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HOMESTEAD HILLS Community Water System Information
January 16, 1978 Joh~ L. Jenso~ Star Route A Box 1735-J Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: ~m~stead Hills Subdivisiqn Community Water S~stem Your name was mentioned as a r~s~ -~ so%~e~ of informatio~ on ~tomestead ~Iills Subdivisi°~- }~. Denvl, Saxowsky, previous~.y the perg6~ responsible for the s~bdiv%sion's oo~m%unity~ater system, has moved from the area. ~ould yo~ be able tg provide me with the of thepresiden%_~f the ~omer~er~ Association? I would like to insure ~a monthly sampling ~requencyo Thank you ~for yo~r help in this matter. Please contact me at 264-4720. Sincerely, l.ynn Bringle Environm~ntal Code Officer L B/lJb December 29, 1977 John Lo Jenson Star Route A Box 1735-J Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Homestead Hills Subdivision Community Water Systenx Your n~e was mentioned as a possible source of information on Homestead ~ills Subdivision. ~ir. Denvy Saxowsky, previously the person responsible for the subdivision's con~au~%ity water system, has moved from the area. Would you be able to provide me with the name of the president of the Homeowner's Association? I would like to insHre a monthly sampling frequency. Thank y~u for yoHr help in this matter. Please ¢onaaet me at 264-4720. Sincerely, Lynn Bringle Environmental Code officer LB/ljh 0~-1220 (a) DWJSION O~ PUbLiC SANITARIAN'S HE,'VJARKS Juae 17, Lueas SurveyAng Compaay Anchorage, Alaska Dalai, Mr. Lucss: The C~eatar Anchorage Area ~ovog~h Department of Eavl~oamenCal qualit2hasrevie~ed your ~ee pla~s ~ha~ a~ to be to ~he Pla~ Co~sslon on ~he evenA~ o~ July 7, 1971. Planing De~t~nt has asked ~hat o~ c~en~s on thee plats ~ ~o ~hem no la~e~ ~han'June 25, 1971. ~e ask that you~vide ~' ~hAa i~a~ion [or o~ me~rand~ to ~h~ Planni~ Dep~tment ~o ~hat we may have ~sl~ive statements in this mo. The three pa~ticula~ ~l~ts are 4ets 1 ch~u§h 8 Hatcher Subdivision, public se~e~ a~ ~a~e~ Is avall~le. ~e wi~ receded app~ ~ s~tted, Case 2 la Sc~d~ S~lvtsion ~ts ~ qC, ~evlew o~ ~his p~tic~ ~ on ~he U~S soils ~a ~ps i~/~tes t~c we =i~ need additional soi~ ~o~cfoa ~o~Ati~ An thAm p~tic~ a~ea, Due to the ~r soil a~vid~ ~to a~ AoCs o~y~ A~te~ o~ e~ht. ~ we ~ ~ app~of this plat. the undersigned. Since~',eXy, April ~8, 197~ ~,~r. ~lenn tluff Contracting gngineers and Associates ltJ01 Stanton Avenue /ulci~orage, Alaaka 99504 Subject: Homestead Hills Subdivision Water System. Dear Nr. tiuff: Th~ Greater /~ichorage Area 8orou§h, i~epart~J~nt of Environi~-~uta] Qua] i ty, has revi~eO tile prelimt~ary engi~eering plans for the subject v~ater sys- te~. :~e find that :i~ese plans ~et ~l~il all condittmis ~dth fahtCh this ~partn-~nt if concerned. wish :o advis~ you that onc~ :i~u project is completed, tile following n~ust be sub~ttted to thi~ office for revie~ m~d approval: 1. As-buil~ engii)eertng plans in sufficient detail to approve tile entire ~at~t system and also to include an accurate well g. Che~dcal a~d bacterial analysis of the water fram the ~ell. 3. Copies of the protective radii around the well recorded by docu- ments against the lots over ~)tch the radii falls. We a]so vyould advise you that sis)ilar copies of these pre]ludnary plans ere :o be submitt~d to ~tr. IQyle Cherry of the State Oeparb~ent of Environ- mental t;onservation for t~ts review{ and approval. Should you have any questions regarding our review of tim subject engineering plans, please contact the under$tgeed. Sincerely, golf ~. Strlckland, R. S. Assistant Director cc: Kyle Cherry Jonn Jansen V/ILLIA~ A. £GA~t, GO'~ERt~O~ ROOM 222 - }~CKAY BLDG. 338 DE.ALI STREET ANCHORAGE 99501 ! j.