HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKY RANCH ESTATES #1 BLK 4 LT 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 625 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name DISTANCES Address FIELD WELL Phone(sk~ ~ ,.~~ Permit No.¢~O ~'; NO' °'Tr°°ms W"LL Township, Range, Section AS-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show Iocahon of well, sepnc system, properly lines, foundation, ~ ~d X~e~ ~ d ....... y, water bodies, etc.) Manulaclurer CapaciW ,n gallons Material No. of Compadmenls TYPE OF SYSTEM ~TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER r Depth to pipe bottom from Total depth from original grade original grade ;ill added above original-grade Gravel deplh benealh pipe Gravel length Gravel wJdJh ~ ET /~ ~ /~ FI Totalabsorpnonare~lnstaller ~ ~O[T Date Installed ~ FIJ '~ Number of lines Soil Pipe maJerial --, :- Classification (A,B,C) Total Depth Cased tO ~/ i I ~~~~ ~cedily Ihal Ibis inspe~ion was pedormed according to all Municipal and Stale guidelines in elfect on Ibis date: Health Depadmenl Approval', ~~ ~ ~ Date: ~ 72-013 (3/85) ~il25 L. St. r'. ~:..,.(~'1:., (~r'~ c: h o r' ~sq (.i~., (i 1 ,.'.~:!!; I-:: a c?V50:1. '? 4. '~b-4'7;':~" ,"SA '1-5 :: 4.0 ¢.:':'~jr.j (::J HLIr~I.::'H'I !!ih-!:.) r' v i (::: (~)s~ W .'J. '[:.h :J. ri :!~, ") (::ti.-'t'~z!~'~ (::) .J' we:, ]. ]. (::: (::)inj::) ]. (:~.yJ'., :J. (::)ri, AI:::'Ttili:R OI:::F;':!:C;I~.i: I'-I(:)LJI::~:i, (::;(~11....1.... :5 4. .'.'f!; - 4. AS:L (.~lql) LEi:AVE" 2,]: Iq!i~'l"(~LL: I::'l~i:l:/ END I NI;i:EFd, ill ~']"l"~-~l:.',l.-II~i~]E) (~::'[:q:;~DUED OE~:~ :1: ~.l!!i:lqG:l:Nl:~:l;i~:l::~ MLJ~!!F[' VIii!F~II:::'Y (¥1' "r'Htiii: 'T'IME OF CON!~YT'RLIC'/"]:OIq E!:XI~i!~'T'ING TF;:ENCH ~B,~.~C)i:?I:"I":I:(::)i',] S YSTEH WILL :Eil::i: LJNOE:R THE: NEW DEl:) T YF'E (..~BDOI:!~PT I ON F' I E.:L.D, BI~!::0 D I ZI~!~. W ILL BE f~OJ UG"I"ED (.~CCC)F;:D I NGLY TI] (::;(]Ml:::,~c/vS'4 Y£, :1: CEI::¥1" :1: F'Y 'I"H(.YI" ,~ :L,, :1: ~'am ~r~::tm:i.l:i.~lp v,~:i.'Lh t.h~;::, r'e:,clui~u,~me:nt.~ for' on.....,~;:i.t,e~ s~r,~ ,?;u"~ct ~:1.].~ ~!i~i :];,, :1: ~,~J.:l.]. 6'~c:ll"~Dr'(~) t.o ~].:1. ME]A ,'~:~ri(::l Gt.~a'Le o{ A:l. as~l.,:a requ:i.r'~.:~m~'..:.)nt.s fop t.h[~ ~;e'['. I::)~:'~cl.;: (:~ :L~ili'[:.~l"l(:::~:.?~ {' ['c;)l]] ~rly ex :L~t. :i. ng w(~:l. 1, ~,~ast.(.~wat. er d:i.~pos~e. 1 [~y~'l:.em or' pub :L ~:.:,v ~ Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services Tom Fink, 825 "L" Street Mayor P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 July 18, 1988 Alaska Environmental Control Services, Inc. 1200 West 33 Avenue, Suite B Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Leroy C. Reid, Jr.,P.E. Subject: Waiver Request for Lot 1 Block 4 Sky Ranch Estates S/D ~1 Waiver Request ~WR88-029, Permit ~880106 Dear Mr. Reid: Your request for waiver of the required 100 foot separation of a septic system to a private well,,~has been approved. The approved separation distance(~is 94 feet. -' This waiver approval applies to the existing septic system to well separation only. Any future upgrade to either will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. Si~erely, Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer On-site Services DJR/ljw%6 ALASKA FIUIROFImEITAL COFITROL SeRUICe$, Inc. (~nqin~¢Hnq 6 I~ndronmenld $1udies Municipality of Anchorage DeparLmeak of Ilealth & Ihs_man Services 825 T, StreeL Ancho,'o. ge, AK. 9950~ Subject: WaJve~' of Distance Well to Septic Tank Lot 3, Block ,i, 5ky Ranch Estates Subd:ivis:ieu ia preparing the health authority for the subject lot ih was discover'ed that the (t~L~g ~(~11 wa~.L ~ a 30-foot u't.ilJl-y e~isemant. As Ehe financing agency the property ]s ~¢HA i:hey would not app~-ove the well Jn the easement. Chugach e].ectric wou]d not give up the 4' x 4' parL of the easement Jn which the si2s, The~'efore, FtIA is requiring the well to be moved o~ 'to a part of the pt'operty xvhe~'e no utility easements exists. To do this would encroach on the existing septic tank. The location of the existing septic systems .i.