HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOUNTAIN MANOR General InformationOA) t0/11/ -)5- L CC; U/11/-)5-LCC sivL ! ✓(A 1A) ) -I- 4 0✓ �� rz �1 1 I_ C G\ ✓v I a ( I �i R. s L c_ k:. (1 A ik) r . oO.c (l✓ F. T•'L1.� til C F i I -I A ft) C> r' f " L U V'Ac V t,/,4fi. 11*' Ir✓ p =; i tnUJ`� Ni 1:. l_ i_ ;> (LIZ N/i vt , ;k i i:. 110 C? f C.) (Z. t7 C. oc_K. 5I, -E0-) t7 /\j FRoPv SV l30\'� ior�J Ir 1 ) L i'!L) t'AIi.t~ A kA.2 L1 R 0\J i S T T. '5- 'f l- C.' lS IT1-10u t o (= vvc CZ -"T 4AIJ R rZi,S s (t 4 A c Lia, t404.0T J.,, %fir'\_,/i 1 oU c ,N F 1 nib t`. L7 7) i. p, 1A /LC j W! o w vk.) 0 / 1 1— C +. _ 1.2 b?U I. 0 / 2 3 / '7 'S 1 `1 (-I C 01- oV J (-I c Vvl<<dv i 1!cS C" Jd ,s IZ ' / t t ° "v w L l L S 1 WI 1 Ai (a T L4.3L, -t t-1 e v V L_ # k N/ 0 3L cow ;3 C` 0 0 C.,K., 3, l 4tiC i vt--1 Io E'-\ 0' (-3 Rc CK.) A7', t/ L. (?RIL L (-O(.' J\ (L y4.3 I F-1� (•-i C 0 JOI-1 IU L_ ID/3j/ _5 nn—cg, LOG OF DRILlr~,~G by ACt L DRILLI~(C~,COMPANY ADDRESS ...i .............................................................................................. WELL SITE ~.:~.:~..?.~,..~.~."-. D A TE--s T AR 'TED .../..~..-..../..~..~ ~.,.....L..~....~_.~ ............................. DEPTH OF WELL ......~.~...~....~...'~.. ............................................ STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT.....~...O. ...................... DRAW DOW" FT...L.~....O.. ............................................... KIND OF CASIN~ &..~ ............................................... KIND OF FORMATION: FROM.......~... .............. FT. TO..../..~ ........ '.,...rT~........~..~...'~l/2U~' ~o~. ....................... ~. ~o~.I.~ ................ ~. ~ ~ ~ / ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FROM .............................................................................. . ~ ~ . ~o...Z..~..~ .......... ~. ~o L~..A ~...~~.~ ~ ~o~ ........................ ~. ....... ........................ FRO~ ................... ~. FRO~ ........... ~ ......... FT. TO ........................ ~-'r. ........................... - ....................... TO ........................ FT ............................... 'TO ........................ FT ............................... · To .................... i_FT .............................. TO ........................ FT ............................... ,, TO ........................ FT ............................... TO ........................ FT ............................... TO ........................ FT ............................... MISCL. INFORMATIONs '- L , TO !UNWIN & SCHEBEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 103 E. Z6TH AVE., ANCHORAGE[ 272-8911 NElL WRIGHT BUILDING, PAL~4ER 745-4417 GENTLEMEN: DATE ~ I JOB NO. WE ARE SENDING YOU~'"A-ffached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [~'Prints [] Plans __~] Samples .. [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order ~ ~,-~ OJ/~'-' ~'}~' __'.'~-'- COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted  or your use [] Approved as noted REMARKS [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Returned for corrections [] 19 [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return. copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO ~'-' DATE .... J_r.?- bT-_~_-..~._ .... STATION DRILL TIME ~ ..... Ffl.._GR. COVER _ C.~S~NG __~ SiZE ........ 'rEcH YES NO DRILL USED ~' ::',-'<],:Z_ DRILLER H~,OST ._t ~ PIEZOt,~ET£R YES NO DRILL USED ~_x_.-_z_~¢: .'~03 I:AST SIXTH AVENUE ANCHOHAGr_, ALJ",SKA J~g~oJ AD DRILL TIME ST__ FN. 24hr. CASING SIZE_ TECH . HOLE NO ...... FROST .................. PIEZOMETER WATER LEVEL WD__ D,4TE_.._L.~_:__~_-'_~..-.~__ STATION " " AD _.. Df?lt.,I.. TIME ST. .... FN. __ GR. COVER ................ " " 24hr. ...... CASING ...... SIZE ........T£CH .u~J._/j_/. .............. YES NO DRiLl.. USED _~:_~'?J,&,/_ DRILLER .~.~_ ........... WATER LEVEL W O_.__ " " 24 hr.~ PIEZOMETER YES HO 503 EAST SIXTI'! AVENUE DATE_J2 ~ ~)"-' 7.~,- STATION DRILL TIME ST. .... FN._ GR. COVER CASING ..... S/ZE TECH GW GRAVF.,LS N~ o, F1 wxZ;]J---(;]:(>,IA.:i:) HOLE NO.._ El_ EV FROST ..... ............. PIEZOM E'/-ER WATER LEVEL WD OATE_j~__ -~/'- 7_5- · ' STATION Al) DRILL TIME S'E.___ FN._ GR. COVER 24 hr. .... CASING ..... SIZE TECI-/ hY :; Y!:_-S NO DRILL USED .JC_ -.Z-_-_¢/~_//_ D,RILL[£R i:'1;? STD. ,~c~_~ No. _.::.