HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNNY SLOPES Water Supply and Soils Information STATEMEN]' SUNNY '.F:LOPES WATER C:O P. O. BOX 451 EAGLE RIVER, AK '~7577 TEL. : ( ) - VARIN DELORI=-'.---: L63 MONTE BOX 10 MONTE ROAD EAGLE RIVER AK '.-?'?/577 O0155 · _,FM f DATE 01 / 06 / 81 DOC DATE TYP REFER CHARGES CREDI'¥S BALANCE 11/18/80 2 -1 14. '.-? t -14.'P1 12/01/80 1 000CI31 14. 'PI 0.00 01/04/81 i 0001:}:} 14.. ~:'1 14.'P1 BE._T WI._-J-fi:.:, FCIR A PRE SPEROI_IS ~ ...... J PAY THIS Ai'4OUN-F 14.'P1 -:IJRRENT OVER ::0 -,~IVFR 60 OVER ~/0 14, ?1. 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOX~ STATEMENT WATER CO AK ~9 PLEAoE RETURI~ !TH I:S 5/20/81 l!: ,,000558 YOU ,.--:AN A.t_HAYSI~ELL A 'HOMEOWNER~ lillE '~I8 THE GUY COMING HO~i -FROM THE HARBWARE, S:TORE ! [[ PAY THIS AMOUNT AMOUNT DUE C::URRE/~T OVER 3,0 ~t EVER :60 OVER 'F/.' ' t4,;~tl O. 00 ~ 0.r00 . 0. ]0 ~ AMOUNT ENCLO.z,E- ' ~' FAGI _ii7 I:;5)i ',)!d;;. i ~t::~ ',)OX :lO HONT!{ FRO?d) i:!;AGt E: f ,' ! V~;~I:.' Al:.' '? ::.[57 7 ,:),, O,:ii L~TATENEHT SUNNY SLOPES WATER CO F'. O. BOX 45,1. EAGLE RIVER:, Al< ??577 TEL : ( ) - BERRY DELORES L63 MONTE BOX 10 MONTE ROAD EAGLE RIVER Al',:; ??577 F'LEAL::E RI:ETI..IRi'-I THIS L:;TLIB DATE TYP REFER CHARGES CREDITS BALANEE 00155 ! BERRY BELOREL=; STI'iT [)ATE ! S'FMT DATE CI.IS ~ ~ RECER TY'F' AMOUNT PAY TI-tIS AI'IOUMT '-), -¢0 ] Ai'IOI..II,IT [ .IE O, 01} CI_IF/RENT OVEF< P,A FVER 60 OVER ':,'] ' 0.0¢ ¢ . 00 - O. 00 r). ,'-(~ ' AMOI_II. IT ENEL] EE'B Municipalityof Anchorage POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279-2511 G~EORGE M. SUI. I-IVAN, MA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (825 "L" Street) March 29, 1977 L. James Harvey Post Office Box 889 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: Sunny Slopes Subdivision - two wells According to this department's water sample moniter list, we have not as yet received a water sample for the above subject well system for the month of FebrUary, March 1977. Our records indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subject water system, please notify us immediately to any name and/or address changes. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 279-2511, extension 224, or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Sincerely, //~f Principal Environmental Control Officer WMD/ljh Eagl~ ~jver, Alaska 99577 Su,bJe~ Sunny Slopss SubdiVision - two ~ii~ ,. ~ve sub~e~t If Y~ are.~o longer ~n ~ .~ .. --~/~ ad. dre~ ~nange$. · - · ~ Dixson W~£1za~ M. Con'~rol p~inoipal Envirorm~ntal GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department Of Environmental Quality SEMI-PUBLIC shmenl Establi ~ Location Mailing Address Responsible Official ~~ ~vc' Title Mobile Homes Trailer Pk Campgr'd__Motel/Lodge__School__ No. Connections ?~ Population Served "As Built" Plans Available?_~_~. Source: WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT Date of Visit/$-~o--d/ Other~k Use(gpd) Date Constructed N/~ Storage: (Type and Capacity) Spring Su~face Well: Duq~ Driven Loca 'on Size8~ ~" Depth/~ Static Level ~ Screen ~] Type Casing Casing Depth Pump Type Pump Elevation Reservoir Pr~essure Tank~,~.>~_.~: ~l,~ Other Distribution: Pipe Type Pipe Size ~ Pressure Treatment: Chlorination Rate Residual Chlorine Other Water Tests: Chemical Frequency Residual Chlorine Bacteriological ~9~'- Are records kept of operation and tests? Source Protection: Subject to flooding Casing or cover sealed / Floor drain piped to surface Premises clean Other discharge_ Note: (Yes) (No) Source location in relation to: (sketch below) 1. Sewer pipe, septic tank, drain field, cesspool, course, stream, pond, lake, garbage, animals. Adjacent basements, building sewers, rodent and vermin Distance to public water system. o privy, drainage harborage. REMARKS DATE: ~'beCo 7, 1970 GR~ ~ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO, JUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: Roll R. Strickland, R.S. Hnvironmental He~.lth Supervisor TO: Kyle Cherry, Reg. San. Eng. ~nvironment~ ltealth, Anchorage SUBJECt: Sunny Sl~es JVell No. 2 - As-Builts {Dickinson-Oswald & Associates) Transmitted herewith for your review and comments is one set of as-builts for the subject project. Your appr~al is recommended. DICKINSON-O ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS SWALD & PARTNERS 800 CORDOVA STREET Mr. Cliff Judkins Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Health 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: Sunny Slopes Well No. Dear Mr. Judkins: 2 - AsBuilt December 2, 1970 Transmitted herewith for your use is the as-built Engineer's Report and connection diagram for subject well. The well and all piping has been completed as shown by the attached materials. If we have omitted information which may be of concern to you, please advise. Yours very truly, DICKINSON-OSWALD & PARTNERS Robert W, Kranich, Jr., P.E. RWK:bv Encls. cc:' Mr. Ed Tuck LEWIS E, DICKINSON; P.E. MAURICE p, .OSWALD, © ? ¥ NOV & 1970 1"4 AF F E 1, [NC, October 30, 1970 Donald Straub and Dorothy Straub Box 1124 Eagle Rlver~ Alaska 99577 Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Bo R~ Tuck and Raymond Lo Tedrow, partners, dba Sunny Slopes Sub. I uuderstand that you are now requesting that lines be installed by ~Ir~ Tuck on certain proper~ieSo The agreement entered into between yourselves, ~,lr. Tuck and ~Iro Tedrow provides that Mr. Tuck will ~upply the wa~er lines to each leto You are advised that Mr, Tuck is willing to comply with the agreement; however~ at this ~ime of year it would be impossible for him ~o install the lines, pa~tzcularly aftel freezeoup. ]tie lines could not be installed until after breakup next spr~ng~ You will note that even the City of Anchorage has a cut-off date in the fall when no further hook-ups and lines are installed except for emergencies~ and at additional cost. Thorefore~ you are advised that there shall be no further iastallation of lines for this winter. All lines will be installed following spring breakup. Very truly yours, Albert Mallei E~ Re Tuck Public o, , · .' ~' ~,erv~ce Co~m~ss~on Borough H~alth Depto DATE: Oct. 20, 1970 GRE~_,:R ANCHORAGE AREA BO[, 'UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET " P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: Roll R. Strickland, R.S. Enviro~m~ental Health Supervisor TO: Kyle Ql~rry, Reg. San. Eng. Hnvi~or~nental Health, And~orage SUBJECT: Smzny Slo]]es ~'tater System, t~iell (Dickinson-~wald & ~sociates) Transmitted herewith for your review m~d approval are the as-builts for the subject project. Your ~)proval is reco~mnded. eilcs o DICKINSON OSWALD & PARTNERS OCT October 14, 1970 Mr. Cliff Judkins Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Health 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99S01 Re: As-Built Sunny Slopes Water System - Well #2 Dear Mr. Judkins: Transmitted herewith for your review and approval is the connection diagram for subject well which has recently been completed in accordance With the intent of our submittal of April 1S, 1970. In addition, the sewage disposal systems which were located within the 200 ft. restrictive radius have now been relocated. Two features of this connection diagram which are somewhat unusual are the above-ground hookup and the' use of a well-head slab in lieu of an anular grout seal which has previously been required. The above ground hookup was chosen because of the short distance involved. Also it is anti- cipated that a vertical turbine pump may be installed in this well at some future date which would require that this sort of arrangement be used. The anular grout seal was considered to be rather impractical from a functional standpoint since clean gravels and sand extend to a depth of over 20 ft., which would allow migration of water around any grout which might be placed. It is felt that a surface slab as shown is a more practical solution to the entrance of surface water. If we may be of assistance in your review of this submittal, please advise.  