HomeMy WebLinkAboutMCCABE S-4658 I COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: AVAILABLE lOT AVAI LAB LE -~ Cases PETITION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: 71-014 [9/76) I DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: un cipality ot Anchorage MEMORANDUM April 3, 1978 File No.: PB3 Jerry Weaver - Planning Department £nvironn~ntal Engineering - Dept of Health & Environmental Protection S-4658 - McCabe Subdivision Regarding S-4658 McCabe Subdivision - This Department finds the soils adequate for on-site septic system, and recommends 250 square feet per bedroom. John W. Lynn Environmental Engineering J~IL: 1 mp DATE: TO: FROM: SUblJE C'F: MEMORANDU~ April 3, 1978 File Jerry Weaver -- Planning [~e. partur~nt Environmental Enf;iheering D~'Ft oF" -''~ '- ' ot~uctlun S-4658 - McCabe Subdivision Regarding. . S-455e''~':~cCab_~, Subdiwsion - This ,P'~-..Dr=r* +'="J ~ t fi': OS' the soil s ad~quate for on-site septic system, oqu,,.e feet per beef room. John Iq. Lyrm Environmental Engineering JWL: lmp HEWII-F V. LOUNSBURY S- ASSOCIATES ~c~,.-~ Engineers - Surveyors 723 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone 272-5451 GENTLEMEN: ATTENTION WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Shop drawings [] Copy of letter ~ Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications E Change order ~ ,~. ~o~, ~ COPIES . DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3/2 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~ For approval '~] For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] Resubmit copies for approval [] Submit copies for distribution ~ Return corrected prints REMARKS 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO_ SIGNED: "-* ~.. If enclosures are not as note~, kindly notify us at once. Project Frojec! F;eld P~rty Geolo_qi$~ Ground ['/~ ! er To b le I°~'' 1' tv / D_~SCH IP TI O/~ ~aif type, co,~or~ t~xture# estimated patrick-~ siz~ $ompl~r drlvin~ ~t~s~ hits used, etc. L,,t8 ._~-~,, ~5 8 F'~2. !978 Un/es~ otl~r~vise noted oll sample~ ere taken ~4/I.4"ID S/ando'rd Pcn.=tr~.t;~,? S2,wp,"-~r dr:~s,? ;~.//'~/~. h,~m:r.~c oO dr~p_ MUNICh:'ALiTY OF ANCHORAGI~ DEP/X,I'~TME;',rT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROi'EC1 ION JAN '.!. 0 1978 RECEIVED MUNiCiP/.,LETY' OF ANCHORAGE D[!?;\RTMZF4T OF HEAL7H & ENVI~ON~v',ZNTAL PROTEC lION JAN i. 0 1978 RECEIVED Hew/It V. Lounsbur/ En~in'~er$ --- Surveyors l~nchoro~ro, _ Pdosko . $~eet _ , t, of.: ~- ",.. Ground DESCHIPTIO;I Locohbn [.'o;e$ £ type, co!or, t~lure, eSt/muted pothole s;ze, 5ornp/er dry, in2 n~fes, d~pths circul~t.;on lost, Vo~btotion: __: _ ~ ~ ..-_ ' ....... -~ ~4~5 8 Ftg i ~" P '~ driven ~v./lJo lb. hu.mm.~. 30" o'rOp_ S~.65 8 FEB 1.. 1978 MUNICIPALIT'f OF ANCHORAGE DEPAR]M;2NT OF HI~ALIkl & I=NVIRONME~NTAL PROT~-!CTION JAN Z 0 1978 RECEIVED Gro,~/~'J ~V~Tu~ Toble 7'._.] ~'2il type, co/or, /=,~/:~re~ c. stimu/zd purr?cie size, ~smp/er drlv.:n~ notes, ~th~ circulut..~n lo~t, not~ on dr/thn~ eus¢, bHs used, etc. noted ¢1} s¢¢~fe¢ ore t¢~en ~/I.~ ID %/.~n~L.~rd Pcn~/r~f,'~n ~Rum,~/¢r c"riv-~n ~/1'~ I'b. h~m.~?r.. BO~ dr2p_ Oeoloq,'st 7-ob19 Loco;,':2n LD.'es ~ Olcgrom: ; ?roject No t, lethod Used Field P~trty · LOG OF TEST BOFeiNG ,.de/itt V. Lounsb'x/ ~ AssocioL:. Engineers Surveyors ~nchor~ge, . ~lask~ Total o~p.~ I ~, Ground DESCRIPTION Soil type, co/oB texture, eslimoted por[id9 siz% sompler drIvIng no;es, depths circulah'on IosI, holes cn drilling eose~ bits used, dc. Table LOcolioo I.'9.?s E Ox~grom: ' I~.! o,> .... _._.lJ 0 ./ 10 S 8'9° 5B'O0" W HOLE ',.,N 89° 56 O0 ", W 660.00 .LIN $ U 13 I) I V' 13 IEl) -6 / MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM To; 91-015 (Rev° 1/81)'