~ such that kpees would have ko he cut ko move iL. The 5 or 6 ~eek necessau'y to main'Lain the 100 foot distance between the welt and septic tank. The total distance of moving would be 5,5 feet in a southerls~ d.ireck.ion. Tim impact on IcL 2, wonld be an addit:ional 2 feet, The neighbops ~cwe;' system (lot 2) Js considerabqy south of klm well rad:ius. '.[heve is a puved d]'iveway bet.ween the two locaL:ions so ~he we].] would not impact the future upg~mde of the o~1 sJi_e system. Lot 6, Block 3 :is served by public ~x, ate]'. All sewer sySkeln to klm not'th, north west, west and south are in excess of ]00 Feet f~om Elm well. The ex:lsting well is 249 feet deep with a mixtnre of clays and clay and gravels between. Except for the lift station, the new setx, er system for this lot i~ beyond the I00 fool PadJtls <)~' k}le nOW well location. The existing septic tank was installed in !980, therefore, Jt should still have it's 1nteg~-iky, Since a lift station wouJd have to be installed after the septic tank, the integrity of the septic tank would be checked at the water li~e. The t~pe of soils f~.'om the well log would indicate [.hat wllci'e thore [:o be a leakage through the septic tank that [hm'e Js lJ Ltle to no probability that sewage is going to travel through ~he ground and reach this aquifer, In my professional opinion the waJ. vJng of the ]00 foot requ.i~.'en~ent for the existing 'tank and new lif[ station to 94 feet w:i]l ~ot create a he~_~]th hs. za]'d. S i gned: JLJN 2 ."~ <'188 1200 [Uesl 33cd P~uenu¢, Suik B ognchoroq¢. Ahsko 99503,{907) 561-5040 ALASKA [1UI[ O m [1TAL CO[1T[ OL InC. ~nclinecrinq $ ~nuir'onmentd Studies SPL'C!Fi[CAT!ONS FOR BED WASTEWATER TREATMF, NT SYSTEM I,EGA], DESCRlPTJON: LOT BLOCK 4, SKY RANCIt ESTATES SUBDIVISION 1.0 GENERAl, The d~'awlng.',, shee/:e ] kl)t'ough 4, shul! be part o£ this sper:jC:lcation. All materia]..'~ and workmanship shall meet the requirements of the ?qnnicipalihy of Anchopage, Depa~-tment o[ l!eal~h ~% I}uman Se?vices (DItHS), him conditions of the permit, and all applicable tulles and regulations currently in effect.. Alt excaval:Jons and dc. pths are udvisor¥, ~_md al?e l;o be verified of modified in the field by the EngJneep of inspecting agency, l't: 5.'-; ~:he responsibJJit:y of the owner m- i~stul]er to adhepe '~o approved design for the installation, to [l/aJ. lltaJll the specified separation d~sLanees and [o huw~ [the ~ppropria'Ce iaspec[iolls, 1.5 If klm installation J.s not inspected by an AECS engineer, AECS will not bc respons'[ble for l:he ins'tailed system. An eug:ineer a~ AEES should be consuli:ed prior to construction, to determine the numbep of inspections thai: will be ~'equJ~'ed and %0 explain what these inspeeh:ions wJ~l :involve. 2,0 SEPTIC TANK 2. :1 If Lhere :is an exi~.-;king septic tank it may lm used if :iL meeks klm capacity reclui~'ement for the residence. The st~-uctul'al integrity of 'Elm tank must be verifJ, ed. 2.2 The septJc tank shall be a UPC.App.voved l:wo compartmeni: tank, com,'[trUE'Led of 12-gauge steel with bitumastJc coating and set level on nudistupbed soil, ~f the tank [s i0uried at a depl.h o[ 4 f'ee't o:c less, J t. must be insu]ated with an overlying ]ayer of 2 iimh burial type l)O]yStyrene rigid boapd insulakion. 2.3 The sept:it tank shall be a minimum of 5 feet: ?rom 'klm house and a lllJilJlllnl, of 5 feet fFom the ubsorption The septic tank and bed ,~;ha].] be a minimum of 100 feet [~-om say private well or body of water, .150 feet from Class C wells, and 200 feet from Class A or B wells, unless otherwise specified. Less than the required separation distance must have p,vior apppoval or waiver by DH}IS or Alaska 1)eparkmer,_t of E.t:tvJronmcmkal Co'use:[-wttiort (ADEC). 2.5 Piplng shaql be f J trod ~,J. tha mechanical watertight calde, r coupling on the oukle'( and J. nlek of the septic ~ank. PJpJllg shall be d.-:Jllch so]:id PVC AST~I D8034 or cast ipon, sloped a minimum of 1/4 inch per lJ. nea]. foot. If the piping is buried al; a depth o[ 4 Ceet or ]ess, it musk be insular:ed with an overlying layer of 2 inch bm. ial type poJystrene rigid board 1200 UJesl 33rd Auenue. $ui1¢ [~.J~nchoroq¢, ~laska 99503,(907) 56t-50~10 2.6 2.7 3.0 3. 