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..... 27~ 1979 Claude J. Nicklas Box 466 Chuqiak ~ Alaska 99567 SubjecL: Lot 8 ~lock 5 Mc Kinle;y Dieic~hts Subdivision Dear Nr~ Nick.las ~ In reZerence to our Conversation on A~l~TusC 27~ 1979~ concerning connecting the one(l) bedroom gl~est house locatzed, on the,~,n~}j~e~ property' %0 the exis'hJ.ng hol..erhl.~' ~' '- { 'hank. This departmen'h has nO objections to the con'nec'hi, on of boCh structures 'to the 2~.000 gallon holding tank,~ An inspectJ,.on by t'~is department would, be required,~ i[owever~ the small house can only be utill, zed as a g'aesL hot!se nnd not a ilenta! m~it~ !f you decide to rent, the ©no{l) bedroom house~, thc~ existing well classifica'hi.on will change from a pzq. vat. o well %o a public well serving mere Chan a single ?'amily dwelling~ The minim~i al. is-Ir, anco separation be'tween a public well and any source of contaP{~ination is 150 feet ~ls opposed, te lo0 feet for a private wel. 1. _ i. cn.~.~lc.~, quostio:~is~ p].e-~%se cent. ac't:, th:is di,...e are any ~z ..... ~..~ . office at '~,~' ~ Sincerely r ,TRI 1 j w