~ APril 27, 1972 Mr. Glenn A. Huff Contracting Enginee~-s and Assoc. 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: HOiSTeD HILLS SUBDIVISION WATER SYSTEM Dear Mr. Huff: We have completed our review of the plans and specifications for the subject project, with the understanding that this office will be furnished satis- factory bacteriological and chemical analyses of the water, these plans and specifications are approved for those features with which this office is con- cerned. Yours truly~ Regional Environm~ ntal Engineer F. JC/mw cc: John Jensen 3305 Eide Street #3 GAAB-DEQ''~ Dtl~i/_EH_7, ALASKA [:' kRTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFA]/~ ' APPLICATION FOR APPROV~ OF PLANS Alaska Departmen~ of Health ami Welfare ~ u~'' g · Branch 0f Environmental Health //Dt~/L 3 ~ /~ Z 2~ 9 Juneau, Alaska 9801 ~ ' Business Telephone No, ................... i~"gF'~b5 t 'o~ ~ ................. ~ ..... . -- ~_~ -~ ~ In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title ~8, "Health and Saiety", Chapter 05, Sec. 18,05.040, (11), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgatad thereunder, we, (~ame of AppacanD herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY ~ATUR~S, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans ahd speci- fications, and a Project ~eport (~ngineer[ng or Architac~ral ~eport) including necessary data required for full understand- ing of SANITarY F~AT~S of design. {Give complete but Brief description of project) ................ ~.~....~..~.,.~.,.._/ .... ~._~_...~...~. .................. x......u..,~ ........................... ~..~ ................. ~ .............. /.~,,,. ~./ ~ ~ 1~ / · /O'c// .~J=/~¢~. ./-4.9~...~J.(/~'~O~.._..~and by or under the diroetlon of the following Zngineer(s) or Architect(s) duly licensed to practice in Alaska: This project is to be financed in the following manner: tList sources of funds and amounts) ...... -"":'-T?'7'" ~:"~ ......... . ............................................... Total estlmatod cost of this project is These plans are being submitted to you at least one--month prior to the contemplated date of"advertislng for bids (Date bids will be called) We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that no revlaions in the plans affecting the SANITARY FEATURES of the project may be made subsequent [o receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that construction will be carried out in accordance with the approved plans; and that unless construction on this project is started within a two-year lJeriod subsequent to your approval, such approval will become void. Very truly yours, (Official Title) ......... : ................................................................................................... 1801 8tanton Ave. Anchorage, Alaska CONTRACTING ENGINEF~,.S & ASSOC. Consulting Engineers 279-1792 ENG ~EERING REPORT HO~STE.~D HILLS SUBDZVISION WATER SYSTEM Water System for: Lot ! thru 9 Block 1 Lot 1 thru 6 Block 2 Total lots served - 15 General I, The system as designed will serve thel5 lots in this subdivision as noted above and as shown on the attached drawings, 2, The system as designed will not be expanded, 3, There will be no industrial activity ~ich will affect the requirements of this water system, A, The estimated daily water eonsumpticn assuming 100 g.p,d, min. and 3,25 people per residence and 15 residences is 100 x 3, 25 x15 - 4875 gs2,/ or 3 ~39 gal,~min, This is the present and future req~iremant~ day~ The capacity of this system is based on the peak demand computed as follows: Assuming for each