HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKY RANCH ESTATES Water Supply Systems InformationLoT Z31oc/c / 14/hmper//9 9 I t UTILITY E~R~'ENI~AIT .,.,., . .. Th~..UTILI~ ~S~M~NT ~r well ~r)~ well house on .~ ~.~ .-. -. , . ~ .~ · · }'' ~,,,i~8~ri~' 4 ~nd S~orn .}e/ore m~ ]1:. ~h~ X'~/~,~.,,..~ ' u'. : .' ~, ~,. · . ....... ~, ,, , ~f31, > ': ";'~: ~ ;2~; ;e. ~' ~ ~ . ' ' ~'.1'," .-, ~' ,' .!"' -:'.,'~..~: · . " ' Well ~rl'v 8 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA WATER ANALYSIs RE~OR~ '..: ........ ..~o~,0, m, . , ~:...,. ..... z~ CHEMICAL &. GEOLOGICAL LABO~IA'FOI~IE$ ..OF" AEASKg, ,,INC. 'Anchorage, ' "~ .... SAMPLE PRO~,,~ky Rfinch.~t~/'~ 5( . ~I~egs ~l'can ~blic Health Specifications for Hman Cons~ptzon. ~ ~ ~ ', - -. . }, . ..7,.~ ~ '- .... ~ 0.49 ~. . . . . 171 ~ ~ --- . .~, T~ ~ ~ ~1 . .. 170 9~ ~"~ ~ ~'~': ~>:' ~aCi O~ ~H .... 7;'2 , -~ : ..... - .'~ Steve Redmond Star Route A Box 1631F Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Sky Ranch Estates Sub~[ivision According to this depar~]%ent's water sampling monit¢~r we have not aG yet received a water sample for the above subjec~ well systen~ for the month of Dece~aber, 1977. Our records indicate that you are responsible for turning thes~ mandatory samples in for the subject water system. If you. hav~ not done so aG y~t, please obtain a water sampling bottle, from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as t~ssible and return the ~ample to the same address for analysis° If you are no longer in charge of ~:he subJec~ water system, please notify us immediately to any name and/or address change~. If there are any further questions~ please contact this office at 264-4720 or at the abeve ad. dreGs. Thank you for your co-opera'~ion in this mattmr. Si~cerely, ~ank Allers Code Enforcement Of rio 1L%/lJh March 2~ ~977 'Steve R~.dr~ond Star ?,oute A Box 1631~F Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Sky Ran~ti Esta'be~} SubdivisiOn well ~yst~m~] for t~%(,~ month of February, ~l~r~h 1977. Our reeori[s i,ndioate that you ar(~ responsible for turning th~se mandatory samples iD. for th;~ subj~c't water system, If yo~ have not done ~o as yet, please obtti~ a water sampling bottl(~ f.~on; th~ State Lab, 5~,7 Eas'~ 4th AveDtl~ a~ soon as possible If you ~cr.e rio longer .~.n ¢lhar[l,,~ of the subjeot water systeml, please notify us imra(~diat~31y to any name and/or address ohange~. If thl:~ra ar¢~ any further questions, please contact thio office at 279-2511~ (~xtonaion 2~{~ or at the ~bOve 't'hank you fo~: :/()ur co,-operat, ion ;h% this mattt~r. Prin~fpal .;,nv.%zonm~mt~%l Control Offt~er WMD/lJh (E, CD ¥ ~IEI}I~'Ipr~ FOR CE~TIFIEk) MAIL--30~ (plus postage) -~N' ) TO~ ..... POSTMARK i901) ~79,. 1 February 16, 1977 Mr. Olsen Star Route A Box 1629 ~chorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Sky Ranch Estates According to this department's water sample moniter list, we have not as yet received a water sample for Sky Ranch Estates for the month of February, 1977. Our redords indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subject water system, please notify us immediately to any name and/or address changes. If there are any further questions, pi. ease cont. act this office at 279-2511, extension 224, or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation J.n this matter. Sincerely, William M. Dixson Principal Environmental WMD/ljh Control Officer ALASKA ..~PAItTtS1ENT OF IIEAbTH AND WELF. ~ DIVISION OF PDBLI(3 HEALTH APPLICATION FO~ APP}~OVAL OF ~LANS . Zip Gode . . ~iailing Address - -~ ~Z- '3. z.~. 7.~ Apl)l~ation Date Alaska Delmrtment of Health anti Welfare Branch of Environmental Health Pouch H Juneau, Alaska 99801 Business Telephone No. In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety:', Chapter 05, Sec. 18.05.040, (ll), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereunder, we, c,.. ......... .............................(pp ~lt) ............................................................. herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FI~:A'Iq. IRES, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Delailed plans and speci- fications, and a Project Report 0!lngineering or Architectural Iteport) including necessary data required for full under'stand- ing of SANITAIq. Y FMAT[JRES of design. (Give complete but brie~ description of project) ....... ........ ................. ............... These plans were prepared by ... ?. ~. ~. ~.Q . .~dcs~: ......... ~r-~ ¢ . .... /..~. ....................................... and l)Y(A~l~l~,e~s) or under the direction of the following lqnglneer(s) or Architect(s) duly licensed to practice in Alaska: This project is to be financed in the [ollowinK n;anner: (List sources of funds arid amounts). Sources of funds: Amounts: i ' ......................the contemplated of advertising : ~:se plans are being submitted to you at least one month prior to date for bids We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that no revisions in the plans affecting the SANITARY I,'~ATUItlgS of the project may be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that construction will be carried out in accordance with the approved plans; anti that unless construction on this project is started within a t~vo-year period subsequent to your approval, such approval villi become void. Very truly yours, (Signed) .................................... ~ ~1 '":-'"-:~- ~ L~ }~, (Official 'Pirie) ................................................................................................. CO~rrHACTI~D ~IGIi~EP~ & ASSOC. 1801 Stanton Anchorage ~ ~klaska 279-1792 ENG.~lI~ REPORT Sky Ranch Estates Unit No. 2 WATER SYST~24 ~ Water system for: Block 1, Lot 1 through 8 Block 2, Lot 1 through 16 Total lots served A. General 1. The system as designed v~ill serve the 24 lots in this subdivision as noted above and as sho~ on the attached dra~ngs. 2. The system as designed could not be expanded. 3. There ~lll be no industrial activitywhichv~.l] affect the requirements of tkis water system. 4. The estimated daily water consumption assuming 100 g.p.d. min aud 3.25 people per residence and 24 residences is lO0x3.25x25 = 7800 gal./day, or 5.~ gal./min. This is the present and future requirement. The capacity of this system is based on the peak demand computed as follows: Assuming.for each lot: 1. bathroom group with flush tar~ 2. kitchen sink 3. lmuadry tray Total supply fixture.~units per lot = 11 Engineering Report SKy Ranch Estates Unit No. 2 For 24 'lots the load on the system in ~upply ~ixtures units i~ 264. .. With ti~is load the supply demand is equal to 77 g.p.m. 'for approx'[matel.y 20 minutes or 1540 gal. · ..'.';-' ' Nith the installation of one 82 gal. hydro-pneumatic storage tank with 1/2 effective volume for storage on each lot served and one in well house, the total ~s':oYag~ 'For this system will be: 82xl/2x25 = 1025-~al. Required pump capacity = 515 = 21.5 gal. per minutes or 1290 gal.per hour ~ 5. The source of water for this system will be a deep water well located as shown on the plans. The well has been drilled and cased. with a 6" casing to prevent ground water contamination. The top of the casing extends at least 12" above finished grade with no pit around the casing. A well house will be constructed over the well to allow all electric controls to be located at the well. The well house will be insulated and weather tight. ~t will have a daylight screened drain and will be electrically heated to prevent freezing. A p~tless adaptor will not be used and the discharge pipe will come out the top of the casing and will be connected to tile distribution header in the well i~ouse. The casing will be covered, '~- 6. All development in this area depends on wells for their water and the acquifer which this well penetrates has proven to produce water of a quality suitable for househol~ uses. Prior to public use the water from this well will be tested for quality. A chemical analysis will also be made on the water. B. Permafrost is not known to be preseht in this area. C. ~This is not a surface water source. D. Pukification is not'~n~icipated or proposed. E. Pressure will be maintained in the lines at all times by the use of a submersible pump-with a minimum rating of 1560 gal. per hour with a discharge pressure of 60 p.s.i, and a depth to water level of 180 feet. [Jacuzzie