HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKYVIEW ESTATES Lots 6, 9 & 10 Sut,je~L: I.~[~.c; b, ~.~, lO, '3kyview L..Stat(;s Sub¢iivis'iun '[ilat'lk you 'For resl~Ondtng promptly ur' Febru,~r'y ?.,~, 1973. For thu .;)resent, RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30(' (plus postage) PS Form Nov.1971 3800 HO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVID£D-- lio'r FOR IHTERHATIONAL MAIL (See other side) SENDER: Be sure fo follow instructions on other side PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) [~] Show to whom, date and address J(-~Deliver ONLY where delivered ~E~.L_to addressee RECEIPT Received the numbered article described below ,E~?ickerSbn 870657 ,_ u , 19 't 3 tJoar tqp. t.iel;z: A /'ect~lit illSpuUJ;'ion by ti]is tlel)ar~;,!l(:,L of ".~if,· Stlu.le¢:t~'' ~;LJlOd of .Sewiig(! d~spOso /Ns tho o'4nor uf recmr(~, v~e I~Just re(lUeS~ ~h(~'C you obg,~in system,m he instal'led prior to duly 1, 1973. An approved ~dei;hom oF l;el4popapy sel.~gc- disposal i,~us~ be pl'{;vidud For gile I:lOb'i ] O ilOi;le ( exaupl e: chc,:d cal roi I e c) wi Lhi n 24 hours oF receipi; o[ '~]'liS le'c~c,p uilbt'l k]le ~q)pruvud sup'~ic Sincerely, John R. Lee k~r) v'J rolltaU,I;a 1 kt Certified Set'vi cL:s ,Sup(:rvi sot 151 PLEASE FURNI~, ~ER~ICE(S) INDICATED BY C~EC~E~ BLOC ~ Showto who~]3, date and address ~ Deliver ONLy ~ where delivered [XX to ~?~e~ RECEIPT Received the numbered art/cie described below RECEIPT FOR ~,,:~,~..~,:b ~.dL--30~ (plus postage) (See other side) Apr, 1971 3800 {]0¥ FOR i[IT~P, rI^i'IO[~^I. UAIL February 26, 1975 Sui~ject: LoCs 6, 9, lO, Skyview [states Subdivision Ih:ar Mrs. Cerley: INn ill,~;pecCion by this department on F~:bruary 20, 19'/m revealed a well Iooated on the subjec~ property and two occupied mobile homes. Our records do no~ indicate approw~d sysgems for on-site sewag(:~ disposal on ti~ese properties. For ~his reasoil we must request that a per- mi~ be taken ou~ from this departmen ~ion of approved sewer systems for any developmenCs on One subjec~ lots and ~;Jla'~ afl approved meChod oF sewage] disposal be used o1'1 a temporary basis unt. il it is Feasible to install septic A ci~elniCal ~oilet would be an example oF an approved Lemporary sewer system. ',;i~ould approved sewa~]e dispesal not be l)rovided wi l:hin severl (7)days, lega'l action may result. A install sept:lc systems sliould be obtained wibhin thirty (30) days. Sincerely, John R. Lee UnvironmenCal Services kt Certified lio. 151599 Supervisor RECEIPT FOR C~;~.,,,',,~..IAh.~--30{ (plus postage) I,' f~O I~!Slfff,~NC£ COVER~8£ PROVIDED-- PS Form Apt, 1971 3800 FOR I[;¥EI~ftAI'ION/',L M~IL :j :'. Complainant's Name: Street Address: NUISANCE COMPLAINT FORM Phone No. Box No. Description of Complaint:~L~,~ Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made: Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: Location of Complaint: Street Address: Person Receiving Complaint:__~.L~~. Date: I certify that such statement of facts is true to the lief and knowledge, I request that the foregoing matter Phone No, gated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken, I to testify to the 'Facts stated in the foregoing complaint if' necessary, best of my be- be investi- am willing in court Complainant D A T I{ W A S COMPLAI NANI' CAI. LED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINI': ....... , .................. ~_~_, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 West Northern Lights Doulevard Anchorage, Alaska .99503 S- 2308 Plat Status= Final Date~ March 24, 1971 BOROUGH: Engineer l{eaitb Pepartmen~ Public Works Department Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Eig~ays AlaSka Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Cozp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association CITY OF ~C};ORAGE: Fire Harshai }[unicipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer ~ter Utility GAB Teleco~unications~ Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Re: Subdivision / Description of Property: See attached plat. Owner: Richard W. Metz Gan t leman: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed S___ub~div__~.s. ion of subject property. Attached is a copy of ~e proposed plat. Will you please submit your conmmnts in writing~ specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If we do not hear from you by_... April 9, 1971 , we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it with your comments. Enclosure~ Planning Department GREATER ANCHORAGE Are TROUGH SECT[ON 12.1~.0,0, PUBLIC N A~..~L]~0