444 vatct eavrAn S'!an IS ociv S� I ATER ENCOUNTERED? J r CP/5p arehd. CraIIF YES, AT WHAT 13 chvl, co ts 4wc4c5d%- (O (03Y- re• 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ifontoft .o on �wirt -I a%4 9M s * ..,k... 0 foFE5511ONP ®m'1a„%,r' COMMENTS Vat /c2 a/77, /1' )49 SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFOR ED: SITE PL !1 J 5 S P E Reading Date \Gros I ime Ne Time Depth o Water Net Drop COLATION RA TEST RUN BETV/E N a'A>,Awn PERFORMED BY: 6a»4 //V 72-008 (6/79) CERTIFIED BY: (minutes/inch) FT AND FT a DATE: ' G �S kf ik kl 8t =• r• . 1.4 V N Z-� f 2 0 z 0 t i Ai <at has by 481 a N_S� l3� 1 E 190 00'__` DATED+ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA /3 AUG 19 $g 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE SURVEYED THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, LOT zA BLOCK , IL/A/YIN4 ACRES SZ/BD- , ANCHORAGE RECORDING ,PRECIVMT, ALASKA, AND THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS SITUATED • THEREON ARE WITHIN THE PROPERTY LINES AND DO NOT OVER- LAP'OR ENCROACH ON THE PROPERTY LYING ADJACENT THERETO, THAT, siMPROVEMENTS ON PROPERTY LYING ADJACENT'THERETO EN' CROACN ON THE PREMISES IN QUESTION AND THAT THERE ARE NO ROADWAY, TRANSMISSION LINES OR OTHER VISIBLE EASEMENTS ON SAID-_; PROPERTY EXCEPT AS INDICATE HEREON. airtcs .-1 $ * • t149TH ice ci, Donald t. Lucas :�.c*�i ® '. NO. 609-5 y :ha oar * i • ; r 4 • PROJECT CLIENT_ LOCATION /1 IAM_NA A C RES / T TEST KOLE l\IC) _ I W/ 0 DATE/ BY BY Nif, yE TOP OF HOLE EL EVAT LJAJE 2 0.5: 0 R6 A N te UE -C; IT 7A 7767/V 111' r Lt.) BROWN 611-T 7D,0-0/1_ M I "'VV.': C 10- 18- 20- 22 24 F 2) §JLTY SANT) orm 06cAcintmc /301J L DER (1r) r- ,_ P S LT/ SA, y :-.?0_7:2_-otetor- i/L2Lfi FREE WATT 7-)3 ,N1OAT- 1100JECT-. n CLIENT__ LOCATION 514 g5 - L l-/AMNA AcRC� TEST HOLE 1\12 2 DATE_ 7 - % 7� BY-eFyC1--- TOP OF HOLE ELEVATION-k�-- LOT 5 F /4) 12' 13ROWAl S/Lr Topsoil.) /4i fly, GRAVELLY AT/D,' "LT, Mb 4- 0,_ 5..4 NFs, SANDY -GRA' nL. 0- (7.0 10- 12- 14- '10 18- 20 22 24 F3) G HAVELL y SAki Dy Sari F2, SILTY SANDY GRAY 7_., GM C =) COBBLES SOTTO//1 - OF 110L± FRET WATER_ ,',Ah. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET • DEPARTMENT fi,Tjaie - tit i / CASE NUMBER: S-7116 DATE RECEIVED: June 2, 1983 COMMENTS DUE BY: June 17, 1983 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lots 1, 2 Tract 1 Iliamna Acres Subdivision ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS:J N� (J� / fc��aJ -e/L2- o J '- t 0„ 0--0-0 5`� ` „,7 an -,574 wed /I) It 2/// /'/G.e/, /4" / ,��5 ei..e/ �s 4 k_ / J 3 ? ° 1 l�/� /7. /(,02-2, /5 O v( r/�i' _,,,, l ��"e, A'-�/ O�1,/ ./%},' 4 g4ecu-- 6 � ;-�._ 3 !rf /�_el9 L)G//6/ NP O2'/( /,,r,; ` 7i� ma0A,,it✓,vuv1=-) " r 7 � �� f i" .,t.kt� I cyc. 3 skec is . _l IUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 n SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: M i i' koa i AhderRnn LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 11‘ na Acres Pilryryll A-6 (o L) o.-o„ge b-o••n, ra <-1 (s A) {an ores anc I, s:1+, 5^nd O Cr a; one s;I-j so -raj g,.iet r Some eyb6 ki -r bc.,lae S,ab-..dent 12- 13 (mi;){ s•" t 14-' 15- 16- 17-I 18 - 19- COMMENTS 5o'.\ -cro C r +a .Merl IL (See -rH SLOPE SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST 70 DATE PERFORMED: 5/ 1 y /P3 Sec33 rliw113 SITE PLAN +I f WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 1JD 6v • Perc Rote S L RoH 3T 8-3 )2t\ O P E Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth to Water Net Drop 5/11 913 . 49 - 936 2-3 .33 • 16 93* — • So — 951 lit •vy .0t, 95a — • 5 3 — 1013 25 •'t9 •09 Io13 — .53 — IOZT 10 .99 •04 PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN 268 Qjja.- I/ 3 Y 07- (minutes/inch) zz� i `J FT AND ` 2 FT 1 is 6 . Sa� 1 ra}c d 189 ^u / bc'e..t PERFORMED BY: Be 'J r<S 72.008 (6/79) pale 2 -cor- Tv" +e ri (la a:%) CERTIFIED BY: DATE: s1 �r1 Z cr - S.Net,s ) l MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: M; LhaC 1 Ah elector, LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 11 — 12- 13 — 14 15- 16- 17- 18 — 19 — 20 — DEPTH (FEET) '. COMMENTS 111ant na ACref -- T}1 SLOPE REM ■■= MEM ■■i■ ■.t■ NMI ■5" RIM WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 0 SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED:L5/ 19 /8.5 Sc, j"{ r i f ti R. i "J M DA ST 83 0 21- SITE PLAN 6,17,de,c Lot 5 L 0 P E NEIN NES® ■■■■.■■■■■ ■■■■■■■a■. Reading Date Gross Time Ne Time Depth to Water Net Drop 5/11 9'•27- — • 64 1,36 It 'So ,16 9'39 — I I .66 'Go ,ld —9%50 9'51 — ' 63 — 10''15 22 . S0 .13 10'.1.1 — .6Y — 1oSycF ID -59. ,t0 PERCOLATION RATE 15 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN 8 FT AND 8 Z FT ra-Aerk C !still/Lan>, 'Fror„ 6' to II -f,r TH' • PERFORMED BY: Be Jer\S CERTIFIED BY: DATE: rek .r3 sI i' J n SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Mi (h.gaI An lercon LEGAL DESCRIPTION: r-1;0enna Acres Tract 1 (OL) orrjan.0 So' \ (CSM) tan sat- :an13 srev,'ti WI rocY- S Scams c\r-n Seidl (9' DATE PERFORMED: 5/ 19 / 83 T112_ So_ 33riit-R3HJ SLOPE SITE PLAN COMMENTS Sr); I raAea PERFORMED BY: 1)e\ien5 72-005 (6/79) WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? go to 5 L 0 P E k(A 57 83 02� 0-- L ia rn< 1 Re- mg Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop la 35 — • ?5 -- 5/I'\ °49 i 05 .20 1050 — , 2 b 11oii 19 .1D ./6 II05 '— •2S n .5 I D . I O . 15 — • 2-9 s u 25 l0 . 1 1 . 13 1125 — , 2Y — .,2_ • 12 113� ' /0 PERCOLATION RATE TEST /RUN BETWEEN -From I -I-o 13�. rM I2V1 (minutes/inch) ND L+ 'IL' FT CERTIFIED BY: DATE: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NUMBER S-5114 PETITION FOR DATE RECEIVED REZONING SPECIAL EXCEPTION VACATION RESUBDIVISION March 30, 1979 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY 4/18/79 COMMENTS: 10 1off- _j OF Lots 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D Iliamna Acres S/D FOR MEETING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: PUBLIC WATER Uit M,®(y AVAILABLE PUBLIC SEWER NN1tF AVAILABLE TO SERVICE PETITION AREA. of Cases IIiS �e� {�e`�Laesfs e (.y . c, A1"efl , Ge Me i eGeq -Cor 4 Wag +a Set&tu - Ihu-es I.0Qj- —t -4u * nAtcr 6-2 ufoted n W E E IA1 14.-L J4 04.1. • l 6 c`hc llA-( rig pout( e fE#44:1k ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: ,/%!