'l 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 :i nsu}a lion. Cleanouhs shall be installed as desJtCnated and capped with air' Light t'ain caps (Jim caps or equivalent), and extend a IltillJllll.tll! of } ~oot above ground level. Jfa lift station :is requlred it: sha]! he, a comb[lint}on lJ:~t station septic tank pet' Anchorage Tank and Welding, I~c, design. See attached s p e (',i f:i (',a t:ions. SEEPAGE BED The gravel for 'the bed shall be 0.5 to 2.5 inch~ scremmd rock w:ith less than 3°4 passing #200 sieve residaal. All substitutes must have prior DHHS approval. Tile bo,.tom of the cxcaw~klon sha)l be lev(;1 and raked w:ith the backhoe })lade to insure that the bottom has not been compacted during excavation. Sand, :6o]' leveling, slm]] have a size distribution which meets the requir'ements of MOA code J5.65.077. The distrihu~.io~) pi. pc shall be perforated 4 inch rJg5(t PVC w:[th a minimum crush strength of 1500 pounds and shall meet the approval of DH}IS for use as drainfield pipe, AJll pipes shall be ]aid level, and spaced according to the d?awings. Monitor standpipes shall be placed as shown in /-he drawings. They shall be 4-inch rlgJ. d PVO ASTM B-8084, or cast iron. The section shown with holes may be either' drilled 0.5 inch holes on 6 :inch centers on opposing sides of the pipe, or' a section of ~'egular perforated sewer pipe may be c}amped to the solid seet:lon w~h a no hub eonpling or so]ven~ .joint. Perforated section shali be located in gravel on]y. The portion of pipe above ~he sm,Jet rock shall be soJid. A rubber fa[neap (J~m Cap or eqaivalent shall be pi. aced over the top of the pipe, Insulation is required, using burial Lype po]ystene rigid board insulation There shall be 1 itmh of insu].a~ian Eot every foot of sol1 less than tile required 4 feel of cow, r, bu~ there must be a~ tease 24 inches of soil even though Jnsu].arion is nsed. The solid pipe extending ~rom the sep'EJc kal~k ~o the druinfie]d shall also have 4 feel of cover or an equivalent layer' of insalation combined witch soll. The side slope o[' [:he mound shall be sloped 1 fool: vertical to 3 :foot horizontal. The the bed shall be planted wit. h a white clover and ~'e,d rescue mix or blue gL'ass. 4.0 INSPECTIONS 4 , zl This bed wi]il require a minil,ul, of khPcc inspec[ions. The inspection will be of the opel~ excav~!tion, to ass~l~e Chat the insCa.l].ed in the p~oper so:il skrata, commc~, depth and mee~ min:imum specified design paramete~s. 4..9,, The ~econd i~spection will be afl:er p[[acemeni: of g~'ave], monJ[o.c standpipes, and distz'~bution pi. pe, to verify 1)~'opeP installation and position of pipes pt'ior ~.o backfill. 4,3 The LhJl'd inspection will be afteP filial backfill and grading that adequate so:il cow.u~ has been pl'ovided ow~~ i-he bcd, 4,4 The inspectimi of the septic tank ot' llft station installation can be :[ncorpm~ated w:ith any one of the above Iisi-ed :J. lispect~o~m. CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561.5040 SHEET NO ~/ -- OF. CALCULATED DY ~ ' /"~"~-' ~ DATE CHECKED BY DATE /~1t ~ ~-.~ $¢~E ALASKA £NVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 563.-5040 SHEET HO. ~- CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SDA~'/"~ -~' !t" I ": ¢' OE "/ DATE DATE Municipality of Anchorage DE'PARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 'L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- 8 9 10 11 12 DATE Township, Range, Section: ~'/¢~ ,,~ ,~___.y/.~ SLOPE SITE PLAN 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS WASGROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p E Depth to Water Aller / Monitoring? cfr~ Date: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water / Drop / PERCOLATION RATE ._~'~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER , TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'~--- FTAND ...,~ FT PERFORMED BY; /~ , /~_C'~_~, Z (/ I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCEWITHALLSTATEANDMUNICIPALGUIDELINESINEFFECTONTHISDATE. DATE: ~/A..~.~//~ ~-oo~ IRe,.,,~.~, 5'~ ~_'/2 ~, ~/ AS ~JILT c.~c~ro or, emD: 27~7 FIELD ~00~: dOI NO. ~o, oo ! I 31k. 4 Sky Ranch Estates Unit No. 1 ~.~.. ~ICH ~ NOT ~R ~ T~ REC~D ~UB- ~VI~ION ~T. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE5 OR FENCE LINES, ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT, AK. 