__C~_,-~? " ,, El_ k-V .......... " " F ROS Y ............. PIEZ OMIC TER V, IATER LEVEL W O ~ ___ AD_ 2_4 hr. YES DA'rE_?.2 ; 2.9- "> ' Sr,~TlOt~ DRILL '{IME bYE___ FN._ GR. COVER ..... CASING .... SIZ ;:. --I ,/ , DRILL USED . STD. HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES 127 West Fireweed Lane, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 · (007) 279-701] April 2, 1976 5552,002.08 Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists JAY M, ENGLAND Professional Engineer Assoclate-ln4~harge DUANE L. MILLER Profeealonel Engineer Chief Engineer Unwin, Scheben & Korynta 103 E. 26th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Earl Korynta, P.E. Gentlemen: Soils Investigation Mountain Manor Subdivision Eagle River, Alaska This report presents the results of the soil investigation we performed for the proposed Mountain Manor Subdivision. Mountain Manor Subdivision consists of 61 acres located immediately south of Jamie Drive, about two miles east of the Eagle River business district. During our work we have consulted with Mr. Earl Korynta. The object of our investigation was to provide soils data for establishing the feasibility of disposal of sanitary wastes using seepage pits. Specifically our scope of work as outlined in our confirming proposal dated March 1, 1976, was to explore the soil conditions at the site by logging and sampling test borings, to perform laboratory tests on representative samples, and to provide a written, report describing the soil and ground water conditions. We also performed preliminary percolation tests to evaluate possible variations in percolation rates at the site. FIELD AND LABORATORY To investigate the soil conditions we drilled 27 borings during the period of February 27 through March 8, 1976. The borings were drilled using a six inch diameter flight auger to depths varying from five to 15 feet. During the drilling our engineer was present to log the materials encountered and obtain grab samples of the soil types encountered. The locations of the borings are indicated on the Boring Location Plan, Plate 1, and the logs of the borings are presented on Plates 2 through 15. The soils have been classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described on Plate 16. Unwin, Scheben & Korynta 5552,002.08 ADril 2, 1976 Page 2 HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES In addition to the soil sampling, percolation tests were performed in four of the borinqs. The percolation tests were performed in accordance with the Drocedure outlined in the USPHS Manual of Septic-Tank Practice with water surface levels six to ten feet below ground surface. After completion of the field work the samples were reexamined in our laboratory to select representative sampies for testing. The laboratory testinq consisted of particle size analysis to confirm the soil classification. The results of the particle size analysis are presented on Plates 16 through 25, and are summarized on the boring logs. SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS The site is a rectangle with dimensions of about 1300 by 2500 feet. Other than Jamie Drive which crosses the north edge of the property the site is undeveloped. Elevations vary from about 1100 feet above sea level in the northeast portion of the property to about 800 feet at the southeast corner. Most of the property has moderate slopes; of the total only about 10 acres have slopes in excess of 25 percent. Details of the topography and proposed development are shown on Plate 1. ' - The site is primarily underlain by granular soils with varying amounts of silt fines to the depths explored. The surface of the site is blanketed by forest duff (humus, leaves), and in a few locations is underlain by sandy and gravelly silt. Except for Borings 2-4 and 3-9 where the silt is eight-feet-deep, the surface silt is generally less than five feet deep. The granular soils that generally underlie 'the forest duff and also underli~ the silt, vary in class- ification from slightly silty sand and gravel to silty sand and gravel. No free water was encountered in the borings. To assist in the evaluation of the site we have zoned the property into three typical soil types which should have somewhat similar percolation characteristics. The soil zones are shown on Plate 1 along with the description of the soil types for each zone. CONCLUS IONS Based on the results of the field and laboratory work, we be- lieve that seepage pits are a feasible method of septic tank effluent disposal. The preliminary percolation tests indicate a wide varia- tion in percolation rates (from less than one inch per minute to more than 30 minutes per inch). To