HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOUNTAIN VALLEY ESTATES #1 BLK 5 LT 6-1:t-- 0 ,,S-..o i i ! i ':, i,.,'i i!ii, i,:'l'i.)illi,?i'~) ..,i ..~. iii. i ii. '.J iii iii .,ili,:'i.'i I!Ii,¢ '.;.,;:.-,ii:iq '., il~i. I !,i..il.ii{i ~)i?ii'!-,i;.liiiiTM i!'~ i"-ii' i i'i',!iitii ( I(',~ i:i(i ., iii: ii'il; I.:'!"t',ii:.il iii? i:q;;ii:ili",ii- !i:"~ !'ii;I Ii ii"?i :~ ;':h'?i ~ ! i ii'; i;;! i ! i i !i'i i ii; !i i:]i:':;! :hi',.,i:l i ]i i ii',i '; i i',i !' i'll': i ;' ii' i;ii','i i',.,'i' i i)i. ? i I'i ~ "', ! i il;' i'i i',i i i'ii i~'i t:,i: i;' ! Ii i,il i;ii?b;!r,,?i· i i::ii: i i,ii' i:: i'! i i ii; i ii i i i' !:ii I i' i i'i' i:ii,!i.~ ti ii: i:;lli i ! i li'i i !~' i i"ii-: i'::':i! ;I;i',,,'i'! ! i iii",! ( i i',I i'il i ,~ I'll;ii h;i: i i i i i",!!:i i ii' P!i'~h' ' ,-"i I i"i'! id ! i i'll ti I i i;' i i',fi'ii i i",!';',i;'i't; i 'i i?',i) i:il;'i:'i::'i I~,/:ii i;'i? i il I ';, lid !;, i"'ii ill'i! i' i:',i lb,i!: t' f.i il t,,t, i i i l!.,ii) I ii',!"!" i it'~' '"', I1' :;';i 'i.'!i fi;ii:: i :::',i ;'i ]i';:;i :ii ':-? '.;ii(ui i"] 'I': i i,iii;: ii !'i::'i~,,iiil i,ii.i ! !ii.: :;'P:i!.! i:i i:'l i.!!!:' ii l;'!ii;;ii !i. !,!l.i i i ii'~'.-; i::li;:'i- i,:! i.:q ii ~,:q:!~ iii'.!i) i,il i;,, !'ii: !,;ii: ii ii,!i'ii'::'i:, i i'i ii-ii- i)i.i 'i Ii:'! i,i!:i.ii hi i! ii! ~',i .:: .;i i,::.F i.ii i i t.:'! i,u-!.,i i :]:; iu; !,~' i: i-'i:'i '.~' '.-,i:'i. i: i i. i i ;i ! i i ! Ii.? ,.:i i ii'.,il ) i ;i li.,l;.~, i i,:'i i!: } i ii?J i:,ii ?ii iii f:?i';., i:!i;:'!: January ~, 1978 Gary Schaefer Star Route A Box 444-B Anchoraqe, Alaska 99507 Subject: Lot 6 Block 5 Mountain Valley Estates ~$1 Permit ~77584 A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired. Permits are issued on a calendar year basist as stated on the permitt by authority of Municipal ordinance. 'l If you have dr~._led the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If there are any further questions, please contaot this office at 264-4720° Sincerely, Health and Environmental Protection Sewer and Water Section MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-2221' SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST [~ SOILS [] PERCOLATION TEST PFRFORMED FOR: .~'~. ~/,/~-~o ~,~,~V' .~,,~ ~,,~"~,/~/~..-.~L--'~,~.-,,,~, DATE PERFORMED: ~/5~/ ~~-- O~' ~, SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O I IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? I i i ~ i : i j Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) 1977 Mr. Gary Schaefer Star Route A Box 444B ~-~chorage, Alaska 99507 Subject~ Lot 6 Block 5 Mountain Valley Estates Subdivision Dear Mr. Schaefer: We have rec(~ive~] the soil t~st submitted to this In or~ter for you to comply with this d~partment's rugu!ation~ yo~ will need to obtain a permit for construction. This permit will ~nable you to obtain your land use permit. We have no objection to developing the subject lot for a s~.gl~ fmnily dwetltng~ If you have any further quasi,ns, please contact this offic~ at 279~-25!1, extensio~ 224 or 225. ~inc~rsly ~ Robert C. Pratt, Sanitarian RC~/ljh