Submersible Pump No. 3S4D or equal). To minimize fluctuation in pressures~ a hydro-pneumatic system consisting of one 82 gal. pressure tank will be located in each residence and one in the well house. Pre~sure loss in the mains at peak pumping rate is negligible, Engineering Report Sky Ranch Estates Unit No. 2 System ~ F. Thc distribution l~ues vM]] be constructed ~ith approximately 1~37 lin. ft. of 2" NSF approved water pipe. Service connections ~_th a corporation stop at the main and a curb stop ~th service box installed at the property line or easement line for each lot will be constracted as part of this system using 750 lin. ft. of 3/~" NSF appro~d Type K copper water pipe. There are no special features in the distribution system. 30 The distribution system ~ll be installed wlth a nf. rJmmum of 10' of cover over the distribution lines. The system v?±ll be located in glacial till at the depth specified. G~ Water ~ll be stored as specified in "E"~ Fire protection has not been provided. Cost Estimates Constr~ction Well ~,~lth 6" casing ~185 at $15/ft. 1~37 lin. ft. 2" I'~ installed at ~6.50/l~u. ft. '24 curb stops installed at $200 each Submersible pump and ~'±ser pipe & 82 gal. tank Well house 2,775.00 9,3~0.50 ~,800.00 1,000.00 800°00 Ma~tenance cost estimated to be $600/ye&r The following minimum distances from points of possible contamination to ground water supplies ~.gll be exceeded: 1. Any contamination - $0 ft. 2. Sewers~ septic tank~ disposal fields - 80 ft. Seepage pits - 120 Th. *Curb stops include service connection. Eighty-two gal. hydro-pneumatic tank to be installed by each b~u%lder as lots develop° All protective radii around this well shall be filed by recorded easement in the District Recorder's office ~th a copy being submitted %~th the as-builts. 1801 Stanton Ave. CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC. Consulting Eh~ tine er s Phone: 279-1792 Anchorage, Alaska WATER SYST~ CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS ~eneral~ Ail materials shall be of types shown on tile plans and shall conform to these' specifications. Ail workmanship shall be according to good practices of each trade. Safety precautions shall be observed ~o prevent hazards to property, l~fo or equipment through caving earth, electrical lines, floo~ling, fires, traffic and other potential causes. The site shall be kept free of accumulations o£ trash or debris from the work, Upon completion of construction t~e site shall be left lin ,a neat and clea~ conditi0n~ graded to drain to establisi~ed channels. ¥IATEP LINES AG hat er~.s..s ~ w ~"~' ,n~ fibtin~s sha~l be schedule '40 Typ,e 1-1120 normal impact hi c~cal~ rest-st~a~nt ~[.S;F. approved or equsl. Z, Galvanized pipe shall be of galvanized steel pipe conforming to AS%'M specification A lgO-6~la; of ga].wmized wrou[;h~ iron pipe.conformin~ to ASTM specificatisn A. '/2-68~ standard ,,:eight. Joints shall be threaded and threaded couplings with N.P.S. threads shall be provided. >. Co~per pipe shall be fle:~ible seamless pipe, Type "K" conforming to A ST~,[ specification 1~. Valves, Gate Velves ,~qhall be brass body bronze faced gate v.'a].ves, pressure ....~e, ~.~d at 2~.0 p.s.m' . Service valves shall be ~(ue!ler Co. No. H--10gOg or approved equal, ~. B. Construction The trench shall be excavsted to the depth shovm on the plans and as st~,ked. Galvanized pipe shall be installed hy screwin~ the joints tight with suitable pipe wrenches. App,'owed pi~e joint compound or white lead shall be applied to ell male threads only prior to a~semb!ing the joint. Chan.ges in grade or alif~nment of galvanized pipe shall be accomplished with fittings and not by bending the piFe. Copper pioe ohall be installed by laying it in the trench and assembling the joints. Threaded fittin[~s shall be screwed on to their mating fittings before soldering[. Ali pipes shall be assembled at a joint before that joint is soldered, and the entire joint shall be soldered at one time. 3omn~ ~. ~de ~ ~ recomm.ended by tile l.~anufactnrer PVC pi~e sha]l ~be install~d ~and -' ' ~ 'end o~ly ~pproved materials used. Ch~nges %~ ~wade or alignment 0f the t.V.C. pipe shall )be accomplished with fittings a~d not by benching the pipe. -2- Le~or.' e bac{fJllins,, all ne',',,!y installed ','~ater lines ~;hell be test{~d for ].e~d~s'by fllling the lines ¥,'ith ',¥ater aud e.~.ami~ing them under no~:~l system l~ressure. C. Disinfection 1o iAfte~~ testing and after all leaks are corrected the ne','~'ly installed ¥~ater lines, ¥,'ell and pump shall be disinfected ~,~y fJ].].~ng \?ith ¥~ater solution cootaining not less than lO0 ppm of available chloz~.ine. The solution sl~alt be retained in the si/stem i'o~· a minimum of four hours and then thoroughly flushed from the system. tVUT r~ E- TI~ I.L >q CORPORA 770M 3'TOP LhV~' COP,°>.-~ TU~31MG OF CO~IMh'CT 7'(9 GHOUIYD I: BILL OF SALE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: IMADA and GEORGE C. WILMOTH, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to them paid, do by these presents SELL AND CONVEY unto SKY RANCH ESTATES IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, INC., that certain property described as follows, to-wit: That CLYDE SHERWOOD, YUKIO Two (2) water wells, including pump and distribution system, located on Lots 11, 3 4 , Block 1, Sky Ranch Estates, Unit No. 2, 'according to Plat No. 71-290, in the Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of Alaska. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said personal property to its suc- cessors and assigns forever. Party of the first part covenants and agrees and does by· these presents WARRANT and will forever defend the sale of said property against each and every person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the said property. WITNESS my hand and seal this ~d day of June, 1975. -- .-C/~yde Sherwood 2-" '-"~ ,:'-: Geoqge C. Wilmoth STATE OF ALASKA ) )ss. THIRD DISTRICT ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that on this c-,--' day of June, 1975, before me the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Clyde Sherwood, Yukio Imada and George C. Wilmoth, known to me and to me known to be the individuals described irt and who executed the foregoing instrument; they acknowledged to me that they signed the same freely and voluntarily for the us.e.s..'a~ld purposes therein set forth. ~: i .;.'... , WITNESS my hand and official seal. DISTRICT Notar~ Public My commission 20. Glenn A. lluff, P.t~. Contr~leting Englneee~ and 7010 Old S~ward 99502 ..~UI~JECT; Soml-publi~ Class A Water Systo, m~ #1 and 92 looeted tn Sky Rsnch Estates Subdivision ~2 Dear Mr. Huff: Tho Gret~tor Anehorag'o Aran Borough, Department of Environmental Quality has received and reviewed the a~-.built englne~rlng ~,ubmfssion~ a~ requem{ted In our loiter of January 27, 1975. t{.aview of these ns.-butlt plan~ trod in-field inspection of the two well how~e~ ~hows that these two system~ moot ~dl m¢,nt~ of this I)~partme~t. We wteh to advise you that both water systems new have torsi approw~l of tht~ Department and only one final stipuh~tton ~,emaln9 on thi~ water system. All publk~ wa~or sy~tenm ar~ requi~ed to submit water ~mp!e~ to the Laboretory at 52~ East 4th Avenue for bactnrt~fl ~nnly~i~. l'loter snmplot~ must bo submitted from tbts ny.~tem on a qum, tcrly basis. Our files, at tlfla time, indicate that Mr. George Wilmoth i~ th~ owner of this water system. Until ~ueh tlmo o, this water syotem i~ transferred to tho turners, hip of tho homeowners' as.oeiatlon My. Wtlmoth .hall fullfll this obligation, At such tim~ thet tho home, owners take over operation, maintenance m~d owner'.- uhip of thio system, it ia required that they submit to us mmm~a of those x'e~ spon~dble tbr maintenance and operation {,~f this syrstem. The reuponr~fl>flity fi,r wate~ ~ample gubmtt, sion will then t~anafer ti, those indt¥1dualr~. We appreciate your cooperation in this p~ojeet and the timely submlsslen of these plans. Sincerely. Rol[' tttrieklond. I[.S., Chief Sanitertan liS/ko co; (t~orge Wlhnoth Whom It May Conue.~n i~.,Jnitarien i Maroh Ill, 1975 - File Tho obove subject water system is ,pproved by this delyt~rtt.(~nt provided water ~a~uple,,t are ~ubmitted from thl.q .~Jystom on a quarto.fly basi~ 9~ th({ Stt~te Loboratory for bactex,i~l analy~qt~3, & (.'ommunity sewer system t~) not econon)ieally fcastbl~- tn digpo~a! aystom~. C. Sue l/cKc~ohnio, R.S. ~altita~ian I J'anua'y 27, 1975 Glenn ^. Huff, Contu~lctirig l,;n~.~tneer~ .,md Associ~le~ A~lclioz'l~go, Ala~k~ 9~502 ¥~o ht, vt, been rocanlly contacted by txon~tomw~oa~ tn the uubJent ~ubdivision ix'{dleaing fha 5Iv, t-Vthnoth ts prep~ulng Io h,imnf~x~ ovao~hip d i~dtt~ote~) fl{a we ~',uo'h&lnff ~ufftelent dntn to give tho hoyt~oo~v~ox'~ , ,Oa~' ltlt.~) Indic, t'tto tha we do not hay0 tho {bllowhq~'~ ~. Otie~d,e~l onaly~b f)~. both d the v~t~t' ~yr~toz, t~ 3, l%11 loga on tho t~vo woll~ in queutionn and pi.ap test d~tt~+ o~ theu~ sy~t~v,~ ' Plea,*~,~ .~eouve thl9 tniorm,qtion at yom, en~'lle.~t oonventenee end a'o t~aisfneto{~y,, I am aux'e It would bo ~ppreebt~d by the ttor~owneva It' you ha¥o aly quoatlon~ z o6,a din{, thit~ ,{~tt~x', ple,'~9(; do not ho~;it[xto to eont~,'t u:~, ]toll Striekland, iLS. C:htof Salt u'ian !tS/lw DilW ER-7 rd-(5-6'~) ALASKA I)EPAR~rMENT OF HEAI,'rH AND WELFARE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS /I~' ~ ~ w~ ~ ~. City Zip Code Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Mailing Address Branch of Environmental Health ,~'~'~ ? ~ ~.:~ Pouch H Application Date Juneau, Alaska 99801 Business Telephone No. RE: ~ . .::z~: ........ ~ ....... 7':1 ..................................... In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety", Chapter 05, Sec. 18.05.040, (11), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereunder, we~ ........ &q:('~'~ff"¢'"(~' ~'"'"'~'A /'~2'~'/~ ' ' (,amc '~} "~,l~ant, ................................................................ herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets o~ complete plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci- fications, and a Project Report iEngineering or Architectural Report) including necessary data required for full understand- ing of SANITARY FEATURES of design. (Give complete but brief description of project) .... . (, .J.:,. . .. . .. .& ... ..... .. ..z ......................................................................... · Z~O/ ~' ~'~ '~ O~qaa~.....~.C~,?.~.~....and by or under Lhe direction of the fo,lowing Engineer(s) or Architect(s) duly licensed to practice In Alaska: (NAME) (TYPE OF LICENSE (Civil, ~Iechanlcal, etc.) Certi[tcate of Registration No, This project is to be financed in the followiug manner: (List sources of funds and amounts). Sources of funds: Amounts: ...... .... We understand that construction shall not be started until yonr final approval of these plane has been received; lbat no revisions in the plans affecting the SANITARY FEATURES of the project may be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that construction will be carried out in accordance with the approved plans; and that unless construction on this project is started within a two-year period subsequent to your approval, such approval will become void. Very truly yours, ( A p p I i C a n t r 2~~-~.~ ~t~-~(//_ ../_ ..~..~"]'/~ ~./~.~... ........................ (SI~edl ............. .-~,~-.,~:..~.~J.~:~,~,~.~.t..~ ........... (Official Title) .............................................. ,, .................................... CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC. 1801Stanton Anchorage, Alaska 279-1792 ENGINEERING REPORT Sky Ranch Estates Unit No. WATER SYSTEM #1 Water system for: Block l, Lot 8 and 9, andqL.~% 12?through 17 Block 2, Lot 17, through 27 Block 3, Lot 2 through 6 Total lots served = 24 A. General 1. The system as designed will serve the 24 lots in this subdivision as no'led above and as shown on the attached drawings. 2. The system as desi. gned could not be expanded. 3. There will be no industrial activity which will affect the requirements of this water system. · 4. Tile estimated daily water consumption assuming 100 g.p.d. min. and 3.25 people per residence and~,~j~residences is lOOx3.25x24 = 7800 gal./day, or 5.4 gal./min. This Ks the present and future requirement. The capacity of ti~is system is based on the peak demand computed as follows: Assuming for each lot: 1. bathroom group with flush tank 2. kitchen sink 3. laundry tray Total supply fixture units per lot = ll Engineering Report SKy.Ranch Estates Unit No. 2 For 24 lots the load on the system in Wupply 'fixtures units is. 264. . With this load the supply demand is equal to 77 g.p.m. 'For appr~ximatel.y 20 minutes or 1540 gal. With the installation of one 82 gal. hydro-pneumatic storage tank with 1/2 effective volume for storage on each lot served and one in well house, the total;~torage for this system will be: 82xl/2x25 : 1025-~a-1. Required pump capacity: 515: 21.5 gal. per minutes or 1290 gal.per hour 2T 5. The source of water for this system will be a deep water well located as shown on the plans. The well has been drilled and cased with a 6" casing to prevent ground water contamination. The top of the casing extends at least 12" above finished grade with no pit around the casing.. A well house will be constructed over the well to allow all electric controls to be located at the well. The we'll house will be insulated and weather tight. ~t will have a daylight screened drain and will be electrically heated to prevent freezing. A p~tless adaptor will not be used and the discharge pipe will come out the top of the casing and will be connected to tile distribution header in the well i~ouse. The casing will be covered, ~' 6. All development in this area depends on wells for their water and the acquifer which this. well penetrates has proven to produce water of a quality suitable for househol~ uses. Prior to public use the water from this well will be tested 'for quality. A chemical analysis will also be made on the water. B. Permafrost is not known to be preseht in this area. C. ~This is not a surface water source. D. Purification is not ~nti'cipated or proposed. E. Pressure will be maintained in the lines at all times by the use of a submersible pump-with a minimum rating of 1560 gal. per hour with a discharge pressure of 60,p.s.i. and a depth to water level of 180 'feet. [Jacuzzie Submersible Pump No. 3S4D or equal). To minimize fluctuation in pressures~ a hydro-pneumatic system consisting of one 82 gal. pressure tank will be located in each residence and one in the well house. Pressure loss in the mains at peak pumping rate is negligible. Engineering Report Sky Ranch Estates Unit No. 2 F. The distribution lines will be constructed with approximately 1535 lin. ft. of 2'~ NSF approved water pipe. Service connections with a . corporation stop at the main and a curb stop with servi~e bo~.ihstalled at the property line or easement line for each lot will be constructed as part of this system using 860 lin. ft. of 3/4" NSF approved Type K copper water pipe. 2. There are no special features in the distribution system, 3. The distribution system will be installed with a minimum of of cover over the distribution lines. 4. The system will be located in glacial till at the depth specified, G~ Water will be stored as specified in "E". 2. Fire protection has not been provided. H. Cost Estimates Construction Well with 6" casing 185 aC $15/ft. 1535 lin. ft. 2" WL installed at $6.50/lin.ft. *24 curb stops installed at $200 each Submersible pump and riser pipe & 82 gal. tank Well house $ 2,775.00 9,977.50 4,800.00 1,000.00 800.00". $19,352.50 Maintenance cost estimated to be $600/year The following minimum distances from points of possible contamination to ground water supplies ~ill be exceeded: I. Any contamination - 40 ft. 2. Sewers, s~pt'ic tan~,.disposal fields - 80 ft. 3. Seepage pits - 120 ft. *Curb stops include service connection. Eighty-two gal. hydro-pneumatic tank to be installed by each builder as lots develop. All protective radii aroun~ this well shall be filed by recorded easement in the District Recorder's office with a copy being submitted with the as-builts. MACKAY BLDG. 338 DENALI STREET ANCHORAGE 99S0~ July. l§, 1973. Mr. Glen Huff Contracting Engineers & Associates 1801 St~nton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska SUBJECT: Water System for Sky Ranch Estates, Unit No..2 DearMr. Huff: The plans and specifications for this project are approved for the features with which this department is concerned. This approval is given with the understanding that at the proper time a satisfactory chemical and bacteriological analysis will be fur- nished this department, as well as the well-log and p~nping tests for the well. If you have a~y questions regarding this please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours t~uly,. ~ Regional ~nvironmental Engineer cc: GAAB-DEQ~/ JtJ[...'J '~' 1973 July ~), 1973 L)uar Fir. Huff: deve']o?er:, k.e have foNnd~ ov~r the pasC y,.~ars, Cilag i~ is very beneficial oF ~his da~a al on,j .i b, i;nc. as.-bu'ilt i)lan:~ would Ue fll'C~a/'Jy appr, miab::,d Shou'J'2 yok4 i},Jv<: 3{iy quusJ,'JO~)$ rcgardiag our COhillif2{'l{;S Oil C4ie ¥'wVi~-'~',' arid S i nc,::rc 1 y ~ l'(ul f S'~;ri cnl ail,J, Ciiief Sani Cariai) 16, t973 Contracting Engineers ii Associates At'l;: Glemm A. Huff, P.E. 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: Sky Ral)ch Estates, Unit #2 Semi-.public Class A Water System Dear i~r. tlufT: The Greater Anchura§e Area Doruugn Department of Environmental Quality' ires received and ~viewed tire preli)~dl~ary en~jtneerin9 plans for tire subject wa'~er system. I~e find ~hat these plans ir)uei~ with all cundiCions with which this Peparim~a)~t is conceriled, lle would caution you aild your client, i)oweve'r, prior ~o cous'&ru¢'Cion oF '~his facility, ~iia~ ~, similar leCter of approval is to be received from ~4r. Y~vle Cimrry of tile Alaska Pepar~l)~nt of Ehvtronmental Co)~servation. Silould you tiave ~ny questtolms regarding our revieu of these plans, please contact tile under~i.gned. Siuceroly, Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian told SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE MACKAY BLOG. 338 DENALI STREET ANCHORAGE 99501 Mr. Glen Huff Contracting Engineers & Associates 1801 StantonAvenue Anchorage, Alaska SUAJECT: Water System No. 1, Sky Ranch Estates, Unit Dear Mr. Huff: We feelthat valving should be located in the vicinity of the well to permit the isolation of either run of pipe extending from it. With the understanding that this office will be pro- vided with chemical and bacteriological analysis of the water that the above valving requirements will be incorporated into the project, the plans and specifications are approved for th~ features with which this department is concerned. Yours truly, Regional ~viro~nent~l Eng~eer cc: GAAB-DEQ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH FROM: DEPARTMENT: D.£.Q ~ . SUBJECT: Z 761 INITIATED BY: . Rol.f Strlckland /~ . . DATE OF MEMO: $/30/72 DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: P1 ann~Jng REQUESTED: RECEIVER: ~Jt ]da Haeve REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY FOR iMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OTHER PREPARE BACK-UP INFO'RMATION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION ~J~ The Departmentof,Environmental Quality objects to the rezontng from U to R'IA certain porttons of Skyranch Estates Subdivision. Presently. ~he lots are.sized for individual utilities. There are certain porttons of thts sub~ divtston in which on-stte utilities wtll not function properly even at ~he present, lot size. Pub'ltc utilities are not tn this area and_are not programmed to be in ~:hls area within,the next five years. We. strongly recommend,agalns: .the rezoning to R1A thereby allowing portions of this subdivision to come in replatted with lots smaller than the existing lots 5iGNAIURE FROM: TO: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Sky Ranch Est..res Subdivision DEPARTMENT: Depa~ment of Environments!/ Quality SUBJECTUnit ~l and Talt Tree Suhdivis~n. INITIATED BY: Rol~ ~t~tckland~ R~S~ Asst~ D~to~DATE OFMEMO: June 1~ 1971 DATE ANSWER DEPARTMENT: Planning Depa~ment REQUESTED: RECEIVER: Ve~,/~o~ wig~."~ns~ D~,v'eotor REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION · OTHER PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION The engineers on both ofthese cases havesupplted the Department of Environmental Qualfty~ with suffielen~ engiuee~ing mate~ials and have dzscus~ed with this DepsJetmen~ to asuffi¢ient ~exten~to insu~ethatsswe~ systems canbe~placed on alllots inthese ~hdivtsions~ We have ~.equi~ad no changes in io~ sizes o~ locationa~ Weuow recommend a~ovalto both subdivfs~ons as'~he~weves%tbmi~ed; SIGNAIURE i