--0 s -) r ,? v�G Wpm -tit+ oweh� 71-014 (9/76) el I, i 1 ` - "lot (77, A----4i(Lk \ , 0-) it \\A ' ( \ ‘ f ti ., . \\ \ (1) 'Y \ ‘,/ \ i \I NO -re: 7,7 74 7 7- ,"6tJ2o,-2-€12-7 62.e, zAr Municipality of Anchorage r y 1 POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279-2511 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (825 "L" Street) October 24, 1979 Jack Garrison Tryck, Nyman and Hayes 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Y7ZS PJi - J`ED °CT2 6 1979 Tryck Nyman & Hayes Subject: S-5114 Illiamna Acres Subdivision As per our telephone conversation on October 24, 1979 regarding the above subject: Two(2) soils roughly twenty(20) to twenty-five(25) feet away from_the original soils test and a soils test on Lot 7C. Thank you. Sincerel Jo ' . Lynn Environmental Specialist JWL/ljw 1 GARYPLAYER @! H IIP CHORALE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CONSULTING GEOLOGIST BOX 476-M, STAR ROUTE A • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 • PHONE 344-7071 ���� OCT 2': RECEIVED May 16, 1979 Mr. Jack W. Garrison Professional Land Surveyor Tryck, Nyman and Hayes 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RECEIVED ,i` /ZONING '79 NY 2.1 PH a 37 GROUNDWATER CONSULTATION Lots 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D Iliamna Acres Municipality of Anchorage Case S-5114 • - Three test holes on the subject lots all revealed shallow groundwater in permeable, well graded sand and gravel soils at - depths ranging from 10 to 11.5 feet below ground level. In response to concerns expressed by the Department of Environmental Health, the Municipal Staff Analysis and Recommendations dated May 2, 1979 suggested that groundwater levels be monitored for a period of four. (4) months prior to final approval of the proposed subdivision. I would like to suggest that existing groundwater_ levels are stable and that the subdivision can be approved without further monitoring. The Municipal topographic map (Scale 1"=500') of section 34, T. 12 N., R. 3 W. shows that the proposed subdivision lies on a west -facing slope. In addition, the valley.of Rabbit Creek -slopes abruptly to the north-northwest at a point 400 feet (more or less) north of the north line of the pro -nosed subdi- vision. The groundwater elevations in the three test pits • range from 447 to 453 feet above mean sea level, roughly parallel to the surface slopes. The 440 foot contour line "daylights" on both the west -facing slope and in Rabbit Creek valley. Roadcuts and Test Pits on nearby lots show that permeable soils (without drainage barriers) occur throughout the immediate vicinity of Tract 7. It is probable that shallow groundwater drains - freely to the west and north from the proposed subdivision and presents no danger to properly designed septic systems. Sincerely, Gary P. Player Consulting Geologist \ \1ri i r GARY PLAYER VENTURES URES BOX 476-M, STAR ROUTE A • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 • PHONE 344-707T20 0 30 O 'OT !/ CONSULTING GEOLOGIST May 16, 1979 Mr. Jack W. Garrison Professional Land Surveyor Tryck, Nyman and Bayes 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska 950) RECEIVED (' c? r, c i ;( ,�' Z©PIIP1Gcj� 79IIU21 +gl � rtO GROU ,DWATER CONSUL ATION .ots 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D liamna Acres iunici.pality of Anchorage Case S-5114 1 Three test holes on the subject lots all revealed shallow groundwater in permeable, well graded sand and gravel soils at depths ranging from 10 to 11.5 feet below ground level. In response to concerns expressed by the Department of Environmental Health, the Municipal Staff Analysis .and Recommendations dated May 2, 1979 suggested that groundwater levels be monitored for a period of four (4) months prior to final approval of the' proposed subdivision. I would like to suggest that existing groundwater levels are stable and that the subdivision can be approved without further monitoring. The Municipal topographic map (Scale 1"=500') of section 34, T. 12 N., R. 3 t;l. shows that the proposed subdivision lies on a west -facing slope. In addition, the valley of Rabbit Creek slopes abruptly to the north-northwest at a point 400 feet (more or less) north of the north line of the proposed subdi- vision. The groundwater elevations in the three test pits - range from 447 to 453 feet above mean sea level, roughly parallel to the surface slopes. The 440 foot contour line "daylights" on both the west -facing slope and in Rabbit Creek valley. Roadcuts and Test Pits on nearby lots show that permeable soils (without drainage barriers) occur throughout the immediate vicinity of Tract 7. It is probable that shallow groundwater drains freely to the west and north from the proposed subdivision and presents no danger to properly designed septic systems. Sincerely, cout- Gary F. Player Consulting 'Geologist Platting Board Meeting May 2, 1979 I. Roll Call BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. O:' ENVIRONMENTAL i.; S LCTION MAY 3 0 It 10 C. Vlahovich, A. Potts,Jfe►, L Norene, R. Stefano, G. L Etp ,_ .EQlls, D. McLeod. BOARD MEMBERS EXCUSED: M. Wade. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Alspach, J. Weaver, N. Warkentin, B. Kniefel, J. Bulkoles, E. Aziz. II. Minutes of April 4, were approved as corrected. Corrections: V. New Business A. Public Hearing 2. S-5062 SHORECREST SUBDIVISION, Note: Mr. Leavens spread notice of recon- sideration. Minutes of April 4, continued to April 18. V. New Business A. Public Hearing 12. S-5077 Bounty Terrace. Condition 3 shall read: (3) Entering into a subdivision agreement to construct all urban roads with A/C and Bounty Drive to Old Seward Highway. III. Special Order of Business A. Notice of Reconsideration, S-5046 Anchorage Original Townsite Block 3C spread by Mrs. Jones. 1. Mrs. Jones brought her motion to the floor. Motion to reconsider passed. Mrs. Jones moved then to postpone the item to the next meeting so that staff could prepare a packet that con- tained the conditions of approval on the plat. Motion passed. B. Notice of Reconsideration S-5098, Susan Subdivision, by Mr. Wade. Platting Board Meeting May 2, 1979 Page 2 1. Mrs. Jones brought a motion to the floor to reconsider S-5098, Susan Subdivision. The motion passed. The Board moved to open the public hearing for 15 minutes to allow the petitioner and any one else to speak to this case. a. The plat was approved subject to: (1) Resolving utility easements, (2) Resolving the alignment of proposed sewer and water with the Sewer and Water Utility, (3) Entering into a subdivision agreement for improvement of Banjo Circle to urban interior standards and minimum improvements to W. 88th Avenue, and sewer extension, (4) Resolving drainage easements and ero- sion sedimentation control with Public Works, (5) Placing a note on the plat prohibiting direct access on lots 1 and 9 to W. 88th Avenue showing. IV. Old Business A. Public Hearings - none B. Other - none V. New Business A. Public Hearings 1. 5-5113, UPPER CHUGIAK SUBDIVISION a. The petition was postponed until May 16, 1979, at the request of the petitioner. Platting Board Meeting May 2, 1979 Page 3 2. S-5121, LOTS 106A AND LOTS 106E a. The request for the vacation of the section lines easement was approved subject to receiving Assembly concurrence, concurrence by the State of Alaska and filing a suitable replat within 18 months. b. The plat was approved subject to: (1) Resolving utility easements with MTA and MEA, (2) Resolving well location and sewage design system for both lots with DHEP, (3) Resolving terminus of access easement with Traffic, Public Works and Planning, (4) Resolving the need for subdivision agreement with Public Works, (5) Resolving access to Old Glenn Highway with Traffic Engineer and DOT/PF. 3. S -53693A, LUND SUBDIVISION a. A petition to delete the requirements for reentering into a subdivision agreement to construct 112th Avenue. The petition was denied on findings that the road should be constructed in order to provide access to the lots. Ayes: Norene Nayes: Vlahovich, Potts, Jones, Stefano, Leavens, Wells, McLeod 4. 5-5132, RESOLUTION PARK SUBDIVISION, BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-58, AND BLOCK 2, LOTS 1-64 The plat was postponed indefinitely at the request of the petitioner. 