lot: Ba%hroo~ ~roup ~.rlth flush tank Kitchen sink Tots~ supply f~,~cture units per~ lot - 11 Engineering Report Homestead Hills Subd. For 15 lots the load on the system in ~upply fixture ~mits is 165. With this load 'the supply demand is equal to 57 g.pom, for approximately 20 ~ninutes or ll40 With the installation of one 82 gal. Hydro-¥ne~m~atic storage tank with 2/3 effective volume for storage on each lot served~ the total storage for this system will be: S2xt/3x~ 820 gal. Required pump capacity '--320 -~ 16o0 gal. per ~,minute or 960 gal. per hour 5. The source of water for this system will be a deep water ~ell located as sho~m on the plans. The well will be drilled and cased with a 6" casing to prevent g~otmd Water contamlnatiou. T~e top of 'the casing will extend at least 12" above finished grade with no pit around 'the casing. A well house will be constructed over 'the well to allow all electric conzrols to be located at the well. The well house will be insulated and ~ather tight. It will have a daylight drain and will be electrically heated to prevent freezing. A pitless adaptor will not be used end the discharge-Dipe will come out of the top of the casing and ~clll be connected to the distrubution hesder iu the well house. The casing will be sealed° 6~ All development in 'this area depends on wells for their water and the acquifer which this well will penetrate has proven to produce water of a quality suitable for household uses~ Prior to public use the water from 'this well ~rill be tested for quality° Permafrost is not kno~m to be present in this area, This is not a surface water source. D~ ~rmfmcatmon is not antmc~paved or proposed. Pressure will be ~aLutained in the lines at e~ll times by the. '. use of a submersible pump wi~h a~ m_~nim~m rating of Il80 gsl~ per hour w~_th a discharge pressore of 60 p~s.i, s~ad a depth to water level of 120 feet. (Jacuzzie Submersible ~p No. 15Sfac o~ equ~)~ If the depth to water I'e~el is such t~ require a larger p~p, them a pvmp of adequate size '~-~ll be installed. To minimize f fluctuation in press~res~ a hydro-pneumatic ~stem acne!sting of one 82 gal. pressure tsnk will be located in e~h~residence. ~s~r~ ~o?~ ~n the mains at pe~ p~oing r~e is Ohe 82~gal. p~ss~e tsmk will be located in ~he well~ho.~se. EngineeringRepor% Homestead Hills Subd. -3- F, The distribution lines will be onstructed with approximately 670 lin. ft of 2" NSF approved water line, and 223 lin. ft. of l" NSF approved water line 2, There are no soecial features in the distribution system. 3. The distribution sysytem will be instslled with a r~inimum of lO~ of cover over the distribution lines. The system will be located in galeial till at the depth specified. Water will be stored as specified in "E". 2. Fire protection has not been provided. Ho Gost Estimates C on struc ti on Well House We]il with 6" casing 150~ @ ~lS/ft. 670 lin. ft. 2" WL installed 6/lin', 223 lin. ft. l" WL installed @ $5~50/ lin. ft *15 curb stops installed @ ~lO0 each 2Z~O lin. ft, 3/4 W1. installed @ ~5,0C,/lino ft. Submersible p~mp end riser pipe $ 500~00 2250.00 A020,00 1226.00 1500.00 1200,00 800.00 ~11A96o50 ~,~.intensnce cos% eszimated to be $4CO/year 'frae following minimum'distances from noints of possible contamination '~o ground water supplies will. be exceeded: Any contamination - gO ft. Sewers~ septic tsnk~ disoos~l fields - 80 ft. S~epage'pnts - 12Q. ft". Curb stops included ser~zice connection, Eighty---two ?al. hydro-pnuematie tank to be instsAled by each builder, as lots develop. 