optimize the design of the seepage Unwin, Scheben & Korynta 5552,002.08 April 2, 1976 Page 3 HARDING -LAWSON ASSOCIATI;S pits we believe that percolation tests should be performed, on each lot after the roads have been graded and site access developed. We trust this provides the information you require. If you have any questions please call. Very truly yours, HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES Duane L. Miller Civil Engineer - 3696-E Civil Engineer - 1943-E DLM:cs Attachments: Boring Location Plan Logs of Borings Soil Classification Chart & Key to Test Data Particle Size Analysis Copies: 5 Laboratory Tests 0 u~G OF BORINC~ 1-1 Equipment 6" Flight Auger Elevation *829 Date 3-2-76 2" Forest Duff 6" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (St4) dense, moist. Increased gravel content 85' Sieve Analysis 41% gravel 45% sand 14% silt 4.3 10- Refusal @ 12' No free water encountered * Preliminary topographic survey by Unwin, Scheben & Korynta LOG OF BORING 1-2 Equipment 6" Flight Auger Elevation 830 Date 3-2-76 2" Forest Duff 9" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) dense, moist. Increased gravel content @6' Sieve Analysis 28% gravel 49% sand 33% silt 9.8 Refusal @10' No free water encountered 15 HARDING. LAWSON ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers a~d Geologists- · 5552,002 Job I~o.__ .08 -Appr:I~ Date_ 3-16-7i LOG OF BORING 1-1 & 1-2 MOUNTAIN ,'4ANO R Eagle River, Alaska PLATE Laboratory Tests 0 Sieve Analysis 39% gravel 34% sand 27% silt Sieve Analysis 38% gravel 50% sand 12% silt 3.7 3.4 15 Sieve Analvsis 33% gravel 47% sand 20% silt 10- 15 HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers a~td Geologists JobNo. 5552,002.08 Appr :i;;D~ Date 3 - 16 - 76 u~G OF BORING 1-3 Equipment 6" Fliqht Auqer Elevation 840 Date 3-3-76 3" Forest Duff 6" Seasonal Frost BRO~,~ SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) dense, moist BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) dense, moist No free water encountered Equipment Elevation LOG OF BORING 2-1 6" Fliqht Auqer 928 Date 3-4-76 2" Forest Duff 12" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) dense, moist BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) dense, moist No free water encountered LOG OFBORINGs 1-3&2-1 . LATE 13 ~4OUNTAIN MANOR Eaale River, Alaska o'~' e ~ ~ ,.~ '2' ,..~G OF BORING 2-2 - m ~ ~ r~ u~ Elevation 915 Date 3-4-76 '' 3" Forest Duff 12" Seasonal Frost BRO~ SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GH) dense, moist 5 10 Sieve Analysis 15 41% Gravel No free water encountered. 38% Sand 21% silt LOG OF BORING 2-3 Equipment 6" Flight Auger Elevation 911 Date 3-5-76 i" 3" Forest Duff 18" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILTY C~AVELLY dense, moist Sieve Analysis 33% Gravel 43 % Sand 24% Silt 10~ No free water encountered. HARDING. LAWSON ASSOCIATES LOG OF BORING 2-2&2-3 PbATE ~ Co~sul~ E~gi~eere a~d Geologists MOUNTAIN ~ANO~ 4 dobNo.5552'002'08 _A~pr:~D~H Date 3-18-76 Ea~le River, Alaska Laboratory Tests r~ ~ r~ P _o ~ ~ b~ Equipment 6" Flight Auger ~ m C~C~ Elevation 892 Date 3-5-76 0 6" Forest Duff 6" Seasonal Frost BROWN SANDY GRAVELLY SILT (HL) stiff, wet 5. BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) Sieve Analysis 10- dense, wet 26% gravel 54% sand BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GH) 20% silt dense, moist 15i No free water encountered LOG OF BORING 2-5 Equipment 6" Flight Auaer Elevation 887 Date 3-8-76 i' 3" Forest Duff ~ 3" Seasonal Frost BROT.~N SILTY GRAVELLY SA.~D (Sr.~) dense, moist BRO:¢N SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (G~) Sieve .Analysis dense, moist 44 % Gravel 41% Sanc~ I0~il 15% Silt ti :i Refusal @13' 15 HARDING- LAWSON ASSOGIATES ~ Co"s.t~{~pE~t~¢¢r~attc~Geo~o#{~e LOG OF BORINGS 2-4&2-5 PLATE MOUNTAIN MANOR ~bN°.,5552'ee2'°8 AD~r:~Date 3-18-7( Ea~le River, Alaska ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ -~ -,~G OF BORING 2-6 ~5 B ~ ~ '" ~ Equipment ~ ~ ._ - ~-- ~ra~ Tes~ m ~ ~ m Elevation 877 Date 3-8-76 0 ~-~ 2" ~orese Duff , : ~; BROWN SILTY SANDY G~L (GH) ~ense~ moist 5 ?'