5. S-5137, VACATION MOUNTAIN AIR ESTATES, NUMBER 2 a. The vacation of the 10 foot screening ease- ment and vehcular access easement to Rabbit Creek Road on Plat 72-81 was approved sub- ject to Assembly concurrence and filing a suitable replat within 18 months. Platting Board Meeting May 2, 1979 Page 4 6. 5-5115, VACATION LAKEWAY SUBDIVISION, VACATION OF 44TH AVENUE a. The vacation was denied, Board found that the vacation would be premature. 7. 5-5087, NETTLETON SUBDIVISION a. The vacation of Newby Avenue was denied on findings that the road right of way was needed to provide additional access to this area. Ayes: Potts, Leavens, Wells, McLeod Nayes: Vlahovich, Jones, Norene, Stefano b. The plat was returned for redesign and modi- fication. 8. S-5116, ADAMSVILLE SUBDIVISION, TRACT A-1, A-2, AND A-3 a. The plat was approved subject to: (1) Resolving utility easements with CEA and ATO, (2) Showing DeBarr right of way, (3) Placing a note on the plat prohibiting direct access from Tract A-2 to DeBarr Road, (4) Replacing permanent easement on Tract A- 2, a 60 foot dedication, (5) Dedicating 30 foot of Tract A-3 for Edwards Street, (6) Showing temporary turnaround for E. 10th, E. llth, E. 12th Avenues, (7) Entering into a subdivision agreement for construction of dedication within tract A-2. Ayes: Potts, Norene, Leavens, Wells, McLeod Nayes: Vlahovich, Jones, Stefano Platting Board Meeting May 2, 1979 Page 5 9. S-5120, BOWDEN SUBDIVISION, TRACTS A, B, AND C a. The plat was approved subject to: (1) Resolving utility easements with ML&P, (2) Resolving water assessement with AWU, (3) Resolving sewer installation with Sewer Utility, (4) Resolving a 60 foot right of way for Dwight Place with Public Works, (5) Entering into a subdivision agreement for Dwight Place, (6) Placing a note on the plat prohibiting direct access to Northern Lights Blvd. from Tract A. 10. S-5123, THE VILAGES, TRACTS 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D AND 8E a. The vacation of the section line easement was approved subject to filing a suitable replat within 18 months and receiving Assembly con- currence. b. The plat was returned for redesign and modi- fication to provide the soils test at_a depth of 16 feet. 11. S-5128 POTTER HEIGHTS BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-4; BLOCK 2, LOTS 1-7 & BLOCK 3 LOTS 1-7 a. The plat was postponed at request of peti- tioner. 12. S-5130, BLOCK 2, BLOCK 3, ATELIER A SUBDIVISION, ADDITION #1, LOTS 5B, 6A, THROUGH LOTS 8A, LINE LOTS 1, 2, 6A AND TRACTS B -1A and B2 plat was approved subject to: Resolving utility easements with CEA and ATU, Entering into a subdivision agreement for Monepilar Drive, and Resolving drainage with Public Works. Platting Board Meeting May 2, 1979 Page 6 13. S-5114, The :t ' 14. S-5117, lA ILIAMNA ACRES LOTS 7A -7D plat was approved subject to: The monitoring site for a four month to determine the water table, data to be supplied to DHEP, Resolving utility easements, Resolving the need for a subdivision agreement for 134th and Riverton, Resolving drainage with Public Works. LAKE SPENARD PARK, BLOCK 3, LOT a. The plat was postponed indefinitely at the request of the petitioner. 15. S-5118, LAKE SPENARD PARK, BLOCK 3, LOT 6A 16. a. b. The variance for lot width to depth ration was approved subject to suitable findings of fact. The vacation of the parking reserve was approved subject to receiving Assembly con- currence and filing a suitable replat within 18 months and all property owners within the subdivision must sign the final plat. c. The plat was approved subject to: (1) Resolving utility easements, (2) Resolving access with 'Traffic Engineer and placing a note on the plat as to where those access points were located, (3) Provide a 35 foot right of way for Spenard Road. S-5131, BITTSMAN SUBDIVISION, LOTS 1-4 a. The plat was postponed until June 6th due to an error in the legal advertisement. 17. S-5125, RASPBERRY SUBDIVISION, LOTS 1-20 a. The Chairman announced that the public hearing would continue to Wednesday, May 9, at 7:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned. 12:00 Midnight. iJLtiarnno ,acres 5/D Case Nein S - 4 202 Depth in Feet MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE �' Departm<��of Health and EnvironmentalF�`'�ection � SOILS LOG n-RCnrr_-iON Tsrr"T Performed for Ken -Don Date Performed 9/29/76 Legal Description Illiamna Acre° visio - Tract A .Organics Gray -brown, well -graded gravel (GW) with some silt Pero rate = 130 ft.2/bdrm. Water table at -12 feet Total Depth = 16 feet AVERAGE PERC RATE FROM SOILS LOG = 130 ft.2/bdrm. Date Net Time Depth Net Drop Percolation Rate Performed By minute NORTHWEST EXPLORATION SERVICES, INC.- VV 0 0 r4 r1 0 �-., MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE feTh Departm Jof Health and Environmental i ecti.on SOILS LOG PERCOLATION 1'EST . Performed for Ken Don Date Performed 9/28/76 Legal Description I11i.wn J.c es Subdivisija..- Tract C 14 20 6. O, 0. - Organics Moist, gray -brown, silty, sandy gravel (GM) Perc rate = 225 ft.2/bdrm. Very dense, gray -brown, clayey gravel (GC) Perc rate = 275 ft,2/bdrm. Moist, gray -brown, silty sand (SM) with some gra Perc rate = 250 ft.2/bdrm. Moist, gray -brown, silty gravel (GM) Perc rate = 225 ft.2/bdrm. /ti No water table encountered. AVERAGE PERC RATE FROM SOILS LOG = 224 ft.2/bd ;el ack Date - Net Time Depth Net Drop 9/29/76 -0- 5.5 in. ---- 1] min. 11,1.0 in 5.5 in. 18. min. 12.0 in. 15.5 in. 6-5__in. 10.0 in. 153 min. 213 min. 17.0 in. 11.5 in. N 1104; Percolation Rate 19 minutes/inch = 210 ft.2/bdrm. .7(34 4�5�. Performed By 4_41 NORTHWESTEXPLORATION SIi:'V];C;�S. INC. Depth in Feet LMUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Departm"Tiof Health and Environmental rmection Performed for Ken Don SOILS LOG PCRCOLATIO.] TEST 5 -TOO? Date Performed 9/29/76 Legal Description illiamna Acres Subdivis on - Tract A 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Organics Gray -brown, well -graded gravel (GW) with some silt Perc rate = 130 ft.2/bdrm. Water table at -12 feet Total Depth = 16 feet AVERAGE PERC RATE FROM SOILS LOG = 130 ft.2/bdrm. ' Date Net Time Depth Net Drop Percolation Rate Performed By f� minute NORTHWEST EXPLORATION SERVICES, INC. Depth in Feet /- MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Departm; of Health and Environmental lection SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST Performed for Ken Don Date Performed 9/28/76 .Legal Description Illiamn Acres Subdivision - Tract C • Organics Moist, gray -brown, silty, sandy gravel (GM) Perc rate = 225 ft. /bdrm. Very dense, gray -brown, clayey gravel (GC) Perc rate = 275 ft.2/bdrm. Moist, gray -brown, silty sand (SM) with some gra Perc rate = 250 ft.2/bdrm. Moist, gray -brown, silty gravel (GM) Perc rate = 225 ft.2/bdrm. No water table encountered. AVERAGE PERC RATE FROM SOILS LOG = 224 ft.2/bdrm. Date Net Time Depth Net Drop 9/29/76 I -0- 5.5 in. ---- 13 min 18. min. 31.0 in. 5.5 in. 12 0 in.