HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKYHILLS PH 1 Tract 3slo l'c c R&M Civil Engineers ENGIN 'RING & GEOLOGICAL £ONSULTANTS 229 EAST 51st. AVE. - P,O, BOX 6087 - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 907--279-0483 TELEX 090--35419 Geologists Land Surveyors JAMES W. ROONEY, P, E. MALCOLM A. MENZIES, P.E., L.S. JAMES H. WELLMAN, P,E, November 5, 1973 RALPH R. MIGLIACClO Engineering Geologist. R & M No. 35138 Mr. Douglas Stark 957 Westbury Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Test Hole and Soil Log Report for Sanitary System, Tract 3 of' Highland Terrace No. 1 Subdivision, Eagle River, Alaska Dear Mr. Stark: We are submitting herewith the test boring results and our comments regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This investigation was performed in accordance with your request of October 12, 1973, and those procedures outlined in a letter dated September 13, 1971 by Mr. Rolf Strickland of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality. A total of four test holes were put down within Tract 3 of Highland Terrace Subdivision for the purpose of defining general subsurface soil conditions for the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with an auger type drilling rig and the test holes were extended to a total depth of 20.0 feet below ground surface. The final logs prepared for the test holes has been included in Drawing A-01. Ground water was not encountered in any of the test holes. Based on a visual examination of the road cuts bordering the south-west side of the property, it is our opinion that the soil and underlying material is essentially the same throughout the project area. Thickness of this material, however, may vary considerably as is indicated by the fractured bedrock exposed at shallow depths (less than 5 feet) in the road cut. Fractured bedrock is exposed by the road cut in the lower part of the middle lot and the over burden is shallow (less than 5 feet) in this area, We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS James W. Rooney ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS JUNEAU TRACT 5 TRACT 6 TRACT 4 -/ TRACT 3 I I Engineering~,Geologica Consultants ^~¢HO~n~ ~A~B~KS ALASKA ~UN~AU DOUGLAS STARK PROPERTY LOCATION DIAGRAM Eagle River Alaska o~E ,I-s-73 I~,~-. ,0,~E IowN.Y ,RS I~o~ ,./ED I.~O.~.NO. 35138 J~wo_~o. A-01 T.H. 1 10-12-73 Gravelly Silty Sand (SM-GM) 0.0~ 20.0' T.D. 4.5~ Organics 5.5' Silty Sand w/some Gravel Trace Silt (Sbl) 7.5' Sand w/some Gravel Trace Silt (SP) 10.5' Gravelly Sand w/some Silt & Cobbles (SW-Gbl) 12.5' Sandy Silty Gravel w/Cobbles (GM) 16.0' Gravelly Silty Sand w/Cobbles (SM) No Water Table NOTE: Test holes extended with auger type drilling unit. -~ngineering E~ Geolocjica I Consultants DOUGLAS STARK PROPERTY LOG OF TEST BORING Anchorage Alaska OArS 10-12-73 I$CALE 1l'=5! IDWN SY JRS ICHKo By WED IPROJ'NO' 35138 IOWG NO.A-01 ,2273 T.H. 2 10-12-73 Organics and Organic Silt Silt, Trace to Some Sand (b~) Gravelly Sand w/some Silt & Cobbles (SP-SM) Refusal Auger,on Larger Rock No ~ater Table 0.0~ 2.0~ 4.5~ 9.0' T.D. NOTE: Test holes extended with auger type drilling unit. Engineering~ Geological Consultants ~,r~c~o~o~ ~'~'~ ALASKA uu~.u OArS 10--12--73 ISCAUZ 1"-2' IDwNBY JRS Ic~°e¥ WED DOUGLAS STARK PROPERTY LOG OF TEST BORING. Anchorage Alaska IpR°u'N°' ~5138 I?,,vc No. A-01 T.H. 3 10-12-73 Gravelly Sand Organics Silt, Trace Sand (b~) Gravelly Sand w/some Silt & Cobbles (SP-SM) 0.0' 1.0' 2.0' 3.5' Silty Sand w/some Gravel & Cobbles (SM) Silt, Some Sand & Gravel (bE) Silty Sand w/some Gravelly Sand w/some Silt (SP-SM) No Water Table 8.5t 12.5' 15.5' 17.0' 20.0' T.D. ' NOTE: Test holes extended with auger type drilling unit. Engineering ~ Geological Consultants mArE 10-12-73 JscALz 1"=5' ;2275 Jow,w ~¥ JRS JCH~D BY WED DOUGLAS STARK PROPERTY LOG OF TEST BORING Anchorage Alaska JPmoo. ~o. 35138 JDwg ~o. A-ql NOTE: T.H. 4 10-12-73 Gravelly Sand Organics Silty Sand w/some Gravel ($P-SM) Gravelly Sand w/some Silt & Cobbles (SP-SM) 0.0? 1.0' 2.0' 6.57 12.5' Silty Sands w/some Gravel (SM) No Water Table 20.0' T.D. Test holes extended with ~uger type drilling unit. Engineering ~ GeologJca I Consultants ANCHORAGE{ FAIRBANKS ALASKA 'JUNEAU DATE 10-12-73 I$CALE 1"=5' IOWN mY JRS I CHKO mY WED DOUGLAS STARK LOG OF TEST Anchorage Wayne Mabry Env. Sanitation Co~ents November 30, 1973 Page Two 24) S 3257 Keno Hills Addition No. 4 Public sewer and water is not available. The soils conditions, ti~e lot size, and the availability of adequate volumes of potable water in this area all substantiate the development of tilis addition at its present lot size and pattern. 25) S 3255 Teri Subdivision, Tract A-l - A-4 Public sewer and water is not available. Soils infon~ation and water avail- ability data have been supplied from Teri Subdivision to the immediate south. This information supplied some three to four months ago indicates tha~ ti~is area is suitable for development. At -tile present time, tile only possible development in tilis area would be the larger tract on ~ile northeast edge of the subdivision. There is a note on the tract that the smaller half acre tract will not be developed at the present til~e. This case meets with our Department's approval. 26) S 3240 Resubdivision, Bernard Subdivision, Tract B-1. Public sewer and water is not available. We have no comments at this time until the acreage is further split into lots at wi~ich time we will require t'le full submission of data. 27) S 3236 Risu-Tonax Subdivision 28) Public seN.~er and water are not available. We find, from review of the data submitted, that the lot sizes are adequate, the soils conditions are adequate for on-site sewage disposal and the water infon~ation, supplied from t~le existin§ wells in the area, shows that there are adequate volumes of potable water to serve the lots in this subdivision. This case meets with our Department's approval. S 3232 Skyhill Subdivision . Public sewer and water are not available. The soils information supplied shows that tile soils are adequate for on-site sewage disposal, ti~e lot sizes are adequate to support on-site se~age disposal and individual wells in the area, to the il.mnediate north and to the southwest SilOW that adequate volumes of potable water are available for ind,ividual home development. 29) S 2245 ~,larion Bowen Subdivision Public sewer and water is not available. Lot size is adequate, the soils con- ditions are adequate for on-site sev~age disposal and adequate volumes of water are available for domestic purposes on these lots. (over)