~ sieve Analysis 41 g Gravel 38% Sand ~'~ 21% Silt ]0 15 No free water encountered lOG OF BORING 2-7 [qu$pmen~ 6" Fliqht Auger 851 Oete 3-~-76 0 4" Forest Duff 6" Seasonal Frost BROI~ SILTY GRA~LLY SAND (SM) dense, moist 5 Sieve ~alysis ]0 24% gravel 44% sand 32% silt BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) dense, moist ]5 No free water encountered HARDING. LAWSON ASSOCIATBS LO~ OF ~o~[~ ~-6&2-7 PLATE Co~s,l~ l~bNo. 5552,002.08 A~pr:~Date 3-18-76 Eaule River, Alaska Laboratory Tests Sieve Analysis 69% Gravel 19% Sand 12% Silt 0 Sieve Analysis 57% Gravel 29% Sand 14% Silt 10, 14.3 15 HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers and Geologists ~ob No. 5552,002.08 Appr:~){~ Date 3-18-76 Equipment Elevation L~G OF BORING 2-8 6" Fliqht Auger 878 Date 3-8-76 6" Forest Duff 6" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) dense, moist BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) dense, moist BROWN SANDY GRAVELLY SILT (ML) medium stiff, wet No free water encountered Equipment Elevation L aG O F BORING 2-9 6" Flight Auger 896 Date 3-8-76 3" Forest Duff 6" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) dense, moist BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) dense, moist Refusal @13' No free water encountered LOG OF BORINGS 2-8&2-9 MOUNTAIN MANO~ Eagle River, Alaska PLATE 7 Laboratory Test~ Sieve Analysis 39% gravel 52% sand 9% silt 0 10' 15- 10- 15 U~G OF BORING 2-10 Equipment 6" Fliqht Auqer Elevation 932 Date 3-1-76 6" Forest Duff 18" Seasonal Frost ~BRO~q SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) dense, moist BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (SM) dense, moist Refusal @5.5' No free water encountered LOG OF BORING 2-11 Equipment 6" Fliqht Auqer Elevation 930 Date 3-1-76 6" Forest Duff 16 Seasonal Frost SANDY SILT (~L) medium stiff, wet BROWN GRAVELLY SAND (SP-SM) dense, moist BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) dense, moist Refusal 014' No free water encountered HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers and Geologists Job No, 5552~002.08 Appr:~-'(Date LOG OF BORINGS 2-10& 2-11 MOUNTAIN MANOR EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA PLA II Laboratory Tests 0 5 10- 15- Equipment Elevation L,..;G OF Borin, 2-12 6" Flight Auqer 958 Date 3-1-76 L6" Forest Duff 18" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) dense, moist BROWN SITLY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) dense, moist Refusal @9.5' No free water encountered 10 15 LOG O F BORING 3-1 5qu|pment 6" Flight Auger Fle~atlon 1016 Date 2-27-76 6" Forest Duff 12" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILT (~L) medium stiff, wet BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (G~,~) dense ,moist Refusal @4.5' No free water encountered HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES Consulting E~gineers and Geologists JobNo. qSq2 ;nn2.nfl Appr:~'Date 3-18-76 LOG OF BORINGS 2-12 & 3-1 MOUNTAIN MANOR EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA PLATE Laboratory Tests 0 ~t- ~ 0 10. 10 15 HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES Co~sulting Engineers a~td Geologists JobNo. 5552,002.08 Appr:~'~Date 3-18-7( LuG OF BORING 3-3 Equipment 6" Flight Auger Elevation 1040 Date 2-27-76 6 Forest Duff 24" Seasonal Frost SILT medium stiff, wet BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (G~) dense, moist Refusal @11' No free water encountered L 0 G 0 F BORING 3-4 Equipment 6" Flight Auqer Elevation 1070 Date 2-27-76 6" Forest Duff 30" Seasonal Frost BROWN SANDY SILT (ML) medium stiff, wet BROWN SILTY S · ANDY GRAVEL (G,~4) dense, moist Refusal @5.5' No free water encountered LOG OFBORING 3-3&3-4 MOUNTAIN MANOR Eagle River, Alaska PLATE 10 .~ ~ ~ ~.. ,~, ..:. ,. J o o F BORI~ 3-~ -- -- ~ .- § " Equipment 6" Laboratory Tests ~'~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ Fliqth Auqer ~ m ~ ~ E~e¥ot~on 1079 Dole 2-27-76 0 6" Forest Duff 18" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILTY SAND (S~) dense, moist Sieve Analysis 1% qravel 71% sand BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) 28% silt dense, moist 10- Sieve Analysis 43% gravel ]5- 40% sand No free water encountered 17% silt lOG OF BORING 3-6 E~e~tion 995 D~e~ 3-2-76 0  3" Forest Duff 9" Seasonal Frost BROWN SANDY SILT (ML) ~ medium stir, wet ,~BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL 5-~' dense, moist Refusal @5' No free water encountered ]0 tOG OFBORINC~ 3-6 ~ 3-5 ~[A%~  E~gi~eers Geologists MOUNTAIN MANOR a~d ~ o.~ ~ ~ L~G OF BORING 3-7 -----'- --~ a ~ '~ ~ " · = ~ Equipment Fliqht Auger ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ElevoHon 993 Dote.3-2-76 0 Illlh ~ ~ 15" Seasonal Frost ~l medi~ stiff, wet 5 ].~J~l BROWN SILTY SANDY GRA~5 (GM) dense, moist ]0- 15- ~ No free water encountered I I LOG OF BORING 3-8 Equipment 6" Elevoflon 979 Dote 3-1-76 0 ' ' 6" Forest Duff BRO?