___ 6_5 in. 153 min. 15.5 in. 10.0 in. 213 rain. 17.0 in. 11.5 in. Percolation Rate 19 Performed Dy minutes/inch = 210 ft.2/bdrm. vel NORTHWEST EXPLORATION SEPV-CEe __N ' GARY PLAYER VENTURES CONSULTING GEOLOGIST BOX 476-M, STAR ROUTE A • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 • PHONE 344-7071 July 5, 1976 Stan Sears and Associates Registered Land Surveyors 6924 East Sixth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Attention: Stan Sears Report Site Investigation Tract 10, Iliamna Acres Subdivision Anchorage, Alaska INTRODUCTION On July 3, 1976 I visited Tract 10. I observed the materials- exposed in two backhoe excavated -test pits. The two pits are identified as "Soil Sample #1" and "Soil Sample #2" on the plot plan prepared by Stan Sears and Associates. SITE CONDITIONS Topography and Vegetation The tract is gently rolling and:slopes generally northward to Rabbit Creek. Mature white spruce and poplars are underlain by luxuriant grasses and shrubs. Soils Soil Sample #1 consists of sandy, well graded gravel with boulders to a foot in diameter. The gravel is covered by about one foot of brown sandy silt. Water in the pit obscured observations below 6 feet, but the spoil indicated that -gravel continued to the reported total depth of 10 feet. A Soils Log is attached. Soil Sample #2 contains three feet of grey silt overlying one foot of sandy gravel (GW). Groundwater filled the hole -.below 4 feet. Spoil from the excavation suggested mixed layers of silt, sand and a little gravel. A Soils Log is attached. Bedrock Not encountered. Groundwater Groundwater occurred at 6 feet below ground in Soil Sample #1. Water occurred at 4 feet in Soil Sample #2 V.S.0\dvisr Gary F. Player Consulting Geologist 34202SEP 7-m GREATER ANCHORAGE ARCA B0R0 %Department of Environmental Qu y 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS IA)U PEROLA'I'ION TEST Performed for __ Btaai3ears and AssQoi tes Date Performed 7/3/76 Legal Description: Tract 10, Tliamna Acres SubdiviSion SQi1. SPaPic-#1. This form reports: Soils log xmcKx Percolation test Depth Feet 1- 0-1.0 ML, organic—rich silt broom 2 1.0— total depth 3 GW, brown sandy gravel with boulders to one foot in diameter 4 5 11 - 12- 13 2- 13 - 14 - Reported Total Depth--- Slope Was ground water encountered? Yes If yes, at what depth? 6.0 feet Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate minute. Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field iepth of Inlet _ _ . Depth to bottom of pit or trench C0h1IiEIJTS : Performed By GarF _ 1?layer Certified By:_rjc..: EQ -040 (6/74) Date : 7/5/7f--- GRLATER ANCDORAGL AREA BOROI 'Department of Lnvironmentel Qu. •ty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LO(; PERM Performed for ztan Sears and Associates Legal Description:Tract 10, Ilianma Acres This form reports: Soils log xxxxx Depth Feet 2- 3- 4- 5 - 6 - a 0-3.0 ML, sandy silt; -dark brown near surface, grey below one foot 3.0-4.0 GW, sandy gravel, brown Materials below 4.0 feet are mixed silt, sand, and gravel as indicated from excavated spoil. Was ground water encountered? Yes .ATION 'TEST Date Performed 7/3/76 Subdivision, Soil.. Sample #2 Percolation test Slope If yes, at what depth? 4.0 feet Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate minute. Proposed installat ohf n: Seepage Pit_ Oral 1 Field Depth of Inlet Depth_ to. bottom of pit or trench COHMENTS: Performed By: spry Fl Player_ EQ- 090 (6/74) Certified By:(„ --b,, .. 1v -N 1Jc1t� 7/5/76--- 011 recovd in(� 'nndiov) inkeRrofi -id NJ S9" 57' 15 • VJ Rec. N0f2T1-1 Found 2".X4" Whife flotit' _:..(marked.> '/6o4 tti Found .13rc'te Cap Moviwvfen4 'Pound J>".x 2' Pint. vv/Tock Found 314' Ivon. pipe TRACT ?# ,IO ILIAMN A ACRES .h✓UDDIVIsION 5T -AN SEAR/ -4 4.47OC14-1-E�� E I6TERD LAND 6L)2:VFYO1:25 Coq 24 E0/2t Cot) AVdnDe Anchorase, Alahka cI4' OA DATE 4RID: 5CALE PRAWNS BY W.O. JUNE Ig7(o 3037 I"_.3b R,euvrv., 74-64 414GC 7 0Y'• G.a.. 'h hFA2h' 2I=c` GARY PLAYER VENTURES CONSULTING GEOLOGIST BOX 476-M. STAR ROUTE A • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 • PHONE 344-7071 July 15, 1976 Stan Sears and Associates Registered Land Surveyors 6924 East Sixth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Attention: Stan Sears Addendum Report Site Investigation Tract 10, Iliamna Acres Subdivision Anchorage, Alaska INTRODUCTION On July 14, 1976 I returned to Tract 10 at your request and observed materials exposed in a third backhoe excavated test pit. I have called the third test pit "Soil Sample #311 and it should be designated as such on the plot plan. SITE CONDITIONS Topography and Vegetation gee Report dated July 5, 1976 Soils Toil Sample #3 consists generally of sandy and gravelly soils to 8.5 feet below ground level. A 0.5 foot layer of sandy silt mantles the surface, and a 1.0 foot layer of silty fine sand occurs from 5.0 to 6.0 feet below ground. A water -saturated silty, sandy ravel begins at 8.5 feet below the surface and continues to 10 feet total depth). A soils log is attached. Bedrock Not encountered. Groundwater Water occurred at 8.5 feet below ground in Soil Sample #3. Sincerely, Gly u Y Gary F. Player Consulting Geologist GREATER AIJCHORAGL AREA IJOROU'� 'Department of Environmental Qu, rty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Performed foratan Sears Date Performed -%/14/76 Legal Description: Tract 10, Iliamna Acres Subdivision This form reports: Soils 1 o xxxx Percolation test Depth Feet 1 - 0-0.5 ML, sandy - 0.5-5.0 SW, gravelly, brown 2- 3- 4- 5 - 6 - 7- 8 5.0-6.0 ML, sandy, grey—brown 6.0-8.5 SP, Medium grained, grey—brown . 8.5-10.0 GM, saturated, soft 9 10 Total Depth ------- 11 12 - 13 Was ground water encountered? Yes If yes, at what depth? 8.5 Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate Proposed installation: :;epth of Inlet _ COQ INUITS : Bedrock Jn_ minute. Seepage Pit Dept! ths_.area_ zs _ wells). Performed - EQ 04(1 (6/74) Drain Field to bo £tom of pit or trench ._----_------_---- greater-_tha L2.0_1 e -et _below_ ground. _( from Certified Dy:-`A,.r_. lid_ Le : 7/15/76- EA.57/ /32" -"IT N89°54/1/1/ REC.� N69°54'W 330.00 REG. a L{) 1 SEPTIC DRAIN POND WELL AND W APPROXIMATE LOCATION HOUSE 89° 57'/5'W 330.00' EC. EAST /31 5T N99° 57'/51 W RE -C. /VOTE.' ALL RECORD /A/FORMAT/ON TAKEAL..__ FROM OR/0 .3037 LEGEND !�- RECOVERED BRASS CAP MOA/UMENT O RECOVERED REBAR,4N0 AL. CAP /0' SELOYV GRADE 0 7E57 HOLE /VOTE: TEST ROLES / ' 2 OR/LLEO BY GARY PLAYER ON TUL y 3,/97 TESTWOLE 3 DR/LLEDT1/LY/4,/97/6 7E57 HOLES 4 f 5 OR/LLED 57 NORTWWEST EXPLORAT/O/V SERB/CEO ON DEPT. 30, 1976 SURVEY CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that I have surveyed the 0 followingTRACcribe T NO(property ILIAMNA ACRES SUBDIVISION Anchorage Recording Precinct, Alaska , and that the relative existing elevations are as shown hereon. Date Stanley E. Sears R.L.S. ilAyea PLOT PLAN SURVEY TRACT NO. 10 ILIAMNA ACRES SUBDIVISION STAN SEARS a ASSOCIATES REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 283 EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 Date Scale Grid Drawn by W.O. OCT. 5,1976 I =100' 3037 M. BROOKS 76-64 Checked b F. B. S. SEARS 33 EAST /.32- jT A/89°54'1/1/ REG, O N89°54'W 330.00' REC. h 89° 57'/5iW ' 330.00 —cv. EAST /347= 57: /'I '9° 57'/5"W . 