'f'ANK FOR L. IF'f' SYSTEMS Anchorage Tank & Welding, Inc. 2700 Porcupine Dr. ~'~ Anchorage, Alaska 9950~ (907) 272-3543 SEP'~II.; TANK SHALL, BE A NOI)IFIEI) ANCI. IORAGE TANK S'fl:i:lil].., TANI<, THE: I)ESIGN OR ANAI,.,YSiS SI.-IAL, I.., BE IN ACCORI) ANCE WI:TH ACCEF"iED ENGINEERING PRACT]:CE AN):) I..,OCAI.., REGUL, ATORY AGENCIES, Tt"IIE TANKS SHAI..,L BE: :CIESIGNED i::'OI,t L, OA]OING CONI)IT]:C)NS AS RIE~tJIRI.~:D BY MUNICIPAl.., AMI) S]'ATE REGULA]" :1: ONS, AL, t, gEL, DING SHALL BE IN ACCOR:OANCIE WITH AF~I:q..,]:CABL, E CO]OES ANI) STANDAI~,DS, CC)A'f'ING SI.-IAL, L, BE ]'NEMIEC ~-~.6...b65 I..II....BUIL:O TANK COATING AND AI:~PI.,:I:E]O AS I::'OI..1,OI,.,IS: SURFACI::: PREPARATIO¢.: - ALL, ,SURI::'ACES MUST BE :[)I:~Y~ CI.,EAN, AN:O REASONABLY FREE OF:' RUST MIL, L SCAI..,I!: EXCESS RtJS]', HII..,I.., ,SCAL, E UI:::L:[~ING SLAG SI--IAL.,I., BE F:I::],'iOVE][) BY WII:,~E BI:,tUSH OR O"iHER MEANS AS NI:ZCESSARY, 2, AF'Fq..,ICATION SHAI..,L BE AIRLESS SPRAY '¥OtJCH UI:~ WITH BRUSH 01.;: ROLt..,IZI:~, TI*I:i:NNING SHALL BE: ACCOMPI..,ISHIF)] I,.,lI'f'H APPt;~[)VEI) MATIi:I?:t:AL, AN1] t,l]:L.,I,., NC)T EXCI:;':E~) 5%, q-, SURI::'ACE TEMPEI?ATLII?Ii!: SI"IAI, L, NOT BIZ BI]:L, OW ~.1.01::' OR 5 BEL, Ot4 DEU POINT I,.,IIJI:CI-I EVER IS I..,Ot,,IEI:~, IN'¥'EI~IOR SHALL, BE COATEI] TWO TIMES AMI) SI..IAL, L BE A MINIMUM OF 28 I)RY HILLS EXTERIOR SI..IALI.., BE COATEI) ONE TIME ANB SI.~ALI., BE A MINIMUM 01:: 10 I)RY MILI.,S, .:., Anchorage Tank & Welding, Inc. 2700 Porcuphle Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 272-3543 OUTMi.::T RISIZRS SHAM.., BE GAL, VANIZEO STEEL, CLIt..,VEI?T, AND SHAM.., BE ','Sq. INCI-.Ilii:,S (MINIISLIH), FII[-IH, SHAI..,I., HAVE A MINIMLIH NOMtMAL, I)IAHtii:]"El:;: OF' 2q. 1NCHF:'S, AND SHALL, BE CAI:~ABI_,E OF BI.:.:ING EQUIPPEI) WI'I'H THE FObL, OI,J I NJ;: A, A ...IUNCTION (NEMA LI.X) BOX OR E:QLJAI.,, BONZ~EI:I OR ArTA[,HI::.! TO THIL: R:I:SElt, B, UI.., L, ISI"E:I' E. MLL, TI',IICAI.., CORI GRIPS, INSIAL.,I.,I~:[ IN 'I'HIE J-BOX, A I..,1I) - SI-IAI.,I., BE I::'LII?NISHEB WITH 'f'Hlii: R.[c~ER, 1'1' ,:HqAbL., BE C,()N,~IlitLIC'11::.[ 01:: F'I[E. rt(:,I,A,~,~ OR li~:(ilI.t]:VAI.,,ENT AGG RILL~ATIL 1:r I N.I ,~1..I, RI$1ER INSTAM..,ATION .- EACH RISE:F/ SI..IAI..,t~ BE: SIEAL, F.i]] OR klIEI..,Z~FD TO THIE 'FOI..) OF 'l'l-II!il TANI( IN SLICH A HANNIER AS TO PREVENT .I:NFII./I'RATION OF:' GROLINI:~ WATER t,.I I.-I Ii;: R E P R E S E N T, biB, 1 NSUI.~AT 1lIN - ''~'' ,,-. SI:~RAYEI' LIF'~!ZTHANE (:IN C.[ RL, UMF I::. RI:'.NL, E:. 01::' R I o1::. R, Anchorage Tank & Welding, Inc. 2700 Porcupine Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 [0071 272-3543 IZFF'L.,UEN1 PUNK]lNG ASSEMBLY A IEI::'FLUENT PUH?ING ASSEMBLY SHALL I')E ORIENCO SYSTEMS ('FM) MOl)EL, OSI WE :1.000 SERIES CONSISTING OF' F(]L,L~OW I NG ', 1, 1/S 1..I,P, MYERS SSM25 115 VOL, T OR EQUAl SCREEENED PUMP VAUL, T (U,S, PATEN'[ IU.I.q. 39S2S) 59" DEEEI:~, ~/:L6" TI-IICI( H:[(;H-,.])I!!:NSITY PVC CYCLIHOI:ER I-IOLISI~:S THE: PLIMP, LEVEl. CONTROL, S AND SC, REEN AN[I SEI:(VEES AS A BAF'F'LI~: TO PREVENT THEE SCRliEEN t::R[)H CL, ODGIND. THE. l::'II:rTL:ri:N 1'"'1/2" DIA, I'-IOI..,ES ARE I)RII..,I.,ED IN 'I'HIE VAULT AT A LEVEEI~ 'I"HA'~ PI..,ACIF.:'S TI..IIEM AT ABOUT THEE HI]OWAY POINT IN 'FI-.IIL I)tii:l:)"l't..I DF' THE S Iii: P T I C, FL, AP CHE:.CI(: AL, LOWS TI-lEi: VAUI.,T TO DRAIN WI4EN RE:MOVIN(:'; FI?OH TANI(, SCREEN: ::1.5" DIA, CYLIN[I::.R OF 1'.lI[.4..I-Z~.:No]lY POLYETHYLFNE .1./8" MESH CAST IN'i'O FI~I!i:I~GL, ASS BOTTOH, 3, AL.L, Pt..,UMB:]:N['~ SFIAL, L BE PVC [JR OTI'Hi!:R NON .... C 0 R R 0 I) I N G MA T E R I Al .... PUMI::' CO~TROLS ANB AI.,,ARH SYSTEM - CONTROl.., SI'4AL, I.., BE: ORENCO SYSTEMS (TM) MI..,-SF CONSISTING OF", 1, AUDIBI.,t:: ALARM PANEl., MOUNT WiTH A MINIMUM OF 80 I)B SOUND PRIESSLIRE AT 2q.-INC, HliES, OPii!iI;~A'I'ING TEMI~E:RA'I'URE -":~50AC TO 65AC, CONTINOLJS SOUND, Anchorage Tank & Welding, Inc. 2700 Porcupine Dr, Anchorage, Alaska 09501 (907) 272-3543 OZI~"q'I(~HT VISLh.~L, ("d..,ARPI WITH PUSH""T(."/'"',r:~II~ENCli:': I:rliJ;A]'UREi, AUI'OPIATIC AUE~ICI'"'AI,.,AIRPI 3, :l.',"~i AMI.) MC)'I'OI~ tRA'rED 'f'[)(~GI, E; SW]:TCI..I, S.l:NOl,lii: PO[.,IE, I)OUI~L,E-..THI?.Ii!