180I St!nton Ave. Anchorage, Alaska CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC. Consulting Engineers Phone: 279-1792 WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS flenera .i All materials shall be of types sho~m on the plans and shall conform to these' specifications. All workmanship shall be according to good practices of each trade. Safety precautions shall be observed to prevent hazards to property, 1.ifs or equipment through caving earth, electrical lines, flooding, fires, traffic and other potential causes. The site shall be kept free of accumulations of trash or debris from the work. Upon completion of construction tbs site shall be left in .a neat and clean condition, graded to drain to established channels. WATER LINES A. Materials 1. P.V.C. piPe and fittings Shall be schedule 4© Type 1-1120 normal impact hi chemical resistant N.S.F. approved or equal. 2. Galvanized pipe shall be of galvanized steel pipe conforming to AS~ specification A 120-65a; of galvanized wrought iron pipe.conforming to ASTM specification A. 72-68, standard weight. Joints shall be threaded and threaded couplings with N.P.S. threads shall be provided. 3. Copper pipe shall be flexible seamless pipe, Type "K" conforming to ASTM specification B~88-66. 4. Valves, Gate Valves shall be brass body bronze faced gate valves, pressure tested at 250 p.s.i. Service valves shall be Mueller Co. No. H-10202 or approved equal. ~ B. Construction .... - - The trench shall be excavated to the depth shown on the plans and as st~ked. Galvanized pipe shall be installed by scre¥;ing the joints t~h~ with Suitable pipe wrenches. Approved pipe joint compound or white lead shall be applied to all male threads only prior to assembling the joint. Changes in grade or alignm~'nt of galvanized pipe shall be accomplished with fittings and not by bending the pipe. Copper pipe shall be instslled by 'laying it in the trench and assembTSng the joints. Threaded fittings shall be screwed on to their mating fittings before soldering. All pipes shall be assembled at a joint before that joint is soldered, and the entire joint shall be soldered at one time. PVC pipe shall be installed and joints msde as recommended by the Manufacturer 'and only approved materials used. Changes in grede or alignment of the P.V.C. pipe shall be accomplished with fittings and not by bending the pipe. Before backfilling, all newly installed water lines shall be tested for le~mks by filling the lines with water and e~amining them under normal system pressure. ~ . C. Disinfection 1. After testing and after all leaks are corrected the ne~ly installed water lines, well and pump shall be disinfected by filling with water solution containing not less than 100 ppm of available chlorine. The solution shall be retained in the system for a minimum of four hours and then thoroughly flushed from the system. L~TA I£ ~ NUT Ik'4"X 6~' NO, B COPPER SHEET ORIGINA£ THAW WIRE. l, 1, Bt~AZED TO NO 2 COPPER WIRE~ ~ Z SPL I F BOLT CO~CTOR ~ CORPORATION ~TOP BLE COPPER TUBING OF SAME SIZE TO CONNE~ TO ~ER~C~' HOLE TO FIT---~ NUT ~ ~ GROUND LINE ' EXPLODED l/lEI, f~- THAW W,~RE CONNECTION / , ( ER COATED Nm 2 THAW TYR£X Of~ EQUAl-) STOP CURB STOP Taku Develo?