2EC. NOTE .AL I RECORD /A/FORMAT/ON: TAKEN FROM GR/O 9037 LEGEND RECOVERED BRA55 CAP MONUMENT RECOVERED REFARAND =AL. CAP JO' BELOW GRADE _ 0 : 7657 Hate /VOTE: TEST HOLES / ( 2 OR/LLEO 5Y GARY PLAYER ON TULY 3,197E TESTHOLE 3 DR/LIED TULY/4,/976 7ES7NOLE6 4(5 OR/LLED .FAY NORTHWEST EXPLORAT/ON 5ER!//CES ON 6EPT. 30,1976 SURVEY CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that I have surveyed the following TRACcribe l properly T NO. ILIAMNA ACRES SUBDIVISION Anchorage Recording Precinct, Alaska, and that the re lative existing elevations are as shown hereon. Date Stanley E. Sears R.L.S. PLOT PLAN SURVEY TRACT NO. 10 ILIAMNA ACRES SUBDIVISION STAN SEARS a ASSOCIATES REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 283 EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 Date Scale OCT. 5,1976 111=100 Grid 3037 Drawn b W.O. M. BROOKS 76-64 Checked by F.B. ar S. SEARS 33 i. SBU F F A L 0 STREET s o°09'E RECORDED S.0°08'E- 582. OB'ECNRDED __, S`0°12'15'E 581.94' NW 00 WO NO A OM CO 20 OA v m O 0°0.61E 5b1. 582 RECORDED N00°06'43 nW z 0 CO V 03 w N N O mw NW 00 0101 N 01* *\ \w w'" ND i00 TO mar of° co so vo D m z c m r— ° 0 —°A 6'00°W 582.14' FOUND _---BASIS OF BEARING — 06' E- 581.47' RECORDED. r n•1') • �\ ) 0 fc? --I 165.55' 281.04' Lee Struer %! r c .3 31 July:. 75 .7.1/2 Oft track_ nuiliberYtiwo-. o 1_ Illiama s' Scti.B Lc XX AACTELIS1j2-9 top- The sediments were fairly soil compact with a low moist - 2 ure content. The contact ! . ; Gw between the Sp andothe Sm 3 was erratic and gradational. ! The bottom sediments were , ± very compact with erratic silt and clay bodies pre- sent. 8 Sp Sm 40 Lo No 5YvTcil ne,ecso 1-3c,..traT; A' • ;J. 1 - I I 1 - I. ‘ ... . . ; E;I - 4 - 1 I: I . 4 ft Sp at calculated Pert co 150_scs-tiparni; lift average 200eqft/bdrm T:',7LL 16 ft Sm at 250 sqft/bdrm D.te 1 Aug 75 zatia 838 0 8 SEP 2 1975 x\`1.1111 LII0:111 Ill 1' 3'111 "I '111'''1' i. ,1100.11 J'J(', hl,l',l.i 'l�ll i Lt)(i• Ih,1i(1L,1'I'I) J I'rHi..h 'l lur Lee ,Strue' r .... • U:'to Performs:d �„Q./�/75- ' Le'I.1I II':',.ril'Li''nl:East•*. Tract2,,.liamna,Apre$;.Subd r} yisio Illi; 1rirw. rralurl'.: :,oil: log ...... Percolation Lest,._-..-..-. • I)gPlh sect _ - Topsoil 2.- SM red -.brown with -some pebbles 3 - SM 4 - SM 5 - SM gray with some pebbles and cobbles up to 2 inches . 6 S _ SM 8• -SM 9 - SM IU - SM .11 - SM 1"l -SM 13 - SM r gray with some pebbles and cobbles up to 4 inches .5/ rl11(1 2% to east 14 Average value = 225 ft?/bdrm Ylas Uruund WULel' cncountcreUi • • Du Le L. -... pp_.. •.. 1•t VCS, at Wllui thy LII( (,•o55 l i Jur: Uri. Time Ucpl'n 10 1Vnlrr 1'0 rc(n 1a L roll ra Lo rPropo:xkl 'is La 1 Liuu: UI ILII of 1.1101 ()LU iLII 1 S Ilei ilrai' i f• nli nv Lc. ilrpLI. Lu 1,o(Awn or pl or Irene.. --,. a'os • '0'1111P AN' 'I'u Aril /II n C1)I(rr:)(,i! (--'„,(Th'--teem. of 1nv1r''rnm.i,Lnl f)17—')i 1 yr -M, • .1:110 ..1 ,' ,, ,, , . Fin 111r11II14:(l for Tom Mason Ur'te Periurm,:d 10-7-75 L.” r 1 I,':•,:; illi nt: E .1/2 .Tract." NO..' 2;" Ill IaiVria-ACPes'Sutidivisi•crrr Ibis f,7rm repur12,: ',oi Is Io,l h' •......_. -. Perco) inir lc;l. Deo In feel. 1 - Topsoil 2 _ Topsoil 3 5 1- !; - GM GM GM GM GM GM. 9 GM 10 - •11 - 12 - 13 - 19 - 1Yas ground waLer cocoon Lured? GM (3" - 6" /.?4" /2 ve. -172 • -2— ® \l`\N ico ¢J ,RGt TV\k'Crkil\ 1°. IRCej. yl \) band of sand and gravel) )rel ,41`I C-/112bF- a'.� / / 2% P.c,id i nq Du Le ).0/1/75 L 1.f yes , at W;Idl dv;,lh7 Gro -Js 1ilnr: NoL Time 30 min. Dep tit Lo Plater Net i)rop 1inch I'ercoldIion rd l"30 clin•)Les per inch Proposed iILalIJLioti: . Ir. ,erpage Prl Ih•,rin Iirld IJcpIII of I1leL Dcplh to bottom of pit or tremor COfHi1LIIIS: Soils log to 16' previously submitted ALASKA GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS, ,e.. "%•, 'f � ., 10/7/75 Port 1:i zf.ortifi''I 11y; ®r inchorag POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279-2511 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (825 '•L" Street) September 27, 1978 Tryck Nyman & Hayes 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Gentlemen: Iliamna Acres Subdivision (S-4895) Soils Tests and Lot Sizes File No.: PB3 This Department has reviewed Soils Tests as submitted and find's Soils Tests and Lot Sizes are adequate for on-site septic system. However, the Department requests Percolation Tests on the soils rating of 225 sq. ft. per bedroom, and submitted to this Department prior to construction on all lots. incerely, John W. Lynn Environmental Engineering JWL: lrnp cc: Jerry Weaver- Planning PROJECT Al CLIENT Al LOCATION L_iAMAA ACRES L4J TEST KOLE _ p,/: 0R6AHI7_:-i t/Ec i_7A7,G/V W/O DATE CJ '}_ 7e Eygi TOP OF HOLE ELEVATION. L,E�OD1J�_ i_!NL J BROWN 4511-7- 7 9C , /1 '4 / 32)//r• ,C;1/2O 2 n2- 4- G - J- P 5 JI_ %( -Atii, V ,Cy VF/ G S 0 6 (A 5/0/ 1 /S. ,. , 3 n ! C iJ�vi-C/�-f' 12 13- 18- 20- 22- 24 in i 1-7 3 SILTY SA I 2-2-0/11___ o_ FREE WATIK A; / •; ; _ G 14 11110J ECT - L4 qr LOCATION— L/AAINA AC RCS TEST KOLE %o —2 FIE, I N , t3hOWSl!_' Te SnIL) ML 026.1\R 1.2' __- 2- n 0- �© - 12- 11)- 10 4-16 13- 20 22- 2e, W/O.__ DATES //! _j�'V-2� / BY /. ?Ey-e' TOP OF HOLE jj ELEVATION 1- LOT r F + GRAVELLY SA,J,',`%Y S1[7 , ML. ,.o, NES SANDY .GRA'/._E7. G' 9.0 F3, G 8/\VEL L Y 5A -,ND) SQL /yr' F2; SILTS' SAND y G,?AA\ILE G M COBR'L 6 RO 1 TC/4 04 H04. ` .. F,PEJL J PTER - t,;oAL • Tffloernnoe ereS s/D Case N° 5-5842 LCD\ S 1 A , g C , �1 O 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET . DEPARTMENT i ENVIRONMENTAL El PLATTING BOARD • PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER S-5842 NAME Lots 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D Iliamna Acres S/D DATE RECEIVED July 30, 1981 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY August 17, 1981 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF L. to,u -' — P4'3g6-'1s-5z TO PETITION AREA 4 Ai W kof &e( q TO PETITION AREA 1®1' 1'e t. i 5 A( ■ PUBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE • PUBLIC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: //g���t���pJ / 6,12o 1h- cake{, ui`"2 VA- �filie0- 64 (I(9)11- 7 / 15 Ae1r 7 ,61 ••-e, fJ� • 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) Planning Deparytent August 13, 19e. Page Two S-5851: Tracts C-3, D-2, D-3 Simonian Subdivision 5-5854: Lots 1A, 1B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B Block 6 Dimond Industrial Center #1 5-5859: Lot 3 Block 3 Town and Country Estates Subdivision The following cases have been reviewed and this department has the following comments: S-5839: Tract lA Highland Terrace Subdivision Soils test reveal Tract lA with bedrock at ten(10) feet(on-site sewer systems must be at least six(6) feet above bedrock). Soils on Tracts 1-B, 1-C, 1-D, and 1-E show conditions -that will support on-site sewer systems. This department requests the developer show on the plat, proposed installation locations of on-site sewer systems in areas less than 25% slope and 75 feet back from cutbanks exceeding six(6) feet in height. 5-5840: Lots 1, 2 Fletcher Subdivision This department requests soils test to sixteen(16) feet on each lot and a topography of proposed plat prior to approval. 