HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOUNTAINSIDE VILLAGE BLK 4 LT 4 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCt-IORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRQNMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NO. OF BEDROOMS We -~ . i Absorption area Dwelling ~. _ PERMIT NO. DISTANCE TO: f/ Manufacture~ Materi~ . ~ No. ~' of ~,part rnents [Liq. capac~t~nAa~.~ns IF NOMEMADE'~ Inside length .... Liquid depth / ~idtl~ I Total length of lin~. , I Trench width I Distance beXween lines I Material beaeath tile ~f- Total effebtive absorption are~ ~:¢e ~ ~i,, ~sh grade ~¢ '~idt~ · I PERMIT NO. Type of DISTANCE TO: JSl~ss ,' · ~/~-~,-,- ~ .-~ ~ .,- DISTANCE TO: OTHER PIPE IVlATER IALS SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER Depth 'Cr~¢diamet~' ~/:" 1 Crib dept,'s'"' ¢-"~ - I Total efCe~i~e-a~sorption area ~---:' ~  ~') Building foundation -~ewe~ ~ Absorption area(s) REMARKS DATE LEGAL LOE:I:::IT ]'. OJ",JJ"IT :3 Z [:,!E "? i[ LLI:::IGE L..EGF:II .... L. 4Ei',4 t"IT :!~; 113,1E 'v' '!"'-¢l::'E Ed::' %0 ;[ L. I:::IE',Ei;OI'~:F'T ]: ON :.5"r':,STIL:;H :1; E;: TF:ENCH HFI::':: ]; I"!LII-'I I",IUHliii',EA OF' T'HE ?.EE;!L.I;[ RED !.~; ;[ ZE; OF THE: :E;O ); I._. I:IE:[:[:;OFfl::'T ]: EU'4 :~;"¢STEI'"I I :.5: E:" EE: F" T' ~"'"~1 ......... ::IL. ::L L,- THE LE:NEiTH D :[ I"'lEl",l]i; :[ Eff',l :[ ~i; THE LENGTH ":[ N FEET ::' OF THE TF~:ENE:H ]'3F? DRFI I h,IF'~ EL.l:). -f'HfE DEF"T'H CF' FI 'T'REH"ZH OF'. F'ZT Z'.~; THE I) ]: :E;TFII"4CE E',ETHEE:N THE .:,UI';.Fh ..b OF' THE GREILIh,!D FIN[::' 'T'FIE E .. TTOH OF THE: E;:':: :' FI","FI"I' Z ON '" :1: N F'EET ::'. I'HIEF;.E ]::5 NO ~;ET 1.4:[DTH FOR TF?ENCHE'.E;. .... ;..- , .~ I, EL. BETHEEN THE rH.I'T'F'I::II....L. F' THE .:ff:H,b.L DE:F'TFI ]::~5 ']"HIE H]:NZhlI...IH DEF'TI..~ OF .... ... FII'.,II) 'f'HIE E3TTEU"I OF THE E::.::CFI',,,'FI']":[ '3N ,:: ZN F:EET::,. 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JF'OI'.,t 'THE: 'T".r'F:'E OF' F'I...IEU... ]: mZ: HELL.. f,III'.,I:[HLU"I I):I::5'f'FIt",ICE FROH A F'R1 ,'-TIE 1.4EL. L. T')fq F'RI',,,'F)TE: :SEFtE:R L]:NE It~E; ;::]rj:.i F:!EET FIND . . . II ..... 'l"") FI ~.:UHH..I'J.I. I~ SEI,.IEF: !...It",IE ]:S; 75 FEET. I.,.tELL. I...OG~5 FIF:E RE6)mJII:~:ED FIND HIJST BE F~:E'I"LIRI",IED TO THE: [:,EF'FIRTHENT I ,.! ]: 'T H :[ N ZO [',A-E "'U:: THE HELL. COHF'LET:[OI'.,I. OTHEF4: RE)]:IU :[ F::EHENT:F~; HF)h.' I::)F'F'i.."r'. b,F E... ]. ~. I ...H I ~ .. I,I :, FIN[:' 3 ]' I'TSTRI_ICT i ON [:' :[ FIGRFIH'.~; FIRE FI',/I:::I :[ LI:::IEfl...E: '1'13 :[ N:~;I..tF~:E F'Rm3F'EF: :[ H'jE;'r'FILL. FIT I 31',,I. F::m' E: ~::;~: ~"1% ""~ ....EE: :=-..~ F' % ~:~: E]J] :lEi5 E']:. ~:~] ~]Z EE:'Z ~.1 ~ E~ ~:;~: iii: :~ ....... ::;~._ ~ ',~Ei= ]: c.r / ir' T '/"HI::IT ]1..' :1: FtI"I F'I:::!I'"I]:L]:FII:~'. P.I~TH THE REC.:!LI]:REZI'"IEN'i':E; FOR EII.,t-.E~;]:'FIE ~;EI.,.IEI;;ff~; FIND HEI....I_:~; FIE~; :E;ET F' ] Fi'"f'H [" '¢ :, THE HIJ!'.,I ]: C Z F'FIL ]: 7"¢ OF' FIt'.4CHORFf~3E. :, r :, t El1 ]:H FICCORE:'FINCE: b. IZ TH TIdE CODE:E;. 2. ' :[ H Z LJ.... Z t",I'.E;TFd...L. THE -' .......... :, ~ .:,TEH h'lF¢¢ F4:E:6flJ ]: R!E EI",IL. FIRGEHENT ]: F THE :~:' Z LIN[::,EF?.