(J WI:TH ]'HRE:E POSITIONS; FI(.'~NUAL, (NAN), AU'I"ONA1'IC (At. ITC)), ANI) CENTER (OF."F:') (H,C!,A,), I::NC[,(IbJrRE. WII'I-I H1NOE! COVE:R, I..J!!:VI!!:I.., CONTI~.OI.., FL.,OATS SHAI..,I.., BE ORE:NCO SYSTEPIS ('TM) MFr::? CON,.~.I.,.~I :[NJ:') (IF' 2 IdE:IRCURY ..... I"L,C)AI.::~ (:)N AI)...!USTA:Ed..,E: PVC STEP! 1.4HICH ATIA[,HE,:, TO VAtJI..,T, ONE F:I..,OAT S].C4NAL,,:~ Cd..,AIRH~ THE (.1'!'1"11!{:1:~ St~II'f'CHES PUMP ON-'C)Ft":', Reserve ~b~e p~ ~ ~ ~[~D ~ 4~ ~L P~ ~ & ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~L 178 ~L ~0~ Lever ~ ~' 47 ~ 4E' L.ZF"T STAT2[]N ~ATA NDI'E 14 · 4 · Qeltons per ~ TYt:rlCAL PUMP P'~RF'DPJ4ANI~ CURVE SiZE Sl'F-LL A J C 1250 1~ G~tJGE :IE! 1/E' St' 40 ~ ~0O ~ ~ 145 ~ 97' ~48 ~ ~ ~ ~U~ 194' ~9 3/~ ~ 5/9' SIZE CHART - L.ZIrT STATTJ:IN TANKS HU~T ~£ L~0 GALLJ3NS LARGER THAN STANDAR~ TANKS F'DR SAME 4PPL2~T[,ON f'~er~L~s$ lid ~nd re4;~n~n9 NEMA 4× Junction box 114' PVC check Ad~!.e Fq.o~ :~wr'cc:h Assembly Se~l ~tth RAN-NEK or Equ~t rubber' gromme't; ar ~etded s't. eet I 1/4' p~pe 1/4° c~ drcUn b~ck hote I 3/8" heres 6· tlC: 2/8' mesh potye'ch¥iene sc3-een !,5' ~c~ x 39' high Re'~'mntng o. ngtes 1/3 hp ef'r"tuen't; pu~p, v~fous etc~nuF=~s · ' ,,. INSPECTION REPORT MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 3500 EAST TUDOR ROAD INSPECTIONS (907) 563-3464 INFORMATION (907) 786-8211 FOOTING FOUNDATION_ [] ELEO. SERVICE_ [] PLBG. ROUGH_ [] BOND BEAM __ [] ELEC. ROUGH ~ GAS TEMP. __ [] FRAMING [] ELEC. FINAL~,__~2_~ ' [] GAS [] INSULATION_ [] OTHER _/~'~'~_'./~-[] MECHANICAL_ [] SHEETROCK_ [] MECH. FINAL__ [] STRUCT. FINAL [] FIRE FINAL [] PLBG. FINAL __ [] OTHER [~ ZONING [] OTHER [] ./~NO NONCOMPLIANCE OBSERVED [] WILL REEXAMINE AT NEX'r INSPECTION [] CORRECTIONS ESSENTIAL AS EXPLAINED BELOW E] DO NOT CONCEAL UNTIL REINSPECTED COMMENTS INSPECTOR DATE WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE MADE, PLEASE CALL FOR INSPECTION DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 84-002 (Rev. 11/87) WATER WELL RECORD STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURES Division of Geologicol& Geophysicol Surveys Orillin9 Permit No, LOCATION OF WELL (Please complete either Io, lb or lc.) A.D.L. No. ~1 Boroagh.,. ~~.~ ~/Subdivisi°n Lot ~//B~eck --of--of--of--ih'Il I/4qfrs. Section No. Township N [~SC R~nge W~E~ Mcr[alien Ic.]~OlSTANCE AND ~IRECTION FROM ROAD INTERSECTIONS 5, OWNER OF WELL: Whisporin~ Spruce Address: Mike Rebtsh Street Address and Ares of Wetl Location 2. WELL LOG Feel Below 4. WELL DEPTH: (fine1) 5. BATE OF COMPLETION Molerlel Type Top Smndy gravelly silt 0 4 6. ~Coble ,eom ~.o,~y ~DHvO, Sandy silt 4 37 ~ A~ger ~ 0cited ~ Bore~ Silty sandy gravel w/boulders 37 t97 . Y. USE: ~ Oome,Hc ~ Publ$c Supply Silt wet (,i~'~2 202 ~ Irrigation ~ Recharge ~ Commerical Sl._ty sandy ~,ve]. & Water 202 ~0~ ~ To~t Well ~ Other: 8. CASING: ~ Threeded ~ Welded diam. in. fo ft. Deplh Slickup ~ ft. 9. FINISH OF W~LL: Type: 0~ e~('] Diameter '. Set between ft. and ft. Backfilling Gravel pock ~ Above or ~ Below land surface ~ Equipment used: II. PUMPING LEVEL below lend surfGce on~,YIELD MeterJ~l: ~ Neat Cement ~ Other: · -~ Length of Drop Pipe ft. capacity g.p,m. I~. REMARKS: - after lns~.l!ing pump ~6. WATER WELL CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: 15. Weter Tempere~ure __o ~ F ~ C Alpine Drillfng & Enterprises RegistBred Business Nam~ Conlr~cl License Number ~¢¢ ' Au t h~rlze~¢epresenlotivo Form OZ-WWR (11/81) Copy Distribution: WHITE-Stole DGGS~ PINK-DrHler~ CANARY-Customer MUNICIPALI'FY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAt. PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAl_ ENGINEERING !)IVI$1ON 825 LStreet-Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 2644720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAl. SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT MA,,,NOADDRESS, '50 ' LOCATIO~ ~-~F I We~ T Abso~i°n~area 1 Dwelling,~ ~Manufacturer ~ ~[ / Mat.ria~'~ _ No, of co~par;ments cal~acitvin gallon''s F' ¢ ~n~i~ engta t ' ~ F HOMEMADE: /~ I ~ ~ ~ERMIT NO. ~~Well Foundation' NO of line ~ I Lena, tN ~, ¢~*¢';'11~, ~~rel=h ~lth. - Distance bet~o,n lines ' ~ I '2 / ~ / ~ inches ' I To. of.,,~.ofinish 9rade ~ / Material beneath b lc ~ _; Total e~.fe$~on area ~ Widt,~ Depth PEHMIT NO. Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Fota~ effectiNe absorpbon area ~ Wel~-- Bull cling fou ndat'o,~~ Nearest ,~t lin~ DISTANCE TO: " IClass Depth Driller D~stance to lot line ~. ~,STA~CS TO: ~ [ OTHER PIPE MAT~ERIA LS so, TEST REMARKS  DATE L E/GA L 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) V, O U I if C, H: 0 to aj 0 ri 7. lo: > Vj CO Vi U M I U ul (W U V, O U I if C, H: 0 to aj a, ri lo: > CO U M I U (W U 0): n Lry ,D i m 1 V) cj r,4, ci 6 6 P IF, 1-4 E. FF 1.0 li� I. V wl: 0: C! V1i h: C. Z! 0! 12�! ri cc i r ,4! t4 C4 0 C4: Q; Yi M at i Ui W; L) FQ: U! V) i 0 CIO 0 0 fl- 7) P ell V 1P, ci 9 1 Z! ci 12�! ri cc i r p m : 0 Q; W at i Ui W; L) FQ: U! V) i C c r- C, m t -t i H t t 0 c a a 0 0 0 a 0 c 0 0 1.4 F E4 F E., It. 0. m cot C� zn r, m P� mi .7 1 H M: co: CN t -t 7) 'T'HE PE::.~_IF::E[) ~I~E OF TFIE =,UIL I--IE,::,Jte. FTI~[~I"4 -'"- ' ~E P' T' Ht := "-'" L.. EE IN ,.3 1'" H == ,"' ~9 ,,:. -- '- ,3 Ft t~ "...' e g [:, E F" THE LE[.~3TI.-I E. ZFIE:[,t:,ZON ZS THE LENGTH ,::ZN FEET) OF THE TFEf.,IJ-I '., ...... - -. ", · - '- - -' ' ' ' :,I. IF FR_.E OF THE THE [..I:F~H OF I~ T~EN_.H OR F.~ ~; THE [.,Z:TFINL. E EEFP.IEEN THE" ' "" l]f;:OIJN[:, b-iN[:, THE E,)TTOf'I ElF TIiE E::.::C:FI',/FITION (I~.,I FEET). " ...... ' TF.ENL. I I"HEF:E I=, NO SET I.,.IIDTH FU~. '' -' I'T.IE~ I;~F:FI',,,'EL E:,EPTH I2; THE MINIMUM E:,EPTH OF G~:F~,,'EL. BETL,.IEEN THE 13UTFRL. L PIF'E FINE:, THE E::TTZH OF TFIE B.(C:R',,,'FtTII)N ,::IN FEET::,. I:'-"l~:F4:i',1I"l" FIPP[.IC:FII'.~I' HFI':; 'r'HE ~:ESF'OI-SIE:ZLIT'T' TO II'4FOl:~:i'"l THI?, [.,EF. RI~..TI1EI',IT [,I_IF4'II'.4C~i THE IN'.'qYILLFII"IOI',I II4.:,FE_.flLI'.,I:, OF I;ti'.~'-/ I.,.IELL'::i FI[:,.:rFIC:E~'.~T TO THIS; Fr4 .FEF,'TT FIND. ]"HIE i'.4.M~:.'Ei':: OF F.E:,I[Ei'.,I_.E;, THRT THE ~,IELt. I.,.IILL SEF.:',/E. MJ:NIMUM E:,ISTRi'4CE BEI"PlEEN FI 1.4ELI.. FiND AN'¢ ON-:5ITE SEHRGE [.',IEiF:'OSFIL S'T'STEM I'::; ::[00 F'EET FOR L.II:'OI",I THE: T'T'F:'E OF"" PLIF:LII': L,JELL. MIi",IIi'"IUN Dt'FFI::Ii"4CE FF::OM I"~ PRI',,,'FITE !.,.IELL TO FI PF::I',,,'FITE 2;E.t,.IEF..': LINE I:5 25 FEET I:li",lE:' TO I::I E:OI"IMLII",IIT"~" b";E!-,]ER I_II'-,IE I.~; }"'~ FEET. OTI"IEFi: REI.::!UIRENENT$ Ml::l~'r' FIPF'L'¢. :SPEE:IF'tCFITIONS ;`:1t",t[:, I.'::OI'.STRUCTION [:,IRGf;;'.l:li"15 FIF.':E FI',,,'FIILF:IBLE TO IN~UI;::E PROF'EF;;'. INL~TF'IL. LFITIOI",I. I .EI-.T IF ~ THI:IT :1.: ]:. ;-":11"1 FI:'.IMILIF~F,.". I.,.IITH THE F..'.EC..!LIIF.:EI'"IENT$ F:F." OI'.,I-?.,fTE _,EIIEF.:_ FII'.,IE:, I.,.IELLS I'-'q2E; SET F::' .'¢1t-I B"r' THE MUI'-,I I C: I F';::IL :i:. l""r', OF FIi"~L':H~Z¢.F,3E. 2.: Z .['.IZ LL. T I",I':.'iTFILL THE ':;'.r'E;TEr,1 I I'.,I I-'IE:IZ:nf;.:[:,I::INE:E !-,.II TFI THE C:OE.',E'_:;. 2i:: I I..INE:,EF..:S;TRI'.,IE:, THFIT THE '"li',l-'~I'rE ..,E!.IEF:. 2;'.,.'E;TEr,1 r'lFl"r' F.'EI;, T F.,E ENLFiF.:i3EMEI'.,fl~ 'rF THE i';:'E'SI[',EH:'E I'_:; F.:EI',IOE~ELFE:, TO INE:LUE:,E MOF.'.E T~-..II:II'.4 _.3.:: E:EE:,F::OOr,IE;. ,. ...... %--._ ..... ..:., .I.I.;iNE E:': ...... .-.,..~ ......... ~ ........................... -/ FtFFLIii:Ffli'.,IT~ 13[EI.'lfr..:t3E I"':. I.,IIL~'IOTH ...................... I:: H rE .......... ',,,'4.. 0 / LEGAL DESCRIPTION= 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7 -.._8 (30NTRAI3TING~ENGINI]EI~S & ASSOE ~1~ ~. i~T~-,~'no~x, A~,O~'r ~'0A[~ I ANCH~&A~, A~-hS~AI~O~0~ P~O N E ~7~7 3,. ~ ~__..t~ ~' ~v .......... ~ATE PERFORMED:' SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE SITE PLAN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19- 20 COMMENTS R~lph WAS GROUND'WATER ENCOUNTERED? _~-~'~ IF YES, AT WHAT ._~ DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water . ° Drop ~!,,!~*'"'~. , _°. " ~"· - "50 "5o,, ~f ~o ~o ~" ~'o ~o ~" ~" PERCOLATION RATE ~ (~ (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN __Z '~ FT AND ~ FT r MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY 264-4744 Application Date 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL) (a) (b).~ Property Owner /C/CC/CE/_. ~ ~_B-~I~tl Telephone: Home ,~ Ma[!,ng. ,¢'~lCre~s -7.-.