5-5842:- Lots 7A, 78, 7C, 7D Iliamna Acres Subdivision This proposal has soils test(dated 1979), which revealed a very high water table(within eight(8) feet of the ground surface). Monitoring of seasonal high water table was not comprehensive(only one observation hole and no reading during the wet year of 1980). This general area is noted for fluctuating high water tables. Also, no soils test was conducted on Lot 7-C. This department recommends redesign with less density. S-5844: T15f R1W Section 9 Lots 130A, 130B On-site sewer system as-builts received, this department has no objections. PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6.650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-2221 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 k ` 1E\ WN*thp T"1 `' �✓-+� DATE PERFORMED: SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST 3/Y/21 10 11 „_I WAS GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? COMMENTS IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? L pi I 1 E! i I _ i. Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (7/76) feair CERTIFIED BY: `"'—j\ 1 DATE: 312/ 1 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-2221 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: `pec vet ""0.A • e..(ovv.wit✓cn,WV1PJ(DATE PERFORMED: 3/1 V—) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L0+ 1D Zi jaminet Aces 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DEPTH (FEET) S►il‘ 6u) ML 6u? COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? CycA ^e\) G`ea'r) DEPTH7AT WHAT t0' S` L Oi E! Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT PERFORMED BY: C� 72-008 (7/76) CERTIFIED BY: V' DATE: 3// / q MAY 2 1979 PERFORMED FOR MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99602 276-2221 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST 3/ 2--/-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DEPTH (FEET) 51v1/4 gkki 51-d SP SW ML - P L P Ste, J�1 P swNd, 5aw.0t, c, et/ 504; s WAS GROUND WATER S I ENCOUNTERED?� `� 0 - i i O E�r IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE ,,, TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS SW ) S _ "' (minutes/inch) FT AND FT PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (7/76) CERTIFIED BY: DATE: 3/I /1 J r<n-timcbts c> 'Page 16 Ordinance No. 28-6' 1 1 1. Any Source of Domestic Water Supply 100 feet 9..,Fciund.at•i,an.:44.%-;Pevaper-ty,.Line... ,.,�?O:fe�ic�,,•r �..• ., 3. laver, Lake, or Stream 100 feet 4. .4latermai,n or Service Line 10 feet 5. Other Seepage Pits (3 times the diameter of the ..seepage pits.) 6. Septic Tanks (h) The seepage pit shall be lined with brick, building tile, perforated precast concrete rings, • 4 o r other material approved by the health authority. f fl. deg 0 e5 dr he soil shall be backfilled with clean coarse 11:11/01111 gravel or similar material. The lining shall be ��i�►Apv surrounded on all sides by at least2 feet of 10e clean coarse.gravel or similar material. (i) The sewer line.draining the septic tank effluent to the seepage pit shall be. of cast iron ':from the seepage pit lining to'a point not less .than 5 feet beyond the nearest undisturbed soil unless suitable bedding material properly compacted is used to support the line. _(j)- The top of the seepage pit shall be 'covered with a reinforced concrete. top or other material The .space betweenthe outside of the lining and .approved by the health authority. Page 17 Ordinance No. 288 (k) A11 seepage pits shall be provided with •a cast iron siphon pipe. of 4" diameter or larger. All siphon pipes shall be fittedwith an air- :;�it-'.(.:>'rt..-i.� :,R :"..:!-,...--v_ •.w¢ -t4 1xt: Eas :�"..ta.;a. v»;..y ':.,•..•xf. <tt"w'+ay.,-- -. ,•.•. ..�. .;,,• .g r� 41y:removebi e. cap......,- 7 • 9. Cesspools shall not be used for disposal of house- hold wastes unless specifically authorized by -the health authority. (a)' Cesspools shall not be used in areas •where ground water supplies are used for domestic purposes. (b) The construction of cesspools shall follow the same standards as those given for seepage 'pits. (C) Exemptions. 1. All:septic tanks, drainfields, and seepage pits in use on September, 1968, are exempt from subsections (8):(5), (B) (6), (8) (7), (8) (8) (b), (8) (8) (c), (B) (8) (d), (8) (e), and (8) (8)-(f) of this section. Sec. 9-72 NON WATER -CARRIED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. (A) The construction and maintenance of earth pit privies shall comply+with the following requirements. 1.:- Earth pit privies shall be located at least 100 feet from any spring, well or other source of domestic water supply; 100 feet from any stream, river, or lake;"and 10 feet from any watermairt, water -service line or property line. 2: Earth pit privies shall be constructed as recommended Yin the ", ^ epartment.of Health DocuMent HSE 7;2, .1� 0 O F' O O pH N N m N 21"rte' Qeo.u.0 0o Wj•09NN OV H ..4 -Z.-'00,22 Ow b m C 0 a : $ « V m O. 00 - ... OE00 dP m fFU < OE«9aaL .3U6 S aQ.H U Ma [a 9 mm H 00 M O o 211;”; « m OC om u H ° oo'�m <<El No o 4'0 -01. o.m !. 3 o P « W i d E H 4 H"0 03 -474c Qe d U w ▪ m 3E aWW N 9 zd o mNg�Esa '.i 01 0H m -G °1 LEp• iV atl 0a a0 a00«F N w ti 0 3 C a N 3 ... z 0.i tl M 7 C O C N. 808242t-4>, C u a T N a .0 .' a F a t,- mW „t EGl^>oCao W„ YuaE a 9 ..F u.r a,y . .d.. .0 a tai; �.mdatlm_. r d. '0 oTN A HU Fo'a.0o.2a1tfl oawCFy0 u Et - weno.w VaOwa0 tiENm^0Nd u G 02,202.0W pJ U m V' -.0• 0...co..? co o HO�«F zmM3b 00mt' •<m O 0 00000000 LamF.�, C_ N.-tctnvo 0000000O0.-4 ON..O« a 0 oy 0 O m w0 1441 ✓ N a .d t s. O 0.00 it• m dY d tl tla t m o bx E« o w N G N 0.0 o m z H oa �ro d m m3N ce• 5:5 230 « 0« tl F E 00 ti'd° 0.0'0 • O H mbo d F b o « d :8003 • E 67.61 N b • U O m '0 m 3 m s.Fd 03 o n. O 0o d 0 9 O,. THy O -0'4: O N o m N' W a• 00 o L d FCO tl • N Cf d mEm a . 4NV «dE5 a- v m 0 oo0 000 TOO T 0 .0 T ? O 666 AUTHORITY: 0 n N m _ 00 m A_ S d se 0 PN.°u. X m^ an m 00 .. .000mm " C0o od E° 4444. m ........ i4d d°.d'y«H A0 71 dk b«k 3-11T“Ee- and H��y 'O 000002 '0 O •0000my«m GGw m OP^d4QQ000I`O 00x000,.. q ° oem 00 d o4a '°A H� mC �„ •0000 ��-:;v 00000 ti�0ti F CO O u a0 H F N H° m kz 4.O rd '° m N P V P P a >• 4A •-4 3 eT P P^ C C W 3 Pi 0.t °o °o.tlti a s wm "w WWWmm °oxom WmmmW E E .0 0 . ° C4 C E _ 3 F Ta $ . 66666 E H t^$ 66666 owz 000 • om 17; mo ^ u G o '�4 d3>° H „04 .5,y v>'i bo _W O �q0 30« dwH ..°ip yU O��dV dm3 pl. d'O k o w =d> 4040. o. F {�. .mC ei Ed Wv .. w m� q y m ♦r „ 0-0 C=13 p n .4 00 c1 N «Ei 9 H °a 0 .d .. H � 'C. N N. « A•d d m... d.n q H r7' w d qw 0 fE. W E«O S ��C pm." y � >. 22 y'O Fo� >' o mE mrd. � m 401 ' -" ZE° a� �V a e"haF a v'A«o°i 4.0 Tu. -w -.0 - ay d d °w o'd O F o°o, .40 0 ,040 «4. nC ti o .°.d« w �," YcC Hm HEo' F '6 °e„4d,o �w "... ... two fi mu F3«wC a mvm.: y' Fw _H o H4 ao ao0 ooh E� wy>,>E 6 E., .0..° m�:^0 .7u d -0 ty«E 4 mmtl mo« „" _m a4a S4 E0 uA ,°,E° m4'Q C..4 C° C.3 m..d p;m«o ra) y4 tat U..'! $.... d oFd.9 d.0 mYr O•`d4a~4tl CE m mq wTm -0.w.0 En 0w° utl M1'.G 00 t0 .. 0, '; Iii! U 0 ra 0 0 4 t. C .. m m d y« Oda W O W O. E a 0 04 0 0 E.0 tm. m m T T.'A. > °.; > o u . O T. 41 V N W 0 w o . y.: m 0 d° V. A d E 4 m 03 d6., 040 dw d c. 4O.n°HT^ Egoe Eo, EC: E E .es. o .4001 •4..4 j .C« 0015 pipe titin o« o oa • C Fy F«.d. F«a F y 00020`T v 01 4v4i o3 ° °P w 4 m w^ o A T .-. H 0j U H U pmj 230.01:6) O. y •O • W y CO Er! Q h H 4... .. b O v..0 0 v H °i v'O �i N'O d N N U.� b ('' a' 4 0 a o. 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Oxy R1 >_ F dCV��q:F .d Cti ry . 