HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract A1, B1 RECEIVED DEC 9 1992 Dept. Health & Human Services SUMMARY OF ACTION May 15, 1985 Page 2 OLD USI SS -- A. Public Hearing /Z~, -3)~J.,¢ ~ f/~7 1. ~ S-8107 HOMESTEAD ENTR~SUBDIVISION/~.-77,~-~ ~~_/ · he plat was approved subject to: /~ ~/ ~0~/ 1. Resolving utility easements· ~~ 2. Resolving soils and septic inf0rmati6n with DHEP. 3. Indicating the flood plain limits on the plat. 4. Resolving drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. 5. Providing creek maintenance easements where 'required. 6. Resolving width and location of trails easements with Parks and Recreation. S-8108 HATHOR SUBDIVISION t T he plat was denied. 3. S-8103 CLAIRBORNE SUBDIVISION, ADD. %4 The plat was denied. 4. S-8118 CAMPBELL LAKES ESTATES The plat was approved subject to: Resolving utility easements. Resolving drainage and drainage easements .~i~h Public Works Engineering (to include foo~ing drians and footing drain stubouts). ~ATE~ CASE~ SITE: LAND USE: Residential SOILS: None submitted TOPO: Varies VEGETATION: Birch/Spruce ZONING: R-11 DENSITY BEFORE: 2 DU AFTERz COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Classification: Residential Intenslty~ 1 DU per 5 acres SURROUNDING AREAS: NORTH EAST SUBDIVISION ~ASE COMMUNITY LANN! STAFF ~ALYS~S ~9 ~K~DATION ~;~. , , .~. '~ ' , . ~o cracks into Four ~r~cts V~rl~nce for plittin~ 21.88 acres 2 D~ Land Uae: Zoning: FINDINGS~ 1, Utility easements have been requested. 2, Public Works requests the followingl a. resolution of: 1) drainage and drainage easements; 2) the need for road constructton; 3) the need for a flood hazard permit; 4) the need for access easements. ............... State of Alaska Property ......................... R-I I Planning Staff Analysis Case No. S-8107 Page 2 b. indicating the flood pl~ limits, Traffic Engineering h~e ~o objections, Department of Health reqreete~ a. soils and septic tarot=sCion Zoning Enforcement indicatee structuree should not encroach into the road exemption trect. PAST LAND USE: None. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval of the plat subject ]. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving soils and septic information with DHF~, 3. Indicating the flood plain limits on the plat, 4. Resolving drainage and drainase easenents with Public Works Enslneering. Recommendation for the Variance~ Approval. CO191ENTS: This subdivision is located within the Bird Creek area. The purpose of the subdivision is to exchange property between either the State of Alaska or the Municipality of Anchorage with the owners of Tracts A and B. Am you can eeo by the irregular shape of the proposed Tracts g-I end B-2, there are structures within these areas that encroach onto, at present, State land which is under Municipal selection. Tracts A-1 and A-2 are to be conveyed to the State or the Municipality for the consideration of this subdivision. These tracts of land are substantially impacted by the floodplain and are significantly larger because the traded land was thought to be of more value. Case Page There vere constderabZe concerns expressed tn chi revtmv this subdivision and Staf~ has addressed ~he m'JoriCy those concerns with tbs exception o2 Zonin{ Eniorcement'e request concernin8 the aa-builts tn the Tra¢C C road t/on area. This area of the subdivision tm nsc bain8 re- subdivided and any 8C~ucCu~ea chac exist in chis aFea non-con~o~in8 and a~u usc bain8 chansed by ~ia Additionally. the oche~ sU~ucCu~eo appeaF Co ~eC ~he seC- ba~k ~equi~e~encs o~ the R-J{ zonin8 dlsCFlcC. A2SO. the Department o~ Health ~equesCed soiZs ~d aepCl~ lnfo~acion ~hich has been ~de a condition of Uhe plaC appFoval. Probably ~he most important ll~e-sa~eC7 issue ~uld be the ~lood plain and les e~ecc on Chis pFopecCy. {Cee Ho. ~he Sca~ ~epo~c ~equesCs ~he indication ul flood limits on the plat. There does hoc appear Co be ~y publtc beneftC Co mu~ey the surrounding State or ~ntctpal prope~c~ ~d $Ca~, the watver to plac conCtguoua propmrc~, ...~ .: / Concurred by: · B£11 Lu~la Director Prepared bye jwll/¢psa4 Community planni'ng Department - USS ! 1069 with Variance not shown; we show no record in file on these lots. We require that a 100' setback from the stream be shown on the final plat. S-8108: Lots 2A thru 6A, 13A thru 22B, 24A thru 29B Block Hathor Subdivision No objection. S-8109= Tracts A thru E Lake Otis industrial Center with Variances - No objection provided public water and sewer is extended to all lots. S-8110= Campbell Creek Greenbelt subdivision - Vacation Only No objection. Susan E. Oswalt Engineering Tech III SEO/lJw Community planning Departmen , ~ . L:':-., ~]'r]! ! April 25, 1985 ''~''~? ~ .... .'. "  Tract A-l, B-1 }{omestead Entry sur~;sY ~61 .. . USS ! 1069 with Variance Locations of on-site water and sewer systems ar~ not shown; we show no reoord in file on these lots. We require that a 100' setback from the atream be shown on the final plat. S-8108: Lots 2A thru 6A, 13A thru 22B, 24A thru 29B Block 3 Harbor Subdivision No objection. S-8109: Tracts A thru E Lak~ Otis Industrial Center with Variances - No objection provided public water and sewer is extended to all lots. S-8110: Campbell Creek Greenbelt subdivisi~n - Vacation only NO objection. .' · Susan E. Oswalt Engineering Tech III SEO/lJw / / ? / AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGEMENT OF BIRD CREEK Sec9 TION RIW SM