HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKY HARBOR ESTATES #2 LT 8 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DI-'P NIENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT?iN TELEPHONE 26~.-4721 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Please take notice that the undersigned authorized represen- tative of the Directo~ h,as reason to believe that on or about / 19 , at or near the following: AP~OXIMATE LOCATION: . : · ' NAME: ADDRESS~ ~ WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DID UNLAWFULLY: which is a separate violation of ~/- ' ~ of the Anchorage Codeof Ordi- nances each and every day such condition exists. A COPY OF THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SERVED UP~N: NAME ; ; . 1. by personal service . 2:; by certified mail EXHIBIT NO. 3. by posting this notice on or al ADMI~ED herein when such person can effort to do so. ~ I O ~O ~ (CASE NUMBER) If the violation or v o ations/referre ........................ corrected by~ ~ ~ ~' / ,19~/legalproceed- ings may be initiated as provided by law. Dated this dayof { ~=/~' ~' . _, 19 ' · HAME TITLE ~ .. of Anchorage Page I of ~- H AND HUMAN SERVICES ~ERVICES DIVISION a 99519-6650 ® Telephone: 343-4744 :em and/or Well ~nspection Report PID Number: Wastewater System: ,,~ New [] Upgrade ABSORPTION FIELD [] Deep Trench Soil Rating: [] Shallow Trench ,,~Bed [] Mound [] Other (._'"')_~ -~ ~,¢~'f'l~,~ Total Depth from original grade: GPD/Sq. Ft.I ~1~1__(~ I, Gravel depth beneath pipe Fill added above original grade: Ft. Gravel depth: 4'-r~" Total absorption area: i ~:)~.~ E5 SQ. Ft. Inslaller: Dis ance be ween lines: 5 '- (=,'f TANK ~i~Septic [] Holding [] s.'r.E.P. :~anufacturer: ~ /Capacity in gallons: Material: ~ Number of Compartments: --%'~ L 5. _ ..... LIFT STATION .gize i~ g'~a ' Manufacturer: 'P%mp on" ~ev~t: ',. I~,~?~i: I High water alarm at: ~ump Msk?~&,MCC~'~eeclrical Inspections per fo'r~'Sd-byj.. ~ / ~'~'~-~,.. BENCH MARK .ocation and Description: Assumed Elevation: ENGINEER'S SEAL 70-004 (Rev. 5/78) Inspections performed by: '~"~v,~,. Department of Heal~h~ and, Hg,rn? Se[vices approval Reviewed a n d aP P roved bY:?'x--J~'~"/"~/~/ / 72-013 (1/91) MOA25 PermilNo. ~'~ G I E~i ~l Page ~' .of. ,~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Legal Description: ~- '~ '~ ~r~Cr~,~_. ------------------~"~ ~,~:O~ID No.: / / = 72-013A(2/91) MOA25 Jl 49~h THOA~ A. FISC,~ CE- 6793 Permil No. ,-~%/~ ~ I ~)1 ~ I Page 3 of ~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Legal Description: LoT' 7 ;_,%1¢~/, ~ ~"'l~f'~'~ ~"~~,No.: .6:L.Ek/--- lC:X:) ~_ ENGINEI SEAL THO~, /k. FISCHER CE - 6793 72-013 A (2/91) MOA 25 ~]-W DRILLING, Inc. P,O. Box 110378 · 10330 Old Seward Highway (907) 349-8535 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA gg511 DRILLING LOG Well Owner MR & MRS. ART MATHIAS Dom. .Use of Well . Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road Lot 8 Sky Harbor Estates Size of castn~Depth of Hole ,,.203 -feet Cased to 201 teet Static water level !07 ft. (~,: elow) land surface. Finish of well (cheek on,e) open end ( X Screen ( ); PerJorated Describe screen or per~oratiO~: ,, ~.: ~NONE Well pumping test aL__15 ga~]l~s~[~ of drawdown from static Pate of completion J~ly 10~ Depth tn feet from ground surface 0 O 2 2 __TO __20 TO 67 , 67 TO 69 69i TO 80 80 .TO140 140 .TO~i 60 160 T 173 · O 173.T0 183 183.TO 186 (minute) for ); WELL LOG _ 1~6 TO. 204 TO____ 2 . hours with __ 10 0% . it. i'i 'i.?'.'