01 ybmt.w ECOx m ° a. • m j' F0 an dCm 9 d ,y 0 >baC OH>O�N d3•ADm o - • N co . M '0mH HE 0)0' N L ° am Ed.mF C Q .] °'O Tm,Em.» do'm 40 a. '• NmNN $B °•nmd F u.LN boa « o 'QraFl.Ha .c-• H «0P'u . E bb 0S ccMy 40. N b d 0 -N 0 m se o NL- _ gLI mm .E 000 a 0 E E o>wmam• m m °o«o «3.o 0« Ny a m>, bmbba •aF °r H m 0 C ' N NH d �O CO E'^F � H dE y m 014N°mO x O +O [ }y. m H C m U m 40 O CO 0 « d N 0 _ b T m Fr.., 0.) G3nmN✓HN d° Hm.V W a.E>H V m^A ...N CE °°ESu�,, dU0 E.+ t..2 .2 t.. 00 0%E 3 o0' °°%.5°ad r 0 3 - m mtC - - 0CFEd ••>F rW ti F 3 co O bD N V F mHm O •'.'^NUO w m° a o >, o3 bNO„ „'° e.., >,.... mCOdNU erdYOuN Oa Diii,q 60 NFCq nD• t co 3 cob N • C m C .dA d .. ,90 C H".a co N£D .. '• d CI °.. « Gu 0a.bm°.H 0.S a0003_E maNbO m.0a a F - t- ^ o - -N 2,4J .mP.a� '°.S w NH mP.ym •- rm.A�P• ��0 w3uN0L.dFE! pa 0 . a y' . E- C oG C .-.0 µQ :: s. �d o'curd CI 0 el F?vv°°vb v°UF vyv°-0r l'hlH vTN«u ......0 v««W vytNc.mPr CI .' O. ° «.0 T O U C T j mw 0 o d.0 . 3r NC ' 03 O 0 m . C T C u 'O V • N «:y N.S °Ha4 o A a 3H m„'tibe. OmHp.i co m0 t C0 SVNb Vi_ •• aM^F Y N . E N H u m N c o C N a O i. d*..iC3 y^ y d ° mb LLY SNO rt. aN33 0 F 0b Fa - F. F s VA • o mc aAqOFm �Eu Eu d rG Omd, .0 .c ao5 m o to d «m.°F e e N« "°43 3o°ao3o • w«3a- t. eC«o4.•u 'm fa m«v-««- :P.mmo i 0 "CO CO NN g1 CO CO se m s= vC 3 v0_A y O. • NN.Y mabN 0 Of 0 a Cc t. , o{L to- 0 CO w0 Q a 0..g 0w - 0 0 000 A$ d 00 « mmm Tr.0„; - mm m V v.v. H P P N N 0- V)rnu) 0Oq Ho en U) G o -a 64< ambo « 3..... m °o i ...--ea C m '52uk. 0. O ° m F 3«� a " <mL. oL. Es w°iwcu o 4moF d C)41 .c C D to . E.. u -.< Vmc� .QA 0 « 0o z a f -O 00 0a T_ C4 O « - 6,0, .o PT PI m z A 133 p. Of W . _m 4 dE F (4 b 0 .4. o c o .0 ' o .0 - F . v Y` 0 0. 0'C d m .o.. OF Vsz IN; .m. a OOH 'tiH . .-i C1moE Eoi U o; $ ` 1atiao� la ....-2o.o co .� F. - to .°'. 0• g w m � 0 d. a o 4 o Ef% ..5 (1) "cesspool" means a subsurface pit which receives untreated (2) "commissioner" means the commissioner of environmental a N 5 V « -"a- (- m « m ad m m 'O ,°G 3 K N 0, ti 3 m N 15.511: .Ti J 0 . O C. « F «m F N N u O R q co ,.m z Tc m•° m O b e d 3 a a 41 ,a F ° 0•0md9 0 y 0 N to ' 0 rm c.• a>cN>.0 E R6 0 m mafl E 2F c« ° m0 °m O m�aE m.° m 0 m a o e to "o a`bE.arox6 0 q 3H.O E m (dw E dF To 1 c FdFw0 Oa 0.o b P4Eoame Pc o oFE ma'0~m mo°E. F00oy0 0 O0Co m F.o« 4•m „ v m'o #o Fi o m and b 3 E d g0., tD 0: Fn co u CO CO m OC Sqam = E4i%.° ;ym dF bbw°i CL !'4« C g .'YS EO a.D.m a.c.m E NAotma «d m r o •.S N H 0. S co 4 •>> E 3 d �. E d 2- ° 0 H m 'D ,,; m y 8°E m d o'v yQ a am n _m.•. •° 0 }•,0 m ..�.mA,O ."C i°. .1O. 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Om 4o ..a•3 .a.h mw«E% g8 co 000 oo 000• oo O O U to 666 stoque(s le p - 30 ass, Hun!nbm 505es a0gaping CI 01%g DS '1\S'39 3V9 - Zi O54 moi( - 4S 'MS ',/D %II9 ..S 3541 se? -1, :s.uopq se pay!ssela sae SIlOS pau!ete 05150/ 0115 3w!5 CJZ 'ON utgl 13115ws uopae'J) sauu }o 3Jeluama4 UO 8u!pu Naa Dun 0115 me18 111013 puns OUR 535519 30 veuwvad 03!0313)04 _Li IC I I }Iij VIII I t !�'� Mil I'd 1 � I liG"z 0 iii DI X11 1.9vi'1 Pi _ li„ I H t r 11 fillliiil rt i = i uonelgpuap play Japan amp se suo9>e1J 41 eu!.(J!luaps m 3%1n> m!s 01e18 asp • nificd Soil Classification 30' 's o; 3 e E ert a c c58.4 _. Z 8 z 43 ss Sx 4 - sauy Thus; 301 noun 0u 10 11110 1geu We) SI1.5 8 ue113 5 UO tope 5 a.5e11J ( o01110 3/1'p1!D SOUPS 0¢013 z 4" (. 30 1¢50000 035 'Igepaldde) saSg gt!15 epueS 1. _ 1' 0 ( 755 0.3355 f. •0 03101 IV alelinb' 5e pain 0q . ew 0515.0! { 041 'uoneag!SSVI iene!5 103) ? 1255351!54 0'4 - 07550.33!54.0•4 Ve911,31e15! 00551533 tie 41MIMIC 55 1•1agae1) 371503 Jo 3554 ue41 310N 351503 J03554 0543 0133;4 spw� spue5 - OS unless,' 0wg pub!! seep put 35115 ve41 231¢118 1!w! pmbg 56ep pus 51155 (3.(3 Pa:leu 05 31455!5 3p!pcd '50'5315 341 lnoge 1512rs '.self o0Z'o\ 043.) q"!' sols 00 •0S ue4! 128117 stn 0335 00Z '0\ 0543 s! [51113“1 Jo JJ54 0545 31010 J2JJvwr n 15!135552 Jo Ji54 Yell 310355 55305 p'u:¢1H-351¢03 35305 p0u!ela .uu `6 • a 44A • 4 n rl ALASKA TESTLAB 0 CONSULTATION 0 TESTING 0 EXPLORATION 0 CHEMICAL 0 MATERIALS 0 INSPECTION SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART 1 \OR yFs \ 1 a\, /./0 C vAY o, ql ao -21 a \ °o v/ \ 3 30%GRAVEL - 0/ -'_\� R.\) -X.\, tCU 610 2y \fir" \ $ C& '' \\ C.\ CO y/ \ BEY \ J� v\\fit O� \'i�4 \ �O 0/ QP �i v [ ( 0�\ SCf \\ C. �y0/0 a 0 O u / \ 'fa �.. \ A. Ad \ \ nnare'\ //\ x/ vl CLAYEY \ CLAYEY; ` \CLAYEY ;, O/ SILTY' / \ S I \ \ORA\\.` 1 SAND GRAVELLY SAND GRAVELLY \ SAND \\ \s\ °R sir LT r \ b\lORItVCL GRAVEL O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAVEL (4-#4SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02mm. GROUPS OF FROST -SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: FI • GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0.02mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. �` F3 n. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. CLAYS WITF.). PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4 a. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. e.. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12. VARVED CLAYS. ALASKA I LS ILAL7 0 CONSULTATION 0 TESTING U EXPLORATION 0 CHEMICAL v MATERIALS 0 INSPECTION Son Deserip uons The soil descriptions shown on the logs are the best estimate of the soil characteristics at the time of field examination. Such examinations do not achieve the precision of laboratory tests for the various properties. The relative type of soil and the frost classification are shown on the sheet, "Soil Classification Chart." _ Other criteria: Boulder - greater than 8" ;Cobble - approximately 3" to 8" Blow Count - blows/6" of 190-1b. weight falling 30"; 2" split spoon. (The standard penetration is blows/12".) Density estimated by the rate of drilling type of soil, blow count, and moisture range. PL - Plastic Limit, moisture content being approximated as above (+) or below (-) plastic limit (PL) or liquid limit (Lw) as appropriate. Lw - Liquid Limit, see PL Dilatency - is the ability of water to migrate to the surface upon vibration or jolting of a sample, an aid in determining whether a soil is predominately a clay or silt. Well graded --uniformity coefficient greater than 7 Poorly graded - uniformity coefficient less than 7 (Uniform particles, gap graded) Organic Content - estimated by volume, not particularly precise. Clayey Soils - a field method now being used as an aid to identifi- cation of these soils as a combination ball drop, and rolled thread test in which a 2" diameter ball of the Sand -Silt -Clay fraction is dropped 2' until a 1" thick pat develops. The diameter of a thread at crumbling - rolled from the resultant pat determines whether clay or silt predominates. Dry Strength - a small sample of the soil is formed into a cube and air dried, and crushed between the fingers. High dry strength indicates clays and low silts. Water Table - the apparent water table at the time of observation. Often the actual water table may be higher unless the hole is allowed to remain open or is converted to an. observation well. Capillary Fringe - change from -moist to very damp, or saturated soil, usually indicates that water table is close. Fibrous material of macroscopic and microscopic fragments of decayed vegetable matter; very compressible, unsuit- able for foundation or embankment. Color light brown to black. o - The upper layer, surface soil or topsoil, containing humus and/or organic debris, not foundations. ;.Peat satisfactory for INTER -OFFICE -MEMORANDUM GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH FROM: DEPARTMENT: m12( ___ INITIATED BY: .1_«F2_ TO: DEPARTMENT: _RECEIVER: ti -FOR INFORMATION ONLY _m FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. 