y truly, DICKIN~N-O RTNER Lewis E. Dickinson, Partner LED:by Enclosure cc: Mr. Ed Tuck Box 436 Eagle River, Ak. DIVI$IOH OF ENVIRONMENTAl HEALT~ / POUCH H -- JUHEAU / September 21, 1970/' ~ ~ ':~'~)/¢ ~? ~. Roll R. Strickl~d, ~ ~viro~ental Health S~ervisor ~ Health Department PO Box 968 ~chorage, ~aska 99501 Dear Mr. Strickland: Re: GAAB - Well Reserves for Sunny Slopes Water System, Eagle River. Reference is made to our letter of 24 April 1970 and the f~.l. low-up data from Dickinson-Oswald & Partners fonmrded by your memorandum of 1 September 1970. Our reply to you of 5 September 1970 that we could find nothing on this project was in error as your clarifying memorandum of 14 September 1970 correctly stated. We have no further comments on this project beyond stating that it meets our requirements for such water sources as regards the nec- essary distances. Sincerely yours, Richard H. Britt~ S~mitary P~gineer Division of Envirorm~ental Health R~ :bj cc: Dickonson-Oswald & Partners 14, 1970 GRE ER ANCHORAGE AREA 'UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 DATE: FROM: P, olf R. Strickland, ReS. Environmental itealth Sul~ervisor To: R.Ho Britt, Smfitary Engineer Enviroramntal ~leal~, J~teau SUBJECT: S~ny SLt~es ~later System Dickinson-Oswald ~ Partners typed up an Application for Approval of Plums for"well sites for public wells"on April 16, 1970. Our letter of transmSttal was dated April 20, 1970. Your reply was dated /~>ril 24~ 1970 in which we agreed that we would infoim~ you when the two sewe'r systems would be moved. The engineering on the original water system begm~ on April 22, 1960 by om~er ~r. Virgil Plint. hope this will help you find the correspondence. RRS: rn GREi. 'ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO,,..i UGH · HEALTH DEPARTMENT , 327 EAGLE STREET ° P. O. BOX 968 ' ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 DATE: August l~, 1970 ~'// ~; FROM: Roll R. Strickland, R.S.' %,[~ SUBJECT: Ssn$¢a~y Se~e~ Be~v~ee-~8g~e ~$ve~ [mp~ovemen¢ g~s¢. ~ ~ 8e v~' Zo¢ 5g Sunny The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department has received your letter of August 11, 1970 regarding the subject property. Shall we assume that now there will be service to all lands within the subject district without any reservations? RRS/cm Date: August 21, 1970 To: Roll R. Strickland Environmental Health Supervisor From: Robert M. Hudnall, Jr. Administrative Assistant-Public Works Dept. Subject: SANITARY SEWER SERViCE-EAGEE<'RiVER IMPROVEMENT DIST. #50. Enclosed for your information is a copy of the Sanitary Sewer ~e~!,e~-Eagle River Improvement District Number 50. This map shows the Properties to be serviced in the next Construction Season. If you would like further information, please contact our office. DATE: FROM: TO: June 18, 1970 GRE, ~ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO")UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Roll R. Strickland, R.S. Environmental Health Supervisor File SUBJECT:,~I1'~¥ Slopes Subdivision S~fficient soil tests have been submitted for this area to indicate seepage area be based on 100 square feet per bedroom. ~pr~l 24~ 1970 part of ""~ "- ..... ' ............ This D~.,on~ ~--~ April 24, 1970 Mr, Rolf R, Strickland, RoS, EnVironmental Health Supervisor Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department p,O, Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr, Strickland: Re; GAAB - Well Reserves for Sunny Slopes Water System~ Eagle River, This refers to the plan for a new well site (Well S-2) proposed for the subject project which was forwarded together with Application for Approval of Plans by your memorandum of 20 April 1970, Your memorandum stated that the owners and engineers have assured you that removal of two sewer systems with 200' of the new site will be moved prior to development of the well, Our one comment concerns item 2 of "Covenants and Restrictions" shown on the plan, "A 200 feet radius protection area shall hereby be reserved around the same well sites, in which only cast iron sewer pipe with lead caulked joints, or approved equal shall be allowed," When this section becomes applicable, we will be very interested in the "approved equal" part of this item, This Department has no objection to the proposed site of Well S-2 as shown on the plan, AP~ 28 1~570 Sincerely yours~ R!ch. ar.d H,.B_rit.t~ Sani.ta.ry. Engineer Dlvlslon ot ~nvlronmenta~ ~ealth RHB:cso cc: Dickinson-Oswald DATF: April 20~ 1970 GRE ' 'ER ANCHORAGE AREA BC' ' UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET " P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: Roll R. Strickland, R.S. Environmental Health Supervisor R.H. Britt~ Sanitary Engineer Enviror~nwntal Health, ,Juneau SUBJECT: Sunny Slopes }~ater System (Dickinson-Oswald) Transmitted for your review and approval is a well site location. This well (S-l) was previously approved as a soni-public Class g water system by the State and Borough Health Oepart~mnt's in the early '60's. The owner now wishes to drill a new well (Site S-2) and class both wells as public water supplies. As shinto, tbere are two (2) sewer systems within the 200' radius of the now proposed public water system. Previotmly they ~¢ere beyond the 120' radius of the existing well. ~q~e owner m~d eng4neers are requesting site approval only and have assured this Department that the two (2) sm~er systems uill be moved prior to any development of the well. Our Deparment will £ommrd to you written confirmation when the two (2) systems have been satisfactorily relocated. RRS: rn enos. I~flW~EH-7 M-(5-6~) ALASh DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WL RE DIVISION OF PUBLIC ttEALTH APPLICATION FOE APPROVAL OF PLANS Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Branch of Environmental Health Pouch H -Juneau, Alaska 99801 Anchorage, ........ : 99501 City Zip Code -.800 Cordova.St.. ............ Mailing Address ...... Ap.rl;L-.;.L6-)--- ~.~970 .............. .......... 9:-7~ --.I 6-8.5 .......................... Business Telephone No. RE SUNNY SLOPES WATER SYSTEM - WELL SITES (Name of project f6r which approval of~ plans Is requested) In accorda~{ce with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety", Chapter 05, Sec. 18.05.040, (ill (12), and rules and reg- u]atlons promulgated thereunder, we, - SUNNY SLOPES WATER SYSTEM herewit}~ submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci- fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Report) including necessary data required for full understand- ing of SANITARY FEATURES of design. (Give complete but brief description of project) WELL SITES FOR PUBLIC WELLS These plans were prepared by ..._P !.~J( I N.~ 0 .N_-.Q..S. ~_[~ ~p _~..__.P_._A. ~. T..N_..E_.~. _~ ................................................................................... 800 Co~dova ..................................................................................................................... and by or under the direction of the following Engineer(s) or Architect(s) duly licensed to practice in Alaska: .............. Ken~elh. B~..~alch .......... C..E ................................................... 1209,=.E ................................. (NAME) (TYPE OF LICENSE (Civil, Mechanical, etc.) Certificate of Registration No, This project is to be financed in the following manner: (List sources of funds and amounts). Sources of funds: Amounts: . · PRIVATE · . ..... $..!.Q..,.Q.Q.Q .............. Total estimated cost of this project-is $ _.J~.0_.~.?._.0_._0. ....................................... These plans are being submitted to you at least one month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids ~ ......................... Nego._ti a~ e__d (Date bids will be called) We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that no revisions in the plans affecting the SANITARY FEATURES of the project may be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that construction will be carried out in accordance with the approved plans; and that unless construction on this project is started within a two-year period subsequent to your approval, such approval will become void. Very truly yours, . (A licantl SUNNY SLOPES WATER ' - PP ................................. ~'r ............................. -~ ........... : ................ ::..~3_~ ....... .... ..... ................... ........ ....... (Official Title) CONSULTING ENGINEER April ANCHORAGE. ALASKA gge01 15 , 1970 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Health 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Attn: Mr. Cliff Judkins Re: Sunny Slopes - Well Reserve Drawing Dear Mr. Judkins: Transmitted herewith for your review and approval are the original and three prints of subject drawing all of which have been signed by the property owners concerned. After these drawings have been approved and signed by your office, a copy will be filed at the recorder's office. Drilling on the new well at site $-2 is to begin soon, with work on the sewer system relocations to follow after the ground has thawed sufficiently. In the case that the proposed public sewer system in the area were to be available this year, a revision of the sewer system relocation plans may be required. If you have any comments or questions regarding this matter, please advise. Yours very truly, DICKINSON-OSWALD f PARTNERS Robert W. Kranich, Jr. RWK:bv Enclosures /_~SU~Nv $~PE,~ WATER SYSTEN_---- C/O E. Ri TUCK CONST. CO. BOX 436, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA March 28, 1969 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department Attn:Mr. R. Strickland 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Roll: Enclosed find copy of letter sent to Ed Scott re: in Coronado Subdivision Water System Ed Tuck Attention: M~. Roy ~atthew~ 1969 35, 3~, 37, Sunny ~iven This Department has eheeked the ~iles of tho subject ~ubdivtsion 1. The Sunny Slopes wate~ 8ystem is an eppnoved ~upply serving these lot~. 