HomeMy WebLinkAboutMANN BLK 4 LT 4Ago Oql September 22, 1977 ~76695 'l'ony J~u~es 1200 West D.{mond Boulevara ~chorag~, Alaska 99502 Subj ac.k: l~ermit I~'.xpiration pan:tit issued by this department for well au~3{/or on-site installation on Lot 4A Blook 4 ~ann Subdivision In the event yo~ still plan to install ~:he well and/or on~ site se.~er syst<~'~, a new permit is requir~-.~d_. 9ghe original soil test. may k~ user! to obtain a current pc.:~%i~:o If the well has be~.~n drilled, a well log ~ho%lld be sent to this depart~nt to doou~.ent the installation da%;o. If you have any ~e~stions regardin~ the above matt~r~ please ¢to not hesitate- to contact this office i~mediat~ly at 264~ 4720. Robert C, Pratt~ Sanitarian !::!i'.,ii::, I'lli:i: I!i:O'i'!Ot'"i O[~ fF.!Ii[ii []?,[::l:::l',,,'l:::l'i ;~ll'..~.\ ....~ i:;i:J[i:i::ii:: ][f..i [[F,!l;[i Oi': ?If,IT , .:, I ,: FI I,.I CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 13OX 476-N1, STAR ROUT~ A · ANCHORAGe, ALASKA 99507 · PHON~ 344-707! SOILS LOG This form reports the results of visual classi£ication o£ soils exposed in a backhoe-excavated test pit. fl8 20 Depth-bo bedrock ~ ~0' How determined? Respectfully Submitted Gary F. Player Consulting Geologist August 3, 1977 976552 ~knthony James 1200 West Dil~on~ B(lulevard Anchorago, Alaska 99502 Subject; Perl;~it Expiration boar Mr. J~3aes: A permit tss~lo(1 by this departmen~ for we, ll and/or on-site sewer installation on Lot 4A Bloc~." 4 Mann Subdivision has expired sinee the issue dato excoods one (1) year. In the event you still plan to install tho well and/or on- site sewer system, a new permit is require¢.~.. ~fha original soil test may bo use<l to obtain a ourront per, it. If tho well has been drilled, a well lo,-:,~ should be sent to this department to document the installation If YOu have any que. stions regar(tin~f the above~ matter, Please do not hesitate to contact this office immediately at 279- 2511~ extension 224 or 22..5. s~ncerety, Los iZ.~., Buchholz~ R.S. Sanitarian ..,/ FII:::'PL.. ][ J .I. II",Ji'::l J.'"l.f::l i!!l.::j, i"lJ:::li',il",l I"l ;I; t",1 ;i; I',11..11',I [);i; :Ei;'j'f::ll'.,li;;;:l!ii; l:!i:l.i 'l"l.,.IEl!ii:l',i I:::1 ;~j,J;:ii~!il I:::'IilT;T I::'CIi:~: I:::1 F::'I:;i:Zl; ,,,i:::lTl!i; I.,.IEI,.I,.. (';Il:;;: ;;-!:!::i~i:.i FEET ); I".~,~:~; ' I"l:: It....I ..l:::l"l ' ]~ 0 N. ,, , ii:::::" lI: ~:(: Ii::;;t] Ir'"i! ;1[ "i! ,,,,,,' IF:::II Ir.,.. ::1[ IIX::, F:::" :[ '::::l:~::l:;~:"l' ]: F' ', 'T'HI:::IT X~ ;;t.: ;i; Ffi'"I i:::'FII"I];I..];Flf~: I.,I];TH THE ;:~:: ]; I.,.t];I..!.. ]]l',l:~iF'fl:::ll...I... -~'I'"IE S'~:g 'El'q~[i",l FII~I.:: ~'~IC;E J:;J J;;:' I:::'1., ]; (';: I;:l N'I" ~/1::'1 I",1 ?~Cff' ..]'