~;]"I::Ih,I[::' 'FHFt'I" THE ON'"'S]:TIZ ~;Et.,.IEF?. '""' ..... F:E:~5 Z E:,IENCE Z :E; REI"IODELE:D 'T'O ~ NCL. IJI:::'E ~'13F'.E THFtN :~: E lEE' F? '3rfl',1'5 ................ . cc;' : .... Z ...... ............... CONSTRUCTION TEST L~B "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 Performed for Legal Descriphion: ~his Fomn reports: Dan Roqers Lot 4 Block SOILS TEST yes Date Performed 11/9/'79 Subdivision Mt. Side Village PERCOLATION TEST yes Depth Feet 12" 15,5' Soil Characteristics Peat & Reddish Silt Brown Silty Gravel (GM) Occasional Cobbles Bottom of Test Hole Was Ground Water Encountered NO If YES, What depth? Reading i Date Gross T~ne ] Net TLme ! Depth to H20 Net Drainage I I Saturation IPeriod No Water i 11/9/79 24 HoursI 11/10/79 0 Hours 2 1/2" , ..... 3.0 Hours 7" 4 1/2" I .... " _. i 3.5 Hours . 8" 1" -- I ,, " " I 4.0 Hours ! 8 3/4" __~ 3/4" Percolation Rate 3/4" / 40 Minute Proposed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Depth of Inlet Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench COtC4ENTS: 285 Square feet drainage area required per bedroom. Test Performed by~~ Data Certified By: Construction Test Lab ~~D. Paul Date : November 13, .1979 2 BLOCM /05/10' UT~L / rF .5-6 $Ol °~D 50.00~ __ J- _S o/Oe£9o,,w / / / { / ' T/-M/~O,'PA / S. L~ c.,u, le to.,, &~L.~'ao t, r y L.] nri .... [] ,..,,- ICi].,-,~., ['] ~.,,,,, I-J,,,, .... in. I0 fL. Oepth Lenvth fL, and APPENDIX B MOUNTAINSIDE VILLAGE SEPTIC SYSTEM DIMENSIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL LOTS Legal B5 L7 B3 L4 B5 L5,6 B3, L2 B4, L9 B4, L10 B5, L4 B5, L1,2 B6 L5,6 B4 L12,13 TH10 140 B4, L14,15 THll 155 B4, L7 TH12 162 B6, L13 B6, L3,4 B6, L2,3 TH15 180 B6, L1,2 TH16 95 B4 L18,19 TH17 135 B4 L17,18 TH18 148 Soil Usable Rating Depth (sq ft) (ft) TH]. 215 0-1' TH2 155 2.5-7.5' TH3 150 1-5' TH4 146 4-11' TH5 322 1-7' TH6 158 2-.7' TH7 141 4--8.5' TH8 215 4.5-8' TH9 255 1--7' 1--4' 3--5' 1-3' TH13 Not tested due TH14 to shallow soil 0' 0-1' 0-1' Dimens ions (ft) L W D 113' 5' 1/2' 47' 3' 5' 57' 3' 4' 32' 3' 7' 97' 3' 6' 48' 3' 5' 47' 3' 4' 92' 77' 3' 6' 70' 3' 3' 65' 5' 2' 68' 5' 2' N.A. N.A. 40 ' 20 ' 1 50' 5' 1 70' 5' 1 62' 5' 2' Type System 5-wide Trench Trench Trench Trench Trench Trench 3' 3 1/2' Trench Trench Trench 5-wide 5-wide N.A. N.A. Mound 5-wide 5-wide 5-wide Parcel I.D. # MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING J~l~' ~.t~4E~TAL SERVICEs JUL 08 1996 RECEIVED GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Location (site address or directions) /'7 7 2_/ /-~o~,o ,~.~,,~/M¢¢· P~'~c'd Property owner Mailing address Lending agency_ Mailing address /77~/ ¢,/, A Day phone Day phone Agent j<¢,t.hi E/~o,,~d,'-,~.. Rd i'1~,~ ?,~p~'/-i</ Day phone Address ~6'00 Co~'o,.',~ A,~cA)o~'c(~ ~, /~ Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held ~or pickup. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: -~ '* TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual well ~ Community well NOTE: ~ '-/K Public water If community well system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attest- ing to the legality and status of system. 