~¢' ' "~Z~/~ ~/~ ~. (c) ~eh¢~hg Insbtubon ' :~ Telephone Marling Address x, - , Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) .L:b~ti~;~n' (address ~dir'e¢ions) Business (d) (e) Real Estate C6mpany and Agent Address Telephone Mail the HAA to the followina address: or: Check here',if hold for pick up. List contact person and day phone number below. TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family~' Number of Bedrooms WATER SUPPLY Individual Well~. Community [] Public [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Onsite'~ Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. Page 1 of 2 72-025 trey 8/861 Front 4398 Igo's tinj sto-tc Z Io Z o6ed -iliom s,jaau!6ua leuo!ssaloid ayl ui suoiss!wo to siaia ioI elq!suodsai lou si 96ejoyouV to Igpedio!unW 9y1 panssi s! aleoiyliao a ajolaq elep ozAleue io suoiloadsui lonpuoo lou op SHHO Io saaAoldw3 sluawaimbei mels pue lelapa) u!evao /yslies of lapio u! suoiinl!lsu! 6u!pual i!ayl pue sawo4 Io siose4oind of ASaUnoo a se s!yl saop SHHO au viseltl Io alels ayl u! paialsi 6ai jaaui6ua leuo!ssalad luapuadapu! us Aq anoge S 4dej6sied ui uaAi6 suoileluasaidai a41 uodn Aluo paseq saleo!Iiliao lenaddy Aluo4lntl 4ileaFl sanss! (SHH(3) Sao!AieS uewnH pue ylleaH to luawliedaO 96ejogoutl Io Ai!led!o!unW ayl RISHUrF] IenaddV leuoil!puoO Io swjal leuoil!puoO panaddes!O — panaddV Agswoapaq JoI panaddV IVAOHddV SHHO '9 alea E°S66 %9/ Q Za/11S .5 6W r£f r'/ aowZ ssaiPPtl o�oS'l �lS suo4dala1 529 WA to aweN uolloadsui s!41 to alep e41 uo loaga ui suo!leln6ai pue 'saoueu!pio'sapoo ale1S pue led!o!unyj Ile Llpm eoue!ldwoo ut si walsAs lesodsip lalemalsem jo/pue Aiddns lalem ells-uo a41 'uo!loodsui pue uot1e61jSaAUi Aw wall pue sal!I a6ejo4ouV Io Apledaunpy a41 woil pau!elgo uogewjolui ayl uo paseq 1e41 AIuaA ia4unl I •u!aia4 paleo!pu! ainlonils Io odAl pue swoojpaq Io lagwnu 941 iol elenbape pue Ieuo!lounl'a)es si walsAs lesods!p lalemalsem to/pue Alddns lalem alis-uo 841 leyl SmOl1S lenaddtl Aluoylntl 41Iea31 Si41Io u01le611Sanui Aw 1841 ApJaA I'molaq umoys aleP uoilep!lenayt Io se pue olalay paxille leas Aw Aq paippao sv NOIIVWIlOjNI ONV V1VO'HOHV3S 3113'S1S31'SNO1133dSNI °JNIOIAOHd WkI1d ONIH33NIJN3 'S WELL DATA Well Classification ~'),~tt/''~'~ If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved (Y/N) Well Log PresentON) -. Date Completed 7- ~ ~8" Yield Total Depth Z-.-O(¢ Cased to ~ t Depth of Grouting Static Water Level /~¢ ~ Casing Height Above Ground A/~--&- /,~/' Electrical Wiring in Condui¢N) Separation Distances from Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot (~ ~¢/ ; On Adjoining Lots / To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot /oO ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer Line /d/,d- To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole /d'/,,4 To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot Water Sample Collected by /~Z,~ /¢, ¢4}/~',,0 ; Date Water Sample Test Results /~,,4¢_~ "Tr"~-~ /.~',~/p)'~¢'~ Comments ~/~'~:-&- ~/'7"- ,2./'j~/~4 )1'¢'~,~'/ ~../~)ETJ¢7~/ ,¢./,~ ,'~ '77~.//7' Pump Set At Sanitary Seal on Casing(~) Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed StandpipesON) Depression over Tank (Yf/~)~ Size /¢7~T'0 No. of Compartments ~ Air-tight Caps(~N) Foundation Cleanout ~)N) Date Last Pumped ~'"'/¢~"'"'"'"'"'""~ /~¢'f8 Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N) Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) Separation Distances from Septic/Holding Tank: TO Water-Supply Well ¢¢t To P.ropertY~4~ne /(2 TO ¢~;br ~;,iS :ervice Une /¢/'/'- , CoUrse ~ /Cd Comr~nts: : ~ ": ' /dA ; for ,~,,~ Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) ~//~ __ To Building Foundation -~/' ~ To Disposal Field ? / To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage 'Pag~ 1 of 2 72-026111/84) ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed Width of Field _. /~' Square Feet of Absorption Area Depression over Field (y(~) Results of Last Adequacy Test Separation Distance from Absorption Field: To Water-Supply Well /'~ / To Building Foundation ____ ~('-~_.~' / To Water Main/Service Line ~_~'" To Stream/Pond/Lake/or Major Drainage Course _. Type of System Design __ Length of Field _ j~ Depth of Field 2~--,.~" ~ ~.