2. Approved Sewez, sYStems Can he tnstelled on tho subJeet lots. P~fo~ to aonstruotton of the sewe~ system~, Please ~etm,n the pereolotton te~t8 f~om Lots 27~ ~5, 5~ end 59, so tho Pe~aits fo~, the t~elve lots eon be Completed. Thi~ letter se~ves Only aa a Statement that the water Supply is approved and that aPPmoved sewer systems eau be In,tailed on the ~ubJeet lots. DgVID R. L~ DUNcgt;, ~. 1), ~ay 1~ 1968 Lo~al Rap~aSentatlve Veterans Admfnis~ation Box 1399 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Sunny Slope 3ubd. Dear Mr. Rapalee: The subject system meets the mequi~ements of this offise and is being sampled monthly Sincerely, DAVID Re L. DUNCANsM,D. Medical Director with satisfactory results. CPJ/srr BYt Environmental Health Direetoe STATE OF ALASKA Form No. PEEHP-W-1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFA RE Division of l:hlblic Health PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT L O CA TI ON: Operating Agency: General Supply Co., Inc. Responsible Official: Virgil Flint Mailing Address: P. O., Box 128~ Ea~le River SYSTEM DATA: Sunny Slopes, Coronado; Area Served: R. No. of Connections: Quantity - Range: Sources: L. Tedrow Subdv. 36 * U/A Drilled Well Metered? Date of Visit: Aug. 10, 1966 Title: President Office Location: Celestial Sta. Population Served: 100 No Water Rate: $7.50/month Average: 7,200 GPD Raw Water pH: 7.4 Treated Water pH: N/A Tempi 45~'F TREATMENT PLANT OPERATING~ PERSONNEL: Chief Operator: N/A Operator s: N/A N/A Chlorine Residual: N/A Yrs. Exp.: Y?s. Exp.: Yrs. Exp.: N/A Cert.: N/A N/A Cert.: N/A N/A Cert.:, N/A IV. SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: a) Facilities: Toilet: N/A Wash Basin: N/A b) Source'Protection: Good. 300' around safety area c) Clear Well Protection: No Clear~911 d) Building Drains and Sewers to: Individual disposal e) Cross Connections: not observed f) g) General Cleanliness: Well house should be cleaned h) Other: N/A Shower: Fencing: No N/A V: SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: Chlorinator Housing: Ventilation: Good N/A Gas Masks: N/A N/A Walkways: N/A Lighting: Other: N/A Good * Provisions for 100 connections VI. RECORDS KEPT: a] b) c) Form No. PEEHP,W-1 Page 2 Permanent Files: Detailed Piping & Electrical Plans: Piping Shop Drawings and Operating Instructions for Equipment: Performance Records: ' Yg~ Reports on File: Yes "As Built" Plans: Yes (1961) Engineer:..Carl Steeby Yes d) Reports in Progress: N/A GENERAL COMMENTS: Unit operated three times during wellhouse inspection. The actual capacity for storage is about 130 gal. which at the present time .. is already small to supply peaks demands, pure0 ceoacit_v is ed.qu.t~. _. Well house is well constructed with adequate cold protection, No house is closer than 300' to the well. T]~ere exists provisions for three more pressure' tanks. Concrete proceeds 10' down around casing. EFFECT OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: On Water Sources: None On Treatment Plant: On Distribution System: None Repairs and Reconstruction Completed: Remaining-Effects on System: N/A INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT I, SOURCE: a) Surface: Structure: G ondit ion: GOOd b) Wells: Depth: 149 Drawdown: Casing Material: Steel c) Emergency source: II. STORAGE: Type Mate r ia] Pressure 'Galv, Steel Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page Well House C apac it y: Size: 6" Static Level: 68' Rated Capacity: 500 GPM ScreenS: 3 Casing Depth: 145' None Size Condition 315 qal, Good III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of Pipe:. 4" Transite Dead ends: One Pressures: O the r: N/A Fire Hydr an~s: Not Tested Two IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical Equipment N/A V. MIXING: Size: N/A Equipment: N/A C ondit ion: N/A VI. COAGULATION: Size: · N/A Equipment: N/A C ondit ion: N/A VII. SEDIMENTATION~ N/A E qu ipm e nt: N/A C ondlt ion: ' N/A Control C ondlt ion Rated Capacity: N/A Rated Capacity: N/A Size: N/A VIII. FILTRATION: Type: No. o£ Units: Filter Mater ial: Under draln System: Rate Contrciler: Backwash Method: General Condition: IX. REACTOR TYPES: Gene ral De scr iption: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A , N/A Form No. PEEHP-W-I Page 4 Date Installed: N/A Size:.. N/A Loss of Head Gage: N/A N/A C ondition: N/A X. SLUDGE HANDLING: Method: N/A Disposed to: N/A C ondit ion: N/A XI. CLEARWELL: Size: N/A Condition: XII. CHLORINATION: Model: N/A Control: N/A Type of Supply: · N/A Detention Time: N/A C ondit ion: N/A XlII, PUMPS: Purpose Pump Type No. Capacity Well 3 HP Submersible 1 40 Fairbanks-Morse C apac ity: N/A Point of Application: N/A C ond it ion Good XIV. BOOSTER STATIONS: Location pumps N/A Capacity Condition We XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. Stand-by Equipment:. Spare Parts: Auxiliary Power: LABORATORY: Size: Equipment: N/A EMERGENCY PROVISIONS: None N/A COLD WEATHER PROTECTION: Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 5 Units Housed: Insulated house with baseboard heater Units Heated: Yes OTHER UNITS: (for iron and manganese removal, softening, aeration, taste and odor control, corrosion control, fluoridation, etc.) N/A Leb Tes[ Resu[tst PHI 7.8 Sp Cond~ 273 I, CHEMICAL FEED.' 'Chemical OPERATIONS SUPPLEMENT e Form No. pEEHP-W-1 Page 6 Quantity Method of Addition Iio SEDIMENTATION: Method of Cleaning: N/A Sludge Disposed to: N/A Frequency: III. FILTRATION: Condition of Filter Bed: N/A Backwash Operated byl . ~/A Frequency: N/A Backwash Disposed to~ N/A IV. CHLORINATION: Dosage Rate Observed: BI/A Residual Measured: ' N/A %'. OPERATION OF OTHER UNITS.' N/A N/A Quantity: N/A , Amt. Stored on Premises: N/A SAMPLING AND TESTING: · · a) Samples taken o£: 8acteriologioal Tests Conducted:monthlY GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS (low temperature, etc. VIII, OVER-ALL MAINTENANCE: Lubrication Schedule: N/A ' · Painting Schedule: . . N/A Reservoir Cleaning Schedule-' Other: N/A N/A RECOMMENDATIONS Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 7 WATER SOURCES: Outside drains should be provided for well house. Screen 20 mesh per inch should be provided at breather. Well house should be cleaned. Additiona~l pressure tank should be added, to increase storage capacity to .1.000 gallons f'o]~ pz~esenf, use. TREATMENT PLANT: N/A DISTRIBUTION: None IV.. GENERAL OPERATION: None SPECIAL PREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERS: Stand-by pump with individual power supply should be provided for · emer,qencie s. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS DF THE WATER AT TIME OF INSTALLATION -- 1961 pH CL Ca Mg Fe SO4 6.6 54.60 42.1 12.5 0.7 8.7 PPM Mia ,0.0 " Date: Augpst [5, [966 Work Order ~To.:. 7349 Mr. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Coliform Organisms per .100 milliliters 377 Sunny Slopes Public,Supply, Eagle River, sampled 10 August 1966, GIC-SK 378 Same as above 0 If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our Office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Water Laboratory Supervisor State Permit W-1 KWB:sc F'~')Sunny 51opos Public Supply Pago No~ i ~el!house. Oell at Small Box Outside. Pressure Tank° /~-~Sunny Slopes Public Supply Page NOo 2 Casino ~nsta~.ie~_on. .... Connectior~ for Future Pressure f~nko We STATE OF ALASKA Form No. PEEHP-W-I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: Operating Agency: Responsible Official: General Supply Co., Inc. Virgil Flint Mailing Address: P' O_' Box 128t Eagle River SYSTEM DATA: Sunny Slopes, Coronado; Area Served: R.L. Tedrow Subdv. No. of Connections: 36 * Metered? Quantity- Range: N/A Sources: Drilled Well Date of Visit: Aug. 10, 1966 Title: Pre sident O££ice Location: Celestial Sra. Population Served: 100 No Water Rate: $7.50/month Average:. . 