~ SILTY G~VELLY SAND (SM) ' ' dense, moist 5- BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) dense, moist Sieve Analysis 67% Gravel 20% Sand ]0 13% Silt ]5- No free water encountered MOUNTAIN MANO~ ~obNo. 5552 '002 '08 ADD~:~Da~e3_lS_76 Eagle River, Alaska .... =" ~ '5 c~ '~ '~ -- Equipment ~ra~ Tesb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,, ~ m ~ ~ Elevuflon 932 D~fe 3-4-76 0 medium st&~f, wet 5- S&e~e ~al~s&s 6.6 ]0- ,. ~e~se, wet 30~ ~a~el . , . 8A I I ~o free water encountered LOG OF BORING 3-10 Equipment 6" ~1 ~ ~h+ ~ Elevation 931 :~--- *D~;- 3-4-76 0 Aense, ~olst 5- Sieve Analysis BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) 27% Gravel dense, moist 44% Sand ]0- 29% Silt ]5- No free water encountered HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES LOG OF BORINGS 3-9&3-10 PLATE  E~gi~eers a~d Geologists MOUNTAIN ~ANOR Co~sulting EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 5552,002.08 Appr~Z;Date-~ 3-18-7( ~bNo. Laboratory Tests Sieve Analysis 30% gravel 62% sand 8% silt 10. I0 Sieve Analysis 15% gravel 62% sand 23% silt 15 HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES Consulting E~git~eers a~d Geologists ~ObNo. 5552,002.08 Appr:~'~//~ 'ua~e __ 3-18-76 L,,G OF BORING 4-1 Equipment 6" Flight Auger Elevation 853 Date 3-3-76 3" Forest Duff 12" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILT (ML) medium stiff, wet BROWN GRAVELLY SAND (SP-SM) dense, moist BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) dense, moist No free water encountered LO G OF BORING 4-2 Equipment 6" Flight AuGer Elevation 860 Date 3-3-76 3" Seasonal Frost BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (G~) dense, moist BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) dense, moist LO G OFBORINGS 4-1&4-2 MOUNTAIN MANOR Eagle River, Alaska PLATE 14 Laboratory Tests Sieve Analysis 19% qravel 56% sand 25% silt 15. Equipment Elevation LOG OF BORING 4-3 6" Fliqht Auger 880 Date 3-3-76 4" Forest Duff 9" Seasonal Frost B~OWN SILT (~L) medium stiff, wet BROW~,~ SILTY ~RAVELLY SAND (S~) dense, moist Refusal @12.0' No free water encountered HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES Co.suiting Eagineers and Geologists JODNo. 5552'902'09 Appr:f~,f~Date 3-18-7 LOG OF BORING 4-3 F~OUNTAIN ~4ANOn _qa~le River, Alaska PLATE 15 MAdOR DM~ilON~ .._.J TYPICAL NAMES O~J~t O~AV~L~ gWf~:~~ WILL O~AD~D O~AY~LS, OL~V~L - ~4ND MIX~JI~S WITH LIT?L! 4G~ gRAV Ir/g NO FINIS gP [~ POORLY O~ADiD ORAVi, LS, Oi~AViL o SAND -- MJXTLglIS lAND8 NO PINES IP eeo P~LY ~ffiD ~N~, ~VILLY ~N~ Is s~ WN ~N~ WIre NO. 4 Sl~! IlZl ~ I~ fiNES ~ ~ ~Y SIL~ WiTH SLIGHT P~ IlLT8 AND CLAYO ~/~ IN~OANICC~ r//J L~N C~ HIOHLY ORGANIC 801[S Pt ~TANDOmEIHIGHLY~NICS~ UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Consol' ~ Consolidation LL -- Liquid Limit (In %) PL ~ Plaltlc Limit (In %) · ' Undllturbed# Sample [] Sulk Scruple *Tx 320 (2600) TxCU 320 (2600) DS 27S0 (2000) FV5 470 *U C 2000 LVS 700 Shear Streneth, p~f Confining Preslure, pst Unconsolidated Undrained trlaxlal Conloltdated Undrained Trlaxlal Consolidated Drained Direct Shear Field Vane Shear Unconfined Compralllon Laboratory Vane Shear (1) All strength tegtl on 2.8" or 2,4" diameter lamples unlel! otherwise Indicated. (2) * Indlcotel 1,4" diameter sample. KEY TO TEST DATA HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers a~d Geologists JobNo. 5552,002.08 Appr.~)t~Date 3-16-76 _SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO TE~T DATA ,4OUJTAIN .MANOR PLATE 16 U. '3. Sfanil-rd Sieve Opemng Size I U.$.$fanclarcl Sieve Numl:)er s I Hyarometer 11111111 I X%IINI ~olllllllll XqllNl[t IIIIIII1 III II I11111111 X~ll I IIIIIIII III11/I IIIII 211111111 ~IMI II111111 IIIII1 IIIII IIIIIII1 I I1~11~: !1111111 III1111 I111II I ~211111// IIIIIIIN~ I1111~1 I III Ill~l I ~ IIIIII/11 III1111 IX ~1 I~ III I/ II1111l ~11111111 IIIIIII1~ I1~1~ IIIII/ III1111 ~ 111111/I I IIII111 I I1111 I I IIIIII 11111~ ~11 211111~[ I III111 III 111 ~_ I11111//1 II 11 II ~OO5 O~1 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLiMETErS SAND GRAVEL ]COARS~ MEDIUM ] FINE Symbol Somple Source Clossificotion ~ BORING 1-1 ~5.0' BROWN SILTY G~AVELLY SA;~D (S~]) A BORING 1-2 ~10.0' ]]ROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (S~) O ,Z~.~ 1-3 ~10.0 ~ROWN ~ZLTY"~Dy HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PLATE 5552,002.08 Ea~le River, Alaska ] 7 ~b No. Appr:~ Date 3 - 18- 7 N02470 U. S. Sfonclard Sieve/ ~,,,, ~ 3/,,Opening Size I U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer · 4 3 2 ,11111]111 ~\"~I1111 I IIIIII1 II11/II II1111] ,olilllllll ~[IIIIII]111 III11 IIII ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, , GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES COARSE J FINE COARS~ MEDIUM ~ FINE SILT OR CLAY Symbol Sample Source Classification ~ BORING 1-3 ~15.0' BROI.~{ SILTY GRAVELLY SAO~D (S~4) ~ BORIN~ 2-1 910.0' BROW}I SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (S~) ~ 3ORIi~G 2-2 015.0' ]]ROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PLATE Ea~le River, Alaska ~obNo.5552,002.08 Aoo[[~Date 3-18-76 N02470 U. S. Standard Sieve Opemng Size I U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers 4 $ ~ ~/4 4 8 I0 16 2.030 405060 I00 I Hydrometer 5 I 0.5 0 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Ct 05 Q OI O 005 Q O0~ SAND GRAVEL JCOARSI~ MEDIUM I FINE COBBLESI COARSE I FINE SILT OR CLAY Symbol Sample Source Borin~ 2-3 ~10.9' Boring 2-5 ~10.0' HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES Cons~dting Engineers amd Geologists 5552,902.03 Appr-~:-~/Date 3 - 29 - 76 Classification BROW?; SILTV GRAVELLY BRO:'~:~ SILTY SYNDY GRAVEL PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS q~U-,,~TA I N MA~;qo Eacle River, Alaska PLATE 19 U. S. Standard Sieve~l/Opemng3/,Size .~8 I U.S.Sfandard Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer 4 $ i ~''1 ~., 4 810 16 20304050~ ~ 2~2~ ~11111111 ~~11 IIIIlll ,,,,,,, ,,,,IIt ,ollllltll ~ I~IIIllll 1111 IIIIIII1 ~Hli~, IIII111 IIIII111 IIII111 I1~~I l ill III I111 JIIllll] II11~ ~~ 1111111 II1~III '"""" '"" """' Ittl GR~/N SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES COARSE I FINE COARS~ MEDIUM ] FINE SJLT OR CLAY Symbol Sample Source Classificafion ~ BORING 2:4 ~10' BR~t~E~ SILTY GRAVELLY S~:,]D (S~) ~ BORING 2-7 ~13.0' '~O~E~ SILTV G~.AVELLV SAND ~ BORING 2-11 ~4.5' BROt~;_~ GRAVELLY SAND (SP-SM) HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PLATE ~bNo 5552.0~2.08 Appr~Date ~- t ~-7~ N02470 U. S. Standard Sieve Ol~enmg Size I U.S.Stondard Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer ,11I G~AIN SIZE IN ~ILLI~ETE~S SAND GR~VEL )COARS~ MEDIUM ~ FINE S)mb01 Sample Source Class(f )cation HARDmNG - LAWSON ~OCmAT~ P~RTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PLATE  Cons~dtin~ E~ineers a~d Geologists Eacle River, Alaska ~No. 5552,002.0S App~:~a~e 3-29- 76 U. S. Standard Sieve 0pening Size I U.S.Standard Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer 3 2/I/[~ 3/. 1/23/8 4 810 ,6 2030 405060 I00 200 270 ~ Illlllll LII'i. Ill Il IIlllll IIII111 Ill GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETEF~S SAND GRAVEL JCOARSE~ MEDIUM I FINE Symbol Sample Source Classificolion HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PLATE  Co~s~dting E~gineers and Geologists ~ ., ~ Ea~le River, Alaska ~ ~ ~0B~0.5552 002 08 ~-' 3-*0-76 N02470 U. S. Stondord Sieve Opening Size I U.S. Sfandard Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer II 8 I0 16 2030 ~o11111111 ~ \lllll ~ Illllll Ill !11 Illlllll\ ~lllll ~11111 111 II ~ fO 5 i 0.5 OI 005 ~010005 ~RAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES COARSE J FINE COARS~ MEDlU~ J FINE SILT O~ CLAY Symbol Sample Source ~lassification ~ BORIN~ 3-5 ~5.0' BqO~,7~ SILTY SAND (S~) ~ ${ORINC 3-5 ~15.9' ]{~OWN SILTV SAi~DV GRAVEL (G'~) ~ BORING 3-9 ~19.0' B~O~'N G~AVELLY SAND {SP-S~) HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PLATE  Co~s~dting Eugineers aug GeoZogists ~OUNTAI~ Eaqle qiver, Alaska ~bNo. 5552,002.~S ApDc~Date 3-1 ~-75 N02470 U. S. Standard Sieve Opening Size I U.S. Sfand"rd Sieve Number s I Hydromete~ 4 3 2 ~ IIIIIII1 ~glllllll III IIIIlll 1111 I~l ~11111111 & ~111111 IIII IIIIlll II11111 ~ llllllll ~lllll '~111 Il Illl Ill,ll ~oll IIIII INIIII ~1 IIIIIII II ~,o11111111 IINII II11 ~, IIIII11 II11 III GR~IN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES COARSE ~ FINE COARS~ MEDIUM ~ FINE SILT 0R CLAY Symbol Somple Source Clossificotion HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PLATE E~le ~iver, Al~sk~ N02470 U. S. Standard Sieve Opemng Size I U.S.Stondard Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer .11111111 \'~1~ I1[I Illl IIII ,ollllll I I ~,1~ '~ II11 II11 IIII IIIIIII I II~i~ \1/11 IIII III ~ollllllfl III1~,~ ~II1 IIII JIIl[lll Ill~:~ llilIII1 Illl ~ !11111[I I11~~ll~l Illl IIII ~ IO 5 I 0.5 0'1 005 GOI 0005 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS SAND 6RAVEL lCOA~S~ aED~U~ ~ F~NE Symbol Sample Source ~lossificotion ~ BORIi-;G 4-1 ~5.0' BROWN GRAVELLY SAHD (SP-S~) ~ BORING 4-2 ~15.0' BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (S~) ~ BORING 4-3 ~10.0' Bq~"~ SILTY ~q~vrnnV SAND (S~) HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PLATE ~U~'~T.AI',~ ~IANO~ ~ 5 Ea~le River, Alaska ~No. 5552,002.08 ADDt:~Da~e 3-~n-~n ~02470 APPEItDIX A TEST HOLE LOGS BY 0 & E GEOTECHNICAL & DEVELOPEHENT CO. 0 G' E GEC ~=~,~:.,r I Vk L) NUV 28 1975 ;HNICAL 8- DEVE[ " MENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 co. -,.