~::. ' ' Gdge d~ntl~ ~f[fSrmations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness ~CSG St ickup : .~Safidt~~ ...Cle an ~..San'dy.[ G~el: Wet . ,~.. ,: , .... / ";2~_'" r-'Si~:'~'!- 'S'a~dy ,- "Grave ]. %y ~ , "iSahdy..'Gravel: Damp . ~ :~ .. ~ : %_,. Water"Gravel: 5GPM Silt Water Gravel NWWA Certified Contractor Cert~._~¢~t~ Na's. 814 & 973 Tom Fink, Mayor A&unicipality ol P 549 482 078 Department of Health P.O. Box 196650 September 26, 1991 825"L'" :~ ~,~R_ETURN RECEZPr~ REQUESTED Anch ~l~ SENDER: Complete items t, 2,3and4. ~ I Put your eddresl in the "RETURN -rD' ,p~. on the - delivery, FO~ addition~l~ follow ng ~rv~ ar~- f~ s~vice(~) r~u~ted, I 1, ~ow to who, date e~ eddre~ of delivery, Mr. Art C, Mathias 3900 Arctic Blvd., Ste. 102 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Lot 8, Sky Harbor E~ On-site Water and W~ Dear Mr. Mathias: Please be advised this office inspection report for the on- systems that have been instal 15o65.150E requires that "wit of the final inspection of an system, an inspection report Department by the owner or hi final inspection report, this either the well or wastewater The final inspection report specified AMC 15.65.150 and reporting forms. m On-s.±te Services Art C. Mathias 3900 Arctic Boulev~ Suite 102 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~ Registered ~ Insured ~]~ertified J-] COD [] Express Mail ~RED 6, Signature-'Ag,~nt X 7, Date of~ [~aJlver y~.~ '~/~ /' 12 078 If you have any questions, please con~auu Sincerely, ~ / ~~h/,UP.E.~, Program Manager On-Site Services Encl0 JS/oss63 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Address TANKS SEPTIC ~] HOLDING TYPE OF SYSTEM TRENCH ,,~ BED [~ W, DRAIN [~ OTHER '1 oral depth Item onglnat grade F'F ~ FT FT ~1~ FT FT FT WELL LOT LINE FOUNDATION DISTANCES SEPTIC TANK AB$O~IPTION FIELD WELL AS-BUILT DIAGRAM tShuw Iocahol~ el well. sepbo system, ploperly hrles, Ioundatlon, -- drweway, waler bodies, elc) :[otai absorphon area D,stance belwe~.~ln~es /- l/ xo,/ / I_ WELLS ~ PRIVATE ~ ~' REMARKS: fflunJcJpal and $1at~ [Juidali~ms in effecl on this dali Health Department Approval: ENGINEER'S SEAL 72-013 (3/85) June 5, 1991 MEMO TO FILE SUBJ.: Lot 8, Sky Harbor Estates #2 The following is a chronology of events leading up to the issuance of a summons and complaint against Thomas Fischer, C.E.6793. These events occurred prior to and during installation of a new sewer system on the subject property. 4-18-91 Received application for on-site sewer and well permit by property owner, Art Mathias. 4-19-91 Application reviewed and returned to engineer (actually picked up by property owner) for a number of discrepancies (see copy of transmittal sheet). 4-23-91 DHHS staff Dan Bolles inspected monitoring tube for testhole #B and measured groundwater in tube at 7.8', thus making engineer's design invalid. Photos taken of the testhole and areas of standing water on lot to south where there was no fill. 4-24-91 Art Mathias called me. He said he had measured the groundwater himself the previous night and found it to be an inch less than 9' DHHS staff Dan Bolles and Susan Oswalt went to site and with probe found total depth of testhole #B to be 9' (engineer showed this hole dug to 16'). Groundwater monitored at approximately 8.0' We were unable to locate second testhole (#A). 4-26-91 Engineer dug additional testholes (#1 and #2). 4-29-91 DHHS staff monitored water on three testholes. Most shallow measurement was 10.0'. 