~rs 3305 gide Street AnohoraEe~ Alaska 99503- June 7, 19'~l Greater Anchorage Area Burough 3,~00 Tudor Anchorage~ ~laska 99500 ATT~TION: Ralf Strickland Dear ~ir. Strickl~nd: This letter is to furnish you with information of the availability of water in the Homestead Hills Subdivision area. The homeowners immediately east of our proposed subdivision have a' certified flow~ of ~0 ga]J. ons per minute each at 90 feet and also at ~5 feet. The ho~eowners immediately west and ngrth are at 15h feet and 185 feet respectively and have an approximate flow of '~ gallons per minute. ~ few ~hundred feet to the northwest there is a well that produces a certified ll gallons per minute at 87 feet. It is our hope that the information is sufficient for our purposes. z~ohn L. Jense~n / Takn~ Developers INSPECTION ¢ QUALITY CONTROL 3944 [-~2aT-$PENA RD MATERIALS TESTING SOIL CONCRErE ASPHALT NATIONAL T[~S'TJI~%!G SERVICES INC. TELEPHONE June 4, 1971 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Mr. half Str~ckland Dear Sir: Regarding general soil analysis and reco~}endations pertaining t9 permeability of drainage pits and/or draiA fields of the Homestead Hills subdivision:' Nine tes~-borings were ~ade'in order to defibe the soils. Included here are: 1. A plot of the proposed subdivision with the boring locations indicated within circles~. 2. Nine boring logs ~ith the individual rec~nendat~on~ 'at the bottom of each log. 3, 4ssumed drainage ~onditio~s and recommendations o£ each of.the 18 lots as projected from data of the 9 test holes. There is little continuity in the soil strata making correlation quite difficult. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, NATIONAL TESTING SERVICES, INC. R. E. Carlisle Lab Manager ¥ 7 \ ~' CONSTRLI'cTION INSPECTION QUAL. I'IY CONTR. OL SOIL CONCRETE ASP; IALT MATERIALS TESTING 3944 a~-~' Sp...',~D ROAD ANC[qO/~AO~. ALASKA 90503 Projected Drainage Data ~ Homestead Hill Subdivision Square Feet Block No. I Pit Drain Area Lot No, Depth Per Bedroom 1 10' 103 2 10 120 3 10 166, 4 10 ~96 5 10 19~ '6 lO d~lbz:~ 8 10 28~ 9 t0 265i 10 10 250~j Drain Field ~ n. De_EL~- 2.0 2.0 2.5 ' 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 Square Fee~ Drain Area Per Bedroom 165 155 C180.-. 25b 265 250 250 Block No. 2 Lot No. 1 9.5 270 2 10 255 3 10 225 4 10 245 5 10.5 185] 6 10 2001 7 10 222! 8 10 255~ 2.0 2.0 250 245 NO.: ,~ORING NO.: TEST ;SIGNMEN7 TYPE BORING: LOG OF BORING NO,~.L___ 18" Auger LOCATION: SOIL DESCRIPTION TOP SOIL THICKNESS: SUR, ELEV,: brown silty sandy gravel (GM) JOB NO.:. 71:315 See plot STRENGTH TONS/SQ,F~ gray sandy gravel, very slightly silty (GW) with scattered boulders to 7' (SW) below 6' mostly sand with fine gravel f~om 7' 105 square feet of drainage area is required per bedroom I COMPLETION DEPTH: 12.O DATE: 6/1/7_]. CREW DEPTH TO WATER: none PLATE NO.. ';-' ~3ORING NO.; LOG OF BORING NO,_ JOB NO.: TEST -~SIGNMENT TYPE BORING: LOCATION: SOIL DESCRIPTION TOP SOIL THICKNESS: SUR. ELEV.: brown sandy silt (ML) gray silty sand with fine to coarse gravel by 2' (SM) See plot SHEAR STRENGTI4 IN TONS/SQ,FT. 0,5 1.0 1,5 gray to light gray silt very slightly sandy (M~) 266 square feet of drainage area is' required per bedroom with a drainage pit bottom depth of 9.5~ ~ COMPLETION DEPTH: 11.3 )ATE: DEPTH TO WATER: DATE; nODe CREW PLATE JOB NO,: 3ORING NO,i · TEST £SIGNMEN7 LOG OF BORING NO..~ JOB NO.: ~er LOCATION: See plot u- Ed .ISHEAR STRENGTHI.~ cc ~I-- SOIL DESCRIPTION [~ 'Op SOIL THICKNESS: ,,-, ~'.D/ IZ..J ;UR. ELEV,: a~ -- / ~.5~ ran sandy clay gray sandy, s±lty gravel !94 square feet of drainage area is I II III i IIIII III - :eqnired per bedroom with a drainage t drain field could be used if set tt a m±nimum depth °f 2'0' and rising t drainage area of 225 square feet -- ,er bedroom. Illllllllllllllllllll ION DEPTH: 11.3 DEPTH TO WATER: none /2/7]. DATE: TYPE BORING: A a CO~P/ETION DATE: No.: ' 3ORING NO;: 'rEST ]SSIGNMENT TYPE BORING: LOG OF BORING NO._ Auger LOCATION: SOIL DESCRIPTION TOP SOIL THICKNESS: SUR. ELEV.: brown sandy silt (ML) gray silt with fine gravel imbedded (~m) JOB NO.: See plot SHEAR STRENGTH IN TONS/SQ. FT. 0.5 1,0 1.5 gray silty