4. TYPE OF WASTEWA'I'ER DISPOSAL: NOTE: Individual on-site Holding tank Community on-site Public sewer If community wastewater system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attesting to the legality and status of system. 72~O25(Rev. 1/91) F¢ont MOA~21 STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with ail Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. NameofFirm ~/~/-/ro? ~--ec/om~c~f _~rJ,~ Phone Address /*/5'.~ E:c4o ~,~ ~c~a~¢ ~ Engineer's signature _ ~~ % ~ Date. DHHS SIGNATURE Approved for Disapproved. Conditional approval for bedrooms. bedrooms, with the following stipulations: Additional Comments The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval Certificates based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineers work. 72~25 (Rev. ~/91) Back MOA #21 'VlUNIclpALi~ ,. Municipality of Anchorage ~N'Vl/~o~,=, o~c_ /~\ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVIC~'mrA's~V]c;~' .... Environmental Se~ices Division ,, .... 825 L Street, Room 502 · Anchorage, Alaska 99501e (907) 3~]~8 ~998 Hesl h Authority ApprovsI Ohe klis Legal Description: A. WELL DATA Well type Log present (Y/N) Total depth I I '?- ' Sanitary seal (Y/N) /-.01'5 ff,/J'c. ~// P/oct,o']at,,Stote b'M~a_ParcelI.D.: OEO-t-lZ-O3~ FROM WELL LOG l/ Z/ e _ g.p.m. Date of test Static water level - Well production ~ ~9 WATER SAMPLE RES[FLTS: Coliform 0 col /to(J r~ ~ Date of sample: fi/El /~o/ B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date installed 9 / I I / ~) / Foundation cleanout (Y/N) Date of Pumping _~ / 7/2ff C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed 9 / / I / ~ / Length R£' Width ,.~ ' Effective absorption area t 190 ~' Date of adequacy test ff/'g K/9 6' IfA. B, or C, attach ADEC letter. ADEC water system number Date completed I / t '~/~, ~ Cased to 2 -/t Casing height (above ground) Wires properiy protected (Y/N) AT INSPECTION / zo- /90/ ~/' g.p.m. Nitrate Collected by: f~lc, t%q:,/o 7'¢ cfi .,C~/c Tank size I o'o~j Number of Compartments 'E Cleanouts (Y/N) 'r' Depression (Y/N) N High water alarm (y/N) N./3, Pumper /} * ~J~,,ne' J'e~'~, keJ~ Gravel thickness below pipe Monitoring Tube present(y/N) ~' Results (Pass/Fail) ?aD, Soil rating (g.p.d./ft2 or fta./bdrnl) ~ ~.ff ~ f_ System type '7-r' tn c4 7 Total depth Depression over field (Y/N) N For _7 bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test (in.); 76' Immediately after7Z Y gal. water added (in.): Fluid depth "7~ (ins.) Minutes later: 3~' Absorption rate =_'~ q3-~ g.p.d(i Peroxide treatment (past 12 months) (Y/N) l~/Ong trcnooa,~ If yes, give date N. A, D. LIFT STATION ~. /~. Date installed Size in gallons Manhole/Access (Y/N) "Pump on" level at* High water alarm level at* *Datum Cycles tested E. SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: Septic/holding tank on lot IO(-/, Absorption field on lot ~ / o~' ' Public sewer main N./~. Sewer/septic service line ? Z~-' "Pump off" level at* c.c,,, ;Onadjacentlots I O 5~ t ~_, ; On adjacent lots ~ too, Public sewer manhole/cleanout pt, /4 Lift station /'4. /~ SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Buildingfoundafion ~' Propertyline '~ lO' Absorption field lO Water main/service line ~'~3" Surface water/drainage > t co' Wells on adjacent lots_ SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: Building foundation ;> ~3-' Property Line ¢ /o' Water main/service line Surface water > ! oc.,' Driveway, parking/vehicle storage area ~-' Curtaindrain No,ne ..C e ~,~ Wellsonadjacentlots ~ lOC,' ENGINEER'S CERTHqCATION I certify that l have determined thru field inspections and review of Mumctpal record~, thOt lthe~i~O¥~ in conformance with MOA HAA guidelines in effect on this date. Signatured.x,~--o'-ec~ ~. ~ Engineer's Name -~',~ eo~_X~o~¥' ~. /'--too Date ,.7~/>, t9'9o/ HAAFee $ .T~'o o~- Rev. 8/95 OSS: haa.wk.doc Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE M E M O R A N D U M SEPTIC SYSTEM ADVISORY HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL NO../~.~. ~OZ~ Prior to a recent adequacy test on the septi, c system for this lot, ~ inches of standing water was observed in the absorption field. This indicates that approximately ~ % of the absorption area is inundated. Although this system passed the adequacy test, the remaining life expectancy may be limited. This advisory must be attached to all copies of the subject Health Authority Approval. ~UL-11-199~ 12:~B FL~qTTOP TECH, SUCS. 907~451355 P.01 FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14~30 Echo St., Anchorage, AK 99516 ~-~7~ Ph, (907) 345-1355 ADEQUACY TEST DATA SHEET Street: Address:_ _ 1'77~1 Mo~t~,~tda O~,f,~ .... Client Name: Test: Der:e: G /_gd /fd' .... Tested Initial Conditions: Float #1 in~ef~ ~,,f~_ set " b,t,o._3_~" pipe w. 7~" fluid Float ~3 .iA s~t-- "b.t.o. pipe w,... --" fluid F%oat ~4 in ...... .set' --" b.t.o. _ '"' plpm w.___--" fluid -ACTI6'N 'TIM~ i-~J20 M~T~R N'~T. GAL '"W'F. LC TAKEN LEVEL .... ~: ~ .... ~- ' ~ ~a /I ,' ~ - ' ~ ~- ~ ~ 3 e _~.~. lt :qZ _. IZ:Og I/ o 7~ ...... ~: ,~ t~: ~ Unit Absorption Capacity - N.A, Surge Capacity Average Absorption. Rate Adequate for 3 Bdrms TOTAL P. 01 TECHNICAL: CIVIL& ENVIRONMENTALI';NGINEI~I~ING * ENEIIGY C()NSERVATION & ANAI,YSIS THEODORE F. MOORE, P.E. 14530 ECHO ST. PH: (907) 345-1355 July 3, 1996 ANCHORAGE, ALAS KA 99516 Robin Masek 17721 Mountainside Drive Anchorage, AK 99516 Dem' Mr. Masek: Per your request on June 26, 1996 we conducted adequacy tests of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems serving your residence on Lot 4, Block 4, Mountainside Village S/D. The test results indicate that both systems m'e functioning adequately at this time, and I am in the process of filing an application for a Municipal Health Authority Approval (HAA) certificate. Unless requested otherwise I will mail the HAA certificate to you after it has been signed by the Municipality. The following is a report of our test procedure and findings. According to the ch'iller's log, the well was completed in January of 1982 and has a total depth of 112 feet and a yield of 20 gpm. Ou the date of our test the static water level stood at 31 feet below the top of the casing. DtuSng the course of our test we pumped a total of 761 gallons of water from the well at the maximum pump output of 6.0 gpm, which caused the water level inside the casing to be drawn down to 32 feet, but no further. Based on our test data we determined that the total yield of the well is in excess of 6.0 gp~, which exceeds the Municipal criteria for approval of a single family residence, and also meets the FHA lending criteria that a well be able to supply 720 gallons of water within a 4 hour period. Water samples collected on June 26 were satisfactory, showing 0 coliform or other bacteria per 100 ml., and 3.08 mg/1 of nitrate-N. According to the as-built inspection report on file at the Municipal Health Department, the wastewater disposal system was installed in September of 1981, and consists of a 1000 gallon septic tank followed by 85 lineal feet of soil absorption trench containing 7 feet of sewer gxavel. To assess the adequacy of the system we ran 724 gallons of water into the system through the second compm'tment of the septic tank, while monitoring fluid levels in tile septic tank and in the soil absorption system standpipes, before, during and after the flow of water was stopped. Tile initial fluid depth measured in the sump/monitor tube at the end of the trencl{ was 76 inches. This level gradually rose another 16 inches as the 724 gallons of water was be!ng added to the system. At no time as water was being added to the system did it cause any fluid to back up into the septic tank. After the flow of water was stopped the fluid level in the sump receded back to 2.5 inches higher than its initial position within 30 minutes. Based on the test behavior, it appem's that the system was constructed with the distribution pipe sloping slightly downwards towards the sump/monitor tube at the east end of the trench. This allows fluid exiting the septic tank to flow first into the sump, thereby causing fluid levels measured in that monitor tube to be artificially elevated above tile ambient static fluid level in the rest of the treuch. The residence had been continuously occupied prior to the start of the test. Our opinion that the soil absorption system coutinues to perform adequately for a three bedroom residence is based on its demonstrated ability to accept a surge loading of over 1.5 times the design daily absorption requh'ement, with the fluid level in the u'euch remaining at least 14 inches below the level of the septic tank ouffall 30 minutes after the test dose was added. CT&E Ref.// Matrix PWSID 0 Smnple Remark.q: CT&E Environmental Services Inc. Laboratory Division ~ar.~~~ 9(32568.96256800 I L4,B4, Mountainside Village Dmdang Water Collected Date 200 W. Potter Drive Anchorage, AK 99fil 8-1605 TeL (907) 562-2343 Fax. (907) 561-5301 06/26/96 Technical Director: Stephen C. Ede Release,l By ~ ~. ~- Parameter gesuLts QC P~L Units Qua[ ffitr~te-N 0.100 O Nitrate-N 3.08 Tatar Coliform 0 HethoO Altowab{e Prep AnaLys(* Init Limit~ Date Date 0.100 mg/L ~PA 35],2 O.5DO rn~/L EPA 353.2 0 col/lOOmL $H15 92220 06128/96 ESC 06/28/96 E$C 06/26/96 TAV U - undetected LT Less than fiT - Gl-eater than D - Secondary Dilution d - Belou the calibration range ENVIRONMENIAL FACILITIES IN ALASKA. CALIFORNIA. FLORIOA. ILLINOIS, MARYLAND, M~¢HIGAN, MISSOURI. N~.W J[R$~Y, OHIO, W£$T VIRGINIA