5-6-91 DHHS staff monitored water and found shallowest level in testhole #2 at approximately 9.75' 5-28-91 Engineer submitted second design including testholes #1 and #2, showing water monitoring at 12.5' and 11.5' respectively. Lot 8, Sky Harbor Estates #2 Page 2 5-30-91 6-4-91 6-5-91 Discussed problems with engineer. He agreed to submit new design for installation. Engineer submitted third design based on water monitoring of 8.0' This design was brought to DHHS office at approximately 10:50 a.m. At this time Thom Fischer admitted that the bed bottom was dug out so he could run additional percolation tests. The design was based on an application rate of 0.8 gpd/sf, but he felt the soil would perc faster than 6 minutes per inch (according to his cover letter, that was found to be the case). Thom was told that he couldn't proceed without the permit. He agreed to call the office immediately after lunch to see if the permit was ready. By 2:00 p.m. he had not called or come by. At this time the On-Site supervisor John Smith and Dan Bolles left to inspect the site. I received a call from Art Mathias stating that the above persons were standing outside his car and threatening to issue citations. According to both of them, the engineer was not on site and the system was practically completed. A notice of Violation was issued to Rappe Excavating and photos were taken of the installation. Mr. Mathias stated that he had not seen the engineer all afternoon. Both Mr. Mathias and Rappe Excavating claimed that Thom Fischer indicated he had a permit and that they should proceed with the project. It appears this information was given to them prior to the time Fischer appeared in the DHHS office. Mr. Smith later called on the car phone and instructed me to issue the permit to Mr. Mathias, who was on his way to our office. Mr. Mathias appeared about 3:30 and signed for the permit. He indicated that the system would be completed in approximately one hour. Thom Fischer appeared in DHHS office to submit an ,inspection report and was issued a citation. 'Susan Oswalt On-Site Services PLAINTIFF · EXHIBIT NO, ADMITTED E] · (CASE NUMBER) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE UNIFORM SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT ANCHORAGE. ALASKA - CASE NO. The undersigned, being duly sworn, upon his oath deposes & says: A.M. ON ' THE__" DAY OF____ 19 _ AT ~ P.M. NAME Last First Middte STREET ADO. MAILING ADD. DATE OF BIRTH IN THE MUNICIPAUTY OF ANCHORAGE, STATE OF ALASKA DID THEN AND THERE COMMIT THE FOLLOWING OFFENSE: SECTION: LOCATION OF OFFENSE: ~OF~CER'S'S ~. , ,~ . .__ : ,,- ~-- ~ Y0umuslap~earwilhm15,daysol , ~,betwe~ne:00AM and4:30'P.M Z ADDRESS OF CO~)RT Dale . 941 FOURTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA I PR OMISE T O APPEAR IN SAID COURT A T THE TiME iNDiC~ TEO ASOVE: SIGNATURE X ~ . F,',~RU ICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE UNI SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT DISTRIf~T, URTFORTHESTATEOFALASKA ANCHORAGE, THIRDJUD,,~I ~DISTRICTAT ALASKA CASE NO, ~ ~ The undersigned;beim duly Sworn. upon his oalh deposes &says: DATE OF 8fRTH IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, STATE OFALASKA DID THEN OESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: ~¢~ AODRESS OF COURT ):Je//URT~ ~ PAGE 1 OF 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMu~N SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 ON-SITE WELL AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER:SW910131 DATE ISSUED: 6/04/91 DESIGN