HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNNY SLOPES LT 25Lo1 2_..5 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Anchorage [ moam^oo~ oR s~o~soR Billy Pa~sley BLOCK NO. LOT NF~ S,~mmy Slopes Public system BASEMENT t [] New installation Yes [] No [~ Community system [] Individual [1~] 14 Yes [~'] No []Public system [~ Community system Temporgry ~ Individual 4EALTH DEPARTMEN~ iNSPECTOR'S SKETCH It is,the opinion of the [] State [] Count5, Department of Health that this individual water-supply system [~is [] is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. It is the opinion of the [] State [] Count,',' [~Loca] Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maintenance: [~Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and [] Cannot be expected to function sat sfactorily is not kely to create an nsanitarv condition I have r~iewed the foregoing and the pe~inent FHA Compliance Ins~ion Repo~, and recommend that the Individual water-supply system be considered ~ Acceptable ~ Not Acceptable ~wage dis~sal ~ considered ~ Acceptable ~ Not Acceptable. DATE GREAI'ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department Of Public Works M E M 0 R A N D U To: Ro'lf Strickland Assistano Director of Environmenta'l Qua'lity Cmltrol From: Richard ltutson ~"~ ////~; Resident Engineer~ S.I.D. ~JSO, Eagle Sewerafle Pro jet1: Subject: Sewerage System Connections October 26, lg7/ Relative to the re(luesl/ this date fronl Mr. Le May of Eagle River 'for assistance i~ compieting tile financing by FHA of those several homes tie nas coris-cr~lcted ~i~ the Eagle River community~ this letter will serve to indicat(i that this deoartment has no objection to Mr e May making sewer service counections 'co the rlew/y installed sewer lateral~ or to allowing the homes so serw~d to become occupied, provided that: 1. lie delays occupancy until a'Fter November '1, '1971. lie. furnishes written assurance thai; he will pump as often as necessary all sewage resulting from his several house connect'ions~ from ti]at )ortion of the sgwer sysi;em that will of necessity act temporarily as a storage reservoir and haul same ]~o an approved point Of disposal° Snch pumping and disposal is to be maintained until'the biNlance ~f tile system~ incl udin{l 'tile treatment facil i ty is .ready for operation. It is antici~ated that construction, testing~ inspec'c on an~ acceptance of the uncol:-]leted portions oF the system E~ill take approximately three weeks from this date, after which all facilities should be in full op6ration. Mro. Le May should expect to nave to pump sewage for about that period of time. The' lateral and trunk portions of tile sewerage system will be separated from each. other by means of all adequate Plug a~ a manllole west of the Old Glelln Highway, aa Market REtt :ltl) cc: Mr. Calvin West