7,200 GPD Raw Water pH: 7.4 Treated Water pH: N/A Temp: ~5~' TREATMENT PLANT OPERATINQ PERSONNEL: Chief Operator: N/A Operators: N/A N/A Chlorine Residual: N/A Yrs. Exp.: YMs. Exp.: Yrs. Exp.: N/A Cert.: N/A N/A Cert.: N/A N/A Cert. :, N/A IV. SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: a) Facilities: Toilet: N/A Wash Basin: N/A b) Source Protection: Good. 300' around safety area c) Clear'Well Protection: No Clearwell d) Building Drains and Sewers to: Individual disposal e) Cross Connections: not observed f) g) General Cleanliness: Well house should be cleaned h) Other: N/A Shower: N/A Fencing: No V: SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: Chlorinator Housing: Ventilation: Good N/A N/A Gas Masks: N/A Walkways: N/A Lighting: Good Other: N/A * Provisions for 100 connections VI. b) c) Reports on File: d) Reports in Progress: GENERAL COMMENTS: Form-No. PEEHP-W. 1 Page 2 RECORDS KEPT: a) Permanent Files: "As Built" Plans: Yes (1961) Engineer: Detailed Piping & Electrical Plans: Pipin~ Shop Drawings and Operating Instructions for Equipment: Performance Records: ' YQS Yss N/A Carl Steeby ¥98 Unit operated three times during wellhouse inspection. The actual capacity for storage is about 130 gal. which at the present time is already small to supply peaks demands. Well house is well constructed with adequate cold protection. No house is closer than 300' to the well. There exists provisions for three more pr_e_~_sN[g tanks. Concrete proceeds 10' down around casing. V/J/. EFFECT OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: On Water Sources: None On Treatment Plant: On Distribution System: None Repairs and Reconstruction Completed:.., N/A Remaining Effects on System: N/A INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT SOURCE: a) Surface: Structure: Well House Condition: Good b) Wells: Depth: 149 Drawdown: 3' Casing Material: Steel c) Emergency source: II. STORAGE: Type Mater ial Size Pressure Galv, Steel 315 qat, Form No. PEEHP-W-1 : Page Capacity: N/A Size: 6" Static Level: 68' Rated Capacity: 500 GPM Screens: 3 Casing Depth: 145' None Condition Good III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of Pipe: 4" Transite Dead ends: One Pressures: Other: N/A Fire Hydrants: Not Tested Two IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical Equipment Control Condition V. MIXING: Size: N/A Equipment: N/A C ondit ion: N/A VI. COAGULATION: Size: N/A * Equipment: N/A C ondit ion: N/A VII. SEDIMENTATION'.' N/A E qu ipm ent: N/A C ond it ion: N/A Rated Capacity: N/A Rated Capacity: N/A Size: N/A VIII. FILTRATION: TYPe: No. Of Units: Filter Material: Underdrain System: Rate Controller: Backwash Method: General Condition: IX. REACTOR TYPES: General Description: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A, N/A Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Date Installed: Loss of Head Gage: N/A Cond it ion: X. SLUDGE HANDLING: Disposed to: C ondition: XI. CLEARWELL: Condition: XII. CHLORINATION: Control: N/A Detention Tim e: Cond it ion: XllI, PUMPS: Purpose Well Method: N/A N/A Size: N/A N/A Model: N/A TYPe of Supply: N/A N/A N/A Pump Type HP Submersible 1 Fairbanks-Morse Capacity: N/A .No.: Capacity 40 Point of. Application: N/A Cond it ion Good BOOSTER STATIONS: Location Pumps N/A C apac ity Condition XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. Stand-by Equipment: Spare Parts: Auxiliary Power: LABORATORY: Size: Equipment: N/A EMERGENCY PROVISIONS: . None N/A N/A COLD WEATHER PROTECTION: N/A Form No. PEEHP-W-I Page Units Housed: Insulated house with baseboard heater Units Heated: Yes OTHER UNITS: (for Lron and manganese removal, softening, aeration, taste and odor control, corrosion control, fluoridation, etc. ) N/A Lob Tes~ Resultsl PH= 7°8 Sp Cond= 273 I. CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical N/^ OPERATIONS SUPPLEMENT Form No. pEEHP-W-1, Page 6 Quantity Method of Addition II. SEDIMENTATION: Method o£Cleanlng: N/A Sludge Disposed to: N/A Frequency: III, FILTRATION: Condition of Filter Bed: N/A Backwash Operated by~ , N/A Frequency: N/A Backwash Disposed to$ N/A I'V. CHLORINATION: Dosage Rate Observed: N/A Residual Measured: N/A V. OPERATION OF OTHER UNITS: N/A Quantity: N/A Amt. Stored on Premises: N/A N/A, ,I VI, SAMPLING AND TESTING: a) Samples taken of: 8acierioAoglcal Tests Conducted: ~onthly VII. 'GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS (Iow temperature, etc. ) VIII. OVER-ALL MAINTENANCE: Lubrication Schedule: N/A ' ' Painting Schedule: , N/A Reservoir Cleaning SChedule: Other: , N/A RECOMMENDATIONS WATER SOURCES: Outside drains should be provided for well house. Screen 20 mesh per inch should be provided at breather. Form No, PEEHP-W-1 Page 7 Well house should be cleaned. Additional pressure tank should be added, to increase storage capacity to 1000 9allons l'or p~esen~ use, TREATMENT PLANT: N/A DISTRIBUTION: None GENERAL OPERATION: None SPECIAL PREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERS: Stand-by pump with individual power supply should be provided for emerqencie s. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS .OF THE WATER AT TIME OF INSTALLATION-- 196] pH 6.6 CL 54.60 PPM Ca 42.1 Mg 12.5 " Fe 0.7 " SO4 8.7 " MO 0.0 " 1940 POST ROAD AHCHORAG~, ALASKA 99501 Mr. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: Date: Aug.ust 15, 1§66 Work Order No.: 7349 In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample · ' No. Identification 377 Sunny Slopes Pflbli~ Supply, Eagle River, sampled 10 August 1966. GIC-SK' 0 378 Same as above 0 Coliform Organisms per .100 milliliters If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Kenneth W.C~fedsoe, Iv'~fC Water Laboratory Supervisor State Permit W-1 KWB:sc aunny Slopos Public Supply Pa.os ~,,"o~ l Wellhous~o Outsidoo Well a~ Small ~ox Tank ~dl~n¥ Stop~s ~ub!i¢ Supply Casing Installation° Connection for Futura Praasure Tank° 5/o) POST OFFICE BOX 1998 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Janurary 21~, 1962 Mr, Bruce Adams, Alaska Dept. of Health and Welfare, Division of Health, 327 Eagle Street, ~chorage, Alaska Dear Sir; The following restriction has been recorded in the plat of Sunny Slopes Subdivision. No Cesspool, septic tank or other sewa9e disposal facility shall be installed or maintained on lots 21, 22, 29, 30, 31, or 32 without specifically obtainin9 the advance approval of location, type and design of the installation from th'e Alaska Dept. of Health and Welfare, or any other authority which may have jurisdiction over matters of public health, sanitary sewa§e disposal and the control or regulation of public water supply systems. We believe that this will satisfy your requirements; in this matter~ Very Truly Yours, ' Oeneral Builders, Inc. vi~nt VF/cjb FHA FORM 2084c VA FORM 26-1888 Rev. 1/60 Form Approved Budget Bureau No. 63-R54g.6 SUBDIVISION SEWAGE DISPOSAL REPORT ~ PART I - To Be Completed By Federal Housing Administration - Veterans AdmlnlstratJon Field Office - Federal Housing Administration - Veterans Administration (Name and Address) Subdivision File No, General Builders, Inc. Mr. Virgil Flint Sun~v Slopes Subdivision, Eagle River, Alaska per lot [Z~ r.btie System ~, Sy.tem [ZJ wens MaT 25~ 1961 PART II - For Use of Sponsor INSTRUCTIONS TO SPONSOR: This form is used where Sewage Disposal i~ to be by means of Septic Tanks with subsurface absorption fields. Federal Housing Administration or Veterans Administration will furnish the form when applicable, des- ignating the Public Health Authority. Percolation tests and soil borings shall be made and tabulated in Tables I and II, Part II below, by a licensed Engineer or qualified Sanitarian. This report in duplicate, accompanied by the required top- ographic map, shall then be submitted for review and analysis to the following Health Department: (Name and Addressl INSTRUCTIONS TO ENGINEER OR SANITARIAN: 1. Au adequate number of tests shall be made (one per acre, or if soil conditions indicate, a greater number will be required) to show clearly the absorptive ability of the soil throughout the tract. (Use Table I) 2. Each test hole shall be located by a key number on a topo- graphic map of the tract. 3. ~oil borings shall be made (one every 5 acres, or if subsoil conditions indicate a greater number will be required) to show clearly the type of soil existing beneath the absorption area. Borings should extend to a point at least 6 feet below the finish grade of proposed absorption trenches. (Use Table II) PROCEDURE TO FOLLOW IN MAKING REQUIRED PERCOLATION TESTS: 1. Dig or bore the holes with horizontal dimensions of from4 to 12 inches and vertical sides to the depth of the bottom of the proposed absorption device. Holes can be bored with 4 inch di- ameter post-hule type auger. 2. Roughen or scratch the bottom and sides of the holes to pro- vlde a natural surface. Remove all loose materials from the hole. Place about 2 inches of coarse sand or fine gravel in the hole to prevent bottom scouring. 