fine sand & fine gravel (S~O a (SP) with occasional boulders by 7' mostly sand by 8' (Hale tends to cave 8'-10') 185 square feet of drainage area is required p~r bedroom with a pit depth of 10.5' COMPLETION DEPTH: 10.5 DATE: DEPTH TO WATER: DATE: CREW PI ATF .rOB NO,: . .. ~ORING NO,: ' TEST SIGNMENT LOG OF BORING NO. ','~ TYPE BORING: Auger LOCATION: SOIL DESCRIPTION TOP SOIl_ THICKNESS: SURo ELEV,: brown silty sand with fine to coarse gravel intermixed slightly more silty by 3~ (SM) with less gravel by 8' 225 square feet of drainage areai is required per bedroom with a drainage pit set at 10,0' depth JO8 NO.: See plot SHEAR STRENGTH IN TONS/SQ.F~ 0.5 1.5 COMPLETION DEPTH: DATE: 6/2/71 12.0 DEPTH TO WATER: DATE: none CREW PLATE JOB NO.::,'', LOG OF BORING NO. JOB NO.: BORING NO.: TYPE BORING: Auger LOCATION: See plot z c9 ~ ~ r3 . ~Q- uJ~n TEST ,.~uJa: ~z: t9 a_ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~E Z I brown clayey silt witl~ boulders ..... (CL) -- gray sandy gravel, slightly silty~ with scattered boulders ~"- gray silty sand (SM) ---:"f;' I bec°mes m°re silty with depth fr°m 10.5' required per bedroom with a drainage bottom depth of 10' A drain field may be feasible using IIIIIIIIIIit111111111 - _111tl I.II!1111 i111 I/ COMPLETION DEPTH: I1,6 DEPTH TO WATER: none DATE: 6/1/71 DATE: CREW PLATE i JOb NO.:'. '' :30RING NO.:' TEST '~SIGNMENT TYPE BORING: LOG OF BORING NO,__?___ Auger LOCATION: See plot SOIL DESCRIPTION TOP SOIL THICKNESS: SUR, ELEV.: brown siltygravel (GM) JOB NO.: SHEAR STRENGTH IN TONS/SQ.FT. 0.5 1.0 1.5 fine to coarse sand with fine to coars~ gravel intermixed (SW) gray sand-silt mix (ML) becoming more silty with depth from 8.5' 197 square feet of drainage area is required per bedroom with a pit depth of 10', However, a drain field could be feasi- ble with 125 square feet of drainage area per bedroom with the ditch bottom at a minimum depth of 2.0'. COMPLETION DEPTH: DATE: 6/1/71 DEPTH TO WATER;. DATE: none CREW PLATE JbB NO.:': SORING NO.: LOG OF BORING NO._,, dc JOS TYPE BORING; Auger LOCATION: See plot d ~ ~ ~,. SHEAR STRENGTH ..~ TEST ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~] ' ~ ~ ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ D-- -- ~z 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ TOP SOIL THICKNESS: OO o ~ ~ ~ SUR, ELEV.: J m 0.5 I,O 1.5 .... LLI III I1~1111111!~tl -~ .<~ gray silt with few gravel (~) /11111 tt111111111111 w~t~ ~ut~d bo~de=~ b~ ~' ~1111111111111 slightly sandy 6 - 7~ , ~/- light gray from 8' ~] with few gravel imbedded by 10' required per bedroom, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII COMPLETION DEPTH: 12,4 DEPTH TO WATER: none DATE: 6/,2/71 DATE: CREW DI JO~ NO.'-i _ ; BO~RING N~]. . TYPE BORING: TEST $$R3NMEN LOG OF BORING NO., 39 Au&er LOCATION See SOIL DESCRIPTION TOP SOIL THICKNESS: SUR, ELEV,: brown clayey silt (~L) JOB NO.: STRENGTH gray silty sand (SM) with boulders and gravel intermixed by 3.5' less silty from 9' 250 square feet of drainage area is required per bedroom for a drainage pit set at 10' deep. COMPLETION CREW DEPTH: 11.9 DEPTH TO WATER: DATE: none PLATE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division ~,/:4.~/¢] CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASENUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: SUB IVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ) COMMU NITY WATER AVAILABEE~ ~O~M~s. ~ ~ ~ Municipality of Anchorage PLATTING BOARD AUTHORITY APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Applicant ~.~ ~ ]3 ' ' al Address SPA BOX 8636 Phone Nur. be,~ 277--8615 · Survey ~106 Legal Description of Property mvoJved; . Homestead Entry ~61 wlthmn Chuga N~ Liu.