¢ .z fh/.~scl/ Oyster Earl Ellis 694 2774 SOIL LO,G e~-22ao Soils ~ Foundations Land DeveJopmen! Performed for: Name: Marianne Koehler Tel. No. 688-212~ Mailing Address: Poe. Box 279 Chugiak, Alaska 99267 Legal Description: Lot 3 Block 5 Mountain Manor Subdivision D_~e~_th {feet). ML - Silt - Topsoil with roots and organics. 275 Sqo ft./BR GP - Sandy Gravel. Clean and fairly well graded. 125 sq. ft./BR Bottom of pit ....,;:.:r Encountered: Yes__ No XX If yes, what depth Installation: Seepage Pit Drain Fie~d Pit measured approximate~,.~ 10' in~an area. by: __ Date: 14 November 1975 O 8- E GEC }~usse/I Oyster 694 2774 .C;oils Et Foundations ;HNICAL El- DEVE! Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 SOIL LOG ' MENT co. Earl Ellis 6,98-2280 Land Deveiopment Performed for: Legal Description: _D_ept h (feet) Name: Marianne Koehler Tel. NO. 688-2125 Matltng Address: P.o. Box 279 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Lot 1 Block 5 Mountain Manor Subdivision ~pll Characterist!F$ ML - Silt - Topsoil with roots and organics. 275 sq. GP - Sanely Gravel. Clean and fairly well graded° Lense of coarse gravel at 4' and 10'o 125 Sqo rt./ ~R ......... '"" Bottom of Pit Water Encountered: Yes__ No~ If yes, what depth~ ''~;'~lSed Installation: Seepage Pit Drain Fle~d Con~?,ents: Pit measured approximately 3' x 10' in plan area. by: Date: 14 November 1975 O 8- E GEC R~.ss~'ll Oyster 694 2774 Soils 8' Foundations Performed for: Legal Description: 0 ';.HNICAL 8 DEVEI Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 SOIL LOG Name: Marianne Koehler ' -'MENT CO. E#rl Ellis 689-2280 Land Deveiopmen! Tel. No, 688-2125 Mailing Address:?.~o Box 279 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Lot 12 Block 3 Mountain Manor Subdivision ~oI1 Characteristics Loose. ML - Silt - Topsoil with roots and organics. GP - Sandy Gravel with cobbles to 12 inches. 275 sq. ft./BR 125 sq. ft./BR Gp-GM - Silty Sandy Gravel with cobbles to 12 inches. Fairly well graded 175 Sqo fto/BR GP - Gravel - Coarse 1" to 2" gravels. Bottom of pit Very porous. 100 sq. ft./BR Encountered: Yes No xX If yes, what depth__ !nstallation: Seepage Pit Drain Fie~d.. Pit measured a~roximatel~_3' X_,8'~t,? plan area. by: Date: 14 November 1975 0 8- E GEC Russell Oyster 694.2774 SoiLs Et Foundations :HNICAL 8- DEVE! Box 90, Davis St,, Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 SOIL LOG -'MENT CO. Ear/Ellis 088-2280 Land Development Performed for: Legal.Description: Dep__~.th (feet) 0 1 Name: Marianne Koehler Tel. No. Mailing Address= P.O. Box 279 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Lot 10 Block 3 Mountain Manor Subdivision ~Ar~terlst!c~, 688-212~ ML - Silt - Topsoil with roots and organics. 275 sq. ft./BR GP-GM - Silty Sandy Gravel with cobbles and boulders to 18 inches. Fairly well graded and loose. 150 sq. fto/BR Bottom of Pit ,, ~ ~ ~',~,er Encountered: Yes__ No xx If yes, what depth i,'~op~,sed Installation: Seepage Pit Drain Fiord Co~ents: Pit measured approximately 3' x 10' in plan area. r F-::~)~d by: Date: 14 November 1975 ~ O Er E GEC ;HNICAL Er DEVE[ MENT CO. Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Russt'// Oyster Ear/Ellis 694 2774 SOIL LOG ~-228o Soils Et Foundations Land Development Performed for: Name: Marianne Koehler Tel. No. 688-8125 Matltng Address: PoO. Box 279 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Legal Description: Lot 9 Block 2 Mountain Manor Subdivision D_~epth (feet) foil Characteristics ~__~ ML - Silt - Topsoil with roots and organics. 275 sq. ft./]~ GP - Sandy Gravel with cobbles to 12 inches GP-GM - Silty Sandy Gravel with cobbles to 12 inches. 125 sq. ft,/BR 175 sq. ft./BR Bottom of pit ,:~.'~: ~,:,~er Encountered: Yes NoXX If yes, what depth :~;,,c~d Installation: Seepage Pit Drain Field Co~.~ents: Pit measured approximatelZ ~, x 12 ' in plan area. by: Date: 14 November 1975 APPENDIX B TEST HOLE LOGS BY ALASKA TESTLAB 17 ¢_~E ~ WATER LEVEL WO#~,--. HOLE NO. ELEV. STATION " " AD .~ DRILL TIME ST.. FN.