HomeMy WebLinkAboutHUNDRED HILLS S-4509 nclreol Hi Ils CASE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING O*R PLAi~NING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW stin~ PETITION FOR DATE RECEIVED REZONING SPECIAL VACATION RE6UBDIVISION COMMENT TO PLANNING BY ION OF Robert C. Johnson, R.L.S. for Pr~limlnary Plat nC Lots 3A & 3B, Blk 3, Hundred Hills Subdivision - a subdiv of Lot 3, Blk 3, Hundred Hills Subdiv located within SW 1/4 Sec 10, T13N, R1W, S.M. Ak, containing 3.126 acres + 22, 1977 FOR MEETING OF August 4, 1977 COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: PUB[ NOT AVAILABLE ~ of Cases 'ER NOT ERVICE PETITION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: / UG - 41977 S-4509 HUNDRED IriILLS SUBD., BLOCK 3, LOTS 3A & 3B --'The Munici?aliry Anchorage has received a petition from ~Vi[liam E~ Johnston to resubdiv~de ;~pp,o;<~m;~ e,y~ 3.126 acres from one lot into two Io~. The petition area is located southbast of Wo~f Dri,.'e~ and cast of the South Fork of the E~I:~ River. The pta~ was denie~ based upo~ an ,~qs~ab~ design. i~.yes: Gerry O' Courior, Nason Wade. Nayes; David Dorris, Lo~eli Thorsness~ Eugene i~eavens, Liz Johnson~ 71-O14 {9/76) · TESTING · EXPLORATION · CHEMICAL · MATERIALS · INSPECTIOt~ 1940 POST ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 July 20, 1973 W.O. 16100 PHONE 279-258l Mr. Peter Ostdiek c/o 1301 Post Road Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Test-Pit Logging for Seepage Pits Tracts B & C, Hundred Hills Subdivision Dear Mr. Ostdiek: In accordance with your request, Mr. Oz Hatch, our senior technician, inspected and logged the six test pits that we recommended for your 52-acre proposed subdivision in Eagle River. This work was accomplisked July 19, 1973. Mr. Hatch feels that the six test pits, located as shown on the attached sketch, present a fair indication of the soil cOnditions on your property. We Understand that your 14 lots would range from 2.0 to 4.7 acres in size. As you can see from the attached logs, the bulk of soil .is Fi silty sandy gravel, with the water table being encountered in T.P. 3 only. We believe that a fair value for seepage-pit requirements is 225 square feet per bedroom. Assuming the top two feet are lost because of the cover, and a water table no closer than four feet below the bottom, for an effective section of 2 to 10' depth, the following requirements would apply: Size 1 bedroom home 2 bedroom home 3 bedroom home Seepage Pit Size 7' x 7' x 8' high 14' x 14' x 8' high 21' x 21' x 8' high If you have any questions or comments, please call us. Very truly yours, PGH: das TABLE A TEST-PIT LOGS Test Pit 1 Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 14.0 Ore rb urden Fl, brown, very ~ilty sa~gravel, damp, medium-high density, GM (25%± Silt) Fl, brown, silty sandy gravel, occasional cobbles, few boulders, damp, mediu-~---~-~gk density, GM (15%± Silt) Free Water Level: None Test Pit 2 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 TABLE A TEST-PIT LOGS Soil Description Overburden Fl, brown silty sandy gravel, damp, medium density, GM (20%_+ silt) NFS, brown, very san'dy gravel, trace of silt, damp, medium-kigh density, occasional cobbles, few boulders, GP Fl, brown silty sandy gravel, damp to wet, medium-high density, GM (25% silt) Free Water Level: None TABLE A TEST-PIT LOGS Test Pit 3 Depth in Feet From To 6.0 0.5 0.5 15.0 Soil Description Overburden Fl, brown, silty sandy gravel, occasional cobboles, few - ~-- ~--~=--~ -~ it boulders, damp, medium-high aens y, GM (15-20-~ silt Free Water Level: 14.5' Test Pit 4 Depth in Feet From To TABLE A TEST-PIT LOGS Soil Description 0.0 0.5 0.5 13.0 Overburden Fl, brown ~dy gravel, damp, med. ium-high density, ~ alternatzng with ~F~n, sandy gravel, damp, medium- h~g~ density, GP (5 to 20% silt) Free Water Level: None Test Pit 5 Depth in Feet From To TABLE A TEST-PIT LOGS Soil Description 0.0 0.5 0.5 11.0 Overburden F1, brown, silty sandy gravel, damp, medium-high density, occasional cobbles, few boulders, G!{ (20%+ silt) Free Water Level: None TABLE A TEST-PIT LOGS Test Pit 6 Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 12.0 Overburden F4, brown sandy silt, stiff, non-plastic, ML Fl, brown silty sandy gravel, medium-high density, occasional cobbles, few boulders, GM (15-20% silt) Free Water Level: None ,<'