3. Fill thehdie with clear water to a minimum depth of 12inches over the gravel. By refilling, if necessary, or by supplying a surplus reservoir of water (automatic siphon), keep water inhole for at least four hours, and preferably overnight. In sandy soils ie GW, GP, SW, or BP classified according to the " Unified Soils Classification System", the above saturation procedure is not necessary and the test can be made after the water from one fill- ing has seeped away. 4. Percolation rate measurements should be made on the day fol- lowing the saturation process, except in sandy soils. B. If water remains inthe test hole after overnlght saturation, ad~ just the depth to 6 inches over the gravel. From al(xed reference point, measure the drop in water level at approximately 30-minute intervals over a 4 hour period. The drop which occurs during the final 30-minute period is used to calculate the pe~colatinn rate. Note: The engineer should determine if the water in the test hole is due to a high ground water condition or the permeability of the soil. Report ground water conditions on reverse of Form and soil types in Table ~ 6. If no water remains in the hole after overnight saturation, add clear xvater to a depth of about six inches over the gravel. From a fixed reference point, measure the height of the water surface at approximately SO-minute intervals over a 4 hour period, refilling the hole to a depth of 6 inches when the percolation rate indicates the hole will run dry before the next reading is made. The drop which occurs during the final 30-minute period is used to calculate the percolation rate. Not.e: If a hole must be refilled to obtain a final B0-minhte reading, determine from the previous reading the water level drop dozing that interval. Add water until the level above the bottom equals this figure plus one half inch. Continue, measure. drop during the final 30-minute period. 7. In sandy soils, or other soils in which the first six inches of water seeps away in less than 30 minutes, after the overnight sat- uration period, the time interval between measurem~nis can be taken as 10 minutes and the test run over a period of one hour;. The drop which occurs in the final 10 minute periodis used to calculate the percolation rate. TABLE I - PERCOLATION RATE (RECORD RATE IN MINUTES PER INCH Test Hol~ Percolation Test Hole Percolotion Test Huh Percolation Test Nol~ Percolation 1 8.0 11 21 31 2 4.~ 12 22 32 3 5.2 ~3 23 33 4 9.2 14 24 34 5 3.8 '~s 25 35 e 3.3 16 -- 26 36 7 4.4 17 27 37 8 8,0 18 28 38 TABLE II - SUBSOIL DATA (GIVE TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST 6 P'~.) NOT E: Description of soil by Unified Soil Classification system is preferred. When ground water is encountered, use last line to record depth at each hole. Depth Test Hole 1 ~Xl~ ~3~ ]~$~KgN~ '~1~(.~. ~. II~tI(~.X Depf~ ~est Hole J Depth lest Hole Uepth est Hole 3 - I' 4" ~L O - i' 6" OL 0 ~' I',0, al 0 - I' U" OL ' 4" -I I'l " GP 1' 8"-5'U GM I"0"- 14~O" ~ I'O"-/'U" ~1" 1'0"-15' ~" SW ~)'u"-14'(I by IzPO"~16'J'' bg /'U"-I~'U bM Ground Water (Part H is continued on Reverse) FHA FORM 2084¢ SUBDIVISION SEWAGE DISPOSAL REPORT' VA FORM 26-1888 FHA FORM 2084¢ - VA FORM 26/1888 SUBDIVISION SEWAGE DISPOSAL REPORT PART II - (Continued) Use this space to describe any known seasonal variations in ground water level. Ground water wa.s not encountered in any of the test holes. All holes were dry and the materials below the top sod were free of organic mater|als, sllt~ and clay and appeared to be water deposited in approximately 6" stratified layers. The sand and gravel was predom|nately graywacke and slate. Boulders up to 12" were encountered. Percolation tests were made in accordance w ith Ined by the Alaska Depa~nent of Heal th. ~effi ster~ ~'rofes ~..'~'~//~/,. ~~. Star Route ~// Anchorage~ Alaska (?~,,~iu~e) PART Ill - To Be Completed ByHEALTH DEPARTMENT ineer June 3, 1960 INSTRUCTIONS ~'O PUBLIC HEALTH AUTHORITY: Tlds portion of the report is to be filled out by the PubLic Health Authority designated in Part II, Instructions to Sponsor. When completed, the Report, in duplicate, together with the accompanying topographic mkp shall be returned to the Federal Agency which issued lt. We have examined the results of the Percolation Tests and other information developed in connection with this sub- division. It is our opinion that the tract: [] Is suitable for the use of septic tank systems with subsurface absorption fields. Minimum of 70 square feet of seepage pit wall area per bedroom should be adequate [] Is not suitable for the use of septic tank systems with subsurface absorption fields. [] Is suitable for the use of septic tank systems if the following alternate method of effluent disposal is installed. It is understood that the conclusions rendered on this report do not cover the installation of the individual septic-tank systems. The design, construction, and installation of each system should be based upon specific conditions affecting each building plot. Public Health Authority 39645-P Rev. 1/60 Subject: Pits and ?ereol~tion T~s~s on the Sn~my Slopes oubdi~sio.~ ~mated in the NW ~ ~l~ Seo~ !2~ o]7.N, Degr Mr. F!i~t$ ~%~e £ollovKug a~ the renults of the t~st pits ~xl ~:ercol~bion te~ts made on the ~mmy ~;lopes S~.ston~ ~e ~mo~tion tests · ~ m~e in ~eco~ance ~ith the ir/~truct~/ons ~ outlined by tho Al~tska ~p~n~)nt of He~.th. Test Pit //t 15,~,~' deop. l'-A" to ~)" ~%nd~ graw~l ~md long ~dders up to 6% 11~'' to 15~'' Coarse sa~l (md 1" t~m~ gravel~ 'fe~t ~ib ~' ~O~; ~TP~ deep. O' to l~-E" Top soil~ bl~>~l silty clay and org~ile Top soil~ bro%~ silty c~bay ;~nd orgy.nit ~r~torial, I~.'-0" ~md~ ~v~.~t and !O% boulders %¥~ to 6", 16t-O" Fin~ s~d O' to 1~-O" Top soil~ browa silty cl~ and oyg~ic /~atel'i~d., l~O" to ?~-0" S~d~ gravel z~ld bm~lders up to 3" ~m~v~,U.~o The %~ter table w~o ~mt ~mcountored ~ m~y of the gsst pits, All pits ~ dry ~d the materi~l~ ~low the ~p ~o~ ~ free of o~a~c m:~terials, ~ilt ~d c~ly ~md appearod to ~ vrater de~sited in appro~m~t~ty 6'~ strat, ifi~ layers, T~e ~a<'~d ~x~ gravol w~ p~do~nate~ ~ay~mcke ~u'~l ~lo.t.e, Pit ~1 Pit Pit Pit ~% Pit Pit Pit ~it ,~9 ~it Te~t pib /~1 3-~2 inches in 10 Test pi~ ~/2 3 inCh~s ~ i0 ~rd. nu'gee. To~t pit ~:4 5 ~che~ ir, 10 minute~. It shou]~ be ~wted that ~o l~rcolation !~ ~ieh w,%s during the spring bre,~?~up p~riod. Division of Public Health Alaska Off itu Building Juneau~ Alaska Way 23, 1961 Mr. Carl Steeby Star Route Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Steeby: Su~m~y Slopes Water Supply System, Anchorage, klaska Final Plans Two sets of revised plans for the subject project were received in this office May 3, 1961. They were reviewed with respect to sanitary and public health engineering asp~ctso One item which ~ failed to notice incur previous review letter is the service ~top and waste valve~. These are net permitted in undergro~bnd installations. The plans ars hereby a~proved contingent upon remov~t of the sera!ce stop and waste valves, and receipt of the ~ll log when the well is completed. We will look forward to receiving as-bt%tit plans upon project complebion. Full and final approval willhe ~ased apen construe- tion compliance with~he applicable Alaska laws and codes. If we may be of further servic~ in the meantime, please let us know. ~incerelyyour~, DRH~rgl cc~ SC Reg. Off. Amos J. Alter, 0bier Sar~itation &Engineering April 28, 1961 Mr. Amos J. Alter, Chief Environmental Health Division of Health Box 1931 Juneau, Alaska Subjech Final Plans~ Water Supply System, Sunny Slopes Subdivision, Anchorage~ Alaska Deer Sir: I.n..reply to y.o. ur letter o.f May .25, 1960 concerning the above subiect, I am transm~.tf!ng herewith two revts?d pnnts of the water supply system conforming fo your prov~smn no. I and two copies of a letter submitted to the Anchorage Office of the Alaska Department of Health by the Attorney for F and S Developers to satisfy the requirements of provision no. 3. Provision no. 2, provide Well Log, will be osubm|tted to your office along with other pertinent characteristics upon complehon of the well o The well has not been drilled. You are correct in assuming that there will be no waste facilities on lot no. 30. Upon receipt of your letter, the plans were revised and submitted to the Owner° The Owner was to follow through with the other provisions and submittal. Subsequently~ the Owner decided to delay construction until the 1961 construction season and these plans were laid aside° Yesterdey~ the Owner requestdd that I follow through on obtaining approval of tho application submitted to your office on April 27, 1960. There- fore~ I am requesting your app. r. oval of this application as revised on the condition that the well log will be submitted when available. Carl Steeby Star Route Anchorage, Alaska Division o£ Public Health Alaska Office Building Julleau, Alaska August 9, 1960 Irviae a Clark First Nat£o~al ~ank l~ldgo Suite 7 Anchors§e, Alaska ~vater Supply Sys~e~ Sunny Slopes Subdivision Anchorage~ Alaska Attention: ~.lr. Jolu1 P. l~vlne Dear $t~: Reference is made to your lette~ of June 22, 1960, in ~,hich you stated Certata restrictions to be set forth in the plat for the Sunny Slopes Subdivision and in the individual deeds for Lots 21, 22, 29, 31, and 32, ~ese ~estricttons fulfill the requirements for sewage disposal facilities which we mentioned in a letter to Carl H. Steeby, Civil ,Bnginee~, dated ~Iay 25, lO60. ~te appreciate ~eur attention to the co~uuents of our revie~ and to providing the requested inforvmtion. Very truly yoUrS, or~q:js tauos J. Alter, Chle£ Sanitation a~ld Bngineerlng Divtsiolt Of Health cc: ~r. Carl H. Ste~by/: SC Regional O£i'ice~/ CLARk June 22, 1960 Mr. Cal Winey Alaska Delmartment of Health 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Re ~ Water Supply System Sunny Slopes Subdivision Anchorage, Alaska Dear Sir~ In regard to the letter from Amos J. Alter, Chief,-Environ- mental Health, Division of Health, to Carl H. Steeby, Civil Engineer, Star Route, Anchorage, dated ~4ay 25, 1960, concerning the above matter, I advise you as follows: The following restriction will be set forth in the plat of Sunny Slopes Subdivision and in the individual deeds conveying title to Lots 21, 22, 29, 31 and 32~ "No cesspool, septic tank or other sewage disposal facility shall be installed or maintained on any lot in the Subdivision except in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Alaska Department of Health and the Federal Housing Administration, and specifically no such facility shall be installed in Lots 21, 22, 29, 31 and 32, without specifically ob- taining the advance approval of location, tyl~e and design of the installation from the Alaska Department of Health, or any other public health authority which may have jurisdiction over matter of public health, sanitary se~ge disposal and the control or regulation of public water supply systems." I believe that this will satisfy the requirements set forth in the above mentioned letter. JPI/ba Very truly yours, Paul L. ~Ansor Commissioner of Health and Welfare Mt. Carl Ho Steeby Vto£essionel Civil Bnginsez Stat Route Anchorage, Alaska Re-- Review of P!~e! Plans, Watez Supply System, Sunny Slopes Subdivision, Anchorage. Alaska ~o sets of final plans, engineer's report, and application £or approval ~e~e received in this office on April 27, 1960. These plans ~ete reviewed with zespect to sanitary and functional £eatn~es and public health engineezing aspects for co~o~mance with applicable Ala~a public health laws and codes. Please pro, de the Eollow~g i~o~ation afte~ ~ich ~ will be able to ~ive approval: Provide minimum 4" i~nes throughout the addition. These distances are quite great, and we feel that 4" lines ate ~tl~tmal fo~ the load and distances indicated. 2. Provide well log. Submit plans for individual septic tanks and tile £ields showing the location of the tanks a=~ tile £ields on Lots 21. 22, 29. 3I. and 32. It is assumed there will be no waste £aciltty on Lot 30. Normally. we do not approve of seepage pits oz cesspools because Of the possibility o£ contaminatin~uatderg£oundwate~, and because they often become sealed and do not function properly. Very truly yours, aCS= Js cc= SC ~egiona! o££ice~ .~cho~ AmOS J. Alte~. Chie£ Bnvi~onmental Health Division o£ Health Alaska Department of Health Division of Sanitation & Engineering Box 1931 Juneau, Alaska ALASK'A DEPARTMENT OF HEALT' ' 'i~ ~t~.~ /,- ? (? ~oho~ag~ Box 1~ ~rtl ~2 60 (Month) (Day) In accordance with Title 40, "Health and Safety", Chapter 1, Section 40-1-6, Alaska Compiled Laws Annotated 1949, as amended by Section 16, Chapter 118, Session Laws of the Legislature of 1949, and Rules and Regulations promulgated thereunder, we, here~vith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES; duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci- fications, ancL a Project Report (Engineering or ArchitecturaI Report) including necessary data required ¢or full understand- ing of SANITARY FEATURES of design. (Give complete but brief descripti.on of project) the ,~'Y~ of the ~,'~- of Sec. 12, ~,m. I~N, ~go 2W, ~4. ~laoka 0srl !Io Stoeb¥ These plans were prepared by ........................................................................... (Name of Designing l~ngineen ArchUeet or Ph'm) Stsr ~ute, ,~nchorage, AlaSka ................................................... ~_ _and ~y or under the direction of the following Engineer(s) or (Address) Architect(s) duly licensed to practice in Alaska: ........................................................................................... (NAMe) (TYP~ OP LIO~NSN (Civil, ~eehanleal, etc.) Certineate of Registration No. Amount t6 be financed locally by _ ~ .......................................... $ ........... Direct grant from ................. $ [ ............ (Alaska Pubae Works, etc.) Government loan by ...................................... : ...... $ ...................... (FHA, APIA, etc.) Other financing Pr:LVa~O 22~ 000 Total estimated cost of this project is $ ......... ~.~0_._0_ .................................. These plans are being submitted to you at least one month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids (Date bids will be called) We unfierstand that construction, shall not be started until your final approval Of these plans has been received; that no revisions in the plans affecting the SANITARY F~ATURES of the project may be: made ~ubsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that constructi6n w~ll be carried out in accordance with the approved plans; and that unless construction on this project is started within a two-ycar period subsequent to yom' approval, such approval will become void. Very truly yours, (Applicant) _ _ ~, .~.-..__x~2~ V~.~.~_ZCe .~',f. ............................ (Official T~tle)' ~ ~-(~-~ ............ ~rl! 22, REPORT Wate~~ Dlstrl~u%ion ~yet~.----~mny 91opes ,qubdtvisien At present, the subdivision is undeveloped, The Dove!opera hope ~o complete housing units on 1ore 1 through ~ during the 1960 construction season and the ultimate ~evelopment by falX 1~ The water eyet~ i~ desired fo~ 60 housing units only ~d will not be ex~de~. There will be no induet~al ac%i~tles which may affeet the r~ufr~ente of %he w~%er supply. The sye%~ wee desired fo~ a doily torsi of ~4,0~ gallons, a per oapi'ta wa%er cen~tion of 1~ gallons ~da pe~ d~and of 250 pere~t ef the average The source of supply will be from a deep well as in~oated on the drawings. There are a number of x~elle in the imnediate ~ctnity v~ ~ average depth approximately 90 feet. All wells have excellent production r~cords ~d show them ~ be bacteriologically safe, ~ ~etl app~imately 5~ fee% Mss% t~e proposed well i~ ~ Feet deep ~d has sewed ~O housing units For year~, The well was pumped eyesight at a rate of 6~O ~h wi~h a drawdo~m of 10 feet, The welt completely recovered in 2~ minutes. Anothel' well, ~pprex. 10~ feet west of the p~po~ well, was d~lled to a d~th of y5 Fe~t and l.~as p~ped ~t 900 GPH with no appar~t drawdo~m. This well bna ba~ serving a trailer court for several years, The proposed stage development ~11 pro'~de adequate time to dateline the one well will have sufficient capacity to meet ~he demand. Climatic conditions eF Ohugisk ore mv. ch the sa~e as ~chorage witB winter t~era~res opprox. -5~F end m~imum s~er t~eratures near . ,{T~ SOURCE ...... i'{'i~ ~nticip~ted. tbst one well, solidly cased ~ the wnter bea~.ng strata ~.~11 meet the demand. ~ log of the well will bo D~ished when the well ie drilled. T~e proposed site im not ~bJeot ~ flooding and very ~likely ~ enco~te~ cont~ination now or in the ~ture. The g~graphical relationship ~ other water ~ppliee of similar t~e is outlined above under "G~I~Pal". Based on information from nearby wells, tbs well is not anticipated to require purification process, H,~Ti{OD FOR M~%INT.ilNIN~} PFO~ PR...~SUgE ~ The ~ell~~ill be-~po~ wi~ o~e 1~~ ~ors~ower, ~ingle phase, 240 vol%~ enbmer~tble p~ controlled with ~ automatic pre,sure m~%ch, The p~p will discharge in~ three ~15 gal. pressure tanke~ Head ieee in tho mains will be negligible due to the tOpogrsph~ and the pipe sizes choa~n fo~ econo~ pure,em, The distribution system wall consist of appro::imately l_~y6~ feet asbesto~ce~ent pipe, ~ Feet of 2" g~!vm~zed steel pipe and se~ce pipes will be of flexible, ~ndergro~d t~e copper piping. The ~yet~ is laid out in the fo~ o~d valves are loceted ~o that not more then 1~0 feet of pipe need be teolated in the case Oi' The ~ipe will bo buried belm~ the f~st zone in grovel~ material, Available ~r~ge will be contained in the three ~l~ [u~llon pressure tar~s which ~hould provide ~n active storage ~f 1~ gsllons. The syet~ was not deei~ed fo~ ~re p~teetion. ~g~neer' s Report Water Distribution Private monies supplied by the developer. Estimated Unit Casts are am !~llow~ Item pump I .50o,o0 .500, O0 P~o~ure Tsnk~ ~ 200.~ 600.00 Asbestos-cement pipe G~v~mized steel pipe 2812ff~ot ~.~ Oopper pipe 2~f~t ~yO lySO. O0 4~' vmiv~s 2 65,00 150.00 Ol~s 20 10,50 210.