~' Gravel Bed Thickness ~- -- Standpipes Present, N) Date of Last Adequacy Test __ ~_~ -- To Property Line To Existing or Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots To Cutbank (if present) To Dr veway Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area Comments D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level Tested for Electrical Codes.~, ) Comments Dimensions ¢ _/~-,d~/ Manhole/Access ~N) "Pump Off" Level at - VentrON) Pumping Cycles during ¢,~3~,//~c~,_Test. Meets MOA / ** Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request ** I certify that ~ch,~e,~,, v~ri~ed, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in effect on the dateof this inspection. Signed _ ¢-,"~.~----~.~//I,.,/¢.-.~--'~ _ Date ~-~ Date of Payment ~2~ ~ ~ Amount: $ /?¢ O O Page 2 of 2 72-026 (11/84) CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC.~'~°~.~ ~.~ 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 S FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE fox Work Order t 7801 Date Report Printed: JUL 14 88 @ 15:53 Client Sample ID:L1, 84, SKY RANCH ESTATES PWSID :UA Collected Jun 11 88 @ 17:48 hrs. Received JUL 12 80 ~ 09:00 hrs. Preserved with :4 DEG. C Client Name : AECS Client Aeot : AKECSRP P.O.! NONE REC'D Req $ Ordered By : A. WIEN Analysle Completed :JUL 13 88 Send Reports to: Laboratory Supor~t.~oro :STEPHEN C._ EDE Special Instruct: Chemlab Rof #: 1751 Lab Smpl ID: 3 Matrix: Water Allowable Parameter Tested Result/Units Method Li~ts NITRATE-N 0.69 mE/1 EPA 353.2 lO Sample ROUTINE SAMPLE. Remarks: SAMPLE COLLECTED BY A. WIEN. i Tests Performed * See Special Inetructions Above UA-Unavailable ND- None Detected "See Sample Remarke Above NA- Not Analyzed Iff-Lees Than, GT-Greatox Than DATE RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS T,ME T,ME . [)_ T,ME DATE DATE I , ~,~ DATE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALI'~ OF ANCHORAGE . ~EPT, OF HEALTH &  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTE~ONMENTAL FS, O'[ECTION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION DIVISION A~'~{ ¢. ~ 1981 Telephone 264-4720 DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be processed, Please allow ten (10) days for processing, 1, PROPERTY OWNER~ ~*~e C, ~o~ PHONE PROPERTY RESIDENT (If different from above) PHONE 2, BUYER MAILING ADDRESS 3, LENDING INSTITUTION MAILING ADD~ESS ~ 4, R~AL~OR/AGENT ~ PFION~ MAILING ADDRESS 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION o / xs ,_ o ,< z r STREET LOCATION 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE ' NUMBER OF~BEDROOMS (~' SINGLE FAMILY [] One [~] Four [] Two [] Five [] MULTIPLE FAMILY ~ Three [] Six [] Other 7. WATER SUPPLY INDIVIDUAL* [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975, For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available.) 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM [~' INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** /~?~:7,~ YEAR ON-SITE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED. [] PUBLIC UTILITY NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVI DUAL DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER [] INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified INSTALLER []Septic Tank or [] Holding Tank Size: /C~(,~O If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4. DISTANCES Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line I Nearest Lot Line WELL TO: Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5, COMMENTS ROVED FOR ~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE BY 72-010 (Rev. 6/79) April 16, ].981. George C. Wilmokh 308 G Ski eel -.- SuiLe 211.]. Anchorage, Alas]ca 9950_]. Subject: Lot 1 Block 4 Sky Ranch Ii:staLes Subd.i.v:isJon npp:oval for the individual sewer and ware: facJ/I i J. es cannot be g:anked until the following items ha~e comp],e~ed; (]) A well log submitked t.o this department fo: our rev iew. (2) The water analysis report l~eeds to be delivered to th.is office :[-rom tile Cheil Lab, 5633 B St:eeL, for ou]' review, If khero a:e i.n'}y furhher queshioris, please ca.]:l this o:{fi, ce at 264.~4720. Sincerely, {o~)~¥t C Pratl::, R.S. ~sooc:aLc Specialisl R(;p/z j w CC: Alask~ Pao'ific; 101 henson Boulevard 99503