HomeMy WebLinkAboutMANN #2 Soils Information ,! R&M Civil Engineers ENGli'""E!RING & GEOLOGICA' CONSULTANTS 229 EAST 5~st. AVE. - P.O. BOX 608'1 - ANCIIORAGt:, ALASKA 99503 '[ELEf'HONE 907-279-0483 TELEX 090-35419 Geologists Land Surveyors · ,~ALCOLM A. MENZIE$, P.E,, L.S. '~f ~AMES H. WELLMAN, P.E, Augus~ 17, 1972 ]V[r. Arthur l~lann Loretta Street Anchorage, Alaska RE: Subsurface So{1 Investlgat{on (For Sanitary System) Proposed Subdivision at 163rd Avenue and Golden View Drive RALPH Fl. MIGLIACCIO Dear Mr. Manta We are subm{.tt{ng herewith our test boring results and comments re- gardlng so-il conditions encountered at ~he subject site. This investi- gation Was performed {n accordance with your verbal request. The procedures utilize J, in this investigation were directed to identifying soil characterJstic 3 in accordance with those requirements out:lined in a letter da~ed September 13, 1971 [Tom Mr. Roll Strickland of the Greater Anchor~i~ Area Borough, Department o.~ Environmental Quali . A total of four (4) -~e'st holes were put down withL~ the platted area for the purpose of defining general subsurface so~J. conditions. The boring locations are shown on Drawing A-01 and their locations~are approximate only. The boring locations were selected for the purpose of defining major soil unil~s. Drilling was performed with a erack-mounted "~gobil B-50" hydraulic drilling unit employing 6 inch diameter solid-stem augers. Samples were recovered from representative strata and retained for labora- tory testing. Final logs for the 'test borings have been prepared and are ~cluded on Drawing A-02. Grain size analysis curves for selected samples have also been plotted and are shown on ]Drawing A-03. The general-topography and geology indicates that the g-round s~trface slopes to the northwest and borders swamp deposits described by Aqlller and Dobrovolny in Geological S,~trvey Bulletin 1093. The south- eastern port:ion o~ the property lies within the lateral moraine area also desceibed {n ~be above-mentioned bulletin. Large surface exposed botflders were prevalent in the area, ANCIIOI~AGE FAIHI]ANK$ JUNEAU August 17, 1972 Mr. Arthur Mann ]Page 2 Test Holes Number 1 and 2 located at the common boundaries of Lots 7 and 8 and 5 and 6, respectively, showed peat extending to a depth of about 3 feet underlain by medium dense granular deposits. It was not poss/ble to detez~nine a depth t:o a hydrostatic water table as the per-~h-~ ~vater table in the peat s~ratum caused floodzng of the holes. Test Hole Number 4 was found to have about 1.5 fees of peat and a similar perched water table conditions. Test Hole Number 3 showed about 5 feet off peat and ',vas located at a low point on the boundary be- tween lots 3 and 4. Underlying the organic material in all test holes was a thin layer (up to 2 feet tkick) of silty sand which extended to depths ranging frcom 3.5 to 6.5 feet below ground surface. At these depths a !ight brown go gray silty or gravelly sand (SA{) was encountered and continued to the bottom of aD borings except T.H. 1 where a sandy silt (ML) was found below a depth of ten feet. The borings were term{hated at depths of £~rom 15 to 17.5 feet below ground surface. We appreciate being g; ~en this opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have arq/~uestions with regard to the above information, please do not hesitz e to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS Jamer W. Rooney / Soil Engineer JWR:wb R&M ENGINEI~RING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULIANTS p- W 0~ 162nd AVENUE LOT NUMBERS "~ T,H-$ I Cll,~ I ~l I LOT NUMBERS 163 rd AVENUE 8 ILl ~'~ .J 0 Note: Locations of test holes are approx.j (]nd hove not been surveyed, Proposed Subdivision Development Authur Mann Properi'y LOCATION OF BORINGS Anchordge Alask(~ T.H.