~ ~rb Stops 60 10.00 6~,00 Curb S~p boxes 60 i~,~ 900.00 gxc~vcf~ion g~ }~aok~ll 429Y~ Yds. 1,50 6~1,00 2" valves 6 15,~ 90.00 ~2,000. Operation and m~lnte~se cost ~'e e~ated at ~1500.00 per ye~r~ RespeCtfully submitted, ca~l L. ,itooby ~ ~rofesaional ~la~ka ~$56E Feb. 5, 1962 Mr. William Collins, Director Anchorage Office Federal Housing Administration 716 Fifth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Collin~: ~ubJeet: Suur~SlopesS~bdivision Water System Eagle River, Alaska General Builders, Inc. P.O. Box 1998 Anchorage, Alaska The AlaskaDepartment of Health and Welfareherebyapproves subject ~ter system on the strength of exhibits cn file in our office. Further development of this water system must be subject to our approval. Yours very truly, Bruce D. Adams, Supervisor RegionalSaui~ation Services Division of Pablic Health ~ Lab. No 1222 INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY ALASK~A DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Section of Sanitation and ~nglueerlng Southcentr~l Hegional ACTION ON REQUEST FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Your recent request for an analysis of a sample serving ~le ~iver was C/O General B Hqs. ~eceived 1-2~62 and Bo~ 1998' examination has been completed. ~loho'tt~go~ Records in this office indicate this Individual Private Water Supply to be of ~Sat'~sfactoty Qued~ionabie/?' Unsatisfactory Analysis shows this SAMPLE to be tlsfactory_ Questionable .Un~tisfactory~ If an ~'lJnsatisfactory" or "Questionable" status is indicated above, you should take immediate action as recomme~nd~' below. 1. Boil or chemically treat your water supply to protect your family from water-borne dis'eases a~ outlined in eh- dosed leaflet, "Drink It Pare." 2. Improve your spring--See bulletin H811-6o2 3. Improve your cistern--See bulletin HSE-6-3 & Improve your dug well -- See bulletin HSE-6-4 5. Improve your driven well-- See bulletin HSE-6-5 6. Improve your drilled well--See bulletin HSE-6-6 7. Relocate your well to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system--See bulletin HSB-15 8. :B0tfle broken in transit, please.send new sample. 9. Sample too lon}.in transit; ~ample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results.' Please send new sample. 10. Coma~ yfiur nearest [] Local Health Deparmaent or [] Alaska Health Depirtment, Sanitation office for buHetlns, consultation, and assistance. 11. This is a surface water soUrce and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply source should be developed. SANITARIAN'S REM_ARKS: BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS 1222 Source Sunn7 Slopes Subdivision - Eagle Mail ReFurc to Mr. Virgil 'Flint - c/o General B Hqs. Addr~s BOX 1998 - 'Anchorage, Alaska Dat~: Collected 1-22.-62 Date Received J.-22-62 Lactose Broth 24 hours 48 hours EMB B GB_ Lactose Broth, 24 hfs 48 hrs. Gram's stain Coliform Density (Most proba~e~o_.d~r 100cc.) Reported by. BV _Date - - This analysis indicates Coliform Organisms to be: Absent XXX . :~!~ P,eaenr ?~ ADH-HSE-6-F I (f) 10-55 - 5M ? DATE INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Section ot Sanitation and ~ngineering Lab, No, OFFICE ACTION ON REQUEST FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Your recent request io~ an analysis oi a sample from the Individual Private Water Supply examination l~as been completed. Records in this office indicate this Individual Private Water Supply to be of ~* Satisfactory Questionable__Unsatisfactory sanitary status. Analysis shows this SAMPLE to be ~ Satisfactory Questionable Unsatisfactory. Ii an "Unsatisfactory" or "Questionable" status ~s indicated above, you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Boll or chemically treat your water supply to p~otect your family from water-horns diseases as outlined in en- closed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." 2. Improve your spring-- See bulletin HSE-6-2 3. Improve your cistern-- See bulletin HSE-6-3 4. Improve your dug well--See bulletin HSE-6-4 5. Improve your d~iven well -- See bulletin HS£-6-5 $. Improve your drilled well- See bulletin HSE-6-6 7. Relocate your well to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system-- See bulletin HSE-15 8. Bottle broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Sample too long in transin sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. 10. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Department or [] Alaska Health Department~ Sanitation office for bulletins, consultation, and assistance. 11. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply source 10 Arctic A aska Testing Lciboratories January 25, 1962 W/O 4271 General Builders, P. O. Box 1998 Anchorage, Alaska inc. ATT~NTI©N: Mr. Virgil F int SUBJECT: Chemical analysis of water SAMPLE DATA: One 5-pint plastic bottle of raw wafer from Community Water System, Sunny Slopes Subdivision, Eagle River, Alaska. Date of sampling: January 22, 1962 by Mr. Virgil Flint Genflemen: Transmitted herein are the results of the analysis performed in our laboratory: Deferminafion Resulfs Sdlfafes as SO4 8.7 ppm ~lron as Fe 0.07 ppm Calcium as Ca 42.1 ppm ~Magnesium as Mg 12.5 ppm Chlorides as CI 54.6 ppm Manganese aa Mn 0.00 ppm pH 6.6 We do not have the equipment for the determination of specific conductance of wafer so were unable fo perform fhaf test. We contacted Mr. Bruce Adams of the Alaska Division of Public Health, and he stated that Specific Conductance was not a necessary test but one that could be checked from time fo time which would give an indication of a change in the concentration of dissolved solids such as the above. If we can be of ~urfher service fo contact our laboratory. KWB:ma you in fhis maffer Very fruly yours, ARCTIC ALASKA TESTING LABORATORIES -- Ke.neth w. ~ .. , ~,~/ if . fl . .. i Th~s'Form MustCompletely.'u'f Be Filled ] []Please Look on Reverse of IOut INDIVIDUAL ~/ATER SUPl)LY ! Sheet for Sample Collection ALASKA DEpART1V~ OF I~RAL'I'tl / Instructions. ~- , ~ ~,~ Section of Sanitation and l~n_~4neering ] , ~.U~! ~ ~ b :I,[ Request for Bacteriological Analysis ~,b ....................... ~.~.,o..,, ............... Water sample collected by .............. V...L~...~.;_/......IE..?..L.'i~..~...- .......................................... /.'..--..,,.2....Z..:.~..:.~-. ....... (Name of person collecting sample) (Date) (Time) Water sample collected from [] Kitchen tap; [] Bathroom tap; [] Basement tap; [] Other (list).. o0 ~c_./~...-.~-----i ............ ;----~---.-; .............................. ';'"'":a ................... (Mr.) repo to ( :1 .......... '"'~ ............ ' ....................... (Box No. or street address) (City) (Name) Please place an "X" in the box before items 'which bast describe your water supply: SOURCE: Well -- [] Dug, [] Driven,~ Drilled, [] Bored [] Spring, [] Cistern, [] Other (list) ............................................................................................................... [] Creek, [] River, [] Lake, [] Pond .................................................................................................................. DUG WELL OR CISTERN CONSTRUCTION: Walls-- [] Wood, [] Concrete, [] Metal, []Tile, [] Brick or Concrete Block Top -- ~ Wood, [- Concrete, [] Iv~etal, [] Open Top LOCATION: [] In basement, [] Basement offset, F Under house, [] In yard Other ..................................................................................................................................................................................... fe .............. DISTANCE TO: Building sewer or other drainage pipe .............. et, Septic tank .............. feet, Tile field feet, Seepage pit .............. feet, Cesspool .............. feet, Privy ..............feet. Other possible sources of contamination (list) ............................................................................................................................................. MATERIAL: Building sewer -- [] Cast iron, -I Wood, [] Tile, [] Fibre pipe, [] Asbestos cement Joint material Type ....................................................................................................................................................... GENERAL INFORMATION: Does water become muddy or discolored? [] yes, ~ no When? ....................................................................................................................................................... Diameter of well ................ /.o....~: ............ , ............... depth ...J..5-b.-. ............................. .~ ........... feet Well easing material.....~.~.9.;~.---'~,z.../~:...~, dtameter....~ ............. depth../...z/A.~ ...................... Length of drop pipe ................ ~g....~;~.......~-.......~ .......................................................................... Water depth from bottom ............ ..~/. ........ ~ ......................................................................... feet Pump location: ~]~ In well, [] Offse~ in basement, [] In basement [] In utility room, [] On top of well [] Other (list) ........................................................................................................ PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness suspected? [] yes, ~ no New source of supply? ~ yes, [] no Repairs to existing system? [] yes, [] no emarks: PLEASE DRAW A SKETCH IN TH~ SPACE BELOW. THIS SKETCH SHOULD SHOW LOCATION OF HOUSE, SUPPLY SOURCE, SEPTIC TANK, SEWER, DRAIN LINES OR OTHER SOURCES OF POLLUTION AND DISTANCES BETWEEN WATER SUPPLY SOURCE AND ANY OF ABOVE FACILi'~'~S. SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY THE ALASKA DEpARTMEN'I' OF ITRP4LTH DIRECTIONS FOR COLLECTING SAMPLES OF WATER FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION Read Carefully and Follow Instructions Exactly DO NOT COLLECT SAMPLES FROM FIRE HYDRANTS, YARD HYDRANTS. DRINKIN~G FOUNTAINS OR SIMILAR OUTLETS WHICH ARE DIFFICULT TO D I.S I N F E C T PROPERLY Bear in mind that water analysis deals with materials present in very minute quantities. The least carelessness in collecting and handling may give rise to result~ which are misleading. Arrangements should be made to have water samples reach the laboratory as quickly as possible. After 48 hours the significance of the bacteriological analysis is impaired. For obvious reasons the laboratory prefers to receive samples In the early part of the weck, but is willing to accept samples ac any time. In collecting samples from TAPS or PUMPS proceed as follows: (a) Thoroughly flush tap or pump by allowing water to run freely for five minutes. (b) Shut off water and flame the outlet with torch or burning paper. The flame should not be merely passed over the outlet, but should be applied until fixture shows indication of b~eing hot. Flame should be directed against inside edge. (c) Open fixture so that a small stream flows. (d) Remove bottle from mailing tube. Hold bottle by the lower half in one hand and with the other remove the screw cap with the fingers, leaving paper protecting cover in place. Fill, the bottle to the shoulder. Replace cap with paper cover, screwing firmly into place but do not apply pressure which will split cap. (e) Pack bottle carefully in mailing tube enclosing this completed information sheet, being sure that a simple sketch is included. In collecting samples from STREAMS and RESERVOIRS proceed as follows: (a) Remove cap and hold bottle as described under (d) above. (b) Collect sample by holding bottle in a slanting position and sweeping it below the surface in such a manner that water that has been in contact with the hand is not introduced into the bottle. Avoid colle~ting surface scum and bottom ~edlment. SAMI~LES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AD~--HSE4~-FI (e) Out ~ompletely. INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY ALASKA DEPARTM]~N~ OF I~.ALTH Section of Sanitation and ~.n~inecring Please Look on Reverse of Sheet for Sample Collection Instructions. ~Y 1 ~ 1ffif' Request for Bacteriological Analysis Lab. I~o .................. · ......................... ~'"'"--~~ ................................ (Dat~)'" ......... '('~i~;; ........ Water sample collected by ................ : ................................. (Name of person collecting sample) Water sample collected from ~ Kitchen tap; [] Bathroom tap; [] Basement tap; [] Other (list).&...,~..~...... ......................................................... Z/. ~./../~-.-..-.~ ~--; ............................................./~------~--~---~---~--~ ~' ......................... Address premise(Mr.)Where source is located . .......... -/---~o- ............... ~.~/~-:.~-.I Mail report to ~aMiss') ..,..~........1.-*..-~ ................. ~ ............. ~ ....................... i'~"~ ~ '~treet address) (City) (Name) Please place an "X" in the box before items which be~t describe your water supply: SOURCE; Well -- [] Dug, [] Driven, ~ Drilled, [] Bored [] Spring, [] Cistern, [] Other (list) ............................................................................................................... [] Creek, [] River, [] Lake, [] Pond .................................................................................................................. DUO W~LL OR CISTERN CONSTRUCTION: Walls-- [] Wood, [] Concrete, ~Metal, [] Tile, [] Brick or Concrete Block Top -- [] Wood, [] Concrete, ~Iv~etal, [] Open Top LOCATION: [] In basement, [] Basement offset, [] Under house, ~ In yard Other ~ ~ ' DISTANCE TO: Bmlding sewer or other drainage pipe....~....~_.....~f~t, Septic tank ....~..feet, Tile field .............. feet, Seepage pit ].~.~.._..teet, Cesspool ....... ~feet, Privy ............ ..~feet. Other pessible sources of contamination (list) .......... ~(~.w~..~9~.<-. .................................................................................................... MATERIAL: Building sewer --~Cast iron, [] Wood, [- Tile, [] Fibre pipe, [] Asbestos cement Joint materlal -- Type ....................................................................................................................................................... GENERAL INFORMATION: Does water become muddy or discolored? [] yes, ~ no When? ............................................................................................. ~---~ .............................................. Diameter of well ......................-.~....! ...................... depth ........ .~....~.. ........................................ feet Well casing material......~...~..~..:~ ........ - ......... diameter .................... depth .................................. Water depth from bottom.....:...~..O.....J ...................................................................................... t feet Pump location: ~ In well, [] Offset~ in basement, [] Tn basement [] In utility room, [] On top of well [] Other (list) ........................................................................................................ PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness suspected? [] yes, ~ no New source of supply?~ yes, [] no Repairs to existing systen~? [] yes, ~ no Remarks: ..~...-.~.--~---.~ ................................................................................................................................................................. PLEASE DRAW A SKETCH tN THE SPACE BELOW. THIS SKETCH SHOULD SHOW LOCATION OF HOUSE, WA'rna~ SUPPLY SOURCE, SEPTIC TANK, SEWER, DRAIN LINES OR OTHER SOURCES OF POLLUTION AND DISTANCES BETWEEN WATER SUPPLY SOURCE AND ANY OF ABOVE SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY T~i~ ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIRECTIONS FOR COLLECTING SAMPLES OF WATER FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION Read Carefully and Follow Instructions Exactly DO NOT COLLECT SAMPLES FROM FIRE HYDRANTS, YAttD HYDIL~A~ITS. DRINKING FOUNTAINS OR SIMILAR OUTLETS WHICH ARE DIFFICULT TO D I S I N F E C T PROPERLY Bear in mind that water analysis deals with materials present In very minute quantities. The least carelessness in collecting and handling may give rise to results which are misleading. Arrangements should be made to have water samples reach the laboratory as quickly as possible. After 48 hours the significance of the bacteriological analysis is impaired. For obvious reasons the laboratory prefers to receive samples in the early part of the week, but is willing to accept samples at any time. In collecting samples from TAPS or PUMPS proceed as follows: (a) Thoroughly flush tap or pump by allowing water to run freely for five minutes. (b) Shut off water and flame the outlet with torch or burning paper. The flame should not be merely passed over the outlet, but should be applied until fixture shows indication of Being hot. Flame should be directed against lnaide edge. (e) Open fixture so that a small stream flows. (d) Remove bottle from mailing tube. Hold bottle by the lower half in one hand and with the other remove the screw cap with the fingers, leaving paper protecting cover in plaice. Fill the bottle to the shoulder. Replace cap with paper cover, screwing firmly into place but do not apply pressure which will split cap. (e) Pack bottle carefully in mailing tube enclosing this completed information 3hect, being sure that a simple sketch is included. In collecting samples from STREAMS and RESERVOIRS proceed as follows: (a) Remove cap and hold bottle as described under (d) above. (b) Collect sample by holding bottle in a slanting position and sweeping it below the surface in such a manner that water that has been in contact with the hand is not introduced into the bottle. Avoid collecting surface scum and bottom Cediment. SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMI~I~ED IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH