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NAME MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION iLOCATION Manufacturer MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Tolephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT PHONE I [~'~l EW NO, OF BEDROOMS Liq. capacity in gallo IF NOMEMADE: Width Liquid depth Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. lufacturer ~,._~.~/ Material Well DISTANCE TO: ,'~ (~_2 ~ No. of lines(~.) f) ~-~ Length of each lin~_~/. ~ Top of tile to finish grade .%' Width C,~r i b/alia rr~ r .L~. crib D I ST~O.' DISTANCE TO: Well Foundation r~.,~_ Nearestlotline ((.}~- PERMITNO, '-~ ~'~C~,%~ Total length of line Material beneath tile Trench Distance between lines Total effective abs~r,,~tion area Depth PERMIT NO. '~ib depth Depth Driller Building foundation OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING - INSTALLER R P'MAR KS Sewer line ~.. ~ ' o.~b~J~d4~etive-a bsm-p'~iog~a r e a Nearest lot line Distance to lot line Septic tank AI)sorption area(s) ~ /Oo DATE LEGAL I1.--~ E; L L F! I'W D, NO. ( 'Y~dE~Z8 ) FF:EDDIE MCMERNS ~;HELE:URNE ST LZD BLK I KNIK H'I"S HPPL iCRNT LOCFt'T ION I...EGHL 92L8 NELC:HI NFl LOT ~]IZE 4. C4E~E,;:4 :E;QUF~RE f:'EE]' OF' SOIL FtBSORE:T~ON S'~'S]'EM iS: ]'RENCH MHNIMUM NUMBER OF' E',BDI.4'.OOMS = Z '_-;OIL. RfflI'INEi (SQ F"I/E,'R)= i Hb F'.E~.;RJ1P. ED SIZE OF' 1'HE SO].L t~E,'SORF'1'ION SYSTEM t'HE LEN~I'H I}IMENSION if=; IHE LENL~I"H (lf',l FEET> OF 'THE I"REhlCH OR [:,Rf4INFIEL[:'. ]HE DEPTH OF ~ /REI",ICH OP.. F"~q ~2, THE D~5'1'HNCE BE'T'NEEN THE %URFRCE OF THE UP..'OI.JN[:.', ~ND 'THE BOTTUM OF ]HE E).,',CFI'v'FI'I'~ON (IN FEET). 1HERE Z$ NO SET H~I) I'H F('~F.'. TRENCHES. THE r~R. FIV~i. DEPTH I.S THE Ft~NZMUM [:'EF'TH OF' GRF¢,,,'EL BE'fNEEN [FIE OL.If'FI:;iL.L. F'ZF:'E HND THE b'OtTOM OF 'THE ~).,:CF:I',/R"f'~ON (~N FEET). PEh;:MI'I 8PPL1C:HNI HFI5 'l'Hb RE2;PONSIB1Li']"z' TO INFORM TFII.S I}EF'RR"f'MENf DURING 'II.JE INb'l NLLN'T ION INSF'EC F IONS UF' FIN'¢ WELLS R[:,J~CEN'T "f'O ]'HIS I:':'ROF'ERT'¢ ¢~N[:, 'file NUMBER OF RESIDENCES 'I"HRT THE NELL 14ILL 5ER'v'E. E:HC:KFiLL:INt~ OF HN'f S~r'S'I'EM I.,,II'IHOUI' F'INFIL INSPEC'I ION t:tND I~F'PROVRL E~"r' THIS DEh'FtRTMENI" kI~LL BE ':;UBJECT T(J PROSECLrI'~r~I'.,I. r,IJ. NIMUM [;,iS]'F~NL:E BE I'HEEf',I R NELL FIND PINY ON-SITE SENF~GE DISF'OSF:IL. S"r'SI'EM IS :~L4~Z~ FEET FOR Ft PRi',,,'FITE 1.4ELL.~ OR 2~:.',~ ro 20¢3 FEET FP. OM f4 PUBLIC NELL DEPENDZNE~ UPON 'tHE T'.PF'E OF' PUE,'LZC t.,.IEL.L.. WELL I_Of35 FIRE REm',:!UIF.:EL:, ~ND r,IUS'I BE RE'I'LIRNEU, 'f'O 'IHE DEPNI~T'MENT NII'HIN 3E~ [;,I::I'¢E; OF THE NELL COP1PLETZON. OTHER REQUIIREMENT'S MR'T' 8F'PL.'¢. SPEC'IFiCFIT'iON$ RND CONS"f RUCTiON DIFIEiF:FIM2; FIRE H'v'R IL, R[¢LE:' TU INSURE PROPER INS'T~LLFIT1ON. I DER I' IF'Y 1: I FIM F'HMILIHR 1.41-1H THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SI'IE SENERE; FiND klELL5 RS SE]' F'DR'TH BY iHE MUN~C~PHLI'I'¢ UF' RNCHORlaGE. ~: ~ FIZL.I.. ~NS'I'FILL 'IHE 5'¢S]'EM ~N FICCORDRNCE NZ'I'H THE CODES. ~:: I UNDERSTMND 'I'HR'[ 'IHE ON-SIIE SEWER S~'S]'Ef,1 MRS' REQUIRE ENLI.~RGEMENr IF THE t4ESIDENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THRN 2: BEDP. OOM'.5. V2i:. 2 July 7, 1978 Mr. Fred McMeans 918 Nelchina Anchorage, AK 99501 Subject: Soils investigation for sanitary sewer system; Lot 19, Block l, Knik lIeights Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. Dear Mr. McMeans: At your request of July 5, 1978, I conducted a soils investigation at the proposed location of a sanitary sewer system on the subject lot. This investigation, which was accomplished on July 6, 1978, consisted of the inspection of soils removed during drilling of the test hole. The drilling was performed by a trailer mounted Mobile B-34 drill rig using 4 inch diameter solid flight augers to a total depth of 18 feet. The topography of the area where the soils test was conducted, consists of a low swale rising to higher ground to the north and south. The swale also exhibits a mild downs].ope from the approximate center of the lot 'to both the east and west. Vegetation consists of very large spruce and birch, with a low ground cover of mosses and grasses. The soils encountered are shown graphically on the accompanying test hole boring log. The soils consisted of a layer of Organics with some silt, trace sand and occasional cobbles of an approximate thickness of 1 foot overlying a Silty Gravel with some sand and occasional cobbles (GM type soil) to a total depth of 18 feet. No water table was encountered. After completion of the drilling the test hole was filled with water and a percolation test performed. The results are tabulated on an accompanying sheet. An accompanying sheet shows the subject lot with the approximate location of the proposed home and the test hole in relation to the property lines. I appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this soils investigation. Very truly yours, Consulti~Geologist Box 191, Star Route A Anchorage, AK 99502 (907)344-9150 Attachments: Drawing of test hole boring log with location sketch. Tabulation of percolation test results. xc: Department of Health and Environmental Protection. July 7, 1978 Fred McMeans Property Lot 19, Block 1, Knik Heights Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. The percoation test was performed on July 6, 1978, by filling a 4 inch diameter, 18 feet deep drilled test hole (T.H. No. 1) with water, and measuring the water level periodically for one hour. TABULATION OF PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS TIME INCHES ET (min) DROP 1910 8.0" start start start 1920 16.5" 10 8.5" 1.2 1930 21.0" 10 4.5" 2.2 1940 24.0" 10 3.0" 3.3 1950 27.0" 10 3.0" 3.3 2000 29.5" 10 2.5" 4.0 2010 32.0" 10 2.5" 4.0 RATE(min per inch) Avergae percolation rate for entire hour = 2.5 minutes per inch Average percolation rate for last one half hour = 3.75 minutes per inch Michael B. Bergmann Consulting Geologist Anchorage, Alaska Approximate Proposed home -- T.H. No. 1 10' Utility Easement N 0°02'30" W 116.77' Fred McMeans Property Lot 19, Block 1, ~ik Heights Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. NOT TO SCALE Distances are approximate and have not been measured by surveying methods as to location of test hole and proposed home location. Michael B. Bergmann Consulting Geologist Anchorage, Alaska T.H. No. 1 7-6-78 0.0' Organics: w/some silt, trc ---~sand, occ cobbles, moist, ~ loose, brown. Silty Gravel: w/some sand, occ cobbles, med dense, dry to sl moist near bottom of hole, gray. (GM) NO WATER TABLE ENCOUNTERED 18.0'TD Test Hole Boring Log represents soils encountered on Lot 19, Block 1, Knik Heights Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. Fred McMeans Property ANCHORAGE. ALASKA -9950~ c~O~N~A~.ITY OF ANCHORAGE PHONE '27~:9S4~- -~o -/,/-//~U. OF i:2A/.i:~ & ENVIRONMENTAL F;:,. ~'ECTION ~ DRILLING LOS MAR 1 5 'i9~9 Well Owner.. ._ ~ _~_~/~ - ~ ....... hl-se-,of Well 1,ocation (address o[: Towns}dp, Range, Section, if known; or distance mah, ;'oad )~(' Size of casing ._& Depth of Nole '-~"' .feet Cascdto Screen ( ); Perforated ( ). Describe screen or perforation ~,~0 / \Veil pun]ping test at_~._gallons per (hour) of drawdown from static level. open end ( z-~ ); ft. WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALI~ OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH& ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONDEPT, ©;' ~:':ALTH & 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 l NVIRC)NM, ENT/\L , )i _CTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION MAR1 ~: ~9'79 Telephone 264-4720 - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEW~J~ LI¥1~) DIRECTIONS: Cocnplete all darts on page 1, Incomplete requests will not ba processed, Please allow ten (10) days for processing. 1, PROPERTY OWNERI '~/¢'d~ '-~ ~'' .PHONE.. ~ . __ ~iAI LING ADDRESS PROPERTY RESIDENT Ill different from above) PHONE 2, BUYER PHONE MAILING ADDRESS 3, LENDING INSTITUTION MAILING ADDRESS 4, REALTOR/AGENT PHONE JPHONE ~DRESS 5, LEGAl. DESCRIPTION STREET LOCATION 6, TYPE OF RESIDENCE ~ SINGLE FAMILY [] MULTIPLE FAMILY NUMBER OF BEDROOMS ~ One --I Four [] Two ~ Five J~ Three [] Six Other 7. WATER SUPPLY INDIVIDUAL~ [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~ INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** PUBLIC UTILITY * ATTACH WI:LL LOG. A well (og is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. Fo,' wells drilled prior to that date, g~ve well depth (attach log if available.) ~,'-~--~' "~ If individual/on-site, give installation date If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test ~s required by this Department, NOTE: THE INSPECTIDN FEE MUST ACCON1PANY EACH RI.-'QUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED, 72-010(3/78} - THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE I NSPECTO R INSPECTOR I NSP ECTOR DIRECTIONS: I. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS ~ SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE -~ THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2, WATER SUPPLY-- L~-~-- -~u ~ INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRIbLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER ~ INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified INSTALLER 'E~]Septic Tank or F-] Holding Tank '~"~.~¥ r_~- Size: I~"z&'~. If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4. DISTANCES Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line I Nearest Lot Line I WELL TO: Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line ': PPROVED OR ,aEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED ,~ DATE 8Y (Title) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 72-010 (Rev. 3/78) G[OLOGI I L. LABORATOI F.8 OF AL.A I , ' P.O. BOX 4-1276 4649 BUSINESS PARK BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99589 Drinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria TO BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER state Mo. Day Year Zip Code SAMPLE TYPE: [3 Routine [] Check Sample (for routine sample with lab ref. no. t[~ Special Purpose SAMPLE NO. LOCATION [] Treated Water E] Untreated Water Time Collected Collected By TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY LABORATORY: NAME ADDRESS CITY Time Received / ~/ Analytical Method: [] Fermentation Tube ,?¢(f~e~n brahe Filter Lab Ref, No. Result* Ap, a!yst ~ J I-F1 J READ iNSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE Form No. 18-310 (3-78) 06-1220 (b) Rev. 1978 BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Date Collected Source __ Date Received Time Received p.m. L.ab, NO.- Presumptive 10mi lOml lOml lOml lOml 1.Omi O.lml 24 Hours 48 Hours Confirmatory 24- Hours 48 Hour5 EMB Broth 24 hours: Multiple Tube Report: Membrane Filter: Direct Count Broth 48 hours= lOml Tubes Positive/Total 1omi Portions