ENGINEER:WHITEWATER ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTORS EXPIRATION DATE: 6/04/92 OWNER NAME:MATHIAS ART C OWNER ADDRESS:3900 ARCTIC BLVD. STE. 102 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PARCEL ID:01528194 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SKY HARBOR ESTATES #2 LT 8 LOT SIZE: 25511 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 5 THIS PERMIT: 5 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONTRUCTION OF: DISPOSAL FIELD / WELL SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 1o THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (18AAC80). 3. THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: 1. TOTAL INSTALLATION DEPTH MAY NOT EXCEED 4.0 FEET. 2. ALL INSPECTIONS MUST BE PERFORMED AND CERTIFIED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. 3. EXCAVATOR MUST ACCESS ALL PARTS OF THE BED FROM THE PERIMETER OF THE BED; NO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ALLOWED ON THE BED DURING CONSTRUCTION. 4 · ENGINEER MUS~/SIYR~IT MOST R~ENT TWO TESTHOLE LOGS WITH FINAL ~/NSPECTION RE~Q~. RECEIVED BY: ISSUED BY: ~-~ DATE WHITEWATER ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTORS P. O. BOX 110770 ANCHORAGEt AK. 99511-0770 PH(FAX (907) 345-7007 June 3, 1991 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services On-Site Services 825 L Street Anchorage, AK. ATTN: Ms. Susan Oswalt RECEIVED JUN 4 19',)1 Municipality of Anchol'age Dept. Health & Human Services SUBJECT: Well and Septic Permit, Lot 8 Sky Harbor Estates Second Addition Dear Ms. Oswalt, Your Department monitored test pits ~and J~on Lot 8 for water in early May and found the water table to be at ten feet below the surface. Due to this shallow depth of seasonal ground water, a deep trench septic system will not work. A shallow bed will have to be installed. Earlier today Rappe Excavation excavated an area for a bed that is 4 feet below the surface. I Dug three perk test holes. One of them would not hold water (it ran out too fast) This hole was not used because it was too close to a prior test pit. The other two test holes percolated at a rate of 1 to 1 1/4 minutes per inch. According to TABLE 1 in the recent Wastewater Disposal Regulations, the bed application rate is 0.8. The following shall be the new septic design for the above-mentioned lot. Number of bedrooms: Design bed appl. rate: Ground cover: Bed length: Bed width: Gravel depth: 5.0 0.8 gpd/sq ft 3.0 feet 50.0 feet 20.0 feet 1.0 foot, (6" below pipe invert) Cleanouts and monitor tube as shown on attached drawing. Area of absorption = 50 ft X 20 ft = 1000 sq ft Area required = 5 brm X 150 qal/day brm = 937.5 sq ft 0.8 gal/sq ft day The bed is to be installed between 3' and 4' below existing ground level. The bottom of the bed is to be level. Location of the bed is on the new revised site plan dated 6/3/91. The septic tank is to be a 1500 gallon steel tank, 2 compartment, constructed by either Anchorage Tank or Greer Tank. Should you have any questions please call me at 345-7007. Thom A. Fischer, P.E. ~ , ~ ~o ~~ I ~ 'LoT 7 , .. - ~ /; ~' I Municipality SYSTEM LOOATION PLAN .~,b.''. ............ "¢~h- S~CTION/TOWNSHIP/RflNgE PROPERTY CORNERS, WELLS, AND SEPTIC ~........................................ ~ ......{~'~ NORTH o~~ SYSTEMSoiMENSiONsINOIOATEDiNOiCATEOIS NOTRAvEEXACT.DEEN J~,*,,,~*,~,,~,,, ........ -,,*,,,,,,~,,'*'~"~, - DETERMINEO BY USE OF CLOTH TAPE AND ~ ~ $, THOM A. FISCHER ~[ PREPARED FOR, NOT BY SURVEYINe TECHNIQUES. WHITEWATER ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTOR P.O. BOX 110770 · ANCHORAGE, AK 99511 · PH/FAX 345-7008 L~L ~ NC1P CoT- May 28, 1991 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services On-Site Services 825 L Street Anchorage, AK ATTN: Ms. Susan Oswalt SUBJECT: Well and Septic Permit, Lot 8 Sky Harbor Estates 2nd Addition Dear Ms. Oswalt, In the enclosed documents you will find soils information and a septic site plan for Lot 8 SHE 2nd Addn. We have previously submitted soils information and a site plan for this same lot. Please disregard all previous soils information on this lot as I personally excavated and logged this new informatIon that ' ' ' ..... GENERAL: This lot is located on the eastern edge of a gravel ridge which runs from north and south. The ridge starts just north of O'Malley Road and ends 300 feet south of this lot. Sky Harbor Airstrip was constructed on top of this gravel ridge. From previous soils logs taken from the airstrip and the adjacent gravel pit, there is an average of 25 feet of GW non frost susceptible gravel overlying 30 feet of clean sand, which overlies fine sand/silty sands and then silts. The water table is at 100 feet. Just east of the gravel ridge is a shallow valley. The valley has a subsurface soil of silt (gravelly silt, sandy silt, and silt). The water table in the valley is quite shallow, ranging from the surface downward to 20 feet. The western half of lot 8 SHE 2nd Addn is on the gravel ridge and the eastern half if the lot is in the valley. LOT 8 SHE 2ND ADDN: The septic trench is located in the transition area where the soils change from gravels to silts. The reserve area has better soils than the primary system, and as you move west the soils get better yet. Drainage from this lot is from west to east. Just east of this lot is the bottom of the valley where drainage then flows south to Furrow Creek which starts a few hundred feet south of this lot. There is not any standing water within 100 feet of this septic system. The installer of the septic system must be aware of the 100 foot well radius from the well that is located on the lot to the south, and the well radius from the well on this lot. SEPTIC DESIGN: From soils logs ~1 and ~2 attached, a deep trench could be constructed along the eastern edge of the lot. Due to spring breakup and a potentially higher water table, the test pits were monitored for 4 weeks. The in-situ soils in both test pits are sands, ranging from coarse sand to silty fine sand. Percolation tests were performed in the worst (silty) sand in each test pit. The absorption rate is based on the worst soil in each pit. Test pit number 1 has a percolation rate of 8.6 minutes per inch, which would have a Trench Application Rate "TAR" of 0.8 gpd/sq, ft. Test pit number 2 has a percolation rate of 4.6 minutes per inch, which would have a TAR of 1.2 gpd./sq.ft. The average design TAR is 0.8 / 2 + 1.2 / 2 = 1.0 de,s~'gn The following is the septic trench for the above mentioned lot. No. of bedrooms: dL~/~ ~ ~. Design TAR: Ground cover 3 feet minimum / ~~/ ~ Gravel depth 5 feet (3' to 8'.)/ //,4' -~ ~- Trench length 75 feet --" ~-~~ Cleanout @ each end ~ ~' '~1~' Monitor tube in center Area of absorption = 5[ X 2 X 75' = 750 sq. ft. Area required = 5 ~r~/~ 150 9al/day brm = 750 sq. ft. ~l~.~.:gal/sq. ft. day The trench is to be installed between 3' and 8' at the north end and 2.5' and 7.5' at the south end. The south test pit (92) is 6" lower than the north test pit (#1). A minimum of 6" fill is required over the south end of the trench as there is to be a minimum of 3 :feet of soil cover over the septic trench. The bottom of the trench is to be level. The septic tank is to be a 1500 gallon steel tank, 2 compartment, constructed by either Anchorage Tank or Greer Tank. Pipe and Cleanouts: The first 5 feet of pipe from the foundation out, and first 5 feet of pipe on the inlet and outlet of the septic tank shall be cast iron. All other pipe shall be D-3034, cast iron or perforated pipe. The first cleanout shall be cast iron and placed 2' from the foundation. There are two cleanouts required on top of the septic tank. Two cleanouts are required between the tank and trench, facing each other. A cleanout is required at each end of the septic trench. A monitor tube is required midway in the septic trench from the surface to bottom of trench, and not connected to the trench pipe. Should you have any questions please ........ Thom A. Frsche~, P.E. Lc)q- /, PERFORMED FORL ~_'~"~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lo'T- 2 3 4 5 7 . ~0 ~4-- ~7 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 9@50g-0850 SOILS LOG ,-- PERCOLATION TEST I DATE PERF Township, Range, Section: '"l-'. I'~ SLOPE SITE PLAN WA80ROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? :__~ 0 IF YES~ AT WHAT '~,~L\~'3r'''T'' pO 6ros~ Not D~pth to Not Reudlng Doto Tired Tired Wotor Drop 20 P~'ROOLATION RATE ~;~' ~ (m,nute~'mchJ PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN ELIWEEN ~ ~ , PTANO PERFORMED BY: ...-~ ~g~ I CERTIFY THAT ~IS TE$~ WAS PERFORMED IN Municipality of AnChorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 9@502-06,50 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST J~l ~ ~, gHOM A. FISCHER DATE Township, Range, Section: ....... sLoP~ - I 2 4 6 ? ~4 20 / o?._~ ^~,,c.,S WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ,' :' \ ~'b Oepth to Water Allcr, Gross Not Dopth to Net Reudlng Dato Tired Tired WarD? 0top PERCOLATION RATE ~ (mmuteumch) P~RC HOLE DIAMETER -- 7~ TEST RUN BL1WEEN ,,. FTAND 9 ~-'"~ ~ ' ~"~:"', ~'~,?V:c ?9'&'~c:~o%yy. ,j,:< .';'~':' :::. .' -:, ,' :~5~ ~t"~,:::'~' '~ %.;~ ~;~ v..':.,~ ;: '.' :,.- . .: '.. Coq'- ~, --I SEWER SYSTEM LOCATION PLAN ~".~',S; ........ ';,"":.'.?;~% I ITrr~ rr~ I ~ z. / . T ~ z. ~ F-z v,./ , s. ,,,,,. .~: "...~ ~ ~¢~, / ~ .o'.~, /'~Eh ~ '.. ~ I I ~ , PROPERT, CORNERS, WELLS, NO 3EPTIC THOM A. FISCHER ~ / J --,.---- __ WHIT~WAT~ ~NGIN~ING CONST~UCTO~ P.O. BOX 110770 · ANCHORAGE, AK 99511 o PH/FAX 345-7008 MUNICIPALITY OFANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES .~'-~ On-Site Services Transmittal SheeJ The attached paperwork has been reviewed and is be~urned for the following reason(s): __ Discrepancy in legal description and/or owner name. __ Discrepancy in number of bedrooms. Signature and/or stamp missing on Show measured distances to sewers/wells, curtain drains and streams within 200 feet of proposed system. Replacement disposal site not shown and,/or tested. ~CalcuIation error in design. -}~ ~ ' Show locations of all soils, percolation or ~a~er 'table ~ tests. .__Proposed sy.stem too deep for soil test submitted. Topographic information missing or inadequate. ,. Addition~~'~er~ test needed.-- '~ ~~//~ Sand filter requ-"i-~ments not satisfied. ~' Water monitoring results missing or inadD~zate bgcau~e __ Well log required. Water sample unacceptable because · ~/' ~~ ~/[.