4 OTHER //J/l?;L/t) REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE SUBJECT:77W/11✓.J_4.6",,e4f.:1'f.7,L DATE OF MEMO: _aC %(/7%l DATE ANSWER ___ REQUESTED: PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION ..:..zarSzaiE;-(72,--'. j /✓��Pc'�/,�Y .����llL���% ,_%" , �i/.+� ......cz, /,fir -._l '' 47.27.7 t"//;'7/pee/L. /7 iiia..i..%/«/+.:1v✓.A _�r L .�...._ r i crfrfr,g, z>L/!/ U ., P 40/ -- /G67. `gi eaell�Z____`-„`,�ecex /..m SIGNATURE Performed for Legal Description: This form reports: n GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA 130ROC) Department of Environmental Quoty 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Schachle - Scott Depth Feet Date Performed 9/27/74 Lot , Block , llaamna Acres Soils log Yea 1 - Overburden 2- 3- 4 - Silty Sand with some cobbles 5 - and boulders SM 250 6- 7- 8- 9- 10 - 11 12 - 13 - 14 - Percolation test Slope Bottom of Test Hole Some water on bottom of Test Hole Was ground water encountered? - Some If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation rate minute. •Urai i Field Proposed installation: Seepage Pit Yes — _ Depth of Inlet . Depth to bottom of pit or trench ` ` y COMMENTS: 2-50 sfluare_oot drainage area required per bedroom Some water at -11' ale21 74---- -VI `— Cerfi3y:0onsruction"fiest p:__-___. Performed ay:• _---- tied f EQ--040 (6174) /J JiLN .- S /Yi I/.l ) oRP - l l/ d 7.496/_9,77h 6 �Gl2& 217Z(,--) PERFORMED FOR: � iAG 2 ▪ '" a 2r-' �1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST �— e0v\axd UJ aLVne( LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ltit1 D 1Ijavwv a Aches DATE PERFORMED XI SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE 10— 12 G M WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? OL - P _ P I. %' IF YES, AT WHAT Q ) E DEPTH? UU 4P7a et -3,9 * +3 M-oeLl'1 ne�vs-3 a`O �. e8 ® pps01 a math O. Talbot j 4t.-. o No. 4069 _ E ,•° 4/y:: Fop•^..d,»..°acr 14‘A0EESSIOyPL COMMENTS Wester `ease( t,A)Qs �eldw an r ken)Ld, PERFORMED BY: C`ts^-(t SITE PLAN /6S L� k "1D so' V S sero 7f(- Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN vecMe4ced. a Co /111 (minutes/inch) 72-008 (6/79) CERTIFIED BY: IV/1/(,1.07 .!/[r/ DATE: 2 /r ir// GARY PLAYER VENTURES CONSULTING GEOLOGIST BOX 476-M, STAR ROUTE A • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 • PHONE 344-7071 Jack `:.' Garrison rofess fora_ Land Surveyor 7;,n T ire e- Anchorage, Alaska 00 Col i Lots 7A, 72, and Il __c,mlca. Acres P iun1c1Da1=t-: of Anchorage acE S-5114 - Three test holes on th_e subject lois all revealed shallow ground',';ater in -'-ermeable, well __'aded sand and gravel soils at de , S ranging from 10 to 11.5 feet below JC IOI_CL_d level. In reswonse to concerns expressed by the Department of Environmental Health, the I:uniciral Staff Analysis and Recommendations dated i'iay 2, 1979 suggested that groundwater levels be monitored for a period of four (4) months prior to final approval of the pro_ used -subdivision. T would like to suggest that existing groundwater levels are stable and that the subdivision can be approved without further monitoring The I°iu_ icipaa_topographlc mac (Scale 1"=7.00') of section 34 z T. 12 , R. shows that the _^,r0pCs2d sued--V'_S10n .'_12S on a ::est -facing slope. In addition, thevalleyT'al'c_ t -- Bio^, of Ranit Creek slopes abruptly to the _north-northwest at apoint 400 feet (more or less) north of the north line of the tror.osed subdi- vision. ubdi- vision. The groundwater elevations in the three test pits range from 447 to 453 feet above mean sea level, roughly parallel to the surface slopes. The 140 foot contour line "daylights" on both the west -facing slope and in Rabbit Creek valley. Readouts and Test ?its on nearby lots show that permeable soils (without drainage barriers) occur throughout the immediate vicinity of Tract 7. It is probable that shallow groundwater drains freely to the west and north from the proposed subdivision and resents no danger to properl; designed septic systems. --ry _ Flave Consulting Geologist 5725.0 May 21, 1979 Mr. Don Alspach Platting Officer Municipality of Anchorage City Hall Annex Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Illiamna Acres Subdivision - Lot 7 Dear Mr. Alspach: Attached are five copies of a letter from Mr. Gary Player, consul- ting geologist, in response to the condition placed on the approval of the plat of the subject subdivision as it pertains to monitoring for ground water. We feel that this letter should suffice to answer any questions regarding ground water on this subdivision, and therefore negates the need for monitoring for a period of four months as recommended by the Department of -Health. We are working at this time to resolve the other conditions of platting in order that this plat may be filed in a timely manner. Very truly yours, TRYCK, NYMAN 8 HAYES Jack W. Garrison, L.S. Chief of Survey lja n PERFORMED FOR: 7 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6.650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-2221 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ' 1v� l annul )it\ w �� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: �-G 1 ? DATE PERFORMED: jai-I—SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST 99 3A 27 21 SW SLOPE SITE PLAN 5tJW SWC\ COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF VES, AT WHAT DEPTH? WSJ • • 1 L O P E: Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT PERFORMED BY: nno CERTIFIED BY: l )�j. DATE: 3A.2/7 PERFORMED FOR MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-2221 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST Le.,Y,o.ua m wv\a. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: `—C7 1 B nc'vc 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DEPTH (FEET) O NJ 5\J SP 5W ML- SP L SP 16- 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS SOILS LOG 9 ❑ PERCOLATION TEST. DATE PERFORMED: 3/{ 21/ 1 Sa7v.d& l 5111v) ) a.o,,,,, %v)• -d citaiNA SwnJ) 5 t i4-) WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? L' O 0 Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN 5c0 'A.NADI S ? v cv(nn( PERFORMED BY: CERTIFIED BY: (minutes/inch) FT AND Wx FT PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DEPTH (FEET) 5 v 64) ML 6w COMMENTS 0 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-2221 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST R SOILS LOG ❑ PERCOLATION TEST z0-\nrzxak 061 - Com`( U)Cr-4 VAPJ(DATE PERFORMED: � 21—) 1 La+ 1 D .1-j1avv\tna :Ac eg 50(,, ) -tom „r 6v-rA-d & ) ) 5 Cn: Si 1.h l 6,eo1/4-UCA � ckean ( WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? t 0' Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT PERFORMED BY CERTIFIED BY: L7 DATE: 3/ 2 / 1 1 UNSUBDIVIDED UNBDBDIVIDED UNSUBDIVIDED