__GR. COVEI? PIEZOMETER YES NO DRILL USED ,F' ~'7. DRILLER GW GRAVELS NFS, GRAVEI]S ? 3 GM GP GRAVI::I,,% NF,q, ]'3-1 SW ol~.Nt),., NI'LS, F2 W].;I,L WI:I,L (;PZDI:D w.o. 17 ,~ ~)-~ WATER LEVEL W D._~ f. DATE. /....?- .~c-_ 7,..~' STATION HOLE NO.~ " " fid .__ DRILL TIME SE. _ FN,_ GR. COVER ,, " ..... ', A,'*q/ F_LEV -- 24hr.,~_ CASING .SIZE. T£CH NROST_J_~__ PIEZOMETER YES NO DRILL USED. i~-,F~,~'/ DRILLER GRAVELS NFS, F'I GM GRAVELS 1"3 i';'J.;I,1, GRAIS!:D--' CLIENT. [11~ ~; ,'/, ~,,: ~ ~/'(': . ,q' ~"&/,.: '" 71 '¢ W.O. . , . 2? ~ WATER LEVEL WD ~<_ DA,E_ STATION HOLE NO ..... f:~-- " " AD_ EL EV " " 24 hr.__ ,-ROOT . PIEZOfJE'I LR YES NO DRILL TIME SE.___ FN.__ GR. COVER CASINGs. SIZE, _ TECH O/"iJ( GW GP, AVELS NFS, ]["1 WI.:I,L (;RAD].:D ~bl GRAVELS 1_.'3 W.I., [,L, GP C;I~AV}".LS NI..,, SW SAND,) NFL: ~ F2 ............... ;. ---- t;M :;A:J;)S l, 2, I. ,.JG ...... ,: ;. 'i F~','! ........ -i]];'fi-~ --IF9 ...... CLIENT, / WATER LEVEL W 0__~ " " 24 hr..~ PIEZOMETER YES NO DATE. t2 -'Z~'- ?~' STATIO~V ..... .¸9 I..! GW GRAVELS NFS, F1 %'~].:I,L GRAI)ED GM GRAVELS t"3 WJ.H,L GRADEI) SW SANDS NFS, F2~ WI.iI,I]'~;f~,I)ED -' ~ ..... W i.: L f;-~;l'&~ lJ 1'~i 5 ' -- SANDS I' 2, I' SM EAST 5|X'J'll AVI~NUI~ · OATE'..)'~ ~": 7..~' STATION HOLE NO. _~ "' " AO. EL [f_ V . . Z4 hr. FROST, ".P ¢''' PIEZOMETER 'YES NO DRILL T/ME ~iT. FN.. ~ CASING_ SIZE_ · DRILL USED Gl:?. COVEI? _ TECH STD. C~ (;]~AV J.'. LS 1>.3 ' t.;,J-: J. ]., DOD EAST 51~.111 ^VENUI~ w.o. !? .¥¢¢ EI_EV_ FROST, . WATER LEVEL WO. " " AD' " " 2:4 hr. PIEZOMETER YES NO · DATE..~,~z/_,~_...~_ 7..~- STATION CASING SIZE. DRILL USED ~'F/I~ DRll ~,ER ~' ' - ~'v",¢//vt %'W'. ],L, G]~,ADI-: D Gbl GlthVI']LS 1>3 tql':.l.1. G P. AI)I.: D ' (,1,,,1)] :15 GP (; I'1AV Y:l.,.c; N l"~l$'J i"O'( ) R'L,Y '" S1,q .':;ld..ll)S NFS ~. l:2 · ";14 ;;AHIIS 1.'2, ~'.'-YJ- j, . '1 TRACT D /18,055 S(t FI. ~CJ 880LS T/?~CT E CER7 IVOTAR Y AC~NOWLEDGEMEfllT ~%~ : )-#)~; Plat '"... ...... _ ~ -DTlOOilO~', . ~H~O ~ ~K/~ ' RLS ~0 ~x 1105 ~ . ~ Eag~ ~/V~, ~K I ~ I ~9 ~ 5 / .SECTION LINE E~SEMENT VACATION CERTIFICATE APPR~AL REC~ENDATI ON CIRCLE OUTLOOK NOTES: 1 DIAeX3NALLY HATCHED AR£A Ih~IUATES PSRTIONS OF THE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATF I, W~LLIAM M cCLINTOCK, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF LANDS ACCORDING TO THE RECORD PLAT, FILED 2-23-77, UNDER RECORDER'S PLAT NUMBER 77-23. NO -FIELD SURVEY WAS CONDUCTED FOR THIS PLAT. k/,.,x-]--:- /A<-(.X......4,~--~ WlLUAM McCUNTOCK PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR LS 5¢8O DEED OF TRUST BENEFICIARIES -- ASSIGNEES ~BERA~ ~A~ONAL ~O~TeABE ASSOOA~O~ NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BUBBBRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS OF 13o,*~ ~9Bi FOR NOTARY FOR ~E STA% OF ALASKA MY COMM SSON EXPIRES: ~ DAY ALASKA HOUSING FIN~3,NCE CORPORATION P.O. BOX 101020 DATE NOTAR'¢S ACKNOWLED~'EMENT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ~ DAY PLAT APPROVAl ¢~-. ~: APPROVA. n,A.*, EB RONMENTAL PROTEDTIO. ' ' ' ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE HEREBY ACCEPTS FOR PUBLIC USES AND FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES THE REAL PROPERTY DEDICATED ON THIS PL~T INCLUDING. BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, ALLEYS, ROADWAYS, THOROUGHFARES AND PARKS SHOWN HEREON. TAX CERTIFICATION ALL REAL PROPERTY TAXES LEVIED BY THE MUNICI ANCHORAGE ON THE AREA SHOWN ON THIS PLAT-HAVE PAiD tN FOLL, OR, tF APPROVAL IS SOUGHT BETWEEN JANUARY 1 AND THE TAX DUE DATE, THERE IS ON DEPOSI WiTH THE CHIEF FISCAL OFF[CER AN AMOUNT SUFRClENT ' PAY ESi]MATED REAL PROPERTY TAX FOR THE CURRENT Y CERTIFICATE OF- 0t~NERSHIP AND DEDICATION CRARLES J. BF~C'OIG&N- c~/ ' DATE ' - ~EAGLE RIVER. AK, 99577 NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SUBS?RIBE~ AND SWORN ~0 BEFORE m THIS ~ DAY , NO*A~Y FO~ THE ~TA~ ~ CAUFO~,A ~ o so ac 200 ns. ~ ~ ~ , nsu P~T OF LOl 2A, BLOCK 1, MOUNTAIN MANOR SUBDIVISION ~ ~SU~DIVIS]O~ OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, MOUNTAIN MANOR SUBDIVISION (P~T 77-23) AND THE VACATION OF THE 33 F~T SECTION LiNE ~SffMENT ACCORDING TO ~=~Z;. VACATION RESOLUTION, NO. 91-33 2 2.4 52,129 SF OUTLOOK CIRCLE OTTO0 -ITO- SCALE IN FEET PRELIMINARY PI,AT LOT 2A zONED R6 PLaT OF LOT 2A, BLOCK 1, MOUNTAIN MANOR SUBDIVISION A REPLAT OF LOT 2, BLOCK MOUNTAIN MANOR SUBDIVISION (PLAT 77-25} AND THE .VAca,--,'o/4 OF A PORT!ON OF A SECTION LINE EASEMENT ACCORDING TO VACATION RESOLUT!ON NO, LOCATED WITHIN THE SWI/4 OF SECTION CONTAINING 1 LOT & 52,129 SQ. EEET