-I T.H.- 2 8-15.~72 B-[5-72 0,0' ORGANIC MATERIAL ( PEAT) WD $,0' AB SILT W/SOME SAND~ Light Brown 4.0' 'SANDY~GRAVgi.~ /S ~ /!~' Dense ~ 10.O' SANDT SILT TRACE GRAVF. L ML T.D O.O' ORGANIC MATERIAL (PEAT) SILTY SAND, Light Brown SOME SILT ~SM 17.5' ~D~AB T.H.- .~ 8-15-72 ORGANIC MAT ERI/,L t PEAT) AB ¸SM SIL'FY SAND W/SOME PEBf'3LES , Light Brow'~ SILTY SAND T.H.-4 8-15-72 SM ORGANIC MATERIAL (PEAT) ,SAND W/SOME PEBBLES TO SO.M~ SILT 0.0' ¢.~ [Engineering f~ Geological Consulta¢¢~ J-%CAL.EJ" '- 5' [ Ti;: 8'-IG-72 DWIJ mY GAW Proposed Subdivision Development Authur Mann Property I_OGo OF' TEST BORINGS Anchorage Alaska SOI Lz; CLA$SIF[CATION~ CONSISTENCY AND SYMBOLS CI.At;';II'IC..\TION: Identification and classification of the soil is accomplished in acctrd,mcu ~..'it]~ the Unified So{1 Classification System. Normally, the gra~ size di~,[ributi~,:~ dutermines class~ication of the soil. '~e soft is defied accord~g to major and minor constituents with the m~or elements serv~g as mod{fiefs o~ the ma}or element~;. For cohesive soils, the clay becomes ~he princ~alnoun wi~h the o~her major so{1 constituents used as modifier; i.e. sH~ clay, when the clay particles are such tha~ the clay dom~a~es soil properties. M~or soil constituents may be ,tdded to t}w cla~s[ficationbreakdown ~ accordance with the particle size proportion listed below; i.e. sandy silt w/some gravel, trace clay. no c~l - 0 - 3% trace - 3 -- 12% some - 13 - 30~ SOIL CONSISTENCY- CRITERIA: Soil consistency as defined below and determined hy normal field and laboratory methods applies only to non-frozen mater{al. For these materkals, the influence of such factors as soil structure, i.e. fissure systems, shrh~kaEe cracks, sl{ckens{des, etc., must be taken intocons{deration in making any correlat{onw{th the consistency values listed below. In permafrost zones, the consistency and strength of frozen soils may vary significantly and une>~lamablywith ice content, thermal regime and soil type. Cohesionless Cohesive N*.Olows,'ft~ qelative D~.nsity Loose 0- 10 ,Medium Dense 10- 30 Dense 30- 60 Very Dense - 60 *Standard Penetration "iq": 0 to 40% 40 to 70% 70 to 90% 90 to 100% Blows per foot of a 1.10-pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch OD split-spoon except where noted. T- (tsf) Very Soft Soft Stiff Firm Very Firm Hard 0 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.5 0.5 -I.0 1.0 -2.0 2.0 -4.0 -4.0 DRILLING S~f MB OLS WO: Wash Out WD: WL: Water Level BCR: WCI: Wet Cave In ACR: DCI: Dry Cave In AB: WS: WhLle Sampling 'TD: While DriLling Before Casing Removal After Casing Removal After Boring Total Depth Note: Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured {n the boring at the times indicated. In pervious unfrozen so/Is, the indicated elevations are considered to represent actual ground water co~[ditJons. In hnpervious and frozen soils, accurate determ{nations of ground water elew~tions cannot be obtained within a l{mited period of observation and other evidence on ground water elevations and conditions are required.. GENERAL FIOTES Ot. i3 ]/,t-~oa ,',~o GENI-_R,,Ll [r~o NO. q .01 STANDARD SYMBOLS , [~_'.~.~ ORGANIC N?~TERIAL ~ COBBLES G BOULDERS CONGLOMERATE MUDSTONE IIMESTONE IGNEOUS ROCK METAMORPHIC ROCK ICE, MASSIVE ICE -SILT ORGANIC SILT SANDY SILT SILT GRADING TO SANDY SILT SANDY GRAVEL, SCATTERED COBBLES (ROCK FRAGMENTS) INTERLAYERED SAND Il SANDY GRAVEL SILTY CLAY w/TR. SAND Si ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON Ss ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON SI ..... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON Sh ..... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON Sx ..... 2.0" SPLIT SPOON Sz ..... L4" SPLIT SPOON Ap ..... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON, Hs ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON HI ..... 2,5" SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER TYPE SYMBOLS WITH 47-//' HAMMER WITH 140 ¢/-~ HAMMER WITH 140-f~ HAMMER WITH 340¢¢ HAMMER WITH 140-/~ HAN',MER WITH 340/~ H,:~MMER PUSHED DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER NOTE: Ts .... SHELBY TUBE Tm .... MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Pb, ,-, , PITCHER BARREL Cs .... CORE BARREL WITH SINGLE TUBE Cd .... CORE BARREL ~VITH DOUBLE TUBE Bs .... BULK SA~,~PLE A ..... AUGER SAMPLE G ..... GRAB SAMPLE SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER NOTED ABOVE THE BORING LOG OR ADJACENT TO IT AT THE RESPECTIVE' SAMPLE DEPTH. TYPICAL BORING LOG BORING NU,4.ABE, e-.,~..E. H. 30-15 Elev. ~74.6 .,...-- ELEVA?/ON IN FEET' DAZE DH/LLEO-~,iO_21_70 All Scruples Ss ;~'~ ORGANIC MATERI~L O' . ~ ~ ...... ICE+NIL SJMPLER TFPE~ ~~mate 65% Wsible Ice SANDY SILl' ~/.APPt~OXIM47'E ST,~AT4 CHANGE LiHle to NoVJsible Ice 13'-50' Vx ~--IC~, DESCRIPTION ~ CL~SSIFICARON 72, 5TI °/o, 85.Bpcf, 28~ GP (CO~PS OF ENG/H~S METHOD/ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~UA/IF/ED O~ F~A CLaSSIFICaTION ~ ~ · -- ~nY DENSITY ~--~TEn C~TENT BLO;FS/~QOT SANDY GRAVEL SCHIST ~-~ GEN~}ZALIZED BOIL O~ ROCi¢ ~ S4MPLE &O~4T/O,V ~0' '~ DH/LA DEPTH '>~ V/O, - WHILE U/F/L!.I/VG~ A £?-IFTE,~ BOF?IVG Englnee, r{ng /.& Geological Consultmmts EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS 'I F f ',I:: 2.-IG-'72 Jsc;t ¢' NONE PWN E~' L_I)S c}~,[; aY OL'B ,p!<~J No. GENERAL ii~,vm NO. B-02 August 23, 1972 Dickinson-Oswald & Partners ~00 Cordova Street Anchorage, Ala,~ka 99501 Attention; fqrs. Jo Frankfourth Subject: i~ann Subdivision, Addi~io~l #2 Dear Hrs. Frankfourth: Tnt:. Greater Anchorage Area tJorou.gil, ~,}epart;men~ o'F Environt~i{~ntal qua~i~y is 'iii receipt of '~he platt o'F ti~e subjccg subdivision. After reviuu of our l"ilc.:~, ue find soils information ~-¢ill be necessary along ,,.~-iCil the location of all individual sm.~er and ~,~a~e.r sys~;ems on eaci, lot 'in this propos~:d :;ubdivision. Si~ould you nave any questions regarding 'ghis mac,er, please con'Cac& the undersigned. Sincerely, Roll Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian cc: Alan Scheel~, Planning Department Au(just Sui)jecL: rlai~n SLIL'div'isian~ AddiLion #2. Sinc~'r,'~ly :, .)c rvi cus Environm(.~)~al ~' ~ Suj)ervisor bo 229 [~AS'F 51st. AXLE. P.O. b 3,, 0U87 ANCI-tOIbrXGR, ALASKA 99503 'I'ELEPHONE 907-279--0:~83 TELEX 090--35419 C/vi! E;L,7inears Geologists La¢;d Surveyors JAbI~S W. ROO~qEY, ?. ~:. HALPH ~. MIGLIACCIO M,',I_COLh'~ A. b~ENZIES, P.E., L,S, Engi~eerino Geologist .J/NM, ES H. W;~LLM,,NN, P.E. Sept:er~ber 9, ].972 }Z & N[ No, 25'i2i lV[r. ~/[aurice Oswald Dictdnson Oswald & Partners P, O, Box 326 Anchorage, Alaska Stfbsurface Soil Inveshi~aP. ion (For Sa~ary System) Proposed Sub- division ah ~63rd Avenue and Golden View Drive, Addendum Le'h~er Dear Nit. Oswald: In response 'ho your request, we are submi'h~ing our in~erpre'ha-hion o~ sur- f:ace area (square foot/bedroom) requirements ~or placemen'b of seepage pits in ~he soils encountered a~ subjec~ site. The ~ollowing tabula'~ion o~ values is based on hhe assumed influence of -the high percentage of gravel contalned in-khe respective soils. Test Hole DejThh Soil Type_ ~_q_: Feet/Bedrm 4-10 Silly Sandy Gz~avel (GM-SM) 200 10-17.5 Sandy Silt (S]\~-ML) 250 3. S-!7.5 Gravel Sand (GM-SM) 200 6.5-15 Silty Sand w/gravel (G~I-ST~%) 200 3.5-!5 Grave]. Sand (GM-SN[) 200 The Unified Soil Classi£~cation symbols nohed on the b'oring logs in our re- por-h Drawing A--02 represent a strict interpretation of: 'the so:il classifi- cation un{ts lis'~ed on the c'harb provided by -the Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Depar[menh of: Enviromnent¢.tl Quality. Because of: the border- line gradation of the ma'herial, we feel the above 1UM:ed values provide ~ moz'e :t'ealis~ic :irepresentaUton of in sJbtt conditions. We resrei: a23y :inconvenience we may have caused and hope [:he above Se}}~:ernber 9, 1972 }x/_rr. 0 swal. d Pa%~e 2 r~a'b.'[o~! w~!~=~..v,.'~r o %0 d. ari:F_y your questions re~a:c'din~ so:U. classJ~cahion and seepa~'e pN: ShouJ. d other ques'k:[ons arise, please lei: us Very i;ruly yours, R & IV[ ENG!NEEt{NG & GEOLOGICAL CONSUI.,'PANTS ~ James ~. Rooney JWR:wb xe: Mr. Arkh~ 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Civil lTngfi~sers ll,l(:,, &GEOI. OGIC/ CONoUL AN]S · 229 E .... s~st. AVe.---P.O. BOX 6087 - ANCHOFb, , ALASI(A 99503 TEL. EPHONE 907-279-0183 '1ELEX 090--35419 Geologists Land Surveyors JAMES W. FIOONFY, P. E. MALCOLh'~ A. MENZIES, P.E., L.S, JAMES II, W~LLMAN, P,E. RALPtl ,q. MIGLIACCIO Englne~rin9 G oologh,[ October 18, ].972 R & M No. 25121 Mr, AiaurJce Oswald, Partner Anchorage, Alaska Re: Proposed Subdivision Development, Arthur ~ann Property, Perched Water Conditions Dear Mr, Oswald:. At Mr. Mann's request we have reviewed site cond{tions and at'kemp-ted to evaluate perched ground water levels ~ollowing completion o~ the drainage ditch excavations. A gener~ map showing the approximate locakion and drainage paths flor the various ditches is attached. .Hand probes were made at selected locations on October 2, 1972 immediately a.f. ter comp].ebion of. ~he ditcking operations to veri£2z 'the level o~ perched water, A cond inspection was made on October 17, 1972 to £ur~her review 'the present state o~ site drainage. In general, it appears ~hat the excavated ditch sections will allow sufficien8 drain- age and eventual c].iminaSion of. the perched water table found in the peat overburden ~hroughou~ much o~ the siSe. Due to recen~ wet and rainy conditions, it was not possible 8o ascertain whether a significant change in the water level had occurred over this short period, however, it is our £eeling that 'the provisions taken to hance drainage wJ]2 be e~fective. Because of the variation in relief., we expect · that t'he hlgher ].o~s will drain ah a more rapid rate, Drainage of the lower sec~lons should be anticipated to occttr at a somewha~ slower ra~e. It is hoped the above in~orraa~ion'serves to iden~i£-y the state of presen~ perched ground ~va'ter and drainage conditions. Sho¢tld you have any quest{mm please let me know. Very tr~tly yours, James W. Rooney JWR:~,b ,"cc: A~cthLlr ~ann ' ANCHORAGE~ 'FAIRBANKS JUNEAU LOT MUMMERS T.H =5 Continues 200' Past, LOT NUMBERS 8 T, It.-2 Note: Locations of tesl holes r~re epprox..and have not been survayed. ~ ~ngineoring ~ Geological 0..-16-Y2 Proposed Subdivision Au )hur Man n LOCAT1 ON OF A ~choraga Development Proparfy BORINGS Alask¢~ [ PROa, NO. 25121 ew.a ~,;.:). ,', I0 "18-7~ A d .:J '¢' d r,)r..l~'n,,,, -,.,.¢u D i ,t.,c h es R&M ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAl. CONSULTANTS 22g EAST 51st. AVE. - P.O. BOX 608? - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA g9503 TELEPHONE 907--279-0483 TELEX 090-35419 Civil Engineers Geologists Land Surveyors JAMES W, ROONEY, P, E. MALCOLM A, MENZIES, P,E,, L.S,~ JAMES H. WELLMAN, P,E. Septeraber 5, 1973 R &MNo. 25121 RALPH R, MIGLIACClO Engineering Geologist. Mr. Arthur Mann Loretta Street Anchorage, Al< Re: Subdivision Development, Arthur Mann Property, Perched Groundwater C onditions Dea:¢ A'Lr. Mann: At your request we have reviewed the perched groundwater level corditi~s since the eleven months have elapsed following completion o~] site drainage ditch excavations and initial probing on October 2, 1972. Hand probes were performed on August 30, 1973 at approxirmtely the same locations o~ the original probes to ascertain the present level o~ the perched water. Typically, only a very small amount o{z perched water was found to be present and in sonde instances water was absent. In Eeneral, it appears that the excavated ditch sections have allowed drainaEe o~ the perched water table ~ound in the peat overburden throuEhout much o~ the site° Due to recent wet and rainy conditions, it was not possible to determine the max{raum extent o~ drainaEe that has occurred in the peat since a certain amount o~ water is retained in the peat. It ~s our bel{e~ that the present remainin~ apparent perched water is due to the inherent spenEe-l~ke nature oJ~ the overlyin~ orEan~c mat and the peat to absorb-: and retain incident rainfall. Based on conditions observed at the site, results oJ~ a recent test pit excavation and the low soil moisture contents noted in our original report, it ~s our J~eelin~ that, in general, the perched or surJ]ace groundwater condition has been adequately alleviated. Surt:ace runof-~ from above the s~te i~ presently ~ntercepted by the dit~ch system and the collected water is directed to a small stream at the lower end oJ] the site. It is hoped that the above additional in~ormat-lon serves to clarify any remaiuing questions on perched groundwater and drainage conditions at the site° Should you have any f-o_vther questions please let me know. Very truly yours, " R & ]VI ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS Pa.~neA:~CHORAGE ' FAIRBANKS JUNEAU