¢l F~£~ L Present/Future Use of Property Residential DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Date Received Case No. Hearing Date ACTION lhApproved Denied Conditions This is a request for a variance from Section _21 · 1 5 · 1 1 0 (A) of the Land Subdivision Regulations. Platting contiguous property A. Theexistingsituationis: Homes within H.E. ~61 are encroachinq section 9,T10N R1W S.Mo A land trade resolves the encroachment but strict i~etation of Title 21 would require platting Section 9. Thegrantingofthispetitionwouldpermit: Adjusting property lines of tt.E. ~61 to correct encroachments, without having to survey Section 9. The undersigned alleges that: 1, That there are such special circumstances or conditions affecting said properly that the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance would clearly be impractical, unreasonable, or undesirable to the general public. These special circumstances or conditions are; The remainder of Section 9 is a National Forest. The cost associated with surveying Section 9 would be very high and add no benefit to the plat or the National Forest. 2. That the granting of the specified variance will not be detrimental to the public welfar~ or injurious to other property in the area in which said property is situated for the following reasons: The only affected parties are those located in Section 9. 3. That such variance will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of [his ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan of the Municipality for the following reasons; Density, openspace, access, public health and welfare are not affected because the homes are already exis~g. 4. The above listed special conditions or circumstances do not result from the action of the applicant and such conditions or circumstances do not merely constitute a pecuniary (monetary) hardship or inconvenience in that: No benefit would result. ure of Authorized Agent Address Signature of Land Owner r S pply Denvy Saxowsky Well Log Description of Formation Top soil Sandy clay Hardpan, yellow clay & gravel Gray clay & sand Sand ( hard ) Sand &clay Gravel, clay & sand Blue clay Clay & gravel Sand & little water Hardpan ( tan ) Rock & sand Hardpan ( tan ) Brown sand Hardpan Gravel ~ little water Sandy clay Sand~ Gravel & little water Hardpan Fine gravel & little water Hardpan Sand~ gravel & little rater Hardpan Gravels sand ~ lit'~le ws£er Hardpan Sand~ gravel & little water Water~ sand & gravel From - TO 0 - 8 - l& - 3O 3O - 68 78 - 98 98 - 105 105 - 112 112 - 127 127 - 139 139 - 160 160 - 175 175 - 20o 20o - 218 218 - 220 220 - 221 221 - 226 23~ - 235 235 - 238 239 - 245 - 2~6 2~6 - 251 251 - 257 ,.. ?~-~ UNITED SL,,ES DEPARTMENT OF T~JE INTERIOR GEOLOG!CAL SURVEY W^TER ANALYSIS ' 2GW Location Source Cased to (ft) Treatment WBF letup (° F Collected Remarks Date drilled. Owrl0r Depth (ft) Pointof : L WL · Appear, When coil. . Silica (SiO2) 13.2 Aluminum (Al) ~h_Lo_q_(?c ) ¢l:o{ai) . ~ 5 Calcium (Ca) Diam (in, Potasaium Total Yield - By ......... S-a-~.°-}"-'PJ~. ' ._ 33 7,4 0. ,?,,0 .9 .02 ]3ic~,~'bonate (HCO3) Caz'bonate (CO 3) rog/1 ]~ ap/1 0.00 Sulfate (S04) 8.2, J 0,17 Chlm-idd (C1) 3.0 Fluoride (F) .0 I 0.08 Nitrate (NO3 ) 1.4 [ 0.02.. Total Dissolved H a'dne, Alkallnl~;y as CaCo3 128 11.2 10S g_~i__cro_ rnl__J¢_)a at 25° ~C~._ pH Color 217 Lab. No. Col .. o,..,,~ Field No. Project USGS ~. STAlt ROUTE A~ BOX 30 344.5057 ' .ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99502 ' ~O~A~ ~A~-~ ................ - - CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC, 1801Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 279-1792 September 27, 1972 Mr. Rolf Strickland Dept. of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3500 Tudor Road Pouch 6650 Anchorage, Alaska Re: Homestead Hills Subdivision Water System Dear Mr. Strickland: The construction of this system has been completed. Attached is a copy of the As-Built Engineering Plans, well log and reports on the chemical and bacterial analysis of the water from the well. Copies of the recorded documents showing the protective radii around the well are included. If additional information is required, please advise. Sincerely~ x/'G, A. Huff, P.E. 4 N · -~TRAPL INE---DR 1VE 7 8 9 '-" .-'t':~,. =.P~OTEOTIVE RADII FO~"COMMUNITY ~ELL THE FOLLOWING CLEARANCES FROM CONTAMINATION FOR THE WELL WILL BE MAINTAINED. "1. 40' RADIUS~ANY CONTAMIN'AT-ION' ~ 2.80' RADIUS~SEWERS, SEP~!G TANKS, DISPOSAL ~0' RADIUS-SEEPAGE PITS FIELDS RESTRICTION APPLYS TO LOT T, 8, AND 9 BLOCK ~ AND LOT 2,3, .4, AND .5. BLOGK 2 AS SHOW'N. '.' l~ ~.//.'"~, ' ~ .... _ . _ _:.- -- . · ~,?.._:L~_.~._-_ .... . _- .- _' . _ :_ -.: - . . Subscribed to and sworn before me this day of ADDRESS STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION /no,4 CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIPI~A~E~ DEPT. C)? A. APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT for PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS Plans for the construction or modification of ENVIRoNMF_N rAL F',ROTECTioi~ JAN 8 1.,8o RECEIVED public water system located ,4:! in · ,4 '!/~ ,Ocz ,~,~ ~' , Alaska, submitted in accordancewith 18 AAC 80.100 ,,I ~ ,..,, / by /f:,',/,, ~- , X I · ,. ,, ..,.,~,..~/-,~ / : <-z ~... ~ ~,' .,~ have been reviewed and are [] approved. [] conditionally approved (see attached 'conditions). If construction has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. APPROVED Change Icon[ract order no. or descripz~ve reference) Approved by Date I. , , .,, {',~ I./ , :/ /: .,~ ,~ '1 /x ~ ...,,,,,.,. t ..,~ ,/. ...., .. , .~ /. .~ ~'~ ' ' f,/ '" , : t ' ' ,./,i. ,.. . ,- /I , /.-.:~ C. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be completed and signed by the Department before any water m made available to the public. The construction of the ..- : .~.<-- public _ / ~- (date). The system is hereby water system was completed on ,/ granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. BY TITLE DATE As-built plans submitted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the Department, has confirmed the system was constructed according to the approved plans. The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. ::.;, .. ,: / : .- /: :.-.. .... .....~ :t /:;, /,..,... BY TITLE DATE DISTRIBUTION: 1. WHITE - ENGINEER (Complete Section C) 2. YELLOW - WATER SYSTEM FILE (Complete Section C) DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 'E' STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 274-2533 Alaska Environmental Control Services 1200 W. 33rd Avenue, Suite B Anchorage, Alaska 99503 January 3, 1986 ; ECTio JAN ~1~ RECEIVED SUBJECT: Horizontal GrandFather Rights Separation between Well and Septic Systems For Lots 3 thru 5, Block 2, Homestead Hills Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska (8621-WA-086) & (8621-FA-094) Dear Sir: The Department has received and reviewed your request For grandfather rights on separation For the subject project. Approval is hereby given For the water system and the "CertiFicate to Operate" is attached. Any Future expansion oF the subject project will require additional approve From this oFFice. Sincerely, Michael P. Lewis Environmental Engineer MPL:msm