~-~e~ ~~on~~bmit' Please supply the necessary in~or - request. Your cooperation is appreciated. Reviewer/~~~~~~~/~~~ ~' Date /203-rev 10/90 I LOT 7 :':: ': I ] .... ., ,, .- .: . , . · . , , ,~ .... . ,.'- - · . . I ~.~v.~ o~!.. ..''. ,'~;..'..,'..;'.,., .'.,N:89~9..25 E'-29~..'00,.;,,... - "'" " 1 , --..:.:..:..:- ~ ~ ~,~' ~, ,,: : .-.., .'..,' i.~ I _ ~ ~o,o' '. "'. ', / ': . .. ,.: ~ ,~ ~ .. , , '. ~ ~, ~,~i~ cZ '.- . .' . .,.. I c ~ 4~,00 r~ ............. / ~ : ~ N 9O'O0'OO'N 39.98 ~'x N 'O0'O~'~9"E 8,00 40 20 0 40 80 ~20 . , ~,, ., SCALE ~N FEET ~ece~t ~pd~te ~~ Grid Pict Plan Subdivision 340 PETTIS ~. 2734,2735. ..~ SKY ~OK ESTATES ~chorage, Alaska 99515 Drawn~y As-Built SECOND ~DITION (907) 349-1488 C.E.~- by me, or at my dire~ion, and ~ha~ the improvements situated thereon ~"' ' improvements on ~he proper~y lying adJacen~ Lhere~o enoroach on ~he I~ is ~he responsibility of the owner or builder, prior to .... ' construction, ~0 Verify proposed building grade relative to finish grade and u~lll~y conoeotions and to determine the existence of any easements, 9A~5e L$-7326 .".,~ Lls~ed distances prevail ove~ scaling, Reproduction may cause April 15, 1991 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services On-Site Services 825 L Street Anchorage, AK ATTN: Ms. Susan Oswalt SUBJECT: Well and Septic Permit, Lot 8 Sky Harbor Estates 2nd Addition Dear Ms. Oswalt, The following is the septic trench design for the above mentioned lot. No. of bedrooms: 4 Soil rating: 125 sf/brm Ground cover 5 feet Gravel depth 5 feet (5' to 10') Trench length 50 feet Cleanout @ each end Monitor tube in center Area of absorption = 5' X 2 X 50' = 500 sf Area required = 4 brm X 125 sf/brm = 500 sf estions please call me at 345-7007 SEWER SYSTEM 'LOCATION PLAN , ~, ~,~.~***..,~J~.~,.,~ D~ BYI PROPERTYsygTEMS [NOICATEoCORNERS~ IsWELLS~NOT EXAcT,ANO SEPTIC .,....~,~,t~.*,.,,,,m~*~ DETERMINED BYUsE OF C~OTH TAPE AND ~ ~.' THO~ A, FISCHER ~ ~ PREPARED FOR' NOT aY SURVEYINe TECHNIQUES. WHITEWATER ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTOR P.O. BOX 110770 · ANCHORAGE, AK 99511 · PH/FAX 345-7008 Municipality of An,~horage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN ,SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anohorage, Alaska 9@502-06,50 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTE Township, Range, Section: ~ \ 7.~ 'A SLOPE 'SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER · ENCOUNTERED;) IF YES~ AT WHAT pO Gro$~ Not Dogth to Net Reudlng Dote Tlmo Timo Wotor Drop PERCOLATION RATE _ [mmules/~nchJ P~=RC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN Br-"[WEEN ,, FT AND PEnPOFIMED ~Y: ~. IF~'A,'~ ~'~Cv~ I ~ ' . ~RT PY THAT THIS T~$T WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STAT6 ANO MUNICIPAL GUiDeLINeS ~N EFFECT ON THIS DAT~. DATE' ~-~,~...,- ....... ...,: .. ....... ~;..._..'. ~.,:-..~ PERFORMED LEGAL O E SCR IPTION:LO'"~" 825 "L" SIreet, Anohorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST Municipality of Anohor~ge DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE8 ~.~ ¢~:,,. CE-6793 ..<~ ~'/ ' OATE ELOPE SITE PLAN I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16- 17 18 19 2O WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED;' Gross Not Dopth tO Net Rouding Dote Tired Tim(] Wator Drop PERCOLATION RATE (m,nutc~mchJ PERC HOLE DIAMETER . TEST RUN U('.'IWEEN ,., FT AND __ F1 ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STAT E AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES iH EFFECT ON THIS I:)ATE, DATE: